Presentation on the topic of growing spruce. Presentation on the topic "live spruce"

Project “Protect the Spruce”.

The project was completed by students from grade 6B

MBOU gymnasium No. 24

  • In defense of the Christmas tree
  • Nurzilya Akhmetova
  • In the summer the Christmas tree grew, Goryushka didn’t know. Winter has come again, The tree became scared. Walks and wanders through the forest Some guy. Wants to cut down the Christmas tree Right down to the spine! Well, why do you, man, Cutting down a Christmas tree? Look at her- The needles are shaking. Well, why ruin her? Forest beauty? It's better to decorate the Christmas tree Do a round dance under it. Bring the children here Let them admire the Christmas tree. And then your dreams They will certainly come true!

Objective of the project:

  • To attract the attention of students of gymnasium No. 24 and their parents to the problem of preserving spruce during the New Year holidays and to form an active position among students on environmental protection issues.


  • Study material about the importance of spruce and other conifers for humans and the environment.
  • Conduct a survey among students of gymnasium No. 24 and their parents.
  • Determine ways to preserve fir trees and replace them with other attributes.

On the eve of the New Year, millions of Christmas tree markets open all over the world. It's hard to imagine how many spruces and pines are cut down every year.

Results of the survey among students of gymnasium No. 24 and their parents (142 people took part in the survey)

Based on the survey data, we can conclude that it is necessary to work with the students of the gymnasium and their parents to protect the spruce.

Methods for preserving fir trees and replacing them with other attributes.

1. It’s probably time to remember the traditions of our ancestors. For example, in Rus' no trees were decorated for the holidays. Instead, cherry blossoms were grown in a tub and their branches were decorated with candles.

2. Decorate the fir trees near the house with toys.

4. You can buy a beautiful artificial Christmas tree .

  • Live, Christmas tree! I. Tokmakova.
  • They bought me a Christmas tree! They bought me a Christmas tree! In the forest at the edge they did not cut it down. And the Christmas tree was made at a good factory. Good uncles, cheerful aunts. Come quickly, look quickly at the tree made of thin silver threads: All in shaggy needles, shiny and lush, touch it - and it will ring barely audible. But the forest tree remained alive, standing at the edge of the forest, nodding with the top of its head. To whom? No one! Just the wind, the blizzard, the same beautiful uncut spruce!

How can you prevent illegal cutting of spruce.

  • Stimulating the production and sales of artificial trees - currently, artificial Christmas trees are offered in a very realistic look;
  • Organization of Christmas tree forestry farms, in which trees are grown specifically for the New Year (Christmas) holidays;
  • Restrictions or a complete ban on visiting forests during the New Year and Christmas holidays and the imposition of serious fines for violations;
  • Stimulating sales of live spruce and fir trees (in special containers - pots, tubs) with the organization of their subsequent delivery to forestry enterprises for planting trees in forests;
  • A complete or partial ban on the installation of living trees on streets and squares and subsidizing the installation of large artificial trees, as well as New Year’s compositions.

We encourage: Let spruce and pine trees GROW on our Earth! Let's give our forests a chance! Let's let the little Christmas tree live in the forest!

Slide 2

Guess what we're talking about?

I come with gifts, sparkle with bright lights, elegant, funny, for the New Year I’m in charge

Slide 3

Norway spruce

  • About 35 species of spruce are known.
  • Most common
  • Norway spruce or Norway spruce (Picea abies). It grows over a huge area in northern and central Europe, Finland, the European part of Russia, then it crosses the Urals and, occupying almost all of Siberia, reaches Altai and Amur.
  • Lives on average up to 250-300 years (sometimes up to 600). Reaches a height of 50 m.
  • Slide 4

    Spruce - sacred tree

    Spruce was considered a sacred tree by many European peoples. The ancient Germanic tribes also had a custom: on the eve of a military campaign, the leaders came to the spruce forests, stopped respectfully in front of the trees and cast mysterious spells. And on the paws of the evergreen tree they hung various gifts and decorations to appease the forest spirit. People believed that it was in the crown of the fluffy beauty that this spirit lived.

