Do-it-yourself didactic games for seniors. DIY games, toys and aids

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b]We make games for children with our own hands.

Didactic manual

Come on, let's play...

Dear colleagues! I'm glad to see everyone who took the time to visit me! Today I want to talk about how quickly and easily, without much expense, you can make a fascinating guide.

Starting from a very early age, the child actively explores the world, exploring everything that happens around him. Therefore, educational didactic games occupy the most important place in a child’s life. They expand the child’s understanding of the world around him, teach the child to observe and identify the characteristic features of objects (size, shape, color, distinguish them, and also establish simple relationships.

Educational games and activities will help your child prepare for school, since educational games for preschoolers allow you not only to learn something new, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, such skills will become the basis for further successful training.

I invite all teachers and parents of children from 2 to 7 years old to make such a bright, funny and useful construction set on their own in just a few minutes.

And so we need:

Universal napkins



Stencil of geometric shapes

You can cut out various figures from multi-colored napkins and make interesting applications, lay out patterns, flowers, houses, trees, etc., to the extent of your imagination and imagination...

This guide will help:

To develop children's thinking, attention, imagination, perception of oral and visual information.

Improve all types of counting.

Learn to generalize and compare objects by size.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Form ideas about geometric shapes and shapes.

Strengthen the ability to classify objects according to general qualities

(shape, size, color).

Develop children's speech, the ability to draw simple conclusions.

Strengthen and expand spatial understanding.

Game options –

"Collect beautiful beads"- If desired, children choose different geometric shapes and arrange them in a certain sequence, thereby collecting beads.

“Write the numbers.”- the teacher says a number, and the child must lay out the number from any figures that he chooses.

“Write the letter.”- the child lays out the letter.

"Put out the item"- the child lays out, for example, a house (the child himself chooses the geometric shapes, then the sun, etc. Subsequently, you can lay out the whole “picture” (develops the child’s creativity).

“Find a pair”, “Find the same…”- learn to select geometric shapes different in size, shape, color, compare and find similarities and differences. Develop observation skills.

"What changed?" practice correctly naming geometric shapes, develop visual memory.

"Pick a figure"- consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them.

"Three squares"- teach children to correlate three objects by size and indicate their relationships with the words: “big”, small”, “medium”,

biggest", "smallest".

"Geometric Lotto"- teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure and select objects according to a geometric pattern.

“What types of figures are there?”- introduce children to new shapes: oval, rectangle, triangle, pairing them with already familiar ones: square-triangle, square-rectangle, circle-oval.

"Which uniform for whom"- teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals, circles) by shape, distracting from color and size.

"Make an object"- practice composing the silhouette of an object from individual parts (geometric shapes).

With educational games, the baby will have fun, and if you turn on good, pleasant music, it will create a light, relaxed atmosphere. By solving simple, educational game tasks, the child will be happy with his results and achievements. A good mood is the key to successful development!


Do it yourself children's educational construction set "Velkroshka"!

This construction set, easy to make and use, is intended for preschoolers from 2 to 7 years old. It will not only entertain your baby, but will also bring benefits: it will train his fingers and introduce him to colors and shades in a playful way. It can be successfully used at home, in kindergarten, and in the country. The designer is hygienic (it can be washed) and completely safe for children over 3 years old.

To make the construction set, you only need Velcro, also called Velcro, 2 cm wide and scissors. There are scissors in every home, and Velcro is sold in all sewing stores that sell measured goods - ribbons, lace, elastic bands, etc. To make the construction set elegant and interesting, buy Velcro in 5-7 different colors, choosing the brightest and most beautiful - yellow, red, green, blue, orange... You don’t need to make too many parts of the same color, so it’s enough to buy 50 cm of Velcro each color. It will cost no more than 100 rubles.

That's all! The “Velkroshka” construction set is ready!

Of course, for a kindergarten group, you can make a construction set with a much larger number of parts so that there is enough for everyone.

How to play with the constructor

Like any educational toy, this construction set will only be useful if you use it correctly and show your child all its interesting possibilities.

To begin with, children 2-3 years old should be given very simple tasks.

Task No. 1. Take 5 double strips of different colors, separate them, mix them and ask your child to connect them again, keeping the color match. When this task becomes too easy, increase the number of stripes by adding several stripes of the same color. So the baby will have to select the halves not only by color, but also by properties, because the Velcro strips have two sides - fluffy and “burdocky”, and only different ones are combined with each other. Babies have a very developed sense of touch, so they get great pleasure from such tactile variety.

