Beautiful people with the most unusual appearance in the world (7 photos). Who is the most beautiful person in the world

The Almighty chose from all His creatures the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and according to external beauty, both in body coherence and in all-round perfection. Those who were lucky enough to see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), describing him, said: “My eyes have not seen, as probably the eyes of others have not seen, a more perfect and beautiful person than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).”

The companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him!) noted: “I have not seen anything more beautiful than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). It seemed that his face was the sun. When he smiled, the walls lit up.”

Ibn Abu Khalat (may Allah be pleased with him!) said : “His face radiated a radiance like the moon on a full moon night.” Muaz said to his son: “O my son, if you saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), it would seem to you that he is like the rising sun.” Jabir bin Sumrat noted: "One night I was looking at full moon and at the same time on the face of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). I swear by Allah, it seemed to me that his face was more beautiful than the full moon!”

Amr bin al-Asi said: “I couldn’t get enough of the amazing beauty and charm of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). If someone asks me to describe his face, I will not be able to do it.”

The elders and closest companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), being fascinated by his beauty, were unable to describe it. Basically, his beauty was described by those companions who were younger in age. One of them described it with these verses:

Meaning: “Allah created you pure from all shortcomings, as if asking you yourself: were you created the way you wanted?”

The noble hadith says, that Allah gave Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) only half of beauty. Seeing its beauty, the women whom Zuleikha invited to visit cut their hands with the knives they used to peel the fruit. That is, enchanted by his beauty, they did not feel pain. This is mentioned in holy quran. If the Almighty gave the Prophet Yusuf (peace and blessings be upon him) half of beauty, then He gave the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) full and perfect beauty. However, Allah, taking pity on his community, covered his beauty with greatness. If it were not so, then people fascinated by him would cut not only their hands, but also their hearts.

Describing the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Husayniya Muhammad from the village of Gigatl (may Allah be pleased with him) writes:

“Beautiful in body, bright in face,

Our holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is of average height.

Everyone is embarrassed by the beauty of his eyes,

And his eyebrows are like the Arabic letter “nun”.

And the speech is perfect, like the trill of a bird of paradise,

And every word sweeter than honey bee

And the cheeks are the most beautiful rose,

And his figure is slimmer than a golden arrow.

And skin whiter than paper whitest,

hair blacker than ink,

Thick beard, braids - as if made of silk.

Shining like the sun illuminating the earth

He sees everything - both in front and behind.”

Alihaji from Inkho (may Allah be pleased with him) writes:

More beautiful in appearance than Yusuf (peace be upon him), son of Yakub (peace be upon him).

Even though he eats and sleeps, he is always in the bath,

Whether you eat or drink, everything comes in like light.

No one can describe his height,

And our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is like a mirror.”

He also writes:

Scientists are losing knowledge, thinkers are losing their minds,

Except for the Creator, all people are fascinated by him.

I want to praise - my tongue gets tired,

I want to think - my brain gets tired,

The hand gets tired of writing, it is impossible to describe it.

His pearl shoulder blades, and between them a seal,

It says “Muhammadun Mansurun” in large handwriting.

His head is round, and his neck is like a silver vessel,

Mahmudun, Hamid, Hashir, Akib,

Mahi, Siraj, Munir.

The mouth is beautiful, the tongue is eloquent, and the teeth are amber,

Although the eyes sleep, the heart never sleeps.

The straight and thin nose is beautiful, and the eyebrows are like the Arabic “nun”.

Energetic and lively - this is Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) - our Prophet.

No one can really describe our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The care and attention that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) paid to personal hygiene

The beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) bathed every week. He always washed his hands before eating, trimmed his mustache and nails once a week, and said that faith and religion are based on cleanliness.

The smell of his sweat was more fragrant than musk. He combed his hair and anointed it with oils, tinted his eyes with antimony. After eating, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) brushed his teeth, every time before going to bed and waking up, before performing prayers and after them, he cleaned his teeth with a siwak (a natural toothpick made from the roots of the arak tree). He always kept his clothes clean and wore them neatly and neatly, called on people to maintain cleanliness, and ordered them to keep their houses, courtyards and mosques clean.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was constantly in ablution, monitored body hygiene and always maintained cleanliness in appearance.

beauty has always been a rather relative concept. Despite this, from time to time periodicals allow themselves to create and publish various ratings. No matter how subjective they are, they still have their own meaning for people. Let's try to create our own version of the rating. Let's start, perhaps, with fair half humanity.

