How to forget your husband's cheating advice from people. How to forget betrayal: advice from a psychologist

You suspected your husband of cheating. We tried different ways to find out the truth. And everything was confirmed. So what to do? What should we do now? Psychologist Galina Artemyeva discusses how best to behave after learning about her husband’s infidelity.

Remember the song: “I resolutely took off the jacket I had thrown on, I had the strength to seem proud, I told him: “All the best”...

First: do not rush to take off your jacket decisively. Cool down and think. Well, let's think about it together. It turned out that you were living with a traitor. But you lived! Even for quite a long time. And nothing! Well, just be patient and cool down. Repeat, repeat to yourself: “Yes, he cheated! Yes, he cheated!” Well, let's repeat it a hundred times until it becomes funny. (It will definitely happen, but not so soon!)

Second: Let's admit to ourselves that nothing like that has happened yet. Everybody is alive? Alive! Even healthy! There is a place to live, something to eat. Already good. Well, some extraneous dirty trick has flown into your life. So now? Shoot yourself? Let's learn to take a punch! Let's scoop up this nasty thing and throw it in the trash. That's all! Forgot. And don’t dare to grind in your poor head the words from the husband’s found letter addressed to another: “I love you, you are my only one, my wife is my cross (just think, right? What a bastard!), she poisons my life, only with you I'm happy..."

I had suspicions that my husband was cheating, like many women, with a sixth sense. I learned the truth, although not all of it yet. He went to the “bad girls” for oral sex. How can this be forgiven? - this was the first question. I know that I wasn’t enough for him, but I can’t force myself to do what he wants. I want to leave (and I had these thoughts for a very long time, I didn’t want 2 children to live without a father), but now it’s simply necessary. We often had quarrels before for various reasons, but now I don’t see the point in enduring it. The only problem is that I want to leave now, but they won’t let me leave my job (I’m a teacher, it’s the middle of the year). I do not know what to do. I can't stand these 4 months, I won't be able to pretend. And if I say everything, I won’t spend this time with him. I do not know what to do...

15.02.2019 01:29:53,

Hello, the other day I couldn’t sleep at night, that’s all. I began to cheat myself, wondering if he had someone else and added “no, he won’t cheat on me, he loves me very much, it’s just a trick.” I got into his phone while he was sleeping peacefully next to him. I opened the first correspondence I came across with some woman. A quick look at the content... the result is obvious betrayal. There were intimate photos and talk about them sleeping. It's 5 am. She moved from the bed to the sofa and cried. I learned little from the correspondence; I didn’t read everything. It was very painful. He has to get up at 7. I moved the alarm clock to the nearest future, as if it was already time to get up. The alarm clock rang, but the clock was at the wrong time, so he couldn’t understand what was happening. I try to curb my emotions and say: “tell me.” He does not understand. “Tell me everything. Who is *name*! He: “What are you doing? What's it all about? You’re imagining everything for yourself.” I repeat everything. Confessed. He said it was hard for him at the moment, the stress, the quarrels were small and he gave in. I hid it for more than 2 months. She doesn't know about me. I screamed at him through tears until 7 am. He said he loves me very much and doesn’t want to lose me. Tears were welling up. I always thought that I would not forgive the betrayal, but I love him myself and gave him a chance with conditions, stepping over myself and my pride. Left for work. From hysterics and a night without sleep, I passed out on the bed. I woke up at lunchtime, my head was a mess, and I immediately burst into tears. I couldn’t believe it, I just refused. He wrote that he blocked her everywhere and deleted her. I didn’t put anything in my mouth all day, I drank only water. To somehow distract myself, I cleaned the entire apartment and prepared dinner. He came. I can’t look at him, I could barely hold back my tears. Somehow I ate a little and went to lie on the bed. He thanked me for dinner and, seeing my condition, lay down next to me and hugged me. I started crying. He repented, asked for forgiveness and said how much he loved me, that he had no excuse and he couldn’t watch me hurt. We made peace. She said I needed time to digest all this. The next day I used to ask questions about her when all sorts of thoughts came into my mind. I changed the password on my phone. I seem to have forgiven and am trying to let go of the situation, but there is no trust and I don’t know what to do. What if he lies again, I doubt his words. It seems like I did the right thing, but it’s incredibly difficult to forget it and accept it...

