The last stage of alcoholism: the end of the drama or an opportunity to come to your senses? The third stage of alcohol dependence. Possibility of rehabilitation of the 3rd stage of female alcoholism.

Alcoholism and its stages develop gradually, like any habit or disease. The stages of alcohol dependence are characterized by a gradual increase in the patient’s need for drinking, an inability to control himself and adequately perceive the situation. The stages of alcoholism in men and women are the same, but have some features. The type of treatment depends on the characteristics of the human body, his psychological state and the stage of the disease.

Some people cannot answer with certainty how many stages of alcoholism there are. Modern medicine highlights three stages of alcoholism development: first, second and third. The progressive third stage of alcoholism may be called the fourth stage. The stages of alcoholism have their own characteristic features and affect the human body in different ways. It is extremely important to take the patient to a specialist at the first symptoms.

1st stage of alcoholism It begins with the person gradually increasing the dose of alcohol and drinking more often than before. He drinks a lot, coming up with various excuses for drinking alcohol. At the first stage of alcoholism, characteristic symptoms develop: a person quickly loses control over himself, behaves inappropriately and recklessly. The next day you feel unwell, but so far there is no desire to get over your hangover. Some moments may disappear from memory.

The first stage of alcoholism usually lasts for several years, but then gradually moves into the second stage. At the first stage of the development of alcoholism, a person does not perceive his cravings as a disease.

TO signs of stage 1 alcoholism We can also include an irresistible desire to drink not only on weekends, aggression and irritability when drunk, condemnation of drunkenness and alcoholism. A person becomes contradictory in actions and promises. He cannot suppress the desire to drink, and at the same time condemns his addiction to alcoholic beverages. At the first stage of alcoholism, it is easiest to convince the addict to stop drinking and return to normal life, since he himself understands this problem.

Treatment of the first stage of alcohol dependence is a study of some disorders in the organs and nervous system formed at this stage:

  • liver diseases;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • initial signs of hepatitis;
  • nervous disorders;
  • pancreatitis.

Treatment can be carried out at home, the patient can go to work and communicate with people. In some cases, it is recommended to consult a psychologist to find out the causes of alcoholism. Relatives and friends must constantly support the addict. It is very important to help the patient at the first stage of alcoholism so that the disease does not progress and develop into the more severe second stage.

Second stage of alcoholism

Alcoholism stage 2 observed in almost 90% of patients registered in drug treatment centers. A person’s tolerance to alcoholic beverages increases, so he drinks more and more often. The patient drinks about 500 ml of vodka or other strong alcoholic drinks per day. In the second stage of alcoholism, initial symptoms appear and new ones arise. Among the main symptoms of stage 2 alcoholism, the following are distinguished: It is characterized by the patient’s desire to get a hangover in the morning. Each time the dose may be increased, which leads to prolonged binges for several days in a row.

At this stage of alcoholism symptoms become more obvious, they are easy to spot. The patient's mood often changes and depends on alcohol consumption. Without drinking, a person becomes angry, aggressive and may suffer from depression. There are constant memory lapses. An alcohol addict thinks only about drinking; there are no other joys or hobbies. Having consumed a certain dose of alcohol, he quickly becomes drunk, a sparkle appears in his eyes and satisfaction appears.

For the second stage of alcoholism characterized by not only a psychological, but also a physical need for alcohol. The body requires new doses of alcohol, without it it ceases to function normally. At this stage, the addict often quits work, becomes apathetic and lethargic. Sometimes a person wants to give up alcohol, but he can’t do it on his own.