1., a talented actress, and recently also a producer. She has starred in more than a hundred films and has won the prestigious Academy Award for Best Actress. She is the highest paid actress in the world. Despite such a busy work schedule, Julia has three children.

2., actress and sex symbol of our time. The “beautiful people of the world” rating cannot do without her, because, in addition to the fact that she became a producer and director of excellent films, she also mother of many children. At thirty-five years old, Angelina is for many the standard of female beauty.

3., another blockbuster star. She became famous thanks to her filming in the films " Star Trek", as well as "Avatar". Started my acting career from playing in theaters and very soon was noticed by film producers because of her extravagant appearance, in which several nationalities were mixed at once.

4. The fourth place in our rating is occupied by. Many beautiful people would dream of being as popular as she is. At twenty-five years old, she not only starred in a huge number of films, but also already managed to become a professional director. Together with your legal spouse Ryan Reynolds makes up Scarlett the most beautiful couple in Hollywood.

5., was born in California and became famous thanks to her role in the very popular TV series “Friends” at the time. It was for this that she was awarded the prestigious Golden Globe and Emmy awards. At one time, she even received a personal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

1. . Born in 1980. He started his career by working in the modeling business. The first debut on the screen was a video for the song by Ricky Martin. After this, there were many roles in various films, often in duets with equally famous actors.

2. . Actor, model and musician rolled into one. He became famous on the wide screen thanks to the vampire saga “Twilight”, where he played one of the main roles.

3.. He began acting in films at the age of eleven, and was a contender for an Oscar. Now he not only plays roles in films, but also takes an active part in many social programs.

4. Brad Pitt, a handsome guy whose photo never leaves the pages of glossy magazines. Famous actor, screenwriter and director. He was nominated four times for the most popular cinematic award, the Oscar. Became the winner of the Golden Globe. It's been breaking for many years women's hearts, but remains faithful to his wife Angelina Jolie.

5.. Born in Scotland, in the family of a plumber and a secretary. He honed his acting skills in several theaters. In 1996 he made his debut in the film “Little Faces”. Then there were roles in several TV series and large-scale historical films. Married, has two children, a boy and a girl.

Beauty is a subjective and relative concept. After all, what is beautiful for someone may be ugly for another. But one cannot argue with the fact that at all times beauty acts as a kind of cult and is a powerful force.

Standards of beauty have changed over time. Curvy figures, excessive thinness, athletic figure, pale translucent skin, intense tan, large breasts, small breasts - all this changed from era to era.

And if recently, during the 90s of the last century, the so-called “heroin chic” was in fashion, when excessively thin girls were especially valued, now more attention is paid to thinness, but already healthy, with rounded hips, lush breasts and a thin waist.

The most beautiful girl in the world in history

Perhaps we can start with the Egyptian ruler. The beauty of the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV delighted all Egyptians, for which she received a name that means “The Beauty Has Came.”

Another beauty of Ancient Egypt was the last queen. There is no consensus about her beauty. Some believe that she was not at all beautiful woman, others still prove her incredible charm and attractiveness. And, by the way, the latter are especially convincing, since Cleopatra was able to win the hearts of many men, as well as the commander Julius Caesar.

Incredibly beautiful and attractive Mata Hari at one time she could manipulate men with the help of exotic dances. In addition, this woman was engaged in double espionage, for which she paid with her life.

The real princess is an Oscar winner for her performance in the film Mogamobo. During the filming of one of the films American actress met the Prince of Monaco. The meeting ended with a wedding, after which the beauty became the tenth princess of Monaco.

The place is amazing Princess Diana Everyone wanted to visit. She had ideal parameters figure, and also had her own inimitable style. In addition, Diana was famous for her beautiful internal qualities- sincerity and kindness, which captivated the British people.

You can't ignore the American superstar of the 1950s - from a notorious girl, the actress and model turned into one of the most beautiful girls in the world. Curvy, blond hair and plump lips they beckoned from TV screens and covers, but still this was not enough for the girl to find her happiness.

The first film star of Russian cinema has attracted attention with her beauty since childhood. Many attribute her success only because of her amazing and attractive appearance, but still Vera stood out from the rest beautiful actresses.

Her aristocratic appearance sets her apart from other beauties in the world. Chiseled features, Thick hair and a fragile figure combined with strong inner qualities were remembered by humanity. The girl devoted her energy not only to acting in films, but also to charity.

