How to correctly change thermal paste on a laptop. How to apply thermal paste to a processor? Detailed instructions and useful recommendations

DBMS MySQL is one of the many databases supported in PHP. The MySQL system is distributed free of charge and has sufficient power to solve real problems.

A Brief Introduction to MySQL

SQL is an abbreviation for the words Structured Query Language, which stands for Structured Query Language. This language is a standard tool for accessing various databases.

The MySQL system is a server to which users on remote computers can connect.

To work with databases, it is convenient to use the tool included in the Web developer kit: Denwer phpMyAdmin. Here you can create a new database, create a new table in the selected database, populate the table with data, and add, delete, and edit data.

MySQL defines three basic data types: numeric, datetime, and string. Each of these categories is divided into many types. The main ones:

Each column contains other specifiers after its data type:

NOT NULLAll table rows must have a value in this attribute. If not specified, the field may be empty (NULL)
AUTO_INCREMENTA special MySQL feature that can be used on numeric columns. If you leave this field blank when inserting rows into a table, MySQL automatically generates a unique ID value. This value will be one greater than the maximum value already existing in the column. Each table can have no more than one such field. Columns with AUTO_INCREMENT must be indexed
PRIMARY KEYThe column is the primary key for the table. The data in this column must be unique. MySQL automatically indexes this column
UNSIGNEDAfter an integer type means that its value can be either positive or zero
COMMENTTable column name

Creating a new MySQL database CREATE DATABASE.


Creating a new table carried out using SQL command CREATE TABLE. For example, the books table for a bookstore will contain five fields: ISBN, author, title, price, and number of copies:

CREATE TABLE books (ISBN CHAR(13) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ISBN), author VARCHAR(30), title VARCHAR(60), price FLOAT(4,2), quantity TINYINT UNSIGNED); To avoid an error message if the table already exists, you must change the first line by adding the phrase "IF NOT EXISTS": CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS books ...

For creating auto-updating field with the current date of type TIMESTAMP or DATETIME, use the following construction:


Addition data into this table is carried out using the SQL command INSERT. For example:

INSERT INTO books (ISBN, author, title, price, quantity) VALUES ("5-8459-0184-7", "Zandstra Mat", "Master PHP4 on your own in 24 hours", "129", "5");

To retrieve data from a table, use the operator SELECT. It retrieves data from the database by selecting rows that match a given search criteria. The SELECT statement comes with quite a number of options and use cases.

The * indicates that all fields are required. For example:

SELECT * FROM books;

To access only a specific field, you must specify its name in the SELECT statement. For example:

SELECT author, title, price FROM books;

To access a subset of rows in a table, you must specify a selection criterion that specifies the construct WHERE. For example, to select available inexpensive books about PHP, you need to create a query:

SELECT * FROM books WHERE price % Matches any number of characters, even null ones
_ Matches exactly one character

To ensure that the rows retrieved by a query are listed in a specific order, the construction is used ORDER BY. For example:

SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY price;

Default order sorting goes in ascending order. You can reverse the sort order using a keyword DESC:


Sort It is also possible for several columns. Instead of column names, you can use their serial numbers:

SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY 4, 2, 3;

To change the values ​​​​previously recorded in the table, you need to use the command UPDATE. For example, the price of all books was increased by 10%:

UPDATE books SET price = price * 1.1;

The WHERE clause will limit the UPDATE operation to certain rows. For example:

UPDATE books SET price = price * 1.05 WHERE price

To remove rows from the database, use the operator DELETE. Unneeded rows are specified using the WHERE clause. For example, some books have been sold:

DELETE FROM books WHERE quantity = 0;

If you need to delete all entries


To completely delete a table use:

DROP TABLE table_name

Connecting PHP with MySQL Database

After working with phpMyAdmin to create the database, you can begin connecting the database to the external Web interface.

To access a database from the Web using PHP, you need to take the following basic steps:

  • Connecting to the MySQL server.
  • Selecting a database.
  • Executing a database query:
    • addition;
    • deletion;
    • change;
    • search;
    • sorting.
  • Getting the result of the request.
  • Disconnect from the database.

