Children's nicknames Belotserkovskaya names. Nika Belotserkovskaya: husbands and children

Ulyana Tseytlina– model, TV presenter, socialite and friend.

The biography of Ulyana Tseytlina is full of secrets and mysteries. It is known for certain that she was born on November 17, 1968 in St. Petersburg, into an ordinary Soviet family of an editor and artist. After graduating from university, she worked as a model for some time; her photos can be seen in the fashion magazine, popular at that time. She was married to a doctor; she got the last name Tseytlina from her husband. She lived in Australia for several years and has Australian citizenship.

Longtime friends: Ulya and Ksyusha Sobchak

At the beginning of the 2000s, all of Moscow started talking about Ulyana, a pretty, intelligent blonde, a friend of the famous Ksenia Sobchak. The girl presented herself as a socialite to the capital, and rich men quickly drew attention to her. Ulya herself did not hide the fact that she needed an oligarch husband. One after another, her novels flared up, the result of one of them was the son Savva, she hides the name of the boy’s father. The girl lives in a luxurious mansion on Rublevka, which, according to rumors, was given to her by one of her influential suitors.

With son Savva

In 2007, Ulyana starred for the famous men's magazine Playboy, her photographs simply amazed readers; by the age of 39, she had a figure that young models cannot boast of. And, soon, the program “Trip to Rublyovka” started on Muz-TV, where Tseytlina became the host.

September 14, 2019, 11:25 pm


" Once upon a time, when the trees were big, salaries were small, and Max Mara seemed an unattainably chic store, I could afford either a glossy magazine or coffee and dessert at Coffee Bean. I chose a magazine. I opened it from the end. And I looked at photographs of tanned blondes in very beautiful clothes. Not the most beautiful, but the brightest was an unknown blonde with an unchanged neckline. Well, they are publishing an unknown woman, okay. This can be transferred. Maybe her lover brought it to the editor.

But how angry her breasts were, it seemed to me then that they were silicone! These unnaturally round balls devalued my native bust. God gave it to me for a reason. Being born with boobs is karma. A prize for good behavior in a past life. And so, someone who received height and constitutional slimness instead of boobs, took it and inserted breasts into himself. Not fair!

Twenty years ago, there was no model thinness, but there were boobs. If you have boobs, you don't have model thinness. This is fair. And this is a devaluation of my merits. They released a fake onto the market, and my shares fell in price.

Everyone around was also indignant: who is she, should she be published in magazines, she’s nobody! People around the party raised their eyebrows and said “she’s for the money.” Then I discovered that all this time Ulya was married to an oligarch, and there could be no question of any hetera activity - the hot Siberian metallurgist would simply roll her into asphalt. And then we became friends. "

"Fucking guy Prokhorov, low bow to him, gave both glamorists and anti-glamorists the opportunity to promote themselves at their own expense. Personally, during the Prokhorov week, I spoke on Radio Rossiya and Radio Liberty. She gave an interview to a glossy magazine from Samara and an interview to Finally, she croaked something pro-Prokhorov at Malakhov’s. But it was the Supreme Nythma, Ulyana Tseytlina, who rocked it the hardest.

So, another TV joke on the topic “they don’t have a lot of money, but we don’t have enough for vodka.” Everyone is frantically worried about Protopov, instead of worrying about themselves. One sad jester shouts that he is ashamed of the Russian oligarchs. Another sympathizes with the unfortunate billionaire who screwed everyone and screwed everyone. And everyone collectively concludes that it is immoral and vile to eat meat, to fuck with models, and Courchevel is generally a fiend of hell, a vaudeville devil.

And then the public remembers that Ulyana was invited to them, as a glamorous detail of the interior, all this time she was flapping her eyes at the cheerful zoo like a stupid doll. “Well, what will Mrs. Tseytlina tell us,” asks the presenter, “Prokhorov, models, is it immoral to give diamonds... how do you feel about this.”

“Just imagine,” says Ulyana, “Courchevel, a snowy slope, tall, slender Prokhorov is flying, behind him is a flock of models in white, and everyone has sparkling diamonds on their hands. Well, this is beautiful!”

