Why does the Scottish cat shed a lot all the time? Rules and recommendations on what to do if your cat sheds a lot

The process by which the integument of animals changes is called molting. This occurs under the influence of a special hormone, most often in spring and autumn. The owners of such pets must be very observant so as not to miss the moment when your home is completely covered with fur.

But this process can be prevented by promptly caring for your pupil, bathing him with special means, and feeding him hypoallergenic food.

Causes of shedding

One of the reasons for severe hair loss can be childbirth. After all, the offspring takes a lot of nutrients, and if you don’t feed the mother with vitamins in time, then a sudden change in coat is guaranteed.

Stress can also be a reason for shedding, which means you need to love and cherish your cat. The main indicator of a cat's health is its shiny, silky coat.

Another reason may be skin diseases. Dermatitis is a consequence of improper, monotonous nutrition, which can be avoided by using a complete and varied diet.

Following the recommendations of experts, in order to avoid problems with shedding, you need to pamper your pet with a raw egg once a week to fill the body with vitamins. You also need to pay attention to the microclimate in the house; dry air also stimulates hair loss.

Changes in hormonal levels also provoke molting. You need to carefully monitor the health of your pet, and if there is prolonged hair loss, contact a veterinarian to receive qualified and timely help.

Some diseases can be dangerous for adults and, especially, for children who love cats very much.

Why is wool dangerous for humans?

Cat hair on carpets, furniture, and clothing can cause serious health problems for the owner of the animal. The cause is the animal's saliva, which, when it gets on the fur (and, accordingly, on a person) can provoke allergy attacks.

Allergic reaction

Manifests itself in the form of nasal congestion and excessive lacrimation. Antihistamines can provide first aid.

It turns out that wool can be dangerous not only for humans. The thing is that if it gets into the stomach of an animal, it can cause problems with the digestive organs. Therefore, you need to contact a veterinary pharmacy for medications that help cleanse the intestines.

How to deal with hair when shedding in British cats?

Intensive home ventilation helps reduce the concentration of cat hair in the air. Regular use of shampoos that are designed to care for cats and the use of a special comb will help to survive periods of shedding. Regular and constant brushing will ensure thorough hair removal.

Still, you need to remember that shedding is a temporary phenomenon, your love and timely care will help the British cat cope with these troubles, and your pet will bring joy to you and your family.

The beautiful, shiny and thick fur of a pet is a source of pride for the owner and household members. However, not always a fluffy beauty can boast of a chic fur coat. In this case, the owner is concerned not only about the increased frequency of cleaning the premises due to the large amount of cat hair, but also about the state of his health. If a cat sheds a lot, what should you do to reduce the process?

Read in this article

Causes of severe shedding

The loss of old hair in animals is a natural process and is typical for any age and any breed. Even such hairless breeds as Sphynxes are not without the process of renewing their meager coat.

Of course, a long-haired beauty will cause more trouble for household members than a short-haired animal. In this regard, the owner must understand that it is impossible to completely overcome shedding in a pet. Knowing the reasons for the intensification of this process, you can adjust certain aspects of the content and reduce the intensity of hair loss.

Experts note several types of shedding in domestic cats:

  • Baby shedding. Pets first encounter this natural physiological process at a young age. Depending on the conditions of detention, individual characteristics and breed, the first shedding occurs in young kittens at the age of 6 months.

During this period, the fluffy and soft baby coat changes to a tougher, adult coat. The undercoat becomes thick and heavy. In addition to the change in the nature of the coat, there is also a change in the color of the pet. The pattern becomes clearer, and the points (darkened areas of the fur) become more expressive.

  • The reason why cats shed is seasonality. In nature, animals change their coat twice a year: in spring and autumn. Domestic cats have also not lost this feature. As a rule, a long-haired pet sheds more intensely in the spring, and in the fall this process is not so noticeable. Representatives of short-haired breeds change their coats more evenly. The period of seasonal molting depends on many factors and lasts, as a rule, 2 - 4 weeks. During this time, the animal manages to acquire a new coat for the season.
  • Apartment shedding. Often, the owner is faced with a problem when the loss of the pet’s fur occurs regardless of what season it is outside. The reason why a cat sheds heavily all year round is because it is constantly kept indoors. The cat stops feeling the change of seasons due to the fact that the microclimate of the apartment is almost always the same. In addition, running central heating in the winter is the main cause of prolonged and intense shedding.
  • Increased hair loss due to stress- A fairly common occurrence in domestic animals. Moving to a new place, a change of owner, or the addition of another pet or family member to the house can trigger an intense coat change. The animal may also react to a sudden change in food or a visit to the veterinary clinic.

