Slide presentation of the biggest ice cream. "Ice cream - sweet joy"

Ice cream -

tasty treat

Completed by a student of class 3A

BOU of Omsk "Secondary school No. 63"

Kondratyeva Anastasia


Pozdeeva Irina Anatolevna


Find out whether it is possible to make ice cream at home, as well as its beneficial and negative properties.


  • collect material on the topic;
  • analyze the collected information;
  • find out what ice cream is and the history of its appearance, the main types;
  • determine the beneficial and negative properties of ice cream;
  • conduct a survey;
  • make ice cream at home;
  • create a presentation on the topic: “Ice cream is a delicious treat.”


  • Is it possible to make ice cream at home?
  • Let's assume that ice cream brings more benefits to the body than harm.

Ice cream is a frozen sweet mass made from dairy products with various additives.

Typically, ice cream is made from milk, cream, butter, sugar, flavorings and aromas.

Ice cream is a very ancient delicacy. Its history began more than 5 thousand years ago in rich houses of China, where fruit juices mixed with snow and ice were served to the table.

In the 14th century, ice cream appeared in Europe thanks to the traveler Marco Polo, who brought its recipe from China.

Ice cream has been known among the Slavs since ancient times. The peasants mixed cottage cheese, sour cream, raisins, honey and put it all out in the cold, and then delighted themselves with this delicacy on Maslenitsa. Frozen milk and cream in the form of fluffy shavings were served with pancakes.

Ice cream is divided into hardened(produced for sale at retail outlets) and soft(intended for sale in cafes).

Types of ice cream:

  • Dairy;
  • Creamy;
  • Cream;
  • Chocolate;
  • Fruit and berry;
  • Fruit ice.

I conducted a survey in which 32 people took part (20 classmates and 12 acquaintances).

  • Do you like ice cream?
  • Yes – 29 people.
  • Not very – 2 people.
  • No – 1 person
  • 2. Do you think ice cream is healthy?

  • Useful – 25 people.
  • Not very – 4 people.
  • No – 3 people.
  • 3. What kind of ice cream do you like?

Ice cream benefits:

  • Ice cream contains vitamins C, A, B, E, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, protein, which are necessary for our body;
  • It helps to increase the happiness hormone (serotonin) in the body, which improves memory, elevates mood, relieves nervous tension and fatigue and helps us cope with stress;
  • Doctors say that eating ice cream hardens the throat. You just have to eat it slowly, not by biting, but by licking it;
  • It quickly and effectively stops nosebleeds.

Ice cream harm:

  • Ice cream is a high-calorie product, so it should not be abused by people prone to obesity;
  • Due to the large amount of sugar contained in ice cream, it is contraindicated for people with diabetes, as well as people with caries;
  • It can cause headaches, since when it is consumed, body temperature drops too quickly, blood vessels constrict, and blood flow to the brain decreases, which causes pain;
  • When buying ice cream, you should always pay attention to the storage conditions, as well as the appearance of the packaging. It should not be wrinkled. If the shape is broken, this means that the ice cream has thawed and frozen again several times, and this leads to the fact that it can contain all kinds of microbes.

Making ice cream at home:

To make ice cream we will need: eggs, cream, sugar, vanillin.

Mix yolks with sugar

Bring the cream to a boil

Mix all the ingredients, put on the fire and stir constantly until thick.

Pour into the mold, let cool and put in the freezer for 3-4 hours

Delicious ice cream is ready!


  • During the research, I learned the history of ice cream, what types there are;
  • Summing up the results of the survey, I realized that more people consider this product useful. Ice cream has both positive and negative properties. But when used correctly, it is beneficial;
  • You can also prepare a tasty and healthy treat at home.


Purpose: to study the chemical composition of ice cream and determine its chemical characteristics. Objectives: study the literature on this topic; conduct a survey of students at your school; determine the composition of two types of ice cream (vanilla ice cream, leader ice cream with chocolate chips); identify food additives included in ice cream and their effect on the human body; conduct a chemical analysis of ice cream.

