Strong pigmentation in intimate places. How to whiten armpits and bikini area: features, principles, methods

There are a lot of overweight women in our country. No matter how hard the world tries to make slim figures the ideal, part of the population is still obese or slightly overweight. At the same time, a variety of problems arise, some of which are not even spoken about out loud. But many women would like to solve them!

Obesity is not only a big load on the bones, stretch marks and a big belly. In addition, chafing also forms. Where? Only large-size ladies know about this, but they are the only ones who won’t admit it to anyone, because it’s very embarrassing to tell such a thing. Full legs and large hips lead to the fact that when walking, the legs touch in rather tender places and become very chafed. In just a few minutes you can bleed your skin and it's much more painful than calluses on your feet.

Why is this happening?

Such rubbing is not always a sign of fullness. There are women whose legs are simply positioned this way, and even with little weight this problem manifests itself. Moreover, not only ulcers caused by rubbing occur, but also heat rash or dark spots.

The skin rubs against each other, and not just once, but for several hours a day. This makes her darker. The space between the legs, or more precisely, the upper part of the legs on the inside becomes brown or grayish in color, significantly different from the surrounding skin. You can even see this on the beaches, but usually ladies shyly cover themselves with a pareo because they know about this problem.

Speaking about such manifestations, it is necessary to highlight two problems: the first is how not to rub your feet, how to walk without pain and terrible ulcers. The second problem is how to remove dark circles. Of course, they immediately disappear after losing weight, but this is the most difficult path, which not everyone can do. But our mothers and even grandmothers faced these troubles, and after so many years a solution was finally found.

How to avoid chafing your feet

The easiest and most convenient way is not to wear skirts and dresses. Legs don't get chafed in trousers. This is a radical decision, but it is one that many people adhere to. At the same time, trousers do not last long at all, since even dense fabric cannot withstand such stress. Most large women are forced to buy new pants every 3-5 months, as holes appear in the inner thigh area.

The second solution, popular among the older generation, is starch. Regular potato starch is available at any grocery store. Before going outside, apply to clean skin. It is not visible and creates a light coating that prevents abrasions. But it only works when a person does not sweat. And the effect lasts for three hours. Talcum powder works similarly, but you can always put it in your purse and add it.

A good solution is a rich cream. But this is only when you do not plan to sit somewhere, because then marks will remain on the dress. It is better to take an option that is not immediately absorbed, for example, baby cream or even Vaseline. You will have to add more regularly to avoid problems.

A good modern solution is antiperspirant. A dry deodorant that contains talc works best. Apply to your legs the same way as to your armpits, and you will forget about the problem forever. The choice of such products is huge, it is optimal to take one that does not have a strong smell. There are even compact options that can easily fit into a bag.

The right clothes are also a solution

If you wear the right underwear, your feet won't get chafed. Special shorts will protect sensitive areas from injury. You can buy them in a regular store, but keep in mind that good models are only available in decent brands. The best option is lightweight, breathable materials that do not gather, do not roll, and are not noticeable under clothing. Such things exist, but they are not very cheap.

Also, many ladies have adapted to making shorts from tights. Cut the tights to a thickness of no more than 15 den and carefully trim the edges so that arrows do not form. Such things also save you from chafing, but you need to take care that the skirt is not too short, so as not to accidentally expose such “beauty”.

How to remove irritation

If you have already chafed your feet, then you need to take a bath, wash the affected areas with a mild cleanser and apply a healing cream. The pharmacy has creams for children that help against heat rash. Options for bedsores will also relieve unpleasant symptoms. And if this happens, then wear trousers for at least a day.

Do not use iodine, brilliant green or other similar products. Hydrogen peroxide is also contraindicated. Just a healing cream will be much more effective.

Dark spots are not a death sentence

Many women have learned to do without ulcers using various means, but some have accepted that it will no longer be possible to remove the ugly skin color in this area. But there is a solution for this too. There are several methods, some are suitable for some, others are suitable for others. Choose yours and act.

Make a special scrub for this area. Take the leftover coffee, add a few drops of lemon juice and a little softening cream. Apply to the blemished area in a circular motion to remove dead skin. Rinse off with warm water. You will have to repeat the procedure constantly, but the color will gradually become much lighter.

A good remedy is hydrogen peroxide. Apply to a cotton swab and wipe onto dark leather surface. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The effect will become noticeable only after a week. Again, if you don't lose weight and wear skirts, friction continues, so you will have to constantly use whitening.

