Preserve watermelons with citric acid. Delicious recipes for quick preparation of pickled watermelons for the winter in jars

Canned watermelons are a tasty and healthy preparation for the winter. It is served chilled in combination with various pickled vegetables and fruits, pickles, or as a main appetizer for meat dishes and hot side dishes. The recipe for pickling this large and juicy berry is simple; table vinegar, table salt and citric acid are used as natural preservatives when canning.

Classic recipe for juicy watermelon snack

Fresh watermelons in marinade are a reminder of summer on cold winter days. This appetizer has a refreshing, original taste that goes well with a wide variety of dishes and other preparations on the table.

To prepare canned watermelons according to the classic recipe for one liter jar, the following ingredients are needed:

  • ripe watermelon, medium size - approximately 0.25% of the whole;
  • sugar (1 tbsp) and table salt (1 tsp);
  • table vinegar and fresh garlic (3-4 cloves).

First of all, prepare all the necessary ingredients. The watermelon is washed and cut into small slices, some of which can be eaten fresh, and some can be used for juicy preparation. Cans for sealing are also washed and sterilized in boiling water or under steam along with the lids.

The resulting large parts of the large berry are again cut into approximately equal, small pieces of triangular size (it is in this form that they are best and easiest to pickle).

The thickness of each slice is 2–3 cm, the top seeds are removed, those near the crust can be left, and the sharp tops are slightly trimmed so that the parts fit better into the container.

Place pre-peeled and cloved garlic at the bottom of a clean and sterile glass jar. You can also send a few fresh cherry or currant leaves there if you wish. From above, the entire volume is carefully filled with watermelon pieces, without pressing them too tightly to each other, so that they completely retain their shape.

Pour boiling water over the contents of the container and then let it brew with the lids loosely closed for 20–25 minutes. After this time, the water from the cans is poured back into the pan, brought to a boil again and sugar, salt and vinegar essence are added alternately in the recommended proportions.

The marinade is boiled for another 10–15 minutes over low heat, and then, while hot, it is poured over softened watermelons in jars and the containers are immediately tightly sealed with lids. The workpieces are turned over, covered with a warm cloth and be sure to be allowed to cool to room temperature during the day. After this, the juicy appetizer for the winter is ready, it can be stored and safely served after 2 weeks.

Fresh pulp marinated with allspice

Another way to pickle fresh berries is to roll up the pulp along with allspice and pour the classic brine over it all. The end result is a very juicy, sweet and sour snack with a unique and refreshing taste.

To prepare this preservation, take the following ingredients:

  • watermelon – 3-4 large slices;
  • salt, sugar and vinegar (9%);
  • allspice and aromatic herbs if desired (mint, cilantro or parsley).

Watermelons for this recipe should be slightly unripe, with dense and at the same time juicy pulp. Selected berries are thoroughly washed with water, then cut into several small pieces. Now remove the seeds and carefully trim the green crusts with a sharp knife, removing as thin a layer as possible.

Before sealing, the jars are sterilized and allowed to dry. At the same time, place a pan with clean water on the stove and prepare the brine. Salt, sugar and just a little vinegar are added to the liquid.

Bring everything to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, then add other herbs and spices, such as ground red pepper or fresh, crushed mint leaves or celery stalks.

Peeled and proportionally cut pieces of watermelon are carefully laid out in prepared glass containers, allspice peas are added there and poured with boiling marinade.

Salted watermelon in jars for the winter - recipe with herbs

Properly pickled watermelon retains all its beneficial properties, and crispy and juicy slices of this berry will cheer you up on cold winter evenings. This recipe without sterilization makes the taste of the roll more rich, with piquant and aromatic notes due to the use of hot pepper and popular spices.

To prepare the preparation for the winter, use the following ingredients:

  • fresh watermelon (2–3 kg);
  • garlic – large 7–10 cloves;
  • bitter cayenne pepper – 1–2 pods;
  • horseradish root, parsley and dill;
  • salt, ground pepper, cinnamon and table vinegar.

