Basics of combat, weapons and armor, useful information, tricks and secrets, fact. Guides and secrets of The Surge: Tips without which it is better not to start

Perfectly illustrates the difference between a worthy follower and a mediocre imitator.

The Surge wants to prove that it is an original adventure. The developers even propose to go to a dark future. In this world, CREO Corporation is making titanic efforts to save humanity from the problems associated with climate change. An ordinary guy named Warren was lucky enough to become part of a large-scale project. Alas, before the newly minted employee had time to put on the exoskeleton, he lost consciousness. He came to his senses in a dilapidated complex inhabited by embittered creatures.

Despite all the tempting premise, the game is in no hurry to break Souls stereotypes. In a sci-fi reality, the hero does not have a map of confusing locations, and after visiting the medical station, the villains are revived. In addition, Warren deals with opponents using tools similar to axes, daggers and swords. A relatively clear explanation for such restrictions is available. The action takes place at a research base where employees are not given firearms and experimental blasters.

The combat system makes do with minor deviations from its predecessor. Warren can attack different parts of opponents' bodies that are not protected by armor. Light and heavy strikes have been replaced with vertical and horizontal ones. However, combat is a familiar dance of dodging, blocking attacks, and keeping an eye on your stamina.

There are shortcomings, be it the camera's inappropriate behavior in narrow passages with the habit of bumping into walls or a target selection system that is not configured in the best way. It is not always possible to quickly and accurately hit the enemy weakness. Annoying moments can cause sudden death. Moreover, after being revived, Warren has only a couple of minutes at his disposal to return to the point of death and restore lost experience. Otherwise, everything accumulated will evaporate.

Notable innovations relate to the acquisition of equipment and the development of Warren. In itself, increasing levels does not provide almost any benefits. But the power of the exoskeleton core increases, which allows the use of high-quality parts and more implants. The latter are discovered during inspection of the surrounding area and increase stamina, health and provide access to new skills such as time dilation. Implants-first aid kits that heal wounds are also provided.

To expand the list of equipment, you must first cut off the corresponding limb of the enemy in order to have a chance to take possession of the blueprint for the production of one of the armor elements. The same method is used to obtain components to improve things. Captured weapons, interestingly, are immediately sent to inventory and are ready for use at no additional cost.

To obtain a part to create or improve, for example, a prosthetic leg, you need to beat crazed people on the legs. However, this limb can be protected, although the torso or head is open to attack. Sounds good. In a game with severe penalties for death, it can be difficult to choose between ending a fight quickly and fighting a long battle with the prospect of losing all your health kits.

Everything would be great, but the production of basic armor requires first-level materials. Moreover, such weak warriors are not necessarily present in the vicinity where Warren wandered. They are found in a location located at the other end of the map. There is no fast movement around the world from one save point to another. Therefore, to update your equipment, you have to run along the explored paths, if you have not previously bothered to accumulate components. In general, resource extraction gradually becomes boring, since the process itself does not become more diverse.

An obvious selection of the same type of corridors and dark rooms does not add anything positive. Because of this, it can be difficult to navigate. Yes, any self-respecting Souls follower shies away from obvious signposts. But this aspect works if you really understand the environment and discover the right path without tediously long wandering back and forth. From Software studio understood this perfectly, as did the creators of and. In The Surge, you are periodically forced to look for a barely noticeable turn in the monotonous scenery and, based on opaque hints, to guess where to go after activating the next device.

What's most disheartening is how the bosses were treated. There will only be five of them for the entire campaign! The three battles are quite easy and stand out only for the terrifying appearance of steel monsters with numerous limbs. Once you remember their meager set of skills, everything ends without delay. The remaining two battles disappoint with their lack of ideas and clumsy attempts to prolong the “fun.”

Roughness regularly makes itself felt throughout the course of twenty-five hours. At the same time, The Surge captivates with the search for secrets and intense fights, and the enemies do not forget to become stronger. The adventure does not make you sad and regularly presents surprises. While exploring the complex, you are afraid to jump from the ledge and approach the next robot with caution.

The story contains conflicts with diametrically opposed views on the future of civilization, as well as reflections on humanity and artificial intelligence. Warren finds audio diaries with stories about the horrors that happened before his awakening, learns about maniacs and disputes among CREO employees. However, by the end, promising initiatives are not revealed. Among the characters there are few individuals whose fate evokes any emotions. More often they are idols from whom you will not hear anything interesting.

The scenery sometimes delights with excellent lighting and piles of fancy mechanisms. Views of the landfill give way to exhibition spaces, where the consequences of the devastation are not so noticeable, and the eye stops at the stands with the achievements of scientists. The locations are strikingly different from each other, which does not prevent them from consistently disappointing with their own repetitions in design.

There is no cooperative playthrough or competitive multiplayer with invasion of other people's worlds in The Surge.


In 2014, when it was released, the very fact of emulating the Souls series was perceived as a small achievement. Subsequently, developers from other studios showed that you can come up with something of your own based on an established set of rules. But the authors from Deck13 seem to be stuck in the past. All their forward movement fits into an environment unusual for such games and innovations in auxiliary components, such as the free selection of implants for the hero or the extraction of resources by cutting off the limbs of opponents.

However, with the exception of the confusion with the number of boss battles, The Surge is not without its merits. Enemies don't give up without a fight, and the steady flow of bonuses doesn't dry up until the end. This is good entertainment for those who crave adventure in the Souls tradition. The main thing is not to wait for revelations.

  • Attractive mechanics with intense fights
  • A lot of useful secrets in confusing labyrinth levels
  • The ability to quickly replace implants and adjust the characteristics of the protagonist to the situation


  • The game sometimes turns into a tedious run through dark corridors
  • Unforgivably few bosses

Discussion of the game begins at the 13th minute of the podcast

for the provided equipment for the test bench

After installing the add-on, we will find that there is a new item in the inventory - a ticket to the “World of CREO”. This ticket will allow us to go to a location that is associated with the DLC.

To find yourself in the world of CREO, you need to find one of the 2 entrances to the park. Let's move here first:

    • Production Center B. We follow to the railway station, which is located in the conveyor shop of center B, where we first met Irina Beckett. We go down the steps and find ourselves on the platform. Here we will see a train that goes to the world of CREO. We use the ticket that we received after installing the DLC. We get off the stopped train. We follow the only path, so we will get into the CREO world zone.
  • Research department. You can also enter the world of CREO through the research department, which is located on the exhibition floor, to the right of the door that leads to production center B. Once we arrive at the world of CREO, we approach the exo-lift and activate it, and then pay attention to the set of stairs . We jump down to get to the pyramid with loot. We go down to the room a level below.

The locked room under the railway station is the intersection of 2 routes that we were able to use. From here we pass through open door on the lower tier, we follow the only road to the very end until we find ourselves in the destroyed area.

Iron Mouse Square

We move straight, pass the entrance gate, we will find ourselves in the 1st zone of the square. Here we will encounter our first opponents, one of them is a robotic donut. He is a fast opponent with strong attacks.

After clearing, we inspect the surroundings. We select the audio log, which lies to the right of the place where we saw the donut. We can also find the energy shield that blocks the door big size opposite the statue in the center. We will also find passages to the left and right of the square. The passage to the right of the statue will lead to a room with a workbench, an improvement station and other necessary objects.

First, we go to the operations center (this is the orange building on the right side. Inside we will find a medical station, a workbench, as well as Largo. He will tell us what happened in the park, and can also give us tasks - to restore the power supply.

We leave the operations center and before doing anything else, follow the path up to the right of the door protected by a yellow barrier. We ignore the building on the hill on the right side and stick to the narrow path. We kill the candy bar robot, which enters from the passage in front, and enter the building, which is located nearby (CREO opens the way to the stars). Here we will see a panel, it can be reloaded. So we will open the door at the top, however, we will get to it later. This action will save us time in the future.

We return to the operations center and from the exit move through the open doorway on the right.

When we pass it, we will see 2 opponents - one in front and the other on the left. Coffee opponents can jump like donuts, but they also use a laser attack to damage from a distance. They can also release a swarm of energy bubbles that cause damage when approached. We use the drone to kill them individually.

We head to the hill where the coffee robot guy was originally located to find the next donut. We kill him and look to the left to see part of the broken path. We go to the end to find a pyramid with loot.

We stand with our backs to the stairs up and see the slope that leads down, it consists of destroyed platforms. We move down the given slope and kill the trio. We lure out enemies one by one. This will make the mission easier. We move to the end of the path, there we will find a pyramid near the corpse. We follow back and go up the steps, we will find ourselves at CREO Square.

CREO area

From above we will see the enemy - Soda.

We follow the path and see a section of fallen sidewalk on the left side. There is a pyramid here. You can also jump onto the platform with the popcorn advertisement, we will find the pyramid. We continue to walk along the path, there we will find a patrolman.

When we find the entrance to the woodcutter's exhibition on the right side, we continue to walk past to reach the tower of the Rusty Rat. We examine the area behind the fence, we will find a pyramid in the foliage.

We go to the lumberjack show and continue the plot.

Lumberjack show

We go into the building and follow the path to the left. We kill the cyborg who is waiting for us at the steps. Next we follow the path around the arena. On the left you can find a pyramid.

