Beautiful congratulations to the kindergarten staff on their graduation. Congratulations for kindergarten teachers from parents on graduation

Large selection poems for kindergarten graduation. Poems and gratitude from children and parents dedicated to the kindergarten staff: the manager, teachers, nannies, speech therapist and all other workers.

Head of preschool educational institution

Accept our bow to the very ground
For being able to warm your hands
Your children's oasis, create comfort there,
For moms and dads, you are like a second mother,
After all, we are young and sometimes not always,
We have enough experience at our age,
We sometimes went to you for advice.
The children have completed their preschool journey,
And today we want to wish you,
So that your kindergarten can survive
In such difficult difficult times,
You have enough patience, this is a burden for you
Carry through the years on women's shoulders!
You can't express all the respect in words,
Thank you for everything, for your warmth and care,
May your work only bring you joy,
Success and happiness to the kindergarten and to you,
Bow to you today from dads and moms!


Every day with your care
Our "Rainbow" is becoming more and more beautiful,
This kindergarten is getting brighter
For big and little ones!

Thank you for your concern,
For hard work,
For joy, warmth, comfort,
That they live in our kindergarten.

Let work bring you
Positive attitude!
Well, different problems
Let them bypass!

(T. Illarionova)


Everything is fine in our garden -
Beauty is visible in everything
Because personally
SHE works miracles!
And our manager,
For her efforts,
We'll say thank you now
Yours truly!

(T. Dashkova)

To the teacher

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
For raising our children!
There is no profession in the world that is more needed,
And the children have become accustomed to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That they will no longer see your eyes,
Their years go by, their days are formed,
And our children, of course, have grown up,
After all, they were always at work with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
Have you taught children letters and numbers?
And now they will go to school,
And they express gratitude to you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We all wish you happiness with inspiration!

We are grateful to the teachers

Who can replace a child's mother?
Who can protect from bruises,
When a child is brave and stubborn
Trying to conquer the peak?

Who will surprise you with your favorite book?
He will open it, read it, explain it,
Will help curious boys
Will it revitalize girls' sense of style?

They live helping each other.
Parents are organizing their lives
The teacher has a different responsibility -
The child will be cheerful, cheerful and well-fed.

We express our gratitude to the teachers,
We respect their hard work.
Let them feel joy
When children are led through life.

(N. Vnukova)

Dear educators

From happy dads and moms:
What should we do with the children?
If they hadn't given it to you?
We're half an hour away that morning.
And three hours into the night
We all cry from inability
To teach a son or a daughter.

How about all the days of the week?
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
To graze our offspring?
To understand their whims,
Their ignorance is tolerable...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Kindergarten teachers

You are not just teachers for children,
You completely replace their mother.
They don't need sweet candies
If you are happy, your soul is comfortable!

For children, the main thing is care,
And care, attention, day after day.
Teacher is a difficult job
If the house is full of wards!

We are grateful to you for your efforts,
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!

We wish you good health,
A lot of strength, perseverance and kindness.
May your children greet you with love
And they never forget!

(E. Sokolovskaya)

To the teacher

For hard work, for effort
We would like to thank you,
For the fact that our children
You helped raise.

Taught them to be friends, to play,
They even taught us how to embroider!
You took care of them
And they taught them, lovingly,
We left for work
Without fear for the child.

And I say goodbye to you,
Today we would like to wish
Good luck, happiness and health!
We will always remember you!

(T. Illarionova)

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't you

To educators

Raising a child is not an easy job,
You need to teach your child all the basics of life.

So that the child gets dressed and understands art,
He knew what was bad and what was not, and developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world, the teacher in it is his idol,
Helps the baby realize the beauty in everything.

How to make friends with guys and make friends with nature.
Become an equal among equals and never be late.

Today is a holiday in Rus' for the country's educators!
May their dreams come true and be transformed in reality!

(V. Popov)

Thanks to the teacher

The teacher has a job -
This is such a concern!
We need to wipe the snot,
Songs to sing and dance.

Comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries,
This one chases everyone with a stick.

Try and follow
Keep everyone safe.

It’s so difficult with just one,
And you can’t even count them.
How many eyes do you need?
And yes, there are definitely six hands.

We are calm for the children
For your pencils.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
And bow to you to the ground!

(O. Demina)


They don't let mom into the garden?
Don't be sad, buddy.
Instead of mother, the boys
There is a teacher in the group!

Our second family is a group,
Here are toys and comfort,
And being bored and crying is stupid,
Mothers will come in the evening.

Games and songs are very useful
The teacher picked it out for us.
We have fun in the group
Every day and every hour!

(N. Ivanova)

Our teacher

Who will teach strong friendship,
Share the game with a neighbor,
Carefully eat all the porridge?
Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing and recite poetry?
Our teacher!

Who will console, will regret,
Who will teach you to become kinder?
My beloved garden is more beautiful with her,
With our teacher!

(E. Kravchenko)

Congratulations to the teachers!

We praise the teachers!
Congratulations on this bright day!
Oh, the work is not easy...
You are a reliable hand
Moms and dads of all generations.
Happiness, joyful moments!
And the cheerful children's laughter -
This is the best gift ever!

(E. Kravchenko)

Nursery teachers

You accepted our children as babies,
Who still speak poorly.
They diligently eat themselves with spoons,
But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,
We have to explain a lot to them:
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,
Distract, calm, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to music,
Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands.
For your love and for your care,
We are grateful to you for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

(E. Chernykh)

Kindergarten teacher

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be educated
Like hope for the country.

There is a preschool
Kindergarten is a child's happiness.
There are kids passing by
All the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat
So as not to disturb your health.
How to look sporty
Overcome all diseases.

Learn to draw
And, of course, dance.
Embroider when you feel like it...
In general, they need care.