Vanilla ice cream: Sugar - sand, cow's butter, whole milk powder, whole condensed milk with sugar, wafer sheet (wheat flour, starch, vegetable oil, egg powder, drinking water), skim milk powder, stabilizer - emulsifier (E 471, E 466, E 412, E 407), flavoring, identical to natural vanillin, drinking water. Leader ice cream with chocolate chips: Whole milk, sugar, butter, water, chocolate glaze with vegetable fats, milk fat substitute, butter, whey powder, whole and skim milk powder, stabilizer - emulsifier (mono- and diglycerides, guar gum, flavoring identical to natural – vanilla, emulsifier – lecithin.

Detection of proteins in ice cream 1. Pour melted ice cream into a test tube. 2.Add water and shake. 3.Add sodium hydroxide solution and copper sulfate solution and shake. 4. Determine the coloring. Conclusion: a bright purple color appears due to the interaction of peptide bonds of protein molecules with freshly precipitated Cu(OH) 2 (biuret reaction):

Detection of aromatic α-amino acid residues (xanthoprotein reaction) 1. Pour melted ice cream into a test tube. 2.Add water and shake. 3. Pour in concentrated nitric acid. Heat the mixture. 4. Determine coloring After cooling, add ammonia solution. 6. Observe a color change. Conclusion: A yellow color appears due to nitration of aromatic amino acid residues (phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan) that form proteins. The color changes from yellow to orange:

Detection of carbohydrates 1.Filter the mixture. Add sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate to the mixture. 2. Shake. A bright blue solution is formed. (qualitative reaction to polyhydric alcohols). The reaction is caused by carbohydrates that make up ice cream, such as lactose and sucrose. 3. Heat the resulting solution. Conclusion: The disaccharide lactose contained in milk is oxidized in aldehyde form by Cu(OH) 2 to form various oxidation products. Copper (II) hydroxide is reduced to orange CuOH, which then decomposes to red Cu 2 O. 12

Ice cream is healthy because... Strengthens bone tissue. Reduces blood pressure. Reduces the risk of colon cancer. Increases immunity. Reduces the risk of kidney stones. Increases brain activity. Treats dysbacteriosis. Ice cream is harmful for: Diabetes Liver disease Obesity Gastritis

“Milk and dairy products” - Whey is the liquid sediment of curdled milk. How is milk produced? Liquid, not water. Sheep's milk is almost 2 times fatter than cow's milk. Mix everything and apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Add the resulting mixture to the bath. The beautiful Cleopatra washed her face with fresh milk every morning. Mare's milk.

“Milk” - Maria Korobanova, Vlm-201e. Average chem. compound. Traditional drink of the Kazakhs. Milk. Processing Methods. Camel milk does not curdle. Based on the type of heat treatment, milk is classified into pasteurized and sterilized. The density of milk is determined at 20°C using a lactodensimeter. Cream differs from milk in its increased content of milk fat.

“Oat milk” - Oat milk cleanses the body and promotes weight loss. Is an excellent antioxidant. . Helps remove toxins, metal salts and excess cholesterol from the body. Regulates metabolism. Slows down the aging process. Oatmeal for baby and diabetic nutrition. Secondly, cow's milk protein can cause allergies.

“Dairy products” - Determine the composition of milk: 4. L. U. 3. D. The first domestic animal was a dog. E. Vitamins. N. 5. Sweet and tasty - a source of energy. 1. Y. In the Middle Ages, people consumed mainly goat's and cow's milk.

“Dairy product” - Objects of technical regulation: Rules for applying information to the label. Labels are applied to each unit of consumer and (or) transport packaging and are located in the same place, convenient for reading.