The second stage of alcoholism requires serious complex treatment, involving a combination of several methods:

  • Aversive treatment- can be used in cases where an alcoholic does not want to undergo treatment and does not give in to persuasion. It uses several medications that cause aversion to alcohol by affecting a person’s primary reflexes. The most commonly used drug is Disulfiram, which is safe for non-drinkers, but when mixed with alcoholic beverages it causes very unpleasant sensations and significantly worsens the well-being of the alcoholic. Traditional methods recommend using thyme decoction. If mixed with alcohol, it causes a strong gag reflex.
  • Detoxification of the body- is a set of medical measures similar to those used in case of severe poisoning of the body. This treatment method helps the patient cleanse the body of harmful toxins and ethanol breakdown products in the blood, digestive tract, liver cells, and remove metabolic products from the body. It relieves the alcoholic from physical dependence, but psychological dependence still remains.
  • Psychological help- is effective only if the patient recognizes his addiction and wants to overcome it in order to save his family, job and position in society. As practice shows, psychological therapy methods are highly effective. About 80% of alcoholics who undergo psychological therapy regain awareness of the harm of alcohol and experience an aversion to drinking. This treatment method helps get rid of second-stage alcoholism and eliminate new relapses.
  • Social adaptation- in some cases, the alcoholic himself decides to get rid of his addiction, but he cannot solve this problem on his own. In this case, the patient’s social adaptation helps a lot. Specialists help the alcoholic interact with society again, integrate into work, and improve relationships with his family. This method helps only in cases where the patient himself wants to be cured and start a new life.

Chronic alcoholism stage 3 is final and manifests itself with the most severe signs and consequences. At stage 3 of alcoholism, the patient experiences changes in the psyche and in all body systems. Resistance to alcohol increases, a person already drinks systematically every day and several times a day, but in small doses. For severe intoxication, a small dose of alcohol is enough.

At stage 3 of alcoholism symptoms are pronounced and visible to others. A person degrades quite quickly as a person, his psyche is severely disturbed. Destructions in the nervous system and the functioning of the internal systems of the body lead to partial loss of movement and speech, paralysis and often death may occur. At the third stage of alcoholism, patients lose a lot of weight and become rickets. An alcoholic's legs become thin, and his stomach, on the contrary, increases. The reason is that the muscles become flabby, the person eats practically nothing, since food causes him to immediately vomit. The belly becomes large as the liver doubles in size due to alcohol.

Shamirov Felix Gennadievich, narcologist, doctor of the highest category

When treating alcoholism, it is necessary to achieve the longest possible remission (a period without a “drop of alcohol”). Alcoholism is, by default, a chronic disease for anyone who drinks alcohol regularly, and every abstinence from alcohol is a small victory for the addict. Therefore, to achieve a positive effect, constant support of the patient from loved ones will be required at the stages of treatment and rehabilitation.

Chronic alcoholism stage 3 entails complete personality degradation, the person becomes withdrawn and asocial. There is incoherence of speech, low level of intelligence and inability to think logically, brain cells are destroyed and cannot be restored. The patient is inadequate and poses a threat to himself and others. The tendency towards suicide and murder increases. The third stage of alcoholism in 95% of cases ends in the death of a person from a heart attack, stroke and other dangerous diseases.

After 60 years, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the desire for alcohol, the number of binges is reduced, and a person begins to drink occasionally. Alcohol does not bring joy, the condition worsens sharply, and the mood becomes depressed. At this age, it is easier to convince a patient to completely stop drinking alcohol, especially in the presence of severe diseases of the organs and nervous system.

Treatment of the third stage of alcoholism

At the third stage of alcohol addiction treatment is difficult, but probably. The patient needs to be urgently admitted to a clinic for organ restoration and psychological assistance. At this stage, a hangover syndrome is not observed, so the patient must completely stop drinking alcohol, voluntarily or forcibly. This is necessary to detoxify the body and begin treatment of the affected organs. Taking special medications relieves pain and restores normal functioning of the body. The final stage of treatment is the social adaptation of the dependent person in society.

Since an alcohol addict is unable to cope with his addiction, the most common methods of treating alcoholism stage 3 are:

  • coding;
  • other methods of alternative medicine.

Even at the third stage of alcohol addiction, the patient can be helped and cured, eliminating the possibility of relapse. If treatment is not carried out, the person most often dies.

