Teona Dolnikova gave birth to a son from Maxim Shchegolev. The first photo of Teona Dolnikova's son delighted fans. What do you mean?

TBILISI, July 28 – Sputnik. Famous Russian actress and singer with Georgian roots Teona Dolnik, together with her common-law husband, theater and film actor Maxim Shchegolev, baptized their son in Tbilisi.

The acting couple spoke about this joyful event on their Instagram page.

For baptism, the artists chose the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Anchiskhati. It is noteworthy that this is the oldest church in Tbilisi that has survived to this day - it dates back to the 6th century.

“An amazing day... I want to fit so much into one sentence, but there is an overabundance of feelings... We have a son! He is our ray of light! Today he was baptized,” Teona wrote.

Posted by Teona Dolnikova Actress (@dollydolnikova) Jul 27, 2017 at 11:21 PDT

"Sacrament... Miracle... Glory to You, God! Glory to You! I love you, my little ones! I love life! I remember you, Dad... The Kingdom of Heaven. On your birthday, the youngest was baptized. There was no plan. So the Lord ruled," - writes on Instagram Shchegolev.

32-year-old Teona Dolnikova became a mother for the first time in February 2017. Maxim Shchegolev has a relationship with former lovers there are three children.

Teona Dolnikova was born in Moscow into a family with Russian, Greek, Ukrainian and Georgian roots. Since childhood, she has been involved in vocals and choreography. Graduated from an experimental gymnasium with in-depth study French and the Gnessin Music School for piano and violin. After the musicals "Metro", "Notre Dame" and "Warriors of the Spirit" she was invited to the musical play "Viva, Parfum" at the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate".

In 2002-2003 she was the vocalist of the group "Slot". In 2003-2004, she played the role of the gypsy Rada in the television series “Poor Nastya.”

She recorded the soundtrack for the television series "Doomed to Be a Star" (RTR, 2005-2007), singing in her voice main character Zhenya Azarina.

For her role in the musical "Metro" Dolnikova was nominated for the State Prize of the Russian Federation. She became the first Russian performer to receive the Grand Prix at the tenth international festival"Slavic Bazaar" 2001. In 2002, the young student of GITIS became the laureate of the Triumph youth award, and in 2003 she received the main theater award "Golden Mask" in the category "Best Actress" for the role of Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris".

Among the latest roles of Teona Dolnikova are the role of Elizabeth in the musical "Count Orlov" at the Moscow Operetta Theater, Pola Negri in the 3D musical of the same name, Juliet in the 3D musical "Juliet and Romeo", Kitty Shcherbatskaya in the new musical of the Operetta Theater "Anna Karenina" and other.

    Artist Russian stage Teona Dolnikova announced on Instagram that she became a mother. ...The singer congratulated her would-be mother-in-law on her birthday and promised that their personal meeting will take place as soon as the baby allows. Only on March 8, on her Instagram page, Dolnikova admitted to the general public that she had given birth to a son. ...This is the first child for the singer; the father is theater and film actor Maxim Shchegolev. The event became known from Dolnikova’s wish, which was addressed to the mother of her deceased fiancé Nikita Bychenkov. The pop singer congratulated her would-be mother-in-law on her birthday and promised that their personal meeting will take place as soon as her son gives the opportunity.

    Teona Dolnikova gave birth to a son to the youth star

    Russian pop artist Teona Dolnikova announced on Instagram that she became a mother. ...The singer congratulated her would-be mother-in-law on her birthday and promised that their personal meeting will take place as soon as the baby allows.

    The star gave a son to her lover, actor Maxim Shchegolev. Happy event in the couple’s life happened a couple of weeks ago, but only now Theona stopped hiding the fact of the birth of the baby.

    She gave birth to a son at the end of February, but only on the eve of March 8th she admitted this to fans. The artist made an indirect confession about the birth of the baby on her Instagram, in which she published a video greeting to the mother of her deceased fiancé Nikita Bychenkov, promising to congratulate her personally in the coming days if her son lets go.

    Singer Teona Dolnikova became a mother for the first time. ...It is noteworthy that the birth took place several weeks ago, but she carefully hid this information from the public.

    Russian actress and singer Teona Dolnikova said today on Instagram that she became a mother for the first time. ...Theona gave her beloved Maxim Shchegolev a son.

    Russian actress and singer Teona Dolnikova recently published a video on her Instagram page, where she announced that she had become a mother. ...However, on the eve of March 8, Teona recorded a video message to the mother of her deceased fiancé Nikita Bychenkov, in which she mentioned the baby.

    Domestic actress and singer, 32-year-old Teona Dolnikova, became a mother for the first time. ...Only on March 8, on her Instagram page, Teona Dolnikova admitted to the general public that she had given birth to a son, and this happened several weeks ago, in February.