13.01.2019 09:51:49,

Total 49 messages .

At some point a year and a half ago, my husband changed beyond recognition: from a man who adored me and blew away specks of dust from me, he turned into a quarrelsome person who found fault with me and the children over every little thing. Every day there were scandals in the house. He accused me of everything: I’m a bad wife, a bad mother, you stand wrong, you lie wrong. A year and a half later, I found out that all this time he was in love with another woman.

Is it normal at the age of 60+ to cheat and leave your family for lovers 20 years younger? This is exactly what my story is about. I read a lot of topics about cheating. Basically they write that a man leaves if something doesn’t suit him. My ex-husband said that he always loved me, very much, but that’s how it turned out. It's not my fault that I'm so amorous.

My husband and I have known each other since we were 15 years old and lived in the same yard. We started dating in 2002, everything was wonderful, love, romance. We got married in 2009, and a couple of years later a beautiful daughter was born. And then it started, I became all about the child, and my husband and I often quarreled. Then I found his correspondence with his student (he is a driving instructor), he wrote to her: what was between us, let it remain between us, you are a student, and I am your teacher.

We had lunch, talked, laughed, celebrated a bright holiday, my husband lay down on the sofa in the living room, I stayed in the kitchen with my laptop. We have practically a kitchen-living room, the sofa is visible. I saw cute emoticons on the screen of his phone (he was texting), became interested, came closer, behind his back, he didn’t see me. A couple of phrases of correspondence were enough to understand that I did not escape the fate of a deceived wife - I remember “pleasant memories.” The ground has disappeared from under your feet, it’s really a state of passion

Good day to everyone. Question about the betrayal of a loved one. Has your significant other ever cheated on you? Have you forgiven it or broken up? I’ve been dating a guy for three years. He admitted to cheating. He’s very remorseful, he says he was drunk and didn’t understand anything. I don’t want to break up with him, I love him. But the resentment eats me up from the inside. What would you do and tell me if this happened to you, that your loved one cheated on you?

My husband left me, 3 months ago he just left home and that’s it. Without explanation... From a social network on his page I found out that he now has the status of a divorced man, there is a girl who calls him nothing more than his beloved... What should I do? What should I do, I lived with him for 10 years in marriage .

My husband and I are 56 years old, we have been married for 30 years, we have two children, a 29-year-old daughter and a 22-year-old son. In principle, we lived well all these years, although all sorts of things happened, but in general, the marriage can be called good. And then trouble came. In June, I found out that my husband was cheating on me, didn’t love me and wanted to get a divorce. That in April he met a girl through work and fell in love and wants to be with her.

The wife found out about her husband’s infidelity quite by accident. He didn't deny it. According to him, the betrayal was one-time, drunk, so to speak, but at the same time he discussed his wife with his mistress on one of the social networks (tired of everyday life, bored, etc.). Initially there was a position, so what? I'm not going to leave my family, so I don't see a problem.

I often read here that those whose husbands cheated are advised not to dwell on it and move on with their lives if they want to save their family... My husband had an affair, he says that everything is over THERE, he wants to be with me and the children, he loves , cares, gives gifts, etc... I love him... BUT I can’t stop thinking about cheating

My husband, the father of my child, said that he fell in love with another woman and was leaving. A couple of months ago I was glowing with happiness. When I went back to work after maternity leave, I answered questions about my husband that I had the BEST HUSBAND in the world and God grant everyone like him. After seven years of marriage, we continued to hold hands, caress each other, like romantics kissed in the car at traffic lights and in elevators. Now I'm ready to die, but the thought of a child brings me to my senses.

