Enter the FSB Border Institute. Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia

Before submitting documents and starting preparations for entering an educational institution, you need to decide for yourself that you are ready to connect your life with this structure.

Unlike civilian universities, they have a narrow prof. direction and after graduation it will be difficult to work in another field.

Admission to civil university- this is a choice of the direction of the profession, and admission to the University of the FSB of Russia is immediately a choice of profession and, one might say, a place of work.

Preparation for admission

This is not to say that there are no difficulties with admission. However, if you have the preparation and desire, you can apply.

It is better to start preparing for admission at the beginning of the graduating class (grade 11). The first step is to contact the Russian FSB department at your place of residence with a statement of intention to enroll in an FSB educational institution, fill out a form and provide copies of personal documents (birth certificate, passport, military ID and diploma).

Based on the data and documents provided by the candidate, a check is carried out. All data is carefully checked.

An obstacle to access to the state. secrets and receipt will be: loved ones living abroad for a long time; relatives who were prosecuted; also if the candidate used drugs.

In addition to the check, a conversation is held with an employee of the personnel department of the FSB department, during which it is found out what motivated the candidate to join the FSB of the Russian Federation. If everything is in order with the interview and test, the candidate receives a referral for a medical examination (MEC), after which he is required to pass the physical examination standards. training (100-meter run, 3-kilometer run, pull-ups), which are assessed according to the “pass” and “fail” system.

After passing the test, you need to write an application to the selected university in early March. In it, the candidate must indicate: the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, the list of Unified State Examination subjects and additional entrance exams, and also sign that he is familiar with the admission rules.

Universities of the FSB of Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 14 educational institutions subordinate to the FSB of Russia.

These are the FSB Institutes in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. FSB Academy in Moscow. Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Kharabovsky border institutes of the FSB. Academy and Border Academy of the FSB in Moscow. Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Border Academy in Moscow.

Each university has its own list of faculties, some of which accept both boys and girls (faculty of foreign languages). Each faculty has its own subjects for which you need to take entrance exams.

You can enroll in full-time study. Without military service from 16 to 22 years and after military service up to 24 years. But for Full-time training is available only to current security personnel.


When called by the University (in early June), candidates arrive to take entrance exams. First, they undergo a medical examination for the second time, after which they are allowed to take entrance exams. Physics exam common to all. preparation and one of the specialized subjects. Based on the results of exams and the EGE, the overall score is determined; admission is carried out on a competitive basis.

If a candidate does not pass the competition for higher education, he can go to study in secondary educational programs (the training lasts 2.5-3 years, after graduation he is awarded the rank of warrant officer and, if desired, he can complete his studies in absentia at any FSB University). If you don't pass the competition, you can try again in a year.

After graduation, the rank of lieutenant is awarded.

Work experience and length of service are counted from the first days of training. The first two courses count as a year in the army, after which the first contract is signed and a salary is issued, approximately 16,000 rubles.

After graduating from the institute, they are assigned to units for service. Excellent students are given the right to choose their place of service, so there is an incentive to be one. Military personnel are provided social package, free honey service, decent salary.

Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia

Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation
original name

Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

The doctors

67 associate professors, including 41 candidates of science and 2 senior researchers


In accordance with the current license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, the institute implements educational programs postgraduate, higher, secondary and additional professional education.

Training of officers with higher professional education.

Full-time education: Speciality- jurisprudence. Qualification: lawyer.


  • management of service and combat activities of border guard units;

border control;

  • operational-search activities of operational units of border authorities;
  • management of operational and combat activities of units special purpose bodies of the FSB of Russia.

Distribution by specialty - after completing the 3rd year of study. Based on average (full) general education. Duration of training - 5 years.

Part-time study: Speciality- jurisprudence. Qualification: lawyer.


  • border control;
  • operational-search activities of operational units of border authorities.

Based on secondary (complete) general education. Duration of study - 7 years (1 year - full-time study, 6 years - part-time study).

Accepted: citizens who have not passed military service, aged 16 to 22 years inclusive; citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract, up to 24 years of age inclusive, with at least secondary (complete) general education, who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner, professional psychological selection, checking the level of physical fitness, entrance tests, competitive selection. To prepare for passing the entrance examinations for training streams in full-time and part-time forms of study for candidates undergoing military service under conscription or contract, preparatory camps lasting up to 30 days are held in June of the current year. The selection and referral of candidates to the institute is carried out by the federal security service in accordance with the requirements for the selection of candidates for military service in security agencies.


