Henna drawings on intimate places. Types of women's intimate haircuts: bikini design at home

In Samara, a new type of body jewelry is gaining popularity - “mehendi”, that is, henna painting. The portal found out from the local master Ekaterina Dyachenko whether such drawings are harmful, how much one hand painting costs, and in what other places Samarans ask to make patterns for them.

“Mehendi is the ancient art of decorating the body with henna patterns. It's hard to say where it came from. Wherever henna grew - lavsonia non-thorny - people used it for decoration. The first mention of henna patterns on the body was found 5000 years ago. Even the hands and feet of the mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs were decorated with henna patterns,” explained Ekaterina Dyachenko.

- Who in Samara dares to draw henna on his body?
- My clients are mostly girls, of course, of different ages. Beginnings from schoolgirls, for example, my daughter and her girlfriends, and to adult accomplished women. After all, a woman at any age seeks to decorate herself. And mehendi is undoubtedly an ornament.

- Do men adorn themselves with such patterns?
- Yes, I made drawings for several men. They were creative personalities who were interested in everything new: photographers, musicians... African-style mehendi suited them - this is a strict ascetic pattern.

- What are the drawings?
- There are four striking directions of traditional mehendi patterns. The first is the Indian style, these are dense dense patterns, often “gloves” up to the elbow. The second is the Arabic style: expressive, free, embroidery-like patterns. According to the traditions of Islam, images of animals are not used in this pattern, but plants are acceptable. The next direction is the African or Moroccan style: geometric, minimalist and strict pattern. And the last one is the Asian style, its feature is completely painted over fingertips.

- How long does it take to make a pattern?
- Depending on the complexity. Indian will take about half an hour, simpler Arabic - about 15 minutes per hand.

Before applying henna, the skin is lubricated with oil.

- How much does it cost to paint one hand?
- From 300 rubles.

- Are you asked to draw something unconventional? For example, make the inscription "For the Airborne Forces!"
- Not (laughs). Once they asked me to draw a dragon, but I refused. I only do mehendi. And mehendi is, first of all, traditions. Any other drawing is just a temporary biotattoo. I know that many masters paint owls, dragons with henna, write phrases like “Made in Heaven” ... But I decided that this was not for me. I like the traditional mehendi - these patterns carry goodness, tenderness and beauty...

- What parts of their body do Samara residents ask to paint?
- In general, the pattern is best manifested in the "hot" areas of the body, where blood flows quickly - these are the hands and feet. I draw on them. Still often, mehendi is done on the back, but in Samara, among my clients, no one has dared to do this yet.

- Is there an intimate mehendi?
- It happens that patterns are applied to the chest, nipples, pubis ... But this is the influence of our European culture. This is not accepted in traditional mehendi.

- Why is mehendi becoming popular in Samara?
- We are always interested in something new.

- Are there many craftsmen in our city?
- I personally know only one. But I know that there are other masters. However, we do not have any kind of creative community of our own, as, for example, in Moscow.

- How do passengers on the bus, for example, react to the patterns on their hands?
- There is always a reaction, mehendi attracts attention. Someone just looks, someone asks. Men especially like patterns.

- Why do men like mehendi on women's hands so much?
- They are attracted by the pattern itself, and the natural smell of henna. In addition, mehendi makes its owner more feminine, softer ... I saw how, literally before my eyes, after applying the pattern, the girls changed. Their movements became smooth and graceful, hand gestures became graceful... Mehendi originally existed in order to emphasize female beauty and tenderness. With such hands it is simply impossible to carelessly set the table or push the child away.

Mehendi master Ekaterina Dyachenko

- Did the office workers whom we applied mehendi patterns have problems at work?
- Girls, when preparing for this step, think about everything. As a rule, if the dress code does not allow, the pattern is applied to areas of the skin that are not visible under long-sleeved clothing.

- No one was fired?
- There were no precedents.