Lemon juice is good for lightening the skin. You can even wipe the stains with a slice of lemon, but it is important: you can only use it when there is no irritation. And such a procedure sometimes causes allergies, so the juice is sometimes mixed with water.

There are whitening creams on sale, for example, Achromin. These preparations are more suitable for lightening age spots, but they also affect chafing. You need to use it twice a day - morning and evening. The effect will be in a week, and complete whitening will occur in a month, but the course will have to be repeated sometimes.

Fat legs are not a problem at all today; everything can be solved. Or maybe you also have some secret ways to get rid of such troubles? It would be very interesting to know, share below in the comments.

Many women (and even some men) today are wondering how to whiten their armpits and other intimate areas of the body: the inner thighs, the area around the vagina and anus, the bikini area, nipples... Perhaps we would not have thought about such a delicate moment, but, Looking at photos of models that attract attention with flawless skin color, we begin to dream of the same. The problem of pigmentation is especially relevant for people whose work involves the need to undress in public: circus performers, athletes, actors, etc.

Well... In modern cosmetology, there is practically nothing impossible. There are various creams and ointments like Finale whitening cream that effectively lighten intimate areas. Skin whitening procedures are carried out in salons. You can fix the problem at home using folk recipes. This article will tell you more about intimate whitening.

Video - How to whiten dark underarm skin at home

Cosmetology products

Skin lightening with the help of creams and gels occurs due to the ability of the latter to remove dead dermal cells, as well as reduce the production of melanin. Previously, such preparations included mercury ointment, phenol and salicylic alcohol. Modern developments usually contain more gentle substances in the form of various hydroacids. Well-proven remedies include the following.

  1. Whitening cream Secret Bright. Contains lactic and kojic acid, as well as carotene. Suitable for the most sensitive areas - genitals and the skin around them, anus, etc. The risk of irritation is minimal. The product blocks the production of melanin, which means that pigmentation will not return. The effect is noticeable already about 2 weeks after the start of use.
  2. Finale whitening cream. The product contains only natural ingredients of plant origin. The armpits, perineum, and inner thighs will look well-groomed and attractive if you use it regularly. The skin not only brightens, but also becomes healthier, receiving a complex of useful microelements; its structure is aligned and its protective properties are increased.
  3. Whitening cream Pink Privates. Does not contain harmful components such as mercury or hydroquinone. The effect appears approximately on the 45th day of use. You need to rub the cream in twice a day. The product is indicated for those who need whitening of the labia, anus and other parts of the body.
  4. Cosmetics from the “Pleiana” series. It is a set of foams, gels and balms for whitening intimate areas. The integrated use of funds guarantees high efficiency.
  5. Nipple lightening creams from the Israeli company Elure. The product applies well and provides a noticeable result. It is often chosen by women whose halos have darkened after childbirth. As a result, the breasts will look like the photos of models in erotic magazines.

When using a whitening gel or cream, you should strictly follow the instructions and carefully study the composition. It is advisable to first consult a specialist.

Salon methods

How to whiten the skin between your legs and in other secluded corners of the body, employees of modern beauty salons know. There are several methods. Here are a couple of the most popular ones.

  1. Phototherapy is a proven and popular method that allows you to forget about pigmentation in the groin area, on the inner thighs, etc. The method is absolutely painless, but has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, inflammatory diseases, etc.
  2. Laser whitening of intimate areas. It is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. It is a virtually painless, safe and effective method. In addition to skin whitening, skin rejuvenation is also carried out.

Traditional methods

Not every woman can afford to go to a salon, where professional whitening of the bikini area and other similar services are not cheap. Special creams will also seem quite expensive to many. In addition, they sometimes cause allergic reactions. In this case, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes, which have also succeeded in intimate whitening. But, before using one of the methods, you should definitely consult with a competent specialist, otherwise you may harm yourself.

Darkened skin in the nooks and crannies of the body can be lightened at home using:

  • white clay, which is mixed with cucumber juice and a few drops of lemon juice, and then applied to the problem area for 10 minutes;
  • parsley juice mixed with sour cream or kefir and a couple of drops of lemon juice and applied to dark places for 10 minutes;
  • a mixture of grated cucumber and nourishing cream, which must be applied to the skin through gauze for 15 minutes;
  • coffee scrub;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • pomegranate juice.