    Slide 5

    Christmas tree

    The New Year tree is one of the main symbols of the New Year celebration in Russia.

    In Western Europe, North America and most countries of the world, a Christmas tree is an attribute of Christmas celebration.

    The New Year tree is a coniferous tree (mostly spruce or fir, less often pine), decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed during the New Year holiday in homes or on the street.

    Slide 6

    A little history...

    There is a version that the first New Year tree was placed in the square of the city of Céleste in Alsace in 1521.

    The first Christmas tree toy - a glass ball - appeared in Saxony in the 16th century.

    Slide 7

    New year in Russia

    Peter I brought the custom of celebrating the New Year to Russia from Germany.

    The first New Year holidays in Russia were organized, according to the royal decree, in 1700.

    The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century.

    Slide 8

    Application of spruce

    Spruce wood is soft, light, not very durable, and is used as a building material (boards, beams), for small crafts, and for paper production.

    Musical instruments made from spruce have an amazing sound because the fibers in the wood are distributed very evenly (such wood is called resonant wood). Violins by Italian makers, including Amati and Stradivarius, are made from spruce.

    Slide 9

    Christmas trees are under threat

    Every year in Russia on the eve of the New Year, 4 million Christmas trees are illegally cut down. And there are hundreds of millions in the world.

    This began to threaten the ecology of the planet. In the vicinity of large cities and in densely populated areas of the country, such logging can cause significant damage to the forest and disrupt the process of its natural renewal

    Slide 10

    Damage to nature is caused only if New Year's trees are harvested by poaching, where they cannot be cut down. Especially if the best young trees are cut down.

    A meter-long Christmas tree grows in 3 years.

    It takes 6–7 years to grow one medium-sized Christmas tree.

    Slide 11

    How to distinguish a poached Christmas tree?

    It is impossible to do this by the appearance of the spruce. To avoid buying “poached” products, it is better to buy New Year’s trees only at specially organized markets, where sellers have invoices for the trees they sell, and buyers are given a receipt. Live New Year trees sold second-hand are most likely of poached origin!

    Slide 12

    Citizens do not have the right to independently harvest spruce and other conifers for the New Year holidays.

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    Steps to protect forest ecology

    Production and sale of artificial trees.

    Project “Familiar and Unknown Spruce”

    1.Idea project arose while studying the topic “Trees in Winter” and in preparation for the New Year.

    2.Problem. We came to the conclusion that we know very little about this tree, but it grows in our forests. Can we find out more?

    3.Project by participants: collective, implementation period: 1 month; according to the target setting: cognitive, creative.

    3.Objective of the project: to replenish students’ active vocabulary, develop their horizons, creative abilities, and instill love for their small homeland and its traditions.

    4.Project objectives: conduct a diagnosis of students’ knowledge about spruce, carry out the results obtained, develop solutions and appropriate activities, teach them to independently search for the necessary information using various sources, exchange information, create an album “Familiar and Unknown Spruce”, decorate it artistically; make crafts “Christmas tree” for the New Year.

    Subject areas: literature, the world around us, fine arts, history.

    Stages of work on the project.

    1 .Selection of main topics for discussion:

    Spruce as a plant;

    The image of spruce in the works of poets and writers;

    Historical data about the New Year's tree;

    The use of spruce in folk medicine, folk cuisine, and everyday life.

    2 .Preparation and defense of abstracts “Familiar and unknown spruce”.

    3 . Selection of reproductions of paintings, poems, stories, legends, etc. about ate.

    4 .Making New Year's toys and a model of a spruce tree. 5 .Integrated lesson - presentation.

    Formation of universal educational actions:


    To form a positive attitude towards learning, a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to behave environmentally competently in the natural and social environment, and the desire to maintain one’s health.


    To develop the ability to plan necessary actions in collaboration with the teacher and classmates, the ability to act according to plan, and adequately evaluate one’s achievements and the achievements of classmates.