We go up the stairs and go through the opening. As soon as we do this, we will look at the flowerbed on the right side to see the pyramid. We move along a narrow path. There are 2 cyborgs here - one is guarding the path, and the other is standing still. We use the drone, kill them one by one

On the wall on the right we will see an overload panel. Using it, we activate the exo-lift at the end. Before taking the exo-lift, we go along the narrow passage on the left to find the pyramid.

We take the elevator to the top floor. When we find ourselves in the main building again, we will see a pyramid of loot - this is a trap!!! Pay attention to a couple of boxes on the left. As soon as we approach the loot pyramid, a cyborg suddenly attacks. We kill him before taking the loot.

When we are ready to attack, we go down to the room below. There will be three enemies here. As soon as we kill the guy with the ax, we attack the second enemy. Since we need to fight with several opponents, we remain vigilant and try to follow all the opponents on the screen at once.

Once we clear the area, we will find a door with an energy shield. Container, glowing green An industrial power unit is broadcast on the right side. We take it out and remove the shield. We pass through the already open doorway and kill the cyborg. In the corridor at the turn, on the left behind the concrete slab we will see the implant “Palladium cell v.2”. At the end we will find the overload panel, it is on the wall to the right. Using it, we will remove the energy shield on the right, so we will create a counter CREO to the area.

We go down the stairs and get to the slides.


From the end of the stairs you can go left or right. First we go to the right to get the loot.

On the right side there is a gate that leads to the stairs. Near the stairs we see a donut, and we also see a coffee guy and a candy bar patrolling. We kill enemies one by one. At the top of the stairs on the left we will see a scarab equipped with a heavy weapon.

When we clear the location, we will find a pyramid under the stairs, and also an overloadable panel. If you use this panel, a box with 2 nanocores will open. We return to the street.

We move along the path that leads in the other direction from the slides. When we see the rocket on the right, we look around to find a pyramid with “Plasma Regenerator v.3”. We examine the corpse on the left side and take away the audio log.

At the other end of the bridge we move to the right and kill the cyborg with large armor. On the right there is a door with an energy shield. Let's take a look at the small area before reaching the door to find a pyramid with loot. On the wall on the left we see a panel for overload. Using it, we will unlock the energy door and create a short path to Iron Mouse Square.

We go up the stairs on the left side, at the end of the bridge, to reach the “CREO opens the way to the stars” zone.

Detailed walkthrough of the game location “Production Center B” in game The Surge after returning from the bio-lab - all the secrets, audio recordings, plot items, how to kill the boss “Big SISTER 1/3”

  • Abandoned workshop
  • Production Center B
  • Biolaboratory "Solution"
  • Production Center B (how to get to the next location)
  • Research department
  • Administration Hall
  • Core - final

Take the shortest route to the operations center. Here, give the Modaxinol implant to Davey to complete his task. You will receive as a reward. Talk to Sally at the terminal to the right of the medical station to find out how to get to the administrative center where the management is locked.

Give the implant to Davey

Because now we have new way doors open, then we will return to the first location.

Abandoned workshop

Returning to the location, go down to the power plant. In the corridor before going down to the place where you overloaded the chain, there is a locked door. Above it is an energy circuit that you can overload with a drone. Do so. Inside the room, kill two enemies and load from the terminal CREOnet audio recording “Security Log 00:00:19”.

The right door at the power plant

Return to this corridor and look to the right. The previous time we visited the location, we did not go through this passage. Go there and go down below on the exolift. Remember the door located here, which can only be opened by security personnel.

Go down the corridor, use the terminal to load another one Audio recording of Officer Billy Clark "Liberator - Arrest Warrant". Search all the rooms and go up another staircase, which will lead you to the main assembly line.

But if you want to find new weapon “Forgotten Ghost”, then you will have to go even lower. Here you will find corridors filled with poisonous gases. You will need to quickly run through them and pick up weapons, periodically restoring your health with the help of implants.

"Forgotten Ghost" on location

Characteristics of the stock “Forgotten Ghost”

Go to its beginning to find level 55 chain box. By overloading the energy chain, you will receive two nanocores.

Level 55 Chain Box

There will be a locked door nearby that we did not open earlier. But it could have been done back then! Go left and find the exolift. Climb up and reload energy chain level 11 ahead. Open that same door and find inside implant “Support Matrix v.1” And audio recording "Whiner".

Production Center B - Administration Tower

Return to this location and go to the train you took to the biological laboratory. Not far from it there is a bridge leading to a large locked gate. To the upper left of them you will see an energy chain that can be overloaded using a drone. So do it!

The required gate of the “Air Tower”

Destroy the huge robotic collector if you want to get shiny coin And implant “Plasma generator v.3”. Go upstairs, turn into the cage on the left to pick up implant “Increasing endurance v.3”. In the corridor with the level 22 energy chain, you can go into the corridor on the left. There will be a huge number of enemies there, so lure them out one by one, attracting their attention with a drone. You will find them audio recording by Mila Dobos “Cargo-related violations” And implant “Retractor v.2”.

When entering another room, select audio recording of Peggy Ferguson "Happy Birthday!".

Next audio recording

Cleaning shop "Solution"

Go down the stairs to find one next to the first enemies. new module for the drone “Emergency cooler”. With it, you can release a cloud of liquid gas that slows down opponents. There is a locked door here. Find the level 11 energy circuit in the corridors nearby and overload it. Open the door. Pick up indoors implant “Implanted electrodes v.2” And audio recording of John Marcus Connelly "Reminder".

Walk along the corridor and get to the door of the air tower. Once you open it, you will realize that you have returned to the assembly line. Here's another shortcut for you!

Follow back into the room with the rotating mechanisms and this time find the stairs leading up.

Stairs to the top

Kill the enemies to the right of the passage and pick up implant “Health injection v.3”. Turn right from the boxes and around the corner on the right you will see a robot on three legs with a tail. After killing him, jump through the hole in the floor to pick up the one lying on the pipes implant “Support Matrix v.2”.

Get to the door. Don't rush - there is a terminal opposite it that is easy to miss. Download from it audio recording of Jerry Fletcher's "Answer: Conspiracy Theory". To the left of the door lies implant "Autohelp v.2". But you will not be able to go through this door, since security clearance is required. Go through the other one and climb the stairs even higher.

air tower

When you go upstairs, you can meet Irina Beckett, for whom you were looking for the pole.

Meeting with Irina Beckett

Go through the doorway next to her (after talking, but she will not give additional tasks) and kill the enemy. Look to the right and you will see a door with a terminal. Open it to return to the "Conveyor Shop" part. After killing three opponents, break the glass stand and take CREO ex02 exosuit prototype". It can be installed at a medical station.

Exosuit prototype

Construction service entrance

From here, go upstairs and cross the bridge to the other side. Break the ventilation grilles to get to the exolift in the materials storage area. This way you will restore it. Go to the medical station and install the new exoskeleton prototype. However, he will not allow you to open the security doors. We need another one!

Go back and take the exolift higher. Jump onto the platform where the huge machine is operating. This will be a boss fight.

How to destroy "Big SISTER 1/3"?

This battle can be divided into three main stages.

"Big SISTER 1/3"

First stage - two claws At this stage, the main threat is the boss's two claws. Fortunately, only one of them will attack the Big SISTER. This machine does not attack two at the same time. Use the block button and target lock key to focus on one hand. Sometimes the boss will shoot a laser beam, don't forget to watch for it.

With its claws, the “Big SISTER” makes various attacks, most of which are a “thrust” towards the main character or a flat blow to the ground. In both cases, you must dodge to avoid taking damage. After each blow, the claw stops for a while. This is the perfect moment for your counterattack! Land as many hits as you can. Repeat this process until both claws are destroyed, which will begin the second stage.

Stage two - tentacles with lasers Moving forward, you will find yourself on a new platform filled with small tentacles with lasers. These lasers themselves don't do much damage, but four of them will try to attack you right away. Choose one of the sides and go to them.

Second stage of the battle

This phase is very fast and hectic. Attack the lasers whenever the opportunity presents itself, and watch out for the boss' main attack at the end of the area. Use dodges. Once all the tentacles are destroyed, move on to the boss core.

Third stage - core Attack the center console to destroy the robot's eye. The core of “Big SISTER 1/3” is surrounded by peculiar paws. They can grab you, hit you on the ground, swing you, squeeze you. Be prepared to dodge more often than you strike.

After attacking the core several times, jump back and wait until the boss calms down. And then come back and repeat the same thing until the “Big SISTER 1/3” is completely destroyed. As a reward you will receive new weapon “Prut-firearm v.2.0”.

Service shaft to CREO 1

After you deal with the boss, look on the lower left side for a platform with a ventilation grill in the wall. Break it and run along the tunnel to the next part of the location.

Service shaft to CREO 1

Use the exolift to go higher. Break the other grate and follow forward until you fall down to a new level.

Drive down the tunnel and choose the type of exoskeleton, heavy or light. This choice is not for the entire game; in the future you will be able to choose which exoskeleton to use.

After waking up, you will have half your health. Heal up first, then move forward and destroy the drone. This enemy poses minimal threat. Continue forward until you reach the top of the hill. Take out the two drones on either side of you, and then turn right. Follow this branch and turn the corner to find a yellow pyramid containing a rare material.

