Not with nouns briefly. Integrated and separate writing not with different parts of speech

fused or separate writing NOT with nouns.

Integrated or separate spelling NOT with adjectives.

It is written together:



If a word is not used without NOT

insatiable, clumsy, insatiable, ridiculous

If there is no opposition and you can choose a synonym without NOT

A small river, i.e. small

Uninteresting concert, i.e. boring

A low house, i.e. short

If there is a meaning of adhesion rather than opposition

The river is not wide, but (= and) deep.

The novel is short, but (= and) interesting

If the adjective is used with adverbs of measure and degree: absolutely, absolutely, extremely, very, in highest degree, almost

An absolutely uninteresting concert.

Completely unimportant document

Presence of a dependent word does not affect on spelling NOT with adjectives

Written separately:



If there is or is implied opposition

The river is not deep, but shallow.

The concert is not interesting, but boring.

The house is not high, but low

If the negation is strengthened by negative pronouns or particles

A student who is NOT like anyone else

Co comparative degree adjectives

No worse and no better than others. No more and no less


Not happy, shouldn’t, not capable, not obliged, not ready, not needed, does not agree, does not intend, is not right, not like, not much

The same rules apply in both cases when writing NOT with short adjectives:

the river is not deep, the river is not at all deep, the river is not at all deep, the river is absolutely shallow, the river is not deep but shallow, etc.

Combined or separate spelling of the particle NOT with verbs.

The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

For example: if you don’t teach, don’t speak, won’t be silent, wouldn’t play.

Exception: the particle NOT is written together with verbs that are not used without NOT.

For example: to dislike, to be unwell, to hate, to be indignant, to be perplexed, to be in bondage.

In verbs, one should distinguish between the prefix NEDO- and the particle with the prefix NOT DO-.

UNDO is used in the meaning of “little”, NOT DO – in the meaning of “not completing the action.”


1) Verb “to lack”(meaning “to be absent in the required quantity”) is written with NOT together, because UNDO- is a prefix. Also UNDER- is written together in the stable expression “This was still lacking!”

For example:

This family was constantly short of money.

The landscape lacked color.

The boy did NOT reach the shelf. (NOT written separately, because the action may be completed).

2) There are verbs with the prefix DO- that are not used without the particle NOT:

dislike, underestimate, misunderstand, mishear.

Combined or separate spelling of the particle NOT with participles and verbal adjectives.

It is written together:

Written separately:

If, in addition to the adverbs of measure and degree, there are other explanatory (dependent) words in the participle, then preference is given to more general rule, and is NOT written separately.

For example:

The manuscript is completely unprepared for typesetting.

Writing NOT with gerunds.

NOT with gerunds is usually written separately.

For example :
without reading, without deciding.

NOT with gerunds is written together if the gerund is formed:
1) from verbs that are not used without NOT;
2) from verbs with the prefix NEDO-.

For example :
Perplexed, indignant.
Not looking, not getting enough sleep.

What are some examples of nouns that are written with NOT together? apart?

    I have now analyzed several hundred random nouns that have every opportunity to be combined with Not, and made an interesting conclusion, which will be the beginning of the answer:

    A very significant percentage of all nouns in the language are written with non-uniform. And approximately the same (slightly smaller) percentage is written with not separately.

    I think that if we decided to make a list of all such words, it would be:

    1. Overlapping in many ways.
    2. Indecently long.

    Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a few popular examples.


    • Seine (always; not water - this is not a noun with not, but a case form).
    • Ignorant (always).
    • Incorruptibility (very often).
    • Not true (about 50/50).
    • Inconsistency (often).
    • Restlessness (occasionally).

    Apart(I include it in examples and not, for clarity).

    • Not a seine (always, since there is no word for a seine).
    • Not friendly (often).
    • Not consistency (often).
    • Not negligence (always; but keep in mind that negligence is always written together).
    • Not ignorance (always, since there is no word for non-ignorance; but taking into account the fact that ignorance is always written together).

