The strongest celebrity marriages (42 photos). The strongest couples in Hollywood Happy couples in Hollywood

Who said you can't get married once and for all? Why must early marriage necessarily end in divorce?

In February 2017, we confirmed that even in bright and windy Hollywood, long-term relationships are not uncommon.

What about Russian stars?

This year, Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary! In honor of the actress’s 50th birthday (November 7), “Letidor” reflects on secrets successful relationship and shares love stories of the strongest Russian couples.

Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov

Family experience: 54 years

Children: Julia (48 years old)

Creative people don't get along easily. Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova will definitely agree with this. In the family of the famous 78-year-old film director of such films as “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” and “Love and Doves”, and the famous 75-year-old actress, disputes and conflicts constantly do not subside, but... they have been together for 54 years and cannot imagine that life would have turned out differently.

Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova got married in 1963, when both were students at the Moscow Art Theater School. The honored film director recalled this event in an interview with Sobesednik:

By today's standards, our wedding was more like a horror movie. We arrived at the registry office by tram, where the employees opened a bottle of champagne for us, although we did not ask for it. We didn’t even have three rubles to pay, fortunately the witnesses scraped together some change.

We modestly got married and went to the student dormitory to celebrate the event with classmates. And on June 28, 1969, the couple had a daughter, Julia, now a popular TV presenter, theater and film actress.

Over the 54 years of marriage, the couple experienced a lot - numerous filming, performances, constant absence from home and working extremely hard... At some point, the instability of their common life even led to separation. But Vera Alentova believes that this period of their life was necessary to maintain the relationship. In an interview with Arguments and Facts, the actress admitted:

We were then able to understand the main thing - that happiness happened in our lives when we met. And that our feelings were pure, hot and beautiful. Apparently, I was destined for this particular person, and he for me.

Today famous couple participates in joint projects, for example, in the play “Love. Letters,” directed by their daughter Yulia. And to this day, Vladimir Menshov never ceases to admire his wife’s hard work and perseverance, and Vera Alentova describes her husband as a reverent father and grandfather (grandchildren Andrei, 19 years old, and Taisiya, 14 years old - editor’s note).

Creative and emotional people? Yes. Real love? Yes too.

Tatiana and Nikita Mikhalkov

Family experience: 44 years

Children: Anna (43 years old), Artem (41 years old), Nadezhda (31 years old)

When Nikita Mikhalkov and Tatyana Solovyova ( maiden name Tatiana Evgenievna. - approx. ed.) met at a screening of Rolan Bykov’s film “Telegram” at the House of Cinema, both already had one marriage behind them, and the famous director was growing up little son Stepan ( common child Nikita Mikhalkov and Anastasia Vertinskaya, 51 years old. - approx. ed.).

Nevertheless, according to Tatyana Evgenievna, she immediately realized that she was missing.

He exuded such energy, charm, confidence, and also that mustache and the smell of patchouli. I died immediately, I flew after him like a moth to a flame...

She recalls in an interview with Woman`s day.

But the lovers did not manage to get together right away - soon after the meeting, Nikita Mikhalkov was drafted into the army and sent to serve in Kamchatka. The director did not forget about the beautiful girl and wrote touching letters, which Tatyana remembers with special trepidation.

Having returned from the army ahead of schedule and not finding her beloved at her old place of residence (Tatyana was forced to move - editor's note), Nikita Mikhalkov and his friend Sergei Solovyov went in search. Tatyana told Woman`s day:

They went looking for me in the winter, in a snowstorm, not knowing exact address, only the street. We wandered between identical houses in a residential area and knocked on the first apartments we came across.

Doesn't remind you of anything?

The romantic story ended happily - the couple got married in 1973.

Today, the 72-year-old director continues to lead a brilliant creative activity, and 70-year-old Tatyana looks after everyday life and manages her own charitable foundation"Russian silhouette". In addition, the couple raised three children together, who gave star parents six grandchildren.

Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov

Family experience: 30 years

Children: Anastasia (29 years old), Alexandra (16 years old)

This star couple can truly be called a role model. Love and mutual respect reign in every word and action of the Strizhenovs. Alexander himself reveals the secret of success in an interview with Arguments and Facts:

Family life is team game. You play against the world around you, not against each other. Sometimes young couples confuse cause-and-effect relationships and start competing with each other. This is absolutely pointless.

But the relationship between the artists did not develop so smoothly - having first met on the set of the film “Leader”, young Ekaterina and Alexander... did not like each other!