Pre-war time

Due to the urgent need for the training and retraining of command and technical personnel of the border guard and OGPU troops, on February 14, 1932, in Moscow, by decision of the Council of Labor and Defense, the Third School of Border Guards and OGPU Troops. On April 16, 1933, the school was awarded the Red Banner of Battle, and on August 17, 1934, it was named after the second head of the OGPU after F.E. Dzerzhinsky - Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky. A field training camp was deployed in the Reutov area, the school administration was located in Moscow - in the building of advanced training courses command staff on Samokatnaya street. In the fall of 1932, the school was located in a newly built building at Leningradskoye Shosse, 3/5. The educational institution consisted of seven divisions of cadets (1,200 people of variable composition), studying in three areas: command, political and communications.

In 1935, the school was relocated to the site of the Moscow Railway School of the Red Army in the village of Losinoostrovsky, with a simultaneous narrowing of specialization and assignment of a new name: 3rd Border School of Communications of the NKVD named after. V. R. Menzhinsky. Initially her variable composition included 250 cadets and 120 students of advanced training courses.

In 1937, in connection with the reform of military education, the training period for cadets was increased from two years to three; on April 20, the school was renamed Moskovskoe military school communications between the border and internal guards of the NKVD named after. Menzhinsky.

On March 26, 1939, the profile of the school’s activities was again expanded - the personnel were supplemented with cadets from the disbanded Moscow Military Economic School, as a result of which it began to train not only signalmen and weapons technicians, but also administrative and economic service officers, at the same time receiving a new name: Moscow Military Technical School of the NKVD named after. Menzhinsky. In accordance with the new conditions, two departments are created: communications (three companies of cadets) and weapons-technical (two companies of cadets), as well as six-month courses for communications officers and chiefs of ammunition. In addition to operational missions in 1939-1940, the school’s personnel (commanders - 25, students - 96, cadets - 150, 271 in total) took part in the Soviet-Finnish War. For heroism and courage shown in battle, 42 representatives of the school were awarded by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 26, 1940.

The Great Patriotic War

Since July 1941, the school's curriculum was revised towards reduction. The training period for cadets in the communications and administrative service departments has been reduced from 3 years to 6, and for weapons-technical cadets - to 9 months. The training period for students in communications and administrative service courses was reduced to 2 months, and for weapons technical service - to 4 months. In the first days of the war, the school graduated 837 cadets and students ahead of schedule. On October 16, 1941 it became part of the 2nd motorized rifle division NKVD. The school carried out the combat mission of defending Moscow until October 20, 1941, after which it was removed from the combat crew and relocated to Novosibirsk. In 1941, the school graduated 1,816 people - 1,486 cadets and 330 students. In 1942, there were three graduations of cadets and students and several graduations of command courses. In 1942, three fighter aircraft were built at the expense of the school’s personnel. In May 1944, the school was returned from Novosibirsk to Babushkin (until 1939 - Losinoostrovsk). In February 1945, cadets of the school took part in ensuring the security of the Yalta Conference. During the Great Patriotic War, more than a thousand cadets were awarded orders and medals for valor and courage in battle, and Major General Mikhailov N.M., officers Ryzhikov A.V., Gomankov I.P., Sabelnikov F.S., Braiko P. E., Belyakov N.A., Shigaev A.V., Titov N.P., Podorozhny N.A. were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On June 24, 1945, the school's personnel took part in the Victory Parade, which took place in Moscow on Red Square.

Post-war time

In the summer of 1945, the school switched to a program of complete secondary military education and was once again reformed - the quartermaster and weapons-technical departments moved to the Kharkov Military School of the NKVD Troops. The structure of the school is undergoing the following changes: it now consists of three departments - infantry, communications and radio special communications, four-month advanced training courses for officers of the special services of the NKVD troops, and six-month courses for junior lieutenants. Additionally, cycles were created that united related disciplines. The educational institution is given a new name: Moscow Military School of the NKVD Troops. In 1946, the personnel and equipment of the radio special communications department were transferred to the Saratov Military School of the NKVD Troops.

In 1950, the school was transferred to the direct jurisdiction of the Main Directorate border troops MGB of the USSR and in November renamed Moscow Border Military School of the USSR Ministry of State Security The educational institution continues to train communications officers. Additionally, a special group of cadets is being created with a three-year training period to train officers for the Main Directorate special service under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a group for the retraining of command and staff officers, a department for training specialists in physical culture and sport, which existed until 1953.

