What beliefs exist about forty? Meeting a magpie: signs, interpretation and interesting facts

There are many signs associated with the magpie, and all of them, as a rule, are bad. This can be explained by the fact that, firstly, the magpie was supposedly the only bird that did not want to enter Noah’s ark. She hid on top of the ark and laughed at the dying world. And secondly, it is believed that under her tongue there is a drop of the blood of the king of the Underworld, and that is why the magpie is called the bird of the devil. Hovering above a person's head, a magpie predicts his imminent death. In some countries it is considered bad luck to see a magpie flying away from the sun. If this happens, you need to grab the first object you come across and throw it after her, saying: “Misfortune to the bird that flies against the direction of the sun.” Meeting several magpies on the road at once always portends something, but whether it’s good or bad depends on their number. Meeting one magpie is considered by many to be a bad omen to this day, and people who are otherwise non-superstitious will often bow to it, spit on it, or cross their fingers to ward off impending bad luck. Or they will look around in the hope of seeing a lone crow - in this case, two evils will be mutually destroyed. In England it was customary to take off your hat, spit in the direction of the bird and say: “Devil, devil, I renounce you!” In Germany, when meeting a lone magpie, it was supposed to cross thumbs and say: “My cross is for the magpie, her cross is for me. Misfortune for the magpie, happiness for me.” Two magpies together usually portend good luck. At the same time, however, it is necessary to greet the birds with a bow, and in some places with spitting, otherwise the good omen will not come true. Three birds promise successful trip or a wedding, four promise good news or childbirth, and five - pleasant company. In general, each country has its own signs in this regard. However, among all nations, a lonely magpie is a harbinger of trouble. If a magpie lands on a tree or the roof of your house, it means that neither the tree nor the house will ever collapse. However, if a magpie flies screaming over your home without sitting down, this portends the death of one of the family members. Counts bad omen see a magpie at the beginning of your journey, and if it flies over you when you go to church, it means an imminent illness. But when going fishing, seeing magpies flying in pairs means a good catch. The source of this sign is probably that in cold and damp weather magpies leave their nests only one by one - one bird always remains in the nest to warm the chicks. If magpies fly in pairs, then the weather is warm and good, and therefore especially favorable for fishing. If a magpie has flown onto the veranda of a house, you should, just in case, strengthen the windows and doors, since, according to legend, the unexpected appearance of a bird in the entryway or on the veranda is a sign of thieves! The Curse of Ivan the Terrible If a magpie chirps in a tree in front of the house, then a pregnant woman should never go outside at this time: in the guise of a magpie there may be a local witch who will spoil or even steal the child from the womb. In connection with this sign, one can recall the legend of Marina Mniszech, who turned into a magpie when she had a bad time and flew out of the window of her mansion. For this, the magpie was cursed in Rus'. But not only for this. For a long time there were no forty in Moscow, because one of them once, with its chirping, betrayed the boyar Kuchka (the ancestor of the future Romanovs), who was hiding from enemies in the forest in the very place where Moscow now stands. This is where he was killed. And the dying boyar cursed the stupid bird. They also said that Metropolitan Alexy forbade magpies to appear in the first throne, because he believed that witches were infiltrating Moscow under the guise of magpies. There is also a legend about one pious Muscovite who gave away all his goods to the poor and kept only the last piece of cheese for himself to go with on a pilgrimage to holy places. And forty stole this cheese. For this, God ordered her not to appear in the city anymore, and among the people the bird received the nickname “thief magpie.” But the most interesting legend refers to the events of the late 16th century, to last days reign of Ivan the Terrible. It is known that on the eve of his death, the king ordered witches to be caught throughout the country and brought to the capital square. The king came out and ordered everyone to be covered with straw and set on fire from all sides. “The fire of the witches engulfed them - and they started screaming, screaming and meowing. A thick black column of smoke rose, and magpies flew out of it, one after the other - apparently and invisibly. This means that all the cross-witch witches turned into forty and deceived the king in his eyes. Then the Terrible Tsar became angry and sent a curse after them. “So that you,” he says, “from now on and forever remain magpies!” So now they all fly in magpies and are still afraid of the royal curse more than a sharp knife. Therefore, not a single magpie reaches Moscow within sixty miles in the district.” By the way, in 1714, one woman was sentenced to death in Moscow for witchcraft and turning into a magpie (even Field Marshal Sheremetev believed in her ability for such a transformation).

