Sex scandal in Buckingham Palace: Prince Andrew is accused of having an affair with an American minor. Children of Elizabeth II: Andrew, Duke of York Prince Andrew son of Elizabeth 2

The claim was made by Epstein's former assistant and butler, who said he met the prince three times at Epstein's £4 million Palm Beach home.

Juan Alessi, who worked for Epstein for 11 years, also told the Daily Mail that during his visits the prince enjoyed the services of young masseuses every day. He stated that after the procedures, Andrew appeared “with a smile on his face.” The butler is sure that Epstein paid for the massages.

The masseuses received $100 per hour for their services, which were provided in a closed part of the house. Only Epstein and selected guests had access to this part, he added.

This is the same mansion where some guest rooms contained bars of soap in the shape of male and female genitalia, and where Epstein, 58, solicited prostitution from minors, a crime for which he served 13 months in prison starting in 2008. He was also accused of hiring "erotic masseuses" whom he sexually harassed during daily treatments.

Andrew and Epstein's close friend Ghislaine Maxwell - the 49-year-old daughter of the late media mogul Robert Maxwell - kept a trove of sex toys in the house, Mr Alessi said.

However, there is no evidence that the prince had sex in Epstein's home or was aware of what was allegedly going on behind closed doors.

Buckingham Palace yesterday refused to comment on this news - a source there only emphasized that there is no reason to attribute “inappropriate” behavior to Andrew.

However, it is clear that these revelations will raise a new wave of questions about the validity of the Duke's stay as the UK's special representative for international trade and investment.

We note that Mr. Alessi, who worked for Epstein until 2002, was limited in his statements due to an ongoing confidentiality agreement he signed when he left his job with the financier. He could only speak “in general terms” about what happened in Epstein’s so-called “House of Sin.” The Palm Beach mansion was "stuffed" with erotic photographs of young women, he said. When asked if Andrew had seen these photographs, the butler replied: "You'd have to be blind not to see them. There were pictures of girls without clothes all over the house... Most of them were from Europe."

Mr Alessi also said that naked girls frolicked in the pool during the prince's stay in the house. When asked if he was sure of this, the butler replied: “Yes. I cannot prove it, but I remember what I saw with my own eyes.” He also noted that the prince himself did not expose himself, and he had no evidence that the bathers were minors.

Mr Alessi, a retiree who owns a chain of rental properties, admitted: “The first time I met Prince Andrew was at a private property in Palm Beach around 2001. It was a huge house and if Epstein or the Prince had anything to “if necessary, they called me, and I brought them, say, a cup of tea or something else.”

The former butler noticed that the prince's bodyguards were relaxed during visits to the mansion and remained in one of the guest rooms.

"In those days, they (Epstein and the prince) flew a lot. They traveled often and were away from the mansion."

Mr Alessi, whose wife also worked for Epstein, said Andrew had "daily massages" during his visits to the Palm Beach mansion. Was he really satisfied after each procedure? "Wouldn't you?" - Mr. Alessi laughed.

Did he leave the room with a smile on his face? “Yes, of course!” he replied.

Mr Alessi admitted that although he was absolutely certain that the prince had had massages, he could not give further details on the matter. The procedures took place on the second floor, which was isolated from the rest of the property.

"We didn't have the opportunity to go up there. We couldn't witness what was happening there. We could imagine it. I think other employees will tell you about it."

Asked who paid for Prince Andrew's massages, Mr Alessi said: "It is quite possible that I did it (on behalf of Epstein). The girls who came to the mansion to give massages were not paid on the same day. They celebrated their working hours - two hours today, three hours tomorrow, for example - and at the end of the week I paid them."

Alessi also said that the prince was “a very well-mannered person.”

"We had about 1,000 guests, and he was one of the very few who left us a tip... I think about $200... He also asked if my wife and I wanted to take a photo with him as a souvenir. I also liked that he always made his bed."

Stephen Glover(Stephen Glover)

[…] His friendship with Jeffrey Epstein reputedly began several years before the billionaire pedophile was sentenced to 18 months in prison for soliciting an underage girl into prostitution.

In this case, Mr. Epstein's inclinations were clear enough to any reasonable person - let alone one who is fourth in line to the throne.

Prince Andrew did not understand these inclinations. He enjoyed spending time with the American and even took him to Sandringham and Windsor Castle. According to an affidavit made by a former employee of Epstein, about a decade ago the prince had regular massages at the billionaire's Florida mansion, where the masseuses worked for £60 an hour.

