Prigogine and daughter Danaya. Danaya Prigogina told the truth about her father's money

Model Date of birth March 4 (Pisces) 1997 (22) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @danaya_prigozhina

The world is mired in stereotypes. The media, the Internet, and the film industry impose ideology, a culture of behavior, and aesthetics. Danaya Prigozhina is a brave girl who was able to prove that beauty cannot be squeezed into strict standards. Excess weight did not prevent Danae from becoming a successful fashion model and participating in the competition, with quite good results.

Biography of Danae Prigogine

Danae is the daughter of Yosif Prigozhin, a famous producer. True, she knew her father little. He left the family when Danae was still very young.

As a child, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress. Moreover, this was not just a desire from the category of “what if...”. No, Danaya studied a lot, preparing for admission. But even then the girl had excess weight. And relatives convinced Danaya not to waste her energy in vain, because with such a figure one cannot become an actress. Of course, this was done with the best intentions. But it’s not appearance that decides everything, it’s talent! There are many wonderful actors with non-standard appearance... But the girl gave up. She listened to her loved ones and applied to a prestigious college.

Alas, this did not end well. Danae found it unbearably boring to study, and she soon dropped out of college. The girl wanted to do something exciting and creative. If not an actress, then maybe a designer and stylist? Danaya completed courses in stylistics and makeup. As it turned out, the girl has talent. Not only was she able to put her new knowledge into practice, but she also made good money. Danaya even worked with Russian cinema and pop stars.

The girl tried herself and modeling business. At first, Danaya was very complex and did not believe in success. It seemed to her that only tall, slender girls could be successful fashion models. But among the buyers of fashion house products there are people of different builds. And Danae, with her height of 164 cm and weight of 85 kg, turned out to be in great demand. After all, despite being overweight, the girl is very beautiful and charming, she plays sports and takes care of herself. Now Danae is one of the most successful Russian models plus size.

Having gained self-confidence, Danae took part in the Miss Rus' beauty contest. She did not become the winner, but received the title “First Vice-Miss”. And thus she proved: plump girls can also be real beauties!

Danaya also appeared on television. She took part in the show “Lose Weight with StarHit.” She also appeared in the “House 2” project, but Danae Prigogina didn’t like it there. She realized that she was not ready for a long time live under the camera's eye.

Personal life of Danae Prigogina

Danaya is still very young, and talk about serious relationship It's too early for men. But still, there is a place for love in Danae’s life. She meets with a young man named Artem. By the way, Danae’s appearance in “House 2” is connected specifically with Artem. The young people quarreled, and in the heat of feelings Danaya announced that she was leaving him for the project in order to build a relationship with one of the participants. But she cooled down in time and changed her mind. Now Artem and Danaya have made peace, everything is fine with them again.

Latest news about Danae Prigozhina

Danae is currently studying at International Institute economics and law. Since she is a busy person, she chose correspondence form training. Danaya will soon become a certified lawyer.

Although the girl looks great even with extra pounds, she still wants to lose weight. After all, this is a question not only of aesthetics, but also of health. Danaya is trying to develop her own method of losing weight - since others have proven ineffective.

A resident of Kurilsk, Svetlana Pushkareva, accused Danaya Prigozhina, the daughter of the famous producer Joseph Prigozhin, of deception. Pushkareva claims that she paid a stylist for a dress in an online store, but never received it new clothes. Danaya herself told “360” that in this way people are trying to make PR for themselves in her name.

Svetlana ordered at online store a dress that, including delivery, cost her 9,120 rubles. Danaya promised that the goods would be delivered within three days, but a week later Pushkareva did not receive any parcel.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Then a resident of Kurilsk began writing and calling Danae. She did not respond to the SMS, and due to a poor connection on the phone, it was also not possible to talk. Later, according to Svetlana, the saleswoman blacklisted her number.

Then her friend came to the victim’s aid, contacted Prigozhina and tried to place an order. At the same time, a friend of Pushkareva mentioned that one of the clients complained about the store. To this, according to Pushkareva’s husband, Danaya replied that such reviews are left by scammers. “Things were sent to this girl. “I can change all the checks upon departure,” Prigozhina said then.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

“Like a media personality, daughter famous person… She advertised her store on TV. “We never thought that this could happen,” complained Svetlana’s husband, Stanislav Pushkarev.

He noted that, most likely, they would file a police report against Danae. However, the family hopes that Prigozhin will give them some clothes or money.

“360” discussed the claims with Danae Prigozhina. She stated that all items had been received, and she had receipts and parcel tracks as proof. The stylist will be able to provide all this in a few days when he returns to Moscow. Danaya called the accusations against her a lie and a desire to get on air.

“Yes, I also have documents that these things were obtained. This is already the third girl who receives things and tries to twist it into the fact that they didn’t receive it. I'm a public figure, I don't need all this. This is a lie, of course. I have so many happy clients and one or two or three girls who come up with ideas in order to go on television. Are you laughing? Why do I need this as a public figure?” - Prigogina said.