Suddenly I caught myself thinking that I wanted to do something to spite him. For example, lose weight. Or hang out on a dating site. Or have a lover. What is this, a desire for revenge? Is it worth going for it? Will it get easier?

Women are often accused of cheating on their husbands. There is an opinion that representatives of the fairer sex must do the impossible to keep their loved one. However, not everyone thinks so. After all, to preserve the family, both women and men must adhere to certain rules. What to do if the husband still cheated on his wife? After all, living after such a shame is hard. Not all women know how to forgive their husband's infidelity. In the article you have the opportunity to read what psychologists advise on this matter.

Why does male infidelity happen?

Each person is individual. The same applies to men. There are several categories of reasons why they cheat.

  1. Lifestyle. A man cannot live without variety. Even if he loves one woman, he still cannot live without regular affairs. He likes it when his partners change often.
  2. Boredom. A man gets tired of monotony. My wife is the same every day, not only in the kitchen, but also in bed. He gets bored and wants new sensations.
  3. Self-affirmation. If the husband has certain complexes, and the wife makes fun of him. Then he asserts himself at the expense of other partners.
  4. Hypersexuality. There is a certain category of men for whom love pleasures are never enough. If a wife is not able to give her partner as much sex as he needs, he will go looking for what he wants on the side.
  5. Wife's indifference. A man will not always understand why his woman constantly has a headache. And especially often migraines attack when it comes to sex. Such indifference on the part of the partner pushes the husband to cheat.
  6. No satisfaction. If a woman cannot give her husband the pleasant sensations that he needs.

To prevent your man from looking for love pleasures on the side, try to pay as much attention to him as possible. If you are faced with such a problem, but do not want to get a divorce, then a psychologist will help you understand how to forgive your husband’s infidelity. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Signs of betrayal

Every woman by nature has incredible insight. It is not difficult for her to identify her husband’s infidelity, because there are basic signs that a wife always pays attention to.

  • Mobile phone. Even if a man is hiding something, the wife will be able to determine it from the conversation. If the phone rings, the husband may go into another room or speak in such a way that it is not clear what is being said. Moreover, frequent calls or messages lead to certain thoughts. However, do not immediately think about cheating; perhaps your loved one is preparing a surprise for you.
  • Appearance. If your man has changed dramatically and started paying a lot of attention to himself, you need to think about it. Nothing just happens like that.
  • Late returns home. Every wife knows the schedule and specifics of her husband’s work. If he comes home late and starts telling stories himself, as if making excuses, think about it. Why would he suddenly start coming home late if this had not happened before?
  • Lie. Every woman thinks logically. Therefore, it is not difficult for her to understand where there is deception or truth, especially if she compares the facts that her husband did not think about.

If you find such signs and suspect your loved one of cheating, do not get excited. Better think about what the reason is. Perhaps you will understand how to forgive your husband’s betrayal and move on with your life. You will always have time to quarrel, but not every woman is capable of maintaining a relationship.

What should a wife do if her husband cheats?

First of all, spouses need to have a heart-to-heart talk. They are family, friends and civilized people. Moreover, not all women are ready to forget about their loved one and start a new life. Many representatives of the fairer sex are interested in the question: “How to forgive your husband’s infidelity?” After all, you really want to save your family, love and relationships.

When a wife finds out about her husband's infidelity, she must first calm down. A representative of the fairer sex always looks at a situation from different angles. A man defines cheating completely differently than a woman. For him, such a life is entertainment. He loves one woman and gets satisfaction with others.

No need to suffer. If you find out about cheating, do not remain silent, but talk to your spouse. There's nothing wrong with that. Then you will decide for yourself what to do and how to forgive your husband’s infidelity, and most importantly, is it worth it.

If “good people” told you about the adventures of your loved one, don’t get excited. There are many envious people in the world. Only a conversation with your husband will clarify the situation. There is no need to trust friends and girlfriends, because many people, out of envy, try to bring discord into the family. However, if an unpleasant situation does occur, do not rush to break up, think about how to forgive your husband after cheating. Especially if it was just one time.

