Skyrim walkthrough of the mages guild side quests. Walkthrough of the College of Winterhold quests The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The College of Winterhold does not obey the imperial guild of magicians and does not shy away from necromancy.

The College of Winterhold is a school of magicians in the northeast of Skyrim, near the border with Morrowind. Here the arcane arts are studied, and wizards spend their days casting spells or studying library grimoires. Residents of Winterhold do not like the College, and for good reason - fifty years ago, huge waves swept away most of the city, but the College building miraculously survived.

To become an archmage, it is not necessary to study magic - the first “introductory” spells will be enough. So the road here is open to any hero.

First lessons

“The main thing is caution,” says Tolfdir and sends the students into a dangerous dungeon.

From the very first steps across Skyrim, the hero will be told that on the northern outskirts of the province there is a school of magicians - for those who consider themselves capable of magic, and... for everyone else.

The school is easy to find - it stands out against the backdrop of the decadent Winterhold. But the sorceress Faralda is guarding the entrance more than a dragon - she will let us through after we either prove dovahkinism (the plot quest “Ancient Knowledge”), or demonstrate how we can cast magic. The spell that requires Farald from us is chosen randomly. If we don’t know this, she herself will sell it for a modest price.

ADVICE: visit the college as early as possible - if you come too late, Faralda’s “introductory” spell may require more mana than the hero has.

After this, we will have a conversation with Mirabella Erwin and a tour, and then the first lesson in the Hall of Elements. The elderly magician Tolfdir gives a lecture to the students. At the end, he will offer the hero to practice using a talisman spell. If we don’t have it, he will teach us.

The task is simple: cover yourself with a talisman in time to reflect the fireball flying at the hero.

Immediately after this, Tolfdir will offer to work “in the field” and visit the excavations of the ruins of Saarthal.

In the depths of Saarthal

The thin greenish guy on the left is Yurik. Yurik Goldurson.

Saarthal is nearby, southwest of Winterhold. Wait at the entrance for Tolfdir and his students. Inside you will be given the first task, to help the magician Arnel Gein collect several artifacts - three enchanted rings and one ancient amulet.

There will be a problem with the amulet - a magical trap will work and cut the hero off from the rest of the expedition members. Tolfdir will offer to examine the amulet more closely. Put it on and cast a spell on the pedestal. A passage will open, and with it a grate, and Tolfdir will join us.

And then, when we get to a small room with a locked door, time will stop, and the Psijic magician Nerien, who came from nowhere, will speak to the hero. Something very dangerous is coming - he will say and disappear, and the draugr will immediately attack the hero and Tolfdir.

You will encounter two puzzles - one simpler, the other more difficult. The solution is simple - rotate the columns as indicated in the pictures (whale-snake-eagle, eagle-eagle-whale). A complex puzzle - four columns, three of which, turning, rotate the others. You need to start with the left one - it rotates the remaining three columns. Rotate the column so that the pattern matches the pattern on the wall. The next column is the far left one. Then - the far right and the near right.

After this, Tolfdir will join us, and we will go out into the hall, at the far end of which a huge magic ball, covered with mysterious signs, rotates. He is guarded by Yurik... that is, Yurik Goldurson, a powerful draugr. At first he is invulnerable. Only when Tolfdir begins to draw power from the ball can Yurik be dealt with.

Return to the college through the door behind the ball and watch out for the wall with the Word of Power.

Library books

The archmage is red-eyed not because of the books or because of the pipe potion. He's from Morrowind - everyone there is like that.

To find out what kind of ball we found in the depths of Saarthal, Archmage Savos Aren advises us to contact the Arcaneum, the local library. But the orc librarian Urag gro-Shub will quickly cool our ardor - he does not have the necessary books. They were kidnapped by a certain Orthorn, a renegade magician who is hiding in the Fellglow fortress.

In Fellglow Fortress, magicians conduct inhumane experiments on vampires. Free all the vampires you meet, and they will help in battle. Orthorn himself is in prison - free him, and he will also offer assistance.

You will find the books at the end of the dungeon, next to the powerful sorceress - the Summoner. You can fight with her (she, true to her nickname, calls all kinds of dirty tricks on our head), try to convince her to give up the books peacefully, or, if Orthorn accompanies you, exchange the books for him.

As a reward for returning three valuable volumes, Urag gro-Shub will give us pockets full of interesting and useful books.

Good intentions

In the archmage’s chambers, agents of the secret Psijic order came out to us again.

Talk to Tolfdir in the Hall of Elements. He admires the magical ball, the Eye of Magnus, recovered from Saarthal, and admits that he has never seen anything like it before.