“Leaving the house on business and seeing a magpie flying towards you is a bad sign
In Ukraine they say about the magpie that you cannot collect its eggs, because then the face will become pockmarked, and the magpie will carry the chickens in retaliation.
According to French beliefs, she has seven devil feathers on her head. In Switzerland, the local name for magpie was synonymous with the word “witch.” Magpie is the bearer of news. Along with the dove, it is a symbol postal service In Brittany, for example, meeting a magpie in the morning means that you will receive a letter in the afternoon.
A killed magpie serves as a talisman poultry. In Belarus, the feathers of a magpie killed on the first day of March are placed under a chicken sitting on its eggs to protect it from the evil eye. Bulgarians have a belief that the magpie is able to repel the disease that attacks chickens. Therefore, it is hung near the chicken coop or magpie feathers and stomach are used as a talisman.
There is a widespread belief that a magpie can be forced to leave its nest if a cross is cut out on the tree trunk on which it is located, and the misfortune predicted by a meeting with a magpie can be averted by crossing oneself or drawing a cross on the ground.
You cannot throw a stone at a chirping magpie or swing a stick at it - your hand will wither.
A magpie flew into the yard - to a loss, but there is no need to drive it away - then the damage will be minimal. It is also not worth feeding the bird near the house - the brownie, who is disgusted by the magpie, will be offended.
Having turned into magpies, witch-things (most often there are two of them) can act like “ordinary witches”: milk cows and spoil people. A peculiar activity that characterizes the thing magpie (usually tailless) is the abduction of fetuses from the wombs of pregnant women. Magpie witches fly from house to house at night and steal unborn babies, replacing them with brands, brooms, crusts of bread, pieces of ice, frogs, and bricks.
In Siberia they believed that a witch at midnight turns underground through twelve knives. Its upper half becomes a magpie, and the lower half of its body, while the witch flies, is kept underground, under a trough.
Little things end up in someone else's house, lifting its front corner. Appearing in a room, a witch can turn into anyone from the household. It was believed that if a magpie chirps in a hay field at night, it is a witch who wants to steal the fetus from a pregnant woman, and it is dangerous to go out to see her.
Appearing in the room, the werewolf magpie seems to paralyze the pregnant woman, who cannot move:
Having kidnapped a child, the things sometimes eat him right there, at the table. The little things do this without malice, since they feed in this way.
If you manage to tear your shirt when a werewolf appears, then the witch finds her real look, falls naked at her feet and asks for forgiveness. At this time you can do whatever you want with her.
In the past, they believed that if a witch flies in the form of a magpie, then if you throw a piece of a hoop towards her, the bird will immediately fall to the ground with a broken wing. Only the said fragment must have been found by chance somewhere on the road.
However, not everywhere the magpie is considered a devilish bird. In China, for example, local residents consider it a lucky bird and have unlimited faith that whoever kills it will face big troubles.

One of the most common and most widespread birds in our area is the magpie. Sometimes it is called ordinary or European. The bird is a representative of the raven family from the magpie genus. This smart, curious and sometimes impudent bird is very often an unexpected and uninvited guest in human homes.

The natural curiosity of the magpie has given rise to certain superstitions associated with this. In the old days, our ancestors were quite wary of uninvited guests; there was an opinion that a magpie should bring something on its tail. An extremely unconvincing and rather far removed from reality sign. But, nevertheless, people did not add up omens out of the blue.

It is necessary to figure out what this bird that flew “to the window” symbolizes.