"The organizers asked Ulyana Tseytlina to come on stage, but the socialite refused. The reason was the dangerous proximity of Ksenia Sobchak - former friends, waters cannot be spilled, are now, alas, “enemies, enemies...”, and the role of the best confidante of the star is now played by the new Ulyana - the wife of the oligarch Daniil Khachaturov and therefore affiliated with the yacht and private airplane face. After the completion of the official part, Mrs. Sobchak and Mrs. Khachaturova began to demonstratively break the comedy of cordial friendship. Squealing, they began to stroke each other. And at the end of the divertissement, Ksenia Sobchak even tried to pick up Mrs. Khachaturova in her arms. The performance was played out in front of Ulyana's ex-Tseytlina, apparently so that her ex-girlfriend would turn green with envy."

"The Nymph knows what men prefer and wants to be preferred. The nymph has mystery and coquetry. You can also be a fat nymph (consciousness), although it is still preferable. The nymph's head is oriented differently. No matter how much Novodvorskaya appears in Koshino, DBD is DBD. And no matter how much you dress Tseitlin in burlap, a nymph is a nymph. The nymph’s task is to be liked always and everywhere and to exude glamor like a mother-of-pearl mollusk. DBD doesn't sugarcoat himself. DBD means love me black, everyone will love me white."

February 2016

""Money? Money must be taken from men!” – said the heroine of Renata Litvinova. This was the slogan of the 2000s. Crowds of nymphs sat in ambush in the Vogue Cafe and in the “Gallery” to hunt resource men - the very ones from whom the money is taken. The embodiment of the concept was the supreme nymph Ulyana Tseytlina, a blonde with white curls and very beautiful breasts. She lounged around gorgeously and didn't even try to pretend to be a designer or writer. Her profession was to look good, walk here and there, impress society with her outfits and coo gently. Taking care of my curls alone took at least an hour every day. It was femininity brought to perfection - “you are a woman, and in this you are right.”
If Ulyana Tseitlina seemed to be the ideal prima donna bitch in the 2000s, then the classic example of a high-ranking male was Forbes insurer Danil Khachaturov.

April 2016

“The story of Ulyana Tseytlina is very indicative in this sense.
At the dawn of the 2000s, she lived in a civil marriage with the oligarch Bokarev. Private jets, villas in Saint-Tropez, suites in New York. The whole party was grouped around her. One of the most popular It-girls, a journalist and TV presenter, was especially zealous. Ulyana took her with her and bought her dresses. The girls rode into the party on Tseytlina’s tail. It was Ulyana who brought Svetlana Metkina into the world and promoted Nika Belotserkovskaya - yachts with famous guests began to appear at the villa of the St. Petersburg couple, who were completely unknown in secular Moscow.
And then Ulyana fell in love with a handsome, poor man. Her life changed, and her friends immediately remembered that Ulyana has a lot of shortcomings! She is a terrible selfish person! You have to wait for hours for her to curl her curls! And once she actually sat on the lap of her protégé’s ex-boyfriend! And the party began to quickly drain Ulyana. Private planes flew away without her, the boyfriend of her former hanger-on demanded an exorbitant sum from Ulyana for a room at Cheval Blanc in Courchevel. Considering how much this girl once received from Ulyana: connections, an oligarch groom, dresses, yachts and villas, they had to bring this number to Ulyana with bows and pay for it for a year - it was time to repay the debts. But no, the party doesn’t think in such categories. And the good done in a party will never come back to you.
And after some time, Ulyana Tseytlina fell out of love with her handsome, poor man. And she married a rich, ugly man. For a very rich ugly guy. And the yachts and planes returned to her, and the whole party came back to her birthday - the same party that had once dumped her. And they dance, and sing, and raise toasts to Ulyana. And one could scream: “So why don’t you kick them out now?!”, if you didn’t know that Ulyana is exactly the same as all these leeches and frogs, and she dumped me in the same way as soon as I loudly declared herself in the protest movement, she leaked it with a cry: “Why are you doing this, I don’t need it, because of you the cattle will come to my house!” After vintilov on Triumphalka and strengthening Ulyana in the role of the wife of a freshly caught rich man, like a cow, her six-year-old tender relationship with daily calls and intimate conversations was licked with her tongue.
But at least she just leaked it and didn’t take a shit before saying goodbye, for which I thank her very much