The conversation will be interrupted by Ancano, an arrogant Altmer, representative of the Thalmor and advisor to the archmage. He urgently calls us to the archmage’s chambers for a serious conversation. There we will be met by another Psijic magician (member of the top-secret society of magicians) - Quaranir. He will traditionally freeze time to talk with the hero alone. The magic ball is dangerous. The world is not yet ready for such a powerful thing, and we need the advice of the Augur of Dunlane.

Naturally, the archmage and Ancano did not hear the conversation and now do not understand why the Psijic is leaving. But where to look for the Augur? Tolfdir will tell us about this. The Augur is hiding in Midden - the catacombs under the College. Ice ghosts and all sorts of undead live there, and the Augur himself is a clot of magical energy, full of pessimism. He will tell us that events cannot be stopped, Ancano does not know what he is doing, and we need some kind of staff of Magnus.

Discovery of the invisible

The map shows clots of magic in Tamriel. Skyrim is illuminated by the Eye of Magnus and the Staff of Magnus.

Savos Aren, having learned about the staff, will send him to Mirabella. She will report that magicians from the Synod were recently looking for the staff, and they went to the Dwemer dungeon Mzulft.

Judging by the fact that a magician is dying outside the gates of Mzulft, the Synod has already been here. Take the key from the body, open the door and enter the dungeon corridors. It is quite straightforward - your enemies here will be the traditional defense mechanisms of the Dwemer, as well as the Falmer and Chorus.

At the end of a long journey, having stumbled upon a locked door in a large hall, go in the opposite direction, eliminate the centurion and take the key from the chest. Return to the door. If you have not yet picked up the focusing crystal from the falmer in the large hall, do so.

Meet Parata Decimius, the only surviving magician of the Synod. He will tell us what happened and lead us to a device that focuses starlight. To solve the puzzle, you need to insert the crystal into the indicated place and influence it with cold and fire spells until the light rays land on exactly three rings in the dome. After this, all that remains is to press the buttons and rotate the rings to combine the three lenses with the rays.

Apparently, the staff is in Labyrinthian. That's where we'll go. However, first we will have to look at the College, where a Psijic magician who has appeared again out of nowhere will send us.

Elimination of consequences

Ancano should not have been allowed near the ball. Having received the power of the Eye, the elf is about to fold space, pupate and stop time.

Disturbing and tragic events are taking place at the College. After a full-fledged crisis breaks out, we will be sent to protect Winterhold from a dozen magical anomalies flying around the city.

After this, return to Mirabella - she will send us to Labyrinthian, providing us with a door ring (key) and the Savos Arena amulet.

Staff of Magnus

Phantom Draugr. It would seem that the undead are undead - but it looks impressive!

Labyrinthian is a curious dungeon. There are trolls, mother smoke with blue lights, as well as unusual ghostly draugr and their dogs. Here with us will be the disembodied ghosts of the past - an expedition of magicians led by Savos Aren. And Labyrinthian will begin with an interesting battle - a bone dragon and a crowd of skeletons.

ADVICE: if you find it difficult to defeat the dragon, return from the hall to the narrow corridors where he cannot fit.

There are no puzzles in the Labyrinthian, except for two magical doors. The ice one opens with a fire spell, the fire one with an ice spell. The most dangerous thing is the beginning of the gallery, where fireballs will immediately fly at us, capable of killing the hero instantly. To pass this section, you need to hide around the corner and shoot the soul stones from the pedestals with a bow or an ice arrow spell.

After meeting the ghostly draugr warlord, grab the Word of Power from the wall and prepare to fight Morokei. He is invulnerable, as his defense is supported by two magicians. Kill them, then Morokei himself (he will summon an atronach if he has time). Take Magnus's mask and staff from him.

ADVICE: if fighting Morokei is too difficult, use the same method as with the dragon - hide without going into the hall, and fire at it from afar with everything you have.

On the way to the exit from the dungeon, you will have to endure one more battle - with the ambitious Altmer Estormo.

Eye of Magnus

“You have no methods against Ancano of the Thalmor!”

Now you need to use the staff to break through the protective magic into the College and defeat Ancano. Use your staff to influence obstacles. Help the magicians cope with the anomalies flying around. In the Hall of Elements itself, on the advice of Tolfdir, use your staff on the Eye to make it a ball again, and then use the same staff to hit Ancano with magic. If necessary, repeat the procedure. After the battle, get rid of the summoned anomalies.

It is done! The ball was taken away by the Psijics, and our hero is now the head of the College and can calmly settle down in the archmage’s chambers.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: all tasks from members of the College, including “Echoes”, look in side quests section.

Walkthrough of the College of Winterhold 19371
December 13, 2011 14:11

Talk with Tolfdir and he will describe to you his thoughts about eye of magnus. He will explain that he has never seen anything like this - these are neither elven records nor Daedric ones, they are generally strange in nature.