Some “experts” advise people interested in how to whiten the skin of their armpits and other intimate areas to resort to the “help” of hydrogen peroxide. This is a rather risky method, since the product is aggressive and can damage delicate skin. Especially when it comes to the anus, nipples and genitals. It’s better not to experiment with your health. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but not like this.

As you can see, the choice of ways to combat pigmentation is quite wide. It should be remembered that salon methods guarantee almost one hundred percent results, which will be noticeable immediately. The use of special creams and gels is also effective, but you will have to wait a little. Folk methods will require even more patience, but the perseverance shown will certainly bear fruit. Whatever your choice of method for whitening intimate areas, let it turn out to be correct, and let every millimeter of your body please you with its perfection!

Video - How to whiten the skin of intimate areas quickly and effectively

Today, more and more women come to cosmetologists and dermatologists with complaints of darkening of the epidermis in the groin area. Despite the fact that this issue is quite intimate, young ladies still decide to visit a doctor, since darkening of the tissues in the bikini area causes discomfort and a feeling of embarrassment. This problem is especially relevant in the summer season, when there is a need to wear a swimsuit.

Dermatologists warn that you need to think about solving the problem earlier, since lightening procedures will have to be carried out for at least 1.5-2 months. Why does the skin in intimate places darken? The causes of the disease can be very different, and before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what is the primary source of darkening in a particular case.

The saturation of the shade of the epidermis in any area depends on the amount of pigments secreted by the cells. If the metabolic process is disrupted, the pigment may be released in larger quantities, which will cause darkening of the tissues.

In most cases, dark skin in intimate places is a consequence of the negative effects of the following factors:

In addition to the above factors, pigmentation problems in a delicate area can be caused by improper care or the use of inappropriate care products.

Reference! If darkening of the tissue occurs quite quickly and the process progresses, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist who will tell you what is the original source of the problem.

Reasons related to shaving

If a woman uses a razor or a razor to remove hair in the bikini area, depilation will always be accompanied by minor injury to the surface layer of the skin.

Also, these types of depilation often lead to irritation and redness, which is often accompanied by excessive pigmentation.

Shaving and often lead to the appearance of ingrown hairs in the bikini area.

In the absence of proper treatment, spots from them may also not go away for several months, causing the epidermis to become darker.

To reduce the risk of such a complication, it is recommended to perform depilation of the intimate area under the supervision of a professional.

How to get rid of darkening of skin

Today, reducing pigmentation in the bikini area is not particularly difficult, since special whitening products can be found in pharmacies.

Despite the fact that such drugs have a powerful effect and can solve the problem in the shortest possible time, due to their specific composition they often cause side effects (dermatitis). They must be used with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions.

To achieve the best result, tissue bleaching should be carried out in 2 stages: first, you need to exfoliate the stratum corneum, and then reduce the synthesis of melanin. For exfoliation, it is best to use products based on alpha hydroxy acids, such as citric or glycolic acid.

Folk remedies

Before you begin whitening procedures, you need to prepare your skin. A couple of hours before the session, depilation is required, since smooth skin accepts bleaching compounds much better.

2-3 hours after depilation, you need to peel and leave it to act for 5 minutes. After this time, the remaining product is washed off with warm water. When the keratinized particles are eliminated, you can proceed directly to whitening. How to get rid of dark skin in the bikini area?

The following remedies have proven themselves to be very effective in the fight against this disease:

It is necessary to remember that in order to get rid of pigmentation in intimate places, you will have to use folk recipes for at least 2 months.

Reference! You can use masks and gruels based on lemon juice only if there are no scratches or abrasions, otherwise such treatment can cause irritation and pain.

Often women face the problem of pigmentation (darkening) in delicate areas. It makes you feel embarrassed about your own body, sometimes even causes complexes to appear, and takes away the feeling of impeccability. This problem can be solved. There are many modern methods for whitening intimate areas. Traditional cosmetology also offers its own methods of getting rid of the problem.

Before choosing a method that is suitable for you, you should study the effectiveness of each of them. Despite the apparent harmlessness, some of the methods can have a traumatic effect on the skin, and their use is not justified.