To connect to a database server in PHP there is a function mysql_connect(). Its arguments are computer name, username and password. These arguments can be omitted. By default, computer name = localhost , then username and password are not required. If PHP is used in combination with the Apache server, then you can use the function mysql_pconnect(). In this case, the connection to the server does not disappear after the program exits or the function is called mysql_close(). Functions mysql_connect() And mysql_pconnect() return the connection ID if everything was successful. For example:

$link = mysql_pconnect(); if (!$link) die ("Unable to connect to MySQL");

Once the connection to the MySQL server is established, you need to select a database. To do this, use the function mysql_select_db(). Its argument is the database name. The function returns true if the specified database exists and can be accessed. For example:

$db = "sample"; mysql_select_db($db) or die("Unable to open $db");

To add, delete, modify, and select data, you must construct and execute an SQL query. There is a function for this in PHP mysql_query(). Its argument: a query string. The function returns the request ID.

Example 1

Adding an entry to a table

Each time Example 1 is executed, a new record will be added to the table containing the same data. Of course, it makes sense to add user-entered data to the database.

Example 2.1 shows an HTML form for adding new books to the database.

Example 2.1

HTML form for adding new books

The results of filling out this form are sent to insert_book.php.

Example 2.2

Program for adding new books (file insert_book.php) Please go back and finish typing"); ) $isbn = trim ($_POST["isbn"]); $author = trim ($_POST["author"]); $title = trim ($_POST["title" ]) ; $isbn = addslashes ($isbn); $author = addslashes ($author); $title = addslashes ($title) ; $db = "sample"; $link = mysql_connect(); if (!$link) die ("Unable to connect to MySQL"); mysql_select_db ($db) or die ("Unable to open $db"); $query = "INSERT INTO books VALUES ("" .$isbn."", "".$author. "", "".$title."", "" .floatval($_POST["price"]).", "".intval($_POST["quantity"])."")"; $result = mysql_query ($query); if ($result) echo "The book has been added to the database."; mysql_close ($link); ?>

In example 2.2, the entered string data is processed by the function addslashes(). This function adds backslashes before single quotes ("), double quotes ("), backslash (\), and null bytes. The fact is that, according to the requirements of database query systax, such symbols must be enclosed in quotes.

To determine the number of records as a result of a query, use the function mysql_num_rows().

All query result records can be viewed in a loop. Before doing this, using the function mysql_fetch_ For each record, an associative array is obtained.

Example 3.1 shows an HTML form for searching for specific books in a database.

Example 3.1

HTML book search form
Searching by:

What are we looking for:

The results of filling out this form are sent to search_book.php.

Example 3.2

Please go back and finish typing"); $searchterm = addslashes ($searchterm); $link = mysql_pconnect(); if (!$link) die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $db = "sample"; mysql_select_db ($db) or die("Unable to open $db"); $query = "SELECT * FROM books WHERE " .$_POST["searchtype"]." like "%".$searchterm."%""; $result = mysql_query ($query); $n = mysql_num_rows ($result); for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "

".($i+1). $row["title"]. "

"; ) if ($n == 0) echo "We have nothing to offer. Sorry"; mysql_close($link); ?>

Alternative option

Book search program (file search_book.php) Please go back and finish typing"); $searchterm = addslashes ($searchterm); mysql_connect() or die ("Unable to connect to MySQL"); mysql_select_db ("sample") or die ("Unable to open the database"); $ result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE ".$_POST["searchtype"]." like "%".$searchterm."%""); $i=1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) ( echo "

".($i++) . $row["title"]."
"; echo "Author: ".$row["author"]."
"; echo "ISBN: ".$row["ISBN"]."
"; echo "Price: ".$row["price"]."
"; echo "Quantity: ".$row["quantity"]."