“The benefits of milk” - A conversation about the benefits of milk. Milk is a source of health. The composition of milk is unique! For medicinal purposes, you should consume raw, preferably fresh, milk. Proven properties of milk: Drink a glass of warm milk. I wish you health, beauty and bon appetit! Conclusions: Man's first food. Substances contained in milk reduce pain sensitivity and reduce spasms.

All about

Ice cream

Municipal kindergarten No. 49 “Merry notes”, Tolyatti

Prepared by:

Teacher - Trishina Yulia Yurievna


1. I'm in a glass, in a cone,

Tasty and tender

Made with milk

More often snow-white

I live in the freezer

And in the sun I quickly melt……..

(Answer: Ice cream )

2. Olya and Vanechka love

What's on that stick

Chocolate joy -

Everything inside is cool......

(Answer: Eskimo )

World Ice Cream Day

Adults and children love ice cream very much, because it tastes better than all the sweets in the world! Give the children ice cream: they’ll eat it all day, and then they’ll sing a good song! The yolk, white, fudge will be mixed in the milk, then put into the freezer and it will turn out so sweet! Add another spoonful of jam to the waffle cup - you'll lick your fingers! This is simply delicious! The ice cream can be berry-fruit, It can be with nuts and raisins, it can be honey, Under a layer of chocolate and with a wonderful coffee taste, And it can even be such a skillful culinary masterpiece!

What is ice cream?

Ice cream This is a favorite treat for children and adults!

Ice cream - this is the art of bringing into life bright sensations from the coolness of tastes, making childhood unforgettable at times, the opportunity to make a small dream come true or instantly fulfill a desire, this is a way to show attention or a reason to get acquainted, this is a spontaneous desire or a little whim, this is a piece of winter among the hot summer, this is a special a world where we all remain children!

IN Russia each resident eats about 2.5-3 kg of ice cream annually, Europeans in the same period of time they manage to eat about 15 kg each, and United States resident and almost 25 kg.

Ice cream This is a whipped sweet frozen high-calorie dessert product based on milk, cream, butter and fruit; it is also possible to add shock absorbers and various food additives to ensure the desired consistency and shelf life.

General characteristics and properties of ice cream

Ice cream is a sweet whipped frozen product produced from liquid mixtures prepared according to special recipes, containing in certain proportions the components of milk, fruits, berries, vegetables, sucrose, a stabilizer of various different flavoring and aromatic substances (in some recipes - egg products, often - fruit juices, various fruits or vegetables (in Japan - even fish and seafood), additives such as nuts or pieces of caramel.Many recipes provide for the simultaneous use of dairy and vegetable raw materials.Whipped mixtures, i.e. saturated with air bubbles, are frozen.

According to production methods, ice cream is divided into:

Soft ice cream -produced mainly in catering establishments and consumed immediately after leaving the freezer (temperature -5...-7 °C). It resembles a cream in consistency and appearance.

Homemade ice cream made at home using a compression refrigerator or freezer

Seasoned Ice Cream is a product manufactured under production conditions, which, after leaving the freezer, is frozen (hardened) to low temperatures in order to increase shelf life

(-18 °C and below). It is kept in this form until it is sold.

Seasoned ice cream is characterized by high hardness and is classified according to:

1 . by type of product and filler (by composition):

  • Main types : milk, creamy, ice cream, fruit and berry, aromatic
  • Amateur species: produced on a milk basis; produced on a fruit, berry or vegetable basis; produced from fruits, berries and vegetables with the addition of a milk base; produced using chicken eggs; multi-layer ice cream; special purpose; containing confectionery fat

2. by type of packaging:

  • Weight: in cardboard boxes with liners made of polymer film; in sleeves
  • Packaged :
  • large packaged goods - cardboard boxes, cakes, muffins);
  • small-packaged - cylinders in polyethylene film, briquettes (glazed and unglazed with and without waffles), in waffle cups, cones (cones), tubes, cakes, glazed cylinders, figured (glazed and unglazed), in cups (paper and polymer materials), boxes.

