Who knows the names of Kadyrov's mistresses. The main women of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is a famous political figure, leader of the Chechen Republic, a bright personality in modern history. Of course, an incredibly large number of contradictions are forming around it. Many publications and media condemn his actions and accuse him of crimes, while others, on the contrary, praise his achievements.

Of course, personal life is not ignored either. They discuss the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov and his mistress, who never existed, joint photos with celebrities and other facts. Overall there is a lot of information worth talking about.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born in the mountain village of Tsentaroy in 1976. He was the youngest child in the family. At that time, my father was already involved in important political and government affairs. From early childhood he was brought up with particular severity, taught to honor traditions and respect elders. His mother had a great influence on his development as a politician.

The authority in the family, of course, belonged to the father. If he praised Ramzan for some action, then for the guy it was an incredible reward. Ramzan tried in every possible way to gain the trust of Akhmat Kadyrov, not only with words, but also with actions. He spent his school years in an ordinary rural school in the Caucasus, and also attended classes in military affairs. He rode a horse very well, and from an early age he learned to shoot and wield knives.

After graduating from school, he and his father joined the armed forces to defend the independence of Chechnya. From that moment on, he chose military affairs, which played a big role in the life of a politician. After hostilities he enters one of the local universities. In 2004 he successfully graduated from the Faculty of Law. Then he enters the Academy under the President of the Russian Federation, where he is taught public administration.

In 2004 he received a PhD in Economics. His active political activity was always noticeable, as he never stinted in his statements.

Ramzan Kadyrov has a large number of honorary titles; he is a professor and academician. All this reflects his versatility and ability to master all instruments of public administration.

Among Ramzan Kadyrov's sporting achievements, one can note the title of Master of Sports in boxing. He has always been distinguished by good physical fitness and is ready to repel the enemy at any moment. Today throughout Chechnya there are centers where young people are taught boxing, which are called “Ramzan”. The republic attaches great importance to sports education of youth.

Civil service

In 1999, Akhmat Kadyrov and his son defected to Russia. This opened up enormous prospects for young Ramzan. His career in the political sector took off; already in 2000 he received the position of head of a special forces company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At that time, the unit represented was engaged in state security and the protection of high-ranking officials. Two years later he received a promotion, becoming the leader of an entire platoon. In 2003, by direct appointment he moved to a leadership position in the presidential security service.

Thanks to his enormous connections in Chechnya and his influence on various terrorist groups, Ramzan Kadyrov became one of the levers in negotiations with the separatists. Thus, the number of entities represented has decreased significantly. In 2004, Akhmat Kadyrov passed away, Ramzan immediately received the position of I.O. Chairman of the Board of the Chechen Republic. His father was killed by terrorists, so he declared war on everyone who was involved in this incident, including Shamil Basayev.

In 2007, Ramzan Kadyrov becomes the legal leader of the Chechen Republic, as he reaches the age at which he can work in this position. He continued his father's work.

An incredibly large amount of work was carried out to restore the infrastructure of cities affected by hostilities, and the number of terrorist groups decreased significantly.

In 2011, regular elections for the leadership of the Chechen Republic were held, and Ramzan Kadyrov was again re-elected. His successful career, the trust of the people, all of this together played a great influence. Also, the support from Vladimir Putin was incredibly important. We can say that it was thanks to the actions of Putin and Akhmat Kadyrov that he achieved such heights.

Regarding political issues and the lives of government officials, information about informal relationships with the opposite sex often comes up. Ramzan Kadyrov was also no exception, as photos of him with his mistresses appeared online. Of course, all these were fabricated actions that were not based on accurate information.

According to statistical studies, many Russians believe that only thanks to the actions of Ramzan, the situation in Chechnya has stabilized today. Political work is in full swing, personnel changes are taking place, which help eliminate incompetent specialists. Very often, articles appear in the media about the president’s cruelty; he is accused of various crimes and even murders.

Kadyrov’s personal security is also involved in criminal cases. But this does not prevent him from remaining a professional politician who has done a lot for his country and homeland.

Mistress of Ramzan Kadyrov

This is probably the most discussed topic that interests many readers. First of all, in all his interviews on personal topics, the politician said that “mistresses are harmful to health,” so you should not believe rumors that he has a hidden passion.

Since he is a Muslim, according to tradition, he can have four wives and there is no point in having a woman on the side, especially having such a status in society.

In this way, you can refute all articles that discuss Ramzan Kadyrov, his photos with his mistresses and his personal life.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is a person who respects all religions, and is himself a zealous Muslim. He honors the traditions of his people and very often appears at various events in folk clothes. The politician’s personal life was extremely successful. He met Medni Aidamirova, who was his fellow villager. In 2004 they became legal spouses.