For children, the second mother is
Kindergarten teacher.
Patient with the kids
Entertains them with games.

Day after day there is learning,
Something like an adventure.
Children are happy, blooming,
They go to kindergarten in droves.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
The teacher is in plain sight.
Receives congratulations
He dreams of his worldly things...

Let your dreams come true
Educators of the country!

(V. Pavlov)

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is great! Top class!

To educators

We lived together in this house,
There were games, tears, laughter...
Good friend, warm light
He became a teacher for everyone.
We'll raise our hands together,
No words needed now -
Let's hug the teachers!
There are two of them, our beloved ones!

(T. Dashkova)

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade.

To the nanny

You, of course, have the hardest work!
We would like to say that the children are going to school today
They will go, instilled in order by you!
With worn-out female hands
They restored order every day!
And sometimes to insure the teacher,
You had to look after the group,
We wish you to work with joy,
May your work be rewarding!
Let them not call you a teacher,
Let you only be his assistant,
But you had enough worries,
Why can't we appreciate your work?
We will hardly be able to forget you,
I wish you health and happiness in the future,
Blaze at work and burn!

Beloved, sweet, kind, gentle,
My dear, beautiful nanny.
And in kindergarten, laying out a blanket,
You always sang songs for me.

But, even though I grew up and graduated from kindergarten,
You are always kept in my heart.
Dear, beautiful, sweet, gentle,
My beloved, kind nanny.

You every day and every hour,
Dedicating yourself to hard work,
Just thinking about us,
You live by worry alone.
So that the earth may be glorified by us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, teachers,
Thank you for all the good things!

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -
And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina porridge
So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

With a kind look the door will open,
Greet you in the morning and wipe your nose.
He will comb and wash everyone’s hair,
He will bring a tray of food...
It was unbearable
We behaved more than once.
Let's say everything to the nanny - thank you!
We couldn't have done it without you!

(T. Dashkova)

Speech therapist

It's beautiful for us to speak
It will be useful at school!..
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
We worked with you,
We are friends with sounds
You tried as hard as you did.

Know that we will not let you down,
You are simply our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

One, two, three, four, five
That's how I can count!

And at the holiday yesterday
The loudest shout was “Ur-ra”!

We had a quarrel with “r” for a long time,
I didn't want to be friends with her
And all the time in conversation
Replaced it with “l”.

But it sounds funny “I’m tired”
And you can’t say “grew up”!

I decided to make peace with “r”
Tried but couldn't
Make strong friends with the letter
The good doctor helped me!

I'll tell you a secret:
This doctor is a speech therapist!

This doctor teaches children
Speak without mistakes
We owe him for this
Thank you very much!

After all, with the insidious letter “r”
We are very friends now!

(M. Kazarina)

There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid of meeting with him.
Interestingly, he heals
Only wrong speech.
Complex sounds to mint
The kids learned -
Let's shout loudly, without flaw,
We are a speech therapist - Hurray!

(T. Dashkova)

Who gave us the right sounds,
Who saved us from the porridge in our mouths?
Who spent a lot of effort
So that we pronounce clearly:
“R” and “L”, “S” and “Z”, “W” and “F”?

Our speech therapist, of course!

For this hard work
We are all grateful to the speech therapist!

(N. Radchenko)


So that we don't live sadly,
We didn't count the crows -
There was a lot of entertainment.
Our bow to the Methodist!

(T. Dashkova)

To the cooks

To be healthy and rosy
The children remained
We are not only porridge semolina
The cooks were treated...
Healthy and appetizing dishes
The aroma wafted
Various biscuit buns,
And for the holiday - chocolate!

(T. Dashkova)

Music worker

Music lessons
It was not in vain that we visited -
In the end, we perform
Despite the embarrassment!
You were not strict with us,
If we make a mistake,
In gratitude to the teacher
Let's smile from the heart!

(T. Dashkova)

Physical education teacher

Look how strong we are
How healthy and cheerful!
In games we are invincible
Both active and fast!
We didn't play sports -
We studied in the morning, in the afternoon...
Fizruk for these goals
We will shake hands firmly!

(T. Dashkova)


To deal with emotions
And don't quarrel in the garden,
Improve relationships
And don't get into trouble
So that there is too much activity
Didn't scare people around
I always watched the kids
Our psychologist is a good friend!

(T. Dashkova)

For health workers

For the health of the little ones
Permanent patronage
They did it without any burden,
Our nurse and doctor.
Here, now, we’ll tell you honestly:
Living healthy is so wonderful!

(T. Dashkova)

Kindergarten staff on graduation day
from grateful parents

Our kids are a year older now
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our teachers sad?
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,
You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,
To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you because of such little things,
But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.
We bow to all teachers at the waist,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Please accept our huge thank you
Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,
Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!
Your work is like the tributaries of a river,

(T. Mikhailenko)

Beautiful and kind congratulations on graduation in kindergarten 2018 will be received by six-year-olds entering first grade, parents, teachers, nannies and the rest of the staff of the preschool educational institution. Inspirational texts will be presented in poetry and prose. The kindergarten staff will use them to address their children and their mothers and fathers. Parents will greet their children and teachers on a wonderful holiday, and older children will thank the teaching staff and relatives for their love, care and attention. All the warm words and pleasant phrases spoken during this period will touch hearts and remain in the memory for a long time, warming with their sincerity, warmth and kindness.

Official congratulations in prose for graduation 2018 in kindergarten from parents to staff

Solemn, official congratulations in prose for graduation 2018 in kindergarten from parents to staff should sound respectful and beautiful. Moms and dads need to choose the best inspired and reverent words in order to express sincere gratitude to the manager, teachers, nannies, kitchen employees and other workers who, day after day, regardless of the weather, mood and well-being, came to work and opened the doors of the kindergarten and created comfortable conditions for children to learn, have fun and develop.