Fourth stage of alcoholism

Some experts highlight the final, Stage 4 alcoholism. The last stage of alcoholism is characterized by symptoms such as: severe mental disorder and damage to all internal organs. The person is unable to think, speak normally, and is completely indifferent to what is happening. He drinks often and in small portions, and is constantly in an alcoholic state. As a rule, at this stage, a chronic alcoholic loses his family, his home, and lives on the street with other alcoholics. Stage 4 alcoholism cannot be treated, since all organs and systems are almost completely destroyed by alcohol. A patient who has reached this stage does not live long and dies.

Instead of a preface... I didn’t really want to write about third stage of alcoholism, because it is fraught with death and is the last.

I don’t think that my readers “have” this phase of the disease, but among my relatives, friends and acquaintances there were cases when the third stage was, as they say, “in the face”, there was death, a lot of deaths that taught me nothing and .

But codependent people, who may have friends and relatives now in this situation, will certainly be interested and important to know everything about. You need to know the enemy by sight! So I will continue...

The death of a patient can occur from the so-called “” (alcoholic delirium), which characterizes the complete “inadequacy” of the patient’s behavior, so it is simply impossible to predict his actions and condition at such moments, death from failure, from a stroke or heart attack.

If you are “lucky” and death does not occur, then physical, mental, social degradation comes, when rudeness and cynicism, unbridled anger and aggression of the patient are common manifestations and features of the patient. third stage of alcoholism.

Particularly characteristic is a decrease in susceptibility to alcohol. More often, the patient begins to get drunk from ever smaller doses of alcohol. A sick person in this state loses his appetite and begins to lose weight. On third stage of alcoholism The patient's brain, liver, kidneys and heart are seriously damaged.

Almost forever, all priorities and vital interests disappear; intoxication does not give pleasant sensations as in the old days. What happens even faster is the moral degradation of the alcoholic and he comes to the finish line, to the sad end of his life...

As I already wrote, it very often leads to death. The mortality prognosis for such patients is completely unfavorable: progressive depletion of all internal organs and vital systems of the body, due to multiple diseases, injuries and severe injuries, will lead to death. Suicide is not uncommon among such alcoholics.

If you want to find out if your loved one or relative is currently prone to alcoholism, then a special short one will help you, the answers to the questions will help determine whether a person’s alcohol use is normal or whether it has already outgrown it.

However, in any case, only a narcologist in a specialized clinic can make a final diagnosis of the patient.

When we get sick, for example, we catch a cold or just have a fever, the first thing we do is take and set ourselves a thermometer. It happens that if handled carelessly, the thermometer slips out of your hands and breaks. That’s when you need to know for sure from a broken device, and round-the-clock environmental assistance can help with this.

Good sobriety to you!

The 3rd (final) stage of chronic alcoholism is characterized by qualitatively new symptoms, determined by toxic encephalopathy expressed at this stage, deep damage to internal organs, metabolic processes, leading to a weakening of protective mechanisms. Stage 3 occurs when alcoholism has been 10-20 years old, however, not necessarily in elderly patients; the average age of patients at this stage is 45 years.

The primary pathological attraction to alcohol changes significantly. Its obsessive nature decreases, the feeling of discomfort during periods of abstinence is explained not so much by situational factors as by mood disorders with depressive overtones. Due to the complete loss of situational control, even a minor mental trauma can cause an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, which leads to another alcoholic excess.

Tolerance to alcohol begins to decrease in the transitional stage 2-3, and in the formed stage 3 it is significantly reduced. The earliest sign of the transition from stage 2 to stage 3 is a drop in one-time tolerance, i.e. intoxication occurs from a significantly smaller amount of alcohol.

The decrease in tolerance is explained by a decrease in the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and other enzymatic systems, as well as a decrease in resistance to alcohol in the central nervous system (toxic encephalopathy) and a decrease in compensatory capabilities.