Several interpretations of this sign:

  • If a person notices this bird perched on the window of a house, then it is necessary to lift it a little, and preferably, if possible, remove the headdress altogether for a few seconds. If there is no hat, then you should nod your head. In these ways you can neutralize Negative consequences such a meeting, otherwise it promises trouble;
  • When it's forty long time spins around some house idle, and then takes off and quietly sits on the window, this means that someone in this house will soon leave this world;
  • A noisy, cheerful bird jumping across the window is a harbinger of positive and very long-awaited news;
  • If a magpie perched on the window began to chirp noisily and cheerfully, this is a sign that a company will soon gather in this house for some kind of celebration;
  • When a feathered guest sits on the windowsill of a room where a sick person is lying and begins to chatter noisily, this is a good sign. The patient will recover;
  • People on whose window a bird appeared and suddenly flew away should think about safety. It is possible that the house may be robbed in the near future;
  • A magpie screaming very loudly outside the window can symbolize an imminent addition to the family;
  • When a magpie sat down on the window and began to persistently knock on the glass with its beak, and then flew into the house altogether - this is a bad omen, foreshadowing the imminent death of one of the residents.

People have been collecting signs for centuries precisely in order to warn themselves and others from evil rock fate. Modern man He questions everything and is inclined to believe only verified and proven information. However, signs should not be neglected either. If something is clearly and clearly told to a person by his intuition and inner voice, then this is a reason to think. Perhaps this will help protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.

There are popular beliefs about magpies, both positive and negative. Some signs about forty promise joy, others unpleasant news.

What does a magpie fly to?

By old superstition If a magpie has arrived, gossip and gossip await the person. That is why the appearance of a bird near your home must be taken seriously.

Depending on where the bird was encountered, the signs have different meanings:

  • Seeing a magpie on the roof of a house is a sign foreshadowing a good outcome of events and good news. A sign has the same meaning if a bird flies onto the balcony of a house.
  • If a magpie comes into the courtyard of a house, the sign portends great financial losses and poverty for the owners. But you shouldn’t drive it away, otherwise the losses will double or even triple.
  • If a magpie sat on the window, rushes about and runs on the windowsill, expect news, and most likely bad news. This could be fun gossip or good news.
  • It's a bad omen if a magpie knocks on the window. In this case, the winged one outside the window is a harbinger of a terrible and incurable disease or death of the owner or his relatives.
  • Seeing a magpie hit a window, fall and die is a sign of health problems. It is important to monitor his condition as much as possible. If a bird hits the window and immediately flies away, trouble and grief will pass by.
  • It's a bad omen to see a magpie flying over the house. Pay attention to the behavior of the bird. This popular sign says: if a magpie does not land on the roof of a house, it means that the person will face great troubles and failures. If the bird lands, all adversities will pass by.
  • Seeing two or three birds outside your window or in your yard is not a bad sign.

Magpie in the house

A magpie in the house is a harbinger of good events, so you should not drive it away.

A bird that flew into the house and screams - sure sign that all the bad things in the house will end soon, are coming good changes. The sign has the same meaning when several birds fly into a house and chatter in flight. For a sick person, this is a sure sign of a speedy recovery.

Magpie on the window

A magpie sat on the window and is peering intently at something in the house - be vigilant and careful, empty and large financial waste is coming soon.

If a bird lands on a window or windowsill in a house where there is a sick person, he will soon recover.

There is another meaning of this belief: robbers will soon come to the house.

A bird sitting calmly on a window promises joyful and long-awaited news.

Magpie in the yard

If you saw a bird fly into the yard, sit on the balcony or terrace - be vigilant, there is a high probability that someone wants to rob you.

The second meaning of the sign, if a magpie flew into the yard, gossip, gossip and slander await.

Magpie on the street

If a magpie flies down the street, signs have different interpretations of this phenomenon:

  • When you meet her, expect bad weather and problems in family and financial affairs. To neutralize the effect of negativity, when you see a bird, it is advised to cross yourself and draw a cross on the ground.
  • If you saw several birds, expect an imminent celebration where welcome guests will gather.
  • Three birds are fortune tellers.
  • Seeing four birds is not a good sign: bad news awaits.
  • A flock of five individuals is a harbinger good news- additions to the family.
  • For fishermen, seeing a flock of several birds is a sign of a good catch.
  • Knocked on the windshield of a car or followed the driver while driving - bad sign: The driver will have an accident. Superstition has the same meaning if a magpie hit the windshield and died.

