How to make money using an outdoor camera. The system for recording traffic violations began to generate income for private businesses

I met a man who works with a mobile video recording camera. Since I and many of my friends had a lot of questions for such people, I couldn’t miss the chance to do a short interview with him. The man agreed to answer some of my questions, wishing to remain anonymous.

Mobile video cameras- this is such a thorn, they catch you at the most inopportune moment (or, if you notice correctly, at the most necessary one), when you leave cities strangled by traffic jams and drive along a country highway, and behind an ordinary inconspicuous passenger car there is a camera and smiles at you hungry lens. Yes, most drivers and car enthusiasts consider this the most vile technique of the traffic police, and many are already itching their fists at the sight of private photo hunters. Let's find out a little more.

Hello! I was always wondering who you work for or are you some kind of freelancers who cooperate with the traffic police?
- Hello. I work for traffic police, “freelancers” with cameras sounds funny. We install cameras to record speed limit violations. In real time, the pictures are sent to the traffic police, and “letters of happiness” are already prepared there.

I won’t ask about your pay, I’ll just ask – do you have plans and/or bonuses for recorded violations?
- I receive a salary, neither I nor my colleagues receive any bonuses or awards for photographed “racers”. We also don’t have plans for implementation, but we keep track of the number of violations at each site.

- From the outside, the work looks very simple. Sit in your car and make sure your camera isn't stolen.
-This is relatively true, my responsibilities include transporting the video recording camera, installing it and setting it up. We are strongly advised to hide the camera BEHIND the car on the side of the road so that it is less noticeable. Our working hours are from 8:00 – 18:00. That is, before 8:00 and after 18:00 you can fry along the highway at your own peril and risk, there will be no cameras waiting for you on the side of the road, but do not forget about other dangers on the road.

- You choose yourself ambush site with camera? Sometimes, even very often, the camera is in a place where you don’t expect it at all.
-No, we receive orders from management. Roadside video cameras are placed not in a chaotic order, but in certain places where speed limit violations most often occur. Every day the employee changes his location, so I can travel around the region.

- How do road users react to you? Many of my fellow motorists begin to rage wildly and spit poisonous saliva at the sight of ambushes with a camera on the side of the road.
- It often happens that motorists stop and run up with questions: “Who are you, why are you standing, who are you working for, why are you renting out yours.” Some try to blame me for something, but when you ask them what is my fault, they hesitate and leave. I understand all road users, because I am a car enthusiast myself. But they must also understand that violating the speed limit is a dangerous activity that can have very dire consequences. For racing and speed break there is NRing, events for all car enthusiasts from Avtoclub-NN, or have a blast on go-karts at the Academy!

- Do you see the effect of your work yourself?
-Yes, the effect is noticeable, as I already said, we keep records of violations at each site. Previously, we stood in villages and settlements through which the routes lay. People were afraid to let their children go outside, you yourself understand why. After a month and a half, the number of speed limit violations dropped from 80 cases per day to 15. In my opinion, this is a very good indicator. Apparently, only harsh methods can be used to deal with violators who do not think with their own heads and do not care about those around them.

- Give advice on how we can do better don't get caught on your video camera?
- As I already said, we usually work from 8-18 hours seven days a week, before 8 and after 18 hours you can exceed at your own peril and risk. I will send you a small sign, it indicates where the cameras are in Gorodets, where the cameras are on Bor, where the cameras are in Balakhna. I just have to say that due to a significant reduction in the number of violations in the areas we have developed, we were given 50 more areas, so be on the lookout!
You can download the list of where the cameras are located in Balakhna, Gorodets and Bor in high resolution

There are more and more automatic recording cameras on the roads. They film and record offenses for which drivers are subsequently forced to pay fines, which in turn forces fine officers to be more attentive to their own behavior on the road and not to neglect compliance with traffic rules. Today, there is a noticeable trend toward an increase in the number of detected violations precisely thanks to smart technology installed by citizens. At the same time, due to the fines paid, the state budget is replenished, as well as the treasury of entrepreneurs who own mobile and stationary cameras. Business in this direction will be quite profitable, and while cameras on the roads have earned a lot of hostility from motorists, many enterprising citizens are increasingly thinking about how to install a camera for. Let's take a closer look at what it takes to join the ranks of entrepreneurs guarding Russian roads.

Installation of traffic police video camera.