The combination of decreased tolerance with the occurrence of vomiting after intoxication is a significant diagnostic sign indicating the transition of alcoholism to stage 3.

The nature of intoxication in stage III of alcoholism is closely related to a decrease in tolerance. Since the single amount of alcohol is significantly reduced, such severe intoxication does not occur as in stage 2.

In intoxication, as a rule, euphoria is absent or slightly expressed, disinhibition, anger, and aggressiveness are much less, so the behavior of a patient with alcoholism becomes more tolerant in public places and at home.

He goes from “violent” to “quiet.” When significant amounts of alcohol are consumed, stupor and stuporous phenomena quickly occur. In stage 3, intoxication, even after relatively small amounts of alcohol, can be accompanied by amnesia for a significant period.

Loss of quantitative control in stage 3 is observed after the smallest amounts of alcohol - a glass of vodka or wine. The “critical dose” that causes a violent, irresistible attraction is reduced to a minimum. Situational control in stage 3 is completely absent, which is a consequence of pronounced alcohol degradation.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in stage III occurs after consuming relatively small doses of alcohol and is accompanied by more persistent and longer-lasting somatovegetative and neurological disorders than in stage 2, a general painful state and an irresistible craving for hangover (the second variant of the secondary pathological craving for alcohol).

Since in the 3rd stage of alcoholism single doses of alcohol are relatively small, withdrawal symptoms occur within a few hours, and the desire to hangover is very intense and irresistible. For outsiders, an alcoholic in stage 3 of the disease is less noticeable in a state of intoxication, when he is passive, experiencing a state of comfort, but in abstinence he is fussy, begging, humiliated, sometimes aggressive, and can immediately consume any alcohol-containing surrogates.

Forms of drunkenness. The transitional stage 2-3 is characterized by intermittent drunkenness, indicating the beginning of a decrease in tolerance to alcohol. Subsequently, either constant drunkenness develops against the background of reduced tolerance, or cyclical binges, which are most characteristic of stage 3.

Constant drunkenness against the background of reduced tolerance is characterized by the consumption of fractional portions of alcohol throughout the day at intervals of 2-4 hours. An alcoholic is constantly in a state of mild or moderate intoxication.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, he drinks not only during the day, but also at night, storing alcoholic beverages for this time. A forced break from drinking alcohol, even for several hours, causes painful somatovegetative and neurological disorders. Drunkenness in this form continues for many months, sometimes years.

Binge drinking in stage 3 of alcoholism, occurring in the form of periodic or cyclic binges, is the most characteristic, clinically defined sign of stage 3 of the disease.

During a cyclic binge, in its first days, patients consume relatively large doses of alcohol in fractional portions. Intoxication of quite severe degrees with agitation, antisocial forms of behavior, soporous state, deep amnesia. After 3-4 days of such drunkenness, tolerance decreases significantly; to relieve withdrawal symptoms, the patient is forced to drink a small dose of alcohol every 2-3 hours.

This is accompanied by severe somatovegetative disorders, anorexia, severe dyspeptic symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea), weakness, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. On the 7-8th day of binge drinking, the patient cannot tolerate even small doses of alcohol. Gradually his condition improves, he is “nursing.”

Previously, this form of drinking was called “relaxing binge drinking.” After the end of the binge, the patient abstains from drinking alcohol for some time, but the very first glass he drinks leads to the emergence of a secondary desire and a new binge.

Alcoholic personality degradation. If in stages 1-2 of the disease one can largely speak of alcoholic deformation of personality - reversible changes in personality, then stage 2 of chronic alcoholism is characterized by more or less pronounced social and mental degradation of personality (irreversible changes).

Mental degradation in stage 3 of alcoholism is determined by the toxic effect of chronic alcohol intoxication on the brain and chronic alcoholic encephalopathy developing in connection with this. In addition, profound personality changes are essential.