Suddenly, Ancano will interfere in your conversation and demand you to talk to him. He asks about the mysterious monk Psijic Order, who asked for your audience. When you find yourself at the archmage, you will again meet Quaranira(You will first meet him in earlier missions of the Mages Guild). He will freeze time because he wants to talk to you. Having indicated the urgency and the short amount of time to talk to you, he will explain to you that you must do everything to prevent anyone from taking advantage of you. through the eye of Magnus, since “the world is not yet ready for such force.” Quaranir will continue to warn of the consequences if you refuse to do so, and why only the player has the chance to prevent this from happening. As it appears, Psijic Order does not want direct intervention.

After the conversation with him is over, Ancano and the archmage will wake up and ask you questions. It becomes clear that Quaranir I froze time to talk to you in secret from others. Ancano expresses his distrust to you and the monk and warns that he will try to find out everything about the monk.

Talk to the Archmage Savos Arena, which stands nearby and find out from him about Magnus's staff, which I mentioned Quaranir, talking about how they can channel the power of the eye and save the world from an inevitable chain of events.

You can also talk to Tolfdir about where it is Augur of Dunlane; or you can convince Mirabella Ervin tell you about it. Augura can be found in Midden.

Talk to Augur of Dunlane easily; just a couple of draugr or skeletons will guard it. You can get into Midden through the hatch in the northern part of the college courtyard or along the stairs to Support Hall. When you get there, don't forget to go through the chest (below to your left when you enter through the hatch in the courtyard. In the tunnel further down there is an alchemy table. Make your way into Midden - Darkness.

There are several "locked" doors that can only be opened with a key. To get there you need to talk to Augur. However, if you just stand there and wait, then the voice Augura will tell you not to be too persistent and that you can pass. The door will open.

Augur will again warn you of the danger lurking in Magnus's eye, and then it will disappear. Your journal will be updated and you will need to head to the archmage Savos Arena. After the dialogue, this quest will be completed and the next one will begin.

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First, head to the bridge leading to College of Winterhold and talk to Faralda. Depending on what you say, she will ask you to use a spell. If you don't have this spell, you can purchase it from her for a certain amount of gold. When you get the spell, use it on the platform next to Faralda. The platform will light up and Faralda will let you walk across the bridge and give you a short introductory tour. You can also use one of the shouts available to you. The effect will be the same.

Initiation process

After you talk to Mirabella Erwin, she will decide to give you a tour. Be that as it may, she will give you two items that you need to wear (although this is not so important for participants): a novice's hood (+30 to the amount of mana) and a novice's robe (-12% to the cost of using destruction magic, mana is restored by 50% faster).

Follow her - she will tell and show everything.

She will lead you to the newcomers who are in the students' room, where there are 5 rooms. One for each newbie and one for Tolfdira. Your room is the first on the right. It contains a bed, a chest, and some starting items (such as a soul stone).

Join the lecture

After the tour, she will ask you to join the lecture in the main hall and listen Tolfdira. Tolfdir will begin to tell it to you and three other newcomers. You can see how nervous they are. Your peers will persuade the professor to teach them practical magic and, in the end, he will ask your opinion. Even if you say that safety comes first, he will still ask you to help him demonstrate protective charms. If you don't know this spell, he will teach you it for free. You will need to use this spell and defend against his attack.

Once you successfully defend yourself from one of his fireballs, the task will be completed and the next task will automatically begin.

To get started, go to Saarthal and wait there Tolfdira and other students. When they arrive, follow the professor. Once inside, Tolfdir will ask you for help in searching for magical artifacts. He will ask you to collect four similar artifacts. Take the amulet right in front of you. When you pick it up, you will be trapped and will have to wait until Tolfdir will come and save you. After he does this, he will ask you to equip this amulet. The moment you put it on, the wall from which you removed it will begin to release energy. Use any spell on the wall and it will break.

Go through the hole in the wall and you will eventually end up in a small room. Tolfdir will go with you. Once in the room, you will be attacked by a high level draugr. Kill him and move on. Tolfdir will follow you.

First puzzle. You will need to rotate the pillars until they are in the correct position and then pull the lever. A hint about what image should be on the pillar is on the wall behind the columns.

Second puzzle. It is solved in the same way as the first one. You will find eight pillars. The first ones are arranged in the order in which the other four should be.

Eventually, you will reach a large room. At the back of it there will be a huge ball hovering in the air, covered with runes, which is protected by a magical wall. On the throne in the center of the room sits a rather dangerous draugr, Yurik Goldurson. Wait until Tolfdir will begin to draw power from the ball and will not ask you to attack the enemy. Yurik will begin to glow with double fire: black and purple (as if you are using a witchcraft spell) - it is at this moment that your attacks will be successful.

When you kill him, Tolfdir will ask you to inform the archmage about this. Don't forget to look around, as you won't need to return to this place again. On the table and on the throne where he sat Yurik(from whom, by the way, you can steal a staff), there are a couple of useful things.