    As you can see, the lists really paradoxically overlapped. For the very reason that nouns that are not used without the prefix not are written separately with the second not, which (particle) can appear at any moment (ignorance is not ignorance).

    The question, therefore, can turn out to be very tricky, and it is precisely this trickiness that I tried to demonstrate. Be careful when answering.

    Not is a very flexible morphological concept. 🙂

    The answer is not tailored for elementary or middle school students.

    The particle is written together Not with nouns:

    1) which without this particle do not exist and are not used, for example: week, hatred, fable, ignorant, ignorant, ignorance, small, unbelief, forget-me-not, slob and others;

    2) which, with the addition of particles, form new words, for example: friend - enemy (enemy), attention - inattention (absent-mindedness), will - bondage (captivity, slavery), truth - untruth (lie).

    And in these cases the particle Not already acts as a word-forming prefix.

    Separately particle Not written with those nouns that have their opposite in the sentence.

    For example. A few years later we met again, but in front of me was already not buddy, and the enemy.

    I understood that everything he said was not true, but a lie.

    And in these cases the particle no longer acts as a word-forming prefix.

    Not in such cases it is a negative particle, not a prefix.


  1. Ensure the assimilation of new material; develop spelling skills “not” with nouns.
  2. To develop in students the ability to compare and generalize, highlight the main thing and create an algorithm for working with spelling.
  3. To promote the development of interest and love for the native language.

During the classes

I. Org. moment:

It is necessary for learning to be joyful, reverent and victorious. B. Zhitkov.


When will there be “joyful and victorious” from the teaching?

When you can overcome yourself, discover something new on your own and, probably, help a friend.

You are right, today I hope you will experience the joy of learning.

Look carefully at the entry and write it down, inserting the missing letters:

Travel, backpack, halt, fire, pot, climbing, take care, talk, route, dream, dawn, camera.

Explain the spelling of words.

Which a single theme are the words combined? What is the key word? Right. And this is no coincidence. I invite you on a journey to new heights of spelling. So, forward to the Spelling Olympus.

Each row receives a flag of a certain color, with which achievements at all stages of the lesson will be recorded.

II Explanation of new material:

1. Updating knowledge:

The first stage of our ascent will be visual dictation.

“There is nothing A who in our lives And, What not n I wish I could ss in a word: sound cha the sound of music, the shine of colors, ambiguity sleep"

  • Write down and orally explain the highlighted spellings.
  • Use a diagram to explain the placement of punctuation marks.
  • Is “not” always written separately with verbs?
  • Remember the words that are not used without “not”. Write them down, explaining the oral lexical meaning:
    Rage - show rage
    To be indignant - to be indignant
    Not feeling well
    I can't
    to be perplexed - to doubt, to be surprised
    To force - to force

What spelling could you not explain? Why?

Formulate the topic of our lesson and the purpose of our spelling journey.

Record the topic of the lesson.

2. Explanation of new material:

Consider the diagram.

Conclude how to spell “NOT” with nouns?

When is it written together, when separately?

Let's check our observations by reading § 38. Complete our conclusions. Working in groups, create an algorithm for “Spelling “NOT” with nouns.”

Presentation of algorithms.

3.Consolidation of what has been learned.

Replace with a synonym or a phrase similar in meaning . Grief is misfortune.

  • A lie is not true.
  • Enemy - foe
  • Absent-mindedness is inattention.
  • Doubt - distrust
  • Compose and write down sentences in which these nouns with “NOT” should be written separately:

    • It was not happiness, but grief that brought people together.
    • It is not the truth, but lies that cause irreparable harm to friendship.
    • Not a friend, but an enemy will not tell the truth.
    • Not trust, but doubt crept into my heart.

    Peer review.

    Summing up at this stage of the lesson.