What does ice cream consist of?

Ice cream consists of 50% air and contains up to 20% carbohydrates and fats

Nutritional information and nutritional profile

ice cream?

Ice cream classification

  • by fat percentage : creamy, milky, gelato (fat content like milk plus a small amount of air), sherbet (1-2% fat, very sweet), sorbet (very low-fat, usually frozen juice or berry puree).
  • in form and content : ice cream, creme brulee, cone, popsicle, sandwich.
  • national type of ice cream : in Italy - gelato, in South Asia - kulfi, in Turkey - dondurma, in Malaysia and Singapore - ais kasang, in Tallinn you can enjoy garlic ice cream, and in Lviv - beer. In Chile, cocaine paste was added, which lifted the mood, because a regular chocolate cone contained a dose of cocaine sufficient to cause the characteristic drug intoxication in eaters.

Useful properties of ice cream

  • Closes the carbohydrate-protein window, closing the anabolic window

Useful properties of ice cream

Many people believe that ice cream has no benefits, that it is just a delicious dessert and nothing more, but ice cream is not such a useless product!

  • Ice cream makes a person happy for a certain period of time.
  • It stimulates brain chemicals, particularly the production of serotonin, which is responsible for sleep, learning, and general mood (including the feeling that everything is fine).
  • Eating ice cream also releases dopamine, a natural regulator of feelings of euphoria and pleasure.
  • Licking ice cream has an immediate effect on the orbitofrontal cortex of the brain, which is the activation of the pleasure center. If you lick the ice cream slowly, you will get a kind of hardening. And over time, the mucous membrane of the throat will become invulnerable to pathogenic microbes. The only condition is not to bite off the ice cream in large pieces.
  • Closes the carbohydrate-protein window, closing the anabolic window. Ice cream contains all the beneficial substances and B vitamins (fights bad mood, improves sleep, skin and hair), vitamin A (needed for good vision, vitamin D (helps the body absorb calcium, vitamin E (protects against early wrinkles and cardiovascular diseases) And a glass of ice cream will supply the body with calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • Gaining total body weight in a fairly short time, so ice cream with a portion of nuts will provide a sufficient amount of calories and create an energy surplus, which will help you increase body weight.

Ice cream is healthy because :

Ice cream is harmful: :

  • For diabetes
  • Liver diseases
  • Obesity
  • Gastritis

Strengthens bone tissue. Reduces blood pressure. Reduces the risk of colon cancer. Increases immunity. Reduces the risk of kidney stones. Increases brain activity. Treats dysbacteriosis.

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, mentions ice cream as a frozen fruit drink as a health-promoting product and recommends it to his patients as it contains juices and improves well-being and mood.

Stages of the technological process for the production of ready-to-eat ice cream:

  • Reception and quality assessment of raw materials
  • Preparation of main raw materials
  • Preparing the mixture according to the recipe
  • Filtration
  • Pasteurization
  • Homogenization
  • Cooling
  • Maturation of the mixture
  • Freezing the mixture
  • Packing
  • Hardening and re-hardening
  • Package
  • Storage
  • Transportation

From the history of ice cream...

Ice cream has accompanied humanity for thousands of years. !

The Ancient East is considered the birthplace of ice cream. It appeared in Ancient China 5 thousand years ago - “sweet ice”. The Chinese made it from snow and ice, mixing them with pieces of orange, lemon and pomegranate seeds, adding fruit juices. Recipes and storage methods were kept secret and were declassified only in the 11th century BC in the book “Shi-king” - a canonical collection of ancient songs.

In the homes of wealthy Chinese, it was considered good form to serve such a delicacy to guests.

  • Letters Solomon, king of Israel. Describes the use of chilled, frozen juices during harvesting
  • Ancient physician Hippocrates in his research
  • The greatest commander of antiquity Alexander the Great During his campaigns in India and Persia in the 4th century BC, he sent slaves to the mountains to collect snow, and to prevent it from melting, special relay races were organized for them. His warriors came up with the idea of ​​adding wine to water with fruits,

honey and milk.