May 2016

"If the gossip about Ernst was invented by his personal enemies, then the stupid gossip about Ulyana Tseytlina was invented by the cheapest gallery. It came from the inhabitants of the small panels and Khrushchev apartments, who are further from Ulyana than from Hollywood. The fiction sounds like this: “Ulyana Tseytlina gave birth to Nika Belotserkovskaya from her husband!” Both the party and the circle, and even strangers of strangers know very well who the father of Ulyana Tseytlina’s child is. No, not an oligarch. Yes, very handsome and young. And the gossip about Belotserkovsky and Tseytlina, as in the case of Ernst, has no basis.
This gossip is for girls from “Shokoladnitsa” in residential areas, who are not even allowed into the third tier of social life, not even to look through a crack. It would seem, why? Yes, they simply couldn’t come up with anything smarter than the marivanna from “Gossip” and “Bagini,” and the hatred for Nika Belotserkovskaya had to be converted into something. Oh, if they could take Nika’s plane, yacht, villa and husband away, and also make her twenty kilograms fatter, they would be happy. But they “have no methods against Kostya Saprykin.” What remains for the gallery? Just slander. “Gossip is the opium of the oppressed.” Bedroom chocolate girls, smoking while waiting for clients at hairdressers, can repeat this story to each other as much as they like. But God forbid you blurt out something like “Is it true that Ulyana?..” in society - you will sign off as a hopeless fraud. It’s as if they came with a fake Birkin when they don’t even wear a real one anymore. If you are allowed into the world even half a penny, then you knew who the father of Ulyana Tseytlina’s child was, when there was no child in the world. And with such shitty gossip as “Ulyana + Boris”, nowadays they’re not even allowed into the general carriage.”

Ulyana Tseytlina is a socialite whose name became known in 2000. She shone at social parties, was close friends with, and today is one of the exemplary wives living on Rublevskoye Highway.

Tseytlina’s age is a secret, which is permissible for beautiful women. But the media believe that Ulyana was born in 1968, on November 17.

Ulyana was born into the intelligent Shestakov family in St. Petersburg. The girl’s father worked as an artist, and her mother served as editor-in-chief of the Academy of Sciences. In her youth, Ulyana received an excellent education, graduating from a specialized school at the Academy of Arts, and after that she entered the Serov Academy School to obtain a profession in interior and design.


The girl’s height and weight allowed her to master the profession of modeling, which was not very revered and popular in those years. She worked at the Leningrad Model House, occasionally appearing on the covers of Fashion magazine.

According to Ulyana herself, during the first casting she was forced to secure her bust with a bandage under her clothes in order to reduce its size from 3 to 1, as was fashionable at that time.

In 1989, Ulyana got married and went to Australia for 10 years, disappearing from view during this time. According to Ulyana, she returned to St. Petersburg spontaneously to become godmother to her friend’s newborn daughter. But, having arrived in Russia, I realized that I was unable to part with the country, and life in my homeland had changed for the better.

After her arrival, the woman moved to Moscow to conquer the capital's high society. At that time, it was not very clear why a girl from a simple family had such high demands and desire for publicity, because Ulyana’s first husband was not very rich, and before marriage she led the life of a simple student from the Northern capital.

While attending parties, Ulyana took part in a candid shoot for the men's magazine Playboy, by the way, after her first birth. The photographer said that the photo of the socialite did not even have to be specially processed in Photoshop, and yet at that time she was about 39 years old. It is noteworthy that Ulyana did not collaborate with another publication for men - Maxim magazine.

The girl, both then and subsequently, looked flawless, and, according to her, did not resort to plastic surgery. The girl does not like medical procedures, so there is only one cesarean section stitch on her body. At the same time, the girl adheres to the rule of not appearing in society or in photos without makeup.

Tseytlina also hosted the program “Trip to Rublyovka,” a TV show on Muz-TV, but the ratings of these programs were low, so they suffered the fate of a number of projects of that time - the cessation of filming. Despite this, some of the girl’s statements turned into quotes. Ulyana once shared her own observation with a glossy publication that “a protruding belly can easily be covered with the sail of your own yacht, preferably with a helipad. And having your own beach will save the owner of crooked legs from the sidelong glances of prying eyes.”

Tseitlina also participated in Sobchak’s show “Blonde in Chocolate.” Ulyana Tseytlina became one of the style icons of the “zero”, who also included a secular columnist, a fashion designer, a businesswoman, and a designer.

Ulyana Tseytlina is the author of the book “100 Purely Applied Tips on Various Issues,” in which the TV presenter revealed to her readers a number of secrets that help her look young. Ulyana spoke about the peculiarities of using decorative cosmetics, applying cosmetic procedures, diets, and sports exercises.