The daily work of these people cannot be assessed and deserves the highest praise. After all, raising the younger generation is a huge responsibility. And only a very sincere, kind, generous and patient person can cope with it, capable of gently and unobtrusively teaching the most important life lessons and guiding kids on the right path, clearly explaining what is “good” and what is “bad.”

Examples of official congratulatory texts in prose for graduation 2018 in kindergarten for staff from parents

Congratulations to all the employees of this wonderful kindergarten on their graduation. You are great fellows and truly deserve the title of the best workers in the field of happy childhood. I wish you great success in your future activities, many more such wonderful and cheerful groups, as well as an ongoing series of joyful events in life.

Dear kindergarten employees, we cordially congratulate you on the next graduation of a group of children from your walls. We wish you health, patience, creative inspiration in your work, family well-being, may your wards always give you the opportunity to feel proud of their successes.

Dear kindergarten employees! Now grown-up children are leaving your walls, and soon other kids will fill them with their loud laughter and unbridled energy. We thank you for your invaluable hard work and wish you patience, mental strength, and inspiration. Let your children feed you with their energy and charge you with sincerity and optimism!

Our dear, beloved ones, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work and for the fact that you took care of our children with such responsiveness and love. You instilled in them so many useful skills, you treated them patiently and kindly. We worried about their minor troubles and failures and, just like us, were proud of their achievements and successes. Please accept our sincere parental thanks! May your goodness always be duly rewarded, may you have happiness and joy in life.

Congratulations from children to staff on graduation 2018 in kindergarten in verse and prose

Beautiful congratulations from children to the staff for graduation 2018 in kindergarten can be conveyed both in poetry and in prose. It is appropriate to recite them with expression and out loud at the final matinee, when all the children, parents and staff gather in the playroom or assembly hall.

At this moment, boys and girls will have a unique opportunity to sincerely, inspiredly and from the bottom of their hearts thank all the kindergarten staff, the manager, teachers and nannies for the great love, comprehensive attention and care sincerely and selflessly given to children over the years.

It was these feelings that helped the staff constantly maintain a warm, pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the kindergarten, providing children with the opportunity to comfortably receive basic knowledge, develop creatively, engage in applied arts and have fun playing their favorite group games.

A collection of congratulations in poetry and prose from children to kindergarten staff for graduation 2018

You accepted our children as babies,

Who still speak poorly.

They diligently eat themselves with spoons,

But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,

We have to explain a lot to them:

And how to wash and do exercises,

Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,

Distract, calm, understand, regret.

Learn how to move together to music,

Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,

We know that the kids are in good hands.

For your love and for your care,

We are grateful to you for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

Today you release us into life. We want to express our deep gratitude to you for all your efforts. For loving us, for carrying us in their arms, for wiping away tears, for painstaking preparation for the holidays and for all kinds of interesting activities. And we want to wish you happiness, mental strength and good health.

Our teachers and nanny -

You are an example of spiritual kindness,

Today we give you bouquets:

Fresh spring flowers.

Our release, please don’t forget

And invite me to visit more often,

All the grains of goodness that you gave,

Kindness will come back to you like a boomerang!

Dear, beloved kindergarten employees. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work and for taking care of us with such responsiveness and love for many years. You instilled in us so many useful skills, you treated us patiently and kindly. They worried about our minor troubles and failures and were proud of our achievements and successes. Please accept our sincere thanks! May your goodness always be duly rewarded, may you have happiness and joy in life.

How quickly childhood ended

We are leaving our own kindergarten,

And the garden employees will inherit

We leave a piece of our soul.

Thank you for your concern,

For fun games and songs,

For your hard work,

What a wonderful thing childhood has made for us!

Cheerful and cheerful congratulations on graduation 2018 in kindergarten from parents to children

The most cheerful and cheerful congratulations on graduation 2018 in kindergarten from parents to children will be heard at the final matinee. Moms and dads will greet their beloved sons and daughters with the successful completion of the first important period, opening the door to a new, interesting and rich life. In beautiful, inspired phrases, children will be wished to remain diligent, active and attentive, treat their families well, value true friendship and never forget what their teachers taught them in kindergarten.

A number with congratulations from parents can be built in the form of a bright, beautiful show, and all mothers and fathers can be invited to participate. Let everyone have the opportunity on the day of graduation to address their child and all the children in the group with kind, sincere and warm congratulatory words and parting phrases. This format will appeal to those present and will be met with thunderous applause.

Additionally, it is appropriate to use bravura musical accompaniment or complement poetic works and prose texts with original dance. Children will be very pleased to see their serious, respectable and strict parents singing, dancing, reading poetry and dedicating beautiful, inspiring and optimistic parting speeches to their beloved offspring, who so unexpectedly and quickly became graduates.

A collection of cheerful, cheerful congratulations on kindergarten graduation 2018 for children from parents

Congratulations guys

Happy first graduation!

We are, of course, happy for you,

But we're a little sad.

You won't come to kindergarten anymore,

New things await you,

But toys and cribs

They will always remember you.

We wish that at school

You all got excellent grades.

And, of course, with warmth

Remember kindergarten!

Congratulations on your first graduation. Today it is time to say goodbye to kindergarten and set off on a new journey along the roads of new knowledge and hobbies to countries of unknown sciences and discoveries. I wish you not to lose interest in everything new, I wish you to find wonderful and kind friends, I wish you to overcome the path to your childhood dreams with great enthusiasm and confidence.

The years have passed quickly -

The kindergarten is behind.

You have become quite big

It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,

You are going to first grade!

Congratulations guys

Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,

Life is fabulously beautiful.

Let the green light burn

In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Dear children, today is your first prom in your life! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. You have become adults and are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. Ahead lies school everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

Kindergarten is already behind us -

First graduation ever!