- For painting, do you use the same henna that you use to dye your hair?
- No, for hair they use the lower leaves of the non-thorny lavsonia shrub, and for the mehendi patterns - the uppermost, most saturated ones.

- And the drawings are not harmful to the skin?
On the contrary, they are even useful! Henna is a unique plant. It has strong antifungal and bactericidal properties, protects against ultraviolet radiation, and cools the skin. It has long been used for medicinal purposes. For example, nomads who walked barefoot smeared henna on their feet to protect them.

How long does the pattern last?
- It's different for every person. It depends on the rate of renewal of the epidermis. But, as a rule, this is a period of 1-3 weeks.

- What will remain on the skin after it?
- Because henna protects from ultraviolet radiation, then if you sunbathe, a white pattern will remain.

On the right - a fresh drawing, on the left - a week ago

What do you do if you make a mistake in a pattern?
- I'm trying to fix it faster, because henna instantly begins to interact with the skin. But still I always draw without templates and stencils.

- Is it possible to make a drawing not brown, but, say, black or blue?
- It is possible, but it will no longer be completely natural henna, but with the addition of chemicals. Masters are wary of her, because it is not known what kind of allergic reaction she can give.

- Henna for mehendi can be painted eyebrows or eyelash line?
- Better not, there are special paints for this. But you can paint your nails! In ancient Egypt, nails not painted with henna were considered bad form. But we must keep in mind that it is impossible to wash off henna, you will have to wait until the nails grow back.

- Mehendi is your main work?
- No, this is my favorite hobby, and I work as an engineer. In my life, creativity has always accompanied me: I drew, studied batik ... A year ago, I discovered mehendi and realized that this is exactly the art that I want to do. I studied with him in Moscow.

What can you do in 60 seconds?
- Draw a flower on a small child's hand.

Ekaterina Dyachenko with a client

Today, there are a lot of beauty salons in cities that provide henna tattooing services. But few people know that such pictures can be applied without leaving home, since this does not require any special equipment, and the application technique is quite simple.

You need to start by choosing a henna powder or paste. It is better to buy the raw materials that are intended for the tattoo. Henna, which is used for hair coloring, is not suitable for you.

Before applying a tattoo, it is recommended to exclude the risk of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little henna on the inside of the elbow and leave for several hours. If no uncomfortable reactions occur, you can safely proceed to applying henna tattoos at home.

Skin preparation

To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing and last a long time, prepare the skin for applying henna by doing the following procedures:

  • Wash the area of ​​skin with soap and scrub,
  • Wipe the skin with a dry towel;
  • Remove all hair from the area where the tattoo will be applied.

Now you can choose the method of drawing the picture and get down to business.

Applying a henna tattoo

The easiest way to apply a henna picture is to use a special stencil along with a regular brush. These stencils can be made by yourself or purchased online. If you have artistic talent, apply henna paste in any way convenient for you. A thin brush, a toothpick or a needle - you choose.

When the drawing is ready, it's time to fix the tattoo. The place of tattooing should be covered with eucalyptus oil or mehendi oil. All this can be bought online. After applying a henna tattoo at home, you will feel the tightness of dry skin. To eliminate dryness, apply lemon juice to the tattoo site. By the way, it also improves the elasticity of the skin.

If you are doing a henna tattoo at home, follow the recommendations below in order to avoid typical mistakes and omissions:

A couple more words

As you can see, henna tattoos at home are not a myth. You can really experiment with your own body at minimal cost. In the end, a henna tattoo, even if it is unsuccessfully applied, will be erased in a maximum of two weeks. So you have everything for bold experiments with this alternative direction in the world of body painting.

Since ancient times, women have adorned their bodies not only with beautiful clothes and jewelry, but also with decorative patterns on their bodies. Such art was created in India, Ancient Egypt, Persia under the name Mehndi. Modern girls use various methods to look beautiful in the eyes of the opposite sex, but not everyone decides to get a tattoo for life. For such cases, tattoo masters borrowed from their ancestors the technology of drawing on the body - Mehndi, for this they paint with paint on the body, and do not inject it under the skin. This method involves a tattoo that is washed off over a period of time, Mehndi is used to decorate almost the entire female body.