Task No. 2. Connect the strips to each other in a random order and ask your child to restore order - separate the incorrectly connected strips, and then connect strips of the same colors to each other. Peeling apart Velcro strips is fun for kids and replaces the popular paper ripping exercise for toddlers.

Task No. 3. When the child understands the paired strips - learns to separate and connect them, you can complicate the task. Ask your child to connect all the strips of the same color with their ends into a long line, alternating fluffy and “burdock” parts.

The next stage is the task of connecting the ends of strips of two or three colors and asking the child to continue the line, repeating the given color pattern. Then, the task can be further complicated by using corners, crosses, squares, and rings as parts of the ornament.

Children over 3 years old can already be shown how to assemble geometric shapes and images from construction kit parts. It’s better to start with repetition tasks - an adult makes a figurine, and then asks the child to make one exactly the same in color and shape, or just in shape, using any other colors they like.

Be sure to show your kids the techniques by which the strips can change their shape and connect to each other. Thus, parts with different surfaces can be connected in different ways: overlapping at different angles, ends in a line, in a ring or in a “boat”, sides in a wide strip, along the entire length with a shift (which allows you to obtain parts of different lengths with ends of different types of mating , or close one part on the surface of another into a round ring.

Only after the kids learn to repeat the models assembled by adults and master a variety of design techniques, you can give tasks in words, for example, make a bunny or make a rocket, encouraging the child to use the acquired skills, memory and imagination.

The capabilities of “Velkroshka”, despite its simplicity, are diverse enough to depict plants, animals, objects, architectural structures and much more.

ATTENTION! Do not leave a child under 3 years of age unattended with a construction set to prevent them from putting the parts in their mouth and swallowing them. Children over 3 years old can play with the construction set independently.

After finishing working with the designer, connect all the strips in pairs, fold them together and pull them crosswise using two strips connected at the ends. In this form, the Velkroshka construction set takes up little space, does not need a box, does not cling to anything, and is convenient to take with you.

Make an interesting educational toy for your child with your own hands!

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 10."

Master Class

"Developmental didactic games with your own hands."

Performed by Nazarova Yu.I.

Gai urban district


Topic: do-it-yourself educational didactic games.

First, let's figure out what the word “game” means? A game is a type of cultural, human activity, the motive of which lies not in its results, but in the process itself. It is important in the upbringing, training and development of children as a means of psychological preparation for future life situations. Now let's see what a didactic game is - an activity whose meaning and purpose is to give children certain knowledge and skills, and the development of mental abilities. Didactic games are games designed for learning.

Didactic games play a dual role in the pedagogical process: firstly, they are a teaching method, and secondly, they are an independent gaming activity. As the first, they are widely used in classes to familiarize children with the environment, with living nature, in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and in the development of speech in order to teach children certain methods of mental action, systematization, clarification and consolidation of knowledge. At the same time, the content of the game and its rules are subordinated to educational tasks put forward by the specific program requirements of a particular type of activity. In this case, the initiative in choosing and conducting the game belongs to the teacher. As an independent play activity, they are carried out outside of school hours.

In both cases, the teacher leads the didactic games, but the role is different. If in class he teaches children how to play, introduces them to the rules and game actions, then in the students’ independent games he participates as a partner or referee, monitors their relationships, and evaluates behavior.

Guide to didactic games

In the management of games, three stages should be distinguished: preparation, conduct, analysis of results.

1. Preparation for the game includes the following: selection of the game in accordance with the objectives of education and training of a specific age group, taking into account the time of the game (during class hours or outside of school hours), location (in a group room, on the site, on a walk, etc. .); determining the number of participants (entire group, subgroup, one child).

Preparation for the game also includes the selection of the necessary didactic material (manuals, toys, pictures, natural material).

The teacher chooses a game, invites the children to play, starts and invites the children.

Younger age : a visual explanation of the entire course of the game while playing together with an adult.

Average age : explanation of 1-2 rules, specific ones are given during the game in joint activity with an adult, you can use a trial run of the game, where the teacher clarifies the rules.

Older age : verbal explanation of the rules before the game, explanation of the meaning of the rules, if complex, then demonstration and trial moves are used.