In 2001, Epstein flew to London, where he introduced Virginia Roberts, a 17-year-old “erotic masseuse” whom he sexually exploited, to the prince. The girl spent only a short time with Andrew. It was then that an ill-advised photograph was taken of the prince with his arm around her waist.

This is in no way proof that he had inappropriate relationships with Ms. Roberts or anyone else in Mr. Epstein's circle (by "inappropriate" I mean relationships with underage girls). But such a close connection with a vicious man, whose appetite for young girls should have been obvious to the prince, implies a mistake that is hardly probable.

Epstein, according to Miss Roberts, seduced her when she was 15 years old. She says: "I was basically a prostitute for him and his friends who shared an interest in young girls."

What attracted Prince Andrew to such an abnormal person? Perhaps, although I find it hard to believe, he was witty and charming. Perhaps Andrew enjoyed the company of "erotic masseuses" without thinking about it. Almost certainly what attracted him to the American was the fact that he was a generous and hospitable billionaire. Last December, he stayed at Epstein's New York mansion for five days.

[…] In 2007 he sold his estate Sunninghill Park, near Ascot, to a gentleman named Timur Kulibayev for substantially more than £12 million. The house did not sell for several years at its asking price.

Mr. Kulibayev is the billionaire son-in-law of the president of Kazakhstan, the oil-rich and thoroughly corrupt former Soviet Republic where Andrew spent his time well. The prince had a close relationship with Gogoi Ashkenazi, Kazakh businesswoman and former lover of Kulibayev.

Prince Andrew and Goga Ashkenazi
The prince was also friends with the convicted Libyan arms smuggler Tariq Keituni, which was revealed after their joint four-day vacation in Tunisia in November 2008, before visiting Colonel Gaddafi in Tripoli. Keituni covered the expenses for the holiday. When this fact was published in the newspaper, the prince's representatives stated that Andrew would reimburse Tariq for all expenses.

Prince Andrew visited Libya frequently, both privately and officially as the UK's special envoy for international trade and investment, and may have favorably influenced British business development there. Despite claims of a close friendship with Saif al-Qaddafi, the dictator's son, royal sources say he only met him twice. […]

And further. Andrew's close relationship with David Rowland, a multimillionaire who is called a "shadow financier" in the House of Commons, is also known. Last year, after shocking details of his personal and business life were made public, he was unable to take up the post of Tory treasurer. […]

The problem is that the Queen has a special affection for her second son, and her mother's eye does not notice, so obvious are the costs of the prince's behavior to others... Ten days ago he was nominated for the title of Knight of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) for his service to the Queen.

[…] He is a spoiled, self-indulgent and apparently not very thoughtful man, blinded by great wealth. […]

"The King's Speech" won multiple Oscars on Sunday. It shows, although perhaps somewhat exaggerated, the struggle that King George VI, Prince Andrew's grandfather, had with his stammer. In combating this deficiency, the King was driven by a sense of duty to his country and its citizens. He denied himself luxury and lived very simply.

How different his grandson is from him! […] If Prince Andrew is not put on the right path, he could cause serious damage to the institution that most Britons still hold dear.

The client masturbated and excited the young “masseuse” with a vibrator

The girls gave the shadow billionaire Epstein a “massage” 2-3 times a day

Original of this material
©, Israel, 06/11/2009, The case of billionaire Epstein. The FBI is hiding the text of the deal with a lover of "girls"

56-year-old billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has been serving an 18-month sentence in Palm Beach County Prison, Florida (USA), since last year. He was found guilty of soliciting the services of underage prostitutes. Epstein is due to be released soon.

On Wednesday, June 10, the Palm Beach District Court considered a request from lawyers representing the interests of Epstein's former "girlfriends" to publish the text of a document describing the contents of the deal between Epstein's lawyers and federal prosecutors. The request was rejected at a preliminary hearing but will be heard again "in full" in two weeks.

According to former District Judge Bill Berger, who currently represents the interests of some of Epstein's "girls", the public has a right to know the contents of the "secret amicable agreement" between the billionaire and the FBI. The lawyers were familiar with the contents of this document, but were prohibited from discussing its contents publicly.

The scandal surrounding this case has not subsided for several years.