Superstar of Europe long years considered . The luxurious blonde, originally from France, has an attractive appearance and a luxurious figure. In addition to acting, the girl was a singer and model.

One of the most titled women in the world is Italian. Dark thick hair frames Beautiful face, and appetizing forms complement the image of a fatal beauty.

At the end of the 20th century, the most famous and desirable female representatives were actresses who appeared on screens around the world, presenting themselves as a gentle, charming and sincere woman, ready to do anything for love.

The Miss Youth beauty contest, which the young Kim won at the age of 17, brought her to work in a modeling agency. But few people wanted to take the still unknown beauty into serious projects. Thanks to her punchy character and perfect figure, she was lucky enough to have a photo shoot and appear in a men's magazine. This was a decisive event in her life and after that the young girl was literally inundated with offers from modeling agencies and film studios. The successful 80s and 90s brought her worldwide fame as a charming blonde who simply could not be ignored by the entire male population of the earth, and films starring Kim Basinger are still considered classics of romantic cinema.

British film actress, Oscar winner, who has starred in many Hollywood films. Since childhood, she has played in different theatrical productions and performances in England, so it was impossible not to notice her. The peak of her fame fell in the early 2000s. Incredible charm and attractive appearance helped the sizzling brunette become famous throughout the world.

American film actress and winner of Oscar and Golden Globe awards. After school, she tried herself in the modeling business and as a flight attendant, but after she was noticed in theatrical productions, roles in Hollywood films brought her true success. She has earned herself the unofficial title of “queen of romantic comedies” and America’s favorite. Beautiful facial contours and a toned figure still keep this charming woman in the world beauty rankings.

Top most beautiful girls in the world of the 21st century

What kind of top, called “The most beautiful girl in the world”, without Angelina Jolie? The actress has long written herself down not only in the history of cinema, but also of all humanity. This woman is famous not only for her stunning appearance, but also for her good deeds. In addition, she perfectly combines the work of an actress and director with the activities of a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

One of the most popular models in the world is a German woman Heidi Klum. In addition, she tries herself as a TV presenter and actress. This girl is still one of the highest paid and sought after models.

The extremely popular film actress and fashion model of the world captivates everyone with her beauty, charm and talent. Bright facial features feminine figure and the piercing gaze of the model and actress make men's hearts beat several times faster.

American supermodel and Hollywood film actress, winner of many awards. After winning an international beauty contest, her career as a model began to develop rapidly. Incredible beauty and charm helped her get first roles in a number of films with world movie stars, which ultimately brought her to the walk of fame. It is noteworthy that most of her roles are negative in nature and she often refuses positive roles. But this did not stop her from becoming the most charming actress of our time. Another feature of this femme fatale is that thanks to the unique contours of her face and permanent job Above herself, her beauty only improves over time and she still manages to successfully occupy the first places in world rankings of the most beautiful girls in the world.

An English film actress, she began acting in television programs and films since childhood. In 2002, the British magazine Hello! awarded her 1st place among the beauties of England. And already in 2003, Maxim magazine placed Kate in 16th place in the HOT 100 rating. The actress’s active career and charming appearance allowed her to occupy leading positions in many rankings of world-famous publications, and in 2009, the men’s magazine Esquire even awarded her the title of “the most beautiful woman alive,” according to their version.

The first Spanish film actress to win an Oscar and a fashion model. The brunette's active life position and alluring appearance allowed her to star in more than 50 films. Now Penelope Cruz is actively working in the modeling business and is the official face of many global brands, such as L’Oreal, Mango and Ralph Lauren.

Zhang Ziyi
Chinese film actress. Zhang Ziyi is one of the four most popular and sought-after film actresses today in China. The famous People magazine twice awarded TOP positions in the ranking of the 50 most beautiful people on earth, and the world famous publication Time even called her a Chinese gift to Hollywood.

An oriental beauty from India is the most beautiful winner of the Miss World competition. The girl does not only modeling career, but also acts in films.

The golfer is originally from Australia. After completing her sports career, the girl took up modeling. It can often be found on the covers of sports magazines, as well as advertising banners.