Then return to the main path and go to the tunnel. Stop here. To the left of the tunnel you can find upgrades for the suit. Now go into the tunnel.

Missile dump

Go right through the tunnel. Here you will find three drones. These will be stronger than the previous ones. Deal with them and search the area around. Here you can find more improvements to upgrade your suit. Return to the missile dump. Now go left and encounter two weak drones. Defeat them and pick up the implant. Go further and you will reach the medical station. When you find the power unit, the medical station will become your operations center. Here you can be treated, upgrade, etc. Now leave the room and talk to Sally. She will tell you where to find the power unit. Exit through the door ahead.

Go down the steps and turn right. Take out the two drones, and then look at the elevator on the left - there you will find more loot from rare materials.

Return to the stairs. Look ahead at the bottom of the stairs and you will see a tunnel. Follow it through to find the Chavez audio recording on the other side.

Go back to the stairs again. Now follow the left and meet a new enemy - a cyborg in an exoskeleton. It does much more damage than the drone. Aim at the unprotected parts of the enemy. You can also knock down parts of the exoskeleton, which can then be used for upgrades. After defeating him, turn left and you will find an implant.

Return to the main path. Meet an enemy wearing an exoskeleton and a vibration cutter. Immediately after it will be the audio recording “Golden Ticket”. Then turn left, finding another similar enemy guarding loot in the form of a rare material. Return to the main path. In the corner you will find a small pile of scrap metal hidden.

Then deal with the final enemy. Defeat him and take the power unit, which will allow you to fully restore the capabilities of the exoskeleton. Return to the medical station.

Now you can use it to store spare parts to upgrade the power unit and thereby pump yourself up. There will be a workbench on the left. There you can exchange a coupon for equipment. You can also craft various pieces of equipment if you have enough material.

After restoring the power unit, you can recharge certain power circuits. Return to where you found the power unit. Charge the device on the left to open the door.

Main assembly line

Go through these doors to enter the main assembly line. Defeat the cyborgs and take the elevator up. There will be a level 11 power circuit here. Charge it, and then go back down, turn left. Climb the crates to find an upgrade.

Follow the main path until you reach a terminal on the left side. Beware of the hidden cyborg on the right. Open the door using the terminal. Take the upgrade and audio recording.

Follow the main path. On the right there will be a level 55 power circuit. On the right you will find a door that gives access to fast travel to the medical station. Go to the next room, where you will be met by three cyborgs. Deal with them and find another improvement on the right.

Return to the main path again. As soon as you reach the tunnel, beware of an ambush on the right. Kill the cyborg and continue through the tunnel and then turn left. Deal with the cyborg and pick up the loot.

Return to the ambush site. Here you will find a level 10 power circuit. Charge it to open the door. Go inside and look to the right. Open the door to access another fast travel point. Continue along the main path until you reach an area surrounded by toxic puddles. Look to your right and you will see a small path that you can safely follow.

On the other side there will be one drone and a huge robot. If you are confident in your abilities, deal with the drone, and then take on the giant. If he still hasn't noticed you, sneak up and make a strong attack on the legs from behind. Keep hitting him while circling around him, dodging the attacks. Watch the flaps in the middle. When they open and fog appears, you deal much more damage. If you don't have enough high level, then you will have to sweat. After winning, take the shiny coin and the comic Ironmaus #1.

Now follow the main path and deal with the cyborg and two drones. Lift the implant on the right. Next, go up the stairs and kill the cyborg at the top. Destroy the crates on the right to clear the way to the audio recording.

Go back to where the boxes were and look down to find a way into the room below. Follow it to fall onto a box where you can find another implant.

Jump back onto the platform above and move forward, killing enemies until you reach some stairs. Go down them and fight two drones. There will be a loot corner right under the stairs.

Follow the main path until you reach a set of stairs on the right side. Go upstairs and you will find two enemies in the room. Deal with them and take the implant.

Rocket assembly station

Take the elevator on the right and then use the terminal on the left to listen to the "Be Alert" audio recording. Jump back down and then use the control panel ahead to open the door to the power plant. Inside, smash the nearby boxes to open the way to a cache of rare material. Next, enter the room on the right, defeat the cyborg and pick up some spare parts. Then destroy the crates and kill the drone that appears. There will be some more material here. Now take the elevator up. Go forward until you meet another cyborg. Look around. There will be an implant on the right.

Continue your way forward, meeting one new cyborg. At the end of the corridor you can find another implant. Go further until you reach the elevator - there will be another implant under it.

Now go back to the first open door at the rocket assembly station, go down the stairs on the left. Once you reach the landing, break the boxes and get some material. Continue down and kill the cyborg. On the left in the far corner of the room there will be an audio recording “Incident”.

When you obtain the power unit from the Solution biolab, you can open the locked door ahead. Inside there will be two cyborgs, an audio recording and some material. Go through the door on the right and you will come across a cyborg with vibroswords. Defeat him to get the implant. Then reboot the power circuit to get the sector working again.

Go left and around the corner to find an elevator leading down. Defeat the cyborg and the drone, then use the comm station to get another audio recording. You can still come back here after you get the security exosuit prototype in the administration hall to get another implant.

Continue your way, killing cyborgs along the way. At the very top of the stairs, deal with the drone, turn left. At the next landing, turn left. There will be some material behind the box. Walk forward until you reach a door on the right side. Open it and fight a cyborg armed with a huge Titan weapon. After defeating him, you will receive an implant. Now look to the right. Below you will find a toxic location. It's better to wait until you have more health to overcome it and find a new weapon.

Return to the main path up, continuing to kill the cyborgs. Along the way you will come across another implant. Climb all the way up until you reach the main assembly line. After restarting the power circuits below, re-enter the rocket assembly station. Here you will meet the boss - PAX.

Boss - PAX

This is the first boss and must be learned to defeat. The following tips will help in battle:

Get close and stay behind him, so he can only damage you with his stomp. Give two or three hits until he starts stomping. At this moment, jump back.

The first goal is for the orange bar to fill completely. To do this, just attack him. Beware of his jumps and pushes. Don't stand in front of him. Keep attacking his legs until he falls. Now you can deal serious damage. Aim for the head for maximum damage.

After a few blows he will get back to his feet. Hit him until the orange gauge fills up again and he falls down. Repeat until you kill.

After winning, you will receive an implant, the Emperor PAX weapon and materials. Now you can go to the next location - Production Center B.

Production Center B

Get off the train, go up the steps and go left to the drone registration room. Use the terminal and activate the drone. Now you will have a companion who will help in battle, as well as in other situations. Collect energy by attacking enemies, and then the drone can use it to attack. After that, call the elevator.

Arrivals area

Go right until you reach a fork: the door on the left leads to the medical station, and on the right is the main path. Use the medical station to restore your health before the next area. Also use the communication station to receive an audio recording.

Material storage

Open the door to the right of the medical station to enter the materials storage room. When you reach the power chain, beware of the trap set by the cyborg. Reload the chain and then continue until you reach the stairs. Destroy the crates on the left and jump down. Lift the implant on the right. On the left, use the terminal to get another audio recording.

Reboot the core on Hobbs to free it. Return to the medical station later to get spare parts. Next, jump down one more level. Fight two cyborgs. Here you will find an audio recording and some materials.

Walk forward until you reach the next cyborg with a titan. Look at the path on the right, ahead of this enemy. Follow it. Beware of the cyborg ambush. Reboot the level 13 core to unlock the door ahead. You'll find Davey inside. Return to the main path. Go to the far left corner and follow that path until you find the spare parts. Now go down in the opposite direction. Here you will find an elevator. Use it to get to the Salvage Protective Equipment.

Recycled protective equipment

Here you will have to fight 5 new enemies to get the implant. These robots need to be defeated in close combat. Don't let them jump back and jump to attack. These attacks are unblockable and will eat up a lot of health.

Conveyor shop

Return to the place where you jumped to fight two cyborgs. Now turn right to enter the assembly line. Follow the path leading away from the materials storage area. Behind the large boxes on the left there will be a cyborg lying in ambush. Go around the boxes and you will find a new weapon. Continue down, staying to the left to avoid taking damage from the enemy ahead. Defeat this cyborg in close combat. Now turn left. There will be the same enemy here. Now beware of another cyborg's ambush. Go right and pick up some scrap metal in the corner.

Head back to the left side of this room. Jump down. Continue forward, being careful of the cyborg ambush. When you reach the bridge, go across it and take some scrap metal. Go to the other side to reach support line 2.

Helpline 2

Fight the cyborg on the other side, go through the door behind him, and then take the elevator to the left. Open the door at the top and then smash the door blocking the way. Go left to the medical station. Jump down to find spare parts and a new enemy banging his head against the wall.

Go back to where you first came to on the other side of the bridge and turn right. Go to the ramp, go through the boxes on the left and you will find an audio recording.

Return to the medical station and cross the bridge again. Turn right and go down the stairs. Fight four cyborgs until you get a module for your drone. Continue down until you find the implant.

Conveyor shop

Return to the bridge. Go left and go through the nearby door. Inside there will be a new enemy, a robot with three legs. The easiest way to defeat him is to be behind him. Considering the timing, dodge and go behind his back. Defeat the enemy and go up the stairs. Take the elevator to the next level.