The hygiene product may not be suitable for a particular type of fur and may contain ingredients that irritate the cat’s delicate skin. An incorrectly selected brush can also disrupt the normal process of coat change. Rare brushing procedures also aggravate the shedding process.

  • Unbalanced diet– one of the most common reasons for the prolonged change of a cat’s coat. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals in food provokes a disruption of the animal’s natural fur renewal process. A lack of taurine in the diet (an essential amino acid used for protein synthesis), according to experts, also leads to increased molting.
  • The reason why a cat constantly sheds heavily is often due to illness. An allergic reaction, viral and fungal infections, liver pathologies, and digestive disorders are usually accompanied by intense hair loss. A variety of skin diseases (ringworm) are accompanied by increased loss of cat hair. In the chronic course of the disease, severe molting is often the only sign that a malfunction has occurred in the animal’s body.
  • Hormonal shedding. This phenomenon is typical for uncastrated animals whose owners do not allow them to reproduce. Hormonal imbalance not only leads to health problems, but also adversely affects the condition of the coat.
  • A cat can lose hair in pathological amounts after giving birth and feeding kittens. Experts consider this process physiologically normal. It is during the summer months that kittens are often weaned from their mother. This is a common reason why a cat sheds heavily in the summer. After the recovery period, the pet’s coat also returns to normal.
  • The reason for prolonged molting and the generally unsatisfactory condition of the coat may be the advanced age of the pet. Old age does not add health to an animal, and besides, it is difficult for an elderly cat to take care of its fur coat.

The owner should know the variety of reasons that lead to severe shedding in a domestic cat in order to correctly develop a strategy to help the pet.

To learn about the main reasons for cat shedding, and how the owner can help his pet, watch this video:

Shedding Reduction Options

During the period when cats shed, owners experience not only discomfort and inconvenience due to the ubiquitous fur, but also concern for the health of the pet.

Intensive shedding causes problems not only for household members, but also for the animal itself. Dead hair irritates the cat's delicate skin and causes anxiety. The cat tries to free itself from obsolete hairs by constantly licking itself. In this case, there is a danger of the formation of hair balls in the animal’s stomach.

In this regard, the owner needs to know what to do if the cat sheds, and what measures need to be taken to alleviate its condition and improve the environment in the room.

How to relieve a cat's condition

Veterinarians and experienced breeders recommend the following actions for heavy shedding:

  • Daily brushing– one of the simple and effective ways to speed up the process of changing a cat’s coat. A special comb is especially effective for long-haired breeds. Combs with sharp teeth are not suitable for such purposes, as they damage the delicate skin of the cat.
  • Regular washing pets using special detergents (shampoos, conditioners).
  • If your cat eats natural foods, Vitamin-mineral complexes should be given once every six months, after consulting with a specialist.
  • When kept in a dry room with central heating In winter it is advisable to use air conditioning systems, as well as room humidifiers. This will reduce the intensity of shedding in winter.
  • If the cause of hair loss is suffered stress, If possible, you should eliminate the factors that disturb the animal, give it time, and caress it. After consulting with a veterinarian, you can give your cat sedatives during adaptation.

Many owners are puzzled by what to do to prevent their cat from shedding. Unfortunately, veterinary specialists cannot recommend a miracle cure for this process, since shedding is caused by a natural physiological mechanism.

Actions in case of pathological condition

In the event that intense hair loss does not depend on external factors such as hygienic care and living conditions, the owner should look for the cause in the health of the pet. To do this, you should take the following steps:

  • Visit a veterinarian and rule out diseases of internal organs, allergies and other pathologies. If any disease is detected, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment, after which the phenomenon of molting will also decrease.
  • When the cause of a phenomenon is unbalanced diet, then understanding what to do if a cat sheds heavily is quite simple in this case: you should review the animal’s diet and make adjustments to it. If your cat prefers dry food, you should switch her to premium products designed to improve the condition of her coat.
  • If the cause of this phenomenon is determined by a specialist to be a hormonal imbalance in an unsterilized cat, then you should consider question about carrying out .
  • Taking special vitamin complexes that reduce molting. Before purchasing them, you should consult a veterinarian and do not use more than the course indicated by your doctor.