For example, when choosing lipstick, Ulyana did not recommend that readers mindlessly follow existing fashion. So, red lipstick will not suit a woman with thin lips, and black nail polish will scare away any man. The girl did not recommend getting carried away with tanning, which increases skin pigmentation and gives the face a dirty tint. The best sports exercises, according to Tseitlina, are yoga and swimming, which are completed with a massage session.

For women trying to lose weight, Ulyana Tseitlina recommended that before choosing a diet, they undergo a detailed blood test to understand what substances the body lacks and whether there is a lack of perception of certain nutrients. Ulyana Tseytlina recognizes her own taste preferences as the only right decision in building her diet. To maintain a good mood, Ulyana Tseytlina suggests regularly shopping. The beauty herself is fond of collecting bags and accessories.

Since 2010, Ulyana gradually stopped attending social events, devoting her time to raising her son. The child’s father, they say, was on the Forbes list, so it was decided to gradually withdraw Ulyana from the social arena.

The friendship between Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana was mutually beneficial, because Ksenia was already known thanks to her father’s name, and Ulyana had the reputation of a woman who had lived abroad for a long time. It was an ideal tandem for conquering social heights, which the girls realized 100%.

In the early 2000s, Tseytlina and Sobchak were simply inseparable. Outrageous ladies always appeared at social events together, personifying what women from the CIS countries dreamed of. Photos of society ladies of that time and now are amazing: chic clothes, jewelry and admiring glances of men.

And if Ksenia did not want to get married then and was more interested in social life, then Ulyana, without hesitation, said in an interview that she would not mind marrying a respectable man with a decent bank account.

Note that Ulyana stood out sharply among Moscow beauties for her restraint. She did not become a participant in high-profile scandals, and did not brazenly hunt other people’s husbands. As journalists recall, Ulyana at that time was distinguished by a special zest and good upbringing, which attracted men to her.

During pregnancy, Sobchak supported her friend, came to her in the hospital, and after giving birth she became the newborn’s godmother. But soon Tseitlina and Sobchak quarreled, and the cause of the conflict still remains unknown.

The women reconciled only in 2011 at the May Fashion ball, where they met by chance. Of course, the old relationship has not been restored, but society ladies are already avoiding squabbles and ostentatious hostility.

And in 2015, Ksenia went to a friend’s chic wedding in St. Moritz, demonstrating in “ Instagram"chic scarlet dress.

Personal life

Ulyana entered into her first marriage in 1989 and left for Australia. Her husband worked as a doctor. According to the socialite, they were going to meet her husband’s parents, but she liked the country so much that the decision was made to stay. Ulyana lived in Australia for about 10 years, but there are no reliable facts about her biography over these years.

Upon returning to her homeland, Tseytlina began to lead an active social life. For many years, the personal life of the former socialite remained in the shadows. Ulyana lived on Rublyovka in a house that cost more than $2 million, drove a BMW jeep and did not limit herself in spending, and was engaged in creativity (writing books with advice for women). Probably, the society lady had a man until a certain time, but his name was kept secret.

According to some media reports, a luxurious mansion, as well as a lot of expensive jewelry, was presented to the girl by her fan - Andrei Bokarev, co-owner of Transmashholding and Kuzbassugol, member of the board of trustees of the Russian Tennis Federation. According to Ulyana, she adheres to the Orthodox faith, but at the same time prefers to communicate with men of Jewish or Georgian nationality.

Let us note that Ulyana is not ashamed of her position and talks in an interview about how she achieved success and prosperity through her efforts, principles and excellent appearance.

In 2006, Ulyana gave birth to her first child, who received the name Savva and his mother’s surname. According to the socialite, the boy’s father has been married for a long time, children are growing up in that marriage, so he did not want to recognize the baby.

In one interview, Ulyana said that the father communicates with his son, but did not reveal the man’s identity.

At the same time, there were rumors in Moscow that Ulyana’s boyfriend was married businessman Boris Belotserkovsky, who was credited with paternity. But in an interview with Elle magazine on February 17, 2015, his wife, who has been friends with Ulyana for a long time, denied this information.

In 2015, Tseytlina’s personal life underwent dramatic changes for the better: news appeared that the former socialite had gotten married. In the same year, immediately after the figure skater, the stars of Russian show business went to St. Moritz for the engagement of Ulyana and Alexei Fedorychev.

Tseytlina’s husband is Alexey Fedorychev, a Russian oligarch, he turned 61 in 2016. The entrepreneur runs the Fedcominvest corporation, specializing in the trade of sulfur and fertilizers. Fedorychev is also known as the former owner of FC Dynamo.