Financier and philanthropist Jeffrey Epstein was among America's most respected citizens. Among his friends were President Bill Clinton, media mogul Donald Trump, businessman Les Wexner, and many Nobel Prize winners. He taught physics at school for some time, then founded his own financial company and succeeded as a businessman. His company initially bore the name of the owner "J. Epstein and Co", then was renamed "Financial Trust Co". It is said that Epstein's clients were exclusively billionaires, mostly Jews - including Les Wexner. In parallel with his business, Epstein was heavily involved in supporting scientific projects.

The thunder struck in March 2005, when a woman contacted the Palm Beach police with a complaint against Epstein. The woman said that a few years ago her 14-year-old daughter got a “job” at Epstein’s mansion: she was hired for $300 as a masseuse. She performed this work naked, and her client masturbated in front of her and excited the young “masseuse” with a vibrator.

An investigation has been launched into the complaint. It was carried out in secret, since it was about a very rich and influential person. Agents found that Jeffrey Epstein repeatedly resorted to the services of underage prostitutes (there were at least five of them). 17 witnesses were found and gave relevant testimony under oath. During the investigation, it was found that Epstein developed a “safe system” for obtaining this type of service: he hired young women who found him “girls” for massage, but the “owner” himself did not hire minors. Two housekeepers who testified in court said that when the “owner” came to the villa in Palm Beach, such “girls” gave him “massages” 2-3 times a day.

The case of a girl from Yugoslavia, Nadja Marcinkova, was particularly highlighted. One of the “girls” told investigators how Epstein boasted that he had brought a “slave from Yugoslavia” to the United States and forced the witness to have lesbian sex with Nadya while watching them.

In 2007, top model Maximilia Codero testified against Epstein, saying that Jeffrey raped her when she was 16 years old.

Epstein's lawyers said at the trial: their client knew nothing that the girls whose services he used were minors. This was confirmed during the interrogation of the accused using a lie detector. For a long time, Epstein did not plead guilty to any of the charges. And he admitted his guilt only on June 30, 2008.

After this, some public figures and scientists who received funds from Epstein's foundation returned the money to him.

Many in Florida believe that Epstein received too lenient a sentence: a year and a half in prison, with the right to daily visits. In comments on this case published in local media, one could find words that the pedophile financier simply went on a “long vacation”, but did not receive the punishment he deserved. But there are those who believe that Jeffrey Epstein did nothing illegal, and in his case there was enough public censure.

It should be noted that exact information about Jeffrey Epstein’s personal net worth has not been published. His name is not mentioned either in the list of America's richest people or in Forbes magazine's world list of billionaires. However, the media write about Epstein as a “billionaire.”

The son of Elizabeth II conquered the tallest building in Europe. Prince Andrew, 52, rappelled from London's Shard skyscraper, currently the largest in Europe, from the 87th to the 20th floor. The prince's team consisted of 40 people. The event was held for charitable purposes - the proceeds will go to educational projects for children around the world.

“I won’t even tell you whether it was easy and simple or not. “I will never do this again,” said the prince immediately after the descent.

According to the Daily Mail, the prince prepared thoroughly for the descent. During his summer training with Marines in Arbroath, he was able to climb 67 floors in just 30 minutes.

“Thanks to the training, I was able to start the descent without too much shaking. It was very important to take the first step,” said the Duke of York.

This event brought in more than 350,000 euros in charitable contributions. Despite the fact that the organizers expected an income of one million pounds (1.2 million euros), the prince was pleased with the result, notes Sky News. Some of the donations were made by relatives and friends of the 52-year-old prince. For example, 500 pounds (about 600 euros) were contributed by his daughter, Princess Eugenie, who said that she was proud of her father's action.

“One very nice man on the roof warned me - you will slide and hit the windows at first, it may look awkward, but use your knees. That's exactly what I did. Indeed, I simply skimmed through the first sections. To be honest, it was scary,” he said after the descent.

The proceeds will be shared by two charities - the educational foundation Outward Bound Trust, one of whose leaders is Prince Andrew, and the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, which helped participants in the action prepare for the risky descent.

Prince Andrew's noble act could not have come at a better time. The fact is that a few days earlier, his nephew Prince Harry found himself at the center of a scandal, once again jeopardizing the reputation of the royal family.

Another august son was filmed naked during a party in Las Vegas. The young man, having met a group of pretty girls in a bar, went up with them to his VIP suite at the five-star Wynn hotel, where the group played strip billiards, as a result of which the prince soon found himself without clothes.