But the filming process gradually brought the actors closer together, and in 1987, having barely reached adulthood, the lovers got married. And they didn’t just get married, but got married, which Alexander especially insisted on.

A year after the wedding, in 1988, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia (in 2013, she married financier Pyotr Grishchenko, and lives with her chosen one in New York - editor's note). Nastya really wanted a brother or sister, and in 2000 her parents fulfilled her wish - Alexandra was born.

Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov - touching and caring parents, so the successful careers of both did not interfere with raising children. Ekaterina shares that her husband spends a lot of time with his daughters and simply adores them.

In addition, personal life and work are separated - on joint projects, Alexander is strict with his wife, and Ekaterina admires how clearly he knows what he wants to see in her. And at home, the actress allows her husband and daughter Sasha to relax and be themselves - not making the bed, not washing the dishes, leaving candy wrappers in the candy bowl.

However, romance does not leave their relationship today, and the spouses are still ready for much. For example, to this (from an interview with Alexander Strizhenov on Telenedel):

When I was editing the film “Grandfather of My Dreams,” I suddenly saw my wife with different eyes. And - do you believe it? - fell in love again - with her acting talent, feminine beauty. I immediately wanted to match her, and I went on a strict diet, losing 50 kilograms in a few months.

This year star couple celebrated her 30th pearl wedding anniversary with a trip to Shanghai. The couple visited a pearl village, from where Catherine brought a commemorative bracelet of 26 pearls.

Looking at this happy couple, you understand: real love exists.

Marina and Valentin Yudashkins

Family experience: 29 years

Children: Galina (26 years old)

The love story of Marina and Valentin Yudashkin began in 1987 with collaboration over the show - Marina was responsible for the hairstyles, Valentin created the outfits. It didn't take long for the lovers to beautiful words and long courtship to understand: they are meant for each other.

After just three dates, Valentin proposed to Marina, after another 10 days the couple submitted an application to the registry office, and three months later, in January 1988, they got married. Once and for all.

For 29-year-old Marina and 24-year-old Valentin, this marriage was the first and only, and the couple are still confident in each other and their feelings.

I'm a conservative, I have a family. And period. Cheating can only occur from a lack of brains in a husband or wife,

Valentin Yudashkin stated categorically in an interview with Arguments and Facts.

Marina, in love with her work, still left model business to devote herself to caring for her husband and newborn daughter Galina (the girl was born on December 22, 1990 - editor's note), and does not regret this decision at all.

At the beginning of his dizzying career, Valentin experienced serious difficulties, and his wife was always there to support the talented fashion designer and surround him with comfort. Marina sincerely believed in her husband’s genius and was ready to do anything for him.

It is not surprising that Valentin Yudashkin considers his wife his muse and idolizes her, as he boldly spoke about in an interview with Woman Journal:

To say “I am grateful to her” is to say nothing. I greatly appreciate that she dedicated her life to me. She believed in me... It was very difficult to get through, but she was there in those years.

Daughter Galina grew up, married Pyotr Maksakov, the grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova, and in 2016 Valentin and Marina became grandparents. And recently it became known that Anatoly’s little grandson will soon have a brother or sister.

Today Marina Yudashkina has returned to the world of fashion and works together with her star husband. And this is how, by cooperating, respecting and supporting each other, the spouses managed to carry their love through 29 years life together.

Oksana Fandera and Philip Yankovsky

Family experience: 27 years

Children: Ivan (27 years old), Elizaveta (22 years old)

The Yankovsky clan has an immutable rule - marriages in this family are made once and for life. And these are not just words: the famous Soviet actor and film director Oleg Yankovsky lived with his wife, Honored Artist Lyudmila Zorina, for 47 years of marriage, until his death in 2009.

In this, the son is clearly like his father - in 2017, director Philip Yankovsky and theater and film actress Oksana Fandera celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary.

The star couple met at a mutual friend's birthday in 1988, and their feelings flared up instantly. Oksana recalls their first meeting in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda:

On his part, I felt a pathological curiosity about my figure. My sociability and openness during meetings are not always adequately assessed... Philip is very reserved, therefore, even if he has some moments of dissatisfaction, he in no way shows it. Maybe that's what bought me. He showed me that this burden was not heavy for him.