Cheryl Cole
English singer, actress and model. Ever since childhood, she has been involved in choreography, at school she already won various beauty contests, starred in commercials, and worked part-time as backing vocals for various groups throughout Britain. But Cheryl Cole gained great popularity when she joined the group Girls Aloud. When the singer was invited as a judge to participate in the British versions of The X Factor, her career skyrocketed. Along with a good music career, the charming Cheryl has proven herself as a model for magazines such as Vogue, Elle and Harper's Bazaar. At every event and Everyday life the singer looks elegant and irresistible. This allowed her to gain recognition as a “style icon” and be included in beauty ratings, as well as become the face of the L’Oreal cosmetics brand in the UK.

All Victoria's Secret Angels are Beautiful, But Special attention chained to stunning Adriana Lima. This girl, originally from Brazil, has many bloods mixed, which gave her beauty. By the way, my collaboration with famous brand it started in 1999 and continues to this day.

Jennifer Lawrence- an incredibly talented and beautiful American actress at the age of 25 has already received many awards both in the film industry and for her appearance. Now the girl is among the top ten most beautiful actresses in America.

She is one of the hundred most beautiful girls in the world. The Duchess gets a lot of attention, so the girl always tries to look great. Kate's makeup, hairstyles and outfits are always on point.

The American actress has been included in most ratings of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world for many years. Her sweet, gentle face is the result of genetics, but her ideal body is the actress’s enormous work.

Since school age I have been actively studying acting: played in the theater, actively starred on regional television in Texas. From the age of 17 she worked as a model, but this did not suit her and, in pursuit of the dream of a film actress, Amber left for Los Angeles. In a short time she starred in many television series, and she got her first role in the film “In the Rays of Glory.” The image of a charming blonde and ideal forms helping her get major roles in a number of big-budget films. And men's magazines FHM and Maxim include Amber Heard in the rating of "100 most desirable women in the world."

Australian actress who conquered the Hollywood Hills. She was first noticed in such TV series as “Neighbors” and “Pan American”. While still in Australia, she conducted a photo shoot for ELLE Australia, and in America for Esquire. And then she went on to star in leading roles in Hollywood big-budget films with actors such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith, who brought her worldwide fame. Subtle features faces, moderate makeup, current selection of outfits for roles and ideal figure created the ideal girl that is easily replicated on the glossy covers of men's magazines around the world.

Scarlett Johansson- this is another girl from the USA who often appears in the rankings of beauties of the world, where she leads the leading positions. By the way, the actress is quite self-critical of herself, so she devotes a lot of time to her appearance.

Winner of the Miss Universe 2014 crown, Colombian model. The long-legged beauty began modeling at the age of 8. First, she won the Miss Colombia 2013 beauty contest, where she won the honor of representing Colombia at international level, where she eventually won the honorary title “Miss Universe”. Now Paulina Vega is studying at Columbia Metropolitan University, studying management, while proving that modern girl may have not only beauty, but also intelligence and professionalism.

English actress. After school I went to study acting, and first appeared on general public in the TV series Coronation Street, thanks to which she won many British awards. She conducted several photo shoots for the British magazine “FHM”, and in 2015 the same magazine awarded Michelle Keegan first place in the ranking of “the most desirable women in the world”, ahead of fashion model Kendall Jenner and Hollywood film actress Jennifer Lawrence according to this magazine.

American model, TV presenter, actress. Kendall Jenner was lucky to be born into a family of celebrities. Being 13 summer child she has already begun to conquer high fashion in the United States. After signing a contract with the modeling agency Wilhelmina Models, the young girl began to be invited to conduct photo shoots for youth publications and act for various brands. Kendall and her sister are creating their own clothing line and writing a science fiction novel, Rebels: City of Indra. Young model often appears as a fashion model at Fashion Weeks, and in 2014 in Paris she represented the brands Chanel and Givenchy.

Where do the most beautiful girls in the world live?

Many people put the hot one first in terms of the number of beautiful girls. Brazil. Expressive facial features, beautiful female figures and hot temperament immediately identify Brazilian beauties. It is from here that models are “released” and gain worldwide fame. The most popular are Gisele Bundchen, Isabelle Fontana and Alessandra Ambrosio.

In second place is Russia, in which there is simply an abundance of beauties. Often it is Russian women who take leading places in beauty contests. And the number of talented singers and actresses with stunning appearance is off the charts - Svetlana Khodchenkova, Ekaterina Klimova, Agniya Ditkovskite, Vera Brezhneva, Sati Casanova.

Special attention is paid Philippines, where many beauty pageant winners come from - Megan Young, Ariella Hernadez Arida, Janine Tugonon. The mixing of many nations has led to the fact that Filipinas have colorful and expressive facial features.