    Be able to enter into an educational dialogue with the teacher and classmates, participate in a general conversation, listen, ask questions and answer questions from others, formulate your own thoughts, and carry out joint activities in groups taking into account specific tasks.

    Progress of the lesson-presentation.M - 1

    1.Organizing moment.

    Hello! Let's smile at each other - with a good mood it is easier to solve any problems!

    2. Updating knowledge.

    (On the screen there is a snow-covered spruce) M-2

    Please listen to the riddle:

    A guest came to us from the edge, green, although not a frog,

    And it’s not a clumsy bear, even though it has furry paws!

    And we can’t understand: what are needles for?

    She's not a seamstress, she's not a hedgehog (even though she looks like a hedgehog)!

    It’s very easy to guess: who came to visit us today?

    So what is this mystery poem about? (we are talking about spruce)

    Why did I start the lesson with this riddle?

    KRISTINA: (because the topic of the lesson is “Familiar and unknown spruce”)

    Why does the topic sound this way?

    U ILYA: Because we are familiar with spruce, but we probably don’t know everything about it.

    What do you know about the Christmas tree? (that it is always green, prickly, grows in the forest, the tree is decorated for the New Year).

    What problem do we have?

    U: KARINA We studied the topic “Trees in Winter” and we had a question: why doesn’t the spruce shed its needles?

    U: DIMA And New Year is coming soon, and we thought: why is it the Christmas tree that is decorated for the New Year?

    Setting lesson objectives.

    Indeed, the spruce, or Christmas tree, as we used to call it, is familiar to us from birth, we see it in winter and summer, as if in a riddle - in one color: either in the summer in the forest, among other trees, or in winter, elegantly in our apartment. But, as it turns out, we know very little about her. Therefore, what goals should we set for the lesson?

    1 U EFIM : Get to know spruce as a plant

    (I put the first goal on the board)

    2 U: DASHA L. Get acquainted with how the image of spruce is reflected in the works of poets and writers.

    (I put the second goal on the board)

    3 U. SONYA Get to know the history of the New Year tree.

    (I put the third goal on the board)

    4 U.DIMA Get acquainted with the role of spruce in the economy, folk medicine, and in everyday life.

    Why do we need this knowledge?

    1 U: ARTEM To know your native land better.

    2 U: DANILO To develop your horizons.

    3 U: DASHA I. To expand your knowledge.

    Presentation of the project in groups.

    Right. And today, I think, you yourself will achieve these goals. You worked well in groups. So, today we have 4 groups: BOTANITORS, LITERATORS, HISTORIANS and HOUSEBOYS.

    Each group learned something new about the Christmas tree and will share their information with the rest, and you, I hope, will learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself.

    Group 1 – BOTANIKS.

    1U: DASHA L. Our goal is to get to know spruce as a plant. For this we used encyclopedias and the Internet.

    2U: ILYA Spruce is a coniferous evergreen tree with a straight trunk and a dense crown, which consists of branches covered with hard short needles. The bark is gray, with a reddish tint. M-3

    3U: VANYA Cones – hanging, cylindrical-shaped, small seeds. M-4

    4U: PASHA For the first 10–15 years, the spruce grows slowly, loves shade and moisture, and is not afraid of frost. Thick spruce paws in winter do not allow the icy wind to pass through; in the spruce forest, whole flocks of birds take refuge from the cold and wind.

    5U: DASHA L. Spruce needles play the role of leaves. There are a lot of them, and if the tree drops them, then in the spring it will not have enough time to put on its clothes again.

    6U: ILYA Spruce is not afraid of snow, its branches are flexible and strong, snow bends them, but does not break them even with needles.

    7U:VANYA El still changes needles every 9 years, but does it slowly and imperceptibly.

    8U: DASHA L. There are 7 types of spruce in Russia: M-5







    9U: ILYA In our forest there are not as many spruces as pine trees, therefore, as we were told in the Ayat forestry, spruce is grown in special nurseries with seeds, and then in plots with seedlings. M-6

    10U: PASHA In the fall, our class, together with forestry workers, planted Christmas trees in our school plot. We really hope they take root! M-7, M-8

    11U: VANYA Unfortunately, a lot of spruce trees suffer in the winter when they are cut down for the New Year.