    Our path to knowledge is thorny. We are tired, which means it’s time to take a break. Listen to the story:

    I once visited a country
    Where the “NOT” particle disappeared.
    I looked around with bewilderment:
    What kind of awkward position is this?
    But it was quiet all around,
    And everything was a mess.
    And in the bright flowerbed by the booth
    Blue forget-me-nots bloomed.
    And the weather was bad,
    And the happy dog ​​walked.
    And, wagging his tail clumsily,
    I ran through crawling puddles.
    To meet me without any fear
    A washed, combed mess walked along.
    And behind the ryakha on the fresh grass
    There was an awkward rush and progress.
    And meet everyone early in the morning
    Princess Smeyana smiled...
    It's a pity that only in a dream
    There is a country without the particle “NOT”.

    Funny fairy tale? Why did she turn out like this?

    Name the words from which the “NOT” particle escaped.

    Write down nouns that are not used without “NOT”.

    Bewilderment, absurdity, confusion, forget-me-nots, bad weather, slob, klutz, ignoramus, Nesmeyana

    By lexical meaning Define the word and write it down, explaining the spelling:

    1. Fiction - fable
    2. A feeling of intense enmity - hatred
    3. Indignation - indignation
    4. Painful condition– malaise
    5. Fury - frenzy

    Help clear up the confusion.

    Sitting on a park bench, I heard a fabulous conversation. The heroes of Marshak’s poem “The Cat and the Quirks” came to life. The loafers say indignantly: “The cat has become completely insolent. He scolds us for skipping lessons, but he himself can’t read the number on the house and doesn’t know a single letter. Completely ignorant." What did the heroes do wrong? Compose a dictionary entry: Ignorance is...

  • An ignoramus is...
  • Write it down, opening the parentheses.

    To your (un)happiness; shadow of (un)bewilderment; (not) the weather delayed, but business; waited (impatiently); (not) years, but the disease made him old; tell a lie; a (un)friend is jealous; heavy (un)will.

    HALT: summing up at this stage based on the results of completed tasks. Fizminutka - relay race:

    1. Define morphological characteristics words
    2. To make a sentence.
    3. Perform parsing.

    1st row - in the grove

    Row 2 - no time

    3rd row - Anastasia

    You will find out where this spelling is most often found by solving several grammar problems. Compose this word from the initial letters.

    1. The science that studies punctuation marks.
    2. Words that sound the same, but have different lexical meanings.
    3. Words that are close in lexical meaning.
    4. The branch of language science that studies the vocabulary of a language.
    5. The vowel that is written in difficult words after hard consonants.
    6. Sentences that are pronounced with special feeling.
    7. The vowel after c in the word circus.
    8. Continue the phrase: “Spelling and –s after...”
    9. The vowel after c in the word chicken.

    What word did you get? ( proverbs).

    What are proverbs?

    Give examples of proverbs. What role do they play in our language?

    Did they contain words with the spelling being studied? Verbally explain their spelling.

    Independent work: exercise 219:

    1st row – 1-2 sentences;

    2nd row – 3.4 sentence,

    3rd row – 4.5 sentence.

    Check using signal cards.

    Work in groups: (task on cards)

    1. Continue the proverb, write it down, indicate the spelling pattern being studied:

    1. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness)
    2. Sow in (not) the weather, but (put it in a bucket)
    3. Hunting is worse (captivity)
    4. (NOT) work dries, but (care).
    5. Live life - (NOT go to the field)

    2. Find the fourth extra: not the truth, but a lie; not a friend, but an enemy; not a house, but a hut; not happiness, but sorrow. Justify your choice.

    III. Consolidation of theory and preparation for solving tests: in pairs, oral work with the algorithm.

    IV. Control over the assimilation of material: test solution:

    A1 The noun is written with NOT separately:

    1. (NOT) visible the moon illuminates the flying snow.
    2. In front of me was (not) an enemy, but a friend.
    3. There was no more (un)fame.
    4. We stopped in (dis)bewilderment.
    5. Over the years, he became (in)decisive.