  • In ancient Rome in his book "On the Culinary Art" famous Italian cook Apicius for the first time shared his experience of preparing soft fruit drinks, for the preparation of which snow and ice were used
  • At court Emperor Nero(1st century AD) for chilled

and sweetened juices brought snow from distant

alpine glaciers, and for long-term snow storage

built capacious ice cellars.

  • In 780 AD e. caliph Al Mahdi managed to deliver a whole caravan of camels loaded with mountain snow to Mecca
  • Persian traveler Nassiri-Khozrau(in 1040 AD) writes that snow was brought to the table for making drinks and falooda ice cream (a mixture of noodles, fruits, pistachios, rose or lemon syrup with finely crushed ice) Cairo Sultan daily from the Syrian mountains

In desert areas (Syria and Iran), temperatures during the day can reach 40°C; they were built there to store snow and ice. yakhchali- deep cellars, the ceiling, walls and floor of which they covered with a thick layer of heat-insulating and, after drying, waterproof mixture (egg whites, sand, clay, goat hair, ash, lime). The entrance to the yakhchal was located in the north, in a dark, cool place in order to minimize heat loss. Such storage facilities were filled with icy blocks of snow brought from the mountains.

The appearance of ice cream in other countries...

The recipe for fruit ice cream (chilled sherbet) was brought to Europe from China. Venetian traveler Marco Polo at the beginning of the 14th century. Ice cream recipes have been kept secret for a long time. Court cooks were sworn to keep the secret of the recipe, and disclosing the secret was punishable by death. At first, ice was stored in special closed places and served only to royal families and popes.

To prepare the delicacy, they used not only snow, but also saltpeter. A dish similar to sorbet was always present on the menu of aristocrats.

Catherine de' Medici, having married the French king Henry II, brought her chef from Italy to France - the famous Bentalenti, a recognized authority in the preparation of ice cream and soft drinks. Subsequently, the Medici often began to treat guests to it at gala dinners and spoiled their son Henry III with ice cream. gelato , which remains popular all over the world to this day.

In 1660, the Italian Francesco Procopio opened the sale of ice cream in Paris, and 16 years later an ice cream corporation was created. For a long time, ice cream was made only in the summer, and only in 1750, Procopio’s successor, de Bunson, began selling this dessert all year round. In 1782 he opened the Prokop cafe, offering customers up to eighty varieties of ice cream. The establishment continues to thrive to this day.

In 1649 French chef Gerard Tissain came up with an original recipe for frozen vanilla cream ("Neapolitan ice cream") - from milk and cream.

Napoleon Bonaparte himself was among the fans of ice cream. In the declining years of the former ruler of Europe, his admirers sent a device for making ice cream to the island of St. Helena. At Napoleon III(1852 - 1870) in Paris, ice cream in cups was first produced and cream (from the French city of Plobières-les-Baimes) At the reception of the Chinese mission in Paris in 1866, a new dessert was offered "omelet with a surprise" - hot omelette outside, ginger ice cream inside.

In Italy, great lovers of mixing the most incredible products came up with assorted ice cream with the addition of fruits, nuts, liqueur, pieces of cookies and even flowers

In Austria (in Vienna) a cookbook is issued containing various ice cream recipes, which gives an exact description of how ice cream can be prepared. In this

the book is full of all sorts of interesting recipes: ice cream with cream floor, and

bottom - with the addition of cinnamon, vanilla and maraschino (cherry liqueur);

ice cream with lemon, orange, strawberry (with wine) and raspberry.

Germany fell in love with this delicacy in 1788. In 1799, the Alsterpavilion ice cream parlor was opened in Hamburg and is still operating.