"; ) if ($i == 1) echo "We have nothing to offer. Sorry"; mysql_close(); ?>

So, how does Web database architecture work:

  1. The user's Web browser issues an HTTP request for a specific Web page. For example, a user using an HTML form searches for all books about PHP. The form processing page is called search_book.php.
  2. The web server receives a request for search_book.php, retrieves this file and passes it on to the PHP engine for processing.
  3. PHP connects to the MySQL server and sends the request.
  4. The server accepts a database request, processes it, and sends the result (a list of books) back to the PHP engine.
  5. The PHP engine finishes executing the script and formats the request result in HTML. After this, the result in the form of HTML is returned to the Web server.
  6. The Web server forwards the HTML to the browser, and the user is able to view the requested list of books.

Using the transaction mechanism

Using the transaction mechanism as an example of how to transfer money from one person to another

If(mysql_query ("BEGIN") && mysql_query ("UPDATE money SET amt = amt - 6 WHERE name = "Eve"") && mysql_query ("UPDATE money SET amt = amt + 6 WHERE name = "Ida"") && mysql_query ("COMMIT"))( echo "Successful"; )else( mysql_query ("ROLLBACK"); echo "Not successful"; )


If you run multiple processes that make select queries on the same table, they may select the same record at the same time.

To avoid the above-mentioned situation, it is necessary to execute not just a SELECT query, but its extended version, which many are not even aware of: SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.

Thus, when executing this query, all affected records in the database will be locked until the session with the database is completed or until the record data is updated. Another script will not be able to select blocked records until one of the mentioned conditions occurs.

However, not all so simple. You need to fulfill a few more conditions. First, your table must be based on the InnoDB architecture. Otherwise, the blocking simply will not work. Secondly, before performing the selection, you must disable query auto-commit. Those. in other words, automatic execution of the request. After you specify the UPDATE request, you will need to access the database again and commit the changes using the COMMIT command:

Laptop overheating is almost always a current problem and is far from new. Overheating is most often caused by worn-out thermal paste, as well as dust that gets inside the laptop and is compressed into an airtight flap, thereby trapping heat inside the case. The CPU and GPU almost always overheat, as they are considered the most active components of the computer. If you notice that your laptop makes a lot of noise, constantly freezes or turns off, then it needs to be cleaned.

Why should you contact a service center?

At the first signs of overheating, we recommend contacting the ITSA service center. Our specialists will thoroughly clean the cooling system components, replace thermal paste, and lubricate the cooler. After cleaning, we check the computer's stability using a special series of stress tests to determine whether the problem is resolved. In addition, we provide a guarantee for all types of work from 1 to 12 months inclusive. In some cases, you can try cleaning and replacing thermal paste yourself.

Self-cleaning and replacing thermal paste

Important! If your laptop is still under warranty, then disassembling it yourself will automatically void it. You do all manipulations at your own peril and risk.

Let us immediately note that we strongly do not recommend repairing laptops that require complete disassembly yourself. There are a number of reasons for this:

When disassembling, there is a risk of damage to fragile internal cables (keyboard, touchpad, power supply, etc.).

There are a lot of screws in the laptop. If you forget to unscrew one of them, then dismantling any component of the laptop can lead to mechanical damage, which is often not always repairable.

Incorrect disassembly sequence also significantly increases the risk of mechanical damage.

Below we will tell you how to replace thermal paste on laptops with simple disassembly.

Simple disassembly (or category 1 disassembly) involves partial disassembly of the laptop, which depends on its design features. In some cases, to gain access to the cooling system, it is enough to remove the cover of the bottom compartment of the laptop.

Before you begin disassembly, prepare the following tools:

1) A Phillips screwdriver of the appropriate size.

2) High-quality thermal paste (NOT KPT-8).

3) Isopropyl alcohol 70%. Best of all is 96% ethyl.

4) A soft brush about 5 cm wide.

5) A soft piece of fabric without lint.

Important! Before opening the laptop, be sure to unplug it and remove the battery! Without this, do not proceed with disassembly.

Once you have the tool at hand, you can begin disassembling.

Step 1

Turn the laptop over and remove the rear compartment mounting screws. It may look different for different models. Usually the cooler vents are located on it.

Step 2.

