Why do you dream about a T-shirt? Black T-shirt I dreamed that I was wearing a white T-shirt

An unusual, interesting and ambiguous symbol - this is what a white T-shirt that appears in a night dream means, according to dream books. In some cases, this item of clothing promises joy, in others - loss and sadness. Often this simple clothing serves as a warning to the sleeper. But from what? This is what you have to find out by reading all the predictions about what a white T-shirt means in dreams.

Miller's interpretation

Psychologist Gustav Miller in his predictions, first of all, takes into account the accompanying circumstances and details of the dream. If you dreamed that young people or children were wearing white T-shirts, this is a good sign that promises the sleeping person a surge of strength, energy, joy, and a good mood.

And an elderly gentleman in a dream, dressed in a white T-shirt, according to Miller, is a harbinger of grief and poor health.

An interesting interpretation is given to a sleepy plot in which a man, dressed like you in a white T-shirt, is moving towards you down the street. This vision suggests that soon there will be participation in a property dispute.

A mistake, a stupid thoughtless act can ruin your reputation - that’s why you dreamed that your white T-shirt was stained.

When in a dream you managed to wash a stain from snow-white clothes, know that in reality the victory will be yours, Miller promises.

Did you dream that someone else's T-shirt was stolen? You are, in fact, a decisive, unpredictable person, ready to defend your interests and rights to the end.

All kinds of manipulations

If in a dream you were dressed in a white T-shirt, then the long-awaited romantic rendezvous will take place very soon. Moreover, according to Zhou Gong’s dream book, such a vision confirms that the charm and magnetism of the sleeper will increase many times over. The catch is that from now on he will attract the attention of not only people he likes, but also those whom he clearly would not want to see in his environment.

The Esoteric Dream Book explains why you dreamed of a white T-shirt, without which you allegedly cannot imagine any outfit for every day and for going out. It turns out that this is a symbol of great happiness. Moreover, any trifle can serve as a reason for such a state. But perhaps this is an indicator that you are a cheerful person, an optimist.

Love affairs, erotic pleasures - this is what dreams of taking off a white T-shirt mean. True, all these adventures will bring a lot of excitement. A T-shirt turned inside out in a dream is a sign that the sleeper will look at the world around him differently and a revolution will occur in his consciousness.


On a snow-white T-shirt, like on any plain light-colored clothing, all the flaws and errors are visible.

Sweat stains appearing on a white T-shirt in a dream suggest that the sleeper will have to fight in intense competition with rivals in sports, business, and on the love front.

Holes in a dreamed white T-shirt indicate the dreamer's dissatisfaction with himself and his desire to change.

But bloody stains on this piece of clothing in a dream suggest that in reality there is no reason to doubt the devotion and sincerity of the other half.

Sometimes you dream of a white T-shirt as a signal that someone close to you needs help.

If a representative of the stronger sex sees a homely, unattractive person in such attire, then the dream book warns: the authority of the sleeper is under threat!

If a white T-shirt peeks out from under the skirt of a black suit, the dreamer will soon have to make a choice between independence and material stability and prosperity.

About a sense of proportion

The most unexpected interpretation of the vision of a snow-white T-shirt is given by the dream book of Birthday People. It turns out that perfectly white clothes are often dreamed of by extremely gullible, naive people. Therefore, the dream interpreter recommends being more careful and prudent.

But the interpretation of the same plot in the dream book of Lovers pleases. The dreamer's attractiveness will noticeably increase in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex - that's what a snow-white T-shirt means.

Unisex and other details

Is the white T-shirt you dreamed of clearly out of size? If a lady in a dream sees herself dressed in short, small clothes, then in reality she sometimes behaves inappropriately for her age, tries to look young, which looks strange and even annoys those around her.

But according to the Eastern Dream Book, such a vision is a recommendation: refrain from sorting things out over trifles, insignificant disputes, otherwise a huge scandal will happen in the family.

When figuring out why clothes are dreamed of, it is necessary to take into account what kind of thing you saw in a dream. For example, a T-shirt means you are immersed in work. Please note, this will not end well. The dream book warns: as a result of the monotony of everyday life and the lack of positive emotions, there is a risk of driving yourself into depression and losing interest in the world around you.

Miller's interpretation

A psychologist deciphers a T-shirt in a dream as changes in your personal life.