The interlocutor added that among her clients there are participants in the television project “Dom-2”. “I have a lot of people who will confirm that I [work] normally. I even have guys from Dom-2 who order,” she concluded.

Danaya Prigozhina

Two weeks ago, the name of producer Joseph Prigozhin began to be actively discussed on the Internet in connection with his daughter Danae. She told fans the sad news that until recently she had been very happy in a relationship with a young man named Artem Efimovich, but then the couple broke up. After that, a 19-year-old girl met with a 35-year-old participant, Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. According to rumors, Joseph Prigogine did not approve of his daughter’s action. And conversations immediately spread on the Internet about Danae’s difficult relationship with her star dad. After reading all sorts of things about herself, the girl decided to dot all the i’s in her microblog.


“Again, the media writes all sorts of garbage) who else provokes scandals, it’s not me! I live trying to do something. Earn money, etc! I'm trying to make my dreams come true. If everyone thinks that because I'm fat I can't go anywhere or do anything, what should I like? In my opinion, this is completely nonsense! I always took into account the opinion of my parents, but then I did as I saw fit. I think so, many do! Yes, somewhere I was wrong, somewhere I was right, but I live once in a lifetime, we are all human and we encounter failures. But when we arrive, we understand that it’s not so! It’s okay, this will all pass! I'm only 19 years old! To the question, would you study better? I answer, I am a 2nd year student, MIEP (International Institute of Economics and Law) - Faculty of Law, I am going to improve my qualifications as a Makeup Artist. I'm going to have a lot to do. But all this requires money, I’m not that rich, etc., and I can’t afford a lot! And so, in principle, always, from childhood. I don’t despair about this, and I won’t run after the Pope’s money, “You only need me for the money.” I grew up like everyone else. I didn't insult my father! So “media and newspapers” stop writing all sorts of bullshit!” - Danaya urged (hereinafter the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved - note site).

"Dad hardly lived with me, so pure love“It probably can’t be here,” admitted Danaya Prigozhina


“As for why mom didn’t work, and it’s good that she didn’t work! She was always there, in any sadness or joy, she was with us everywhere! She taught us, raised us, scolded us, protected us, everything my father gave us went towards training me, clothes, and with difficulty, tickets to the camp! I speak for myself! Yes, there are gifts “telephone and the like” - these are all gifts from the Pope. But if mom had money or worked, she would also give it all away. Dad himself told mom that she would look after the children and not go anywhere to work; if mom knew that the family would break up, she would work! Nobody just wants to hear it! She is wise, mother of two children! I will protect her all my life! And I’m not saying anything against Lera! She is a mother of three children, and also a wise woman! I have no hatred for her, and especially for children! (Anya, Sena, Teme). And there is no direct hatred towards my father! This is all complete nonsense! Everyone just stands on how they lived, that is, everyone should live the same way, I believe that everyone has their own life! Dad almost didn’t live with me, so there probably can’t be pure love here. “I will always be ashamed,” Danaya admitted.

Famous producer Joseph Prigogine became convinced of justice folk wisdom: small children - small problems, big children - big problems. Having three children of his own from two previous marriages and becoming a father to three children of his wife Valeria, it was not easy for him to support everyone and pay attention.

However, older children Lately often bring grief to the star father, especially the eldest daughter Danae. She presents her parent with one “surprise” after another. And although the girl had already left adolescence(she is now 19 years old), but her actions and insults resemble the behavior of a teenager who is trying to assert himself through inappropriate actions.

After her father left the family, Danae was raised by her mother. But neither she nor her brother experienced financial difficulties since childhood. Joseph Prigogine not only left two apartments and all property to the family, but all the years he supported children and a non-working wife, paid for a nanny, and later the clubs that his son and daughter attended, their education.

Perhaps he did not see his children often and paid little attention to them, but working a lot and having another family and children, he, of course, could not spend much time with his daughter and son from his first marriage. This is how life turned out.

The girl feels deprived of her father’s love and care due to the fact that she does not have a clear goal in life. And to be completely honest, being supported by her father, she is in no hurry to achieve anything herself.

Danae wants to become famous, but doesn’t put in enough effort and doesn’t have a specific dream. Once she told her father that she wanted to be a TV presenter. To which Prigozhin noted that with her appearance this is unrealistic. The girl is too plump (with a height of 164 cm, her weight is 87 kg). She tried to get her figure in order by participating in the “Lose Weight with StarHit” project. And I even lost 10 kg, but then gained it back. She did not have the patience and willpower to give up her usual diet. Prigozhin himself spoke about this in an interview.