The photos spread all over the world in just a few minutes.

Prince Andrew did not comment on the story with his nephew, but the British media, which were prohibited from publishing photographs of Prince Harry under threat of court, did not fail to note the variety of the august “entertainment.”

Prince Andrew was born on February 19, 1960 at Buckingham Palace. He became the third child and second son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He was named after his paternal grandfather, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark.

Like his older brothers and sisters, he was entrusted to a governess who was involved in his upbringing and education. By the age of 19, he had graduated with a degree in the history of economic and political science and went to the Royal Naval College. In 1979, Prince Andrew joined the Royal Navy to train as a military helicopter pilot. The Prince was later accepted as a military helicopter trainee, signing a contract for 12 years from 11 May 1979.

Already on September 1, he received a promotion, and in 1980 he was awarded the Green Beret. Until 1982, the prince took advanced training courses and became a full-fledged pilot. He joins Naval Airlift Squadron 820 aboard the USS Invincible, where he continues to serve.

On April 2, 1982, the so-called Falklands War began between Great Britain and Argentina over the disputed islands. The main role in this war was given to the Royal Navy and naval aviation, so the British cabinet made every effort to return the prince from the danger zone, but Queen Elizabeth insisted on her son’s desire to remain in the service and participate in the war.

After the end of the war, the Invincible returned to Portsmouth, where it was greeted by the Queen and Prince Philip, along with the families of the other crew members. In his book about that war, Commander Nigel Ward said that the Argentine government was specially preparing a series of assassination attempts on the prince. The commander described Andrew himself as “an excellent pilot and a very promising officer.”

In February 1984, the prince received the rank of lieutenant, after which the Queen appointed him as her personal assistant-adjutant. After this, the prince commanded several units in different regions of the planet.

As for the prince's personal life, on July 23, 1986, he married Sarah Ferguson, whom he had known since childhood. At the wedding and in the first years after it, they were very happy. They had two daughters. However, the prince's constant travel associated with his military career increasingly overshadowed this marriage, which eventually ended in divorce on May 30, 1996. After the divorce, the media repeatedly noted the very warm relationship between the former spouses.

“We managed to work together to bring happiness to our children,” Sarah Ferguson said in an interview.

In recent years, Prince Andrew has served as the UK's special trade envoy.

Since the Duke has no sons, there are no heirs to the title (peerages, except in special cases, are inherited only in the direct male line). If Prince Andrew does not remarry and have a son, then after his death the title "Duke of York" will revert to the crown and can be re-appropriated.

He is 4th in the line of succession to the British throne (after the birth of Prince Harry in 1984).

As a member of the royal family, he has his own coat of arms, based on the national coat of arms of Great Britain.


Princess Eugenie's wedding day is approaching and we want to know everything about her: her outfit, her ring and, of course, her parents. Despite their divorce in 1996, Sarah "Fergie" Ferguson and Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, have remained close, and their strong relationships with their daughters are proof of that. The former couple is expected to reunite at their daughter's wedding on October 12, 2018.

Here's everything we know about the Duke and Duchess of York's rocky relationship.

Eugenie's parents were introduced to each other by Princess Diana

Sarah Ferguson and Princess Diana have a long history. Although their mothers went to school together, they themselves only became close in their teens after meeting at a polo match. Fergie's father, Sir Ronald Ferguson, was the manager of Prince Charles' polo team. They quickly became friends, and Fergie even had her own nickname for Lady Di: "Dutch."

“I remember the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles very well. I couldn’t even imagine then that I would be walking down the same aisle many years later,” Sarah Ferguson told Oprah Winfrey in her interview. In 1985, Diana played matchmaker by inviting Fergie to stay at Windsor Castle for the week of Royal Ascot. During lunch, Fergie, then 25, sat next to Prince Andrew and Diana's plan worked wonderfully.

After a whirlwind romance, they married on July 23, 1986

Less than a year after the meeting, on March 16, 1986, the couple announced their engagement. Fergie's engagement ring made headlines: the ring, which cost Prince Andrew nearly $33,000, contained a stunning Burmese ruby ​​and 10 diamonds.

The couple married at Westminster Abbey in the summer of that year and officially became the Duke and Duchess of York.

The newlyweds immediately began their royal duties, attending an annual trip to Canada immediately after they tied the knot. After a two-week tour, they honeymooned on a canoe trip across Canada.