Degradation according to the alcoholic-psychopathic type. It is more correct to qualify this type as pathological personality development, due to the absence of signs of organic psychosyndrome.

This group of patients is most characterized by the loss of moral and ethical standards of behavior, manifested in deceit, boastfulness, crude humor, overestimation of their capabilities, complete uncriticality of drunkenness combined with affective instability, explosiveness, incontinence of emotions, anger with elements of aggressiveness and non-intoxication, rapid transition from euphoria to subdepressive states.

In these patients, intellectual-mnestic disturbances are mildly expressed; reserves of previous knowledge and professional skills can be retained for a long time. But these opportunities, as a rule, are not realized.

Degradation according to the organic-vascular type. Intellectual-mnestic decline, manifested in deterioration of memory and attention, apathy, fatigue, and decreased ability to work, comes to the fore in patients. Along with this, there are sleep disturbances, low mood, and weakness. These patients are characterized by depressive states with suicidal tendencies that occur during abstinence.

The extreme forms of alcohol degradation, of the organic-vascular type, are pseudoparalytic and pseudotumor syndromes. With pseudoparalytic syndrome, complacency, talkativeness, and boasting are revealed in the foreground with a complete loss of a critical attitude towards one’s condition.

Less common is pseudotumor syndrome, which occurs when alcoholism is combined with severe forms of encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis and other organic diseases of the brain. It manifests itself as apathy, emotional dullness, reaching such degrees that the patient gives the impression of being in a state of stupor.

Patients with symptoms of organic-vascular degradation are not as difficult in everyday life as patients with personality changes of the alcoholic-psychopathic type; they willingly seek medical help and do not refuse anti-alcohol treatment.

Mixed type degradation. More often there are not extreme forms of alcohol degradation, but mixed forms, including elements of both intellectual and mental disorders associated with the damaging effects of alcohol, and personality changes of an alcoholic-psychopathic type.

In addition to the type of alcoholic change in the patient’s personality, it is necessary to distinguish its degree and depth. Initial changes in the personality of patients with alcoholism, manifested in a mild decrease in intellectual capabilities, violations of moral and ethical standards while maintaining professional skills and the ability to adapt, are characteristic of stage 2 of alcoholism.

When the above symptoms become more severe, partial dementia can be diagnosed, which corresponds to the transitional 2-3 stages of the disease. With pronounced degrees of alcohol degradation, adaptive abilities are disrupted and the ability to work is lost.

Alcoholic psychoses. Acute alcoholic psychoses most often occur in transitional stages 2-3 or 3. At the same stages, in addition to delirium, hallucinosis, and paranoia, Korsakoff psychosis, alcoholic encephalopathy Gaye-Wernicke, and atypical psychoses with hallucinatory-paranoid symptoms may occur.

Diagnosis of stage 3 alcoholism. An essential objective sign of the transition of alcoholism from stage 2 to stage 3 is a decrease in tolerance to alcohol by 25% or more.

The formed stage 3 is characterized by such signs as loss of quantitative control from minimal doses of alcohol, the occurrence of vomiting in intoxication, a pronounced somatovegetative component with severe general somatic phenomena, with an irresistible desire for a hangover (the second version of the secondary pathological craving for alcohol), a form of drunkenness - intermittent or constant against the background of decreasing tolerance (stage 2-3), and constant fractional doses of alcohol against the background of decreased tolerance and in the form of cyclic binges (stage 3). Moderate (stage 2-3) or pronounced (stage 3) phenomena of personality degradation.

But despite the deplorability of the situation, it is not hopeless even at this stage. With maximum effort, the right approach, high-quality medications, and the participation of specialists, it is possible to recover from the third stage of alcoholism. In this article we will try to tell you everything we know about the advanced addiction problem, look for treatment options and come up with an action plan that relatives should adhere to.