Then go through the door that is located behind the blue ball and you will find a wall with a dragon word and a large chest. Study the word, search the box, and then leave the ruins.

Talk to the Archmage at Collegiums. He will give you a staff of magical light and thank you, after which he will send you to Urag gro-Shubu(which activates the task " Library books»).

On the table in the archmage's room you can find a book with an imperial report on Saartale, in which you can find some information about these ruins, although there will be nothing useful there.

Find Hurricane, which is most likely located in Arcanium with your favorite books. He will tell you that books that can help were stolen by a magician named Orthorn who fled to Fellglow Fortress with a small group of magicians. He will mark this place on your map and send you there alone.

Fellglow Keep located on the heath downriver from Whiterun. When you get there, you will notice that it is abandoned. You are attacked by two high-level magicians. When you defeat them (and their atronach too), enter the dungeon. It is filled with mages of various specializations - ice, fire, wind and witchcraft. Mages will attack you with average spells, but at the same time they are not wearing armor, which makes them vulnerable to cold, sharp steel. When they are about to die, they will try to run away from you, which is just funny from time to time. Each of them is dressed in a novice robe with some effects - they can be used for sale or enchantment. Many of them also carry scrolls, potions, and alchemical ingredients.

Soon you will find yourself in a torture chamber where magicians are holding several high-level vampires. These vampires are friendly and will attack mages if you release them. Once you make your way through the torture room, you'll notice Orthorna, who is locked in another cell. He will ask you to free him. If you do this, he will want to go with you, although your character will not be very willing to support this initiative.

Next, proceed to the training room, where three high-level mages are waiting for you, and then head to the next room, which resembles a library, littered with damaged books and novice mages. Go into the room on your right, in which you can find an enchanting table, an alchemy table and some equipment useful for the forge.

After the library, you will need to get rid of the fire atronach, and then you can enter the room with Defiant, a powerful and mysterious magician whom I previously mentioned Orthorn. Defiant invites you to run, but you will have to stay and defeat her. She is a serious opponent who can summon atronachs and uses destruction magic (such as a spark spell, fire arrow or ice spike). For those characters who love secrecy, you need to start a dialogue with her. She will allow you to take the books, but will demand that you leave them with her. Orthorna with her. However, you will need to retrieve the books yourself, which will give you the opportunity to sneak behind her and sneak attack her in the back. You won't find anything special with her. Once she's dead, you can pick up the three books and head back to Hurricane, which will reward you with several skill books.

Talk with Tolfdir and he will describe to you his thoughts about eye of magnus. He will explain that he has never seen anything like this - these are neither elven records nor Daedric ones, they are generally strange in nature.

Suddenly, Ancano will interfere in your conversation and demand you to talk to him. He asks about the mysterious monk Psijic Order, who asked for your audience. When you find yourself at the archmage, you will again meet Quaranira(You will first meet him in earlier missions of the Mages Guild). He will freeze time because he wants to talk to you. Having indicated the urgency and the short amount of time to talk to you, he will explain to you that you must do everything to prevent anyone from taking advantage of you. through the eye of Magnus, since “the world is not yet ready for such force.” Quaranir will continue to warn of the consequences if you refuse to do so, and why only the player has the chance to prevent this from happening. As it appears, Psijic Order does not want direct intervention.

After the conversation with him is over, Ancano and the archmage will wake up and ask you questions. It becomes clear that Quaranir I froze time to talk to you in secret from others. Ancano expresses his distrust to you and the monk and warns that he will try to find out everything about the monk.

Talk to the Archmage Savos Arena, which stands nearby and find out from him about Magnus's staff, which I mentioned Quaranir, talking about how they can channel the power of the eye and save the world from an inevitable chain of events.

You can also talk to Tolfdir about where it is Augur of Dunlane; or you can convince Mirabella Ervin tell you about it. Augura can be found in Midden.

Talk to Augur of Dunlane easily; just a couple of draugr or skeletons will guard it. You can get into Midden through the hatch in the northern part of the college courtyard or along the stairs to Support Hall. When you get there, don't forget to go through the chest (below to your left when you enter through the hatch in the courtyard. In the tunnel further down there is an alchemy table. Make your way into Midden - Darkness.

There are several “locked” doors that can only be opened with a key. To get there you need to talk to Augur. However, if you just stand there and wait, then the voice Augura will tell you not to be too persistent and that you can pass. The door will open.

Augur will again warn you of the danger lurking in Magnus's eye, and then it will disappear. Your journal will be updated and you will need to head to the archmage Savos Arena. After the dialogue, this quest will be completed and the next one will begin.