Weather signs

The nests of these birds determine the weather in the coming days:

  • a magpie weaves its home at the very top of a tree - the weather will be warm and windless;
  • sets up a nest in the lower part of the tree - expect inclement weather and sudden cold snaps, perhaps there will be precipitation.

The meaning of other beliefs

Hearing magpies chirping outside the window is a sign that foreshadows good news.

A magpie sitting on a fence or gate mutters something all the time - inviting guests into the house. Beats on the window or knocks on it - expect a grand celebration and feast.

You should not swing at a magpie or throw a stone at it. You will have to pay for such actions with constant failures in life.


Signs about a black and white bird have come to us since ancient times. Our ancestors used them to determine the weather and upcoming events. Such signs have not remained forgotten even today. By paying attention to the behavior of the bird, where and how it appeared, one can predict good changes in life and prevent the development of negative consequences.

The magpie is a messenger that warns the hunter about the proximity of a hidden animal and about the imminent arrival of guests. The magpie's noisy reaction to danger, for which hunters dislike it, has become entrenched in folklore. Some beliefs about the magpie clearly came to us from primitive hunters. Seeing a magpie means bad luck, two means good luck, three means a wedding, four means the birth of a child. The Poles believe that the magpie's chirping promises good luck to the hunter. The cry of a magpie means receiving news or the arrival of guests.

Since the magpie is the bearer of news, along with the dove it is a symbol of the postal service. These ideas have long roots. In Brittany, for example, meeting a magpie in the morning means that you will receive a letter in the afternoon. In China, unlike Europe, the appearance of a magpie is a good omen (Gattiker and Gattiker, 1989).

In fairy tales and songs, the bird’s careful care for its nest and offspring turned it into a homely, caring housewife (Lebedev, Konstantinov, 1996).

The French try to please the magpie and live in friendship with it, because it warns against the wolf, drives away crows and foxes, in order to appease it, after the harvest they placed a sheaf of bread on a tree in favor of the magpie, which, in gratitude for this, will help protect the crops from thieves and birds . When they baked pancakes, they gave one pancake to the magpie so that with its cry it would warn against the wolf. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered the magpie to be the holy bird of Bacchus because, like drunk people, the magpie loves to talk. Russians say that if a magpie jumps on the house of a sick person, it means recovery. In England they say that you should always take off your hat when you see a magpie and bow to it, otherwise trouble will happen to you. Many peoples believe that the magpie and the crow bring children.

In Ukraine they say about the magpie that you can’t collect its eggs, because then your face will become pockmarked and the magpie will carry the chickens in retaliation. In Ukrainian Pokuttya, the attitude towards the magpie was quite positive, despite its minor sins - it could steal a chicken or a shiny thing. The arrival of a magpie on a peasant estate was welcome. It was believed that if she was sitting somewhere in the yard, then there would be guests (Pankiv, 1999). It was believed that these birds carry news on long tails and convey them by chirping.

Koreans have a legend about how a young man saved a magpie from a terrible snake. When his wife lured the guy into a trap and wanted to take revenge, the magpies saved him, paying for it with their own lives.

There are many signs associated with the magpie, and all of them, as a rule, are bad. This can be explained by the fact that, firstly, the magpie was supposedly the only bird that did not want to enter Noah’s ark. She hid on top of the ark and laughed at the dying world. And secondly, it is believed that under her tongue there is a drop of the blood of the king of the Underworld, and that is why the magpie is called the bird of the devil. Hovering above a person's head, a magpie predicts his imminent death. In some countries it is considered bad luck to see a magpie flying away from the sun. If this happens, you need to grab the first object you come across and throw it after her, saying: “Misfortune to the bird that flies against the direction of the sun.”