Third form alcohol addiction is final. Disturbances are observed in all organs and systems, as the body loses the strength and ability to fight toxins and ethanol breakdown products. At this stage, the craving for alcohol becomes severe psychological and physical dependence , which the Ayanitsa can no longer eliminate without the help of strangers. The treatment process is also complicated by a reluctance to change the usual lifestyle, as well as a failure to accept the danger of one’s condition.

Alcohol addiction poses a danger not only for the patient, but also for his environment - friends, family and loved ones. A person, while intoxicated, completely loses the ability to control his actions and behavior. Various mental disorders and deviations can lead to aggression and cruelty towards loved ones. Only treatment and complete refusal from alcohol will help restore a person’s mental state and return him to normal life.

Lyrical digression! According to experienced narcologists, even at such a late stage, the disease can be cured. At the same time, you should not hope that the patient himself will understand and meet you halfway, since he is psychologically and morally broken. You can try to loosen the grip alcohol has on your loved one's throat with one of the medications specifically designed to treat their addiction. The drug rating with user reviews is available.

Help your loved one or a loved one to overcome addiction and get their life back. You can identify the problem by knowing the signs of the disease.

Are you looking for an effective remedy for alcoholism?

What have you tried to cure addiction in the past?

The most effective remedy in your case


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Signs of stage 3 In making a diagnosis of the last stage of addiction, specialists use various tests, clinical trials

and laboratory tests. Symptoms of stage 3 chronic alcoholism will help an ordinary person find out about the presence of a problem. Disease may appear

  • in the following way: Decreased tolerance to alcohol
  • . At this stage, the alcoholic begins to reduce the amount of strong drinks, which is due to the body’s inability to process incoming doses of alcohol. As a result, severe intoxication occurs from a small amount of alcohol. Alcohol amnesia
  • . If in earlier periods of addiction an alcoholic experienced occasional memory loss, at the last stage of the disease memory may disappear for the entire period of drinking alcohol; Vomiting reflex
  • . The once lost process of cleansing the body of poisons reappears, and serves as a symptom of the body’s complete intolerance to ethanol; Binge syndrome

. Having begun to manifest itself at the beginning of the disease, at the last stage of addiction it becomes long-lasting and even permanent. The drunkard drinks, is in a state of intoxication, and after waking up he is overcome by an even stronger desire to drink. As a result, the vicious circle leads to binge drinking. Also, at stage 3 of alcoholism, withdrawal syndrome

  • with its characteristic features:
  • Headache;
  • Aches throughout the body and limbs;
  • Delirium tremens and hallucinations;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Tremor of the limbs;
  • Convulsive attacks;
  • Increased sweating;

Insomnia. Because of digestive problems

a person loses body weight, destruction of the peripheral nervous system leads to a blue tint of the skin, dryness and roughness of the skin. No matter how sad it may sound, it is typical for alcoholism at stage 3 damage by toxins and poisons all organs in the body. This leads to serious pathologies and the development of chronic diseases. Primarily from ethanol breakdown products digestive organs suffer . Ethyl alcohol irritates the mucous walls of the stomach, causing increased secretion of gastric acid, which corrodes the walls of the organ. As a result an alcoholic is diagnosed

The liver, which must neutralize the effects of toxins on the body, is also at risk. At the last stage of the disease such problems are developing How:

  • Cirrhosis;
  • Alcoholic hepatitis;
  • Fatty hepatosis;
  • Fibrosis and tissue necrosis.

The cardiovascular system is subjected to increased stress, which depletes the heart muscle, reduces blood pumping throughout the body, and provokes myocardial infarction, strokes, and arterial hypertension. The most serious damage occurs nervous system and brain . This provokes various neurological disorders and mental illnesses.

Attention! Successful treatment of alcohol addiction in the third stage can be carried out at home. Check out the rating of medications for alcoholism in the corresponding section.

Without treatment, the addicted person’s body is subject to severe poisoning, which ultimately leads to death . We recommend using our calculator, which will tell you what stage is in your case based on a number of signs. Based on the data obtained, several medications will be selected, but you can ignore them, since home treatment is not recommended at the extreme stage of addiction.