In 1953, due to changes in the structure political power country, the educational institution receives a new name - Moscow Border Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1953, due to changes in the structure of the country's political power, changes occurred, and our educational institution became known as the Moscow Border Military School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the updated staff of the school consists of three cadet communications divisions, one division of students of advanced courses for communications officers, two divisions of students of advanced courses for command and operational personnel. A little later, two more new training profiles were opened at the school: operational and checkpoints with a three-year training period, as well as operational personnel, combat, checkpoint services and military-political for students of advanced training courses for officers. In 1955, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs entrusted the educational institution with training commanders of sapper platoons for the troops and security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For this purpose, an engineering and sapper profile was created, with a three-year training period. In September 1957, the sapper-engineering profile was transferred to the Kaliningrad Border Military School.

On April 16, 1966, the school was transformed into Moscow Higher Border Command School of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR with a training period of four years for cadets. Instead of the previously existing subject cycles, departments are being created: services and tactics of border troops, combined arms disciplines, fire training, physical training, foreign language, Marxism-Leninism, mathematics and theoretical mechanics, physics, chemistry. In 1966, the variable composition was staffed by cadets of the Alma-Ata Higher Border Guard Service command school and applicants who have passed the entrance exams and are enrolled in the first year of command and political profiles. Higher border courses from the Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is subject to disbandment, are being transferred to the school. Retraining of detachment and district level officers, as well as border guard officers of socialist countries, begins. The school opens an external course for a secondary military school, training for preparing officers for admission to military academies Soviet army, two-year university for improving the pedagogical skills of officers and teaching staff, training courses for border troops military personnel in special program, as well as a special course (since 1975 - special division).

For merits in training personnel for the KGB bodies and troops, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 19, 1967, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. July 7, 1977 for great services in training officers for the border troops and active military patronage work with the population of the capital school awarded the honorary name of the Mossovet. Once again the name of the educational institution is undergoing changes: - Moscow Higher Border Command Red Banner School of the KGB of the USSR named after. Mossovet. In 1979, an adjunct course was opened at the school to train scientific and pedagogical personnel for border troops. In May 1978, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the Mongolian People's Republic, for the merits of commanders, political workers and teachers in training highly qualified personnel for the MPR school awarded the Order of Military Merit. For services in training highly qualified personnel and in honor of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the educational institution by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 11, 1982 awarded the Order of the October Revolution in connection with which it was renamed the Moscow Higher Border Command Order of the October Revolution Red Banner School of the KGB of the USSR named after. Mossovet.

From 1979 to 1989 year, school graduates took part in hostilities in Afghanistan. Among the 576 border guard soldiers who died or died from wounds, six were graduates of the institute: Hero Soviet Union Major Bogdanov Alexander Petrovich - graduate of 1972; captain Andrianov Alexander Gavrilovich - graduate of 1974, posthumously awarded the order Red Banner; Major Galimov Rafik Shaikhievich - graduate of 1979, posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner; Lieutenant Savin Anton Viktorovich - graduate of 1981, posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star; Captain Stavila Alexey Ivanovich - graduate of 1978, posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner; Senior Lieutenant Karaiman Igor Nistorovich - graduate of 1981, posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In 1989, for services to the training of border guard officers, the school awarded the Order of the Red Star of the Hungarian People's Republic.

On May 8, 1992, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, it was transformed into Higher border school(Moscow city) and is repurposed for training officers in the specialty “Jurisprudence” with the qualification “Lawyer”, with a training period of 5 years. On May 25, 1992 it was renamed Higher Border Guard Order of the October Revolution Red Banner School (Moscow). In June 1992, the special faculty was excluded from the school staff. In 1993 the school was transformed into Moscow Military Institute of Border Troops of the Russian Federation, and in 1996 in Moscow Military Institute of the Federal border service Russian Federation. Since August 1, 1995, the institute has organized the training of two groups of female cadets (qualification - “Border control officer with knowledge of a foreign language”). To improve the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, an adjunct course was created in 1995 distance learning majoring in “Theoretical and applied problems of security and protection state border and exclusive economic zone."

For the courage and heroism shown during the execution special tasks in 1993, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to Lieutenant Andrey Viktorovich Merzlikin, who graduated from college in 1992. On August 9, 1996, two more graduates of the school were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. This is Major Sergei Ivanovich Shavrin, who graduated from college in 1987, and Major Sergei Viktorovich Romashin, a 1988 graduate.




see also




Candidates are selected carefully; for admission it is necessary to have not only a certain knowledge base, but also high physical data. After enrollment, students of military higher educational institutions have benefits and a high stipend. Everyone receives medical support, food and housing.

Universities FSB of Russia list of conditions for enrollment in studies

Federal security service agencies do not accept training in the following cases:

1.If, by a court decision, the applicant is declared incompetent or partially capable.