She is not recommended to go to the gym due to heart problems. The father insisted that she go to the pool, but the girl was not interested. The producer paid for his daughter’s stay in the clinic (100 thousand rubles), where Danae lost weight with the help of pills. However, this also did not produce results. After consultation with a specialist, it was determined that the reason is on the mental level.

Perhaps this is the reason for the girl’s inappropriate behavior. She did not go to study in Europe at the insistence of her father, took an active part in the conflict between her parents, which flared up on the program “Let Them Talk” over the children’s apartment sold by her wife, blackmailed her father with her disability (she allegedly has poor hearing), which in fact does not exist. After that the daughter did not communicate with her father for more than six months.

Then I decided to have liposuction to quickly lose weight. Only her father’s prohibition (most likely his refusal to pay for the operation) stopped Danaya, who was contraindicated for anesthesia.

And participation in “House-2” plunged the famous dad into shock. And although the girl only participated in the project for one day, and then left (either scared of her dad, or she really didn’t like it). However, this was enough to infuriate the hot-tempered Prigozhin, who even demanded that his daughter change his last name and not disgrace the family.

However, let's not judge her harshly. The girl is still too young. Who didn't make mistakes in their youth? Her desire to be beautiful and loved is understandable. This dream brought her to the podium, where she participated in the Plus-size clothing show and to the Miss Rus' beauty contest, where Danaya became the winner. In addition, the girl graduated from makeup artist school and is studying part-time at a law school.

A family war has led to father and daughter threatening each other with legal action and cursing each other in in social networks.

Life eldest daughter Joseph Prigogine is reminiscent of a plot from ancient Greek mythology - the more than once filmed tragedy "Danae". According to legend, the girl became a prisoner own father, who imprisoned her in an underground copper house because of the prophecy of being killed by her son.

Having lived all her life in the shadow of her famous dad, the 19-year-old girl watched on blue screens how the children of Prigozhin’s current wife, singer Valeria, bathed in glory. However, the attempts of the young singer and model to break into show business led to huge scandal in the family, because of which father and daughter renounced each other.

The Prigozhin family squabbles have long become public knowledge. The producer's daughter accused her father of threats by publishing her correspondence with him. The message Joseph sent to his own daughter read as follows:

You are a very limited person. You do everything to be even further from me, and you leave no chance for peace. The deeper you go, the harder it will be to get out. She was going to promote her stupidity and stupidity. Don't you think you have delusions of grandeur, or rather empty ones? star fever out of the blue? You use tricks and lies for self-promotion purposes. I will be forced to hire lawyers and put you on trial for insulting honor and dignity, despite the fact that you are my daughter. And then you will remain in shame. Shut your mouth. This is my last warning.

a message from Joseph Prigogine addressed to his own daughter.

In response, the girl asked her father to leave her alone, noting that she was deprived of parental love, and Prigozhin was worried not about her, but about his reputation.

Now the war between the producer and his children from his first marriage has reached its climax - once again not dividing the property, the Prigozhins stopped communicating due to family business. This time the stumbling block was the company founded ex-wife Joseph Elena and her new husband - businessman Dmitry Shlapak.

A year ago woman , which, according to Prigozhin, he bought for children. The man was outraged that he ex-wife and her husband manage the property that he left for his children - Dmitry and Danae.

In his interviews, he said more than once that Elena turned to her ex-husband with a request to give her a large sum to provide for the family and pay off the bank. After the money arrived in the woman’s account, the producer invariably lost contact with his ex-wife.

Children, in turn, who by that time, according to documents, had accumulated loans of almost three million rubles. On social networks, Danaya once again attacked her father with criticism, saying that he had been ashamed of the children from his first marriage all his life.

He was ashamed of us all his life, is this normal? For me, parents should love, and not abandon in difficult times. In public - “my children”, but without the public “you are not a daughter, a creature, a bitch” - the words of dad!

Danaya Prigozhina

Meanwhile, money was tight in the family: Danae trained as a makeup artist, and the eldest Dmitry was not hired due to a hearing disability. The money that was raised from the sale of real estate, according to relatives, was used to sell the business of Elena and her husband. The couple is engaged in buying KamAZ trucks, which they then rent out to help their children without the help of a famous producer.

Now my husband and I have a business in the Stavropol region - transport company, but she has nothing to do with Prigozhin,” she told Life ex-wife producer. - We are now going to buy another apartment so that our son can have his own. Everyone has an apartment so that they can finally live separately.

The cause of another great conflict between father and daughter was her. Having learned that the girl, who is building a career as a makeup artist and plus-size model, was going to build love on one of the most popular reality shows in the country, that her daughter is disgracing his entire family. For the girl herself instead own father Only the presenter of the project, Olga Buzova, intervened.

In fact, you need to prove and show love to me through your actions and your worth. It would be better if she pleased me with studies and education. Dad promoted the surname, but it has no more to do with it than Zhirinovsky has to do with ballet

Joseph Prigogine in an interview with Life