Philip’s famous parents initially reacted coldly to their son’s beloved, but Oksana’s pregnancy put everything in its place - he joined the Yankovsky clan new member family, and in 1990 the couple got married. Already on October 30 of the same year, their first-born Ivan was born, and four years later, on May 1, 1995, the couple had a daughter, Elizabeth.

Oksana’s mother helped the young people with raising their children, since, according to the actress herself, it was difficult for her and her husband to raise children - impulsive and artistic by nature, they allowed their son and daughter too much, becoming more of their friends than strict parents.

Lisa is four years younger than Vanka. When they were together it was a disaster, just nuclear war. Vanya talked to me like this: “You’re a girl, what a mother you are!”

The actress shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Unfortunately, the love story of two bright personalities Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera cannot be called cloudless - the couple survived the director's addiction to drugs, and rumors about infidelity on the part of both partners more than once arose in the press.

But despite life's difficulties, the couple still remains together. Oksana Fandera, who celebrates her 50th birthday on November 7, reveals the secret of their warm relationship to Komsomolskaya Pravda:

I never torment Philip with jealousy or suspicion. I don’t sort things out, I don’t dictate my terms, I don’t give ultimatums, understanding that a creative person must be free.

Emma and Alexander Malinin

Family experience: 27 years

Children: twins Frol and Ustinya (16 years old)

The star couple Malinins found their common happiness when they were already adults, accomplished people. By that time, 32-year-old Alexander had already been divorced twice and was raising two children - Nikita (36 years old) and Kira (31 years old). 28-year-old Emma was also going through a breakup with her first husband and was raising her son Anton.

Their love story began at Alexander's concert - Emma saw the singer on stage and instantly fell in love, and on February 13, 1990, the couple got married.

Alexander Malinin described it this way family life in an interview with Radio Dacha:

Emma is purposeful, active - a whirlwind and an organizer. And I am calm and lazy. She is drawn to accomplishments, and I am drawn to lie in bed. We complement each other perfectly because we are opposites.

True, having been burned in his first unsuccessful relationship, the singer did not want to have children, and, according to Emma, ​​she had to spend a lot of effort persuading her husband. Her efforts were crowned with success, and what a success! After 10 years of marriage, on November 23, 2000, the star couple gave birth to twins Ustinya and Frol.

Now the twins are 16 years old, and they never cease to amaze their parents and fans with their talents - Frol shows himself as a talented artist, and Ustinya studies diligently and recently performed brilliantly at the Tatler debutante ball.

We can say that the couple of actor and singer Dmitry Pevtsov and actress Olga Drozdova is made in heaven. They are incredibly happy with each other, and their relationship is permeated with love and harmony.

The artists met on the set of the film “Walk on the Scaffold” in 1991, where they played lovers. As often happens, the screen story came to life, but with one exception: it was not an instant passion, but a gradually developing serious feeling.

I can’t say that after the first glance at Drozdova I was struck by the thought: “I can’t live without this woman.” But soon after we met, I understood and felt with my whole being: if I missed Olga, I would make an irreparable mistake. Until I doubted it for a second,

Dmitry tells the portal “”.

By the time they met, both had a serious background: Dmitry had separated from his first love, actress Larisa Blazhko, and was raising his son Daniil (unfortunately, Daniil died in 2012 at the age of 22 - editor's note), Olga was not free at all - the actress had a fiance in Switzerland and one divorce behind her. Nevertheless, the artists decided to live together.

But Olga Drozdova did not want to get married again, so Dmitry decided to deceive - he gathered friends at the registry office and brought his beloved there, who thought she was going to filming. So, through the efforts of the singer, on December 30, 1994, they officially became spouses.

The couple dreamed of children, and on August 7, 2007, 42-year-old Olga and 44-year-old Dmitry had their long-awaited son Elisha. The birth of a child was a real happiness, and the artists gladly accepted new role parents.

Dmitry speaks about raising children in an interview with Telesem:

I think that the most important thing in raising a child is to cultivate good nature. He must be able to love: give, help, protect, not regret something. But with all the love that surrounds him in his family, he must little by little prepare for the fact that he will soon find himself in a world where most people will not treat him as well as his loved ones.

Now Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova continue to shine on stage and screen, raising wonderful son Elisha and their feelings do not subside for a moment.

Maybe it’s a matter of working on yourself and your relationships, as Dmitry believes, or maybe it’s just fate?

(PHOTO) Celebrity marriages can be successful, and life with a person in a public profession can be happy.

This is confirmed by our example. famous couples who walk through life hand in hand for many years.