Meeting several magpies on the road at once always portends something, but whether it’s good or bad depends on their number. Meeting one magpie is considered by many to be a bad omen to this day, and people who are otherwise non-superstitious will often bow to it, spit on it, or cross their fingers to ward off impending bad luck. Or they will look around in the hope of seeing a lone crow - in this case, two evils will be mutually destroyed.
In England it was customary to take off your hat, spit in the direction of the bird and say: “Devil, devil, I renounce you!” In Germany, when meeting a lonely magpie, you were supposed to cross your thumbs and say: “My cross to the magpie, her cross to me. Misfortune for the magpie, happiness for me.” Two magpies together usually portend good luck. At the same time, however, it is necessary to greet the birds with a bow, and in some places with spitting, otherwise the good omen will not come true. Three birds promise a successful trip or wedding, four promise good news or childbirth, and five promise pleasant company. In general, each country has its own signs in this regard.

However, among all nations, a lonely magpie is a harbinger of trouble. If a magpie lands on a tree or the roof of your house, it means that neither the tree nor the house will ever collapse. However, if a magpie flies screaming over your home without sitting down, this portends the death of one of the family members. It is considered bad luck to see a magpie at the beginning of a journey, and if it flies over you while you are going to church, it means an imminent illness. But when going fishing, seeing magpies flying in pairs means a good catch. The source of this sign is probably that in cold and damp weather magpies leave their nests only one by one - one bird always remains in the nest to warm the chicks. If magpies fly in pairs, then the weather is warm and good, and therefore especially favorable for fishing. If a magpie has flown onto the veranda of a house, you should, just in case, strengthen the windows and doors, since, according to legend, the unexpected appearance of a bird in the entryway or on the veranda is a sign of thieves! If a magpie is chirping in a tree in front of the house, then a pregnant woman should never go outside at this time: in the guise of a magpie there may be a local witch who will spoil or even steal the child from the womb.

In connection with this sign, one can recall the legend of Marina Mniszech, who turned into a magpie when she had a bad time and flew out of the window of her mansion. For this, the magpie was cursed in Rus'. But not only for this. For a long time there were no magpies in Moscow, because one of them once, with its chirping, betrayed the boyar Kuchka (the ancestor of the future Romanovs), who was hiding from enemies in the forest in the very place where Moscow now stands. This is where he was killed. And the dying boyar cursed the stupid bird. They also said that Metropolitan Alexy forbade magpies to appear in the first throne, because he believed that witches were infiltrating Moscow under the guise of magpies. There is also a legend about one pious Muscovite who gave away all his goods to the poor and kept only the last piece of cheese for himself to go with on a pilgrimage to holy places. And forty stole this cheese. For this, God ordered her not to appear in the city anymore, and among the people the bird received the nickname “thief magpie.” But the most interesting legend relates to the events of the late 16th century, to the last days of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It is known that on the eve of his death, the king ordered witches to be caught throughout the country and brought to the capital square. The king came out and ordered everyone to be covered with straw and set on fire from all sides. “The fire of the witches engulfed them - and they started screaming, screaming and meowing. A thick black column of smoke rose, and magpies flew out of it, one after the other - apparently and invisibly. This means that all the cross-witch witches turned into forty and deceived the king in his eyes. Then the Terrible Tsar became angry and sent a curse after them. “So that you,” he says, “from now on and forever remain magpies!” So now they all fly in magpies and are still afraid of the royal curse more than a sharp knife. Therefore, not a single magpie reaches Moscow within sixty miles in the district.” By the way, in 1714, one woman was sentenced to death in Moscow for witchcraft and turning into a magpie (even Field Marshal Sheremetev believed in her ability for such a transformation).

“Leaving the house on business and seeing a magpie flying towards you is a bad sign. In Ukraine they say about a magpie that you should not collect its eggs, because then the face will become pockmarked, and the magpie will carry chickens in retaliation.

According to French beliefs, she has seven devil feathers on her head. In Switzerland, the local name for magpie was synonymous with the word “witch.” Magpie is the bearer of news. Along with the dove, it is a symbol of the postal service. In Brittany, for example, meeting a magpie in the morning means that you will receive a letter in the afternoon.