Pour water into a large saucepan and add salt, sugar and a little wine or table vinegar. While the liquid is infused, they prepare the watermelon. The large fruit is cut into slices, then into even smaller pieces of a rectangular or triangular shape and the peel is cut off with a sharp knife, leaving only the juicy pulp.

Horseradish root, fresh parsley and dill are washed with water, crushed and all the herbs are mixed together. Finely chopped garlic is added to them. Place watermelon slices in a deep container along with herbs and garlic, alternating layers. Next, everything is poured with boiled brine, which was infused in another pan for 30–40 minutes. You can sprinkle small pieces of hot pepper on top to give the pickling a more piquant taste.

There is no need to put it under pressure, as the pulp of the berry may be damaged and produce too much juice. Leave the watermelon in this spiced brine for several days, covering the pan with cling film or a light plastic lid. Every 3-4 hours, gently stir the entire contents with a wooden spoon.

After 2-3 days of infusion, the pickling is transferred to clean and sterile three-liter jars; a few peas of allspice and dried cloves can be added to each of them, then the lids are sealed and the resulting preparations are sent for storage.

Watermelons in honey marinade - a bright and aromatic preparation

Pouring with honey makes the taste of the canned berries tender, juicy and unusual. It can be served either as a dessert or in combination with fried meat and other hot dishes.

The following types of products are used to prepare pickled watermelon:

  • medium-sized fresh green berries (2–3 kg);
  • natural honey – 3–4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices for marinade - salt, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings to taste.

It is better to take large berries for preparing this roll that are slightly unripe, with dense pulp and a small amount of seeds. It is not necessary to cut off the peel, but if you are using small jars, you can remove the green layer to save space.

Before cutting the watermelon, it must be rinsed in cold water. Then the resulting large slices are again cut into several parts in the shape of triangles or rectangles, the main thing is that they are approximately equal in size. If necessary, cut off the tops so that the slices fit better into the jar.

Containers for preservation are pre-washed in a solution with soda and treated with steam. The chopped slices are placed tightly in prepared jars, so that there are as few voids as possible inside the container. The spread out pieces are poured with hot boiled water and left for 10-15 minutes.

Then the water is drained and put back on the fire, adding the necessary spices in the form of salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil the marinade for another 10–15 minutes, stirring it occasionally.

At the very end, add 1 tablespoon of fresh vinegar and the recommended amount of natural honey. Mix everything thoroughly again and simmer over low heat for no more than 5–7 minutes.

While hot, the marinade is poured into jars with watermelon slices, the lids are hermetically sealed, the preparations are wrapped in a warm cloth and allowed to cool upside down, after which they are stored until winter.

Watermelon pulp jam - a delicious and healthy dessert

Watermelons can be salted or pickled for the winter, but do not forget about the possibility of canning tasty and healthy jam from watermelon pulp, which may remain after preparing other canned preparations. It turns out to be very delicate in taste and moderately sweet.

To quickly prepare watermelon jam according to this recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients, namely juicy watermelon pulp, granulated sugar and citric acid.

Instead of the latter, you can use the juice of natural lemon or other fresh citrus fruits, such as orange or grapefruit.

In addition, you can combine watermelon pulp with other berries, resulting in an even more juicy and tasty preparation.

The washed watermelon is cut into slices, then the seeds and rind are removed, and the pulp is cut into thin, medium-sized slices or cubes. In a deep bowl, mix the berry pieces with sugar and leave to infuse for several hours until a sufficient amount of juice appears.

Then transfer the pulp into a saucepan and place it on the stove, cook for 20–25 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, skim off foam if it appears. In the middle of cooking, add fresh lemon, orange or grapefruit juice, you can also add some fresh cranberries.

Watermelon can be confidently called a juicy, sweet and aromatic symbol of a colorful summer. Juicy watermelon pulp gives real pleasure. But the positive properties of watermelons do not end there - they help saturate the body with many vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances.

Watermelon belongs to the melon crops, being an annual herbaceous plant from the pumpkin category. To date, more than 1,200 different varieties of watermelons have been developed, which are grown in more than 100 countries around the world. You can enjoy watermelons not only fresh, but also prepare many delicious and healthy dishes from watermelon pulp - desserts, jam, compote, salads, sherbet, shakes, jelly, ice cream and much more.