Carefully remove the compartment cover and set it aside. You will see the main components of the laptop: cooler, copper radiator and RAM (depending on the specific model).

Step 3.

Turn off the power to the cooler, unscrew the screws that secure it and then carefully remove it.

Note: in some models the cooler is attached directly to the radiator. In this case, it is removed along with the radiator.

Step 4.

To remove the radiator, you need to unscrew 4 bolts, marked 1, 2, 3, 4. You need to unscrew them strictly in order. First, unscrew each of them one by one by 3-4 turns. Then, in the same sequence, unscrew them completely. This procedure is necessary in order to avoid distortion of the cooling system and damage to the processor crystal.

Step 5.

By removing the cooling system, you will have access to the central processor and video card. Carefully remove any remaining old thermal paste from the CPU and GPU dies, as well as from the heatsink. To do this, use a soft, lint-free cloth. Then moisten the cloth with isopropyl or ethyl alcohol and also carefully degrease the surface of the radiator and chips.

If the thermal paste has dried out and turned into stone, then under no circumstances use sharp metal objects (knife, scissors, games, etc.) to remove it. Try soaking the old thermal paste with alcohol or, as a last resort, use a plastic card. The ideal option would be to purchase a special thermal interface cleaner (for example, Akasa TIM-clean).

Step 6.

Use a brush and soft cloth to remove dust from the cooler and radiator. Gently wipe the blades.

Step 7

Apply thermal paste to the processor and video card. Thermal paste needs to be applied literally in a drop. The “more is better” option is not appropriate here. The main purpose of thermal paste is not to create a layer, but to fill microvoids between the heatsink and the chip. It can be applied either in the form of a small drop on the center of the crystal, or spread in a thin, uniform layer over the surface of the chip.

Step 8

Reinstall the cooling system in the same order in which you removed it. Try to avoid skewing it. Be sure to tighten the bolts strictly in order (1, 2, 3, 4) and do not forget to first tighten them 2-3 turns, and then tighten them in the same sequence.

Step 9

Place the cooler in place, screw in the mounting bolts and connect the power.

Step 10

Close the compartment cover and tighten the mounting screws.

That's it, the laptop is ready to work.

Note: There is widespread advice on the Internet to remove dust using a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air. We do not recommend using this cleaning method, since if there is a strong accumulation of dust, pieces of it can get under the cooler blades and jam it, which will lead to breakdown. It is permissible to use a vacuum cleaner with a small amount of dust, although it most likely will not bring any noticeable results.

Preventing computer overheating

Avoid working on soft surfaces (sofa, carpet, bed). The blanket will easily block the ventilation holes, and the carpet will also contribute to lint clogging.

Bring your computer in for service at least once a year. The technicians will clean it and diagnose it.

If you notice that your computer is unstable or turns off when running a resource-intensive application, it is better not to try to run such an application, but to immediately take your computer for service.

If you have any problems with self-service, please contact IT Service, our specialists will help solve your problem with.

Our address: Odessa, lane. Karetny 18, ITSA. 0961154611

Often laptop performance problems are related to overheating. To avoid them and extend the life of the laptop, the device must be regularly cleaned of dust, not forgetting to change the old thermal paste. We'll talk further about what thermal paste for a laptop is, how to change it correctly, how often and why it should be done, and whether thermal pads can be used.

Composition, properties and features of choosing thermal paste

Its multicomponent composition includes fillers from microdispersed powders of metals and their oxides, and synthetic and mineral oils are used as a binder.

The main property of thermal paste for laptops is its high thermal conductivity, much better than that of air. Therefore, when a layer of this material is applied to the junction of the processor and the radiator, normal temperature conditions for the laptop are ensured. Without thermal paste or with old “stiff” substance, the processor will simply burn out.

A signal for the need to change the old thermal paste can be severe overheating of the laptop processor, even under a relatively light load.

You can choose both domestic brands (KPT-8 and AlSil-3) and foreign ones. According to their characteristics, they are identical, but imported ones are slightly more expensive. An additional advantage of domestic pastes is their relative ease of application, since the latter have a more liquid consistency.