The country's first lady is actively involved in the creation of designer clothing; she founded her own brand, “Firdaws”. That is, this is the first official brand of Chechen clothing, which is truly distinguished by its quality and interesting style. The main block of models is represented by interesting and luxurious dresses for women. The entire Kadyrov family is actively involved in state and public affairs. They make a huge contribution to the development of the social and material well-being of the Chechen people.

The fact that Ramzan Kadyrov has mistresses or maybe a second wife does not frighten Medni, since according to the laws of religion, men are allowed to have four wives. Of course, all this requires the permission of the spouse, but she cannot prevent it. Ramzan Kadyrov himself has said more than once in his interviews that he can have a second wife only if she is more beautiful than Medni, but he has never met such a girl.

Information appeared in the media that Ramzan has a second wife, who is only 18 years old. Her name is Fatima, but there was no official registration of the marriage, since this is prohibited by law. In fact, nothing prevents Ramzan Kadyrov from having wives and mistresses, since he knows how to hide it well, and the personal life of a politician should not interest anyone. He is one of those men who respects their wives and tries to stick to traditions.

The head of the Chechen Republic has repeatedly become the hero of articles. He was given the status of a plunderer of women's hearts, having connections with celebrities of Russian show business, including Sobchak and Kandelaki. But all this was not confirmed, since he only had friendly relations with these women and nothing more. If you come across an article on the Internet about Ramzan Kadyrov’s mistresses, where there are his photos, then you should not believe them. These are all the machinations of the yellow press, which are trying in every way to desecrate the name of the politician.

Good family relationships- this is a huge job. And when they manage to carry them through many years of life together, this is a great merit that deserves attention and praise. One example of such relations is the family of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. On his Instagram page, he shares not only political events, but also occasionally posts touching family photos.

A week ago, Ramzan heartily congratulated his wife on her birthday and dedicated a video to her. He expressed his admiration and respect for her. And this Medni Kadyrova certainly deserves it. The heroine mother gave birth to 10 children, in addition, they have two adopted ones. Editorial today "So simple!" will tell you about the wonderful love story of their family. No politics, just what touches the heart.

A man's love in marriage

It is admirable that Ramzan Kadyrov lives with one woman all his life. Yes, he is a public figure and recognizable all over the world, but she often remains in the shadows. Although Medni does not appear often in public, she enjoys great authority among the residents of the republic. Yes, Medni’s life’s work is family, but she also has other interests: she opened a fashion house, where she creates Muslim clothing, and writes a book.

They met at school and have been inseparable ever since. One woman for life is what everyone should strive for. One can only imagine how much they had to overcome together, and this means only one thing - people know how to find a compromise.

It was to her, his only and beloved wife, that Ramzan dedicated a very touching video, and the celebration itself was gorgeous. Agree, it’s so nice when you not only feel, but also receive verbal confirmation that the man you love notices all your efforts, care and support.

"Dear friends! Today Medni Musaevna is in the center of everyone's attention. The children try to do everything nice for her. She accepts congratulations on her birthday. Immediately after midnight, without waiting for the morning, we all congratulated Medni Musaevna together and presented her with beautiful bouquets and flowers.

Medni Musaevna enjoys great love and respect in our large family and beyond. She is distinguished by hospitality, caring for the weak, and maintaining connections with all relatives and friends. Everyone knows that I have a lot of guests, but she never meets anyone with signs of dissatisfaction on her face. For her, like for any wife and mother, the war years became extremely difficult.

Standing at the gate every day, not knowing what news the evening or morning may bring, is a difficult lot. We studied at the same school together. The warmth of the relationship from school years was forever preserved in the family, even after many years! Our whole family wishes Medni Musaevna good health, eternal happiness and prosperity!”

Good family relationships- this is a huge job. And when they manage to carry them through many years of life together, this is a great merit that deserves attention and praise. One example of such relations is the family of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. On his Instagram page, he shares not only political events, but also occasionally posts touching family photos.

A week ago, Ramzan heartily congratulated his wife on her birthday and dedicated a video to her. He expressed his admiration and respect for her. And this Medni Kadyrova certainly deserves it. The heroine mother gave birth to 10 children, in addition, they have two adopted ones. Editorial today "So simple!" will tell you about the wonderful love story of their family. No politics, just what touches the heart.

A man's love in marriage

It is admirable that Ramzan Kadyrov lives with one woman all his life. Yes, he is a public figure and recognizable all over the world, but she often remains in the shadows. Although Medni does not appear often in public, she enjoys great authority among the residents of the republic. Yes, Medni’s life’s work is family, but she also has other interests: she opened a fashion house, where she creates Muslim clothing, and writes a book.