If the cause of molting is any external factors, you can eliminate them yourself. Proper hair care, combing, washing with special shampoos, and the use of indoor air humidifiers alleviate the cat's condition. For more serious reasons (poor diet, stress, diseases of internal organs, allergies), the owner should seek help from a veterinarian.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to properly comb a cat:

A healthy cat living outdoors sheds twice a year, in spring and autumn. By summer, cats actively shed their fur in preparation for the hot season. In autumn, on the contrary, they increase their fur coat in anticipation of the winter cold. Animals living in an apartment are also subject to shedding, but often this process is delayed or becomes uncontrollable when the cat sheds heavily almost all year round.

What causes excessive hair loss in a cat?

If your pet is an apartment dweller, without access to “free range”, then most likely he is prone to increased hair loss. In winter, when the fur coat should grow, the opposite process is observed. In apartments with central heating, dry and warm air dictates the animal to shed excess fur for a more comfortable feeling. A hot battery replaces thick winter fur for our pets, and artificial lighting and, as a result, longer daylight hours complete the picture.

To avoid hair loss from overheating, if possible, keep the animal away from radiators, install air humidifiers, and ventilate the apartment more often. If you have a balcony or loggia, set up a “winter” house for your cat on the balcony, install scratching posts, multi-level shelves and ladders there so that the animal is interested in going out into the fresh air.

Gastrointestinal disease or hormonal imbalance

Some breeds with a thick undercoat, in particular, British, Siberian, Maine Coons, shed all year round, so if there are no other visible problems with the coat, then there is no reason to worry.

Animals that spend the winter months in an apartment and move to the country in the summer tend, on the contrary, to increased hair growth in the summer months, when they have access to walking, and therefore upon returning to a city apartment are subject to more intense molting.

Considering seasonal factors and the specifics of keeping pets, it is very important not to mistake skin diseases for normal shedding. Such diseases include allergic reactions to food or medications, and fungal diseases. Hair loss can be associated with gastrointestinal and hormonal problems and may be accompanied by itching, redness, and the formation of patchy bald patches.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances; take the animal to the veterinarian.

The clinic will do the necessary tests (scraping at the site of alopecia, blood test), conduct diagnostics and prescribe treatment. It is possible that excessive hair loss is due to a lack of vitamins, in which case the doctor will recommend a complex that is suitable for your pet.

Most often, cats with focal lesions are prescribed simple and effective vitamins, for example, brewer's yeast. If all other vital signs of the animal are normal, then within two weeks you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of the hair coat.

Shedding may be associated with food changes

The cat sheds heavily due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract or food-related allergies. Excluding certain foods from the diet, as well as adding vegetable fats, will help restore your pet’s coat and return it to its usual shine and shine.

How to reduce hair

There are several ways to reduce the amount of hair shedding. Here they are:


To maintain a healthy coat, you need to brush your pet regularly. For cats predisposed to matting hair - Persian, Siberian - we recommend doing this daily using a special comb - a furminator. The Furminator can significantly reduce shedding, prevent the formation of tangles, and remove the undercoat gently without damaging the skin, guard hair and coat.

Washing the cat

Washing a cat will not solve the problem of excessive shedding, but using special conditioners for fur, for example, “No Wool,” will help restore damaged fur, eliminate dry skin, and get rid of flaking.

You need to understand that washing and treating with a furminator only solves the consequence of the problem, but not its cause. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is best to consult a veterinarian. The issue of excessive hair loss should be approached comprehensively and preferably under the supervision of a specialist.

Video review about cat shedding: an interview with a breeder and grooming expert about caring for a cat’s fur

  • How to properly comb a cat?
  • What to do if your cat sheds heavily all year round?
  • Why do cats have more combs than people?

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

Fluffy cats with long hair are very beautiful. But sometimes the molting of animals becomes a headache for the owner. Let’s try to figure out how to help a pet and make its existence easier during shedding.

What to do if the cat sheds a lot and the whole house is covered in fur in summer and winter, from spring to autumn, all year round

During molting, the cat often becomes lethargic, his appetite is reduced and his metabolism is impaired. Wool can get into your pet's stomach, causing indigestion and vomiting. You can help your cat’s body get through this period faster and easier using several means:
— anti-shedding vitamins;
— fumigator for combing out dead wool;
— strengthening shampoos;
— pastes for removing hair from the stomach and special feeds.