How it works

The bill, adopted in 2014 by the Federation Council and the State Duma, provides for mutually beneficial cooperation between an entrepreneur (individual or legal entity) and government agencies. Money for equipping with equipment and its maintenance is not spent from the state budget, which is replenished, and the activity brings profit to the investor in the form of funds from fines. The idea was implemented to increase the level of safety on the roads, and a “side effect” of a good goal was quite a good income, since even impressive fines cannot always affect this on a large scale. Private cameras are installed to hold drivers accountable in accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; they operate in accordance with Articles 26.8 and 2.6.1 of the Code. According to the regulations, measuring instruments are required to undergo certification and metrological testing; only then the information obtained from them can be a reason for punishing the culprit. Fines will be directed to the owner of the vehicle, so if another person was driving, the owner of the vehicle will need to prove his non-involvement.

Thus, violations recorded by private video recording means legally serve as a reason for issuing a fine to the driver caught on camera “in the act”, and in some cases, for depriving the driver’s license. According to this principle, video systems were previously installed on toll roads, but now the complexes have already moved en masse to public highways. To organize a business related to traffic police video cameras, it is necessary to conclude a contract with local authorities to equip roads with systems for recording violations and their maintenance. After installing and configuring the complex, the entrepreneur receives regular income from the violators caught on camera. At the same time, initially to the state treasury, from where a certain amount, which is part of it (the exact figures are stated in the agreement of the parties, the profit can reach 233 rubles for each fine) goes to the account of the owner of the equipment.

Pros and cons of doing business

At this stage, the number of traffic violations is not decreasing, which means that the business of catching motorists who flout the law is more than profitable. They earn a lot from recording cameras and the income is quite stable today, but it is important to choose the right section of road to install the equipment. It is better to organize the video recording process in places with a large number of violations, that is, on highways with active traffic, since it is simply unprofitable to spend money on expensive equipment for use on roads where there are already calm conditions.

Business benefits

The idea of ​​making money by recording traffic violations and its implementation are made attractive to an entrepreneur by several favorable factors:

  • Stable income that doesn't require much effort. To ensure this, you only need to start the process; the entrepreneur is also responsible for finding a specialist who will subsequently be involved in servicing the cameras;
  • No fixed costs are expected in this business due to the long service life of the equipment;
  • Funds will come from the state budget as violators pay, so you will not have to collect fines yourself;
  • To receive payments, certain deadlines are established, specified in the contract;
  • The business is socially oriented and, despite the dissatisfaction of many drivers, it still brings benefits to society.

Negative sides

Everything has a downside. In this case, the disadvantages are the following:

  • It is possible to make a big profit only at first after installing the complex, since most often people remember in which places the cameras record speeding or other violations, and, of course, they will be law-abiding within the viewing radius of the video surveillance system. It's another matter if the equipment is mobile;
  • Receipt of funds exactly on time can sometimes be inconvenient for an entrepreneur;
  • It often takes a lot of time to collect fines, since not all violators pay them regularly;
  • Fines can be challenged in court. To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to all standards for installing video systems;
  • Relatively small amounts of commissions compared to current ones, which in some cases can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles;
  • The contract is limited to 12 years, after which the cooperation ends.

Despite a considerable number of disadvantages, today the business is still profitable and if you have the desire and opportunity to do it, then it will not require much trouble, and the result, if you approach the matter correctly, will please you.

How much will you have to invest

A separate issue is the need for investment to implement the business. The cost of a tracking kit varies depending on the options present. Equipment that ensures road safety is improving technically every year and today can record not only speeding, violation of road markings, etc. Traffic cameras can detect a significant number of offenses, while monitoring the area is carried out in several lanes at the same time. The wider the list of possibilities for identifying unlawful actions of drivers, the more expensive the equipment will be. In addition to a camera with a radar, the equipment set also includes an infrared illuminator, a power supply, a module for determining coordinates, a storage device, data conversion, etc. So, the entire set of special equipment will cost approximately 1 to 3 million rubles. The amount is quite impressive, but after the complex pays off, the entrepreneur will be able to receive an impressive amount of net profit.

Let's calculate how much they earn on average from cameras recording speed and other violations. The approximate amount of commission from each fine is 200 rubles, so the complex will pay for itself with the proceeds from 10-15 thousand fines. That is, it is necessary that the equipment records 3-4 violations per day, and naturally, the state also receives payment for these fines, and accordingly, the entrepreneur deducts the amount specified in the contract for each of them.

