“They threw mud at a person you don’t know.” Elizaveta Peskova's mother stood up for her daughter

A couple of days ago I made a post:

As a result of Lisa’s visit to the Sevastopol plant and specifically as a result of this interview, she received a barrage of criticism and ridicule on the Internet.

Someone must now protect the girl?
To at least somehow balance the scales.
Her mother, Ekaterina Peskova, decided to do this:

“I usually refrain from commenting on the activities and reactions of our moralists and fighters for justice.
But now I can’t remain silent.
My first question is what did she do wrong?
Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who retained their earnings? What did you do while sitting on your couch?
They threw mud at a stranger, not realizing that with your words and low energy you create evil and dirt in this world, which come back to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

What's her fault?
? The fact that she was born the daughter of a man who works all his life without weekends, evenings or holidays?
Who, with his intelligence and hard work, achieved the position he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and is wearing Nice dress?
Do you think she should walk around in a robe and flagellate herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier?"

Ekaterina Peskova addressed the public.


According to Ekaterina, her daughter is just “studying, looking for herself, trying to find her place in life,” and also trying to “draw attention to various problems that exist in huge numbers in society”:

"What did you do when you were 19 years old?
She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak?
How amusing you are to discuss the fact that she does not know the difference between legal proceedings and shipbuilding (in her speech, Elizabeth confused legal proceedings and shipbuilding - editor's note) - and how many of you knew this until yesterday?
How many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large, heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who have the power to solve them.

- “Look at yourself from the outside, re-read what you write!
How can you consider yourself good people after you spew out all the abominations that you write?
People, stop!
Wake up!
If you want to change this world, start with yourself!


Do you know, Ekaterina, what I will answer you?

People don't like upstarts.
Especially those who don’t know anything about themselves yet, can’t put two words together and don’t know the topic they’re taking on.
For now, your daughter needs to continue her education and behave more modestly, not star, and not be a plug for everyone’s holes.

I really didn’t want to write about Liza Peskova - they are building a political career, and personally, seeing this is so disgusting for me that I don’t even want to think about it.

Do you know what happens when the indignation is so strong that you can’t even find words other than swearing? And there is something to say, but I just want to spit. In the face, with snot, so that everything spreads.

Video: YouTube

Yes, I would have remained silent. What, without me something is unclear to someone here? If I hadn't gotten in ex-wife Peskov’s press secretary and Lisa’s mother, I would have scored.

Read for yourself what Ekaterina Peskova writes about her daughter’s visit to the plant in Crimea:

Usually I refrain from commenting on the activities and reactions to them of our moralists and fighters for justice. But now I can’t remain silent.

My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who retained their earnings? What did you do while sitting on your couch? They threw mud at a stranger, not realizing that with your words and low energy you create evil and dirt in this world, which come back to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

What is her fault? The fact that she was born the daughter of a man who plows all his life without weekends, evenings and holidays? Who, with his intelligence and hard work, achieved the position he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and is wearing a beautiful dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and flagellate herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier?

What were you doing when you were 19 years old? She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak? How amusing you are to discuss the fact that she does not know the difference between legal proceedings and shipbuilding (in her speech, Elizabeth confused legal proceedings and shipbuilding - editor's note) - and how many of you knew this until yesterday? How many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large, heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who have the power to solve them.

Indeed, Lisa’s task is not to figure things out. Not in legal proceedings, not in anything at all.

Her task is to sit on Instagram on the neck of her father-official and mother Ekaterina.

What did Lisa do when she was 19? I’ll answer directly - I shit on Russia a couple of times, went to study in Europe and disgraced myself at a factory in Crimea.

There is no need to attribute the solution to the plant's problems to Lisa. She solved them not with her own pocket money, but using budget resources countries. And now my question arises: since when did 19-year-old girls get into our budget and manage it?

What, Lisa’s mother asks, was she supposed to do, and what is the fault of the girl who pretends to be God knows what?

I will answer: it is not Lisa’s fault. There are faults with mom and dad who protect their daughter. They are trying to mold us into another politician out of an uncomprehending young party girl living in Europe.

What would Lisa have become if she had been born in Taganrog? I watched a video in which it is strikingly different from what we see in the photo. An ordinary girl, who can hardly even be called pretty, would most likely be exactly the same as all her peers.

Let's be objective? Lisa is nothing. Without her bureaucrat dad, she would be nothing.

Of course, she should not walk around in a robe and flagellate herself, but in the same way you, Lisa’s parents, do not have the right to thrust her into us as a politician, using your position.

It is enough that thanks to you, her name is already well known.

This projecting is sickening and disgusting. Smart, active and useful people to our country are in the shit. But Lisa “solves” the problems of the factories, trying to earn political points.

I think our country simply needs a law according to which children, relatives and henchmen of politicians must not be exposed. Study at home, in Russia, and live in such a way that no one has ever heard of them.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, mother of Elizaveta Peskova

Usually I refrain from commenting on the activities and reactions to them of our moralists and fighters for justice. But now I can’t remain silent.
My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who retained their earnings? What did you do while sitting on your couch? They threw mud at a stranger, not realizing that with your words and low energy you create evil and dirt in this world, which come back to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

Related materials

My second question is: Who are the judges?
What right do you have to judge a nineteen-year-old girl, whom you have never met in your life and with whom you have never communicated, for the good she has done? What is her fault? The fact that she was born the daughter of a man who works all his life without weekends, evenings or holidays? Who, with his intelligence and hard work, achieved the position he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and is wearing a beautiful dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and flagellate herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier?