But summer is quickly ending, and I really want to continue the fun. This can be easily done by canning watermelons for the winter. There are a lot of recipes for winter preparations - sweet, salty, sour watermelons will decorate your table in winter and add a touch of summer mood to it.

Useful properties of watermelons

Watermelon pulp is extremely beneficial for the body. It should be remembered that during preservation, all vitamins, microelements, as well as the beneficial properties of fresh watermelon are preserved. That is why canned watermelons are an excellent and very tasty way to replenish vitamin deficiencies during the cold winter period.

100 g of watermelon pulp contains only 37 kilocalories, so canned watermelons can easily be included in even the most strict dietary menu.
Canned watermelon contains vitamins B, C, and A.
Watermelon pulp contains almost the entire table of chemical elements - magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and some other useful trace elements.
Thanks to its unique composition, this wonderful berry has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and normalizes blood pressure.
Watermelon pulp is approximately 92% water. Therefore, canned watermelon has a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which it is recommended to use it regularly in case of swelling to quickly remove excess fluid.
Watermelon, both fresh and canned, contains a huge amount of folic acid, and therefore it is very useful to eat throughout all trimesters of pregnancy.

Canned watermelon for weight loss

The watermelon diet is one of the most popular and effective mono-diets, in which you are allowed to consume only the pulp of the sweet berry. The weight loss process is based on the low calorie content of watermelon, which is approximately 92% water - accordingly, it contains neither harmful fats nor carbohydrates, which are then treacherously “deposited” on the sides. Watermelon pulp has a diuretic effect, removing all excess fluid from the body.

The watermelon mono-diet allows you to consume only the pulp of the sweet berry - and nothing more. But there is also a pleasant moment - you can eat watermelons in almost unlimited quantities. To quickly lose extra pounds, it is recommended to consume no more than 1 kg of watermelon pulp per 10 kg of body weight. Accordingly, if a woman weighs 70 kg, she is allowed to eat up to 7 kg of pulp per day. This amount can be reduced, but not increased.

During the diet, you can supplement your menu with unsweetened green tea and still mineral water. If you cannot get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger, each meal can be supplemented with a small piece of black bread. But don’t be too zealous – 2-3 pieces of black bread per day is quite enough.

The duration of the watermelon diet should not exceed 5-7 days - but only if you feel well. As reviews from many girls show, during this time it is possible to easily and deliciously get rid of 3-5 extra kilos.

Canned Watermelon Recipes

There are a huge number of simple and very easy options for preserving watermelons for the winter - with various spices and marinades.

Canned watermelons in jars can be prepared according to the following recipe:

The watermelon should be washed with running water and then blotted with a paper towel.
Next, the watermelon must be cut into slices, each slice into several smaller pieces.
The prepared watermelon pieces are placed tightly in a glass jar and filled with boiling water to the top. Cover the jar with pressure and leave for 12-17 minutes. After the expiration date, the procedure is repeated, once again pouring boiling water over the watermelon pieces for 15 minutes.
The next step is preparing the brine. To do this, you will need to pour about two tablespoons of salt, 20 g of granulated sugar and a tablespoon of vinegar into 1 liter of water.
The brine is poured into jars, which are then rolled up and kept warm for 3-4 days.

Watermelon with garlic

To prepare this preparation, you will need one medium-sized watermelon, which is thoroughly washed, cut into slices, each of which is then cut into cubes again.
Place the watermelon cubes tightly in a glass jar, add 2-4 cloves of garlic, a little allspice, and 1.2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
Then the jar is filled with boiling water to the top edges and left for about 15-20 minutes.
After this, the water must be drained from the jar into a separate container, add one tablespoon of sugar, salt and vinegar to the resulting brine.

If you want to make canned watermelons sweeter, the amount of granulated sugar can be increased by a few tablespoons.

The brine should be placed on low heat and brought to a boil. After the liquid boils, it is poured back into the jars with watermelon, which are then sealed and placed in a cool place.