Talk with Mirabella. Go to the ruins Mzulft. Enter the main door and listen to the dying man Gavros Pliny, who will talk about how he was attacked by a Falmer and took away an object called “ Focusing Crystal" Continue further into the room called " Steam engines" and kill all the enemies that prevent you from reaching your goal. When you get through " Steam engines", you will need to fight the boss, on whose corpse you will find a focusing crystal - do not forget to pick it up.

Next, head further through the dungeon and find a room with a centurion. In this room there is a Dwemer chest in which you can find a key in Oculatory. Return to the main room Steam engines and unlock the door. Parat Decimius will allow you to log in Oculatory(if you notice a closed door but don't see the key, turn around and head down the stairs at the back of the room into the large room, behind the next door there will be a boss protecting a chest with a key).

Talk with Paratom and place the crystal in Oculatoriums. Use fire and ice spells (change them until the eye is level) on the pedestal where you placed the eye, and then line up the large green rings on the ceiling to focus the light beams. Then talk to Parath and listen to him whine about college. Leave Mzulft and return to Savos Arena. Talk to him and he will ask you to help him remove the barrier he placed Ancano. Use any attacking spell on it. Leave the yard and find Savosa Arena. Do what you are told and obediently defend Winterhold.

This is a fairly simple quest. After waking up and talking to Mirabella Erwin, leave the building and go outside, where you will find the body of the archmage and a group of magicians. Leave college and head to Winterhold, where you need to find and kill ten magical anomalies. After you have defeated them all, return to the college and talk to Mirabella Erwin. She will give you Amulet of Savos Arena And Mage's Circlet from Labyrinthiana, and will also guide you in search staff of Magnus V Labyrinthians.

Ruins of Labyrinthian- not the most complex architectural structure that can be found in the game world and it is guarded by several types of undead - draugr, skeletons and other creatures.

When you reach the entrance to the ruins, you will notice the ghostly remains of the archmage Savosa Arena with five other students from Colleges of Winterhold. Ghosts do not notice you and will live out their last moments of life. As you make your way through the dungeon, there will be fewer and fewer of them. The archmage will demand to move on until he is left alone. At that point in his life, he was not so powerful a magician that he could fight and win against Morokea(as noted in one of the dialogues, Morokei will appear further in the dungeon).

A skeleton dragon will appear in the first room Labyrinthiana, and you can also meet about 10 skeletons. Skeletons are quite weak, especially against a good fire spell, so deal with them first before taking on the dragon. The best option would be to summon the Fire Atronach right outside the door and not even approach them. This way you can defeat all the skeletons and not lose a single unit of health, which will allow you to be ready to fight the dragon and not be distracted by all sorts of little things.

There is a corridor ahead filled with towers that attack with frost arrows, fireballs and flames, and there may also be some frost/fire runes located on the floor. On Expert/Master difficulty, it is quite possible that the caster will have a hard time getting through there. The best option for the player is to pull the soul stones from the first two towers, while dodging the fireballs from the far tower, and then run as fast as they can along the corridor to the right. In addition, you can try your luck in knocking down soul stones with fire or ice arrow spells. Well, you can try archery at them. Save often in this corridor if you have any problems. You may also encounter ghosts - summon a Flame Atronach and equip yourself with all the protective spells you have (eg Bark leather or Stone Skin). Focus on the kill Mother-smoke, since everything else comes straight from it.

You will also meet a draugr sitting on a throne opposite a wall with dragon words. Kill him and learn a new word that slows down time.

The last boss Morokei protected by a magical bubble, which is fed by two enslaved magicians. He will start moving when he loses his defense. To stop the magicians, you need to kill them. Prepare carefully for the battle (restore your health, mana) and attack them - after that you will have a long battle with Morokeem.

Morokei can summon a storm atronach, and also transfer the atronachs you have summoned to your side. He attacks with a powerful electrical spell that drains magic and causes great damage to health. If you defeat the atronach, then fighting him will be a little easier.

Walkthrough of the College of Winterhold December 15, 2011 24597 0

After returning to College of Winterhold With Magnus's staff, use it on the magical barrier around the college and enter Hall of Elements together with Tolfdir.

Ancano And Tolfdir chat a little in a friendly way, and then Tolfdir will launch a spell at the Thalmor - but this will have no effect. Ancano is under the influence of a magical barrier that can be removed by using staff of Magnus on Magnus's eye. It is very important to use the staff on Magnus's eye for some time - until it turns into a whole and non-luminous sphere - a barrier protecting Ancano from magical and physical attacks, will disappear and you can calmly kill him. During the battle, he may again turn to the help of his eyes, but you know how to counter him. In addition, there may appear around Magic anomalies, with whom you dealt with in the very Winterhold.

When you overcome Ancano, several people from Psijic Order. They will congratulate the player and appoint him as the new archmage. They will also take with them Eye of Magnus, since he is still very dangerous for the world. Another second - and they disappeared along with the eye.