When a couple has been married for several years, they become family and friends. Friends, acquaintances, even parents fade into the background. However, everyone makes mistakes. It happens that a man cheated on his wife by accident. For example, I drank too much at a party. Your wife should not admit to a casual affair. After all, this will give you nothing but a quarrel. A woman may not understand a casual relationship.

After betrayal, a man must try to improve if he wants to save his family. Think about what prompted you to take such a step and who is to blame for what happened. If you recognize a casual relationship, then try to go to parties with your spouse. In difficult times, she will stop you.

Women do not always understand how to forget and forgive their husband’s betrayal. Therefore, do not aggravate the situation, because your beloved may simply not give you a second chance.

As mentioned earlier, a married couple is the closest people. Over time, a person begins to understand and feel more about his soulmate. But when betrayal occurs, all good things are forgotten. And everyone blames their significant other for this situation.

If the husband cheated, the wife should not remain silent and pretend that everything is fine. After all, if you try to save your family in this way, sooner or later you will remember all the disappointments and insults to your unfaithful spouse. As a result, you will live with endless scandals.

Never give ultimatums. You cannot scare with children or with your suicide. A man does not like such statements, so you will push him away.

Don't forget about cheating. Memories cannot be erased with an eraser. Just talk in a calm environment. If a man cheated but loves you, then everything is not so bad. More often those women suffer for whom the partner does not feel anything. Without love in a family there are no former relationships and romance.

There is no need to take revenge. This will give you nothing but self-loathing. Then you will no longer think about how you can forgive your husband’s betrayal. After all, you repaid him in the same coin and you will be ashamed of yourself and your actions.

Why forgive an unfaithful spouse?

If you continue to love your husband, and he cannot live without you, then there is nothing wrong with forgiveness. It's just that at some point you both lost contact. Of course, there is no need to put pressure on your husband with children. Think, if your feelings are still fresh, you remain family and friends, then forgiveness is the best way out of this situation.

If you don’t know how to forgive your husband’s betrayal and move on, psychologists advise remembering all the good things that happened between you. Many couples find it helpful to restart the initial stage of a relationship, romance. Try to create an unforgettable dinner for your spouse, followed by the same night. You'll see, everything will definitely work out for you.

Infidelity most often does not enter a family immediately after marriage. As a rule, only after a few years of married life does a feeling of emptiness and boredom appear. Therefore, people look for entertainment on the side.

How to forgive your husband's betrayal? A psychologist's advice is often valuable. You just need to listen to a specialist who is well versed in family relationships. The psychologist knows that it is difficult to forgive betrayal, sometimes even impossible. However, it must be remembered that every person has the right not only to make a mistake, but also to a second chance. After all, there are no ideal people.

The famous family psychologist Irina Rakhimova claims that it is necessary to forgive. After all, the future of not only the couple themselves, but also the children, is built on this. Unforgiveness destroys relationships, feelings and the person himself.

Therefore, do not think for long about how to forgive your husband for cheating. The advice of a psychologist is useful in this regard, and you need to listen to it.

I still forgave

So, cheating occurred when the couple was married. Only wise women will treat the situation more calmly if they learn about this unpleasant fact. It is necessary to remain balanced in such a situation. After all, for a man, betrayal is sometimes an empty phrase. He treats what happened as normal sex. A woman experiences it hard and does not always forgive.

Look at the remorse. If the husband really regrets what happened, he will not talk about it to everyone and everywhere, but will try to smooth out the relationship by any means. If you see genuine repentance, then think about how to forgive your husband for his betrayal and save the family.

Sooner or later, you two will need to start a new life without each other. Are you ready for this? If not, then you can forgive your cheater.

Does the husband deserve forgiveness?

You shouldn’t immediately reassure your husband and tell him that he just stumbled. After all, forgiveness must be earned. Therefore, many women, after the fact of betrayal, attach special importance to this so that their loved one suffers.