They met at school and have been inseparable ever since. One woman for life is what everyone should strive for. One can only imagine how much they had to overcome together, and this means only one thing - people know how to find a compromise.

It was to her, his only and beloved wife, that Ramzan dedicated a very touching video, and the celebration itself was gorgeous. Agree, it’s so nice when you not only feel, but also receive verbal confirmation that the man you love notices all your efforts, care and support.

"Dear friends! Today Medni Musaevna is in the center of everyone's attention. The children try to do everything nice for her. She accepts congratulations on her birthday. Immediately after midnight, without waiting for the morning, we all congratulated Medni Musaevna together and presented her with beautiful bouquets and flowers.

Medni Musaevna enjoys great love and respect in our large family and beyond. She is distinguished by hospitality, caring for the weak, and maintaining connections with all relatives and friends. Everyone knows that I have a lot of guests, but she never meets anyone with signs of dissatisfaction on her face. For her, like for any wife and mother, the war years became extremely difficult.

Standing at the gate every day, not knowing what news the evening or morning may bring, is a difficult lot. We studied at the same school together. The warmth of the relationship from school years was forever preserved in the family, even after many years! Our whole family wishes Medni Musaevna good health, eternal happiness and prosperity!”

More recently, the name of Ramzan Kadyrov began to appear more and more often in television news and newspaper articles. However, this is not surprising, because this man has done so much not only for Chechnya, but for the Russian Federation too. In particular, he has good connections with President Putin. So who is Ramzan Kadyrov?

For almost eleven years now, he has held the honorary post of President of Chechnya. More precisely, another term in this position is passing. It should be noted that this man has been accused more than once over the past decade of almost a dictatorial attitude towards the people of Chechnya. And at the same time he did so many worthy things for them.

Ramzan Kadyrov is the president of Chechnya, so it’s natural that people are interested in him. In particular, fans of a man are even interested in such details as his height, weight, age. How old is Ramzan Kadyrov? It’s a simple question. He is already 41 years old, so we can say that he is still relatively young. However, if you look at the photos of Ramzan Kadyrov in his youth and now, you can see that the difference is not too significant.

The man's height is 170 centimeters and his weight is 110 kilograms. The parameters are truly heroic. In addition to physical advantages, he also has a lot of others. In particular, he is a candidate of economic sciences, enjoys boxing and football, and even acted in films at one time.

Biography and personal life of Ramzan Kadyrov

In October 1976, the future great politician was born. It is interesting that his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, was also the president of Chechnya for a long period, so it was almost obvious that Ramzan would follow in his footsteps. Now his mother, Aimani Kadyrova, is the head of the Foundation. Akhmat Kadyrov. The founder of the fund was Ramzan.

At his school the guy studied well enough, but only at home he learned the things that are really necessary for a Chechen man: to handle weapons and ride a horse. In addition, from an early age he was instilled with such character traits as integrity, loyalty to the family, as well as to his people. Therefore, it is not surprising that he turned out to be quite a good president.

Immediately after graduating from school, the guy joined the army - he took all possible part in the defense of the country. And as soon as hostilities were completed, Ramzan headed the security committee, which had previously been managed by his father. Throughout the subsequent time, he was a faithful adviser to his father.

On the threshold of the new millennium, a split occurred among supporters of an independent state. The Wahhabism movement, which preaches radical Islam, began to gain popularity. During this period of time, Ramzan began to fight with former allies, and switched to pro-Russian forces.

Already in 2000, Kadyrov headed the police department, which ensured the security of the highest ranks of power.

Over time, the influence of the younger Kadyrov became stronger. He clearly showed the people that he was truly capable of providing them with protection. He even negotiated with the separatists and, surprisingly, most of them went over to this man’s side. And over time, the number reached such proportions that the entire security service began to consist of separatists who betrayed their principles.

For the most part, thanks to the efforts made, the character and integrity of this man, peace and tranquility came to Chechnya. It is worth mentioning that throughout all the hostilities, Ramzan was repeatedly wanted to be killed - there were at least five cases, but all of them ended in failure for the killers.

Over time, his father was elected head of state and from then on Ramzan took responsibility for his security. It is worth mentioning that, among other things, he held several other responsible positions.

In 2004, Ramzan's father died. And not only his family mourned for him, but also the entire people who loved their president. Later, the younger Kadyrov became the country's deputy prime minister. Later he was able to take up the post of acting president. Ramzan had a conflict with the man who held the post of president at that time. But all the conflicts dried up on their own three years later, when the then president named Alkhanov decided to resign. Thus, the presidency passed to the younger Kadyrov, and a little later his candidacy was approved by parliament.