Causes of darkening

It is important to find out what exactly provokes pigmentation - perhaps there are other problems that are worth paying attention to in parallel with getting rid of darkening of the skin.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Excess weight, due to which areas of the skin of the inner thighs rub against each other. As a result, redness and infections occur. Over time, the skin becomes rougher and darker;
  2. Hormonal disorders;
  3. Incorrectly selected underwear. Firstly, if it is made from non-natural fabrics, allergies may occur. Secondly, underwear with the wrong size or fit can cause chafing;
  4. Increased skin sensitivity;
  5. Changes associated with age.

In addition, medications taken, dermatological diseases, inflammation, trauma, genetic predisposition, use of oral contraceptives, and pregnancy can be triggers for the appearance of spots in intimate places.

If the problem of darkening is not a natural physiological process, it is necessary to solve it so that it does not return. This is also necessary to protect the body from the development of various diseases.

Before starting the procedures, you should visit a dermatologist, who will identify the causes and confirm or rule out the presence of diseases.

Solutions to the problem

Regardless of the chosen lightening method, this procedure always involves removing the top layer of the epidermis, which is how the desired result is achieved.

At their core, these manipulations are peeling. You can produce them yourself or by contacting specialists.

Previously, women used products that contain salicylic acid and phenol. Mercury ointment was also used.

Currently, leading cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics containing the following components:

  • Hydroquinone;
  • Lactic acid;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Azelaic acid;
  • Glycolic acid.

Products containing extracts of parsley, cucumber, and bearberry are also effective.

Whitening in salon

Often women prefer to turn to professional cosmetologists who will perform the procedure in a salon. Specialists perform peeling, after which the process continues at home using special creams.

They are usually intended to be used for 2 weeks at a frequency of 2 times per day. The skin should rest from peeling, and subsequent procedures are carried out three days after it.

Accordingly, if you resort to the services of professionals, you will still have to complete the process yourself. But if you decide to perform intimate whitening in a salon, the peeling will be done efficiently, and the risk of injury will be reduced to a minimum.

Solving the problem at home

Most women choose this option. As a rule, a cream containing the necessary components is selected for this. Each of the products offered by the modern cosmetic industry has a different cost, period of use required to achieve results, composition, and method of application.

Before purchasing a cream, pay attention to its components, instructions for use, and find out what the principle of its action is. Remember that this type of cosmetics must help exfoliate the dermis.

  1. As a rule, the product is applied to areas of the body twice a day, but before use, be sure to read the instructions - perhaps the cosmetics you choose should be used in a different mode;
  2. Do not allow the substance to come into contact with your eyes;
  3. Regardless of which cream for whitening the skin of intimate areas you choose, you should avoid exposure to the sun's rays and, accordingly, tanning;
  4. Apply the product in a thin layer to avoid irritation and allergies. For the same purpose, study the concentration of the main component - it should not be very high;
  5. Do not use cosmetics if there are open wounds or abrasions on the treated areas;
  6. If you find an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, redness, itching, stop using the cream, and when the skin is restored, choose other cosmetics.

The variety of creams today is huge, but there are products that have been proven over the years. Among them is a cream from the Bulgarian manufacturer “Achromin”. It contains lactic acid, water, lanolin, paraffin, glycerin, sodium chloride, Trilon B.

The main component of cosmetics is hydroquinone, which is the most effective whitening substance. It is toxic and therefore prohibited for use in a number of countries around the world.

Currently, you can find a cream on sale, in the manufacture of which this component is replaced with other components that have a similar effect. Nevertheless, “Achromin”, which contains hydroquinone, is most often used for intimate whitening.

Before using it, be sure to read the instructions and use the product strictly following the recommendations specified therein. Sometimes the cream can cause allergies, so visit a dermatologist before use. Pregnant women, as well as during lactation, should not use it.

Folk cosmetology

Whitening of intimate areas is carried out at home and using traditional cosmetology products that have been proven over the years.

  1. Ammonia with hydrogen peroxide. Combine these components in a proportion of 0.5 tsp. and 1 tbsp. l. accordingly, apply the mixture to the desired area of ​​the body for 3-5 minutes.
  2. The procedure must be carried out twice a week.
  3. The course consists of no more than 12 procedures.

Before using the product, apply it to your wrist - if there is no redness, itching or other unpleasant sensations, you can use the mixture at home for sensitive areas.