During this time, Sarah Ferguson was loved and supported by both the royal family and the tabloids. Her down-to-earth nature, career in publishing, and outgoing personality were considered refreshing. And Lady Di was her biggest fan.

Their "happy marriage" was deceptive

The couple didn't wait long to have children: Princess Beatrice of York was born on August 8, 1988 and Princess Eugenie of York was born on March 23, 1990.

The Duke and Duchess of York with Princess Eugenie

While Fergie was adjusting to motherhood, Prince Andrew was traveling the world as a naval officer. “I saw him 40 days a year for the first five years of our marriage. I had to learn how to be a princess the hard way,” Sarah told Oprah.

Prince Andrew's strict naval schedule ultimately led to the demise of their relationship. The couple separated in 1992 and finalized their divorce in May 1996.

“I didn’t want a divorce, but I had to because of the circumstances,” Sarah said in 2011. The Duchess of York also did not want to receive compensation from the royal family as part of the divorce.

When I met with Her Majesty on this occasion, she asked: “What do you want, Sarah?” and I answered, “Your friendship,” which I think amazed her, because everyone said I would demand a big settlement.

After the divorce, the Duchess claimed that she received 15,000 pounds a year (about $20,000) in maintenance. Her main sources of income are from her book, the television show Finding Sarah. and her role as a spokesperson for Weight Watchers.

Sarah Ferguson was targeted by British tabloids, causing anger among the royal family

Fergie was initially loved by the British press. However, when photographers caught the Duchess sunbathing topless with financial adviser John Bryan in 1992, things turned into a huge scandal. Some suspect these conflicting images led to Fergie and Andrew's separation.

In May 2010, a hidden camera video surfaced showing the Duchess attempting to sell access to Prince Andrew to a wealthy Indian businessman for $500,000 (about $725,000). She later admitted that she was drunk while recording the video.

The family still participates in activities together

Until 2004 - eight years after the divorce - Fergie was still living with the family, Sunninghill Park in Berkshire. Today, the former couple owns a chalet in Verbier, Switzerland, where they often holiday with their daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie.

They still consider each other best friends. When asked if they would ever get married, she simply said, "He's still my handsome prince, he'll always be my handsome prince."

Prince Andrew arrives at the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry with his daughters.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace denied information that appeared in the American media about possible sexual contacts between Prince Andrew and minors: “We do not comment on the details of this case. But to avoid any doubt, we state that any suggestion of inappropriate contact with minors is completely untrue."

Prince Andrew's name appears in documents filed by an unnamed woman (who goes by the pseudonym "Jane Doe 3") in court in Florida. They are connected with the investigation into financier Jeffrey Epstein, which has been ongoing in the United States for several years.

"Jane Doe 3" claims that between 1999 and 2002, when she was underage, Jeffrey Epstein forced her to have sex with Prince Andrew. According to her, this happened three times, in three different places: in London, in New York and on a private island owned by Epstein.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Prince Andrew has been accused of sexually assaulting 17-year-old Virginia Roberts.

According to the BBC, a spokeswoman for the royal family press service said about the scandal: “This all relates to a long and ongoing investigation into a civil claim, to which the Duke of York has nothing to do.”

A judicial investigation was launched in 2011 against American businessman Jeffrey Epstein, who had previously spent a year and a half in prison on charges of forcing a minor into prostitution. Then, in 2011, Prince Andrew was forced to apologize for his friendship with Epstein.

American lawyer Alan Dershowitz said he plans to take legal action against a woman who claims she was forced to have sex with him and Britain's Prince Andrew as a minor. The former Harvard law professor wants her to testify under oath. Dershowitz told the BBC: "If she believes she was harmed by me and Prince Andrew, she should sue us for damages."