A killed magpie serves as a talisman for poultry. In Belarus, the feathers of a magpie killed on the first day of March are placed under a chicken sitting on its eggs to protect it from the evil eye. Bulgarians have a belief that the magpie is able to repel the disease that attacks chickens. Therefore, it is hung near the chicken coop or magpie feathers and stomach are used as a talisman. There is a widespread belief that a magpie can be forced to leave its nest if a cross is cut out on the tree trunk on which it is located, and the misfortune predicted by a meeting with a magpie can be averted by crossing oneself or drawing a cross on the ground. You cannot throw a stone at a chirping magpie or swing a stick at it - your hand will wither. A magpie flew into the yard - to a loss, but there is no need to drive it away - then the damage will be minimal. It is also not worth feeding the bird near the house - the brownie, who is disgusted by the magpie, will be offended. Having turned into magpies, witch-things (most often there are two of them) can act like “ordinary witches”: milk cows and spoil people. A peculiar activity that characterizes the thing magpie (usually tailless) is the abduction of fetuses from the wombs of pregnant women. Magpie witches fly from house to house at night and steal unborn babies, replacing them with brands, brooms, crusts of bread, pieces of ice, frogs, and bricks.

In Siberia they believed that a witch at midnight turns underground through twelve knives. Its upper half becomes a magpie, and the lower half of its body, while the witch flies, is kept underground, under a trough. Little things end up in someone else's house, lifting its front corner. Appearing in a room, a witch can turn into anyone from the household. It was believed that if a magpie chirps in a hay field at night, it is a witch who wants to steal the fetus from a pregnant woman, and it is dangerous to go out to see her. Appearing in the room, the werewolf magpie seems to paralyze the pregnant woman, who cannot move: Having kidnapped the child, the things sometimes eat him right there, at the table. The little things do this without malice, since they feed in this way. If you manage to tear your shirt when a werewolf appears, then the witch takes on her real appearance, falls naked at her feet and asks for forgiveness. At this time you can do whatever you want with her. In the past, they believed that if a witch flies in the form of a magpie, then if you throw a piece of a hoop towards her, the bird will immediately fall to the ground with a broken wing. Only the said fragment must have been found by chance somewhere on the road.

However, not everywhere the magpie is considered a devilish bird. In China, for example, local residents consider it a lucky bird and have unlimited faith that whoever kills it will face big troubles.

If in our country a bird with black and white plumage means something negative, then in China (hsi) it is a symbol of happiness (hsi-hyao - magpie friend). Its chirping foretells good news or long-awaited guests. In one of the texts of the 5th century. It is said that once in ancient times, a husband and wife, on the eve of a short separation, broke a mirror in two. If one of them violated marital fidelity, the part of the mirror, symbolizing the culprit, turned into a magpie and told the offended partner about the sin. Therefore, in China, bronze mirrors with images of a magpie engraved on them are often found. Magpie, in addition, embodies the primordial principle of yang (see Yin/yang) and as a bird that brings joy, it opposes crows. The image of twelve forty means numerous good wishes, and the image of a magpie, bamboo and plum or two magpies - wishes for happiness and love in marriage and is especially often intended for weddings. A magpie carrying a twig to build its nest. This will be useful to me. There is nothing in life that cannot be useful under certain circumstances, no matter how insignificant and even base this thing may seem at first glance. .

Joy, happy marriage, sexual success - lucky sign in China, where the cry of a magpie foreshadowed a meeting with friends; however, in the Western tradition, the magpie is a bird associated with acquisitiveness, malicious talkativeness and witchcraft. Magpie's love for collecting shiny objects, it seems, was the reason why a tradition arose in China, according to which separated spouses broke a mirror and kept its halves. If one of them cheated on the other, then his piece of the mirror turned into a magpie and hurried to tell the deceived spouse this news. A sign of the yang principle and the sacred bird of Manchus, the magpie often appears on Chinese greeting cards.

Signs associated with birds are quite rich history. Even in ancient times, birds were considered someone’s soul and were identified with freedom. Many people still believe in signs associated with birds, because folk signs are based on many years of observations of our predecessors.