The list of the strongest star marriages in Russia was compiled by the RIA Novosti agency.

84-year-old ballerina Maya Plisetskaya and composer Rodion Shchedrin celebrated their golden wedding in 2008.

In November 2011, the legendary Russian singer Joseph Kobzon and his wife Nelly will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary.

Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov have been married for 53 years. And all these years they have been writing songs together.

Actress Vera Alentova and director Vladimir Menshov got married in college, when they studied at VGIK. This amazing creative and family union has been going on for over 45 years together.

Family experience of director Nikita Mikhalkov and former model Tatiana - more than 35 years.

Mikhail Boyarsky has been married to actress Larisa Lupyan for more than thirty years. By the way, she had to wait three years for the heartthrob Boyarsky to propose marriage.

52-year-old director Vladimir Khotinenko considers the meeting with his wife Tatyana to be the best event in his life. One fine moment he just saw her walking - since then they have been walking together.

Director Eldar Ryazanov was married three times. However, his latest marriage to Emma Abaidullina proves that this time the director is serious. The couple has not separated since 1995.

Director and actor Oleg Tabakov is also married for the third time. His romance with actress Marina Zudina began in the 1980s. They have been married for over fifteen years, despite the thirty-year age difference.

Director Fyodor Bondarchuk met Svetlana when she was 16 years old. Their first meeting took place at a party, and later Svetlana visited Fedor in the hospital. Two weeks after discharge, Bondarchuk introduced her to her parents, after which the lovers began to live together. Their family experience has been going on for 20 years.

Film director Philip Yankovsky has been married to actress Oksana Fandera for more than 20 years. The couple has two children - Ivan and Elizaveta. Ivan entered GITIS in 2009.

Actors Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova began dating in 1991 and have been officially married for 15 years.

Composer Leonid Agutin and singer Anzhelika Varum, despite the difficulties of their touring life together, managed to maintain romance in their relationship. Their union is already 10 years old, and their daughter Elizabeth is 11.

For the founder of a sales network fashionable clothes, head of Bosco di Ciliegi Mikhail Kusnirovich and his wife Ekaterina Moiseeva, family has always come first. Their long and happy union confirms these words.

Celebrity divorces and related scandals have become commonplace in the world of show business, undermining our faith in strong marriages among celebrities. However, there are exceptions here too, because some stars are distinguished by enviable constancy in choosing a lover.

Alan Rickman. Since 1977, the actor lived with Rima Horton, whom he met in 1965, when he was 19 and she was 18.

After 47 years of dating, the couple legalized their relationship. They secretly married in 2012 in New York. They lived together until Rickman's death in 2016.

Kevin Bacon. Kevin met his partner Kyra Sedgwick on the set of the film Lemon Sky.

At first, Kira was not happy with the way Kevin was courting her, but he did not give up and continued to woo her.

In the end, the actress relented, and she and Kevin got married a few months later.

They have been married since 1988 and have two children, Travis and Soucy.

John Travolta. The actor first met his future lifelong friend on the set; he was surprised at how much she looked like Grace Kelly.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston got married in 1991.

In 2013, everyone was talking about the couple getting a divorce after 22 years of marriage, but Kelly and John are still together to the envy of gossips.

They have two sons and a daughter in total, but the couple's eldest son died at the age of 16 as a result of a seizure caused by Kawasaki syndrome.

Hugh Jackman. The Hollywood handsome man is 13 years younger than his wife.

When they decided to get married, he was 28 and she was 41.

According to Deborra-Lee Furness, she was not afraid of the groom’s age; she also admits that he was much wiser and more thoughtful than her.

Hugh has a rule not to be separated from his wife for more than two weeks.

After Deborra's two miscarriages, the couple failed to have their own children.

But in 2000, they adopted a newborn boy, Oscar, and five years later adopted a girl named Ava.

Kurt Russell. Kurt started dating Goldie Hawn when he was already over 30.

It is little known that the actor was in love with the blonde from the age of 16, having first met her on the set of the film “The One and Only Genuinely Original Family Orchestra.”

But 21-year-old Goldie didn’t even look in the boy’s direction; she was going to marry the respectable director Gus Trikonis.

Poor Kurt had to wait while Goldie first lived with her first husband, and then with her second, Bill Hudson, with whom she gave birth to two children.

At the next joint filming in the early 80s, Kurt finally decided to win the hand and heart of his beloved. As we know, he succeeded.