For a woman, if she is wearing a male model of clothing, the vision predicts the appearance of a new admirer. The thing is turned inside out, the dream book warns: the gentleman is misleading, trying to assign character traits that are unusual for him.

We put on a T-shirt from the store without even removing the tag. Miller foresees: in order to achieve the attention and favor of the person you like, you will use any tricks.

Why dream of wearing clothes covered in stains? You will lose authority among your friends.


The interpretation of the vision changes along with the color of the wardrobe detail.

  • White clothes - the dream book interprets them as sadness and despondency. A friend or relative will be to blame for your bad mood
  • If the thing is black, despite bad premonitions, the mood will be wonderful.
  • If yellow shades predominate, the dream book predicts wealth, prosperity, comfort and universal recognition await you.
  • Green - a cheerful mood, absence of illnesses and good health are guaranteed.
  • In a dream, you tried on a blue T-shirt - at work, circumstances are in your favor, and at home there is peace and mutual understanding.
  • Orange - have a good time and have fun with close friends.
  • Why do you dream of a blue T-shirt? Your finest hour is approaching - your most cherished dream will come true.
  • Red - the dream book promises a storm of feelings, passion, and an abundance of impressions.

If there is no predominant color, and the color of the T-shirt is variegated, then your loved one will present a pleasant surprise.


Loff's dream book deciphered the purchase of red clothes in a dream as follows: soon there will be an opportunity to relax with family. If the new thing was a little tight, then expect a surge of feelings for your significant other.

Freud points out: if in a dream you spent a long time choosing a red T-shirt for your boyfriend, but left the store empty-handed, it means that your sex life has become boring, boring, and there are not enough new sensations.

Got a black T-shirt? The lunar dream book suggests: if your clothes are too big, then it’s time to improve relationships with neighbors and employees.

A T-shirt that is one size smaller or smaller means you overwhelm those around you with your authority.


Why do you dream of receiving a T-shirt as a present? Medea predicts changes at work.

If the clothes in a dream are white, but of a strange cut, the manager will make you an unusual offer.

Are you giving a snow-white T-shirt? The Muslim dream book prophesies: your actions will upset someone around you. Did the husband receive the offering? In reality, they will try to harm him. This unfavorable interpretation is explained by the fact that in the East, light clothes are a symbol of sadness and sadness.

Dressy and ordinary

Why do you dream when you had to put on a wet T-shirt? Miss Hasse promises unexpected changes.

The weather outside did not allow me to wear my favorite T-shirt. Longo, compiling a dream book, indicated: the changes that have occurred, although they will not bring trouble, will upset you.

For a woman in a dream, a meeting with a friend who is wearing an unusual T-shirt foretells that in the near future her inner world will begin to change dramatically.

Wearing a beautiful T-shirt on a lover predicts the beginning of a new stage in a relationship. Perhaps you will receive a marriage proposal.

If a man cannot find his favorite T-shirt, the dream book is upsetting: hopes for a promotion will not come true.


I dreamed of torn clothes with dirty stains. The gypsy dream book prophesies the appearance of false rumors and slander spread by ill-wishers. But if the soiled T-shirt was lost in a dream, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation and remain with a profit.

Dream Interpretation T-shirt

Few dreamers will pay attention and remember such an insignificant detail as wearing a T-shirt. In reality, this wardrobe item is popular among both children and adults.

As for night visions, the dreamed outerwear will tell you not only about taste preferences or adherence to fashion trends, but will also reveal the secrets of the future and allow you to sort out accumulated thoughts. When figuring out what a T-shirt is in a dream, the right decision would be to look at the pages of the dream book.

For hardworking people whose workdays are spent in the office, the image of a T-shirt symbolizes fatigue, lethargy, boredom and other feelings caused by a long lack of rest.

If in a dream the thing you wear gives you confidence, then in reality you will be able to carry out your plan without obstacles; the discomfort experienced will hint that in order to make your dream come true, you need to complete things abandoned halfway and break off burdensome ties, the family interpreter will assure.

Casual outfit according to dream books

Long-awaited changes will please the dreamer when he dreams about new T-shirts, assures the interpreter of the medium Hasse. Will all dream book predictions turn out to be so positive?