At the time of the marriage, Ulyana was 47 years old, her husband was 60, which did not become an obstacle to a happy union.

The wedding was luxurious: with a sea of ​​elite drinks and dishes, Russian pop stars performed at it, and after the celebration they posted selfies from the celebration on social networks. It is worth noting that Ulyana still achieved her goal, becoming the wife of a man from the Forbes list.

Ulyana Tseytlina now

After her marriage, Ulyana Tseytlina again withdrew into the shadows, occasionally appearing at social events and meetings with friends. So, in 2017, a joint photo with Ulyana, taken in an open-air museum, appeared on a social network page.

Currently, such a concept as a “socialite” misleads absolutely no one and is regarded either as a profession or as an occupation. Apparently, large-scale propaganda did not help this definition. At the moment, the elite already includes simple kept women who regularly appear in but in no way shape it.

Well, if you look deeper, star parties owe their existence to them, the representatives of the “golden youth”. Without its existence, they would not be anything more than ordinary meetings of interests, which in other words is called a “get-together”. In fact, it was a separate Russian cluster of rich people, show business stars, or until the moment when Ulyana Tseitlina spectacularly appeared in it - of course, the only real socialite who knows her worth. She was called the uncrowned queen, as well as a legend of the elite world.

A little biography

Ulyana Tseytlina, whose biography originates from St. Petersburg, has interested many. in which a girl was born in 1968, on November 17, consisted of her father Anatoly - a talented artist - and her mother, who held the position of editor of a popular publication at the Academy of Sciences. Ulyana studied at a school affiliated with the University of Arts. After graduation, her girlfriend entered an institution named after Serov. In her youth, Ulyana collaborated with the Leningrad Model House, and she could be seen repeatedly on the front pages of Fashion magazine.

Enchanting appearance

During the period when Ulyana Tseytlina quite unexpectedly entered the elite society of Moscow, bohemian society was surprised, fascinated and, in some ways, under hypnosis. No, not at all from the appearance of an undeniably well-groomed, but not spectacular blonde, but from her mysterious behavior.

It should be said that Ulyana Tseytlina never hid her age. The lady had no idea of ​​competing with the young models who accompanied rich men with full wallets. She instantly managed to show her superiority over them with a perfectly thought-out and realized image. Impressive oligarchs needed a girl with a twist, and Ulyana, without any difficulty, provided them with such a riddle, just like a real oriental beauty who set up a test for a huge number of suitors. For men, she became exactly the one whose gaze must be won and her favor sought. The most interesting thing is that rich gentlemen became interested in such a game.

Attitude to life abroad

At a time when many were thinking about moving abroad, Ulyana Tseytlina looked at the realities of living in Russia with an appraising gaze, since she knew life overseas. The harmonious complex of an unusual first and last name, together with registration in Australia (Ulyana arrived from the “green continent”) involuntarily aroused an unhealthy interest in her, and the scandalous personality constantly increased it, adding fresh intrigue. Ulyana Tseytlina, whose biography was constantly supplemented with new facts and speculations of secular chroniclers, was never deprived of attention. She played her main and only role in the life of “Miss X” not without talent and with great inspiration.

Gossip about the mysterious Ulyana

Absolutely all combinations were executed perfectly, and most importantly, it took a minimum of time. What others spent years on, Ulyana did in just a month. She lived in a luxurious mansion located on Rublevka, visited the most luxurious restaurants and became the owner of a collection of the most expensive women's handbags from the famous Hermes brand. The accessories of this company are made only to order and only if the client has at least ten thousand dollars. In the center of Russia, a saying has become popular that poverty comes at a time when it is possible to spend only a thousand dollars per day. The author of this phrase, naturally, was our heroine.

The most varied rumors circulated about the personality of Ulyana Tseytlina... They either said that a famous actor from Hollywood was wooing her, or that the Prince of Monaco became interested in her and at one of the gala receptions in the palace did not leave a single step from the girl. It should be noted that the initiator of such sensations was Tseitlina herself, allegedly arranging the leakage of various information, and all this was supported by staged photographs. But nevertheless, the secular elite believed in all this, and Russian oligarchs willingly fought with European stars for the right to be with this person.