2. If the teacher carefully prepares for the game, then conducting it itself will not cause difficulties. Any didactic game must have both game rules and game actions. If one of these conditions is missing, it turns into a didactic exercise.

The teacher controls the process of the game, reinforces the ability to play, monitors the implementation of the rules, using reminders, additional explanations, assessments, questions, and advice.

Younger age : the teacher plays the role of a leader, during the game he connects game actions with the rules.

Average age : the teacher acts through the rule and does not directly suggest game actions.

Older age : the rules are explained before the game, children are involved in explaining their content.

3. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management. The teacher notes those who followed the rules well, helped their comrades, were active, and honest. Analysis of the game should be aimed at identifying effective methods of playing it, as well as mistakes made (what did not work and why).

Structural elements of the game

The structure of a didactic game includes: task, action, rule, result, conclusion of the game.

Task. Each didactic game has a precisely established task, which is subordinated to the actual didactic goal. Children are offered tasks whose solution requires a certain amount of intellectual effort and mental work. By completing a task in a game, a child activates his thinking, exercises his memory and observation skills.

The objectives of didactic games come down to several types:

Compare and select objects based on the same, different or similar characteristics (the task becomes more complicated according to the age of the children).

Classify and distribute objects or pictures. Children classify pictures or objects by type or by the material from which they are made.

Identify an object by several or only one characteristic. Children guess objects from a simple description, or one of them describes the thing, and the rest guess.

Exercise attention and memory. Children must remember a fact or a certain composition of objects, a group of players, etc., and determine the change that occurred in their absence.

Action . In each didactic game, the task is accomplished by an action that determines and organizes the behavior of each child and unites the children into a single team. It directly attracts children's interest and determines their emotional attitude to the game.

The action in the game must meet two basic conditions:

a) be sure to obey the task and fulfill the educational purpose of the game;

b) be entertaining and exciting until the end of the game.

In a well-designed educational game, children should not suspect that they are learning anything. Here the activity should, to a greater or lesser extent, hide the educational, didactic purpose of the game.

Rule : activities in the didactic game are strictly related to the rules. They determine how the child should behave during play, what he can and cannot do. It is important that the rules correspond to age characteristics and are compensated by entertaining activities. Therefore, it must be interesting so that the child willingly obeys the rules.

Result, conclusion of the game : the result of the game is solving the problem and following the rules.

The result is assessed from two points of view: from the point of view of the children and from the point of view of the teacher. When assessing the result from the children’s point of view, we take into account what moral and spiritual satisfaction the game brought to the children. When performing didactic tasks, children show intelligence, resourcefulness, attention, and memory. All this gives children moral satisfaction, increases self-confidence, and fills them with a sense of joy.

It is important for the educator whether the task has been completed, whether the prescribed actions have been carried out, whether it has brought certain results in this regard. At the end of some didactic games, you need to reward the participants, praise the children, or assign them leading roles in the game.

Types of didactic games

Didactic games differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher.

In preschool pedagogy, all didactic games can be divided into 3 main types: games with objects, board-printed and word games.

Games with objects : for them it is necessary to select objects that differ in properties: color, shape, size, purpose, use, etc.

Board-printed games - This is a very exciting activity for children. Most often, didactic games with paired pictures, cut pictures and cubes are used. In this case, for middle-aged children, one or more objects should be depicted: toys, trees, clothes or dishes. Children can independently differentiate their distinctive features: size, color, shape, purpose. To work with cut pictures, older preschoolers can be asked to independently put together a whole picture from its parts without first examining the whole image.

Word games are built on a combination of words and actions of the players. In such games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Therefore, in junior and middle groups, games with words are aimed mainly at developing speech, cultivating correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating vocabulary, developing correct orientation in space, and the formation of dialogic and monologue speech.

Now I’ll show you what games I made with my own hands. The first game is “who eats what?”

Materials: Cardboard, scissors, clothespins, glue or glue gun, gramophone record or other solid base.

First, we look on the Internet for pictures of animals and what they eat. We print out the animals we like on cardboard or draw them ourselves.

Carefully cut out the animal faces and glue them onto clothespins.

The basis for the game can be a gramophone record; I have the lid from a round box.

Progress of the game: The child is asked to attach clothespins with animal faces to the circle in such a way as to indicate the correspondence between the animal and the type of food.

One more game"Mom and Cub." We look for pets on the Internet, print them on cardboard or draw them ourselves. Carefully cut out the cards. On one side, we make holes with a hole punch.