Typically, seasonal molting occurs in early autumn and early spring. If your pet sheds all year round, you should visit a veterinarian. He will conduct an examination to find out the reasons for this condition of the animal and prescribe treatment.

Anti-shedding product and vitamins for cats: instructions for use, price, reviews from veterinarians

There are currently many anti-shedding vitamins available for cats. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to consult a veterinarian about what is right for your pet. You need to take into account the vitamin content in the industrial food you give your cat, the age of the animal, and the presence of diseases.

During the molting period, good vitamins are Exel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1. There is a picture of a dog on the packaging, but the vitamins are suitable for both cats and dogs. The drug contains B vitamins, brewer's yeast and garlic. Vitamins reduce molting time, reduce hair loss, and improve the appearance of the animal. Dosage – 1 tablet per animal weighing 4.5 kilograms. The vitamins have a pleasant taste, and animals themselves readily eat them. The price of a package of 140 tablets is 250 rubles.

As a result of stress, your cat may begin to lose hair. In this case, vitamins alone cannot help the animal. It is surprising that during times of stress, hair begins to fall out instantly in large quantities. Try to calm the animal by eliminating the cause of the stress or, if this is not possible, buy a collar with pheromones.

Why does a kitten shed at an early age?

Typically, kittens begin to shed at 4 or 5 months, when their fur is replaced. If the kitten began to shed earlier, it may be malnourished and lacking essential vitamins and microelements.

Is it possible or not for cats to shed from stress?

The cause of shedding from stress can be a trip on public transport, participation in exhibitions, some changes in the house, or even the arrival of unexpected guests. When the animal calms down, molting stops. Many animal owners say that this phenomenon occurs frequently.

Why does a cat shed a lot in the fall?

In autumn, seasonal molting occurs. The cat sheds its light summer coat and “puts on” its winter coat. This happens in nature, but in a city apartment a cat can shed in the fall because the radiators heat up too much and the air in the room is too dry. Try to reduce the air temperature to a comfortable value (about 22 degrees), buy an air humidifier.

If a cat sheds after castration, what to do?

Perhaps castration simply coincided with a planned molt. After castration, the animals' hormonal levels change, and they need special food for sterilized animals Proplan and Royal Canin. If a little time has passed after the operation, the cause of molting could be stress, after a while everything will return to normal.

Shedding in cats after birth, sterilization, causes and how long does it last

Cats may begin to shed after giving birth if they lack vitamins and minerals or if their diet is not sufficiently balanced and varied. After sterilization, shedding may occur as a result of hormonal changes or the onset of any disease that coincides with the operation. The duration of such molting depends on changing the diet in the right direction or prescribing competent treatment. After taking a course of vitamins and improving nutrition, shedding ends very quickly.

Why does a cat shed a lot in tufts and itch?

In case of allergies, the veterinarian will recommend a change in diet, a strict diet and antihistamines. Allergies are possible as a result of nervous stress or house dust and odors of household chemicals. But if you follow all the recommendations, baldness and scratching will soon go away.

As soon as I saw a photo of Scottish Folds, I immediately fell in love. How fat-faced *____*

And then, one day, I realized that my dream could come true. The apartment has settled down, the income is also back and forth, and I decided that I could very well buy myself the sweetheart of my dreams! Which is what I did ^__^.

Although the income was not that great at that time, so I limited myself to ordinary mass advertisements, and did not turn to a good breeder. As a matter of fact, my cat is without documents. Although it was stated that his dad is a “champion”) And then I saw his mother-flop in person. I liked the cats, and so did their owner, and I decided that I would take it! The largest, the most lively! And so began our life together with Mr. Donut))

Donut turned out to be really stubborn and spirited, and he tried very hard and is trying to keep his ears open! That is, he raises them in every possible way. And he succeeds.