Watermelon with sugar for the winter

Sweet canned watermelons are a very tasty and healthy delicacy that provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy aromatic watermelon during the cold winter season.

It is very simple to prepare:

Watermelon pulp, cut into cubes, is compacted into a glass jar.
After this, it is filled with pre-prepared brine.
The brine is prepared separately - for this, a tablespoon of salt, two tablespoons of granulated sugar and vinegar are added to the water. Be sure to add 2-3 aspirin tablets to the brine.
The jar is filled to the top with brine and sealed with lids.

Canned watermelon with spices

The original recipe for watermelon with herbs and currants is extremely popular among many lovers of sweet berries.

Required components:

— One medium-sized watermelon.
- 2-3 sprigs of parsley.
- 4-5 cloves of garlic.
— Fragrant leaves – cherry, black currant. You need 4-5 leaves.
— To prepare a fragrant brine you will need 3-4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 40-50 ml of 9% vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of salt.

As in previous recipes, the watermelon must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, then finely chopped and placed in a pre-sterilized glass jar, at the bottom of which there are parsley sprigs, currant and cherry leaves, as well as garlic cloves.

After this, the jar with chopped watermelon and spices is poured with boiling water to the very edges and left to steep for about 30-40 minutes. After this, the liquid is re-filled into glass jars with berry pulp and left for another 20-30 minutes. Then the brine is boiled back, granulated sugar, vinegar and salt are poured into it, and again poured into the jars, after which they are carefully sealed with lids.

Spicy watermelon for the winter table

Watermelons canned in jars can be prepared not according to traditional recipes.

Preparing a delicious canned watermelon is very simple - you need to wash it, cut it into triangles and put it in a glass container.
After this, you need to add your favorite spices to the jar, which will add piquancy and originality to the sweet berry. The best option would be ground black pepper, cinnamon, lovage, horseradish, and several bay leaves.
The marinade is poured into the jars up to the top edges, after which they are rolled up with lids and placed upside down.

Watermelon with honey for the winter

Watermelon, canned for the winter with honey, is an excellent and tasty delicacy that will remind you of a colorful summer on cold evenings.

Washed watermelon slices are cut into triangles and placed in a glass, pre-sterilized jar.
Next, pour boiling water over the watermelon and leave it to steep for 10-15 minutes, after which the liquid should be drained and put on low heat until boiling.
Then the liquid is re-poured into the jar for 15 minutes, after which it is put back on the fire. In the brine you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of salt, 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar and a glass of natural honey.
The marinade is poured into jars, which are then sealed.

A very unusual and interesting dish - watermelon with honey and citric acid

It is prepared like this - chopped watermelon slices are placed in a prepared glass jar, which is then filled with boiled water for 4-5 minutes and drained.
The resulting marinade should be put on high heat, adding one teaspoon each of salt and citric acid, as well as 3-4 tablespoons of honey.
As soon as the marinade boils, pour it into a jar with watermelon slices and roll it up.

Throughout August and September, people enjoy ripe, sugary watermelons. To enjoy this berry during the cold season, you should study the recipes for delicious pickled watermelons in jars for the winter.

To pickle melons, you will need the following preparation:

  1. Choose the right berry - it should be ripe, fresh and juicy. The sweetness of watermelon for preservation is of secondary importance.
  2. Prepare jars of various capacities; both liter and 3-liter jars are suitable. They must be washed with detergent or soap, rinsed thoroughly with water and sterilized. This can be done in an oven, microwave, multicooker, or on gas over boiling water.
  3. Sterilize metal lids and prepare the key for sealing.

The berries need to be thoroughly washed and cut into not very large pieces, all seeds should be removed - without them the preparation will be better stored. If the skin of the watermelon is thin, then you don’t have to cut it off; it will be able to absorb and retain all the necessary components from the filling. But this will require an increase in the sterilization interval by a third of an hour. If the peel is thick, then you need to cut it off.

Due to the tender and brittle pulp, placement into containers should be done carefully, without compaction.