Follow this path until you come to a right turn. After going through it, you will find spare parts. Use the elevator to go down. Then fight two cyborgs. Pick up the implant and go down the stairs. Break the crates on the right to find some scrap metal. Follow this path to fight the two cyborgs again, then head back to the bridge.

From the room with the ARC bot, go through the door on the right. Fight the cyborg, and then go to the very end of the room, where you will meet another bot. Look to your left. There will be boxes there. Break it out and take some scrap metal. Get to the stairs. There will be an implant on the left.

Go through the large hole at the top of the stairs. Break the red box to get an implant. Then look to the right - there will be IRONMAUS #45 on the red container.

Next, be very careful with the group of four enemies on the left side. It's better to deal with them one by one. When they are finished, you will receive the achievement. Return to the bridge. Enter the room where you first met the ARC bot. Use the elevator to get to the top of the level. Go left to enter Production Center B.

Production center B

Go to the other side. Go up the stairs to find some scrap metal. Return to the level below to cross the same bridge. Here you will need to fight the ARC bot. Next, kill two cyborgs. Beware of another cyborg hiding behind them. After winning, pick up the implant and continue to the recycling department.

Recycling department

Note the wooden boxes on the left. By breaking them, you will open the way to the materials. Continue along the path until you reach a door on the right. Fight the titan-wielding cyborg inside. There will be an audio recording in the corner on the left. There will also be new weapons here.

Continue on your way. Beware of an ambush to the left from a similar enemy. Then there will be another ambush to the right of the ARC bot. Get to the back of the room. Use the stairs on the left to pick up the implant.

Return to the main path until you reach the viewpoint. Below you have a chance to fight two giant cranes. Watch out for the bot on the left, then take on the two huge robots one at a time to get a shiny coin for each. There will be an implant on the far left.

Return to the observation deck. Turn right and go to the elevator. Beware of the cyborg ahead. Then go through the bridge on the left. Go forward. Turn right and follow this path until you come to some door controls. Open the door on the left - this will open a shortcut to the medical station.

Open the door on the right. Defeat the two cyborgs and grab the audio recording in the far right corner. On the left you will find a medical station that allows you to restore your injections. Use the door control panel in the middle. Use the elevator to get to the level below. Fight the ARC bot and then go through the door ahead. Head towards the cyborg attacking you. As you get closer, use a back dodge to avoid the ARC bot's attack. Deal with both of them, and then grab the audio recording on the right and the new weapon in the left corner.

Go up the stairs and fight the two cyborgs at the top. Turn right and open the door. It's a shortcut to the medical station. Go down the path on the left into the previous room. Kill the enemy, and then look for the hole in the grate to go down below and find the implant.

Go through the door at the end and then use the stairs on the left. Below, beware of an ambush behind the crates. Kill the cyborg, as well as another one further along the way. There will be another one on the left. Return to the stairs. On the right you will find an implant. Reboot the kernel. Go around the massive structure and you will find another implant. Finally, open the door to Toxic Waste Disposal.

Toxic waste removal

Continue until you reach new enemies. Deal with them near the entrance to the location. Further along the way you will receive damage from toxic fumes. Go through the first door to enter the toxic waste treatment facility.

Recycling toxic waste

After going through the door, there will be the same enemy on the left. Use the terminal and get the audio recording. Starting from here, watch where you step - the damage will be quite serious.

In the next room there will be another similar enemy paired with an ARC bot. On the right you will find some rare material. Continue on your way. Deal with the lone liquidator and then go up the stairs. On the first landing, beware of another liquidator on the left. Continue up the right stairs. Go around the right corner and get an audio recording. Go through the small door on the left to fight an APC bot and find an implant.

Go up the stairs on the left. A liquidator is patrolling on the left. There will be scrap metal in the corner on the left, and a little further ahead on the left there will be weapons. Continue further to find an audio recording.

When you receive the prototype security exosuit in the administration hall, return to the door on the right, where you can find the implant.

Go down the stairs. Beware of the liquidator behind the crates on the left. Keep going left. There you will find an energy core. Reboot it to gain access to the elevator, which will give fast access to the medical station. Return to the lower level and return to the liquidator for the boxes. Around the corner you will find an elevator. Use it to get to the next level. Along the way you will find an implant. Continue the path to the end, being careful of the poisonous puddles. Jump down and deal with the enemies. Continue down and then reboot the kernel on the right.

Return to the ramp and open the door on the left. Break the boxes and the door behind them. Take the elevator down. Destroy the door ahead and find an implant on the right. Return to the place where the boxes were destroyed. Open the door to get a quick transfer to the medical station.

Return to the core, go forward, behind the large metal container you will find an implant. Behind the large door will be the boss LU-74 Maybug.

LU-74 May beetle

Beware of his attacks. Dodge to the side and then focus on his legs. Hit one leg 3-4 times to break it. The cockchafer can also spin out if you are too close. If suddenly this happens, run. When three legs are broken, the second phase will begin. Now he will not be able to spin up, but will periodically set fire to the floor in front.

Dodge these attacks, then get closer and attack the head from below to deal maximum damage. If you stay near it for too long, the beetle will rise and fall down, causing massive damage. The best thing to do is to attack him, and when he starts to rise, immediately dodge. Deal as much damage as you can and then repeat.

After victory, you will receive weapons and materials. Take the elevator, then turn right and go down the stairs. Gather some material. Open the door on the right to gain quick access to the medical station. Use the elevator on the far left to go down to the level below. Take the audio recording and weapons.

Continue this way and take the elevator even lower. Walk forward until you reach an open space. Turn left and open the door to gain access through the decontamination area. Return to the open area, turn right and enter the station.

Go to the train. Look to the far right corner next to the train to find some scrap metal. Enter the train and get to the biological laboratory "Solution".

Biolaboratory "Solution"

Blue Sky Station

Use the stairs on the left to find some rare materials. Next, go up the right stairs. Turn left and go up the next set of stairs to reach the aid station. Take the implant and use the terminal to get the audio recording.

Return to the station, turn right. Once through the door, turn left and go down the stairs to enter the outer sewer.

External sewerage

This section will introduce you to a new enemy - a service robot that can cause quite a lot of damage and also set you on fire. When you attack, aim for his hand to neutralize the damage. At the first intersection, turn right and break the wooden crates to reveal an implant. Then turn around and follow this path to find some stuff.

Return to the main path and turn right. Overload the level 14 power circuit on the left. Turn right to go down the ramp. Jump over the gap ahead to reach the now accessible door. Inside you will find an implant.

Return to the core and go forward. Beware of the trap behind the boxes. Get to the end of this path and look behind the metal box to find materials. Next, go up the stairs to the next floor. Defeat two drones and a maintenance robot. Go down the stairs.

After receiving the power unit, return here. Then look to the left and you will see a ladder. Go down it. There will be a power circuit on the wall that our drone can hack. This will open the door below, behind which you can find the implant.

On the next flight, watch out for the two cyborgs on the left. Behind them you can find some material. Examine the nook to the left of the elevator and defeat the cyborg there. When you obtain the Security Exosuit Prototype from the Administration Hall, return here and open the locked door. Inside you will find Cerberus. Continue moving forward, fighting more of the same robots, as well as Gordons and a drone. Next, examine the center of the room and find the implant. Beware of the security robot on the other side. Walk down the corridor behind him. Break the canisters to reveal an implant.

Next, open both doors on each side to gain quick access to different parts locations. Overload the power circuit to gain access to the elevator. Use it to get to the next floor.

Once at the very top, a cyborg will attack you. Also beware of two drones on the sides. Don't forget to get medical treatment at the medical station ahead. Go down the stairs. There will also be several cyborgs here. Kill the cyborg with the titan first, and then go around the corner to the right. Kill another cyborg. Go through the metal boxes. There will be one cyborg on the right and left. Try to deal with them one by one. Pick up some scrap metal and return to the stairs. Go through the hole opposite the landing. Jump onto the box, then go left and pick up the implant.

Jump to the ground and walk forward. Pick up some scrap metal, turn right and notice the narrow passage below. Lift the implant.

Deal with the two security robots below. These will be a little stronger than the previous ones. Remove them one by one. On the lower platform, go all the way to the right and take the weapon.

Walk forward until you reach a power chain. Overload it. Next, turn right and you will find an implant lying in a toxic slurry.

Go to the other side of the power circuit. Ahead you will encounter another security robot. Knock him out and move on. There, deal with the liquidator. After passing through the red container, you will be ambushed by the same enemy. Finish off all the enemies and go through the door ahead. This will give access to the elevator to the station " Blue sky" Before leaving the area, take the audio recording.

Notice the hole to the right of the red container where you encountered an ambush. Jump down to continue the path. As you turn left, watch out for the enemy hiding on the ground. When you reach the stairs, look around the left corner - there will be an audio recording there. Continue forward until you meet a maintenance robot. Jump over the gap on the right. Pick up scrap metal. Next, defeat the two drones on this platform. Now you have the opportunity to jump down on the far side of this room. Jump onto the two platforms to find the implant. Then jump back up and go down the stairs to the lab.


Go through the first door on the right. Climb the stairs to find the implant. Go down to fight two cyborgs, then pick up another implant and scrap metal.