We prepare laces according to the number of animals.

Progress of the game: the child is asked to tie the mother of the animal and her baby with a string.

We put everything in a beautiful box (you can cover a candy box with self-adhesive paper, or just colored paper) and write the name of the game. Ready.

Didactic game "Pick up a petal"

Author: Irina Vladimirovna Korelova, teacher-psychologist, MBOU Secondary School No. 7 Branch of Preschool Educational Institution No. 5 “Firefly” in the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk Region.

Description of the article:
Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the didactic game “Pick up a petal”. The material will be useful to teachers, parents, and specialists working with preschool children. The game can be offered to children during individual work.
In their work with children, teachers often encounter problems such as insufficiently developed memory, attention, thinking, and speech. Didactic games are specifically designed to unobtrusively solve emerging difficulties in a child’s development.

Game "Pick up a petal"
Enriching a child's vocabulary.

1. Learn to correctly name the image in the picture,
2. Learn to work with symbols, use verbs correctly in speech,
3.Develop memory, attention, thinking,

4. Expand your horizons,
5. Foster love and respect for the environment.

Materials for making the game:
1. Cardboard for the base,
2.Self-adhesive or colored cardboard,
3.Clipped pictures from magazines,
4.Pencil, glue, scissors.

In order to make this game you will need thick cardboard for the base. I use cardboard from packets of cereals, it’s convenient and always available. I cut out rectangles of the desired size.

Of course, you can just use colored cardboard, but it is thin and not always bright, so I cover the base with self-adhesive (the colored side of the cardboard remains without self-adhesive; if desired, it can be covered with white paper).

Next we make the petals.

We also cover them with self-adhesive tape.

Next we glue the pictures cut out from magazines onto the petals. The more pictures, the better. Pictures should be clear, bright, and understandable.

Next we work with the base, to which we will later place the petals. In the center of the rectangle we glue a picture with a symbol meaning some action: “flies”, “walks”, “swims”, “crawls”, “squeaks”, “dives”, “jumps”, etc. You can come up with a symbol yourself, but in such a way that the child can immediately “grab” it.

And then you can start the game.
1. The teacher explains to the child what the symbols on the rectangles mean, the child repeats independently.
2. The child recognizes the symbol in the rectangle.
3. Selects those petals whose images can perform a given action.

Based on the game with verbs, you can make a game with adjectives.
Dear colleagues, I hope that the presented game will be useful to you in your work.

The development of children's speech, attention, intellectual activity, intelligence, creativity is influenced by the level of this. This is very important, since thanks to this the child is able to perform many educational and everyday activities. You can develop finger motor skills in children using a do-it-yourself teaching aid for kindergarten. In other words - playing with the child. This is how attention, imagination, memory develop, experience is absorbed, habits and skills are developed.

It is very easy to make such a teaching aid with your own hands for kindergarten. A description of some of them can be found below.

“I want to touch everything”

This is a do-it-yourself didactic manual for kindergarten. The average group of kids will be interested in this game. It consists of 10 tactile cards with surfaces of different structures and numbers. With their help, sensory perception, mental potential in general, memory develop, and children learn to count.

What you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • numbers made of felt, velvet paper;
  • various surfaces.

You can use sandpaper, wood, leather, felt, Velcro (the spiky part), and ribbons. Tactile cards are made of cardboard. A number and a piece of material with different surfaces are glued onto each one. You can make several sets, then there will be more variations of the game. For example, find identical ones, guess the surface by touch.

“Place the pebbles in the houses”

The following do-it-yourself teaching aid for kindergarten will help you develop the ability to distinguish colors and name them correctly. The younger group is the target audience for training.

Materials: pebbles, colored cardboard, scissors, glue. Four boxes are made.

Game variations:

  • count pebbles of a given color;
  • arrange them in appropriate boxes.

The benefit of such a manual is the development of fine motor skills, children learning colors, and the ability to use their names in speech.


You can make another teaching aid with your own hands for kindergarten. Mathematics assignments can be completed with its help. The game is a field (wooden) with multi-colored nails on which elastic bands are pulled.