If desired, the thermal paste recommended by the processor manufacturer can be found on its website. Usually the results of tests and testing of various pastes are posted there, specific recommendations are given on how to change them and choose the composition. Also try to purchase only high-quality materials for replacement, avoid too cheap ones, as they may turn out to be counterfeit.

Make sure that the paste composition is completely homogeneous– the presence of lumps and foreign inclusions in it is unacceptable, since air layers can form that impair thermal conductivity.

Is it worth buying a thermal pad?

First, let's define what a thermal pad is. This is a thin elastic sheet consisting of a base and filler. The base can be rubber or silicone. The latter has the best consumer qualities, but it all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the materials used. Thermal pads should be stored for no more than a year, so only fresh products should be used. Chinese materials work for about a year and a half, after which they require replacement.

The most important thing is why and whether it is possible to use a thermal pad instead of thermal paste or vice versa. It is recommended to use those materials that the manufacturer himself uses. The thermal pad is indispensable if the distance between the cooling device and the radiator is large (about 1 mm). Otherwise, if you apply a thick layer of thermal paste to the chip instead of a gasket, the device will burn out. Below is a photo of a thermal pad that has dried out and requires replacement.

Rules and procedure for replacing thermal paste

The paste must be changed with the utmost care; it should not be smeared on electronic components and tracks, since it is a conductor due to the inclusion of metal chips. If you do not follow this rule, a short circuit may occur, which will cause the failure of important components of the laptop.

It is better to prepare all the materials and tools necessary for the work in advance. You will need:

  1. The thermal paste itself;
  2. Slotted and Phillips screwdriver;
  3. Unnecessary plastic card;
  4. A stationery knife and a soft napkin.

When choosing a rag or wipe for removing thermal paste, immediately discard materials with abrasive properties or those that leave pellets when used. Surface scratches and foreign inclusions due to poor removal of old material can significantly impair heat transfer.

Sequence of actions when replacing thermal paste

You can change the paste only after disassembling the laptop case. Great care must be taken at this stage to avoid breaking the fragile plastic parts. This is done in the following sequence:

At the final stage of assembly, it is important to correctly mount the cooling radiator. Make sure that when it comes into contact with the processor, the thermal paste does not squeeze out. This is possible if it was applied in too thick a layer. In the future, when carrying out the procedure for cleaning your laptop from dust, do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the thermal paste. If it dries out, the processor will quickly fail.

Laptop thermal paste is a popular consumable.

Both desktop and laptop computers require periodic replacement of the heat-conducting layer that protects the processor from overheating.

The average service life of the paste depends on the frequency of use of the device, and, as a rule, does not exceed a year: during this time, the paste usually either becomes clogged with dust or dries out.

Fortunately, the procedure for replacing thermal paste is not very complicated.

If you can disassemble and reassemble a computer, and then it still works, you can definitely handle replacing the paste.

Replacement frequency

You can determine that your laptop needs to replace the thermal paste based on the following signs:

  • increased boot time when turning on the laptop or waking up from sleep mode;
  • slower response to user commands;
  • increased noise from the cooler, causing discomfort during operation of the device;
  • Rapid heating of the bottom cover and keyboard.
  • Want more details about CPU temperature monitoring? Read in our material:

    The principle of operation of thermal paste

    Using thermal paste for a laptop processor allows you to avoid overheating and subsequent repairs to the chipset itself, motherboard or video card.

    Although sometimes the same parts can overheat due to dust accumulated on them - in this case, not only replacing the paste, but also cleaning the laptop computer will help solve the problem.

    Thermal paste, also called a thermal interface, is a connecting link between the heat exchanger and the processor, increasing the efficiency of their operation.

    The purpose of the material is to fill the gaps and irregularities between the heatsink and the top of the chipset, which guarantees the normal operation of the laptop's cooling system.

    Fig.2. Correct distribution of thermal paste over the surface.

    During operation of the device, air gaps appear between the contacting surfaces of the processor housing and the radiator.

    The reason for this is the slight roughness of the contacting parts.