In America in 1700, people learned about ice cream from travelers and English colonists. in 1777 - in a note in one of the New York newspapers they wrote about ice cream, which was very expensive. The first president, George Washington, personally prepared it. The wife of the fourth president, James Madison, Dolly was the first to serve ice cream in the White House, adding strawberries to it.

Ice cream in Rus'...

In Kievan Rus, people consumed planed frozen milk in the heat; in the cold winters there was a lot of snow and ice. In Siberian villages, to this day, housewives store milk by freezing it in saucers and... stacking the ice, and in many villages for Maslenitsa they prepared a mixture of frozen cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar and raisins.

In the “European” version, ice cream appeared in our country in the middle of the 18th century and immediately gained great popularity. Thus, Count Litta, the envoy of the Order of Malta to Russia, who later accepted Russian citizenship, ate almost nothing but ice cream. They say that even before his death, after receiving communion, he ordered ten servings of the best ice cream to be served to him: “This does not happen in heaven.”

Ice cream was loved not only among the common people, it was widely represented on the menu at courts Peter III and Catherine II. The technology for producing ice cream in those days was quite primitive and made it possible to obtain a small amount of the product. In memoirs of the 19th century, one can find enthusiastic memories of the effect the dessert “Vesuvius on Mont Blanc” had on the public (ice cream was doused with rum or cognac and set on fire) or the colorful ruins of an ancient temple made of ice cream of different colors.

Industrial production of ice cream….

IN 1834 American John Perkin patented the idea of ​​​​using ether in a compressor apparatus. 10 years later Englishman Thomas Masters received a patent for the machine

IN 1843 In 2006, Englishwoman Nancy Johnson invented a hand-held device for making ice cream and patented it, but due to lack of money she sold it to the Americans.

IN 1848 Two machines for making ice cream were patented in the USA. One of them consisted of a device with two concentric cylinders, one of which was filled with refrigerant.

IN 1851 In the same year, the first factory opened in Baltimore and the first industrial batch of ice cream was produced. And for more than 150 years, the process of improving the recipe and technology has not stopped for a single day.

IN 1860. Ferdinand Carré created the world's first absorption refrigeration machine, powered by liquid and solid absorbent. After 4 years he improved the compression machine, in which a new refrigerant, ammonia, was used for the first time.

In Russia in the 19th century The first ice cream machine appeared.

In 1845, Russian merchant Ivan Izler was granted a patent for a machine for making ice cream. But for a long time, ice cream was produced in artisanal conditions and in small quantities.

In the book “The Newest and Complete Cookbook,” published in Moscow in 1791, there is a special chapter called “Making all kinds of ice cream.”

Industrial production of ice cream in Russia began only in the early 30s of this century. The beginning of industrial production of this product is considered to be 1932, when the first ice cream workshops were created in Moscow at the city dairy plant and refrigerator No. 2.

How did the waffle cone and cup come about?

Previously, ice cream was served in saucers, rosettes, only at the end of the 19th century in Europe cardboard and paper cups for retail ice cream came into use

Invention waffle cone Attributed to Italian immigrant Italo Marchionni, he sold the first waffle cone in New York in 1896 and patented his invention in 1903. But the father of the ice cream cone was Syrian emigrant Ernest Hamwi, who sold waffles at a stand at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis. The owner of a nearby kiosk was selling ice cream, and when he ran out of saucers, Mr. Humvee started making waffle cones for him.

Who invented popsicles?

in 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson accidentally left a glass of lemonade in the evening with a stirring stick on the porch of the house, and in the morning he discovered an ice cylinder with a frozen stick. 25 years after this incident, Epperson began preparing lemonades frozen on a stick and selling them in city ​​park. At first he called the popsicle “Epsicle”, combining his last name with the word “icicle” (icicle). At first, even his children refused to try this popsicle. They began to call the popsicle "Papsicle" (to daddy icicles). This name stuck in a slightly modified form: “Popsicle”.

Eskimo - where does it come from?