Dreamed of new casual clothes

  • As the modern combined dream book says, a dirty T-shirt in dreams means bad thoughts, wicked deeds; a clean outfit, on the contrary, is associated with crystal honesty.
  • According to interpreter N. Grishina, a daily item of clothing will tell about the emotional state of a sleeping person. Crumpled fabric is a sign of fatigue, physical and moral; an ironed T-shirt hints at a well-rounded personality.
  • The changes will not affect the person who put on his favorite T-shirt in a dream. Such an image hints at the protection of higher powers, interpreter Longo is convinced.
  • According to Freud's dream book, a dream speaks of a possible marriage, where, according to the plot, a girl dared to wear a tight T-shirt.

A wet fabric in the rain in dreams symbolizes failures, the occurrence of obstacles, a series of absurd accidents, and hints at the existence of difficulties in communicating with dear people.

Plot Features

Each plot is unique in its own way and carries a certain meaning exclusively for the sleeping person. Associations with the image of a T-shirt can be completely different.

I dream of a very bright pattern on clothes

For people who miss carefree youth, seeing clothes with bright patterns will mean a desire to get rid of the constancy and monotony of everyday life.

The dreamed gift, represented by a new T-shirt, is interpreted by the sorceress Medea as upcoming career changes, a promotion up the career ladder, or an increase in salary.

Giving T-shirts yourself in a dream is a sign of failure among relatives, and all sorrows will occur through the fault of the dreamer if the clothes turn out to be white.

Fabric color

Such a detail as the color of the T-shirt deserves the dreamer’s special attention. Since this outfit is everyday wear in reality for almost every person, when the T-shirt comes into contact with the body in dreams, the image will take over the internal energy and feelings of the dreamer.

According to the esoteric predictor, black fabric will indicate the anxiety the dreamer is experiencing, and white matter will indicate that the person is in harmony with his own inner world and those around him in reality.

Delicate pastel colors will mean calm, family comfort, and colorful T-shirts dream of receiving new emotions, a surge of adrenaline, and foreshadow an exciting journey.

Have a nice shopping

According to the plot of the dream, you had to look for a T-shirt in the market? There is a desire to step away from current obligations and go on vacation.

Family joys await a woman who in her dreams had the opportunity to choose T-shirts for her children or her husband.

Buying a T-shirt for yourself is a sign of the subconscious, hinting at an existing desire to change reality and get rid of bad habits.

The time has come to make new acquaintances in reality, when I dreamed of buying outerwear several sizes larger. Clothes that are too small in dreams will indicate circumstances that tie your hands and feet.

Dream about clothes that don't fit

According to the lunar dream book, squeezing clothing is a sign that you are suppressing your loved ones with authority, demanding them to do the impossible.

Characteristics of a psychologist

You may dream of a T-shirt as a symbol of dramatic changes in the personal life of a sleeping person. Psychoanalyst Miller believes that this item of clothing, hanging on the back of a chair in dreams, represents falling in love.

Having seen such a plot, in reality women will meet an enviable gentleman; for men, a night dream predicts the temptation of a stranger, an affair at work.

The fan turns out not to be who he says he is when, in the plot of the dream, the young lady tries on a T-shirt inside out.

In the struggle for the attention of the object of adoration, the dreamer will use any methods - this is how Miller interprets the dream of wearing a T-shirt with a tag or price tag.

Other meanings

Dirty outerwear, be it a T-shirt, a shirt, or a T-shirt, symbolizes a loss of respect and lack of support. What other interesting meanings will the interpreter provide?

  • As the Gypsy Dream Book insists, torn things in dreams are identified with the envy of enemies.
  • An innocent person will be accused in reality soon after a dream where he had to wash stains from a T-shirt.
  • Provocations are not scary for the person who dares to wear a dirty thing in their dreams, says the idiomatic dream book.
  • A woman, if she needs to choose a T-shirt for a man according to the vision scenario, is destined to find a man who will provide her with everything she needs.

The men's department of a store with T-shirts is dreamed of by those who care about their own reputation, try to establish contacts with new acquaintances, and establish business relationships with potential customers.

Your mark:

Why does Mike dream in a dream according to the dream book?

For a young woman, a dream in which she looks with pleasure at a handsome male torso covered in a T-shirt- means that she has problems communicating with the opposite sex, although she is unlikely to admit this to herself.

If you see someone wearing a holey T-shirt under decent clothes- be vigilant: your ill-wishers will try to mislead you.