    The 32-year-old actress became a mother back in February, but she and Maxim Shchegolev were in no hurry to announce their new baby in order to enjoy their happiness in silence. ...Maxim has a son Ilya from actress Tatyana Solnetsova and two daughters born in his first marriage to actress Alla Kazakova - Maria and Ekaterina.

    For some time she hid this from fans and the press, and only on the eve of March 8 she published a video filmed at the crib with the baby. In it she addresses the mother of her deceased fiancé Nikita Bychenkov.

    The star gave her lover, theater and film actor Maxim Shchegolev, a son. The event became known from Dolnikova’s congratulations, which were addressed to the mother of her deceased fiancé Nikita Bychenkov.

They seem to be two completely different worlds. Teona Dolnikova is a star of musicals, and Maxim Shchegolev is an actor whose popularity is associated with TV series.

Photo: Egor Vasiliev

But when I see how they communicate with each other, I get the feeling that these people have been together all their lives and that it couldn’t have been any other way... Teona and Max are talking about their relationship for the first time today. By the way, they came to the interview with their small child.

WITH How old is it now?

Teona: Four and a half months.

And you take it with you all the time?

T.: Practically. My mother went to Germany, she spent almost five months with us. I had incredible freedom then, I could get enough sleep and go anywhere. And now that’s it: mom left, Maxim spends all day filming, so I’m everywhere with the baby.

It’s great that Maxim is on set all day long.

Maxim: Yes, thank God.

T.: It’s better to miss a person...

M.: ...how will he be an eyesore? ( Smiling.)

T.: No, Maxim just hates sitting at home.

M.: I love being at home, I just don’t like to idle. For me, idleness is an absolutely unbearable existence.

Do you have such periods?

Sometimes, but they usually don’t drag on - I’m lucky in this regard - but inaction drives me crazy.

You have one Small child, this is “action” every second!

M.: I'm talking about professional inaction. It is clear that being with a child is a joy, participating in his growth, feeding, walking...

Understand. Listen, how did fate bring you together?

M.: I remember when we met for the first time, in 2001 or 2002. I then studied at GITIS with Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov. Teona came to visit us - she was friends with my classmates. I go out into the street, and she is surrounded by a huge number of guys, everyone is smiling and laughing. I didn’t recognize her right away, they said to me: “Well, it’s Teona!”

Were you already famous at that time?

T.: Then the musicals were in full swing: “Metro”, “Notre Dame”...

M.: Teona was already a star, she participated in Notre Dame. And she said to me: “Hello,” she smiled with her radiant smile, my heart trembled, but that was all over. She and this guard ran away in the other direction.

Teona looks at Maxim in surprise... Don’t you remember anything like that?

M.: She has White list. (Laughs.)

T.: No, I remember that I came to see you at the play “Romeo and Juliet” at the Luna Theater.

M.: That was later.

T.: Perhaps. But I remember it very well, it was absolutely amazing because it was just guys playing there. And Romeo and Juliet respectively.

And you, Maxim, who did you play?

Juliet's mom.

Not bad! Such a powerful mom, bodybuilder mom.

T: He was incredibly handsome.

M.: I had long hair, but now the leftovers are sweet, as they say.

T.: You are still beautiful. ( Smiling.) But this is the first meeting. And such a thorough one happened last year.

M.: Oddly enough, classmates influenced our meeting the second time. I have a classmate Zhenya Koryakovsky, he made a film and showed it at the Ermolova Theater as part of the DOKer project. He invited both me and Theona.

T.: Zhenya and I have been friends for a long time. And so we both came to the show. It was terribly cold, it was February. And there, in the foyer, I saw this man with with huge eyes.

M.: I had such a beard! ( Shows.)

T.: And there’s something about him... It’s not like I looked at him and thought: “What a cool guy!” I don’t know, I just felt somehow good, calm. There are people who radiate some amazing energy, and you want to at least stand next to them.

Did you stand?

I stood there. And he was still so touching. Zhenya was very worried, he was literally shaking, and Maxim kept walking and bringing him coffee and tea. It was so cute and I thought: how amazing he is and wonderful person! That's all. We looked at each other a couple more times in the hall and then parted. A few months later, I accidentally saw a very familiar face on Facebook. I went to Maxim’s page and simply liked the photo.

Was this enough?

M.: More than.

T.: And now we have a child! And if a child asks where babies come from, you must say...

M.: ...Thanks Mark Zuckerberg!

T.: In general, you just need to like the photo on Facebook.

M.: We started corresponding, then Teona came to my set at night. It was cold, she came by taxi and waited for me for an hour and a half when I was free.

T.: More! Maxim said that he was hungry, so I brought him some nuts and blueberries. (Addressing Maxim.) You were fasting then. In general, I decided to feed the person.