2. The presence of a disease that interferes with the performance of official duties.

3. Persons who do not have Russian citizenship.

4. The candidate does not have adequate physical training.

Universities of the FSB of Russia list of professions: operative, investigator, special forces soldier, commander of a coast guard ship, translator.

Foreign languages ​​trains specialists in linguistics and intercultural communication, with the qualification “linguist translator with knowledge of two foreign languages.” Girls are admitted to this faculty.

The investigator trains jurisprudence specialists from the legal divisions of the FSB of the Russian Federation, qualification “lawyer”, specialty “jurisprudence”.

The Counterintelligence Faculty prepares operational professionals.

2.Moscow Border Institute of the FSB. The higher education institution trains specialists in the field of jurisprudence. Experts: border outposts, specialists at border checkpoints, operational worker, special forces officer. Girls with Moscow registration can enter the border control specialty.

3. Galician Border Institute of the FSB of Russia. The university graduates the following specialists: lawyer, psychologist, border guard. Training in all specialties is five years. Qualifications: manager of service and combat activities, manager of moral and combat activities.

4. The Kaliningrad Border Institute produces a large number of various specialties, namely:

Engineer (use of special mining and demining equipment, repair and use of signaling weapons).

Lawyer (border control) - an operative with knowledge of foreign languages.

5. The Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of Russia provides training in the field of jurisprudence. Duration of training is 5 years.

FSB institutes are one of the most prestigious educational institutions that many high school students dream of enrolling in. After all, in addition to a quality education, you will receive a highly paid and qualified job. But to get into such a university, you must meet a number of criteria. Let's look at the main ones.

Which faculty should I go to?

FSB institutes today offer a choice of applicants more quantity directions and specialties. Deciding which faculty is right for you is not easy right away.

It is worth noting that such education is often followed by followers family traditions. Or those who dream of the romance of this profession and want to protect the interests of their state. In the future, such romantics, as a rule, create their own family traditions.

The highest passing grades are traditionally found in the investigative and counterintelligence faculties. It is most difficult to enroll in them without preliminary thorough preparation.

The situation is somewhat simpler at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and at the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics, which operates at the FSB Academy. This is where the aces come from information security. Prepare right away: in order to have a real chance of entering the FSB Institute of Russia, it is advisable to know some rare language. For example, Hindi, Portuguese or Chinese. Fortunately, language courses are very popular today. In this case, your chances over competitors increase significantly.

Admission rules

If you decide to enroll in any FSB border institute, then be prepared for difficulties. The selection of applicants is carried out very carefully. Only every seventh of those who want to enroll make it to the decisive examination tests.

The first test is a medical examination. You need to have excellent health, because studying at such a university requires physical training. Training and physical tests await students almost every day. They approach this issue very strictly. This is the case when connections will not help. After all, if later one of the students turns out to be unprepared for serious physical activity, they will ask the doctors.

The third test is a test of physical readiness. The standards are serious: you need to pull yourself up 11 times without shortness of breath, run 100 meters in no more than 13.5 seconds, and cover a distance of 3 kilometers in a maximum of 12 minutes.

Passing all these tests is not easy. Therefore it is better to use good advice- sign up for preliminary courses that are now being organized by FSB institutes. On them, the future applicant will understand what the requirements will be and whether he is ready for the exams.

Entrance exams

The final tests of knowledge that you have to pass in order to enter the FSB institutes are almost identical. First of all, you need to provide a list of documents. This is an order from a security authority, a birth certificate, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a military ID or a document replacing it, a compulsory health insurance policy, a certificate of secondary education and a university graduate diploma (if any). You must have with you sports uniform clothes.

The Golitsyn Institute of the FSB of Russia accepts as an entrance exam the results of the Unified State Examination taken at school, as well as the results of additional exams that you will take directly at the institute. They will differ depending on which faculty you choose.

The results of the Unified State Exam will be counted for applicants entering the specialty “border activities”. The results of exams in the Russian language, social studies and history are suitable for those who wish to study in the field of legal support national security. For applicants to the Faculty of Psychology of Professional Activities, excellent scores in mathematics and the Russian language are required.

Additionally, those applicants to study to become border guards will have to pass history and physical training, and those who go to study to become psychologists will have to pass biology and physical training, while those wishing to obtain a legal education will have to take the results of the social studies exam.

The difference between additional exams and school exams and the Unified State Examination is that these exams are considered tests of increased complexity. Here they will test not only the level of your knowledge, but also how you can cope with non-standard situations and quickly find solutions to unexpected problems.

About entrance examinations for individual faculties

At the Faculty of Investigation - social studies and Russian language. At the Faculty of Counterintelligence, a written exam in a foreign language is added to them.

