Hamdan ibn Muhammad al Maktoum. Prince from an oriental fairy tale

The love story of a simple girl and a prince is a classic plot for fairy tales and has been popular since time immemorial, so not only little girls, but also well-established adult women dream of marrying a handsome, rich and intelligent “prince on a white horse.” And miracles happen, the main thing is to know where to look for him, this prince. We present to your attention the five most beautiful and richest heirs of the Muslim world.

1. Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum Son of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum and his wife sheikhs Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma al-Maktoum. Sheikh Hamdan- a very popular person in the United Arab Emirates. He received an excellent education in the UK, graduating from the Sandhurst Army School, as well as the London College of Economics and the Dubai College of Administration. The sheikh gained popularity due to his charitable activities: the prince directly supervises a number of foundations that organize fundraising for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Sheikh Hamdan belongs to the al-Maktoum dynasty and officially holds the position of head of the Dubai Executive Council, that is, he heads the government of the emirate of Dubai, but he has time for numerous hobbies. Born on Valentine's Day, the prince is fond of romantic poetry, has the creative pseudonym Fazza, and even publishes collections of poetry. Sheikh Hamdan also loves horse riding, has a large collection of Arabian horses and regularly takes part in numerous equestrian competitions.

The Crown Prince is not married, but, alas, even before his birth he was engaged to a maternal relative. However, don’t be upset - no one can forbid a sheikh to have as many wives as he wants!

2. Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah

Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah The King's eldest child Abdullah II and queens Rania, 20-year-old crown prince Hussein bin Abdullah since 2009 he has been heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Jordan. Belongs to the Hashemite dynasty.

In 2007, the prince entered the Royal Academy in Madaba, then, as usual, went to study in the West, and is currently studying political science in Washington, at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In addition to his native Arabic, the Prince of Jordan is fluent in three foreign languages: English, French and Hebrew.

Hussein bin Abdullah is involved in charity work, runs a foundation to support the development of science among youth, and also has a number of hobbies, including football and collecting motorcycles.

Despite the fact that Jordan is a country characterized by a higher level of transparency and more “Western” values ​​than neighboring UAE and Saudi Arabia, no information about the personal life of the heir to the throne is publicly available, only that he is not yet married.

3. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun al-Nahyan

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan Son of the President of the United Arab Emirates Caliphs bin Zayed al-Nahyan, sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun al-Nahyan is a member of the oldest ruling dynasty of Abu Dhabi - al-Nahyan. He received a bachelor's degree from UAE University in engineering and architecture, then studied international relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA.

Sheikh Sultan oversees many issues of national importance. He is involved in investments in the development of sports, architecture, and also serves as the head of the Committee for the Development of the Eastern Region. In addition, he controls the work of state charitable foundations, as well as a large number of organizations dealing with cultural heritage issues.

Among the sheikh's many hobbies are many sports, collecting art and traveling.

There is no information about the personal life of Sheikh Sultan either on the Internet or in the media.

4. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Sixth son of the former ruling Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa and the fifth son of his second wife - sheikhs Mozy bint Nasser al-Misned, sheikh Mohammed is a representative of another major dynasty of the Arab world, the ruling family of Qatar - al-Thani.

He studied at the Qatar Academy, received a bachelor's degree from the Diplomatic School of Georgetown University in Qatar, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University. Sheikh Mohammed is fluent in Arabic, English and French.

According to the laws of Arab monarchies, the eldest son of the ruler of the state is considered the crown prince, so Mohammed, being the sixth son of the emir, will most likely never become the head of Qatar. But this does not mean that the younger children of rulers do not take part in managing the affairs of the state. Typically, the children of emirs occupy positions in the cabinet or head numerous committees overseeing issues of national importance. This happened with Sheikh Mohammed. A former captain of the Qatar equestrian team, he is very passionate about sports, and is therefore directly involved in the leadership of the Committee for the preparation of the FIFA World Cup, which is to be held in Qatar in 2022.

According to unconfirmed reports, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is not married.

5. Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Brother of the Sheikh Mohammed al-Thani(not only by father, but also by mother), sheikh Jasim is definitely on the list of the most handsome Arab men. By the way, the appearance of two brothers in our rating today al-Thani not surprising. The fact is that their mother is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful women in the Muslim world. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned- the second wife of the former emir of Qatar is known not only as a beauty and a style icon, but also as a very gifted politician, who takes a hidden, but quite significant part in many state issues. And therefore, it is not at all surprising that such a woman gave birth to such attractive and gifted children.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was Crown Prince of Qatar from 1996 to 2003, but subsequently, realizing that he was unfit to fulfill this role, renounced the status of heir apparent in favor of his younger brother, the current Emir of Qatar Tamima al-Thani.