    12U: Dasha L. We came to the conclusion that spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree that needs protection, because there are few spruce trees in our forests. M-9

    Thanks to our BOTANIKS for the interesting information. What did you find most interesting? What new did you learn?

    Group 2 – LITERATORS

    1U: DANIEL The goal of our group is to reflect the image of spruce in literature. As we found out, a lot of poems, songs, stories, fairy tales and legends have been written about this tree.

    2U: EFIM We really liked the words from Galina Galina’s poem: M-10

    The tree lowered its branches, white frost covered it...

    Why is my dear tree so close to me, so sweet?

    3U: DASHA I. Green with a silent greeting, you come like a dear friend.

    The distance before me lights up with both hope and joyful light...

    4U: KSUSHA In this poem, the poet uses comparisons and epithets to convey his love for the Christmas tree, his attitude towards it. Can you name them?

    (children’s answers: “native tree”, “dear friend”, “joyful light”, “hope”).

    5U: EFIM We found a very interesting description of fir cones in the story “War in the Forest” by Vitaly Bianchi. Try to listen and follow carefully. M-11

    (read out)

    1) M-12 In the spring, the sun heated the old large cones of the fir trees - and the chatter began. The cones burst one after another. Each time a shot was heard, as if from a small toy pistol. M-13 The cones opened and tiny seed gliders flew out of them. The wind picked them up and, circling, carried them through the air. But spruce seeds are heavy and only contain one wing. They fell to the ground before reaching the middle of a large clearing.

    6U: DASHA I. 2) The cold matinees were still hitting. They threatened to freeze the tender seeds to death. But warm spring rain poured down, the earth softened and accepted the little settlers. A month passed and the holiday began in the gloomy spruce land. Red candles were lit on the branches - young pine cones. M-14 The spruce trees were decorated with golden earrings, blossomed, and are preparing seeds for future use for next year. And the current seeds underground in the clearing are swelling with warm spring water and will soon emerge as young trees.

    (each group has the same texts on their desks)

    A very interesting story! Each group has the same texts. Find and highlight interesting comparisons and epithets that the author used.

    (*children work for 2 minutes, then answer).

    Why do you think Bianchi used such words and expressions?

    1U: SONIA I think the story should be more interesting and expressive.

    2U: KARINA And I think that we can better imagine how the seeds fly out of the cones.

    What conclusion did the LITERATORS draw?

    3U: DANILO We have come to a conclusion M-15 that poets and writers use different techniques to describe spruce, but everyone manages to convey its beauty and unusualness.

    What did you find most interesting in the LITERATORS' story?

    Group 3 – HISTORIANS

    1U: SONYA The goal of our group is to introduce you to the history of the New Year tree. M-16 The Internet and the encyclopedia “I Explore the World” helped us with this.

    2U: KIRILL There is a legend that when Jesus Christ was born, everyone was very happy about it and brought their gifts to the baby.

    3U: CHRISTINA Spruce hurried from the north to this event, but she had nothing to give Jesus. And then the other plants shared with her what they could: apples, nuts, flowers.

    4U: DIMA El approached the baby, he smiled at her, and a Christmas star flashed on the top of her head. Since then, trees have become a symbol of Christmas, and then of the New Year.

    5U: CHRISTINA The first written mention of a decorated Christmas tree appeared in 1605 and sounded like this: “In Strasbourg, for Christmas, fir trees are brought into houses, and roses made of colored paper, apples, waffles, gold foil and other things are placed on them.”

    6U: SONYA In Russia, on the eve of 1700, the decree of Peter 1 read: M-17“On large streets, at houses in front of the gates, place decorations from pine, spruce and juniper trees.” But there was no talk about decorating the Christmas tree.

    And I want to add some more interesting facts: 1) in the 12th century, Christians hung the Christmas tree upside down in their homes;

    2) In France, it was customary to decorate Christmas trees with apples. But in 1858 there was a poor harvest for apples, and there was nothing to decorate the tree with. Then glassblowers in the French city of Lorraine created apples from glass. This is how glass balls appeared.