We'll take you to school,

We only wish you “fives”.

So that you study with joy,

To make your parents proud.

Happiness, perseverance, patience

And a little more luck.

Beautiful congratulations from the teacher to children on graduation 2018 in kindergarten

Very beautiful congratulations from the teacher to the children on graduation 2018 in kindergarten will be heard at the very beginning of the festive matinee. The mentor will address his wards with a bright, inspired, optimistic speech and will greet the kids on the arrival of the first solemn date in their lives - the day they graduate from kindergarten and the moment of the official end of a carefree, cheerful childhood.

Now the lives of boys and girls will change radically. There will be more responsibility, and there will be very little time left for games and fun. Summer will fly by unnoticed, and former kindergarteners will put on a beautiful, ironed uniform, pack their briefcases, take bouquets of flowers and go to school to get an education, discover new horizons and make good friends from among their classmates. But even in this whirlpool of events, they will never forget the wonderful, joyful time they spent in the kindergarten next to a kind, attentive, caring and moderately strict teacher. And the parting words spoken by the “second mother” at graduation will warm their hearts for a long time and serve as a kind of motivator for overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals.

Texts of beautiful congratulations for graduation 2018 in kindergarten from the teacher to children

Congratulations on your little event! The best years are ahead - school. May there be happiness, successful studies, good teachers, easy homework, and a lot of knowledge gained. Let every day be interesting and useful. Be healthy, successful and wise.

Your little world in the garden

It has become a bit cramped for you.

A big new world awaits you.

Happy graduation, guys!

I wish you in the new world

Happy discoveries,

Bright days, good friends,

Lots of events.

Don't get sick and don't be naughty

Promise us.

And my favorite kindergarten

Visit often!

Your first graduation has arrived, you are leaving kindergarten and a lot of new and interesting things await you. Happy graduation, kids, I wish you good school work, perseverance, responsibility, joy, new successes, find many new friends at school, health, new interesting knowledge and skills, may everything always work out!

Cars, dolls and bears

Already left behind.

Now notebooks, pens, books

They are waiting for you ahead.

Happy last day in my beloved garden

Today I congratulate you.

It will be successful and interesting

Let every class in your school.

So the little one has become an adult, congratulations on her first graduation. Let all the knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten help the child achieve his small and big goals. I wish you to continue walking confidently along the path, meeting only kind and sincere people. Health, joy and cheerful friends.

Good congratulations from parents on graduation 2018 in kindergarten to teachers

Very kind, good congratulations on graduation 2018 in kindergarten to teachers come from parents. With a feeling of boundless gratitude, mothers and fathers welcome mentors who, for several years, diligently teach their children the basics of communication, rules of behavior and the main moral principles characteristic of a decent person.

When addressing teachers on the significant day of graduation, parents say only the best and most touching phrases in poetry or prose. They wish the teaching staff of the institution to always be as kind, affectionate, loving, caring, fair, positive and to give their feelings to the new kids who will come to the kindergarten in the coming September and light it up with their laughter and smiles.

Separately, mothers and fathers say thanks to the teachers for the fact that sometimes they understood the children better and promptly drew the attention of their relatives to the child’s bad mood and irritability. This made it possible to identify moral problems in time and help the child quickly overcome them.

Texts to parents for congratulations on graduation 2018 in kindergarten teachers

Dear teachers,

Our mothers are second,

Your chicks now

Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,

We appreciate and respect you very much.

Let your pupils

They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,

For kindness, warmth, care

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,

Wish you happiness in life!

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

The work of a teacher is not easy -

You need a whole lot of skills:

Draw and play

Collect a bag of different toys

And know the plots of many fairy tales.

On the street, dig in the sand,

Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,

Feed and caress everyone,

Don't even think about getting tired.

Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.

You have a big heart.

Thank you for the days in the garden,

For your affection and kindness.

We wish you inspiration,

Creative success, patience,

Well-deserved big salaries.

Thank you for the kindergarten!

Dear teachers, congratulations on your graduation! Let children's smiles, sincere, clean eyes, parents' gratitude, endless respect be your reward. May life give you only goodness, happiness, love, everything that you put into the souls of your children. Patience, understanding, health, fortitude, positivity!

We dedicate our recognition to you

For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,

After all, making good people out of children is

Your profession is nothing more difficult in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands

The warmth they gave both to the children and to us.

And the children grow, and they mature,

After all, time flies, a string of days...

Thank you also for using books

Did you teach numbers and letters to children?

And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:

You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall the children will go to school,

But they will bring you their gratitude

For work and patience, for that comfort,

In which their childhood lives forever.

Sincere congratulations from children to teachers on graduation 2018 in kindergarten

Children dedicate the brightest, warmest and most tender congratulations on graduation in kindergarten 2018 to teachers. They thank their mentors in poetry and prose for the love, affection and attention given from the bottom of their hearts. Boys and girls remember how, when they were very tiny, they first came to kindergarten with their parents, met the staff and the children in the group. Very little time passed and everything in the educational children's institution became familiar, loved and familiar, and the fair and kind teacher turned into a “second mother” to whom you can tell any secrets or ask for help.

And now it’s time to say goodbye to the cozy kindergarten, your group and employees, and once again beautifully say thank you to the teachers for the piece of their hearts that they give free of charge to every child who appears under the roof of the kindergarten. These years will forever remain in the memory and will warm children's souls for a long time with their ingenuous, simple warmth.

A list of sincere congratulations to teachers from children for graduation 2018 in kindergarten

Thank you, teachers,

For affection and love,

For work and charm,

For many kind words.

For wiped noses,

Wiped away tears

For fairy tales and walks,

Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today

Let's congratulate and be sad,

And in the fall with a briefcase

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

Our dear teachers, congratulations on your kindergarten graduation! We wish that the warmth and sincerity of your work will work wonders and make you happy. Be always healthy, reliable and sincere, loved, valuable and unforgettable!