    A2 is NOT written together:

    1. This is (not) true, but an outright lie.
    2. I will not tolerate (un)truth.
    3. This should be considered (not) luck, but an accident.
    4. The princess (Not) laughed is the heroine of many fairy tales.
    5. (Im)patience and irritability interfered with the conversation.

    A3 The noun is written with NOT separately:

    1. I was surprised by the (in)dependence and harshness.
    2. There was (in)decisiveness, and a kind of shyness.
    3. Few people communicate with a (sloppy) woman.
    4. (Un)happiness and grief befell us.
    5. Man is the creator of happiness and (un)happiness.

    A4 The word with NOT is written together

    1. The letter was (not) sent on time.
    2. Not everything is (not) good weather, the red sun will shine through.
    3. He who sows early does not lose seeds.
    4. I'm (not) feeling well today.
    5. (Dis)hatred is a bad adviser.
    A1 A2 A3 A4

    V. Summing up. Giving and commenting on ratings.

    Homework:§ 38, exercise No. 217 or compose a grammatical fairy tale “Spelling “NOT” with nouns.

    NOT with nouns, adjectives, adverbs




    1. If the word is without NOT not used

    N without booth n ate epy n ee inevitably

    2. Word with NOT can be replaced with a synonym

    N ep true (false) n ep sucker (good) n units aleko (close)

    3. With the following words: absolutely, very, very, almost, extremely, too, completely

    A very difficult task almost unfamiliar absolutely incorrect the merits are very small


    1. When contrasted with a union A(not BUT)

    Not truth, but lies, not bad, but good, not far but close

    2. At the following words:

    NOT at all, NOT at all, NOT at all, NOT at all, NOT to anyone

    not at all Truth, not far silly, not at all far, not at all difficult, not to anyone necessary

    3. When denying any quality, without affirming the opposite

    He is not stupid (but smart?) She is not far and not close

    4. Short adjectives, adverbs as predicates

    With short adjectives NOT written, as a rule, in the same way as with full ones

    Shore n ev high (the bank is not high)


    with indefinite pronouns, as well as with negative pronouns without a preposition

    n EU so many articles, something new, nothing to help, no one to ask

    with negative adverbs

    n eg de, nowhere, no time, nowhere, no need

    Examples for spelling warm-up:

    N e d spur, n e R yaha, n e V olnik, n e And sisterhood, n e n avis, n e With tolerant n e at Kluge, n e R sarcastically n e h ayanno. N e P true ( lie),n e P supporter ( enemy),n e d rug ( enemy),n e h health ( disease),n e P sucker ( good),n e V cheerful ( sad),n e at many ( silly);n e d aleko ( close),n e P loho ( satisfactorily),n e m slowly ( soon, immediately),n e P flamboyantly ( rough). This Not Truth, A lie. Needed here Not experience, A knowledge. This is completely Not success ( And what? ). Room Not big, A small. He's still Not old ( Which one then? ). He committed Not good, A bad deed. From school to home Not far, A close. This far Not the best way out. Not at all Not interesting book. This not at all Not complete data. Far Not modestly. To me not at all Not scary. To him not at all Not funny. Study never Not late.

    Diagnostic set No. 10 Spelling not with nouns and adjectives.

    Working part

    Control part

    Column No. 1

    Column No. 2

    1 (not) acquaintance, but a stranger

    2 prove (in)guilty

    3 (un)clumsy expressions

    4 far (not) beautiful

    5 not at all dangerous disease

    6 (not) friends

    7 (im)nonsense

    8 (not) large program

    9 (ignorant)

    10 give (dis)trust

    1 (continuous) broadcast

    2 this is (not) the wind

    3 (un)reasonableness

    4 (not) happiness, but trouble

    5 (not) touchy

    6 the night is not at all (not) dark

    7 (ignorance)

    8 (not) beautiful, but expensive

    9 (bad) weather

    10 reveal (in)combat capability

    Column No. 3

    Column No. 4

    1 far (not) smart

    2 (not) enough

    3 (un)known device

    4 (not) friend, but enemy

    5 speech (not) interesting

    6 grave (un)happiness

    7 (in)experience leads to trouble

    8 (in)accessible rock

    9 (un)acquaintance

    Book 10 consoles in (un)happiness

    1 (un)needed meeting

    2 (in)dependent character

    3 suggests good luck and (bad) luck

    4th house (not) new and (not) old

    5 (in)dependence of the Motherland

    6 (ir)reconcilable differences

    7 the grass is (not) tall

    8 (non)wine activities

    9 made noise by (bad) weather

    10 (not) friend blew up bridges

    Exercise No. 1. Form all possible parts of speech from these nouns.



