He was educated at the British Royal Academy at Sandhurst, then returned to his homeland and became involved in charity work. He is now the honorary president of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) and is also involved in environmental issues.

Unfortunately, Sheikh Jasim has already chosen his first wife. She became a representative of the same dynasty, Sheikh Buthaina bint Ahmad al-Thani, daughter of the sheikh Hamada bin Ali al-Thani. The couple already have three children. But, as we know,

Some consider him handsome and an athlete, and some consider him crazy. After watching one video from his Instagram, I was very surprised - how can the heir risk himself like that? However, he does this all the time.

He is only one of thirteen children and not the oldest, but in early February 2008 he was announced as the Prince of Dubai. His name is Hamdan ibn Mohammed Al Maktoum. Athlete, poet and just an extreme sports enthusiast. He has 4.6 million subscribers on Instagram. Some consider him a darling of fate, and some envy him.

In general, I became interested in his personality after flying on such a device. It's called "Jetman" and is the brainchild of a Swiss pilot-inventor.

Here's a video of Hamdan flying around the city on a jet wing.

Today he is 34 years old and he definitely has a fun life. He has official positions such as chairman of the Dubai City Executive Council, head of the hedge fund HN Capital LLP, and president of the newest university named after him - Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University.

The prince has many hobbies. It's enough for everything at once. If you look at his photos, you can see that he loves to skydive, hunt with a falcon and even dive with a speargun. He has exotic animals at home. In the photo you can see white tigers, lions and camels. He is also a horse breeder and owns breeding stallions that often win races.

Quadcopter and sports car racing.

It seems that extreme sports is his main hobby.

Luxury is only a small part of his life. Hamdan travels constantly and sometimes on his yacht. Stays in the best hotels and goes to the most colorful places on the planet.

His passion for photography attracts a huge audience.

Everything you need for a good photo:
- Good topic
- Good lens
- And a little patience

With friends

The prince is incredibly rich, and still does not have a wife. In general, all aspects of the royal family's private life are hidden from the general public.

On falconry.

The prince's favorite brand is Mercedes-Benz G-Class

In such a car he moves across the sands

Hamdan himself is well educated, because... studied first at the Dubai Government School, and later in the UK at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

However, he constantly participates in charity events and tries to help those in need.
He sponsors hospitals and helps disabled people and sick children.

On a water hoverboard

With animals


In addition to beautiful cars, the prince also prefers to ride horses.

This is probably one of the most popular photos.

In training

There are a lot of photographs from spearfishing.

Hunting takes place with the help of an underwater gun.

Sometimes I consider him similar to the actor Eric Bana, known for the films: Black Hawk, Hulk, Troy.

Instagram Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum

The word “sheikh” brings to mind oriental fairy tales, and the life of real sheikhs, in fact, is that same fairy tale in which untold wealth is combined with beauty, family ties, ancient traditions and advanced technologies. In this issue you will find the richest sheikhs in the world.

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

$18 billion

It’s hard to imagine, but 18 billion is nothing compared to other capital that Al Nahyan is involved with. For example, the total fortune of his family is estimated at 150 billion dollars, and the capitalization of the investment fund, whose curator is the sheikh, exceeds 875 billion.

Al Nahyan is a great man in every sense, he is the Emir of Abu Dhabi and the President of the United Arab Emirates. He became head of state 13 years ago, but has ruled the UAE since 1990, since his father retired. The sheikh is valued very highly in his native country, literally: the world's most skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, is named in his honor.

David Cameron and Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Elizabeth II, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Prince Philip.

Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum

$18 billion

The 34-year-old heir to the throne of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan, is a socialite no worse than Prince Harry. He is rich, travels a lot, and runs Instagram. And he also knows how to do good. Patronage of the autism center, large donations to charity - this is also Hamdan.

The third important aspect of the life of the heir to the throne is extreme entertainment. The sheikh's Instagram is constantly updated with reports of jumps from heights, demonstrations of himself in the pilot's seat of a jet plane or a Formula 1 car. But Hamdan’s talent manifested itself most clearly in equestrian sports: the prince won gold at the Asian Olympic Games.

Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali al-Amoudi

$4.1 billion

He is a sheikh not by birthright, but by merit - he received the title for his achievements and wealth. As the second richest man in Saudi Arabia, Ali al-Amoudi splits his time between Arabia and Ethiopia, where he was born and raised. He made money in oil, building oil refineries in West Africa, and also in growing everything from vegetables and fruits to coffee. The sheikh's businesses supply coffee to Starbucks and tea to Lipton, among other things.