M.: At first, I remember, I had a wild tension. The filming took place behind the VGIK dorm; Teona and I had no options to hide in warm place, and she and I played football with some kind of can.

What do you mean, “played football”?!

T: Well, we just walked around and kicked pebbles and cans to keep warm.

M.: I am still ashamed when I remember this meeting of ours. Well, that is, when you think about a first date, you imagine tons of flowers, carloads. And here we were both just like tin soldiers.

T: Two thirteen-year-olds who don’t know what to talk about.

M.: We were so frozen, I remember these icy hands.

T.: Well, I wanted to be beautiful: I put on sneakers in the cold, because sneakers for me are the greatest beauty. ( Smiling.)

M.: And you also had a turquoise bandana in R’n’B style.

Aren't you afraid of catching a cold in these sneakers?

M: She is a fearless person.


M.: Absolutely! She is only afraid of herself, like all talented people, and it seems to me that this is her main problem.

T.: I’m afraid and don’t like myself.

What about you, Max?

M.: Oh, it’s still worse for me.

T.: In general, two loneliness met.

M.: Well, we are working, of course, on ourselves. But so far this is not working out very well. Our profession is stupid: you are constantly looking for yourself, and then you run away from yourself, then you come to the point that you need to understand who you are and accept yourself. This realization came to me a year ago.

What do you mean?

The fact that you need to accept yourself like this: tall, balding, with joints. Accept that you are not the smartest in the world, that you are not the most talented in the world. I experimented a lot on myself, starting from long hair to the shoulders and ending with a bald shave. Experimented with weight. For example, now I weigh one hundred kilograms, but I have weighed one hundred and twenty-two. I tried to be something I wasn't. And only now, thanks to Teosha, I began to calm down. It was as if she took me to the mirror and showed me the real me.

T.: I’m about to cry.

Is being tall a bad thing, Max?

M.: Oh, how many problems I had as a child because of my height! Even getting off the trolleybus ended with almost a concussion every time. I grew up in Voronezh. Our trolleybuses, of course, are the same as in Moscow, but I was always on the verge of an accident. And then, I was also thin when I arrived in Moscow, weighing only seventy-two kilograms. That is, it was just such a skeleton. I remember when I started experimenting on myself. Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov, in his second year at GITIS, came to our dance lesson: we were all at the barre, in these tight leggings and T-shirts. He looked at us and called us into his office. He says: “Maxim, do something with yourself. Either you start swinging, or we'll break up." And a different life began for me.

Listen, I will still touch on one painful topic. I can’t forget, Max, your interview in a certain publication about your breakup with actress Yulia Zimina. It was such a cry of despair on your part - sadness, resentment, an absolutely exposed nerve. I didn’t know you then and was sincerely surprised how such a brutal man could be vulnerable and sentimental.

It was, it was, yes. Do not know what to say. There was such a difficult period, the separation was difficult. I, too, of course, messed things up in my time. Now, if I make some kind of assessment, I understand that from the very beginning there were a lot of mistakes made, which later turned out to be impossible to correct. And they accumulated, accumulated, like a lump. I have no grievances, no complaints, thanks to both that person and God that I had this period in my life and I was happy.

Before this you also had different periods: You were married twice, and before you met Teona you already had three children.

I've only been married once. Student Tanya Solntseva and I had a story, fireworks, salute, and that’s it. I have no mind. It’s not there even now, but back then it was definitely just hormones. But we have a welcome child.

T.: Ilya is already fifteen years old!

You are communcating?

M.: Yes, of course. I try to make sure everything is fine, so that neither the children nor their mothers have a hard time. I try my best, and then let the mothers decide for themselves. But for now, thank God, the children live in peace, in love, and ask about each other. Luchik (Luke, son of Maxim and Teona. - Note OK!) has not yet asked how his sisters and brother are, but his sisters are always interested in him.

And your daughters...

From actress Alla Kazakova. We worked together at Anatoly Vasiliev's theater: there was a moment when I combined service at the Theater of the Moon and with the great master Vasiliev (until he stayed to work in France).

Yes, such diametrically opposed creative territories!.. And you with everyone former relatives V good relations?

I take part in the lives of both children and their mothers, I help everyone.

Teona, didn’t this moment bother you, purely as a woman? Three children, parental obligations...

T.: To be honest, I didn’t think about it at all. I didn’t really know who Maxim was - I don’t watch TV at all. When I found out that he had three children, on the contrary, I thought: cool! A person already knows how and what to do. To be honest, I have never seen fathers who have ex-wives, were so attentive to their children and even to ex-wives. This fact makes you respect the person even more; this is truly a very rare quality. I'm glad that I don't have any complexes about this. For example, I knew Ilyusha’s mother, Tanya Solntseva, even before the birth of her and Maxim’s son. She auditioned for a role in the musical “Metro,” and we crossed paths several times. We weren't friends, but we crossed paths. Now Tanya and I communicate periodically, sometimes on Facebook I ask her how she is doing when they come to visit.