Return to the stairs, only now go down. On the platform, deal with the service robot, and then pick up the weapon. Keep going down until you reach the next floor. At the bottom of the stairs, turn left and smash the crates to reveal scrap metal. Continue forward and you will find more materials and a power circuit. Defeat the maintenance robot in this room and move on. There will be a security robot in the far right corner. Be sure to pick up the audio recording next to it. There will also be a comic on the board. IRONMAUS #9. Then kill the drone on the left and use the elevator.


Go down the stairs and check the far right corner - there will be a rare material there. Then open the door on the right.

Climatic "Savannah"

Deal with the cyborg and liquidator in this room and move on.

Climate "Eurasia"

There are many enemies in this room. First, break the wooden boxes on the right. There will be a liquidator and an implant. If you want to open a shortcut here before dealing with the enemies, run straight to the very end of the room and look for the terminal on the right. Use it to unlock the door. Open it to get quick access to the medical station.

Now deal with the drone and then the cyborg. Next, destroy two security robots one by one. Next, use the communication station on the left to open the audio recording. Then use the terminal on the right to unlock the doors. You now have access to the closed door ahead. Go through it. There you will meet new enemies - two liquidators with flamethrowers. Dodge the fire, then run closer and attack right hand. Having dealt with them, turn right.

Use the door ahead, which is now open. Kill the drone inside and pick up the weapon on the right. Then destroy the security robot ahead. Beware of the cyborg if you go too far. Go through the next door. Next, go up the stairs on the left. At the top there will be a cyborg and some material. Overload the power circuit of level 22, which will give you access to the door on the lowest level. Behind it you will find an implant. After this, take the alternative path on the right into the supply tunnels.

Supply tunnels

Pumping station

In this room, turn right and look for scrap metal hidden around the corner on the left along this branch. Then go to the end of the room and you will meet two liquidators with flamethrowers. Kill them and enter the room they were guarding to find a power unit and an audio recording in the corner.

Now go back to where you found the scrap metal and look up. Use your drone's new ability to overload a circuit to open the door. This will give a final quick transfer to Blue Sky Station. Take the train back to Manufacturing Center B.

Production Center B (first return)

Upon arrival we notice a mess. Climb the stairs, look up and see a cutscene. Continue on your way. Stop at the bridge to watch two liquidators burn their enemies. After that, deal with them yourself. Pay attention to the left side of the tower. Use your drone to overload the circuit. Inside you will find another liquidator throwing gas grenades. Behind it there will be another huge crane. Behind it you can find an implant.

Further on the stairs, deal with the liquidator. In the room above, kill the cyborg and pick up the spare parts. Climb the following stairs and defeat a similar enemy. Break the crates on the right to reveal a hidden implant. Go further up the stairs, turn left and you will find the implant at the end of the corridor.

Next, go right. You will have to fight a liquidator with a flamethrower and reach the level 20 chain. Overload it to open the door on the left. There will be an overwhelming number of liquidators here. Let the hero die. Go back and all the enemies will disappear. Select the implant and audio recording. Leave the room and go through the massive doors to reach the Solution Refinery.

Cleaning shop "Solution"

First, deal with the fiery liquidator, and then pick up the audio recording. Next, destroy the two liquidators with gas grenades along the path to the right. Break the small crates ahead to reveal a cyborg.

Go around the outer circle and kill the rest of the liquidators. Next, go down the stairs near the entrance to find two more cyborgs. Pick up the scrap metal, then go around to the right and overload the power circuit. Continue walking around until you find the drone module.

Next, open the door ahead and defeat the liquidator with the flamethrower. Use the communication station to get the audio recording. Also pick up the implant, and then deal with two liquidators with gas grenades. Follow this path until you reach a screen. Break the boxes here and pick up the implant.

Destroy the liquidator with the flamethrower below. Open the door below to get a quick passage to the medical station.

Return to the Solution Refinery. Pay attention to the large open space at the far end of the room - you will find a weapon there. There will be a medical station on the opposite side.

Go up the stairs to find a cyborg and a liquidator. Behind them you can find spare parts. Go up the stairs and turn right to meet liquidators with a flamethrower and gas grenades. There will be an implant behind them. Next, head into the corridor on the right. At the very end you will find an ARC robot and right behind it - an implant.

Jump onto the large metal boxes on the right and pick up another implant on the other side. Use the communication station to take the audio recording. Continue along this corridor, defeating the Fire Eliminator along the way, and then turn left towards the air tower.

air tower

Go up the stairs ahead. Upstairs you will find Irina. Deal with the Fire Eliminator in the next room. Next, turn right and open the door ahead. There will be two liquidators with flamethrowers and one with gas grenades. To the left of the entrance you will find a prototype of the CREO EXO2 exosuit.

Now continue forward and go up the stairs to reach the elevator. Go across the bridge and break the door at the end. Use the elevator to get a quick transfer to the medical station. There, be sure to use the communication station to receive the audio recording.

Now go back to the bridge. This elevator will take you to the boss. Jump down to come face to face with Big SISTER 1/3

Large SISTER 1/3

In the first stage you will be attacked by two large claws. Watch out for three moves: falling to the ground, wide circle and grab. Also beware of the large laser that fires twice at a time, usually when the second claw is in motion. It will take some time to feel the rhythm. When you're confident, dodge the attacks, then jump closer and land a few attacks on the massive claws. Damage them to a certain level and they will fall away. When you deal with both of them, the second stage will begin. Go up the ramp.

Here you will have to fight with four claws with lasers. Hide behind any of the walls near the claws and start dealing damage. Once you've dealt with them, watch out for the large laser that will continue to shoot up and down.

After this, get closer to the main part of the enemy. In the final phase you will also have to watch out for lunges, wide blows and falls to the ground. Every time the enemy moves back, prepare to dodge. Then run closer and deliver several blows. Don't worry about the boss closing, you'll still deal almost the same damage. Keep it up and you'll be able to handle Big SISTER 1/3.

After defeating the boss, you will receive new weapons and materials. Turn left, jump down and break the door. Walk forward until you reach a pile of material on the left. Then continue along this path and smash the next door. Go up the stairs and use the elevator to go up. Break the door and continue to the end of the path. Next, the floor will begin to collapse, giving access to the next location.

Research department

After falling, go forward and then use the stairs on the right. At the top on the right there will be an open space.

Pressure control

Enter this room and gas will begin to flow from the floor. Quickly use the drone to hack the power circuit above. Use the control panel to open the door on the left. Enter this room and pick up the sunglasses.

Return to the stairs. Kill the maintenance robot and the drone. Break the door at the top, and then another door to get to the exhibition floor.

Exhibition floor

Go right. When you reach the glass containers, pick up the implant behind them. Go up the stairs and go in the opposite direction to pick up some scrap metal.

Look down over the railing to see a thing positioned above a large structure. Jump over the grate to collect some material below. Drop down again and enter this structure to find a medical station. Also here, pick up the audio recording and talk to Alec. Head to the next staircase. Turn left and break the open glass case to reveal a weapon.

Go up the stairs and through the doorway you will see a liquidator with a flamethrower, enhanced by a drone. Kill both, preferably the drone first, because... Without him, it will be easier to deal with the liquidator.

Open the door ahead. On the right you will see a small cut-scene. Next, open the door ahead on the left.

Forbidden Zone: Project Utopia

Defeat the Fire Eliminator on the right and then go down the stairs. Hug the right wall and pass the fiery liquidator. Climb the stairs on the right and take out the liquidator with gas grenades, enhanced by a drone. Next, jump down and deal with the fiery liquidator. Now you can safely overload the power circuit of level 27, where you met the liquidator with the drone at the very beginning. Continue to the left and kill the next liquidator. Use the communication station to pick up the audio recording. Next, look at the far right corner of this room and open the door there. Inside you will find a fire liquidator. Deal with him and pick up the implant. Return to the previous room and go through the door in the middle. As you move into the next room, watch out for the fiery liquidator on the right. Pick up the implant at the bottom of the glass container.

Make your way through the door into the corridor. Turn left and take the elevator at the end. Follow the corridor until you reach an open area. Jump down and defeat the two new liquidators. Open the door in the distance to enter the next area.

Biological effects studies

Inside this room you will find two liquidators on each side. It's better to deal with them one by one. Repeat with two more further down this room. Go through the door on the right at the end. Overload the circuit, then return to the large room and open the previously blocked door. Walk down this corridor and take the elevator at the end. Go to the open space, jump down to return to applied nanorobotics.

Applied nanorobotics

In this room you will meet a new enemy - Proteus. This one will be more difficult than previous enemies. You will also have to destroy it twice. Don't miss the communication station to take the audio recording. Also pick up the implant in the far right corner.

Return to the room up the stairs with the four liquidators. Go forward to the far left corner and smash the door here.

Deal with the liquidator, and then go along the near right corridor and use the elevator. Pick up the implant and move on to get to the medical station.

Now go down even lower along the previous corridor from which you turned to the elevator. Take the elevator at the very end. Break the door and enter the workshop.

Nanorobotics workshop

Go around the room on the left side and deal with the liquidator. Break the door and continue down this corridor. Take the elevator at the end. Turn left and enter the dark room. Defeat the liquidator and then use the panel to open the doors behind. Two service robots will appear. Deal with them, then enter the room they were in and pick up the implant. Go through the door on the left. If you jump correctly, you will reach the power chain. Overload it, which will give you access to the door control panel on the right. Here you will find an audio recording and an implant. Go through the door on the left. Watch out for the enemy with gas grenades on the right. Go to the far left corner of the room. There you will find an enemy with a flamethrower, protected by a drone.