If you try to immediately forgive your beloved, it is not a fact that tomorrow he will not repeat his mistake. Betrayal can continue for a very long time until the family collapses. There is no need to make a scandal, just explain to your loved one that he hurt you very much. Sometimes it is necessary to bring your husband to such a state so that he truly repents.

You only need to forgive when you are truly ready to start over and not remember the past. If you know that in any case you will remind a man of his adventures, then the only thing left to do is get a divorce and separate forever.

New life

Many couples do not know how to get the wife to forgive her husband’s infidelity. It turns out that everything is very simple. For a man, sex and love are two different things. If he has not lost feelings for his wife, then the couple has every chance to start a new life and forget all the grievances.

It’s much worse when feelings for your once beloved have cooled. Then nothing will help. No matter how much you want to forgive and forget, your husband will not return because he fell in love with another woman. To prevent this from happening, a representative of the fairer sex should always be well-groomed and friendly. This is the first thing men pay attention to. If you can become like this, then the road to a new life is open to you.


First of all, the psychologist asks the woman whose husband has cheated on her whether she is ready to create a new relationship. As statistics have shown, not all women want to radically change their lives. It can be very difficult to build new relationships. If a woman is not ready for change, then she usually does not mind restoring what was. In most cases, infidelity is forgiven, grievances are forgotten and a new life begins with the same partner.

You are faced with your husband’s betrayal, the ground is disappearing from under your feet, you want to run away somewhere, hide and climb the wall. Why, how, what to do - these questions eat away from the inside. How to cope with such a painful situation and survive the betrayal of a loved one. You will be surprised, but it is not very difficult. We have prepared for you the most detailed advice from a practical psychologist on how to get out of depression, start enjoying life, maintain a relationship with your spouse or break up with him. Everyone will find useful information for themselves.

Help to cope with depression:

  • Autotraining. This is the basis from which it is necessary to begin restoring mental balance. Every day a woman should repeat to herself that life goes on, there are people in the world who love and appreciate her. If you have children, you should remind yourself that they need a healthy and happy mother.
  • Chat with friends. They will help take your mind off sad thoughts, support and console, especially if your parents are far away.
  • Concentration on work. Free time is required to think about your unfortunate fate. Therefore, a good way out is to load yourself up with things to do so that you don’t have any energy left for the blues.
  • Cardinal change of activity. Complete courses in stylist, web design, florist, etc. Choose what you like best. Mastering a new profession or starting a business requires courage and enormous concentration. There's no time for sadness here.
  • Journey. One of the most enjoyable ways to cope with depression. New impressions and pleasant emotions will help you realize that there are many reasons to live and even more to be happy.
  • Sessions with a psychologist. They provide an opportunity to speak out and receive qualified advice.
  • New hobby. Most experts recommend changing your image or finding a new hobby. By signing up for courses (a foreign language, yoga, cutting and sewing), you can learn something new and meet interesting people.
  • Change of image. Get a different hairstyle, dye your hair. Go for a manicure and pedicure.

All this together allows you to recover and get rid of depression much faster than individually.

Advice from a psychologist on how to maintain a relationship with your loved one

If a man caught cheating is ready to give up a relationship on the side and chooses a family, the woman has a chance to save the marriage. In this case it is necessary:

  • discuss the situation in detail with your husband;
  • find out the reasons for the betrayal and try to eliminate them;
  • develop rules for building intrafamily relationships;
  • learn to trust your loved one (stop checking his mobile phone and email, calling).

It is necessary to discuss betrayal without hysterics and scandals, despite the fact that it will be difficult to control emotions. Shouting, mutual insults, insults and accusations will only alienate the spouses and will not help save the marriage. We need to reach a consensus and understand male psychology.

To survive deception, remember how many good things happened during the years you lived together, especially if you have been married for twenty or more years.