    And the air gap, even if it is small in size, negatively affects heat removal from the heating chipset.

    The reduction in thermal conductivity can reach 15–20 percent. After applying thermal paste, uneven surfaces are filled, and heat transfer from the processor increases.

    The high thermal conductivity of the material contributes to the rapid cooling of the chipset.

    Selecting a thermal interface

    In order to restore the normal speed of a laptop that has decreased as a result of excessive overheating of the processor, it is not enough to simply change the thermal paste.

    It is also important to do this on time and choose the right material. Now there are quite a few types of pastes on the market, differing in most characteristics, including cost.

    To make the right choice, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

    The packaging of many thermal pastes contains information indicating the presence of microparticles of ceramics, silver and carbon in their composition.

    Despite the fact that this data is a marketing ploy by manufacturers, the point of using such additives is to increase the thermal conductivity of the system.

    Getting between the surfaces of the radiator and the chipset, silver particles help increase heat transfer and cool the processor.

    Main stages of paste replacement

    The main steps for replacing thermal conductive paste on a laptop are:

    • disassembling the device according to instructions that can be downloaded from the Internet;
    • removing the cooling system;
    • cleaning the radiator and processor from remnants of old material;
    • applying new paste;
    • laptop assembly.

    Having disassembled the laptop computer, you can see white, yellow or gray thermal paste on the base of the cooler and processor radiator.

    It should be removed using a damp cloth, cotton swabs or even a wooden ruler, depending on the degree of drying of the material.

    The paste is removed from both the chipset and the cooling system, since a new thermal insulator will be applied to the same surfaces.

    If the paste has dried too much, a cleaning cloth can be moistened with isopropyl alcohol to increase cleaning efficiency.

    Careful removal of the material is mandatory, since the surfaces of the radiator and chipset have a microrelief on which particles of the thermal insulator can be retained.

    If you leave dried out old thermal paste, heat transfer may be impaired, even if you choose and apply new one correctly.

    Advice! Don't forget to degrease the surface

    After the heatsink and processor are cleaned from the thermal interface, you need to let them dry. Now you should degrease the surface, and then you can apply new material.

    And the first stage of application is to place a drop of paste in the center of the chipset surface.

    The correct amount is determined by eye - just one light press on the plunger of the syringe in which the material is located.

    The reason the paste is applied to the CPU rather than the heatsink cooler is because the surface area of ​​the latter is too large.

    Excess thermal paste on the protruding parts of the cooling system may not only not help increase heat transfer, but also damage the laptop by causing shorted contacts on the motherboard.

    Whereas excess material on the surface of the chipset is quite noticeable and can be easily removed before it causes harm.

    To properly distribute the paste over the surface, it is best to use a plastic card. Can also be used:

    • a brush that is included with some thermal pastes;
    • special spatula;
    • SIM card from the phone;
    • latex gloves.

    The paste layer should be distributed evenly and in a layer approximately 1 mm thick. Additionally, a simple sheet of paper will help to even out the thermal paste.

    The process of applying the material ends with installing the cooling system in place and connecting the cooler.

    You can check the effectiveness of the replacement and correct assembly after rebooting the laptop and entering the BIOS.

    The temperature of the device’s processor after several minutes of operation should not exceed 40 degrees.

    If this condition is not met, the system may have been assembled incorrectly, or the problem may be not only dried out paste, but also a faulty fan.

    More details about replacing thermal paste yourself: .


    The paste should be replaced often enough to ensure that the processor does not overheat and the speed of the laptop does not decrease.

    It is difficult to determine the exact period for applying thermal paste to the processor, and they are guided mainly by the too high temperature of the device.

    How to monitor the temperature of the processor in the device, read in our material about and.

    It is best to carefully monitor parameters such as the temperature of the processor in a laptop using the appropriate widgets throughout the entire time of use, otherwise one day you will have to face the need for more serious repairs of a laptop computer.

    Want to read more about maintaining a normal computer temperature?