How to register correctly

Today, more and more traffic police video cameras are issued to private owners, in connection with this, many entrepreneurs are faced with the question of how to implement this, because in addition to the available funds for the purchase of equipment, legal implementation is also required. The practice of concession agreements, the subject of which is the installation of private systems for recording violations on roads, has been developed throughout the world, and has now migrated to Russia. This is one of the forms of cooperation between the state and private individuals. Government agencies thereby relieve themselves of part of the burden, and entrepreneurs, having invested in the project, receive a profit. In our case, the contract is concluded by a private owner with the State Traffic Inspectorate and local authorities.

This type of agreement, called a concession agreement, is regulated by Federal Law No. 115. It spells out the main provisions, guarantees of the rights of the participating parties, the procedure for holding a competition among applicants and signing a document on cooperation. The concession agreement is concluded based on the results of the tender, the conditions are pre-negotiated and must be fixed in the text of the contract. Thus, in order to implement a business using video cameras for recording violations, you need to offer the most favorable conditions for the State Traffic Inspectorate, while it is also important not to offend yourself by fixing in the contract the income you need from payments received as a result of the operation of the surveillance system.

The contract specifies all the details of cooperation, so private organizations install and configure video surveillance systems, as well as further maintenance. In turn, the responsibilities of government bodies include deductions of part of the fines paid. The agreement contains amounts, terms of payments, and also indicates the period of validity of the agreement. By drawing up an agreement between the parties, a mutually beneficial implementation of recording offenses with cameras on the highway is achieved. Moreover, each installed complex is subject to certification in accordance with federal rules, metrological verification and permission from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for installation in certain places. Servicing of video systems should be performed by a specialist in the field who has undergone special training.

Where you cannot install photo and video cameras

An entrepreneur does not have the right to install video recording systems at his own discretion. According to Art. 57 of the Traffic Regulations, installation sites for stationary automatic fixing equipment must be designated by the leadership of the State Traffic Inspectorate; most often these are emergency sections of roads. The place and time of use of mobile systems is determined by the head of the unit on the procedure for the employee to perform duty. The same article states that automatic fixation equipment cannot be used in places where traffic restrictions are established by temporary road signs. Thus, in the area of ​​temporary signs (for example, placed during repair work), automatic photo and video recording is prohibited, that is, a motorist who received a fine in this area can report to the traffic police or the prosecutor's office with a statement about the incorrect location of the equipment.

According to Russian legislation, drivers must be warned about the presence of a complex on the route that records violations with a special sign. Such warning signs must be placed on all stationary means of photo and video recording, while GOST does not provide for the installation of such warnings on mobile systems. In fact, the purpose of installing the complexes is not to enrich themselves at the expense of drivers, but to reduce the number of accidents and traffic violations. Every day more and more eyes are closely monitoring the order on the roads, so drivers need to be extremely careful while driving - this will not only ensure safety, but will also save them from unnecessary costs of paying fines.

Enterprising people receive a unique income and earn money using special electronic traps - speed cameras - for traffic violators on the roads of the Russian Federation in 2019.

More specifically, they put it on highways. This is permitted by relevant Russian legislation. Let’s take a closer look at how to make money from such speed cameras.

How did this opportunity come about?

At the height of perestroika in the last century, the business was just beginning. The created Vocord company stimulated the initiative of people to make money by recording violations of traffic rules. Slowly but surely the initiative gained momentum and became a serious obstacle to traffic violations. For the first time, the legal entity Vocord used camera video recording of violators in Turkmenistan.

After 12 months, the useful practice began to be applied on highways in the Russian Federation. Private video recordings received practical use after 2014, when the Russian Parliament developed and adopted a project allowing private individuals to engage in this type of business.

How is everything going?

An individual entrepreneur or other private entrepreneur invests funds in the purchase of the necessary equipment, namely video recording cameras. It is actively used to catch violators of traffic rules. Both sides are satisfied. The state does not spend a penny on equipment, ensuring smooth traffic on the roads, and yesterday’s unemployed overnight acquired the status of businessmen, as they began to receive income from fines imposed on violators.