If a bird flies into a house, it is interpreted as the imminent death of someone close. However, such an event cannot be called a sentence - it is rather a warning of misfortune that can be avoided. To do this, you need to release the bird and always in the same way that it got into the house. And everything will go as usual, and the bird will turn out to be just an uninvited guest.

In the age of high technology, people have learned a lot: to see stars from other galaxies, create nanotechnology, manipulate individual atoms and molecules, and much more that was previously considered a miracle. But it is common for any person to believe in folk signs that were collected and generalized by our ancestors over many centuries. Each nation, in addition to its national culture, has its own beliefs and various signs. Many people are skeptical about various kinds of signs, but on an intuitive level, people don’t like it when a black cat crosses the road, salt spills, or a mirror breaks.

It is very simple to explain - signs have reliably entered the life and consciousness of a person, since their roots go back centuries, to those times when people, with the help of signs and beliefs, tried to look into the future and explain what was happening. Many of these signs and superstitions are associated with birds. How do you know if this or that sign will come true? The magpie has long been one of the most popular birds, thanks to which many signs can be interpreted. These birds live close to humans, in squares, parks and forest plantations; they are well adapted to city life and are not afraid of people.

Many people believe that birds are associated with bad omens that portend loss, illness, or even the death of loved ones. But it is not always the case. Exist various signs and many of them do not bode well. The sign - a magpie on the window indicates that there will soon be guests in the house, and if someone is sick in this house, then things will go towards recovery.

Well, if, when leaving the house, you meet a magpie first, this is not good, it’s bad news. Therefore, on this day it is better to change your plans and not make important decisions. When you hear a magpie chirping in the yard, expect news or letters. Moreover, it is worth noting where the bird’s beak is turned - that’s where the news will come from. But if a magpie screams loudly while sitting on a windowsill or on a shutter, there will soon be a newborn in the house.

Any bird carries with it a message from the future. Therefore, those who believe in omens and know how to interpret them correctly can avoid trouble or prepare for important events. Usually a magpie brings some news; this bird rarely portends bad things. If a magpie flies onto the roof of a house, this is considered a good omen, which means that the inhabitants of this house are not in any danger. But if a magpie flies into the entryway, thieves may come into the house.

It is believed that when you see a magpie, you need to cross yourself - this way you can ward off trouble or trouble. A magpie can sit not only on the windowsill, but also on the balcony. The balcony cannot be called a room, so you shouldn’t expect anything bad. On the contrary, if a bird lands on the balcony, expect a new addition to the family. If a magpie sits on a window, it means good news, not necessarily bad news. Also, a magpie on the window foreshadows large material expenses, but only if it is looking into the house and not out into the street.

Previously, our ancestors believed that a bird was the soul of a deceased person and if it flies into a house, then there would definitely soon be a dead person in it. But we should not exclude simple accidents when a bird flies into a house through negligence, which does not promise the owners of this house either trouble or joy. If a magpie knocks on a window, folk beliefs interpret this as happy event or good news from afar. But some sources claim that in this way the bird brings bad news and unexpected losses.

You should not be upset if a sign promises any troubles or sad news, because the bird only warns of danger, and a person can always protect himself from danger and turn knowledge to his advantage. It is worth thinking about the fact that in the cold season, birds are simply looking for food and striving for warmth. Therefore, they fly to people’s homes to stay warm and feed, and not to bring bad news. However, whether to believe in omens or not is a personal matter for each person.

It is believed that if a magpie sits right in front of a person, you must immediately take off your hat or cap. This way you can avoid troubles. If a person sees one magpie, it means misfortune, two magpies mean guests should be expected, and three magpies or more mean one can prepare for a wedding.

Popular beliefs and signs were created by our ancestors over many centuries. Therefore, a person should not neglect this knowledge. By knowing how to interpret folk signs associated with birds, you can protect yourself and your family from many misfortunes.

There are many folk signs, which have been known since ancient times. Many of them are related to the behavior of birds. The titmouse is considered a good and kind bird, therefore the signs associated with it promise good...