    The laptop began to get very hot, noisy and turned itself off? Most likely, if the computer is not new, then it is clogged with dust. We will tell you what to do in this case, and with the help of our instructions you can find out how to disassemble a laptop yourself, clean the cooling system from dust and perform replacing thermal paste on the processor, laptop video card. This procedure will help reduce the operating temperature of the processor by 15-20%.

    Modern laptops contain many powerful, heat-generating components that can often lead to overheating, especially if it is used heavily and is clogged with dust. If your laptop always gets very hot in certain areas and sometimes randomly shuts down, there is every reason to believe that the device is overheating.

    How to clean your laptop from dust at home

    And if your computer is no longer covered by warranty, don't worry. We have described step by step all the stages of the necessary work, and will show you exactly how to deal with overheating problems yourself. You can do all the necessary procedures for cleaning and replacing laptop thermal paste with your own hands.

    Cleaning the cooling system and replacing thermal paste in a laptop

    Method one: Disassembling the laptop and blowing out the cooling system with compressed air

    This method is intended for those who have little knowledge of the internal structure of a computer. Even if you have never dealt with computer equipment before, following these instructions you can simply and effectively repair an overheating laptop.

    Required Tools:

    • Small Phillips Screwdriver
    • Can of compressed air

    Step one: Disassembly. Removing the bottom cover of the laptop

    For this model, you only need to remove two screws (circled in red).

    Before you begin, make sure your laptop is completely turned off and not in sleep or hibernation mode. Also make sure you unplug the charger and remove the battery. If you are using an antistatic wrist strap, now is the time to ground it.

    The process for removing the back panel varies from model to model, but most will have a set of screws on the bottom of the laptop. Some models may have a couple of screws on the sides or back of the device. Also, keep in mind that not all of the screws on the bottom of the laptop are used to secure the back panel. Try following the outline to determine which screws need to be removed.

    Once all the necessary screws have been removed, you can remove the back cover. Most models will have a small lip that you can use to pry it off. Gently, without applying too much pressure, remove the panel. If you feel like it's not feeding, check to see if there are any screws that you may have missed. In rare cases, some screws may be hidden under stickers.

    *Note: Be sure to review your warranty information to see if it will be voided if you remove these stickers. Some companies do not allow you to open the system. If your laptop is still under warranty from the manufacturer and seller, it would be better to use warranty service.

    Step Two: Locating and Cleaning the Fan and Heat Sink

    Most modern laptops will have a cooling system similar to the one shown in the photo above, using copper heat pipes connecting the CPU and GPU to a copper heatsink near the fan. You need to carefully remove dust from the cooler impeller and in the radiator grilles. In most cases, dust collects between the fan and the radiator. The easiest way is to remove large clumps of dust with your fingers or tweezers, and then blow out the rest with a can of compressed air. Be careful not to bend the tubes or thin radiator grilles.

    Blow out the fan with compressed air, using short presses on the canister valve to prevent the fan blades from rotating too quickly. In addition, make sure that nothing prevents the impeller from rotating, otherwise it can be damaged and break off.

    Some laptop models may have multiple coolers and radiators. If so, then simply repeat the same procedure with each one.

    *Note: Always use the compressed air cylinder in the correct position, vertically. If you hold it on its side or upside down, the compressed air will escape in liquid form, which can damage electronic components.

    Step Three: Additional Cleaning and Reassembly of the Laptop

    Once you've completed this cleaning, go through the entire system, checking all openings, nooks and crannies for dust that could be blocking ventilation.

    Now you can reassemble the laptop in reverse order. Insert the battery, connect your charger, and enjoy a quiet laptop without overheating.

    Method two: major cleaning of the cooling system with complete disassembly and replacement of thermal paste

    This method is intended for more experienced computer users and involves removing the heatsink and applying new thermal paste to the processor and video card. If you have experience disassembling personal computers, you can easily follow these instructions.

    Required Tools:

    • Phillips screwdriver (to remove the back panel and heatsink)
    • Compressed air in a can.
    • Thermal paste (you can use the standard one - KPT-8)
    • Lint-free cleaning cloth
    • Pure isopropyl or denatured alcohol*
    • Any hard plastic card
    • Antistatic strap (optional, but recommended)

    *Note: Isopropyl alcohol must be 100% pure, meaning no added water, minerals, or oil.