Addiction calculator


Your addiction

Dependency type:

There is no danger to the body, the habit of drinking is typical for many people, but in the specified quantities and with the specified parameters of the patient, it does not cause any harm to the body. Many people relieve stress with alcohol on holidays and after work, but are not addicted to it.

The patient sees alcohol as a way out of difficult situations and resorts to hard drinks more and more often. This stage is dangerous because in any difficult situation in life, this stage can smoothly transition into the next one, which is much more dangerous to health.

At this stage, an addicted person can no longer do without alcohol, but is firmly convinced that he is able to quit at any time, but not today. Already here complications with the liver and other difficulties with organs and well-being may begin.

Special treatment and a short course of rehabilitation, plus the support of relatives, can bring you out of this stage. This stage can provoke very serious problems with the liver and other organs, which will lead to illness for the rest of life.

This stage is not hopeless, but it requires an extremely serious approach to treatment and a long period of rehabilitation, with regular medical procedures, many medications and, often, expensive treatment.

Treatment period for addiction:

Do you want to speed up your treatment?

Psychological changes

Ethyl alcohol toxins disrupt the functionality of red blood cells, causing blockage of blood vessels and small capillaries. Also due to changes in the structure of their cells blood loses its properties transport oxygen, and as a result, oxygen starvation of brain tissue occurs. This is the main reason for the development of mental problems in alcoholics at an extreme stage.

Mental symptoms Stage 3 alcoholism manifests itself as follows:

  • Acute psychoses, with panic attacks of fear;
  • Uncontrollable aggression in relation to others;
  • Decreased concentration attention and memory ;
  • Degradation personality, with a decrease in intellectual abilities.

At the same time, alcohol degradation consists of several forms.

In order to prevent the problem from developing, relatives must constantly support the drinking person, communicate, suggest, but not put too much pressure, since he is very vulnerable psychologically. Next, let's talk about the actions that need to be taken at the third stage.

Treatment of extreme addiction

Treatment of alcoholism at stage 3 should be carried out comprehensively . Only simultaneous drug therapy and psychological consultations will help overcome the craving for alcohol. To achieve recovery, a drinker must stop drinking strong drinks. for the rest of my life , otherwise his habit will return again, and in an intensified form.

Relatives and friends of an alcoholic are often involved in therapy, as he needs round-the-clock supervision. First of all therapy is being carried out , aimed at removing the patient from a state of binge drinking. For this we use:

  • Detoxification– cleansing the body of poisons, toxins and ethanol breakdown products. Such measures make it possible to eliminate withdrawal symptoms and remove residual alcohol from the body, preparing the person for further therapy;
  • Taking sedatives , helping to calm the patient and suppress the desire to drink.

Next, the dependent person is examined for the presence of chronic diseases , followed by treatment of all disorders in the functioning of internal organs. At the same time, psychological assistance is provided:

  • Are revealed causes addictions;
  • The psychologist helps the patient get rid of psychological factors , provoking cravings for alcohol;
  • Addicted person learns again interact with the outside world in a sober state.

Treatment is also accompanied drug therapy on the formation of physical aversion to alcohol.

By the way! Using a number of specially developed drugs, it is possible to treat an addict in the third stage of alcoholism at home. But, remember, all prescriptions must come from a specialist, since medications have contraindications. For example, one of the very popular tools is, about which we did a detailed review, and users left reviews.

After passing all stages of therapy and the drunkard desires to return to a normal, sober life, it will be possible to speak about getting rid of alcohol addiction .

Predictions and consequences

To say exactly how long do you have to live No specialist can treat an addict at stage 3 of alcoholism, even after an extensive examination. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out treatment in the early stages of addiction development, when the destructive effect of ethanol on the body has not reached its apogee. The body of an alcoholic will never again can not recover 100% , and throughout a person’s life they will be accompanied by chronic diseases that developed during the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

You need to be very careless about your own health for the final, third stage of alcoholism to occur. Often relatives, having come to their senses, try to find out how long this condition lasts and what the prospects for recovery are.