Most often, men are pushed to cheat by the desire to assert themselves, the lack of mutual understanding and support at home, the desire to get away from everyday life and the desire to experiment. In the first case, to avoid a repeat of the situation, it is necessary to compliment the man, give him the opportunity to be the head of the family. In the second, you need to try to be more interested in his activities, create a calm atmosphere at home, support your husband’s endeavors, and not create hysterics and scandals.

Necessary agree on the rules, on which family relationships will be built. Psychologists advise a woman, if she decides to stay, not to remind her husband about the betrayal at every opportunity, not to play on his feelings of guilt and leave this situation in the past. Need to . Read what we mean by this and how to implement it in our other article. You will find a way out even with a child in your arms, you will be able to resume everything or leave forever with dignity.

If a couple has children and grandchildren, then it is advisable to try to spend more time with them in order to appreciate the beauty of a friendly and strong family. You need to try to be together as much as possible, and if you have the opportunity to go on a trip, take advantage of it and arrange a repeat honeymoon.

If you don’t want to ruin your marriage, you need to do everything. We know what kind of woman you should become, and we shared our views in another article on the site.

Quite rightly, you may have a desire. Here you will find a ready-to-use plan, a list of what not to do and whether it is worth doing so.

Those who decide to retaliate should think 100 times whether this is necessary. Read about them all here. You will be surprised how many things can happen after this, most of them bad!

Before experiencing adultery, it is necessary. Join our discussion: is it worth doing this, why he deserves a second chance, and when is it better to cut a cheater out of your life forever.

How to calmly part with your husband and live after divorce

If it is not possible to save the marriage after betrayal (the husband chose his mistress over his family, the wife cannot forgive, the spouses have cooled off towards each other), then you need to try to maintain your self-esteem and part ways in a civilized manner. This is especially necessary if the couple has children who will find it difficult to watch their parents quarrel.

We recommend reading free book Alexey Chernozem "What to do with male infidelity." You will learn why men cheat and leave for their mistresses, how to react correctly to betrayal in order to preserve the relationship and prevent it from happening again in the future, and also how to survive all this.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

After a divorce, some women try to turn their children against their father or prevent them from meeting. This is the wrong position. For harmonious development, a child needs communication with both parents. Also, children, like sponges, absorb the behavior and life position of their parents.

If a couple has been married for 20-30 years or more and the children are already adults, then the daughter may develop a distrustful, suspicious attitude towards men. Therefore, it is necessary to show them that, despite the separation, the parents treat each other with respect and behave with dignity.

If a young woman who has not been married for many years (up to 5-7) is faced with a divorce, she needs to concentrate on the fact that she has her whole life ahead of her and will definitely meet a faithful, loving guy. You should not blame your ex-spouse for the fact that the best years of your life were spent on him and that no one needs you anymore! On the contrary, thank your husband for everything you have experienced together.

If a 40-50 year old woman is faced with a divorce, then she needs to realize that she has the opportunity to devote more time to herself. You need to understand that now is the time to take up a hobby, discover something new, meet an interesting man and again feel all the charm of falling in love and the candy-bouquet period. And a woman at 40 is just starting to live!

Listen to what Dr. Kurpatov says on Channel One:

If you are planning to continue living with your husband, forget about the fact that he may become unfaithful again (thoughts are material). And it is very important not to restore, but to build new relationships. You must want this with every fiber of your soul. You will need to get out of your comfort zone for a while, but you won’t be able to do without it!

When a woman finds out about her husband’s betrayal, she immediately enters a very difficult period in her life. After the first shock and explanations with her husband, the woman still has a lot of unresolved questions. You need to decide how to live further, what to do with the common property, and most importantly, be able to quickly forget the unpleasant moments. Let's talk in more detail about how to forget your husband's betrayal and the advice of a psychologist will help you deal with the most difficult situation.

You can always find a way out of any seemingly most difficult situation. The main thing is to competently approach the solution of the problem that has arisen, solve it calmly, without panic. This also applies to situations where a loved one has betrayed you.