Geocont is a constructor. On its field, using multi-colored rubber bands, you can make various geometric shapes, symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns. The game develops children's cognitive and sensory abilities, memory, speech, fine motor skills, imagination, and teaches them to coordinate actions, compare, and analyze. At the moment of constructing geometric figures, preschoolers use tactile-tactile and sensory analyzers, which contribute to the formation of the concept of shape, elasticity (rubber bands stretch and return to their original position), immerse themselves in the world of geometry (learn what a “ray”, “straight line” is), segment", "point", "angle").

Geokont is a useful teaching aid. It’s not at all difficult to make it with your own hands for a kindergarten for the older group. However, even the little ones will find it interesting and educational to pull colorful rubber bands onto carnations.

"Seasons - dolls"

A do-it-yourself didactic manual for kindergarten based on the seasons can be entrusted to the parents of young children. It will help maintain attention and awaken interest in playing with dolls.

First, you need to explain to your parents the purpose, how all the elements will look, and also select the materials (cotton wool, fabric, thread, buttons).

So, how to make such a teaching aid with your own hands for kindergarten? The basis is four dolls, each of which is dressed in a sundress of the corresponding season - blue, green, orange, yellow. They have wreaths on their heads. Each doll holds a basket with items that correspond to the seasons. These can be flowers, boats, twigs, icicles, mushrooms, fruits.

It is easy to make such a teaching aid with your own hands for kindergarten. There are many guides on speech development, but this is one of the most effective. Also, the game “Seasons - dolls” can be used in the visual arts and in children’s theatrical activities. The material is used according to the time of year.

The unusual, attractive appearance of the dolls encourages children to repeat individual words and phrases, and makes them want to listen carefully to what the teacher says. The manual is good for use in individual lessons with children. It perfectly helps to consolidate the material. The teacher can use the dolls for entertainment, as a surprise during the holidays.


It is very easy to make such a do-it-yourself teaching aid for kindergarten. Material:

  • multi-colored cardboard;
  • clothespins;
  • scissors;
  • markers.

You can cut out a sun, a hedgehog, a cloud. Clothespins are used as rays, thorns, raindrops, respectively. The game helps develop:

  • finger motor skills;
  • muscle strength;
  • visual coordination.

All children will be happy to attach and remove clothespins.


Create this DIY visual teaching aid for kindergarten. The older group of kids will actively study it in their classes. The manual should be in a visible place so that children can approach it at any time, examine it, touch it, and play. The “passengers” of the locomotive change every week. It all depends on what topic the children are studying. These can be animals, vegetables, fruits, objects, professions, etc.

The manual will allow you to consolidate the material, develop the curiosity of children, enrich their vocabulary, diversify games, help develop thinking, and will be indispensable in training memory and logic.

Let's look at the progress of working with the didactic manual using an example.

  1. We put fruits and one vegetable in the train trailers. We ask the children the question: “What is unnecessary?”
  2. Kids must name the “passenger” fruits and summarize them in one word.
  3. "What's missing?" The game develops attention. The child turns away, the teacher removes one fruit, and the child names it.
  4. Orientation in space. We ask the child which fruit goes behind the pear, and which one goes in front of the banana, behind the apple, between the orange and the kiwi.
  5. "Mathematics". It is necessary to name the “passenger” of the second carriage, the last one, the first one. Plant an apple in the fifth, and a plum in the seventh. Name how many cars there are in total.
  6. The teacher describes a fruit without naming it. The child guesses. Then vice versa.
  7. “What kind of juice can be made from an apple?” Learning to form adjectives.
  8. Let's study colors. The teacher asks the child to plant only red fruits in the trailer.

"Dry aquarium"

This do-it-yourself didactic manual for kindergarten on speech development is a set of multi-colored pom-poms, which are collected in a box or plastic basin. This game normalizes muscle tone, stimulates the development of imagination, speech, and teaches you to distinguish colors.

The child puts his hands into the aquarium, sorts out the balls, lays them out, puts them back, squeezes and unclenches his hands. The value is that there is no fear of breaking anything. You can put toys at the bottom of the container and ask the child to find and get them.

"Find a house for an egg"

This didactic manual, made with your own hands for kindergarten, will help the teacher:

  • teach your child to distinguish and name colors correctly;
  • develop the ability to combine a testicle and a cell;
  • develop motor skills;
  • act consistently.

To make it, you use a paper container, the cells of which are painted, and multi-colored capsules from Kinder surprises. It turns out to be a very colorful, bright guide.

While playing, children learn to find identical eggs and their corresponding cells, count, and arrange objects.