The truth is that at the beginning the fine money goes into the coffers of state banks and only after that the businessman receives the money. On highways where there is increased traffic, a businessman is able to achieve stable income due to the dense flow of vehicles. Not all drivers follow traffic rules. Many people violate this, which becomes an axiom for domestic automotive practice.

It should be noted that the state does not return the money to the businessman in full. He keeps some for himself. One fine equals 233 rubles. From the calculation of this amount, a specific percentage was calculated.

Previously, entrepreneurs worked productively on toll highways. Amendments to the Federal Law “On Concession Agreements” made it possible to use video recording equipment on ordinary roads.

Is it possible to become an oligarch on cameras?

As practice shows, you can earn a lot of money if an entrepreneur installs a video recorder in a profitable place. But over time, you have to change the location, because cars in front of the same place deliberately slow down. They recognize from the blinking lights of oncoming cars whose drivers have paid a fine for exceeding the speed limit that there is a video camera ahead.

This warning practice originated on Russian highways. In Europe, no one would have guessed to convey information in this way that a businessman was hiding behind a hill with a camera. But the “good” principle is transmitted and becomes involved even in refined England. That is, it is unlikely that you will become an oligarch, but you can earn your bread and butter.

The state benefits and earns

In practice, civilian citizens of the country are involved in the professional work of traffic police officers, designed to improve discipline on the highways of the Russian Federation. How productive this turned out to be is shown by traffic accident statistics. In the installation sectors, one might say, private video recording systems, the accident rate has been significantly reduced.

The state directly benefits from this because:

  • cargo and vehicles carrying passengers arrive at their destinations on time;
  • no long-term traffic jams are created during accidents;
  • reducing the number of accidents reduces insurance payments;
  • movable material assets are preserved, which is also beneficial to the state, and so on.

In principle, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate has received reliable assistants who are ready to regularly carry out the assigned and well-paid work to establish exemplary order on the roads of the Russian Federation.

A plan for how to make money and increase your income

Entrepreneurs engaged in commercial business on the country's roads, with diligence and mobility (meaning frequent relocation of recording installations), are able to make a good profit. And laziness, a sedate life position, and a low desire not to strain yourself at work are not helpful here. The businessman is his own boss. If you choose a good location, fines will fall like a cornucopia. In a word, put out your wallet.

If you collect fines passively, your income will be minimal. Many active entrepreneurs have developed an algorithm for obtaining maximum profit.

For this you need:

  1. Do not do the entire amount of work yourself, but hire a person capable of setting up video recording devices.
  2. Entrust him with choosing a place to install video recording equipment.
  3. Buy equipment that has certificates, which will ensure its long-term use without repairs.
  4. There is no longer any obligation to personally collect fines. They will come a little later from the regional treasury.
  5. The thought that through his actions a businessman saves people’s lives rejuvenates the heart.

In addition to the list of positives, there are acutely felt negative aspects in the activity that can, to some extent, overshadow the road businessman.


The disadvantages include:

  • large cash receipts occur only at first;
  • frequent change of equipment location;
  • the reward amount is scanty, only 233 rubles for 1 fixation;
  • money from the fiscal organization comes in portions, and not all at once;
  • a long twelve-year period after which the merchant will be able to receive commissions;
  • the fragility of concluded contracts;
  • not all traffic violators pay their fines on time - in some cases it ends up in court proceedings, and so on.

Negative aspects cannot hide the truth that businessmen have already received and continue to receive solid income from the country's highways. The profitability of the activity is incomparably high.

Statistics show that the business is profitable. For the current year, only fifty contracts for activities have been recorded. The total amount of equipment purchases amounted to one and a half billion rubles across the country. Statistics are silent on how many new contracts are being prepared to be signed. It’s easy to guess that there will be several times more of them in the coming year.

Cost of recording cameras

The price of video recorders depends on the number and quality of options provided to the user. In principle, a future businessman risks investing two to three million rubles in the business. That's a lot of money. It is not easy to recover costs if you take the income as 233 rubles from one fine.

It will take a whole decade to recoup the costs of purchasing a camera with modules, units for receiving and converting files. Over 12 months, 835 violations must be recorded, or three incidents per day. For domestic highways, this figure is more than exceeded.

Experience shows that investments are returned within four years. And for the next 8 years the merchant makes a profit. In the article we told you how to make money from speed cameras.

Video report about business on cameras

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