I'll tell you about its features:

  • mind: what a smart cat. He is very diligent, curious, and good at thinking. He studies the world and my husband and me. He remembers our routine and makes requests when the time comes. He understands what they want from him and behaves very intelligently.
  • beauty: my Donut turned out to be not as thick-faced and lop-eared as I would have liked, but still beautiful. The most delicate plush wool, I could cuddle him all day long! The look of smart eyes! The ears are like those of a bear, cute ^___^. Fat moooorda, ururur. We periodically travel with him to visit our parents, and in public places we only hear how handsome our guy is ^___^. And my “lilac” (that’s the name of his color, although this is a very creative guess) also has pink paws.
  • character: the cat is full of dignity. Feels important and believes that everything should be in place and on time. Although, of course, he makes concessions to me and allows me to grab him and squeeze him for a minute, but no more. There are favorable moments for ironing and not. It’s always a favorable moment for playing) At night, when I go to the toilet and then come back, ironing time is the best time. And it doesn’t matter that I want to fall asleep again, it’s not often that I get such a chance to pet Donut. And at the same time he is contentedly dripping with drool O.o, but less with age)
  • oddities: probably all lop-eared ones sit on their butts and lie on their backs with a satisfied muzzle

    . Donut also loves to sleep in the carrier, although he hates traveling in it. Somehow he separates these concepts in his head, especially since we never lock him there dishonestly.

    . Likes to sleep under a blanket, or even a blanket. And what is he doing there? It might even get under the carpet. We are afraid to crush him without noticing, so we try to wean him off

    . He takes my slippers to wear

    . But here he is playing a superhero! I put a bag around my neck.

    . In general, he loves bags and boxes. It's fun to jump into bags and go with a running start)). Loves flowers. Sniff and eat.

  • cat care: I feed him Proplan neutered food. I pour it into a bowl, pour water into another bowl, and he himself regulates how much to eat. He doesn't overeat and doesn't wake us up to feed him. If you forget to add more food, he starts jumping and making noise especially zealously at night) and if he finds bags and boxes, he won’t be able to sleep. We castrated him when he was about a year old. He then started yelling wildly in the bathroom and marking everything: rags, shoes, under the bathtub, onions...) After castration, everything became fine. He really likes weed.

    I buy oats for germination at the market and plant them for him, he eats them with pleasure. His fur is very densely packed and he sheds a lot, and by licking himself he gets a lot of hair into his body. If you don't plant grass or do anything, he will vomit hairballs. One day he became very ill, and he did not eat, we took him to the veterinarian, and put him on IVs for several days, while the doctor thought what was wrong with him and took tests. And then it went away, and it turned out that it was because of the fur in the stomach. So it's dangerous. There is also some kind of paste for cats to remove hair, I gave it to Donut, he ate it, but the grass helps a lot. Folds scatter a lot of fur! Don't buy into "shorthair", although it's short, it's EVERYWHERE))). Another item of care is a scratching post. The cat immediately took a liking to it, only he sharpens it when he touches it on the bottom, like a stand that is covered with carpet. He tried to sharpen his claws on the walls, but we carefully picked him up and carried him to the scratching post at such moments, and he got used to it. He is good at understanding what is possible and what is not. Although there are some things he persists in)). We use wood filler. We call it "Behemoth". It smells delicious of pine, is quite convenient, and budget-friendly. Although there is some sawdust being carried around the house, it’s okay for me. My cat loves to play! And his favorite toy is me with a string) That seems to be all the care.

  • attitude towards the owners: sometimes one gets the feeling that he doesn’t need people, and he is important, independent and independent. But indirect signs reveal his love for us ^__^. For example, he waits for my husband when he goes to get bottled water. This one lies in the corridor and waits. And sometimes I get his sleepy cat kisses if he sleeps on the bed, and I lean close to him and rub him a little). He doesn’t sit in my arms, but I have a feeling that this is something I can train him to do. It lay around a little when I was a child, but it was uncomfortable for me, so I put it away. And now you can’t force it). He allows himself to be petted for hours, as I already wrote above))) If he is in a playful mood, he will bite. I also call him a talker because he and I can meow. He meows, I meow, he meows, and so on. And sometimes he meows as consciously as he explains. And in most cases it’s clear what he’s saying)) I trained him, apparently, I talk to him and meow all the time. When I bought a cat, I read about fold-eared cats that they are “hateful.” Well, I think this is true. He tries to adapt to us as best he can, and not distract us, not disturb us when it is not necessary. Although, again, this can be something to teach. He was visiting my grandmother, so she says that he woke her up in the morning. We never do that)) In general, the cat is very trainable and adapts to everyone, looking for an individual approach. Clever girl ^_^