At first, a woman who has learned about betrayal finds it difficult to even imagine how to forget her husband’s betrayal. To deal with the problem, try the following recommendations:

  • before making any decision regarding the unfaithful spouse, it is necessary to finally make sure that there really was infidelity;

  • evidence of your spouse’s betrayal can be his confession or some evidence obtained by you personally. Do not trust photographs, dialogues from instant messengers or other information received from strangers. People may be interested in the breakdown of your family relationships and falsify evidence;

  • Don't even trust your best friends. There should be no third parties in a relationship between two people.

It’s rare, but it happens when seemingly strangers are interested in ending your relationship. Never rule out this possibility, act very carefully.

How to forget the betrayal of a loved one so as not to return to a difficult and unpleasant situation? Try following these steps:

  • Before you attack your husband, give him the opportunity to at least somehow explain himself;

  • Without a frank conversation, it will not be possible to make an intelligent decision. Often, if not always, both spouses are to blame for infidelity. Whatever the reason for the betrayal, it indicates that the relationship has cracked;

  • Having learned the true reason for the betrayal, analyze what happened and think about how to continue to behave with the man;

  • It will not be possible to completely calm down soon. If you don’t know how to forget your loved one’s betrayal, try to calm down first and then wait for some time.

Not all women are able to cope alone with the stress when they find out about their spouse's infidelity. You should not expect the situation to normalize on its own; it is better to seek advice from a psychologist.

  1. psychologists identify such a problem as incompleteness of action. The point is this: any action must end with something. Otherwise, the problem will depress the psyche. So it is with betrayal. If everything ended only in conversation, it is difficult for a woman to forget about what happened;

  2. To get rid of a problem, you need to set a task for yourself, then complete it. For example, you figured out the reason for your husband’s infidelity, but you don’t know what to do next. This means that thoughts about this will not go away and will interfere with a calm life;

  3. In order to quickly forget about betrayal, you need to adjust your behavior in such a way as to make a firm and final decision. If you are going to forgive your husband, then forgive and forget the insults. If you decide to break up, do it and get it out of your head too.

Any decision should be made only in a calm state. If you are very upset or under emotional stress, you will not be able to accept

smart decision.

If you continue to live with your husband, then do not remember his mistake in every conflict situation. Moreover, when the spouse sincerely repented. There is no need to remember old sins. Since you gave your husband a chance, then give him the opportunity to take advantage of it. This will make it easier for the woman herself to forget about what happened.

How to forget about your husband's betrayal? Stop the pitiful attitude in yourself, and you will be able to look at the situation differently.

Where does pity even come from when it comes to betrayal? The woman feels unhappy, injured, and feels offended. The deceived wife begins to feel sorry for herself. And pity is one of the worst definitions. To feel sorry for yourself means to feel worthless, worse than someone else. As a result, self-esteem decreases and confidence disappears.

It’s even worse if, despite the man’s betrayal, the wife begins to feel sorry for him too. Think about how you are worse than your man to humiliate yourself like that. What advantages does he have, what gives him the right to humiliate the woman he once loved? Answer these questions honestly and put pity out of your head.

It is difficult to forget about the betrayal of your beloved husband. And if the family has common children, then the situation becomes doubly complicated.

  • To keep your head from being filled with thoughts of cheating, do something interesting. Find an activity that will take up all your free time so that you have no time to be distracted by such thoughts;

  • In order not to bother your head with thoughts of betrayal, read the statistics. Almost every family has experienced the betrayal of one of their partners at least once. Of course, this won't make it any easier. But think about it, if everyone continued to think about cheating, then relationships and future life would stop;

  • in some exceptional cases, cheating serves as a relationship reset. The spouses continue to live together, and their feelings are not only restored, but reach a new level.

The most difficult and unpleasant test can also be viewed from a positive side. This is another page of life experience. After experiencing betrayal, you will begin to look at relationships differently and become wiser.

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