They have one joint child Wyatt.

Seth Rogen. Despite the fact that Seth gets only hooligan roles in films, in life he is an exemplary family man.

He began dating actress Lauren Miller at age 21.

However, Seth delayed the offer for six long years.

And only in 2011 the couple had a magnificent wedding.

Ozzy Osbourne. The rocker met Sharon when she was 18 years old, and he was still in his first marriage.

Friends doubted that their marriage would last even a week, but they are still inseparable.

Today the Osbournes have three adult children - Amy, Kelly and Jack.

Michael Douglas. The actor married Catherine Zeta Jones back in 2000.

A large age difference has never been a hindrance for her, much less for him.

The age difference is 25 years in Michael's favor.

In 2013, after a short separation, the couple improved their relationship and continue to live together to this day.

They are raising their son Dylan and daughter Carys.

Tom Hanks. The 58-year-old actor has been married since 1988.

His union with Rita Wilson is for many a model of an ideal family.

They have two common sons, Truman and Chester.

Like everyone else, things don't go smoothly for Hanks and Wilson, but nothing could ruin this union.

Will Smith. Will has been married to his longtime girlfriend Jada Pinkett since 1997.

Smith has repeatedly stated that important aspect happy marriage- spend more time alone, and not at noisy parties.

The couple has a son, Jayden, and daughter Willow.

Bono. The musician loved his future wife Alison Hewson as a child.

And he started dating her at the age of 15, Alison was a year older.

In 2015, they celebrated an impressive 40 years of marriage.

Michael J Fox. The actor met his partner Tracy Pollan on the set of the film Family Ties. But, as they both claim, they didn’t like each other then.

Then, in 1987, the couple met again on the set, and in 1988 they got married.

Michael and Tracy have been together ever since, despite Fox being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1991.

Celebrity divorces and related scandals have become commonplace in the world of show business, undermining our faith in strong marriages among celebrities. However, there are exceptions here too, because some stars are distinguished by enviable constancy in choosing a lover.

Since 1977, the actor lived with Rima Horton, whom he met in 1965, when he was 19 and she was 18.

After 47 years of dating, the couple legalized their relationship. They secretly married in 2012 in New York. They lived together until Rickman's death in 2016.

Kevin met his partner Kyra Sedgwick on the set of the film Lemon Sky.

At first, Kira was not happy with the way Kevin was courting her, but he did not give up and continued to woo her.

In the end, the actress relented, and she and Kevin got married a few months later.

They have been married since 1988 and have two children, Travis and Soucy.

The actor first met his future lifelong friend on the set; he was surprised at how much she looked like Grace Kelly.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston got married in 1991.

In 2013, everyone was talking about the couple getting a divorce after 22 years of marriage, but Kelly and John are still together to the envy of gossips.

They have two sons and a daughter in total, but the couple's eldest son died at the age of 16 as a result of a seizure caused by Kawasaki syndrome.

The Hollywood handsome man is 13 years younger than his wife.

When they decided to get married, he was 28 and she was 41.

According to Deborra-Lee Furness, she was not afraid of the groom’s age; she also admits that he was much wiser and more thoughtful than her.

Hugh has a rule not to be separated from his wife for more than two weeks.

After Deborra's two miscarriages, the couple failed to have their own children.

But in 2000, they adopted a newborn boy, Oscar, and five years later adopted a girl named Ava.

Kurt started dating Goldie Hawn when he was already over 30.

It is little known that the actor was in love with the blonde from the age of 16, having first met her on the set of the film “The One and Only Genuinely Original Family Orchestra.”

But 21-year-old Goldie didn’t even look in the boy’s direction; she was going to marry the respectable director Gus Trikonis.

Poor Kurt had to wait while Goldie first lived with her first husband, and then with her second, Bill Hudson, with whom she gave birth to two children.

At the next joint filming in the early 80s, Kurt finally decided to win the hand and heart of his beloved. As we know, he succeeded.

They have one child together, Wyatt.

Despite the fact that Seth gets only hooligan roles in films, in life he is an exemplary family man.

He began dating actress Lauren Miller at age 21.

However, Seth delayed the offer for six long years.

And only in 2011 the couple had a magnificent wedding.

The rocker met Sharon when she was 18 years old, and he was still in his first marriage.

Friends doubted that their marriage would last even a week, but they are still inseparable.

Today the Osbornes have three adult children - Amy, Kelly and Jack.