The biography and personal life of Ramzan Kadyrov are full of various twists of fate. So, for example, the guy met his future wife while still at school. Medni Aidamirova, the only and beloved wife of the Chechen president, works as a very successful fashion designer. The woman creates Muslim clothing and even managed to open her own fashion house.

Family and children of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov’s family and children are his pride and joy. During their married life, his beloved wife gave him as many as ten children! Truly a heroic mother.

The eldest son was born in 2005. His name is Akhmat and he is already 12 years old. The boy was named after his grandfather.

Ramzan named his second son Zelimkhan, in honor of his deceased brother. The boy is 11 years old.

The third son's name is Adam and he is 10. He is still very small, but has won prizes in sports competitions more than once.

The youngest of the Chechen president’s sons, Abdullah, is only one and a half years old.

The firstborn in their family was a girl named Aishat. Recently it became known that she married the son of her father’s deceased friend.

Another daughter, Karina, was born a couple of years after the first, in 2000. There is information that she was able to become the best student in the country - definitely a reason for her father’s pride.

The third girl, Hedy, is also growing up as an obedient and exemplary daughter, who in the future will undoubtedly be able to become a good wife and mother. Now she is only 13.

And just recently, Ramzan’s fourth daughter, named Tabarik, put on a hijab. Ramzan himself spoke about this on social networks. He made a special emphasis on the fact that he did not force his daughters to do this, and each made this choice herself. Thus, it becomes clear how strongly the feeling of patriotism is developed in girls.

Ramzan often talks about his family on social networks. In particular, about my youngest children. For example, about six-year-old Ashura, who helps her mother with cooking or plays with a kitten. Or about little Eishat, who is still only three years old. The President loves his family very much.

Ramzan Kadyrov's wife - Medni Aydamirova

Ramzan Kadyrov's wife, Medni Aidamirova, was born in the same city as her husband. And she is a year younger than him. Interestingly, they started dating back in their school years. Their parents married them as soon as they reached the age of consent.

Medni is very happy with her husband, to whom she has already given birth to ten children, and the family does not seem to be planning to stop there. Medni not only takes care of children, but also works as a famous fashion designer in the country - creating clothes for Muslims. In Grozny, the first lady of Chechnya even has her own fashion house. Medni loves her husband and tries to provide all possible support in everything.

Many are interested in how many wives Ramzan Kadyrov has. But he only has one.

Wedding of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov's wedding took place in 1996. The celebration was rich. Although Ramzan himself was just starting his political career and, in fact, didn’t really have anything yet, his father arranged for him a luxurious wedding with a fellow villager.

And although it is now believed that the current president of the Chechen Republic has many women, he has only one official wife - the one who married him at the very beginning of his political career. He has no other official wives. But Ramzan Kadyrov doesn’t seem to need anyone else. He is quite happy with Medni, who, in turn, gave her man many children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is a very active user of social networks. This especially applies to Instagram and Twitter. Instagram and Wikipedia Ramzan Kadyrov are perhaps the most complete sources of information about the President of Chechnya. In the Internet encyclopedia you can read details of his personal life, as well as details of his political path and becoming president.

This personality is especially interesting because he has nothing to hide. That’s why Ramzan is happy to share fresh family (and other) photos with his followers on Instagram. Such frankness is rarely found among public people. Especially among politicians.

18-year-old Aishat Kadyrova, daughter of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, got married. Aishat spoke about this in an interview with Tatler, words from which are quoted today by Russian media. Aishat did not disclose the name of her husband, saying only that he is 19 years old and the son of her father’s deceased friend.

In a conversation with the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Ksenia Solovyova, Aishat did not share details of her private life, but talked about how relationships between Chechen girls and men are built.

The girl chooses her path in consultation with her husband. Men are not prohibited from getting an education. Among our women there are poets, statesmen, doctors, and journalists. The main thing is that they all be in religion: if a woman follows the rules of the Holy Book, she will become both an ideal wife and an ideal mother. That's why we have fewer divorces

Aishat told.

Aishat Kadyrova has already begun to build her career. The girl became the head of the Firdaws fashion house, which was opened by her mother, Medni Kadyrova, in 2009. In March of this year, a large-scale show of the brand took place in Grozny, the guests of which were many stars and socialites: Stefano Ricci, Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Yana Rudkovskaya, Tatyana Navka, Timati, Nyusha, Anna Khilkevich, Olga Buzova and others.

Click on the photo to view the gallery Celebrity guests of the show of the Firdaws fashion house Aishat Kadyrova