    Step One: Removing the Back Panel

    This step is identical to the step in the first method. See above.

    Step two: Removing the radiator

    Most modern laptop models will use a combined GPU/CPU heatsink, with heat pipes running from the GPU unit to the CPU unit and connected to the heatsink fins near the fan. Typically, there will be several screws surrounding both the processor and video chip, and sometimes, screws securing the heatsink to the fan.

    Remove all these screws and carefully lift the radiator. You can move it slightly from side to side to release it. For models with multiple radiators, simply use the same procedure for each one.

    Old thermal paste residue can sometimes be difficult to clean off heatsinks and chips, especially when they are cold. It's a good idea to open the laptop soon after it's been used, while the components are still warm. This will make removing old thermal paste an easier and faster process.

    Step Three: Cleaning the Radiator

    Use compressed air to clear any dust from the grilles and cooler. Use the edge of a plastic card to clean off the old thermal paste from the heatsink. Remove as many as possible. Don't use any metal to do this. Heatsinks have tiny micro grooves to optimize cooling, so even a small scratch can compromise heat dissipation efficiency.

    Once the bulk of the thermal paste has been removed, use a lint-free cloth soaked in isopropyl or denatured alcohol to give the heatsink a final clean. We need to make it as clean as possible.

    Once you have cleaned the radiator, do not touch the contact surface with anything - even the slightest contamination, such as fingerprints, can interfere with cooling efficiency.

    Step Four: Cleaning the CPU and GPU

    Removing old thermal paste from the CPU and GPU crystals will be a similar process, although you will have to be much gentler. Here it is better to use only a cloth for cleaning. Make sure the cloth is not too wet with isopropyl and avoid getting any alcohol drops around your CPU or GPU. Just like with the heatsink, avoid contact with the surface of the processor or GPU after you have removed the old paste.

    Step Five: Apply New Thermal Paste

    There are generally accepted methods for applying thermal paste when replacing it. For mobile PC components, the most common method is to use a small drop of paste in the middle of the chip, and, using a clean plastic edge, spread the paste evenly across the top of the chip. Use the photo above as an example. The new layer of thermal paste should be as thick as a sheet of paper.

    It may be tempting to use more paste, but in reality you should use as little as possible, just enough to coat the chip die and fill all the micro grooves. Most high-end heat pastes contain silver particles for better heat transfer. When there is just a few microns of paste between the heatsink and the computer chip, these particles are evenly distributed and provide optimized heat transfer.

    Step Six: Reattaching the Radiator

    When everything is ready, very carefully place the heatsink on the chip and, using light pressure, move it from side to side, once or twice. This will help the thermal paste fill the micro grooves.

    After that, insert the screws. Lightly tighten them and then tighten them completely diagonally. Make sure to double check each screw.

    Step Seven: Reassembling the Laptop

    Simply repeat all disassembly steps in reverse order, remember to check that all cables and connectors are connected, use compressed air to clean any dusty components, and close the back panel. If you've had cooling problems before, you'll probably see a significant difference.

    Additional tips for protecting your laptop from overheating

    Many laptops draw air through special holes at the bottom for cooling. And using your laptop on your lap, on a sofa or other soft surface can significantly reduce air flow. In addition, the fabric is an additional source of dust and small lint. To avoid this, try using your laptop on flat, smooth surfaces such as tables or a small laptop-sized board.

    Pets also significantly contribute to device clogging. If you have pets, try to keep them away from your computer, especially in the summer when they shed and a significant amount of fur gets inside the case. Try not to pet your pet near your mobile PC when it is turned on.

    In this article, we described in detail how to clean your laptop from dust and replace the thermal paste on it yourself. And another tip, try to turn off your laptop when you are not using it. While the fan is on, it draws air, and with it, dust comes in. This measure is enough to reduce the amount of pollution by as much as 30%. May your laptop breathe easy!