It's very sad to leave

We'd like to stay

Only school is ahead

Our kindergarten is behind us!

They taught us patiently,

Helped and loved

We are grateful for everything

All the hard work is obvious!

We read and wrote

They sang songs and danced,

And we read poetry

Those were great days!

Congratulations on your graduation,

We wish you happiness and joy,

Let it bloom for a hundred years in a row

Our favorite kindergarten!

We would like to thank the teachers for their work, dedication, attention and love for us! Today is our first graduation in our lives. We wish you to continue to enjoy your work. Wishing you obedient students and bright days, joyful and amazing events, pleasant emotions, joy and patience!

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" -

Today we tell you,

Only our favorite kindergarten

We don't want to forget.

You tried to do for us

The kindergarten is warm and familiar.

To our beloved teachers

We say thank you.

You taught us a lot:

Draw, sculpt, play.

We learned to dance with you,

We learned a lot of fairy tales

And they got smarter every day.

We are grateful for this.

The kindergarten was like home.

In a letter of gratitude, I would like to express all my love and gratitude to the people who were with your children throughout their entire stay in kindergarten. For your convenience, we have compiled a selection of thank you letters to

Letter of thanks from the head of the kindergarten

We, the parents of group No. ________, kindergarten No. _________, sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the kindergarten, ___________, and of course, our beloved and valued music teachers ___________________________ (full name).

Kindergarten is the first social school for children, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth during these important days of growing up for them. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from (full name), our children are gradually becoming active participants in the children's team. Our kindergarten workers teach children to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their first personal capabilities.

Thanks to the head, the educational process is structured in such a way that the individual psychological characteristics of each child are taken into account. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value. Thank you for this and low regards.

A low bow to the head of kindergarten No.___ ________________________ (full name), for the organization of work in the kindergarten, the high-quality selection of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory.

With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of group No. ________ kindergarten No. ___________

* * *

The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of Preschool Educational Institution No. ______. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that, despite the obvious modesty of funds, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative principle reigns in the garden, be it a bulletin board or a corridor, which is always decorated with displays of children's drawings and crafts.

We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed on time, looked after, and most importantly, trained and brought up properly. In our garden, special attention is paid to education issues and there is no formality. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these include questions of history, personal safety skills, reading literary works (chosen with great taste), and simply conversations on general topics.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music classes are simply beyond praise. The music director, ___________________________ (full name), selects unique material for each holiday. Children are introduced to the origins of our culture in the best possible way. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this apparent ease there is a huge amount of work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism.

The trend of working according to the principle: teacher - student - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component of daily work. Just look at the annual exhibitions of family works for every holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never tire of being amazed at the talents of children and parents.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our kindergarten ___________________________ (full name), under whose wise leadership such bright manifestations of extraordinary talents, both teachers and the parent team, became possible. After all, everyone knows that any precious stone is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only when collected into a single composition do they form a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. In our opinion, ___________________________ (full name) is exactly such a leader.

All, without exception, representatives of our garden team deserve special words of gratitude and attention. The cooks cook wonderfully, the children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse ___________________________ (full name) surprises with her extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as simply with her humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, in the office of ___________________________ (full name) there is an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order. And I would like to say especially warm words to the teachers ___________________________ (full name and full name) - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, most importantly, with their parents.

A low bow to all the employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the difficult work of raising the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of personality are laid that make up the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the staff of kindergarten No. ____ works for the future of Russia, we can be calm.

Letter of thanks

For almost every child, at a certain point in time, kindergarten essentially becomes a second home, where wise educators teach them the first lessons of life with love and care. And sometimes the future fate of a little person depends on what these lessons are.

On this day, we say to you, dear educators, words of sincere gratitude for your hard work, for the fact that every day you give yourself and your warmth to our children without reserve. Thank you for your energy, selfless love and touching care that you bestow on our children!

Many thanks to the head of the kindergarten (full name), through whose efforts we felt cozy and comfortable in the garden.

I would like to note the impeccable work of our beloved speech therapist (full name). She is a God-gifted teacher and the kindest person. Communicating with her was a pleasure for both us parents and our children.

There is also a good and smart honey in our kindergarten. sister, our respected full name.

Wonderful, diligent and creative psychologist Full name.

We, parents and our children are very lucky to have teachers!!! Sincere words of gratitude...IO..., ...IO.... and the assistant teacher...IO...... for their warmth, for their understanding, for the care they showed for our children.

We thank all the d/s staff!!!

Let the reward for your dedicated work be the worthy, intelligent, spiritually rich and spiritually generous citizens of our city, who received their first life lessons under your wise and sensitive leadership.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible warmth and optimism!

May success accompany all your good deeds and endeavors.

Low bow to you and the warmest words of gratitude for your work!!!

Letter - Gratitude

We, parents of school No. ---, gr. --, we express our deep gratitude to our teachers Last Name and Last Name

First Name Patronymic and First Name Patronymic strive to make our children full-fledged individuals, active participants in the children's team, teach them to be honest, kind, open and caring. They teach kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to love their family and their Earth. All this is thanks to the professionalism and experience gained over many years of working with children. Knowledge of child psychology and constant self-development in the professional field are simply irreplaceable in the profession of a TEACHER.

Our teachers conduct very interesting activities with children, trying to keep them busy with various activities and together provide the child with the necessary varied personal growth. Our children happily show us their crafts and repeat what they have done at home with interest. Step by step, under the sensitive guidance of these teachers, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their personal capabilities. Thanks to them for this.