    Nowadays there is no person who would not put up a decorated Christmas tree in his home for the New Year. How does this happen?

    7U: DIMA We learned that in cities, Christmas trees are grown in nurseries and then sold at Christmas tree markets. In our village, the tree needs to be registered with the forestry department, given a ticket, and only then cut down.

    8U: KIRILL Forester Kataev Alexander Gennadievich told us how much it costs:

    (Table:) M-18

    Height up to 1 meter – 28 rubles

    Height from 1 meter to 2 meters – 56 rubles

    Height from 2 meters to 3 meters – 84 rubles

    Above 3 meters – 112 rubles

    But, unfortunately, a lot of people want to bring a Christmas tree into their home for the New Year, so about 30,000 trees die every year, this is just in our area! But we know that they grow slowly! What solution do you see?

    (children's answers: put up an artificial Christmas tree, put up branches (only the side ones), you can put up a pine tree, we have a lot of them, they grow by self-sowing).

    Indeed, look at what beautiful Christmas trees you made with your whole family - they created a festive mood!

    Or you can do as in the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov, which our HISTORIANS will tell you.

    1U: DIMA There was a Christmas tree in the snow, a little green fringe!

    Resinous, healthy, one and a half meters tall!

    An event occurred one winter day:

    The forester decided to cut it down! (so it seemed to her!)

    2U:CHRISTINA What a strange feeling - fear has disappeared somewhere,

    Glass lanterns burn in its branches!

    The jewelry sparkles - what an elegant look!

    Moreover, without a doubt, she is standing in the forest!

    Not cut down, whole, beautiful and strong!

    Who saved her, who dressed her up? Forester's son!

    So what other way out is there to avoid cutting down the tree?

    Thanks to our HISTORIANS. What do you remember from their story?

    Indeed, I really want people to take care of spruce trees, as well as other plants. After all, this tree, as it turns out, not only makes us happy on New Year’s holiday! Our fourth group, the HOUSEHOLDERS, will tell us about this.

    Group 4 – HOUSEHOLDS.

    1U: VLADIK Spruce is a very useful tree. We used medical encyclopedias, even cookbooks, asked parents, and this is what we found out.

    2U: NILUFAR Spruce can be called a nurse for birds and squirrels; they are very fond of the seeds of its cones. M-19

    3U: KARINA From spruce wood they prepare lumber, build houses, bathhouses, make beautiful furniture and even musical instruments, for example, guitars! M-20, M-21

    4U: ARTYOM They also make paper, activated carbon, and artificial silk from spruce wood.

    5U: VLADIK They also extract essential oil from spruce needles, which is used for lung diseases and makes medicinal baths. M-22

    6U:KARINA In folk medicine, spruce needles were always considered edible and decoctions were made or simply chewed as a source of vitamin C.

    7U: NILUFAR Oil from spruce resin is used to treat purulent wounds and inflammation.

    8U: KARINA Infusions are made from cones and pine needles, which are used for colds, sore throats, and bronchitis.

    9U: ARTYOM And they even make a jam from fresh spruce cones or young shoots, which is useful for coughs and even micro-infarctions!

    (given to guests)

    11U: ARTEMM-23 We came to the conclusion that all parts of this tree are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

    Our HOUSEHOLDERS had a very useful story! What useful things would you take for yourself or tell your parents?

    Bottom line.

    So our journey to the forest beauty - spruce - has ended!

    What new knowledge and skills have you acquired?

    (learned a lot about the Christmas tree, learned to take care of nature, learned to use the Internet, encyclopedias, learned to work in groups)

    Do you think we have achieved our goal?


    -Take a look at our score sheets. Who has only green circles? Who has red ones? What does it mean?


    At home you will try to answer questions that will help you understand whether you have learned well what you learned about in class today. ( hand out leaflets)

    I hope that work on our project, which ended today, taught you something, and also brought us closer to the long-awaited and beloved holiday, the New Year!

