Download presentation of human organs. Presentation of the "human organ system"

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“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it,” said the great Disterweg. I think he was right. Wisdom is just, which seems to me to answer the questions that a good teacher asks himself. Wisdom says: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and maybe I won't remember. Engage me and I'll understand." I am sure that the profession of a teacher is one of the most necessary, most difficult and responsible. After all, a real teacher is the person who not only teaches a certain lesson, but he is also a subtle psychologist who helps us to know the world through his subject and become a strong personality. But not every teacher is good! The teacher, in my opinion, should teach students to find the truth in everything, and not give it, as they say, ready-made.

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A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it...

Moreva Ekaterina, 1st year student, group No. 420813

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it,” said the great Disterweg. I think he was right. Wisdom is just, which seems to me to answer the questions that a good teacher asks himself. Wisdom says: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and maybe I won't remember. Engage me and I'll understand." I am sure that the profession of a teacher is one of the most necessary, most difficult and responsible. After all, a real teacher is the person who not only teaches a certain lesson, but he is also a subtle psychologist who helps us to know the world through his subject and become a strong personality. But not every teacher is good! The teacher, in my opinion, should teach students to find the truth in everything, and not give it, as they say, ready-made. That teacher is bad, who only indicates that it is so, they say, and so, and does not explain why? And a good teacher will lead the student through the history of the issue, introduce him to different points of view, opinions, and then ask the student what he thinks, what he thinks, what conclusions he has! And if something happens, then a little, without offending, “will prompt, push” to the right decision, so skillfully that the student will not even notice his participation. So the student gains invaluable experience in the process of fulfilling his tasks and problems. The richer the life experience, the more accurate the truth.

After all, truth is not a meaning received from a teacher, mentor. It is the wisdom gained in the process of finding answers to difficult questions. I think that learning should take place in communication, in interaction, through conversations, deeds, work. The main task of the teacher is not to give an answer to the question, the main thing is to direct the student to the path of independent search for answers. So in the mind there is confidence in their knowledge. The task that a good teacher sets himself is to indicate the direction, and a good student will go his own way. You know dear. The word "school" in Latin means "ladder", on the steps of which we, the students, ascend. And to build this ladder for everyone, it is gentle for someone, for someone more abruptly, we are helped by good teachers who teach us to find the Truth! What do you think?

Natalia Pavlova
Essay "A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it"


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Moscow Pedagogical State University" (MPGU)

Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

Performed: Pavlova Natalya Sergeevna

Profile: "Additional education (early creative development)»

Form of study: part-time


Academic year: 2015-2016, semester 2

« A bad teacher teaches the truth, good teaches her to find”- so said Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg - a German teacher, public figure, politician. His name is associated with the creation of the foundations of developmental education. good According to Diesterweg, only such training can be considered that stimulates the inclinations and initiative of a person, develops him mentally, morally, physically. Compliance with this principle ensures the developmental nature of training. Diesterweg understood self-activity as activity, initiative, and considered it the most important personality trait. In the development of children's amateur performance, he saw both the ultimate goal and an indispensable condition for any education, he determined the value of individual educational subjects based on how much they stimulate the mental activity of students.

Diesterweg believed that a person has innate inclinations, which are characterized by a desire for development. The task of education is to excite the inclinations so that they can develop independently. He believed that schooling should be based on the natural forces contained in the child. Each person from birth has a sum of certain abilities, which, with properly organized upbringing, develop, and with inept education, they can stall. So that the child's abilities do not decay, teacher must constantly take care of their development, giving children the opportunity to apply their strengths, knowledge and skills in practice.

I fully agree with the wise statement of the great teacher and admire his ideas. In my opinion, truth is not transmitted from the teacher, a mentor, but is comprehended in the process of independent search for answers to difficult questions. I think that learning should take place in communication, in the interaction of the teacher and students. the main task teachers- not to give an answer to the question, but to guide the student on the path of independent search for answers. But the task of the student is to use this tactical step in such a way as to come to truth. That is the purpose of any teacher- organize the learning process in such a way as to give the student the opportunity and motive for independent research work. The task that he sets himself good teacher- indicate the direction, and good the student will independently go his own way, revealing his inner potential.

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Human organ systems

North-Kazakhstan region. Kyzylzhar region. KSU "Podgornenskaya Basic School"

Biology teacher Kozel E.P.

Organ It is a part of the body that has a shape, occupies a certain place in the body and performs one or more functions.

Organ systems










Skeleton muscles


The bones of the skeleton form a rigid frame, which is the basis of the body. The bones give it its shape and allow it to move. The skeleton protects the soft, vulnerable organs of the body, such as the heart and brain.


  • protective
  • moves the bones

Circulatory system

  • transport of substances
  • removes metabolic products from organisms

Respiratory system

  • provides oxygen to the body
  • release of carbon dioxide, water vapor

Digestive system

Entry of nutrients into the body

urinary system

excretion of liquid metabolic products from the body

reproductive system

provides for the continuation of the family

Nervous system

coordinates the work of all organs

humoral system

regulates the activity of the body


organs of the respiratory system

Organs of the digestive system

Nerves, spinal cord, brain

Organs of the endocrine system

Organs of the nervous system

Kidneys, ureters, bladder

Organs of the urinary system

Esophagus, duodenum, liver

Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

Organs of the circulatory system

Skeleton, muscles

Organs of the musculoskeletal system

Pituitary gland, thymus gland, thyroid gland

Arteries, veins, capillaries