We, parents, are very grateful to the assistant teachers Full name - “right hand”. She is always calm and reasonable, careful and caring, ready to listen and help. Thanks to her, our group has perfect cleanliness and order, comfort and coziness. The children are well-fed and tidy.

We completely trust our teachers, because leaving our children almost the whole day, it is very important for a parent to know that their child is in good hands. And we are calm for the life and safety of our children. After all, next to them is a real team of three professionals. We are very grateful to them and say: “THANK YOU! WE ARE VERY LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!”

Parents gr. No. N d/u NNN

Letter - Gratitude

We, parents of early development group No.--, kindergarten No.---. We sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the nursery, full name, and of course, our beloved and valued full name, full name and nanny.

Kindergarten is the first social school for children, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth during these important days of growing up for them. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from the IO and IO, our children are gradually becoming active participants in the children's team.

Our teachers teach children to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their first personal capabilities. The educational process is structured in such a way that the individual psychological characteristics of each child are taken into account. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

Many of our children are already happily going to kindergarten, because their favorite teachers are waiting for them there, with whom it is easy and interesting. Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value. Thank you for this and low regards.

Also, we are very grateful to our nanny – IO. Thanks to her, our group has perfect cleanliness and order, comfort and coziness. Our children are well-fed and tidy.

Special thanks to the head of preschool educational institution No. --- full name, for organizing work in the kindergarten, high-quality staffing of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory.

With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of early development group No.-- kindergarten No.---.

Letter - Gratitude

The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of preschool educational institution No. ---. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that, despite the obvious modesty of funds, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative principle reigns in the garden, be it a bulletin board or a corridor, which is always decorated with displays of children's drawings and crafts.

We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed on time, looked after, and most importantly, trained and brought up properly. In our garden, special attention is paid to education issues and there is no formality. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these include issues of history, personal safety skills, reading literary works (chosen with great taste), and just conversations on general topics, so to speak.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music classes are simply beyond praise. The music director, IO, selects unique material for each holiday. Children get acquainted with the origins of our culture in the best examples. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this apparent ease there is a huge amount of work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism. The trend of working according to the principle: teacher - student - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component of daily work. Just look at the annual exhibitions of family works for every holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never tire of being amazed by the talents of children and parents.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our kindergarten, Full Name, under whose wise leadership such bright manifestations of extraordinary talents of both teachers and the parent team became possible. After all, everyone knows that any precious stone is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only when collected into a single composition do they form a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. In our opinion, the IO is precisely such a leader.

All, without exception, representatives of our garden team deserve special words of gratitude and attention. The cooks cook wonderfully, the children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse IO surprises with her extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as simply with her humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, and an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order reigns in the art room. And I would like to say especially warm words to the teachers of educational institutions and educational institutions - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, what is especially important, with their parents.

A low bow to all the employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the difficult work of raising the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of personality are laid that make up the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the staff of kindergarten No. works, we can be calm about the future of Russia.

Parents of the preparatory school group.
May 2010

For many children, kindergarten is the first and important step into the big world, an opportunity to gain communication skills with peers, new knowledge and skills. When a child crosses the threshold of kindergarten for the first time, he leaves his usual home environment and finds himself in a special world, interesting and mysterious. As a rule, within a few preschool years, the kindergarten becomes dear and loved, and the teachers become real “second mothers.” However, time passes, and prom is just around the corner! With bated breath, grown-up girls and boys are preparing for the first “adult” holiday in their lives - learning poems and songs to teachers and parents, trying on elegant ball gowns and fashionable suits. In turn, parents address their children with beautiful congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten - kind words of parting words and wishes in their new school life. Thus, official congratulations in prose are best suited for kindergarten staff, and funny rhymed lines with a touch of humor can be dedicated to the little “heroes” of the occasion. We are sure that among the congratulations presented below for kindergarten graduation, you will definitely find excellent options for all participants in this wonderful event.

The best congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to staff

In a kindergarten, many employees take care of the well-being, health and development of children - teachers, nannies, music director, nurse, cooks, caretaker. Each of them puts a piece of their soul into their work, contributing to the harmonious development of the child’s personality. By tradition, the best congratulations on graduation in kindergarten come from parents to the staff of the preschool institution. In connection with the upcoming graduations, we have made a selection of beautiful congratulations in prose - for all kindergarten staff from grateful parents of future schoolchildren.

A selection of the best congratulations for the graduation year from parents to kindergarten staff

We gathered together for the last time today in this cozy room! Our children have finished kindergarten and their first lessons, first textbooks and first discoveries await them! I would especially like to express my gratitude to everyone who raised our little tomboys these years, took care of them, helped them get to know this world and find new friends. I would also like to wish our little graduates to be brave, inquisitive, responsible and diligent! Congratulations to everyone on your graduation!

On behalf of all parents, I want to say a big thank you to all the kindergarten staff. You helped our children grow up a little and prepared them for future achievements at school. We wish you professional growth, prosperity and simple human happiness!

Thanks to everyone who works in kindergarten! You guys felt comfortable, warm, and interesting. You did everything for our children to make friends and develop together, learn something new. They have grown up, school awaits them, but their beloved teacher and nanny will forever remain in their memory. All the best to you and remember us, because we will never forget you!

Today our children are graduates, today they say goodbye to their beloved kindergarten. Thank you very much to our wonderful teachers and nannies, as well as to all the employees of the kindergarten, you are wonderful people and truly deserve the best wishes for happiness and health. And we wish our flowers of life interesting studies at school and fun hobbies in life.

Today is a big holiday for all of us, today is the first graduation for our children. We thank all the teachers and staff of this wonderful kindergarten for the excellent education of our mischievous children, for their happy smiles and interesting hobbies. May this kindergarten produce many more talented and self-confident children, may a new path to the world of science and school knowledge open for our children, may a ray of happiness and good luck continue to shine for all of us.