Does applying a biotat affect a woman's health

Many women ask themselves before the procedure: “Are there any consequences after decorating the body, is it possible to have an allergic reaction from the paint used?”

Raw materials for the manufacture of henna are being tested in medical institutions to exclude the induction of allergies. There are special cases when a person has a personal intolerance to any component. The quality of raw materials used in the production of henna and basma meets state standards.

One thing to be wary of when using henna is the essential oils used to dilute and add saturation to the color. When injected into the paint, oils are heated and, through negligence, you can get a burn on the skin. Henna drawing is used at any age - adults and children.

According to practical studies, the conclusion suggests itself - when using hair dye containing henna, the metabolic process on the skin is accelerated, in some cases positive results were observed in diseases of baldness and lichen.

The positive qualities of bio-tattoo include:

  • the drawing can be applied to the whole body, for a short period of time,
  • in cosmetology, they make scrubs, creams with a rejuvenating effect based on henna or basma,
  • unlike stuffing a tattoo, the drawing procedure is absolutely painless and pleasant,
  • often used at home.

Stages of applying biotat at home

You don't have to be a real artist to learn how to draw mehndi, you just need the basics. If you are not confident in your talents, it is better to practice on closed areas of the body or use the services of a beauty salon.

The main stage in biotatu is the selection of a pattern. Each pattern and drawing deciphers a different meaning - history, talismans, signs of fate and much more. Today, this procedure is common and stencils with patterns have already been made for it, so drawing at home will also be a new experience.

Biotatu requires:

  • henna and basma in powder form,
  • brewing very cool tea or coffee,
  • fresh lemon juice or citric acid,
  • sieve or cheesecloth
  • wooden spoon or brush
  • plastic or glassware.
  1. To prepare a high-quality paste, you need to sift the henna to extract larger lumps.
  2. Add lemon juice and mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained - it will look like a thick slurry, due to acid, henna acquires a rich black color.
  3. Pour in freshly brewed tea leaves until the consistency of sour cream is formed, this will give the pattern a smoother brown color.
  4. Let it brew for at least 4 hours. The safety of the finished mixture is approximately 5 days, always in a cool place.

Just imagine: the birthday of your beloved man, evening, you and him. Congratulatory words have been said, but there is still no gift. The chosen one even starts to worry a little if you mixed up something. What to take from a woman? And now, when this wonderful day is almost coming to an end and the man has come to terms with the lack of a present, you suddenly open up, and your beloved sees butterflies, flowers or other similar beauty in an “interesting” place. Surprise, admiration, joy, and together - the great power of bikini design.

Women of all times and peoples have fought and are fighting with vegetation on the body. In ancient Rome, excess hair was shaved, in Greece it was removed with wax. The latest - in the XVI century - the cult of smooth female skin came to Europe.

Bikini design also has a long history. The idea to apply a drawing to the intimate area came to the Egyptians. They did it with henna. Then, residents of other Muslim countries also began to display ornate curls and hieroglyphs in the inguinal zone, which, in principle, is not surprising. When your husband has multiple wives, any means are good to keep him in his own bedroom.

Bikini design is an intimate haircut that includes the removal of "hair", drawing a pattern on the skin or making it out of hair, decorating this area with decorative elements (rhinestones, sparkles, feathers). You can get rid of vegetation with a razor or other more modern and long-term means of hair removal. And then the master “turns on” the fantasy and begins to draw up the intimate area. You can come up with whatever your heart desires, any drawings. There are many ways to do this now.

Complete removal of hair in the groin is also considered a design that symbolizes naturalness. But in general, bikini design is called various "arts". The drawing is made from the hair itself or removed and the image is applied to the skin using henna, paints, special felt-tip pens, sparkles, foil. The master usually combines materials, but it happens that he uses only one (for example, he makes an image of rhinestones). Recently, such a tool as jagua gel has appeared. With its help, a temporary drawing is obtained that completely imitates a tattoo. Convenient for those who want, but can not decide to make a real tattoo.