Talk with Tolfdir- he will say that your candidacy is the best candidate for the post of archmage. He will give you the keys to the archmage's chambers and his robe.

Questgiver: Faralda
Conditions for starting the quest: arrive at Winterhold
Reward: School of Destruction Novice Robe, Novice Mage Hood and Boots

Pass the entrance exam
Once you arrive in Winterhold, go to the bridge leading to the College and talk to Faralda. She will ask you to take an entrance exam. To do this, you will need to cast a randomly selected spell (fire arrow, healing hands, summoning a fire atronach, magical light or fear) onto a seal with the symbol of the college. If you don't have the spell you need, Faralda will sell you one.
To complete the task, simply cast the required spell on the seal behind Faralda.

Report to Mirabella Erwin
Follow Faralda to the College. Find Master Wizard Mirabella Erwin in the courtyard. Talk to her and agree to take a sightseeing tour.

Explore the College of Winterhold
Follow Mirabella and admire the beauty of the College.

Report to Tolfdir
Go to the Hall of Elements and listen to Tolfdir's speech.
After the speech, Tolfdir will invite you to put your knowledge into practice. You will need to cast any ward spell. If you don't have such a spell, Tolfdir will sell it to you. Stand on the symbol of the College opposite Tolfdir, create and hold the amulet. Tolfdir will create a fire arrow and the task will be completed.

In the depths of Saarthal

Questgiver: Tolfdir
Start conditions: complete the quest "First Lessons"
Reward: Staff of Magic Light

Meet Tolfdir near Saarthal
Travel to Saarthal. This is a ruin southwest of Winterhold.
Important: You can slowly go to Sartaal with Tolfdir. Or you can run forward, but then Tolfdir will not appear at the entrance to the ruins immediately, but after 2-3 days.

Follow Tolfdir
Talk to Tolfdir and enter the ruins. Follow him.

Find Arnel Gein
Find Arnel Gein in the Ruins of Saarthal.

Find magical artifacts
In the adjacent rooms, find 4 magical artifacts: three rings and an amulet.

When you have collected all the artifacts, go back. Alas, the passage will be closed. Talk to Tolfdir.

Get out of the trap using Saarthal's amulet
Wear Saarthal's amulet and cast any combat spell on the wall from which you removed the amulet. The wall will collapse.

Follow Tolfdir
Wait for Tolfdir. Follow him along the opened corridor. You will reach a small room with sarcophagi. Here you will have a vision of Psijic.

Tell Tolfdir about the vision
Talk to Tolfdir. After this, the draugr will attack you, be prepared for battle.

Follow Tolfdir
Follow Tolfdir deeper into the ruins. You will reach a large hall with many sarcophagi. There the draugr will attack you again.

Identify danger in Saarthal
Use the chains to open the gate and go deep into the ruins. Soon you will find yourself in a corridor with the following columns:

You need to rotate all the columns correctly to open the gate. The clue is on the wall behind the column. Rotate the column until the picture shown on the hint appears in front of you. When all six columns are deployed according to the prompt, press the lever.

In case of an error, the trap will be triggered.
Continue on your way. Next you will find yourself in a wide corridor with columns. The clue in this case is at the beginning of the corridor. Here the task is more complicated: the rotation of some columns causes the rotation of others.

Rotate the columns in this order: 2134. Then press the lever. In case of success, the gate will open; in case of error, the trap will be triggered.
Move on. Tolfdir will catch up with you. Enter the next room. There you will be attacked by the draugr Yurik Goldurson.
Distract his attention until Tolfdir destroys the magical barrier. Then kill Yurik and be sure to take the “part of Goldur’s amulet” from the corpse - you will need it to complete the task “Parts of the Amulet”. Talk to Tolfdir.

Talk to the Archmage
Leave the ruins through the door for the “strange artifact” and go to the College. Find the archmage there and talk to him.

Library books

Questgiver: Savos Arena
Start conditions: complete the quest "In the Depths of Saarthal"
Reward: books "2920, month of the hearth fire (vol. 9)", "In response to Bero's speech", "Child of Niben", "Pros and cons of black magic", "Complete catalog of enchantments for weapons" and "Racial phylogeny"

Talk to Urag gro-Shub
Go to Arcaneum and talk to Urag gro-Shub.

You can get to the Arcaneum either through the archmage's chambers, or directly from the Hall of Elements. Urag will tell you that the books you need have been stolen.

Find stolen books
Travel to Fellglow Keep, northeast of Whiterun.

Kill all the summoners there and take the books. Along the way, you will come across a room with imprisoned vampires, free them, and they will provide you with all possible assistance. Be prepared for a tough battle with the leader of the summoners. She is quite strong and summons atronachs.

Return books
Take the books to Urag gro-Shub at the Arcaneum.