Requirements for the main ingredient

In order to choose a fresh and healthy watermelon, without dyes and additives, you will need:

  • buy berries in season;
  • ask the seller about the availability of the necessary certificates and laboratory certificates;
  • pay attention to the place where the berries are stored - they should not be placed on the ground or near the road;
  • There should be no damage, stains or bruises on the watermelon peel. The fruit should be round or oval, with a glossy shell;
  • the color of the stripes should be bright, not blurred, the tail of the fruit should be dry. When you tap with your finger, you should hear a ringing sound.

If you need a sweet watermelon, then you need to choose a female. They are distinguished by the presence of a brown flat round spot on the bottom of the berry.

The best ways to can watermelons

There are many recipes for pickling berries. It is worth choosing a more suitable method, since the taste characteristics of the workpiece will depend on the components of the marinade.

Classic recipe for a three-liter jar

To preserve watermelons using this recipe, you will need the following ingredients for 1 jar:

  • 2 kilogram watermelon;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 20 milliliters of vinegar essence 70%;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 branches of celery;
  • 3 bay leaves.

A celery branch, a whole clove of garlic, a bay leaf and pepper are placed in a 3-liter jar that has been sterilized. Next, the main component prepared and cut into triangular slices and the second branch of celery on top are placed in the container.

The container with the workpiece must be filled with bubbling water up to the neck and removed for a third of an hour.

Next, the filling from the container is poured into a pan, and the bulk components are dissolved in it. The solution is boiled for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, essence is added to the container and filled with a bubbling solution. Delicious, salty-sweet berries prepared using this method are stored at home.

Rolling into a liter jar

For seaming you will need:

  • 1 melon crop;
  • 50 grams of citric acid;
  • 3 leaves of horseradish;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 80 grams of sugar;
  • 65 grams of salt;
  • 2 bay leaves.

The main component should be cut into pieces so that they can easily fit into a liter container. Each piece must be freed from the shell. Place the product in containers into which bay leaves have previously been added.

Now you need to prepare the filling. You need to dissolve salt and sugar in a liter of water, then boil the solution for at least ½ hour, then it is poured into containers. You need to add 40-50 grams of citric acid to each container and roll it up.

Instant recipe without sterilization

For canning you will need:

  • 2.5 kilograms of the main component;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 60 milliliters vinegar 6%;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Place pieces of prepared watermelon in containers that have undergone sterilization; the layers should be layered with bay leaves and pepper. Pour boiling water into the filled container and cover with lids for 5 minutes. Next, pour watermelon water into the pan with the bulk ingredients and stir. Keep the solution on the fire for 5 minutes after the start of boiling, and pour vinegar into it and stir. Immediately begin pouring the solution into containers with the product and sealing the lids.

In a spicy marinade

To pickle berries according to this recipe, you will need:

  • 5 kilograms of watermelon;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 30 grams of sugar and salt;
  • 80 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 10 leaves of currant and cherry.

To prepare, you need to sterilize two 3-liter jars. Cut the main component into pieces, cut off the shell and place in jars. Pour the bubbling water into containers for 10 minutes. Next, keep the watermelon filling on the stove again until it boils and repeat the previous operation.

After sending the filling into the pan again, you will need to add all the ingredients of the recipe to it. Stir the solution and let it boil for a minute. At the final stage, the filling is poured into containers with berries. The product must be rolled up with lids.

Without crust

For people who are afraid to prepare a product with peel, this method is proposed. To pickle a culture without a shell, the following will be useful (the components are calculated per liter of solution):

  • berry;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar 9%.

Cut the main component into pieces, remove the shell and place in containers. Place the remaining ingredients into them, pour in tap water, roll up and sterilize for 1/4 hour.

With aspirin

To close the berries according to this recipe, you will need:

  • main component;
  • 1 branch of parsley;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 tablet of Aspirin.

The container does not need to be sterilized. First, you should put the parsley and garlic into containers and start laying out the main component. Pour the bulk ingredients and crushed Aspirin on top. At the final stage, the container is filled with bubbling water and rolled up. The product needs to be shaken and wrapped a little.