Ali al-Amoudi also owns a chain of hotels and a hospital. He is seriously involved not only in African and eastern countries: the sheikh invests in the economies of Western countries, in particular in Sweden. They also wrote that the arrival of the Swedish brand H&M in Ethiopia, where labor is very cheap, took place thanks to Ali al-Amoudi. The personal life of a billionaire is simple - married, no children.

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan

$4.9 billion

The smiling Sheikh Mansour, 46, is a member of the Emirates' ruling family and the half-brother of the president, Sheikh Khalifa. It is not surprising that he found a job in government - Mansur holds the post of prime minister of the country. In addition to government affairs, the sheikh is involved in the oil industry - he manages the International Petroleum Investment Company of Abu Dhabi. He also loves sports very much and does not spare money on it: the company, the head of which is Mansur, contains local teams for handball, football, volleyball and so on.

But this is all a small thing compared to Manchester City, yes, that very legendary British football team. Mansur is her owner. Some say that this is a toy for the sheikh, others say that he is extremely serious. One thing is clear: Mansur does not skimp on expenses. After all, why worry about money for a man who becomes half a billion richer every time oil prices rise one dollar?

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

$4.5 billion

A person who has set the goal of turning the Emirates into an investment, social, cultural paradise can be satisfied with what he has already done for this. The Emirates airline, the Jumeirah Group tourism holding, and many transnational projects are the work of Sheikh Mohammed. And, in fact, the Burj Khalifa hotel is also the sheikh’s idea.

In addition to work, he knows a lot about entertainment - he is fond of horse racing, makes huge bets, and owns an incredible size yacht "Dubai". Apparently, the ability to take everything from life was inherited by his son, Sheikh Hamdan, whom we talked about at the very beginning. Well, the fact that Hamdan is four times richer than his father is not important. One family after all.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum and Elizabeth II.

Officially, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces.

In fact, the Emir of Abu Dhabi, the President of the UAE.

Third son of Sheikh Zayed. An interesting point is that he and Khalifa are half-brothers. Khalifa was born to his first wife, Hassa bint Mohammed ibn Khalifa. Sheikh Mohammed ibn Zayed was born to his third wife, Fatima bint Mubarak Al-Ketbi.

Sheikhin Fatima bint-Mubarak Al-Ketbi had only 6 sons: Muhammad, Hamdan, Hazza, Tanun, Mansur and Abdula. They are called “Bani Fatima” or “sons of Fatima”, they form the most influential bloc in the Al-Nahyan family.

Fatima's sons have always been influential; some political scientists even assign them a leading role in the changes in Abu Dhabi that have occurred since 2004. They received full power only in 2014, when Sheikh Khalifa suffered a stroke. Now it is difficult to say whether the vector of their domestic and foreign policies will change. Wait and see.

Mohammed ibn Zayed studied at school in Al Ain, then in Abu Dhabi. Entered Sandhurst Academy (UK) in 1979. Trained in military skills of helicopter piloting, driving armored vehicles, and parachute jumping. After returning from England, he underwent military training in Sharjah and became an officer in the UAE Armed Forces.

He was an officer in the Amiri Guards (an elite unit), a pilot in the UAE Air Force, and eventually became the Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces.

In 2003, he was proclaimed the second Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. After the death of his father on November 2, 2004, he became crown prince. Since December 2004, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, member of the Supreme Petroleum Council.

For now, world leaders and political scientists are keeping an eye on Sheikh Mohammed. He is known to believe that the UAE should play a much larger role in world politics. He loves falconry, like his father. He is interested in poetry and writes poetry himself in the Nabati style.

Sheikhin Fatima bint Mubarak Al-Ketbi

Third wife of Sheikh Zayed, mother of six of his sons, including Crown Prince Mohammed (de facto ruler of Abu Dhabi and President of the UAE).

This woman played a large role in UAE politics during the reign of her husband Sheikh Zayed, and remains very influential to this day. She is called “Mother of the Nation”.

The exact date of her birth is unknown. She was probably born in the mid-40s in . In the 60s she married Zaid Al-Nahyan, becoming his third wife.

In 1973, she founded the Abu Dhabi Women's Awakening Society, the first women's social organization in the UAE. In 1975, she created and headed the UAE Women's Main Union. The main area of ​​interest of these organizations was education, because at that time girls in the UAE did not study at all. In 2004, Fatima facilitated the appointment of the first female minister.

Now she still heads the Main Women's Union, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, the Family Development Foundation and several other organizations. And this despite his advanced age! Naturally, Fatima has a gigantic influence on the policies of Sheikh Mohammed and the affairs of Bani Fatima.