Gossip about Tseitlina and Belotserkovsky

There was also a rumor that Boris Belotserkovsky and Ulyana Tseytlina were lovers. Many condemned her for this, because she maintained friendship with his wife and repeatedly came to events organized by Nika. Ulyana denied this information, but the journalists still did not calm down and, on the contrary, added fuel to the fire. And once again the news appears that Ulyana Tseytlina gave birth to Belotserkovsky. The girl herself denied these rumors, saying that the baby’s father is a certain Andrei.

Unknown origin

Where does a girl from a simple Leningrad family get such manners, such knowledge and such a desire for fame? Quite a complex question to which it is not easy to find an answer. The father-artist, mother-editor, according to the logic of things, should have endowed her daughter with a sense of beauty. Well, even her education speaks about this. The only thing is that the specialty that Ulyana chose can be a little confusing. And yet, she did not follow in her parents’ footsteps.

Tseytlina was married once. Her official husband worked as a doctor, so it was unlikely that he could instill in her royal habits. He only gave her a loud gift. The young people got married in 1989, after graduating from Ulyana College. The newlyweds chose Australia for their honeymoon and settled there permanently. Ulyana Tseytlina never talked about her place of residence overseas, so the biography of her life during this period still remains a mystery. But be that as it may, it was her “Australian life” that acted as an excellent trump card, which in 2000, after the divorce, played into her hands.

Ulyana's path to Moscow

The woman did not live in her hometown for long. She set off to conquer the capital of Russia. Apparently, it was at that moment that a meeting took place, which can be considered decisive in the fate of Ulyana. Just then, another “lioness” from St. Petersburg appeared in Moscow, who at that time had not yet appeared in social circles, but was already known due to her father’s name - Ksenia Sobchak. Despite the age difference, the girls quickly became friends. The so-called “Sobchak’s friend” Ulyana Tseitlina quickly realized that communication with Ksenia could be used for her own purposes.

Their relationship can be called mutually beneficial - Ulyana used Sobchak’s connections, and Ksyusha, thanks to Tseytlina, entered high society. After some time, Sobchak herself would become one of the socialites, and at the time of their acquaintance, it was Tseitlina Ulyana who shared with her friend the secret of seduction and shocking in society. The girls were inseparable for a long time. Sobchak even became the godmother of Ulyana’s son, but soon Ksenia wanted more, began to try herself as a TV presenter and take an active part in public activities, and Ulyana was still the queen of “parties.”

Tseytlina posed for Playboy magazine

In October 2007, the “socialite” decided to finally consolidate her scandalous reputation and decided to pose nude for the famous Playboy magazine. Ulyana Tseytlina, whose photos turned out to be stunning, was pleased with the result. According to the magazine's photo editors, there was virtually no need to work in Photoshop on the erotic photographs.

In addition to the photo, Ulyana gave the magazine a short interview, expressing her attitude towards alcoholic drinks: “I hate champagne, I prefer to drink vodka. I love its color, the consequences, and, of course, the process itself. The very established tradition around it: pickles, cabbage, you shouldn’t have a snack after the first one - a unique religion. That’s why I prefer vodka at parties, and more recently I was taught how to use it with beer: how to inhale and exhale correctly,” said Ulyana.

Mysterious disappearance

Towards the end of 2010, Tseytlina Ulyana completely unnoticed left the open spaces of the stage - this was not her final departure, but her appearances at social events became less and less frequent. The socialite’s departure was associated with the birth of Savva’s son. As they say, the boy’s father was a married oligarch who is on the Forbes list. Someone believes that it was the child’s father who initiated Ulyana’s departure from the stage. There are opinions that after the birth of the baby, Tseitlina felt new maternal feelings and decided to end her “lion's path.” But the information that Ulyana Tseytlina and her son did not appear anywhere remains true.

From time to time, Tseitlina appears in secular society. In mid-autumn 2011, her appearance on the “New Wave”, accompanied by an oligarch, created a crazy sensation, but all these are just echoes of the past. Now there are new beauties who rule the roost. And despite the fact that Ulyana was not removed from the list of “socialites,” she can no longer influence much. Probably, everything has its time, and the current position of the former “queen of society” suits her quite well.

A legend remains a legend

She is still called a courtesan, and sometimes even with more offensive words. Many are outraged by her dependent lifestyle. They make public her denial of the interference of expensive plastic surgeons in her appearance, and ridicule her intellectual abilities. There are a lot of conversations on a wide variety of topics. The most important thing is that Ulyana reacts to all this without aggression, and sometimes even with a smile. Well, what kind of lioness will pay attention to the conversations of gazelles!..