With garlic

To prepare the berries, you need:

  • 2.5 kilograms of watermelon;
  • 150 grams of honey;
  • 12 cloves of garlic;
  • 90 grams of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar 9%;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

The main component must be cut into pieces so that they can easily be placed in the jars. At the next stage, pieces of the prepared product are placed in containers for preservation, alternating with cloves of garlic. Then the workpiece is filled with boiling water to the brim, covered with a sterilized lid and left for a quarter of an hour.

Next, you need to pour the watermelon filling into a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients without vinegar and boil. The boiling marinade is poured into a container with the preparation, vinegar is added. At the final stage, you need to put a towel on the bottom of a large pan, place the workpieces on it, fill them with high-temperature water up to the beginning of the neck of the jars and sterilize from a quarter of an hour to 30 minutes, in accordance with the volume of the container.

With honey

For 8 kilograms of the main component, prepare:

  • 7.5 liters of water;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 10 tablespoons of honey;
  • 300 grams of vinegar 9%;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt.

The main component, cut into triangular pieces, is placed in a sterilized container and filled with bubbling water. After settling for 8 minutes, the watermelon filling needs to be poured into the pan. Once again, bubbling water is poured into the container with the workpiece, and after 5 minutes it is drained to the first fill. It must be kept on the stove until it boils.

The remaining ingredients are added to 3-liter containers with the product: 2 tablespoons of honey, 60 grams of vinegar, 1 tablespoon each of sugar and salt. At the final stage, you will need to pour the boiling solution into the container with the product and tighten it.

With citric acid

For 2 kilograms of the main component you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon citric acid;
  • black peppercorns to taste.

Cut the main component into slices and place in a sterilized container, into which pepper was added in advance. The components are poured with bubbling water and removed for a third of an hour to infuse. After pouring it is poured into the pan. Pour other ingredients into it, except citric acid, and boil the solution. The last component is poured into containers with other ingredients, which are then filled with boiling solution and screwed on with lids.

With heavenly apples

For 1.5 kilograms of the main component you will need:

  • 300 grams of fruits of paradise;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 30 grams of vinegar 9%;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Prepare the main ingredients: cut them into slices and remove the seeds, pull out the stems from the apples. Place the melons in a glass container and add apples on top. The components are poured with bubbling water and left for 10 minutes.

Afterwards, the watermelon-apple filling is poured into a pan, where there are already bulk ingredients. The solution is brought to a boil on the stove and vinegar is added to it.

This composition is used to fill containers with the workpiece. Next, they are sterilized for 10 minutes. Now they can be screwed on with lids and removed until they cool.

Conditions and periods of storage of canned watermelons

After screwing the lids on, the containers with watermelon preparations need to be turned upside down and placed in a warm place, covered with a blanket until completely cooled.

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One of the delicious signs of summer is the striped miracle - watermelon. This juicy berry is equally loved by children and adults. Sweet, aromatic melons are not only tasty, but also healthy. The only drawback is that the watermelon season ends very quickly. Making compote or jam from these fruits is quite difficult. But any housewife can prepare canned watermelons.

A snack with a piquant taste will be a great addition to a monotonous winter diet. It greatly diversifies the menu, will appeal to all household members and will surprise guests.

If you do not have a cellar, then you can pickle watermelon using the preservation method: in jars. The taste of such a snack will be less salty than that of a soaked berry.

This dish may seem unusual even to true watermelon lovers. It is prepared from components that seem to be incompatible in terms of taste characteristics.

A familiar berry will demonstrate a completely new flavor palette.

To make pickled watermelons, you should prepare:

The watermelon should be washed well and cut into medium-sized pieces. If the berry has a thick rind, then it is advisable to cut it off. A thin one will not interfere with preservation, so it is left. This increases the sterilization time to 20 minutes.

There are many recipes for making canned watermelons. They are all based on the same principle. The only difference is in the methods of preparing the filling. Any recipe includes salt and sugar. The function of a preservative can be performed by vinegar, aspirin or citric acid.

Watermelon slices should be placed in the jar as carefully as possible. They should not be compacted because watermelon has delicate flesh.