The latest stage, the last stage of alcoholism occurs at 30, more often at 45-50 years of age: it all depends on the time of reaching the “distance with a glass”, the intensity of alcohol intake and a number of other associated factors of the disease.


The last stage is characterized by a persistent decrease in tolerance to alcohol. The outflow of alcohol from the blood slows down significantly, and the reaction of brain vessels to nitroglycerin disappears. Epileptic seizures and neurological signs of so-called alcoholic encephalopathy are becoming more frequent. Therefore, the third is also called encephalopathic.

Another definition of disease - terminal - is associated with chemical processes occurring under the influence of alcohol inside the body.

At the third stage, the alcoholic returns to his “normal” from small doses. A decrease in the level of intoxication is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in general health, withdrawal symptoms and depression. There is a slow but steady destruction of internal organs. Processes inside the body become noticeable from the outside: the patient does not control the process of urination, his motor functions are impaired or lost.

Even the participation of specialists of the relevant profile does not help to remove the patient from this condition without harm to health.

The third stage of alcoholism, based on the “hardening” of the body in previous years, “enriches” the acquired negatives. Primary attraction - when sober, and secondary - after drinking, go into a cyclical stage and become paroxysmal. Withdrawal syndrome becomes more severe and longer, accompanied by a stable decrease in mood and often adynamia.

In some cases, the final stage of alcoholism demonstrates other symptoms that manifest themselves in behavioral signs:

  • anxiety;
  • unmotivated fear;
  • yearning;
  • suspicion;
  • short-term deceptions of perception.

In a state of 3rd degree alcoholism, a patient needs only 200 grams of vodka to reach the desired “condition.” Therefore, unlike the second stage, the alcoholic drinks less, but more often. At the same time, the euphoria typical in the second stage disappears, aggressiveness and malice are less noticeable.

This period is characterized by changed forms of drinking. “Preparing” an alcoholic for heavy drinking takes on a different algorithm:

  • at the end of the binge, tolerance to alcoholic beverages decreases;
  • over time, this process begins earlier - in the middle of the feast;
  • often endurance reaches a consistently low level;
  • sometimes the patient switches to daily drinking in frequent but small doses;
  • Four out of five drinkers experience personality degradation;
  • disturbances of attention and memory make themselves felt, abilities for abstract thinking are lost;
  • almost two thirds of alcoholics suffer from liver pathology and chronic pancreatitis, etc.

It has been noticed that the longer the third stage of alcoholism lasts, the higher the social and labor maladjustment.


Control over the amount of drinking, which is characteristic of the recovery process in the first two stages, loses its meaning in the third. The reason is that by this time the formation of a hangover syndrome in the body is completed.

Therefore, treatment involves complete abstinence from alcohol, and it does not matter how it is achieved - voluntarily or forcibly. This is a prerequisite for effectively cleansing the body of toxins. Then special medications are used. Finally, the patient needs adaptation to an alcohol-free existence.

The result is achieved using psychological influence methods:

  • hypnosis;
  • coding.

Many years of practice have proven that even the third stage of alcoholism is not a death sentence, it can be overcome.

Practitioners claim that alcoholics who manage to “hold out” until retirement age, after 60 years of age, the craving for alcohol noticeably decreases, binge drinking becomes less frequent, and drinking becomes episodic. But health is suddenly lost. This is a favorable period for giving up alcohol.

The final stage of alcoholism “gives” additional “incentives” to change lifestyle in favor of a non-alcoholic one. It is precisely by the presence of diseases accompanying alcoholism – neurological and somatic – that doctors explain the “non-alcoholic” age of people over 60 years old.

But not everyone gets this chance.

So is it worth risking your life like that?