Hall "Future of the Earth"

Inside you will meet a liquidator with a drone. Select the materials on the right. Turn left and meet a maintenance robot. Next there will be another enemy, reinforced by a drone. The first time you find yourself here, it's best to get past these opponents and open the door at the end of the room to gain access to the medical station.

Nanorobotics workshop

Return to the entrance to the Earth's Future Hall. Look up and use the drone to hack the power circuit. Go through the door on the right, go down the stairs on the left and take out the enemy with grenades. Use the communication station to receive the audio recording. Behind you can also find some material next to the stairs. Go further down the stairs and kill the drone and the drone-enhanced elites. Overload the circuit to open the door on the lower level. Go through it and immediately meet with an elite fighter with a flamethrower. After winning, continue forward along the corridor. Having reached the ramp, you will find yourself in the loading bay of the Utopia.

Utopia loading bay

Be careful. There will be an ambush of two liquidators attacking from both sides. Next there will be another liquidator enhanced with the help of a drone. In the far left corner, pick up the implant.

Go through the door on the right to enter another corridor. Deal with the service robot and take the elevator up. Break through the door to get back to the nanorobotics workshop.

Nanorobotics workshop

Jump down to fight the Proteus. Make your way through broken glass left. Walk left around the circle. Jump over broken window ahead and deal with an elite fighter there, enhanced by a drone. Pick up the implant in front. Next, go down the corridor on the right and you will find another elite fighter. Open the door on the left and talk to the robot. This is Maggie, Alex's daughter, from whom you first learned about the medical station. You can now return to Alec to begin another mission.

Now, from the room where you met Proteus, turn left and take the elevator. At the top you will meet another Proteus. Defeat him twice and go down to the right. Fight the maintenance robot and then smash the door on the right. Here, turn left and pick up the implant.

Return to the corridor with Proteus, go left. Kill the service robot. On the left you will find an audio recording. Now go right and smash the door to gain access to the exhibition floor. If you look down, you will see an object on the pipes. Jump down and pick up the implant.

Follow the upper corridor, along the way you will meet another proteus. If you have low health, go past the door control panel ahead and break the crates to reveal the medical station. Open the door. Inside, destroy the crates on the far left to get some materials. Break through the door on the right. In the corridor you will come across a service robot. Take the elevator down.

Unregistered area / No records found

Kill the service robot in the corridor. When you reach the doorway, jump down. Use the communication station on the right to get the audio recording. Continue down, fighting cyborgs and proteas along the way. Don't miss the scrap metal in the hallway on the right. Take the elevator at the end. Open the door ahead to be able to quickly return. Continue down to reach the next area.

Classified objects

If you are low on health, run past all the enemies and open the first door on the left to be able to quickly get to the exhibition floor. Now deal with the two elite fighters, break the boxes at the end and find the materials. Open the door at the end of the room. Climb the stairs on the left and then go left. Fight the Proteus. Break the glass and pick up materials. Use the communication station to pick up the audio recording. Next, go through the door at the end of the corridor. Kill the Proteus. Break the door on the left. Follow this hallway to reach the next blocked passage. Destroy it. Overload the chain on the left. Use the communication station to pick up another audio recording. Use the control panel to open the door. Defeat the two Proteas and open the door to the next room.

Here you will meet the final enemy, the bloody proteus. He is faster and more dangerous than previous opponents. You need to dodge all of his attacks. His favorite is with a wide swing followed by an uppercut. Like the rest of the Proteas, he needs to be beaten twice. Once the fight is over, go down the corridor where you first met him. Take the elevator and follow the corridor to Dr. Gene Barrett. As soon as you enter the room, it will activate the protocol emergency situations. Don't kill him if you want the Homo Machinalis trophy. Next, select materials and audio recording.

Before leaving this room, go into the room to the left of the entrance. There, turn left and take the elevator. Go along the corridor and pick up the audio recording. Continue forward and drop down into a new room. Fight the Proteus. Exit through the passage ahead, turn right and pick up the implant.

Return back to the room, break through the door on the left. Walk along the corridor and then use the elevator. In the next room you will find an implant in the far left corner.

Look at the board ahead and pick up IRONMAUS #44. Go through the exhibition floor. There will be many security officers there. These are very formidable opponents. Once you've dealt with them, don't miss the proteus on the floor. To get to the next area, head to the left end of the exhibition floor. Use the door control to return to Production Center B.

Production Center B (second return)

You will be taken to Production Center B, where you first encountered the Vending Machine Cult. From here, return to the medical station. Talk to Sally to continue the mission. Don't forget to take the audio recording. Now go to the materials storage room and go forward, past the security officers. Take the elevator behind them on the right. He will take you to the next location.

Administration Hall

Walk forward until you reach the medical station on the right. Now continue your way further to the all-seeing eye.

All-seeing eye

Ahead you will meet a robot gorgon. Take him out, then climb up the ramp at the bottom right and knock down the door on the right. In the next section you will come across a service robot. Turn right to find an audio recording. Now return to the entrance to the All-Seeing Eye. Go up the stairs to find two more gorgons. Kill them, preferably one at a time, and then go through the door ahead. Take the elevator and enter the armory


Follow this path until you meet a maintenance robot, then turn right to find materials. Return to the main path and continue forward. There will be more materials in the far left corner. Turn the corner to the left and knock down the door ahead. Watch the cutscene and then follow the corridor to the end. There will be an elevator on the left. Use it to get to Black Cerberus.

Black Cerberus

The fight will be harder than it seems at first glance. Beware of combos and sweeping attacks. If he catches you off guard, he will deal with you very quickly.

Remove one health cell from him and he will retreat. Now you have to fight the PAX robot. He moves the same way he did during the first boss fight. Defeat him and Black Cerberus will appear again. He can now attack with electric shock. To avoid being paralyzed, stand behind him or to the sides. If you stand in front of him for too long, you risk dying quickly. Aim for the head and deal as much damage as you can and he will be immobilized. Keep attacking. The less damage you deal each time, the more you will have to fight PAX robots. Each time he will appear again with a little increased health. Make the most of your combos to make quick work of this boss. After winning, you will receive the “MG Judge 2.0” weapon and the blueprint for the hands of the “Black Cerberus” equipment.

After the battle, look behind the stairs in the next room to get materials. Go up the stairs and pick up more materials and an audio recording there. Knock down the door and overload the power circuit. Walk down the corridor and use the elevator. At the bottom, open the door and you will have quick access to the medical station. Enter there and look to the left - there will be a prototype of the security exosuit that you need.

Return to where you fought Black Cerberus. Take the elevator and open the secure door ahead. In the hallway, look between two columns to find an audio recording. Continue forward to fight the Cerberus robot in the elevator. On the next floor, break the crates on the left to find scrap metal. Pick up the audio recording on the right. A gorgon robot will come out of the corridor on the right. Follow this corridor to the end. Knock down the door and open the next one. Go around the large container on the right, break the boxes and pick up the implant. Go left and deal with the enhanced Cerberus. Open the door ahead.

CREO Administration Hall

At the top of the stairs you will find a security robot. You'll have to fight him in a fairly confined space. Grab the materials and then head down the stairs, being careful of an ambush set up by an empowered Cerberus. Use the stairs on the left to find spare parts. Look to the left and you will see where you can pick up the audio recording. Return to the stairs and go around to the left. After passing through the gate, you will meet another Cerberus. Break the crates on the left to get more materials.

Now go right, along the lower passage. Fight an enhanced robot gorgon. Pick up the materials at the end. Go back and go upstairs. Deal with the Cerberus and then open the door at the end. Go further and kill the service robot. Turn right. There you will find an implant. Use the elevator on the left and kill another service robot. Next elevator. Knock down the door on the left and pick up the implant. Use the elevator on the right to return to the medical station.

Before turning right, turn the other way. Kill the Gorgon and Cerberus robots. Don't miss the audio recording and materials behind the boxes. Knock down the door and go further. Use the communication station on the left to get another audio recording. Go into the next room to find materials on the right, then use the medical station on the right.

Open the door ahead and knock down the next one to gain quick access to the medical station. Return to the previous room and go through the door on the left. Turn right. There will be an implant and a gorgon robot guarding it.

Now turn left to fight an empowered Cerberus. Go up the stairs and pick up the audio recording in the left corner.

Go right through the secure door and fight two Cerberus. Pick up the implant in the corner where they stood.

Now open the door on the left and pick up the audio recording. Also look behind the board near the books to find IRONMAUS #103.

Go to the left of the stairs you climbed. Go past the next set of stairs on the left. At the very end, deal with the Gorgon and Cerberus robots. Use the panel on the left. Walk down this corridor to enter the server room.

Server room

You can find audio recordings ahead and against the left wall. Overload the power circuit in the center of the room. Follow to the lower level to find spare parts. Look in the near right corner of the room. One of the servers will have the inscription S.A.L.L. Use it to find Sally.

CREO Administration Hall

Return to the foyer and go through the open doorway on the right. Fight two drones, a gorgon and a security robot. After this, the door on the right to find the green room. Pick up the audio recording below. Use the panel at the back of the room to open the door on the far right. Take the implant.