Good intentions

Questgiver: Urag gro-Shub
Start conditions: complete the quest "Library Books"
Reward: Mage's Circlet

Talk to Tolfdir
Go to the Hall of Elements and talk to Tolfdir about the artifact.

Listen to Tolfdir
Listen to Tolfdir's thoughts on the artifact. Ancano will intervene in your conversation.

Follow Ancano
Follow Ancano to the Archmage's chambers.

Talk to Quaranir
In the Archmage's chambers you will find the Psijic Quaranir, talk to him.

Find the Augur of Dunley
Talk to the Archmage about the Augur. He will mention Tolfdir. Find Tolfdir and talk to him. He will say that the Augur can be found in Midden. You can get to the Midden from the courtyard of the College.

Once in Midden, go deeper into the Midden - Darkness location. There you will find Argur. Talk to him.

Will appear at Savos Arena
Return to the Archmage and tell him about the find.

Discovery of the invisible

Questgiver: Savos Arena
Start conditions: complete the quest "Good Intentions"
Reward: No

Talk to Mirabella Erwin
Find Mirabella. She will tell you about the magicians from the Synod who were interested in Magnus' staff.

Find the ruins of Mzulft
Travel to Mzulft. The ruins are located southeast of Windhelm.

Once in Mzulft, you will find a scientist from the Synod on his last legs. When he gives up the ghost, take the key to the ruins from him.

Find scientists from the Synod
Go deeper into the ruins. Along the way you will meet Dwemer centurions and Falmers. Check the Falmer corpses; on one of them you will find a focusing crystal, which you will need later. As you approach the oculatory, you will find that the door is closed. The key is located at the other end of the location in a chest.

Once in the oculatory, talk to the scientist from the Synod.

Follow Parat
Escort Parat to the main hall of the oculatory. Once in the main hall, Parath will ask you to place the focusing crystal in place.

Place the crystal in the Oculatorium
Place the crystal into the device.

Focus Oculatory
Talk to Parath, he will tell you that the crystal must be heated and cooled in order to focus. Apply the Frostbite spell on the crystal (the volume with this spell is on the table in the oculatorium) three times until you get the desired picture of the arrangement of the rays:

If you have overcooled the crystal, then use the “Flame” spell on it (there is a volume with this spell on the table in the oculatori).
Now press the buttons to rotate the flow elements until the lenses align with the rays:

Talk to Parat
Parath will tell you that Magnus's staff may be in the Labyrinthian.

Report to Savos Arena
Return to the College and go to the Hall of Elements. Talk to the Archmage and help him destroy the magical barrier; to do this, use the “Flame” spell until the barrier disappears. Follow the Archmage into the hall. After which there will be an explosion.

Find the Archmage
Leave the Hall of Elements. Talk to Tolfdir.

Elimination of consequences

Questgiver: Tolfdir
Start conditions: complete the quest "Discovery of the Invisible"
Reward: Amulet of Savos Arena

Defend Winterhold
Go to Winterhold. There you will discover magical anomalies.

Defeat the creatures infesting Winterhold
Destroy 10 magical anomalies.

Report to Mirabella Erwin
Return to the College. Talk to Mirabella. She will give you the Archmage's amulet and the Labyrinthian door ring.

Staff of Magnus

Questgiver: Mirabella Erwin
Start conditions: complete the quest "Liquidation of the consequences"
Reward: Staff of Magnus

Enter Labyrinthian
Travel to Labyrinthian. This is a ruin southeast of Morthal.

Find the Staff of Magnus
Go deeper into the ruins. Along the way you will encounter these types of doors:

The burning one opens with any ice spell, the ice one with any fire spell.
There you will find a lich held by a magical sphere.

Kill the enslaved mages, this will release the lich. Kill the lich and take the Staff of Magnus and Morokea's mask from his corpse (you will need the mask for the quest "Masks of the Dragon Priests").

First lessons

After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself in the courtyard of the College, where you will see Mirabella Erwin conducting a conversation with a Thalmor agent named Ancano. The Breton woman will greet you and give you a short tour, in particular, she will show you the student dormitory (your room) and tell you about the library (Arcaneum), the Hall of Elements (the main entrance behind the monument) and the Archmage's Chambers. The archmage, Savos Aren, is a very busy Dunmer, so all the daily affairs fall on Mirabella.

As an aspiring mage, you will be given the appropriate attire: Apprentice's Robe of Destruction, Apprentice's Hood, and Boots. Wearing them or using your own clothes is a matter for the owner.

When you get comfortable and have a rest (you can sleep in your own bed in the dorm), go to your first lesson with Tolfdir in the Hall of Elements. Enter through the main entrance and then open the grate with the symbol of the College of Winterhold. Teacher Tolfdir and other students are already waiting in the Hall - a Nord named Onmund, a Khajiit J'zargo and a Dunmer woman Brelina Marion. The students can't wait to move on to practical exercises. Listen to Tolfdir and stand opposite him on the symbol on the floor. In the spell menu, select Small Amulet ( even if you have not learned this spell, it will appear in the menu automatically), then use it to defend yourself from the teacher’s magical attack. This completes the first magic lesson, congratulations!