The durability of a bikini pattern depends on the materials used. On average, you can admire it from 1 day to 3 months.

How is an intimate haircut done?

The main thing is to relax! Nobody is going to judge you. There is nothing shameful in the fact that you decided to surprise your partner with an unusual haircut in the bikini area or to please yourself with it. Therefore, do not hesitate to tell the master what you would like to see "there" there. For a couple of years, cats, hearts and angels were fashionable. Abstract drawings (hieroglyphs) are popular today. But, in any case, the choice is yours.

After the image is selected, you will be laid on a cosmetic couch and your skin will be treated with a special solution that cleanses it of excess fat. And then - continuous creativity.

Hair drawing is made with hair removal products - wax, sugar paste or phyto-resin. You can also just shave it, but then the durability of the image will be 2-5 days. To create an intimate haircut, you need vegetation 5-6 mm long. Hair drawings are considered primitive. It can be hearts, stripes, ticks. They still look more interesting in combination with other design elements.

If the drawing is applied directly to the skin, then first the master removes excess vegetation. This is done using wax, sugar paste or other materials that the beautician works with. When designing the intimate area, complete removal of hair in the groin is recommended. In this case, the drawing looks more harmonious and beautiful.

The rest of the "art" is done by applying a special body glue, which is completely harmless and designed to be worn on the skin for a long time. With its help spread sequins, rhinestones, velvet, foil. If we talk about paints, henna, pencils, felt-tip pens, jagua gel, then they simply draw on the body.

When making an image, a stencil is used, then it will be clear, with smooth edges, or written by hand. The main thing in this business is to apply imagination.

Here is an example of the henna drawing process:

1. Prepare materials - henna and a drawing device.

2. We apply a special stencil to the treated skin.

3. Apply henna to the slots in the stencil pattern.

5. We wait 10-40 minutes and stretch the skin a little so that the henna cracks.

6. Gently clean off excess henna from the drawing with a bamboo stick or spatula.

7. The drawing is ready.

Dry the pattern in different ways, depending on the material. For example, henna mehendi is kept from 30 minutes to 4 hours, and the image must be treated with special oil. The usual glitter tattoo dries on the body in just 10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

There are no contraindications to bikini design. A beautiful intimate haircut can be afforded even during pregnancy. You need to be careful with a tendency to allergies. Henna, various gels, glue are used to apply the pattern. If you react to such components, warn the beautician in advanceso that he can choose the safest way for you.

Bikini design is not recommended during menstruation, as well as two days before and after it, since during this period the skin in this area is especially sensitive, and manipulations will be more painful. Many women from visiting the epilation master are stopped by the fear of unpleasant sensations. Of course, the procedure for removing vegetation in the groin area is not the most pleasant. But gradually you get used to it. In addition, with regular epilation, the hair becomes thinner, and in some areas it completely stops growing.

If the fear still does not let go, ask the master to treat the area to be depilated with an anesthetic cream. True, it will begin to act only an hour after application. Therefore, regular customers of hair removal rooms buy the product at the pharmacy and apply it on their own at home, so as not to waste time in the salon waiting for anesthesia to take effect.

Women's tattoos on intimate places have come down to us through the centuries. In the 19th century, such a pattern was considered depraved, but our ancestors did not disdain to decorate their bodies in this way. Today, painting intimate places is not only a way of self-expression, but also an opportunity to change the train of thought and lifestyle.

How to choose an intimate drawing?

Tattoos on intimate organs have undergone many changes these days. If earlier it was popular to draw only floral motifs and fragments of various celestial bodies in the neckline, on the buttocks or pubis, today intimate tattoos are much more diverse. In addition, in the last century, a sexy tattoo was considered the top of bad manners, and today it is one of the options to emphasize your sexuality, emancipation and individuality.