Yes, she is not yet educated enough (she hasn’t even graduated from university yet), and she doesn’t have enough experience to stand up to people like you. But she is learning, she is looking for herself, she is trying to find her place in life. Moreover, she tries as best she can to draw attention to the various problems that exist in huge numbers in society. What were you doing when you were 19 years old?

She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak?
How does it amuse you to discuss the fact that she doesn't know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding - and how many of you knew that before yesterday? How many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large, heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who have the power to solve them.

Look at yourself from the outside, re-read what you write! How can you consider yourself good people after spewing out all the vile things you write? People, stop!!!
Wake up! If you want to change this world, start with yourself!


Elizaveta Peskova’s mother, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, could not restrain herself after a powerful wave of criticism and reproaches against her daughter, who made a PR voyage to Sevastopol in order to create a positive image of domestic shipbuilding. The emotional statement added even more fuel to the fire, because it turned out to be as empty of content as the daughter’s.

They threw mud at a stranger, not realizing that with your words and low energy you create evil and dirt in this world, which come back to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

My second question is: Who are the judges?

What right do you have to judge a nineteen-year-old girl, whom you have never met in your life and with whom you have never communicated, for the good she has done? What is her fault? The fact that she was born the daughter of a man who plows all his life without weekends, evenings and holidays? Who, with his intelligence and hard work, achieved the position he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and is wearing a beautiful dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and flagellate herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier?

Yes, she is not yet educated enough (she hasn’t even graduated from university yet), and she doesn’t have enough experience to stand up to people like you. But she is learning, she is looking for herself, she is trying to find her place in life. Moreover, she tries as best she can to draw attention to the various problems that exist in huge numbers in society. What were you doing when you were 19 years old?

She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak?

How does it amuse you to discuss the fact that she doesn’t know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding - and how many of you knew that until yesterday? How many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who have the power to solve them.

Look at yourself from the outside, re-read what you write! How can you consider yourself good people after spewing out all the vile things you write? People, stop!!!

Wake up! If you want to change this world, start with yourself!

Bloggers responded to this “morality” accordingly:

The stupidity and impudence of Solotsinskaya (Peskova) is striking in its clarity: this lady seriously decided that she could give sermons to the Internet community! - is indignant lazich07 on the forum echo.msk.ru.

All this is simply ridiculous, both the young creature and the author defending her. 19 years old, sweet girl, has not yet graduated from university, knows four languages... Well, what does the shipyard have to do with it, what can she decide? - asks the question fva2002 .

Something can be decided by her dad or mom with a lot of money and connections... And this is PR, sitting on PR and driving PR. And subtle matters are completely out of place here, only a thick hint is out of place.

A etnikas07 notes that Lisa’s mother “seems to also not know the difference between legal proceedings and shipbuilding,” since she started talking about it.

As they say, an apple from an apple tree... - concludes the blogger.

rudispar07 believes that it is time for dad to pay attention to the situation around his daughter.

Having read enough comments, if I were my dad, I would either hang myself or shoot myself. But in any case, he would have behaved like a man. So much shit was poured on his daughter that any sane person would categorically forbid the publication of his daughter’s notes in any printed edition, especially on the Internet.

By the way, all this dirt that is being poured on his daughter can negatively affect her health. Or is PR above all else for a parent?

Another commentator capture07 ironically objects to her mother about her statement about her daughter’s clothes.

“...In your opinion, should she wear a robe?”... yes, and again yes, on the territory of the plant she should have worn Work Clothes and, at a minimum, put on a helmet.

A few days ago, the daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation visited the Southern Sevastopol shipyard. This served as a reason for haters to criticize Lisa.

Lisa Peskova/Photo: https://www.instagram.com/stpellegrino/

The other day, the daughter of the presidential press secretary was part of the delegation of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia “Avanti.” On her Instagram page, Lisa published pictures in front of production. The girl shared her impressions of the meeting with the workers with subscribers. “It is a great happiness to be able to make this world at least a little better by helping people. And I am grateful to fate that I had such an opportunity,” she said.

Peskova’s appearance at the plant, as well as her speech, caused a negative reaction from Internet users. Users advised the girl not to talk about things she doesn’t understand, and not to give advice to workers whose lives she knows little about. Memes with the image of Lisa against the backdrop of the plant began to appear on the Internet. The girl did not react in any way to the users’ comments: she did not comment on them and did not delete them.

Her mother stood up for Lisa. On her Instagram page, she published a letter to all the haters, in which she wondered what bad her daughter had done, why she was hated so much and, most importantly, what the people who criticize her had done in life.

A post shared by the most cheerful of the depressed (@stpellegrino) on Aug 2, 2017 at 10:32am PDT

Usually I refrain from commenting on the activities and reactions to them of our moralists and fighters for justice. But now I can’t remain silent. My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who retained their earnings? “What did you do, sitting on your sofa?” Catherine addressed the spiteful critics. - They threw mud at a stranger, not realizing that with your words and low energy you create evil and dirt in this world, which return to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

Lisa’s mother noted that it was not her daughter’s fault that she was born the daughter of a man who“he works all his life without weekends, evenings and holidays,” who achieved everything “with his own mind and work.”

— How does it amuse you to discuss the fact that she does not know the difference between legal proceedings and shipbuilding - and how many of you knew this until yesterday? How many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large, heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who have the power to solve them.