Beautiful congratulations from children to kindergarten staff on their graduation of the year

Every day the children are surrounded by the attention and care of adults - not only teachers, but also kindergarten staff. Thus, the most beautiful graduation congratulations from children are traditionally dedicated to their beloved nanny, nurse, or speech therapist. The kitchen and laundry workers, the supply manager, and the watchman also deserve many sincere and warm words of gratitude - the children learn poems and songs for them. Cute and childishly touching, such lines best convey the whole gamut of feelings and emotions, emphasizing the solemn significance of the moment. We offer a choice of several beautiful congratulations in verse for staff - from little kindergarten graduates. Undoubtedly, every employee will be pleased with such attention, and poems performed by children will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the holiday.

Examples of beautiful congratulations from children for graduation - in kindergarten for staff

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -

And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:

I found friends, beauty and goodness there,

And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands

Any work will seem like a miracle,

She will also serve semolina porridge

So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

In a beautiful and affectionate fairy tale.

Thank you from moms and kids

For your care, patience and affection!

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Porridge is ready for breakfast

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked the fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs

They've been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For borscht, cutlets, porridge...

We appreciate your work!

You do a magical job:

The sounds and notes obeyed you.

You can command

There are melodies in the soul.

Thank you for your songs,

That they danced with us together,

What is the music of all our days

Sounded more fun with you!

If the kindergarten roars, -

This means that everyone will be vaccinated.

Come on, line up with the nurse,

And don't be afraid, like in the game.

They’ll just put a “button”

Sweeten it with a vitamin

Tears dry quickly

And the kindergarten is happy!

Eh, you have a special talent

Calm the guys down

So that with a smile and health

Everyone off to kindergarten!

And we are the watchmen

Let's not pass by

Thank you for being

Kind like that.

Decent, honest,

Doesn't sleep at work

And no fly will fly by!

Congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to children in poetry and prose

Growing up children always causes conflicting feelings among parents. On the one hand, it is joyful to watch the successes and achievements of preschoolers - after all, it would seem that just recently these were tiny toddlers who crossed the threshold of kindergarten for the first time. However, at the same time, many parents experience anxiety when thinking about the upcoming life changes of their offspring. Traditional congratulations on the kindergarten graduation of the year from parents contain touching words of parting words and wishes - excellent grades, new interesting discoveries and true friends. After reading out poems and congratulatory prose, representatives of the parent committee usually present each graduate with colorful diplomas of completion of kindergarten and gifts. On the eve of the graduation party, we have collected various options for congratulations in poetry and prose - to future first-graders from loving parents.

Options for parents to congratulate their children on their graduation year in kindergarten

So the boys have grown up,

First graduation in my life.

Group, cots -

Our dear kindergarten!

And mom and dad's eyes

They're already sparkling with tears.

It's very sad to part,

But we are happy for the guys.

To you, parents, patience,

And for the kids - nothing but praise.

So that your child is at school

I only got straight A's.

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become quite big.

My dear boys

And the girls are golden,

There are roads ahead of you -

Only you walk boldly,

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

You will read a lot of books

And learn science.

Growing out of my pants,

Don't forget kindergarten!

First graduation ever!

Whose is it? He is, of course, yours.

We congratulate you together,

We hug you tightly.

We wish you joy at school,

Only get "A's"

Make your mom proud...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And your friends, girlfriends,

More new toys

After all, you are a big child.

There's a children's graduation in the kindergarten!

Today is a very important event in the lives of our children. Our children have grown up and are saying goodbye to kindergarten. On this day we want to wish them happy days, joyful events, carefree. May your childhood last a little longer, and may school welcome you with open arms!

Our dear children, the most touching hour has come. How amazing it is to realize that you have grown up so quickly and are now on the threshold of school. We hope that you will not lose your friendship, and that you will also conquer new heights at school hand in hand. We owe the teaching staff a big thank you for your work and great patience!

Touching congratulations to children on their graduation from a kindergarten teacher

It is not at all easy for a kindergarten teacher to say goodbye to her students - in just a few years these little fidgets have become so dear and loved. But it was thanks to the teachers that the children received their first lessons of kindness, respect for loved ones, and a caring attitude towards nature. And what beautiful crafts the kids learned to create with their own hands - under the strict guidance of their “second mother”! Touching congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten, children dedicate to the teacher who has invested so much mental strength in his difficult and important work. Each graduate recites poetry beautifully and “with expression,” touchingly saying goodbye to the kindergarten, younger friends, beloved teacher and other employees. In turn, the mentors sincerely wish the children happiness, good luck and inspiration on their new school path - in kind parting words.

The best examples of congratulations for graduation - in kindergarten for children from teachers

You came to the garden as little children,
In September I will start first grade.
Today is your graduation
With which we congratulate you.

You've learned a lot here:
Write letters and count a little.
Your hands have worked hard:
Glue, sculpt and make a bouquet...

Study hard at school, guys.
Remember everything you and I have been through.
We wish you all health and happiness,
Find the right path in your life.

We wish all the best to the young kindergarten graduate. Let the school that lies ahead not disappoint and not extinguish the joyful, curious light in children's eyes, and may the world always present only the most pleasant and interesting surprises.

We are very happy for you
And we have a reason for this -
You graduated from kindergarten!
Congratulations, well done!

You're growing before our eyes,
You'll be going to first grade soon.
You will recognize the world around you.
And you will find more friends.

Dear, dear, dear children,
You are all so different - funny, funny,
Beautiful, elegant on their first graduation,
Let the holiday be bright, beautiful, unearthly!
For us, you kids have become our pride,
You worked hard with us, learned and played.
Be more attentive at school
Don't forget us educators.