    Let's act like the thrifty owners of our region - decorate our classroom with a hand-made Christmas tree like this, and then at least one Christmas tree in our forest will be saved! M-24

    (Sounds "Snow Waltz", children come up two by two and hang toys on the tree).

    Look what a beauty we have! Happy New Year, everyone!

    The lesson is over!

    The pine root system is well developed, the roots go deep into the soil. During a strong storm, the pine trunk resists the wind well. Spruce trees only develop superficial roots. During a storm, a spruce is knocked down by the roots. The number of roots of pine is 12 times greater than that of spruce. The length of pine roots is 6 times greater.

    Spruce is constantly displacing pine. Young spruce trees grow under the pines in the shade. The spruces grow, shade the pines, and the pines die. It should be noted that this displacement of pine by spruce occurs only in humid forests with nutritious soil. Spruce trees do not grow in dry pine forests with low-nutrient soil.

    Pine tolerates frost and small fires well. Spruce seedlings may die during frost. Spruce has thin bark and shallow roots, so it does not tolerate even small fires. Any damage to the bark of pine and spruce is quickly healed by the leaking resin.


    Wooden architecture is one of the most important components of ancient Russian culture. Ships, fortresses, huts, bridges, mills, chapels, and all peasant utensils were made of wood. Pine was used very often. Thus, pine rightfully occupies a special place in our history.

    Literature 1. N. M. Verzilin. Fundamentals of methods of teaching botany. - Moscow, Publishing House of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, Ecology of the Arkhangelsk Region: Textbook for students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools / Under. Ed. Batalova A. E., Morozova L. V. - M.: Publishing house. – at Moscow State University, “Regional component of general education. Biology" Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region, PSU, JSC IPPK RO, 2006

    Marina Sergeeva
    Research "Our Spruce"

    Research on the topic: "Our spruce"

    Target: find out what the structural features of spruce are (photo of spruce)

    Plan research:

    1. How to recognize spruce?

    2. What kind of needles does the spruce tree have?

    3. Compare the spruce with a toy spruce.

    4. What is the stability of the tree? (conduct an experiment)

    5. Find out how water rises through the root along the trunk (conduct an experiment)

    6. How many years have you been eating?

    7. Who can offend a spruce?

    Move research: 1. How to recognize spruce?

    Spruce is an evergreen tall tree with a fluffy pyramidal crown. It has a trunk and many spreading branches. Green needles and cones grow on the branches.

    riddles about spruce:

    “Winter and summer in the same color”

    “What kind of girl is this?

    Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

    She doesn’t sew anything herself,

    Are there needles all year round?

    2. What kind of needles does the spruce tree have?

    All the spruce branches are covered with needles,

    which grow with thick skin,

    sit thickly and firmly on a branch, stick out in

    sides don't fall off,

    if you touch it.

    3. I will compare the spruce with a toy one.

    A living Christmas tree, in addition to a trunk and branches of needles, has a large root, with the help of which the tree receives moisture and nutrients from the ground and is firmly held in one place.

    A toy tree is small, inanimate, made of artificial material, without roots; it can be decorated with toys.

    4. What is the stability of the tree?

    Conducted an experiment.

    They took a box of sand, placed a model of a tree trunk without a root, blew it and the stick fell.

    Then they took another model of a tree with roots, stuck it in the sand, and blew hard. In the second case, the stick remained in its place.

    5. Find out how water rises through the root along the trunk?

    Conducted an experiment.

    They took a plate with colored water and lowered the gauze (this is the root). And the water gradually rises higher and higher. This is how spruce and other plants feed with the help of roots.

    6. How many years have you been eating?

    We learned that spruce trees grow new branches every year. The branches on top of the tree are young, short, and below are the oldest, longest. We counted the branches from bottom to top and found out the age.

    Spruce lives on average 300 years and grows up to 50 meters

    7. Who can hurt the spruce and who can help?

    Cold weather.

    8. How are spruce seeds distributed?

    The spruce tree has cones and contains seeds.

    The wind spreads the seeds throughout the forest.

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