Recipe one: watermelon with horseradish

The preparation of such a spicy-sweet dish begins with a mandatory procedure: the watermelon is washed in warm running water. Then it should be wiped dry. For one watermelon you need 50 ml of 9% vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

The recipe also includes currant leaves, dill inflorescences, garlic, bay leaves, peppercorns, and horseradish leaves. Their dosage is at the discretion of the owner.

All green components must be thoroughly washed. Grease the inside of the jar with honey. Place pieces of watermelon (you can straight with the rind) into jars. Between them you should add a mixture that includes garlic, dill and horseradish leaves. First remove the husks from the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Horseradish must be peeled and chopped into small pieces.

Make the brine and bring it to a boil. Pour the hot mixture into the jars. Leave to ferment for three days. To preserve for the winter, drain the brine. Boil it again. Refill the watermelons and close the lids on the jars. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket.

After two days, do a revision. If everything is in order, then the canned watermelons can be moved to a cool place. A delicious winter snack is ready.

Recipe two: with aspirin

It is intended for those who do not like vinegar. You can use aspirin instead of this ingredient. After sterilizing the jars, place the pieces of watermelon in them. Hot water should be poured into these containers. Let them sit for about 10 minutes.

Drain the water and prepare the brine using the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.

This amount is based on a three-liter jar. Then add 3 tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) to each container with pieces of watermelon.

Then pour boiling brine into the jars and seal with metal lids.

Recipe three: for those with a sweet tooth

This method of preservation is characterized by an increased amount of sugar. One watermelon will require as many as 12 tablespoons. Other ingredients include: 3 tablespoons of salt, 120 ml of 9% vinegar, 2.5 liters of water and 5 cloves of garlic.

Wash the striped berry. Dry with a towel and cut the watermelon into triangles of equal size. Sterilize the jars for at least 15 minutes. Fill them with pieces of prepared watermelon. Place garlic cloves there too. Boil water and pour into a jar. Leave for half an hour.

At this time, start preparing the marinade. Pour the required amount of water into the pan. Bring it to a boil. Add salt and sugar to the water. Boil the mixture for no more than three minutes. Drain the water from the containers with watermelon pieces and garlic. This procedure should be done very carefully. It is convenient to use a special plastic cover with holes for it. Immediately pour the boiling marinade over the watermelon preparations. After adding vinegar, sterilize for 40 minutes.

After this time, roll up the jars with metal lids. Or screw on the lids if you are using Euro jars.

Turn the containers upside down. Wrap the preserved food in a warm blanket. When the brine in the jar becomes completely cold, you can put them bottom down.

Now all that's left is to find a suitable storage location. It should be cool and dark.

In the frosty winter, an amazing and appetizing dish of canned watermelons will appear on your table. If in summer berries with melons are a wonderful dessert, then in the cold season they turn into an exotic snack. Seeing a piece of summer on a plate in the middle of January is an incomparable pleasure. This sweet and sour delicacy will become a favorite on the winter menu.

The main thing is to have time to hide a few sweet berries in glass jars during watermelon season!

In order to deliciously pickle watermelon for the winter, we will need the following products. Wash the watermelon skin thoroughly and dry it with a towel. Cut off the rind and cut into small pieces so that the watermelon fits easily into the neck of the jar. But at the same time, we do not make it too small; after marinating, the pieces of watermelon greatly decrease in size.

We sterilize jars over steam or any other method convenient for you. Boil the lids for at least 5 minutes. Place sprigs of dill, bay leaf and spices on the bottom of each jar. To make watermelons especially fragrant, be sure to take dill with umbrellas.

Carefully place the watermelon pieces into the jar.

We peel the garlic and cut it into slices; in this form it will better release its aroma and taste. Place the garlic in a jar.

Fill the watermelons with hot boiled water, cover the jar with a lid and leave for a while so that the workpiece cools down a little.

After this, pour the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil the marinade for 5-7 minutes.

Refill the jar of watermelons with marinade, roll it up and turn it over. Cover with a warm blanket or towel.

When the workpiece has cooled, put it away for storage. It is best to store pickled watermelons in a cool, dark place.