In 1919, American Christian Nelson developed recipes for chocolate-covered ice cream. It was called "Eskimo pie" (Eski-pie). In 1922, Christian Nelson patented his invention

But, nevertheless, the primacy in the production of popsicles belongs to

The Americans are being challenged by the French. Charles Gervais, one of

founders of the Gervais cheese production company, after

arriving from America, I decided to cover popsicles,

what he tasted there, chocolate glaze. documentary

film about the life of the Eskimos "Nanuk of the North".

The name of the ice cream "Eskimo" comes from the word "Eskimo"

Eskimo appeared in Russia only on the eve of World War II - in 1937, on the personal initiative of People's Commissar of Food Mikoyan. Glazed cylinders of creamy ice cream, each with a wooden stick inside for convenience, were wrapped in paper. Russian popsicles were made in the capital by hand using a manual dosing machine. And the “Eskimo generator” appeared at Moskhladokombinat No. 8 only 10 years later, in 1947.

How to choose the right ice cream?

If you really want to get some benefit and pleasure from the product, then always remember the following information when purchasing:

  • Read the packaging
  • Familiarize yourself with the chemical composition;
  • Choose Russian manufacturers.

The largest number of varieties of ice cream - 709 - is offered to its visitors by the Venezuelan ice cream parlor Coromoto, which was founded in 1980 by a native of Portugal, Manuel da Silva Oliveira. Today, the cafe owner offers his visitors hundreds of original recipes - waffle roll with tuna, ice cream with onions, pork cracklings, beer, carrots, tomatoes, beans, trout, shrimp and squid, beer, spaghetti, garlic, rose petals and even an extremely spicy delicacy with chili pepper.

Baghdad artist Othman Toma - the master paints using melted ice cream instead of paints. Is it worth clarifying that his palette includes not only the usual ice cream, but also chocolate ice cream and fruit sorbet?

Ice cream in the works of artists

Pablo Picasso "The Man with the Straw Hat"

Wayne Tibone

"Girl with Ice Cream"

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978)

V. Borisov

"Ice cream seller"

Amos Sewell "Out of ice cream"

Ronald Zolan "Cone For Two"

Ice cream in cartoons


"Wilson and Ice Cream"

"Kitten Musti (Musti)"

in feature films

"Santa Claus and Summer"

"Old Man Hottabych" (1956)

"Rarri Potter - Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor"

About ice cream in verse

Delicious, tender chill just begs to be put into your mouth. There is vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and marmalade. The entire large assortment melts quickly - in a moment. Everyone has loved it for a long time. Crispy ice - ESKIMO! Lavrova T.

Oh how I like the ice cream, the most charming taste! Let the whole world be surprised at how he introduced me into his art. It is snow-white like snow, in a simple waffle glass. And time slows down when I eat it with my friend. Chaykin N.

Ice cream cake It contains the cold of the north and the sweetness of the fruits of the captivating south. It was as if an aromatic blizzard was sweeping through my mouth. The unique taste of winter froze on the tongue and melts, And the feeling as if we are flying in unknown lands... This is the set of associations this cake evoked in me. Try it - and in those parts we can meet you.

We walk with purchases and carry a useful load: Cold and fragile and the best taste... We have in a large bag: Ice cream - for Alyosha, Sveta, With nuts on a stick - for Pavlik and Galochka, And with a rose in a glass, a favorite - for daddy , Fruit - for grandma and mommy - in glaze, Grandpa - a sugar cone so that he can enjoy... Lightly covered with frost, crunchy wrappers Strawberry, vanilla - excites the appetite! And even chocolate with nuts inside! Who wouldn't be happy?! I could eat three! All kinds of ice cream are folded into one big bag! Is it possible to? Is it possible to? Possible or not?! Without due diligence, bring it home with the whole company? The task is not easy! After all, it may melt from the sun... And the desire to eat right along the way... Lilo T.