All girls who decide to make themselves an intimate tattoo, but have not decided on its content, should pay attention to such points:

  • Firstly, the drawing must fully comply with the proportions of your body, perception of the world and lifestyle.
  • Secondly, you should refrain from applying the name of a loved one to the body, especially if there is no guarantee that your feelings will not subside after a year or two.
  • Extremely ugly, and sometimes vulgar on a delicate female skin and sophisticated body, tattoos of brutal content or portraits of favorite movie characters, political leaders, writers and poets look like.
  • If you already have a young man and a tattoo on an intimate place is done just for him, it would be useful to ask the guy's opinion.
  • And finally, you need to decide in advance on the location of the picture. First of all, ask the tattoo artist to draw a sketch with a pencil and see how the selected image will look from the side.

Treat the choice of a tattoo on the intimate area as responsibly and meticulously as possible, and remember that the chosen drawing will remain with you for the rest of your life.

Top 10 Best Tattoos

The ten most popular and erotic tattoos in intimate areas look like this:

  1. Butterflies and small animals. One song sings about butterflies fluttering in the stomach. But we know firsthand that this type of insect can also be in the form of a tattoo on the pubis. Such sketches are often chosen by girls with an easy character, not burdened with any everyday problems.
  2. Floral motifs. Quite a bit in popularity, butterflies are inferior to various floral motifs. Such tattoos are extremely successful on almost any intimate part of the body, whether it is the décolleté, buttock, thigh or lower abdomen.
  3. Inscriptions. Phrases or single words in English, Latin or Chinese characters have become very popular for intimate tattoos. It is believed that such inscriptions can change a person's life, push him to accomplish some feat, or simply protect him from adversity. True, for what reason the girls began to fill them in hidden areas is still not entirely clear.
  4. Asterisks and hearts. These are excellent and non-binding symbols. They do not carry any additional meaning and simply fulfill their intended purpose - they decorate the body of the owner. Asterisks and hearts can be either in a single copy or in a group. In both cases, such a tattoo looks very sexy and harmonious.
  5. Feathers. This is a symbol that romantic natures really like. A light feather can be presented in the form of a loincloth, a picture on the pubis, or depicted under the chest.
  6. Tribal motifs. Tribal ornaments are still in fashion among the beautiful half of humanity. They will become a worthy decoration of the area under the breast, collarbone or lower abdomen.
  7. Kitties. Cute and fluffy animals are a symbol that speaks of the softness, complaisance and playfulness of the character of their owner.
  8. Abstraction. A practical mindset, foresight, a demonstration of strength and faith - this is how you can characterize a tattoo in the intimate zone of an abstract form. The nature of such a drawing carries a semantic, and not artistic, load.
  9. Birds. Images of birds do not go out of fashion, although in recent years they have not become so popular. Such an ornament is most often chosen by ladies who like to be in the spotlight, but at the same time always retain their individuality and adhere to a clear position in life.
  10. Openwork patterns. The world of intimate tattoos and various openwork-lace patterns have not bypassed. Such tattoos look favorably on large muscles, for example, the thigh, as well as at a distance from the waist to the chest and buttocks.

It is better not to get an intimate tattoo if ...

Quite often, recently one can hear the opinion that tattoos on the pubic part of a woman brought only disappointment and deceived expectations. To prevent this from happening to you, you should not apply a drawing under such conditions:

  • You do not plan to constantly maintain a minimum level of vegetation in the intimate area.
  • If it is hard and painful to endure any painful sensations, because the very procedure of applying a tattoo can be very unpleasant.
  • A trip to warm countries is expected soon. The skin after the tattoo will be reddened, inflamed and bleed for some time, which will not add sexuality to the woman. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure in winter or autumn.
  • You are not maintaining a stable body weight. Remember that a tattoo that will look beautiful on an elastic ass and toned breasts can stretch out ugly if you gain a couple of extra pounds.