Leave the room and open the door on the left. There will be two Cerberus there. Select materials. Take the elevator. Beware of the security robot on the left. Look up to find a power circuit that your drone can hack. This will open access to the medical station.

Now in the foyer, go up the stairs behind the two Cerberus and enter the meeting room. After a short cutscene, take the audio recording.

Now leave the room and go to the wall opposite, fighting all the enemies. You will need to defeat a high-level security robot and a black Cerberus.

Don't forget to raise the reward from them. Now go through the door ahead and take the elevator.


As soon as you enter, take the audio recording on the right.

Ground floor - loading bay

Go down the stairs on the right and look for the implant inside the drawers. Continue forward and use the control panel to call the elevator to the medical station. Inside on the left, pick up the audio recording.

Exit the medical station, use the stairs on the left. On the next floor, you will meet a new enemy in a cocoon, who will jump out of a large wooden container. To kill him, you need to aim at an unprotected area. As soon as you attack her, he will begin to defend her, so you will have to switch to another area.

Once you win, open the door ahead and fight two robotic gorgons. Go up the stairs. Pick up the scrap metal on the first landing, and then continue up the stairs, meeting a protea along the way. There will be two more of them on the next stairs. Open the door to the second floor and kill the service robot in the corridor. Jump down to find the implant.

Return to the stairs, go up another floor and take out the three gorgons. There will be more proteas at the very top. Pick up the audio recording and open the door ahead.

Second floor - refueling compartment

Go through the medical stations and deal with the proteus. Turn left and meet another Proteus guarding the stairs. Down the stairs you will find scrap metal. Go back up the stairs and go through the door ahead. On the lower level, take out the broken Proteus on the left. Next, fight the cocooned enemy on the right and then take the elevator down behind him. Kill the proteus and move forward. Smash the crates to collect materials, then overload the level 20 power circuit to loot two Nanocores.

Go to the left of the medical station into a brightly lit corridor. There will be two opponents in a cocoon. Try to fish them out one by one. After that, select the audio recording and implant.

Now continue down to the left, to the elevator control panel. Beware of the open space on the right. There will be a Proteus ambush there. Don't miss the implant. Continue down the stairs. On the way, you will meet an enemy in a cocoon, then there will be two gorgons on the left. Open the door at the end of the corridor and enter the nitrogen supply station.

Nitrogen supply station

Watch out for the gorgon at the very bottom of the stairs on the left. Then break the boxes behind him and pick up the implant. If you have an auto filter from the research department, put it on now. It will protect you from poisoning by toxic fumes.

Now run through the corridor on the right. Kill the gorgon. Next, open the door ahead to enter the stairwell. Gorgon again, break the boxes and pick up the materials. Jump down and fight the gorgon again. Go right and take the elevator. At the top, pick up the audio recording. In the next room, kill the Proteus and then pick up the materials. Take the elevator. Here you will meet the most powerful ordinary enemy in the game. This technology bot is armed with a deadly blow. If he hits you with a beam, he will kill you immediately. Attack him as quickly as possible. Eventually it will break down into smaller pieces. When his health drops to zero, you will need to overload him to finish him off. Now go up the stairs on the left and then go through the door at the top. Fight the Elite in the hallway and then open the door to access the Med Station.

Now, before you turn right, go through the open space, look to your left and look for the elevator. At the top you will meet a gorgon. After winning, pick up the implant.

Go back and knock down the door ahead. In the next room there will be two elite fighters. Now head to the corridor on the left and take the elevator. At the next level, overload the power circuit. Turn left and fight two more elite fighters. In the next room, pick up the materials. Open the secure door to enter the next section.

Preparation of "Utopia": classified

Inside, fight the cocooned robot. Use the console to get the audio log, then go up the stairs, fighting the Cerberus along the way. Pick up the audio recording and open the door using the panel. Knock down the door further and use the elevator. Break down the door and then overload the chain at the end. Go back to the room above, break the boxes on the right. Fight the technology bot and get materials.

Return to the lower level and pick up the audio recording on the right. There will be IRONMAUS #23 on the table in the left corner.

Now that you have overloaded the circuit below, you can download a virus to rewrite Utopia using the console. This affects the ending and gives various achievements.

Return to where you met the tech bot, go past that area and open the secure door. In this hallway, use the console to get an audio recording. Then open the door on the right to access the medical station. Now take the elevator at the end of the corridor. At the top you will meet a Cerberus and a security robot. Break the boxes to pick up materials. Use the aid station to heal up and then go up the stairs.

Departure station 01

At the top, fight the reinforced Cerberus. A little later you will meet the gorgon. Here on the left you can take the train to production center B. Continue forward and break the door on the right to get the implant.

Go forward and jump down the hole to fight the cocooned robot. Go forward and right. There, break the box with scrap metal. Go left and take the elevator. Jump down and pick up more material. Jump down again and you'll find yourself on the third floor.

Third floor - launch control

Go around the room on the left side, engaging in battle with the technology bot. Use the elevator and call the elevator to the medical station. Then jump down, fight the tech bot and overload the circuit. Return to the elevator. Open the door next to him and use the stairs inside on the left. Fight the tech bot again. Overload the power circuit upstairs to clear the rubble on the first floor. Turn around and knock down the door. At the end of the hall you will find spare parts. Now you need to go down to the lower floor and call the elevator. If you haven't already, jump to the bottom of the medical station elevator to pick up the implant. You can also jump to the back of the location to find another implant.

Data sum error

Once you call the elevator, run through the passage in the previously insurmountable wall. Follow this corridor. Upon entering the first room, pick up the audio recording. There will be materials behind the technology bot. Jump down and go around the corner on the left. Knock down the door and pick up the spare parts. Continue down the corridor and you will meet the final boss.

Unauthorized access

Land two or three blows to the body and dodge in time. Repeat until he is stunned (about when you knock his health down by a quarter). Overload the power circuit.

In the second phase, the boss will change its form. Don't risk approaching him until he has made his three attacks. Only after this can you strike a couple of times. Also use the drone to knock the boss down and buy time.

After winning, you will receive a new weapon. Next comes the ending. There are only two options: good and bad. The first option is not to kill all the NPCs you meet, and also do not spoil the protocols of Utopia. The second option is to kill all NPCs and damage the Utopia protocols.

Having dealt with " Black Cerberus"go to the room where he hid from the battle while he entertained you" P.A.X." Go upstairs and listen to the audio recording, and don't forget to collect the crowbar. Now go down and break through the partition into the technical corridor. Causing an overload in chains, go forward and take the elevator. Once at the top, open the door and exit to the operations center through the newly opened shortcut. Enter the operation center and to the left of the entrance you will see a display case with a suit security services. After breaking the glass, take the suit and sit in the medical station. Install a new platform and exit. Now you have the opportunity to open doors that require authorization.

Before we move further along the plot, it’s worth going back a little and completing the task for Norris and Maddie (at the same time, do a little farming). Run to the elevator and go down to " Production Center B" Next, head to the door leading to " Research Center" Along the way, don't forget to grab Maddie's leg from one of the robots of a similar model. Once you reach the Exhibition Floor operations center, return your foot, and then go to the elevator that is to the right of the center. Ride it up, turn left and move further along the corridor. After getting out into the next room, go forward to the second door on the right. Go out into another technical corridor and make your way through two “liquidators” to the door with authorization, behind which there will be an exolift.

Down below you will come across new enemies wearing the Cocoon outfit. These are robots, and quite strong and interesting opponents. First of all, they are interesting for their combat mechanics. Their “Cocoon” flows smoothly throughout the body, providing protection to the part of the body that was attacked. That is, you take aim at the enemy’s unprotected head, deliver one or two blows to the head, and armor appears on it. On the one hand, this is terribly inconvenient, but on the other hand, it makes collecting spare parts easier. After dealing with the enemies and getting everything you need from them, find chain assembly. Cause an overload, then inspect the room. At the back of the room there is another enemy in a “cocoon” and several audio recordings. Once you've finished your examination, head back to the operations center on the Exhibition Floor. After leaving the operation center, turn right and approach the opened display case. You will find a new weapon - the "Codename: Kamina" pole. A security guard in the Cerberus kit will be running around him. And he great source this kit and parts for level 4 upgrades. Now you can return to the “Administration Hall”.

Returning to the battle arena with " Black Cerberus» Take the elevator and go to the door with authorization. After calling the elevator, deal with the arriving security officer and go up. Once you reach the elevator's destination, get out and listen to the audio recording. Now go right along the corridor, deal with the enemy and go through the doors. After them, turn left and you will exit to the location " Creo Administration Hall».

Immediately jump left into the artificial waterfall. Listen to another audio recording and go up On the stairs. Deal with the security guard and the drone. Now roll behind the protective screens and break through the enemies to the next door. Next you will find yourself in a new technical corridor. At the fork, turn right and go down by elevator. When you reach the balcony, you will find the fourth version of the “Health” implant. After that, go a little to the right and, taking the exolift, you will open another shortcut.

Having visited the operations center if desired, go back to the fork in the technical corridor and explore the remaining path. You will come out to a spacious area with two security officers. Having dealt with them and searched this nook, move on. Soon you will come to the office part. Go through the doorway in front of you and you will meet Irina. This time the conversation with her will end in a fight. After going through the door where the girl was standing, you will open another shortcut to the base.