In the depths of Saarthal

The task is available immediately upon completion of the first magic lessons. You will have to travel to the ancient Nordic ruins of Saarthal (southwest of Winterhold) and meet with Tolfdir and other students there. If you get there first, wait for the others and then follow the teacher inside.

B library books

The library keeper's name is Urag gro-Shub and most likely you will find him at his workplace - in the Arcaneum. Be careful during dialogues with the orc: in order to continue the main quest line of the College, you must talk with Urag about the artifact found in Saarthal. Unfortunately, the curator will answer you, the library does not have a single book on this topic, or rather, “no longer exists.”

Good intentions

At the end of the previous quest, Urag gro-Shub will ask you to tell Tolfdir about the book Night of Tears. You will find the old wizard in the Hall of Elements, where he will admire the shining sphere. Talk to the magician and listen to his reasoning about the strange symbols on the surface of the artifact. Suddenly Ancano will interrupt you and demand that you follow him. There are no options here other than to follow the elf.

A representative of the Psijic Order, Quaranir, awaits you in the Archmage's chambers. For some mysterious reasons, he wants to talk only with you and will even freeze the time for this conversation, as a result of which Ancano and the Archmage (who are in the same room) will not hear anything.

The Eye of Magnus, which is the name of the sphere found in Saarthal, is an extremely powerful artifact. Quaranir will warn you that the world is not yet ready to use it, and at this time the Eye is only a danger. Since the laws of the Order prohibit direct interference in such matters, the Psijic will advise you to seek out the Augur of Dunlane for further instructions.

Ask the inhabitants of the College about the Augur - Tolfdir and Mirabella Erwin know exactly where he can be found, but the master wizard will tell you this only after convincing. The Augur of Dunlane had long since settled in Midden, under the College. You can get there through the Support Hall (a hatch on the floor near the stairs).

In the dungeons you may encounter ice ghosts, frost spiders, draugr and skeletons. Look for a transition to a location called Midden - Darkness. You will hear the Augur as soon as you approach the locked door. Do not rush to go looking for the key - after a moment the door will open by itself and you will see a shining ball. Actually, this is the former member of the College, Augur of Dunlane. Talk to him (as it turns out, Ancano has already been here). It turns out that in order to look through the Eye of Magnus without going blind, you need a special staff. Return to the Archmage with the news. Savos Aren will give you the Mage's Circlet, after which he will give you the next task.

ABOUT revealing the invisible

Mirabella Erwin, a master wizard, knows something about Magnus's sought-after Staff. She can be found in the Hall of Elements or in the courtyard of the College. Several months ago, a group of Imperials from the Synod, who arrived in Skyrim in search of powerful artifacts, were interested in the Staff of Magnus. In their conversations they mentioned the Dwemer ruins of Mzulft - that's all Mirabella knows. Obviously, you'll have to go there and find out on the spot.

L elimination of consequences

You will find Savos Arena dead in the courtyard of the college. However, you will mourn the Archmage later, but now hurry up to Winterhold. Due to Ancano's fault, the city was filled with magical anomalies - aggressive ghostly creatures that threaten civilians. Having grabbed Faralda and Arnel Gein on the bridge, run into the city and kill these evil creatures. You must destroy 10 of them and return to Mirabella Erwin for further instructions.

Mirabella still feels bad. She will tell you that shortly before his death, Savos Aren gave her one thing related to the Labyrinthian - the Door Ring. Take it, as well as the amulet of the deceased Archmage, and go to Labyrinthian. While you search for the Staff of Magnus, Tolfdir and Mirabella will try to keep the College and all of Skyrim from disaster.

Staff of Magnus

Labyrinthian will be marked on your map, it is located in the domain of Hjaalmark, southeast of Morthal. Don't forget to take the Door Ring given by Mirabella with you. On the approaches to the majestic stairs, kill two snow trolls, then go up to the main entrance. At the door you will see the ghost of Savos Aren and several other magicians (Atma, Girduin, Harnar Icefist, She-Who-Receives-the-Light and Elvali Veren), they will not pay any attention to you, and you can listen to their conversations to understand what happened in Labyrinthian. As you move further into the dungeon, they will meet more than once.

Eye of Magnus

After destroying the barrier, run to the Hall of Elements and weaken the Eye of Magnus with the help of the Staff! When the Eye is open and shining especially strongly, Ancano is invulnerable. Use the Staff of Magnus to close the Eye, and then focus all your forces on the Thalmor villain. When opened again, the Eye begins to release magical anomalies (which can be useful because they contain soul stones for recharging the Staff).