The Emirate of Dubai is ruled by the Al Muktoum family.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Muktum

Ruling Emir (officially since January 4, 2006, actually since January 3, 1995), Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE since February 11, 2006.

Sheikh Mohammed is called “The Architect of Modern Dubai”. He is a very well-rounded man and is now the most famous leader in the UAE.

Mohammed became the third son of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid ibn Saeed Al-Muktum. His mother Lafita was the daughter of the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Hamadan ibn Zayed Al Nahyan. As a child, Muhammad received both secular and traditional Islamic education. In 1966 (at the age of 18) he studied in the UK at the Mons Cadet Corps and in Italy to become a pilot.

In 1968, Mohammed attended his father's meeting with Sheikh Zayed at Argub al-Sedira, where the rulers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi agreed on the imminent creation of the UAE. After the formation of the UAE, he was Minister of Defense and head of the Dubai Police.

On October 7, 1990, Muhammad's father and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid ibn Said, died. Power passed to the eldest son, Sheikh Muktum ibn Rashid, who was very fond of equestrian sports and was an excellent athlete, but was not drawn to politics and management.

On January 4, 1995, Muktum ibn Rashid appoints Mohammed as crown prince and, in fact, transfers power to him in the emirate of Dubai. On January 4, 2006, Muktum ibn Rashid died of a heart attack, Mohammed ibn Rashid became the official ruler of Dubai.

The list of achievements of Muhammad ibn Rashid is enormous. He diversified the economy of Dubai, now oil revenues account for only 4% of the emirate’s GDP, Dubai has become a shopping “mecca”, second only to London, the largest trading and financial center.

With his support or on his initiative, the following were created: Emirates airline, the artificial islands of Palm and World, the world's largest artificial harbor of Jebel Ali, the Dubai Internet City zone and hundreds of other projects.

He became famous for his raids on enterprises, where he personally checked whether employees were in their places and fired those who were absent. Sheikh Mohammed ibn Rashid is famous for his intolerance of corruption; during his rule, hundreds of officials caught in bribes and using their positions for personal gain were sent to prison.

Now (note: the article was updated in the fall of 2019) he is already 70 years old, but he is full of energy and is successfully implementing his Dubai development plan until 2021. He recently took part in the Arab Strategic Forum, and you can't tell he's 70.

Next, we suggest taking a look at how the Crown Prince of Dubai, Hamdan bin Mohammed al-Maktoum, spends his time. The 33-year-old man not only finds time for relaxation in his busy schedule, but also engages in charity work, sports, and regularly meets with his clients.

The prince loves animals very much

Horses are the main passion of Hamdan ibn Mohammed al-Maktoum. He not only owns his own stable, but also represents the honor of the country on the world stage. For example, among his achievements is gold at the World Equestrian Games in France in 2014. In addition, the heir to the Dubai sheikh supports several animal charities.

Takes care of everyone

Charity and helping people in general are on the list of priorities for the new Aladdin.

Supports special people

Taking the title of Prince, Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum became the honorary patron of the Autism Research Center in Dubai. He actively participates in the life of several children's funds and purchases medical equipment.

Open to the world

It seems that the prince has a place in his heart for everyone. Under his patronage, various sports tournaments are held in Dubai, for example Nad Al Sheba. And he always finds time for communication and a kind word.

Looks up to the worthy

And he, at all, does not shy away from sitting in a wheelchair himself and competing with special people on equal terms. “The daily achievements of people with special needs are a source of inspiration to me because they demonstrate what can be achieved through willpower and perseverance,” the prince admits after a friendly basketball match with the UAE Special Needs Team.

Performs daily feats

The prince also heads the Dubai Sports Committee, so his responsibility is to involve the youngest in sports.

Is enthusiastic about the job

In everyday life, Prince Hamdan does not stand out much: he loves baseball caps and sportswear. And he always takes part in city events, for example, in the yoga festival. Or helping organize the annual Dubai Marathon.

Leads by example

The prince does not miss the opportunity to show his class himself. What is it like, despite the titles, to take part in the unusual Spartan Dubai Race? Easily!

Supports young talents

Sheikh Hamdan al-Maktoum is seriously interested in photography and even established the international photography competition Hamdan International Photography Award with an annual prize fund of about 400 thousand US dollars - the largest among competitions of this kind. The prince-poet calls photographers a ray of hope, who, with their creativity and vision, illuminate the path to a bright future for humanity.

Remains the most eligible bachelor

The sheikh's heir not only wins awards for Dubai, attracts investors, does charity work and loves extreme sports. He is modest, smart and well-mannered. The ideal image of an eastern prince. By the way, Hamdan ibn Mohammed al-Maktoum is still not married.