  • Cucumber . The vegetable must be grated and combined with cream that has nutritional properties. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze or soft cloth and apply to the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Parsley . Cut the greens with a knife, squeeze the juice out of it (you will need 1 tsp), combine it with lemon juice in the same amount, add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sour cream and apply the mixture to the skin for 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out at home for 4 days, and then a break is required.
  • Coffee grounds. It is necessary to mix the substance with lemon juice in equal parts, apply the resulting mixture to the delicate area and gently massage for 5 minutes. Then the mixture is washed off with warm water. Next, apply a cream for dry skin to this area. The procedure is repeated twice a week until the effect is achieved.
  • White clay . This recipe involves processing with a mixture of cosmetic white clay and cucumber juice. The components are combined in such proportions that the substance becomes so thick that it will not allow it to spread. Cucumber juice can be replaced with strawberry or parsley juice.

Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the paste to the skin, after peeling, for 10 minutes. Next, rinse it off with warm water, apply cream to the treated area.

On the one hand, it seems that the problem of dark private places is funny, but definitely not for the girls who are faced with this. Women always want to look their best, and perfection should be achieved anywhere. Since dark skin is quite an unpleasant aspect, many are interested in how to whiten their armpits and bikini area at home.

Reviews show that even with the help of folk remedies you can easily get rid of this, and in the photo you can see the results of those who have tried it. If you follow all the recommendations and rules, the result will not keep you waiting, and the skin will become light, well-groomed and with a uniform skin tone.

Although it seems that girls rarely face this problem, judging by the statistics, the issue is quite relevant in the modern world.

Causes of darkened skin in intimate areas

Experts identify a number of main reasons that cause darkening of the skin, including:

  • Changes in the hormonal structure in a woman’s body. This may occur after puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.
  • Strong friction between the legs is due to excess weight.
  • Regular wearing of tight underwear, as well as fabric that is not suitable for a particular skin type.
  • Choosing the wrong deodorant for your armpits.
  • Individual characteristics of the skin.

Also, the cause of darkening of the skin can be a genetic predisposition. No less often, this problem can occur after illness, dermatitis, injury or surgery.

Changes in hormonal levels, exposure to large amounts of ultraviolet rays, and the use of oral contraceptives can also lead to darkening of the skin.

The main thing is not just to start lightening the skin, but to get rid of the reason from which this happened. You should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself and prevent possible complications in time. For example, a dermatologist will advise you to get tested for fungal diseases. Only if the cause is completely excluded, as well as treatment (if necessary), can whitening begin using special means.

  1. Exfoliate the top keratinized layer of the skin.
  2. Reduce the production of the hormone melanin.

Then you can start choosing a whitening product.

Folk remedies and recipes for whitening

It is difficult to replace ingredients such as parsley, lemon, strawberries, pomegranate and grapefruit when making masks and scrubs at home to get rid of dark areas on the skin. They are the main and basic components for effectively getting rid of the problem.

The most effective and popular recipes are:

  1. For this method you will need parsley juice, kefir (can be replaced with sour cream) and lemon juice. All ingredients should be mixed and placed on a dark area of ​​the intimate area or armpits for 10 minutes. The procedures should be repeated no more than 5 times a day. If used correctly, the result will appear within 3 days. The skin brightens before your eyes.

  1. The following recipe calls for cucumber and your favorite moisturizer. You need to grate the cucumber and mix it with the cream, and then apply it to the desired area of ​​skin for a few minutes. Thanks to the cucumber, lightening occurs, and the cream will make the skin sufficiently moisturized.

  1. White clay is an excellent bleaching agent. To do this, it must be combined with cucumber juice in such an amount that a thick paste is obtained. Cucumber can be replaced with parsley or strawberries. You also need to add lemon juice. Then you should apply the mixture to the skin for 15 minutes and after the time has elapsed, rinse with cold running water.

  1. An equally effective recipe is a scrub made from coffee and lemon. They need to wipe the required area every day and soon the result will appear.

Such methods do not give instant results, but this does not mean that they are ineffective. You just need to do them regularly and after a month you can forget about the problem of dark areas in the bikini area and armpits.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Every girl has heard about the ability of peroxide to bleach hair, but it can also be used to whiten darkened areas of the skin. But if you use peroxide in its pure form, you can not only make your skin dry, but also get burned.

To make the procedure safe, it is better to dissolve it with water in a 1:1 ratio, and then add a little gel or liquid body soap - this can make the skin softer. You can also mix peroxide with camphor oil, which is also effective for getting rid of pigmentation.