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
Today is your kindergarten graduation!
Even though it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it’s time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
The girls are all beauties and a treat for the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

Official congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to teachers

Parents of young graduates are rightfully proud of the success of their children. Indeed, today these are not just kids, but preschoolers who are on the verge of new exciting discoveries in the Land of Knowledge. Of course, such a wonderful result of education was largely achieved thanks to the professionalism and personal qualities of the teachers who were always there for the children - supporting them, teaching them, caring for them. Therefore, at graduation - in kindergarten, congratulations from parents to teachers are most sincere, with words of gratitude for their everyday and difficult work. According to established tradition, congratulatory speeches for kindergarten teachers and staff are given by the most “active” mothers and fathers, most often representatives of the parent committee. The texts of official congratulations on graduation are presented in our collection - a beautiful bouquet of flowers presented to the group teacher would be an excellent addition to the words.

Texts of official congratulations in prose for teachers for the graduation year from parents

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your holiday - happy graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Dear educators, today say “Goodbye” to our children. And we thank you because the children felt like they were at home in the garden. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new students be as glorious as today's graduates!

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, sweet teachers, we express our deep gratitude to you for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Dear teachers, congratulations on your graduation! Let children's smiles, sincere, clean eyes, parents' gratitude, endless respect be your reward. May life give you only goodness, happiness, love, everything that you put into the souls of your children. Patience, understanding, health, fortitude, positivity!

Congratulations from children to teachers at graduation - in kindergarten

Every year, a huge number of children graduate, leaving preschool institutions forever. On the day of farewell to their beloved teachers, the children read poems with words of gratitude - for their boundless patience and care, maternal affection and love. In their congratulation poems, graduates express regret for their passing childhood, but at the same time they look to their school future with hope and optimism. Listening to the performance of preschoolers, many teachers can hardly hold back tears - it is not at all easy to part with those in whom they have invested so much effort, labor and warmth. Beautiful congratulations for graduation - in kindergarten it is best to prepare in advance so that the child has time to properly learn and rehearse the poems. Every teacher will be pleased to hear a touching children's “thank you” from their charges, who will very soon conquer new heights. We are sure that among the children's congratulations in verse that we offer, you can choose the most interesting options for a kindergarten teacher for the graduation holiday.

We choose a congratulation for the kindergarten teacher from the graduates of the year

Today we say goodbye
With my beloved kindergarten,
We've grown, we've grown,
We need to go to school.
Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to our nannies,
And the doctor and the cook,
We will say “thank you” to everyone.
On this special day -
Both sad and cheerful.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that it’s yours
The position is great! Top class!

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" —
Today we tell you,
Only our favorite kindergarten
We don't want to forget.

You tried to do for us
The kindergarten is warm and familiar.
To our beloved teachers
We say thank you.

You taught us a lot:
Draw, sculpt, play.
We learned to dance with you,
Sing songs, read poems.

We learned a lot of fairy tales
And they got smarter every day.
We are grateful for this.
The kindergarten was like home.

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,
And days, and weeks, and even years.
For this I am very grateful to you,
We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,
Be satisfied with your work.
We wish you success in your work, which is so difficult,
And many bright and juicy ideas.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten - are an excellent opportunity to express the most sincere feelings of gratitude to the teachers for their kindness and care for their little pupils. Here you will find a wide selection of congratulations from children and their parents to the entire kindergarten staff, as well as touching poems and lines of prose for young graduates from loving mothers and fathers. Happy graduation!

Everything is painted around
Comfort has been created here for us.
There are chairs and cots,
Everything is kept in order.
Our supply manager tried.
A whole load of health to you.
And our respect to you,
Worship, admiration,
All the best to you and better days,
Let life be more fun.

Under your strict control,
All kindergarten equipment,
And at our caretaker,
Normal - every copy!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
So that everything you want
Delivered to kindergarten
Without the slightest hassle!

Without you, the work of the kindergarten is impossible,
You know everything that children need,
Thank you very much for your work,
For your patience, kindness and care.

We wish you health, success and strength,
So that every day you give good luck,
In kindergarten you are very important,
Happiness, prosperity, good luck, love.

Today we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done and continue to do for the kindergarten! Thank you for your stewardship and responsible hard work! We wish that everything in your life turns out just fine, and that every day brings good luck and good mood!

Thank you very much from the guys,
Which ones will leave the kindergarten!
We all thank you for the order
And we really appreciate your hard work:

Furniture, equipment and documents,
Lots of questions and concerns...
Let all working moments
As little trouble as possible for you!

Happy graduation to the caretaker
Our congratulations,
We wish there was enough
Plates, spoons, cups.

So that the curtains are intact,
So that the sheets don't tear,
We wish that the tables
And the chairs didn't break.

The order is perfect
To be on the farm,
We wish you good health,
Patience and strength.

You have done so much for the kindergarten,
The running of the kindergarten is on your shoulders!
“Thank you for everything,” all the guys say,
After all, you worked before our eyes!

We wish you success, goodness, prosperity,
May everything always be in order in kindergarten!
May all your dreams and desires come true,
We wish you great happiness guys!

We congratulate you on your graduation,
Dear, you are our supply manager.
And from all of us we wish,
A whole load of health to you.

So that there is always enough of everything,
And there was order everywhere.
So that everything is where it needs to be,
And I had enough strength for everything.

Our dear, dear caretaker, we congratulate you on this release and sincerely wish you to remain a faithful custodian of our inventory, so that the children’s butts sit on comfortable chairs, so that the children eat at comfortable tables, so that they play paddle in cozy rooms - bright, colorful and clean . I wish you health, patience, absolute order in your work and wonderful days of happiness in your life.

Thanks to you, the children always felt comfortable being, playing and exploring the world around them in kindergarten! Thank you for your efforts, order and all your efforts! We wish you happiness, all human blessings and as little trouble as possible!