    Exercise No. 2. Using a prefix, form NOT words with opposite meanings.




    understanding -

    cultural -

    equality -

    decisive -

    health -

    good -

    seriously -


    familiar -

    loyalty -

    energetic -

    slowly -

    maturity -

    movably -


    nice -

    confidence -

    The particle "not" plays important role In russian language. The meaning of the entire phrase depends on how it is written with words. This service particle expresses not only the denial “don’t run, don’t touch,” but also the statement: “today it wasn’t mom who took Masha, but dad.” Often this particle gives the phrase fullness of action: “I can’t stop looking at you.” IN colloquial speech she is able to give a phrase a shade of indifference: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” This negative particle can also give an affirmative intonation: “the bad weather has cleared up.”

    Rules for writing the particle “not” with nouns

    One of the rules of the Russian language that causes difficulties is the spelling of “not” with nouns. A literate person is able to distinguish the spelling of this particle and use it correctly in writing.

    The spelling of “not” depends on whether it is a prefix (written together) or a negative particle - a separate word (written separately). Examples:

    Difficulties in writing appear when distinguishing between a prefix and a particle. The rules of the Russian language are designed to distinguish a prefix from a particle and establish the correct spelling NOT with nouns. The meaning of what is written depends on this.

    In most cases, the particle “not” with nouns is written separately. But there are options when “not” is written together. To avoid making mistakes in using NOT, you need to familiarize yourself with rule of the Russian language.

    The table shows examples NOT with nouns.

    Let's take a closer look at each of these spelling options. NOT with nouns is the rule.

    “Not” is written together

    1. If not used without NOT (examples: fable, ignoramus, bad weather, slob, slave, lack, disorder, absurdity, dunno, unseen, scoundrel, illness, invisible, forget-me-not, fidget, foolish, loser, tumbler, trouble).
    2. If a word with a particle NOT is replaced by a synonym without NOT without loss of meaning. Examples: misfortune - grief; enemy - enemy.
    3. If there is a connection of the prefixes under-: imperfection, oversight, deficiency, arrears, underweight, underdevelopment.
    4. Nouns that denote a person or a qualitative shade, when combined with NOT-, form words with the meaning of opposition. Examples of such word formations: non-specialist, non-poet, non-Muslims, non-doctors. When a non-professional gets down to business, it’s time to shout “guard.” A non-doctor will not understand the medical history. A non-mathematician will not solve this problem.

    If the particle NOT and the noun form a new word with opposite meaning. Examples: lack (flaw; prosperity means prosperity), misfortune - trouble, not lack of happiness; a person's unreliability is not (one cannot rely on him). Due to his lack of knowledge of the language, he did not read the instructions.

    If a noun with is NOT used with a dependent adjective or possessive pronoun, standing before NOT-. I am saddened by your failure.

    1. If a noun with NOT is preceded by a modifier or preposition. Fire for absence from work. Everyone knows about his bad manners. It's all my bad luck.
    2. A noun is a term. Example: non-metal. Among chemical elements there are non-metals.

    “Not” is written separately with nouns

    If there is or is implied opposition by the conjunction A. Example: Not the truth, but a lie. He is not my friend (implied enemy). Cows and non-cows graze in the meadow. (meaning cows and other animals graze). He is ready to write everything: poetry and non-verse, plays and non-plays. Not a holiday, but a day off.

    All these conditions are easy to remember and use correctly in writing.