The actor married Catherine Zeta Jones back in 2000.

A large age difference has never been a hindrance for her, much less for him.

The age difference is 25 years in Michael's favor.

In 2013, after a short separation, the couple improved their relationship and continue to live together to this day.

They are raising their son Dylan and daughter Carys.

The 58-year-old actor has been married since 1988.

His union with Rita Wilson is for many a model of an ideal family.

They have two sons together, Truman and Chester.

Like everyone else, things don't go smoothly for Hanks and Wilson, but nothing could ruin this union.

Will has been married to his longtime girlfriend Jada Pinkett since 1997.

Smith has repeatedly stated that an important aspect of a happy marriage is spending more time alone, and not at noisy parties.

The couple has a son, Jaden, and a daughter, Willow.

The musician fell in love with his future wife Alison Hewson as a child.

And he started dating her at the age of 15, Alison was a year older.

In 2015, they celebrated an impressive 40 years of marriage.

The actor met his companion Tracy Pollan on the set of the film “Family Ties.” But, as they both claim, they didn’t like each other then.

Then, in 1987, the couple met again on the set, and in 1988 they got married.

Michael and Tracy have been together ever since, despite Fox being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1991.

It would seem that, spoiled by millions and universal admiration for themselves, Hollywood couples in love are simply doomed to a scandalous breakup. We often see the birth of another star union, followed by public showdowns and multimillion-dollar lawsuits. But how by example showed the couples listed in this rating; each rule has its exceptions. Among star families There are few whose love continues to simmer after decades. They tested the strength of their marriage for decades.

Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens. 62 years together

One of the last living actors from Hollywood's golden era, Kirk Douglas married twice: from his first marriage to Diana Dill, he had two sons, including Oscar-winner Michael Douglas, but this marriage lasted from 1943 to 1951. Kirk Douglas, 99, still lives with Anne Buydens, married him on May 29, 1954.

Michael Caine and Shakira Caine. 43 years together

One of the most famous British actors, 83-year-old Michael Caine has been married twice. From his first marriage to actress Patricia Haynes 1955 - 1962. he has a daughter, Dominique, and from his second marriage to Shakira Baksh in 1973, he has another daughter, Natasha. In the best English tradition, Michael Caine is a conservative who abandoned life in the metropolis, preferring the small town of Leatherhead in Surrey.

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer. 37 years together

Before her marriage to Don Gummer in 1978, Meryl Streep was engaged to John Cazale, but he died of lung cancer. Married to Don Gummer, the actress has four children.

Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson. 36 years together

Actor Samuel L. Jackson married his college girlfriend-turned-actress Latana Richardson in 1980. Two years later the couple had a baby only daughter Zoe. Since then they have lived as a friendly family in Los Angeles.

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. 33 years together

Hollywood actor Kurt Russell has lived with actress Goldie Hawn since 1983. The couple has a son, Wyatt, born in 1986, and both have children from their first marriages, but this did not stop them from creating strong union for 33 years, and they definitely don’t plan to separate.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest. 32 years together

American actress Jamie Lee married actor, composer and English lord Christopher Guest in 1984. Since then, the couple has been inseparable. The inability to have children of their own did not stop Jamie Lee and Christopher Guest from maintaining their union. The family is happy with two adopted children.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. 28 years together

Winner of two Oscars, Tom Hanks also married twice. From his first marriage to Samantha Lewis in 1978 and 1987. Hanks has two children. In his marriage to Rita Wilson, the actor had two more children. A four-time father, one of the most famous American actors has already become a grandfather twice.

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick. 28 years together

Golden Globe-winning actor, producer and director Kevin Bacon married actress Kyra Sedgwick on September 4, 1988. Since then they have lived as a friendly family. The couple has two children - a son born in 1989 and a daughter born in 1992.

Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan. 28 years together

Canadian-American actor Michael J. Fox, known worldwide for the Back to the Future trilogy, married Tracy Pollan on July 16, 1988. The couple has four children. The strength of the union between Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan has stood the test of time and Parkinson's disease, which Fox was diagnosed with back in 1990.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. 24 years together

Will Smith's first marriage to Shiri Fletcher was unsuccessful for the actor (they lived together from 1992 to 1995), but from this marriage he has a son, Trey. Will Smith married his longtime girlfriend Jada two years after the divorce, on December 31, 1997. In this boat, the nominee for two Oscar awards has two more children - son Jaden Smith and daughter Willow Smith.