USA ranks not last in terms of the number of beauties. This is where actresses and singers with beautiful and attractive appearance live - Megan Fox, Beyoncé, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, Halle Berry.

The most beautiful girls in the world in Russia

Russian supermodel. One of the most famous Russian women who has conquered the whole world with her beauty is. Since childhood, the beauty tried herself as a model, which gave her worldwide success. Working in different agencies, first in Europe and then in the USA, Irina Shaykhlislamova is already known under the pseudonym Irina Shayk. According to, Irina Shayk is ranked 14th most attractive model in the world. Now Irina is actively busy with filming, modeling, and is the face of several advertising campaigns, and she is also one of the most famous Russian women in the world.

Russian actress, star of cinema, theater and television series. Already, she has performed more than 50 roles in various television projects and films, and she also constantly plays in the Russian theater and tours around the country. Her charisma, combined with the bewitching appearance of a brunette, allowed her to reach the highest level of Russian cinema. The official recognition of her beauty was the choice of the famous trade mark Garnier Color Natural, and later jewelry company TOUS Spain.

Another girl who glorified Russia. The girl participated in numerous shows of world couturiers, and was also the face of L’Oreal Paris. But over time, Natalya left the modeling business and is now involved in charity work.

Russian model. Since childhood, she began to seriously engage in sports such as running, biathlon and gymnastics, which gave her excellent posture and plasticity. And her beautiful facial features, professional makeup and very attractive appearance allowed her to escape from the Tyumen outback. Ksenia began winning at local and regional competitions, first taking the titles “Miss Tyumen” and “Miss Russia. And already in 2008, the young beauty conquered the top of a global beauty contest, becoming Miss World 2008. Now the girl continues her career in the modeling business, posing a lot for popular magazines both in Russia and around the world.

The famous tennis player is also from Russia. The girl has made an excellent sports career, and also actively takes part in many advertising campaigns. By the way, she was more than once called the most beautiful girl in Russia.

The Russian model is the owner of second place in the famous project “America's Next Top Model”. In addition to modeling, the girl works as a correspondent and is also involved in charitable activities.

The Queen of Instagram in 2012 became the second vice-miss of Russia. Now the model can be seen not only on the catwalks of Russia, but also of Japan, as well as Italy.

Victoria Bonya- presenter, model, and actress in Russia. The girl gained fame from her participation in the reality show “Dom-2”. The French magazine Vogue recognized her as the most beautiful and charming girl in Russia.

The top model, originally from Russia, once won over a modeling agent, after which she was invited to Japan to work. After this, the girl began to participate in world shows of famous fashion houses.

The beauty is famous Russian model, as well as a TV presenter. At the same time, the girl is trying to conquer new heights in the form of a writing career, and is also involved in charity work.

Russian singer and composer. Throughout her childhood, Anna dreamed of performing at big stage. Hard work and breathtaking beauty did their job, and her dream came true. Now Anna Pletneva is touring all over Russia, releasing new albums, and also loves to pose for various glossy magazines, and she is not shy about doing this in nude style. Showcasing my ideal body, the men's magazine Maxim has already invited the singer to photo shoots three times.

Singer Polina Gagarina one of the hundred most beautiful and attractive women according to FHM magazine. In 2015, she won silver for Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest.

It's no secret that beauty is a very subjective concept. Every year, the world-famous People magazine compiles its list of the most beautiful people on the planet, guided only by the feelings, emotions and associations that celebrity photographs evoke. This year she was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world famous actress, which is in Lately actively working on her appearance.

In an interview with the publication, Gwyneth said that she feels especially beautiful in her home environment - her favorite jeans and T-shirt. She tries not to use cosmetics and not to do makeup, at least at home. Paltrow has two children - 8-year-old daughter Apple and 7-year-old Moses. Thanks to constant training and special diet At 40, the actress feels much better than in her youth.

The list of the most beautiful people on the planet according to People magazine also included others. For singer Zooey Deschanel, the best example of ideal appearance has always been her mother. She said that she considers her not just a beautiful person, but a woman with her own style. Zoe admitted that in order to be beautiful, you need to be honest with yourself.

Zooey Deschanel is included in the list of the most beautiful people on the planet

Another Hollywood beauty is not just an Oscar winner, but a fan healthy image life. At the same time, the actress never starves herself and is of the opinion that at 22 years old you need to look like a beautiful and healthy woman, and not a 13-year-old boy. She is very tired of people who think that all women should look like this.