Fifty-four-year-old Prince Andrew, Duke of York is the second son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. He was married until 1996 to Sarah, Duchess of York. Andrew is 5th in line of succession to the British throne (following the birth of a son to Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and his wife, Duchess Catherine, in 2013). As a helicopter pilot, he took part in the British-Argentine war over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) in 1982. At the same time, the name of the Duke of York constantly appears in various scandals. In 2011, for example, Prince Andrew, then Britain's trade envoy, was criticized in the British media for costing the exchequer millions of pounds on his overseas trips around the world. The press also accused him of being friends with dubious personalities - from those close to the Libyan Colonel Gaddafi to billionaires from the post-Soviet space. The Duke of York suffered the most with New York financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted of forcing underage girls into prostitution. More than three years ago, the British edition of the Sunday Telegraph published on the front page a photo taken in 2001 of Prince Andrew with his arm around the waist of 17-year-old Virginia Roberts. It was alleged that the girl was once invited to Epstein’s Florida villa in order to massage him and his guests, but the matter was not limited to massage. And an unnamed assistant to the Duke of York confirmed to the Sunday Telegraph that the prince was a frequent guest of Epstein and, like other guests, received massages there, but “massage in itself is not something reprehensible. If he is to blame for the fact that he was given a massage, then he is only to blame for the fact that he was given a massage.”

The ex-wife of the Duke of York was also involved in the scandals - in 2010, The News of the World newspaper released a video in which Sarah Ferguson agreed to arrange a meeting between an undercover reporter, posing as a wealthy businessman, and her ex-husband for 500 thousand pounds (about $720 thousand .). At the same time, as reported, Andrew himself knew nothing about his wife’s deal.

In the summer of 2011, Prince Andrew was forced to resign as UK Trade Representative - largely “thanks” to his connections with the aforementioned Epstein.

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, the middle son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who is divorced from the much-hated royal family Sarah Fergusson (pictured right), has found himself in the crosshairs of the world press due to the scandal surrounding the sale of his Sunninghill Park estate , built of red brick in the famous racecourse town of Ascot in Berkshire, bought for him as a wedding gift in 1986.

"Energy tycoon Kenes Rakishev, 29, has reportedly purchased the Sunninghill Park estate from the prince, paying £3 million over its estimated value of £12 million," RIA Novosti notes.

Also, recently the British press has more than once drawn attention to Prince Andrew’s friendship with shown in the photo a prominent and wealthy representative of the Kazakh business community, holding the post of executive director of the Munaigas Engineering company, Gogoi Ashkenazi (Gauhar Berkalieva, Ruspres news agency: mistress of Timur Kulibayev, husband of the daughter of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Dinara).

The Duke of York introduced Goga Ashkenazi to Queen Elizabeth last year, they spoke together at a trade conference in Qatar and were seen dining together at Ascot last December.

Of course, this is not the first time the prince has been mentioned in scandalous relationships. Before this, there were many articles about his love affairs.

Then the youngest daughter (pictured left) of the Queen of Great Britain's middle son, Prince of York Andrew and, accordingly, the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, gave her grandmother an unpleasant surprise on her official birthday - one of the school teachers discovered 18-year-old Princess Eugenia frolicking in the college yard in the nude , reports the British tabloid The Sun.

According to the newspaper, the teacher woke up in the middle of the night from an unexpected noise - under his windows about ten girls were dancing in an Eva costume, including the princess. Fortunately, there were no young people nearby. It later turned out that the girls did not take drugs, but were under the influence of alcohol.

The name of Princess Eugenie appears from time to time in gossip columns, but not as often as the name of her sister, Princess Beatrice, a lover of nightclubs and riotous entertainment.

Goga Ashkenazi (Berkalieva)

Born in Dzhambul region. Kazakh. Mother - Saule Aralbaeva.

She was educated in England, where she has lived since the early 1990s. She studied modern history and economics at Oxford.

International media called her “the ex-wife of Aidar Akayev, the son of ex-President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev” (in 1998-99), “the wife of American millionaire Stefan Ashkenazy”, “the mistress of Prince Andrew of York”, “the girlfriend of an international playboy and the organizer of Formula -1" Flavio Briatore (since 2002)".

Since 2007 - chief executive manager in the London office of the Kazakh oil and gas company MunaiGas Engineering Ltd and, according to the News of the World tabloid, owner of a 5% stake in the Altyn Almas corporation, 5% in the Kazturboremont plant, and the MunaiGas Engineering company. , which is building the fourth workshop of the Opornaya compressor station and oil and gas pipelines in the Mangystau region... she is credited with friendship with T.A. Kulibayev" ("Megapolis", No. 43 (408) dated 12/01/2008).

He lives with his mother and son either in a country house in Surrey or in a $56 million mansion in Holland Park in London.

Currently time (12.2008) - divorced. Son - Adam Berkaliev (born December 27, 2007, London, father, according to the newspaper "Events and People", No. 5, April 7 - 14, 2008 - Timur Kulibaev).