Children really, really love ice cream, because it tastes better than all the sweets in the world! Give the children ice cream: they would eat it all day, and then sing a good song? The yolk, white, fudge will be mixed in the milk, then put into the freezer and it will turn out so sweet! Add another spoonful of jam to the waffle cup... - You'll lick your fingers! This is simply delicious! The ice cream can be berry-fruit, It can be with nuts and raisins, it can be honey, Under a layer of chocolate and with a wonderful coffee taste, And it can even be a culinary masterpiece so skillful!

E. Yablokova

You can play with popsicle sticks

Do you want me to show you a trick?

I'm holding snow on a stick!

I ate the snow, what a shame

I ate the snow and became happier

And I didn’t get sick at all!

I ate the snow, what a shame

Only the stick remained.

Can I take a stick?

And play with her a little

Make frames


1. Bagiryan E.A., Kurtova I.V. Ice cream and quality. - //. Ice cream and frozen foods. 2002, №2

2. Dovgaletsky N. Ice cream - a step into the 21st century. // Food products, 2001, No. 11

3. From the history of ice cream // All about milk. - 2003. - No. 9

4. Klady A.G. Ice cream is a business: noble and grateful, eternal and faithful, global and peaceful. - M.:IIS Parus, 2000

5. Kukura N.A. Ice cream in the third millennium // Dairy industry, 2000, No. 4, pp. 5-6.6. Lopandina N. Summer snow. // Ice cream and frozen foods, 2002, No. 4

7. Olenev Yu.A. Technology and equipment for ice cream production.-2nd edition, revised and expanded. - M.: De Li, 2001 ill.

8. Olenev Yu.A., Tvorogova A.A. and others. Technological instructions for the production of ice cream. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1988

9. Osorina M.V. The secret world of children in the space of adults: methodological material. 4th edition, rev. and additional Series "Masters of Psychology". Pb. - M. - Kharkov: Peter, 2008

10. Sommeri F. Italian ice cream in Germany, // Ice cream and frozen products, 2002, No. 2 11. Memo to the ice cream consumer // All about milk.-2003.-No. 8

Internet resources: cream

“Milk and dairy products” - Whey is the liquid sediment of curdled milk. How is milk produced? Liquid, not water. Sheep's milk is almost 2 times fatter than cow's milk. Mix everything and apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Add the resulting mixture to the bath. The beautiful Cleopatra washed her face with fresh milk every morning. Mare's milk.

“Milk” - Maria Korobanova, Vlm-201e. Average chem. compound. Traditional drink of the Kazakhs. Milk. Processing Methods. Camel milk does not curdle. Based on the type of heat treatment, milk is classified into pasteurized and sterilized. The density of milk is determined at 20°C using a lactodensimeter. Cream differs from milk in its increased content of milk fat.

“Oat milk” - Oat milk cleanses the body and promotes weight loss. Is an excellent antioxidant. . Helps remove toxins, metal salts and excess cholesterol from the body. Regulates metabolism. Slows down the aging process. Oatmeal for baby and diabetic nutrition. Secondly, cow's milk protein can cause allergies.

“Dairy products” - Determine the composition of milk: 4. L. U. 3. D. The first domestic animal was a dog. E. Vitamins. N. 5. Sweet and tasty - a source of energy. 1. Y. In the Middle Ages, people consumed mainly goat's and cow's milk.

“Dairy product” - Objects of technical regulation: Rules for applying information to the label. Labels are applied to each unit of consumer and (or) transport packaging and are located in the same place, convenient for reading.

“The benefits of milk” - A conversation about the benefits of milk. Milk is a source of health. The composition of milk is unique! For medicinal purposes, you should consume raw, preferably fresh, milk. Proven properties of milk: Drink a glass of warm milk. I wish you health, beauty and bon appetit! Conclusions: Man's first food. Substances contained in milk reduce pain sensitivity and reduce spasms.