Feel how tight you are in a T-shirt- a sign that you will be offered to participate in a certain project. Think twice, do you need it?

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Mike?

Seeing yourself in a dream in a T-shirt- means that you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but having freed yourself from him, you risk losing your stable financial position.

If you see a dirty T-shirt with traces of sweat on you- You will have a fight with enemies. A business man has such a dream- portends the emergence of strong competitors. The athlete faces a competition with an opponent of equal strength.

Wearing a T-shirt inside out in a dream- means that you have to dramatically change your opinion about one of your friends.

A torn T-shirt is a dream if you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and are trying to change it.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Mike dream about in his dream?

Seeing a T-shirt in a dream- for chores around the house, putting it on - for a date with a loved one, taking it off - for love pleasures, wearing it - to gain the ability to rejoice and be cheerful without special reasons.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Mike in a dream?

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream- means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image, moving away from your current environment, starting new affairs and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

Light or white T-shirt- portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark- your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you achieve your plans and luck will not leave you in the future.

Dirty, old or torn T-shirt- to minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Washing a T-shirt in a dream- put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream your T-shirt, which was drying on the street among other laundry, was stolen- this portends sadness and disappointment for you in reality.

Men's simple T-shirt- portends deception and warns about caution in dealing with strangers.

Elegant children's T-shirt- calls for caution, otherwise a decision made at random can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until your next salary.

Video: Why do you dream about Mike?

The content of the article

T-shirt according to the dream book from A to Z

Buying a fashionable sports-style T-shirt in a dream means that in reality you will make an attempt to change your image by moving away from your current environment, starting new affairs and acquaintances, as well as love affairs.

A light or white T-shirt - portends illness or grief from drunkenness, black or dark - your energy and optimism, multiplied by enthusiasm, will help you achieve your plans and luck will not leave you in the future.

A dirty, old or torn T-shirt means minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings. Wash a T-shirt in a dream - you will put things in order at home and at work. If in a dream your T-shirt, which was drying on the street among other laundry, was stolen, this portends sadness and disappointment for you in reality.

Men's simple T-shirt - portends deception and warns about caution in dealing with strangers.

A smart children's T-shirt calls for caution, otherwise a decision made at random can lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough money until your next paycheck.

T-shirt according to the Modern Dream Book

Seeing yourself in a T-shirt in a dream means that you are burdened by the patronage of an influential person, but having freed yourself from him, you risk losing your stable financial position.

If you see a dirty T-shirt on you, with traces of sweat, a fight with enemies awaits you. For a business person, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of strong competitors. The athlete faces a competition with an opponent of equal strength.

Wearing a T-shirt inside out in a dream means that you have to dramatically change your opinion about one of your friends.

A torn T-shirt is a dream if you are unhappy with the state of your affairs and are trying to change it.

T-shirt according to the Eastern Dream Book

For a young woman, a dream in which she happily looks at a handsome male torso covered in a T-shirt means that she has problems communicating with the opposite sex, although she is unlikely to admit this to herself.

If you see that someone is wearing a holey T-shirt under decent clothes, be careful: your ill-wishers will try to mislead you.

Feeling how tight you are in a T-shirt is a sign that you will be offered to participate in a certain project. Think twice, do you need it?

T-shirt according to Catherine the Great's dream book

T-shirt - You see a T-shirt on yourself - someone is patronizing you against your will; sometimes it seems to you that this someone is not so much patronizing as guiding; you have to do something completely different from what you would like, but you are paid well. You are wearing a dirty T-shirt - you have influential enemies or dangerous competitors, but you yourself are not without influence; there is a struggle ahead. You dreamed of a T-shirt - you put on a T-shirt inside out - your opinion about someone you know will change; perhaps you will change yourself. It’s like you tore your T-shirt - you are not satisfied with how your affairs are developing; you will take some steps to change the situation.

T-shirt according to O. Adaskin's dream book

Seeing a T-shirt is a sign of household chores; put on - for a date with a person who interests you very much; Why do you dream of taking off your T-shirt - to the joys of love; Why do you dream of wearing a T-shirt - to feel the happiness of living (without specific reasons).

T-shirt according to the 21st century dream book

Seeing a T-shirt in a dream means chores around the house, putting it on means a date with a loved one, taking it off means love pleasures, wearing it means acquiring the ability to rejoice and be cheerful without any special reason.