Go back and get up On the stairs next to the room in which the girl stood. Then go up some more stairs and go right. Behind the boxes there will be an enemy and a “copper-electrochemical injection” implant waiting for you. After the enemy is defeated and the implant is picked up, run to the left. Get up On the stairs and, having dealt with the enemies, run behind the screens. After walking along the corridor to the end, you will reach the office Johns of Guttenberg. After examining it, go back to the screens and jump into the artificial waterfall. Same as last time, in stock audio recording.

Next, go around the waterfall and run past the stairs, at the top of which there are “security guards”. Open the door on the left, which is located immediately after the stairs. Go to the exolift and go down, you will find yourself in the “Server Room”. Collect everything useful, listen to audio recordings and reload the area chains. A voice over the speakerphone will announce that the lockdown has been lifted. Go back and go up the stairs. Having dealt with the enemies in Cerberus, open the door and go through to the meeting room Creo. Something crazy is happening in the room. Almost the entire board of directors is dead and only one continues to move, being in an unconscious state. Apparently, something went wrong in the midst of voting to activate the Utopia project. At this stage, four votes are “for” and three are “against”. When the last “living” board member begins to agonize, Sally, or rather her hologram, will appear and begin attempts to resuscitate the person. However, the man will die without voting, and the program will automatically count the victory in favor of activating “Utopia”. After this, the preparation of the rocket for launch will begin.

Leave the meeting room and run through the door opposite the stairs. Clean up corridor from enemies and move on. A door without authorization will lead you to the Creo studio. Don Hackett, the man whose videos accompanied you throughout the game, hangs and sways steadily from the ceiling against a green screen. Behind the closed door in the studio you can find another implant. The door opening panel is nearby. After searching the room, leave into the corridor and go through the next door. After dealing with two security guards, go downstairs. You will be taken to " Retraining Camp" Deal with the tripod and go through the door. There is another “cut” to the operations center. After visiting the base, go back and take the exolift up. Go out to the stairs to the meeting room and, with your back to her, run forward to the passage closed by the force field. A large security group stands near him. Once the enemies are finished, the force shield will disappear. You will be able to go to the elevator, which will take you to the location " Core».

After leaving the elevator car, listen to the audio recording in front of you and overload the section of the circuit. He demands Level 80 exosuit, so if your level is lower, you will have to pump up. But it’s not at all necessary to overload; you just won’t be able to lift a strong “health module” without it. Go down the stairs and go left. There will be two paths in front of you (or one). If you have enough level, open the locked door in front of you and go downstairs. After dealing with two robots, you will find an implant. Now go back upstairs and go into the other passage to 1st floor loading compartment. Go forward across the bridge, along the way go down the steps on the right. In one of the boxes there is a “plasma regenerator”. Having picked it up, go back up and cross bridge. Having reached the control panel of the freight elevator, activate it and wait for the elevator to arrive with the operations center.

There will be sitting inside Norris, he lost his daughter again. Having promised to find her, go out and move on. After going up the stairs, deal with the enemy in the Cocoon kit and open the door. Fight your way up the stairs and into the first open one along the way. door. Next you will find yourself in a corridor and meet a forklift. After going through it, Warren will find himself at the operations center (above it, to be precise). Jump onto the roof and take the SNS Disinhibitor implant. Now jump off the roof of the operations center and go back to the stairs. Having climbed to the very top, listen to the audio recording and exit in the door.

Having dealt with the enemy, turn right and go to the panel elevator control. Take the operations center to the second floor and go past the doors. Around the bend in a small room, deal with the robot and pick up implant. Then go further and go down, three enemies will be waiting for you. One of them is a robot in Cocoon, so be careful. Having made your way through the opponents, open the door and go down to the " Nitrogen Supply Station" At the bottom, turn left and deal with the enemy, and at the same time with the boxes. The reward will be an implant - “Vanadium Cell”. Then run to the right from the descent, there is an enemy and a closed door. By opening the door, you will activate a shortcut to the stairs, along which you can climb to the operations center.

Go left and jump down. After running a little forward, turn into the corridor right. Ride the exolift and run forward again to the room with broken robots. Deal with them or just run to the elevator. After going up, exit the corridor. There will be a new enemy to the right of the corridor. A strange creature assembled from pieces dark matter. This type of enemy is very dangerous. First of all, it hits very hard. Secondly, it restores health. Thirdly, in order to kill him, you need to overload him. As with chains, it’s just very difficult to catch the moment when overload is available. One extra hit and he'll regain some health, after which you'll have to hit him again. It is best to use quick and short attacks. Then immediately retreat and wait again.

Having dealt with the new enemy, go right. Behind the door you can listen to the audio recording and open a shortcut. There is also elevator, but it’s too early to use it. With your back to him, run forward and climb up On the stairs. Having broken through the partition, you will find yourself in another corridor. Go down on the exolift and run through the gas-filled area. Having got out into a small room, kill the flamethrowers, arrange an overload chain section and go into the passage to the right of the exolift. Once in the location " Preparing Utopia: Classified”, deal with the enemies, listen to the audio recording and go to the console that stands near the rocket. If the console is activated, the virus will begin to be downloaded into the protocols of the Utopia project. And it will be one ending (not a very good one). Accordingly, if you don’t load anything, the ending will be different (positioned as good, but is it so?). Run right from the panel and go up On the stairs. You will be moved to another location.

After loading you will find yourself in the location " Core. Launch pad 02." Near the wall of strange black elements, turn left. After going to the very top, you will find an audio recording. The weapon “Death of the Gods” will lie nearby. After that, go down and go back. Running through Big hall, in which there was (or is) a “rocket”, go up the stairs on the right. Having made your way through two “security guards”, look for the partition and, having broken it, go into the corridor. Run forward until you hit chain section, which can be overloaded. Having done this, go back. Go down the same stairs you came up and run into the passage in front of you. Run into the corridor of the “nitrogen supply station” and, having dealt with the flamethrowers, go down on the exolift. Break through enemies, as well as poisonous substances and vapors, and exit the technical corridor. Go down and turn right in front of the enemy. After going up the stairs, turn left and go down. Approach the exolift and go up.

Run along the corridor to the room with robots and, without paying attention to them, run into the corridor on the right. Take the exolift up, then run to the right and run past the black mother monster. to the elevator. Having risen, leave the cabin and deal with the “tripod” and “Cerberus”. Replenish your supply of injections at the machine and go up the stairs to " Launch Pad Station 01" Passing the trailer on magnetic rails, run forward, jump into the hole and run to the exolift. Having reached the platform under which two monsters are crawling, jump down and immediately run to the section of the chain to overload it. After this, immediately jump back and, turning around, run to the stairs leading down. Once down, go past the door and take the exolift up to the panel elevator control. Call the operations center upstairs and go down to it.

From the center door, go to the cliff on the right and jump onto the red platform at the bottom. Look around, behind the boxes you will see Maddie.Look for a small staircase up and, having climbed it, deal with the enemy in the “Cocoon”. Now jump into the hole on the right. Once on the area with the partition, break through it and go into the corridor. Run along it to the exolift, and soon you will reach Maddie. The robot girl is completely and irrevocably broken. Take from her remains memorabilia and return to your father.

By giving your daughter's item to Norris, you will receive implant. Leave the operations center and open the door that is in front of you. Once inside, immediately turn left and go up the stairs. At the top, deal with the monster or just run up to the stairs. Once up, reload core and go down on the exolift, it will be located behind your back. Now run along the corridor to the next elevator and go down even lower. Once on the second floor, listen to the audio recording and open door. Having run into the corridor, immediately turn right and run up the stairs, ignoring the enemies. After getting out of the poisoned room, go left and move to the elevator control panel. Take the elevator down to the second floor and run into the operations center.

After leaving it, run to the left and look for the stairs down. Once down, exit through the door on the right. There will be one more available panel elevator control. Take the elevator down to the first floor. Stand with your back to the entrance to the center, run to the left. Soon you will see the message “Data checksum error”. When you reach the room with the black matter creature, run past and run until the loading begins. After it, you will find yourself in the location “Core Launch Pad 02”. Run forward and you will soon reach the final boss arena.

Take out your favorite "Chafer Choke" and go to the node of the chain section. Start overloading it and a boss will appear, " Unauthorized process" He will throw you away from the core and, materializing from black particles, will attack. As with previous boss battles, mobility is very important here. Take aim at one of the boss's forelimbs and start circling him. At opportune moments, take one or two hits, jump back and continue circling around, dodging attacks. Once the boss and the overload core connect red stream energy, jump to the core and overload it. The "Process" will take on the form of a humanoid and begin to attack you much faster. There is no need to change your behavior pattern. Continue circling and waiting according to the learned pattern. The boss attacks - you dodge and attack in response with a short series. Repeat until the boss is defeated. For victory you will receive a weapon " Chameleon", as well as the opportunity to watch one of the final videos. And, of course, the opportunity to start a new game with all your equipment.

Keywords: The Surge, Exoskeleton, Creo, Lynx, Rhino, implants, crowbar, part 6, shining coin, Creo Administration Hall, Core, Unauthorized process, Utopia