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages, in addition to the written exam in Russian, you will have to complete written and oral assignments in the language you are studying.


Already from the first year, a student who entered the Moscow FSB Institute feels that he has entered the system. Almost all steps and actions will be outlined and strictly regulated. Moreover, you clearly know what you will be doing for the next ten years. First, get an education for five years, and then pay off the debt for it. After all, you were trained on a budget basis. 5 years is the minimum period that you must work in the state security agencies after graduating from university.

Students will have to master high level preparation in almost all subjects: foreign languages, mathematics, law - and at the same time show excellent physical indicators. Among the teachers there are many professors, as well as holders of the titles of Hero of Russia and even Hero of the Soviet Union.

Much of what they teach is classified as "secret". Therefore, it is often impossible to take anything out of the classrooms in which classes are held. Right down to the handle.

Special attention is paid to legal training. The lectures are rich and informative. Sometimes you have to write 30-40 pages of notes in one academic hour.


A scholarship is provided if the applicant comes to study at the Border Guard Institute of the FSB of Russia. Admission is over, it’s time to devote yourself entirely to your studies. Therefore, financial support will not hurt.

Compared to other universities, scholarships here are much higher. They amount to about 15 thousand rubles. However, we should not forget that students at these universities do not just study, but are on duty almost around the clock, which is difficult and exhausting.

Features of studying at the FSB Institute

Perhaps, main feature training in this at the university is that spreading about it, especially in in social networks, not accepted.

Another one distinctive feature is that education is so unifying, and the system itself is so closed, that many find their soul mates here.

After graduating from university, you need to serve in the authorities for at least five years. Moreover, people from the capital are often sent to work in the regions. For example, to Volgograd or Krasnodar. If an employee manages to prove himself, he may be returned to Moscow or promoted to his place of duty.

The main thing is that they often find true friends here, who subsequently support them throughout their lives and provide the necessary assistance.

Employment issues

After the five mandatory years of service in the authorities have passed, everyone’s future fate develops differently. Some remain in the Federal Security Service in federal or regional departments. Others move on to the Alpha special forces detachment, where graduates of FSB universities are always welcomed with open arms.

Others go to civil service and specialize in matters related to jurisprudence. After all, training in this area is one of the strongest in the country. It is quite possible to become a successful lawyer or prosecutor, and in the future, count on getting a position as a judge.

Almost no one experiences problems with finding a job, since people with a diploma from the FSB Institute are hired almost everywhere, often even without an interview.

Acceptance of applications: through military registration and enlistment offices and FSB agencies. Boys are in a barracks situation, girls are outside the institute (girls must have Moscow or Moscow region registration).
The deadline for candidates from among civilian youth to arrive at the institute to pass entrance examinations is determined in the calls. Calls are sent by the institute to the relevant security authorities by June 25 of the year of admission. Travel to the institutes is provided by security agencies, and accommodation during the period of passing entrance examinations is provided by the institutes.

Read the RULES for admission to border-profile institutes of the FSB of Russia at the link pogranichniki ru

Candidates sent to educational establishments to pass the entrance examination, they must have with them: an order, a birth certificate, a passport, a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription, a document on education (original), as well as sports uniforms and shoes.

Specialties - jurisprudence, psychology, jurisprudence, Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; Russian history; social science;
Specialty - radio engineering, marine engineering physics, specialized subject; mathematics;
Russian language (presentation with a creative part);
those entering the training streams of operational workers with knowledge of a foreign language: Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; foreign language; social science.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined by the results of completing all exercises and is assessed using a two-point grading system “passed” - “failed”.
A “pass” grade is given to a candidate when he receives positive grades when passing all physical training standards or when he receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for one standard and a grade not lower than “good” for at least one of the other standards. In other cases, the candidate is given a “failed” grade.
Documents confirming the passing of each standard are attached to the candidate’s personal file.
Candidates who received a “failed” rating when passing physical fitness standards will be subject to further entrance examinations not allowed.
The level of physical fitness is checked during the following exercises:
- pull-ups on the horizontal bar (carried out at the gymnastics campus). Performed from a hanging position with an overhand grip, each time from a stationary hanging position on straight arms (the hanging position is fixed, pause 1-2 seconds), without jerking or swinging movements of the legs; chin above the level of the crossbar;
- 100-meter run (carried out on the 100-meter track of the stadium or on the parade ground). Performed from a high start;
- 3 km run (held at the institute stadium). Performed from a high start.
One attempt is given to complete the exercise. Repeated performance of the exercise in order to improve the score is not allowed.