T.: I don’t know Alla, but the girls also came to visit us.

I see how touchingly Max is feeding his son now. Is this a common activity?

M.: Yes, and my favorite!

T.: As soon as Maxim has a day off, he immediately rushes to take care of the baby because he misses him.

Was it the same with older children?

M.: Yes, of course! I remember myself with some bottles, I remember walks, how I took my daughters to the forest. As soon as you go out with the stroller, they are already asleep.

What is the age difference between your daughters?

They are the same age. This summer it will be nine and ten.

T.: The girls are already adults.

M.: In my previous relationships, before meeting Teona, children became a problem, I was reproached for seeing children so often. For example, I can stay overnight with my children, in their nursery, and I have never considered this something shameful. I understand that we are ex-wives not enemies, because we have tasks that are more serious than personal relationships. So, I received reproaches: “Why do you go to see the children so often?” I talked about how I wanted to stay there, because there are days when the girls have school in the morning, then one has to be taken to ballet, the other to music, and then picked up. He said that I needed a day that I could spend there inside and out. To this I heard “no”. And Teona, somehow humanly, immediately said: “Of course, what’s the problem?”

T.: Well, I said that if you have to stay with the children, then you have to stay.

M.: With Teosha this does not become a problem in principle, which in itself is a huge credit to her! You understand that this person is with you, he feels you and you don’t need to come up with any schemes. And before I had to lie, say that the filming shift was delayed, and so on. And here there are no problems, neither with Theona, nor with her sister, nor with her parents. They all ask me about their daughters.

T.: My parents adore Maxim and everything connected with him. Situations in life are different, but we must try to be wise and honest. And in my life there have been not very honest relationships, unfortunately, we are all not angels. And so I decided that I don’t want to lie ever again, even though it might hurt me. Let them tell me that they cheated, fell in love with someone else, whatever they want, but let there be honesty. Then I will decide how to react. If you really love a person, some things can be forgiven.

M.: I absolutely agree with you.

T.: I don’t understand what kind of family you can talk about when there is no trust. And if there is no trust, then I don’t understand what kind of family this can be.

Teona, there was a very difficult period in your life. You lost your fiancé: Nikita suddenly died on tour from a stroke...

Yes... We, too, of course, had difficult relationship, I'm lived before in America, I was married.

This is what I didn’t know. A ex-husband -


M.: So she’s not divorced! (Theone.)

Why are you silent? She is still married to an American!..

T.: ...Maxim said dissatisfied. Well, you know, you have three children, and I have an ex-husband!

Why don't you get a divorce, Teona?

At some point it was impossible, then Nikita passed away and I didn’t care anymore. This probably sounds kind of strange, but for the last few years I didn’t really care what was happening. After Nikita’s death, everything happened automatically for me.

I worked in order to simply not go crazy, I had a lot of performances and practically no free time. On stage I poured out everything that happened to me. Fortunately, I still have such roles to break, I “died” every evening. Oddly enough, it helped me: dying on stage helped me live on.

At that moment, apparently, I was getting closer to Nikita. I was terrified, I read esoteric literature on the topic of leaving the body... I wanted to see him, ask him some questions, I dreamed about him all the time. And now I dream about him periodically, but especially during that period. Every time I dreamed of him, I asked him why he died. And at that moment a very strange look appeared on his face, he began to look at me very intently and smile... I’m telling you now, and my hair is standing on end.

I get goosebumps too.

And he never answered this question to me, it was always silence. Various mystical things happened. There were moments when I was practically on the verge of life and death, my blood pressure dropped completely, and suddenly at that moment one of Nikita’s friends called: “Teona, are you okay? I dreamed of Nikita, crying, saying that Theona needs to be helped, she’s very bad.”...


T: Of course, I know that many people don’t believe in dreams.

M.: She’s talking about me now.

T.: Yes, but I understand that a person cannot just have such a dream.

Did you live alone at that time?

I lived with Nikita's mother. I lived with his mother for a year. I understood that I could pull myself out, but she couldn’t do it alone.

How noble of you.

M.: A unique case: they are still friends. Nikita's mom comes to visit us.

What, Teona, helped you change this situation?

T.: Many people, when something like this happens to them, try to distance themselves, to occupy themselves with something that can distract them from the pain. But I didn’t distract myself from the pain. Whatever I did, everything had to do with Nikita. I played performances for him, everything that I lived, let’s say, I lived in his name. He was with me every second, in my head. If I wanted to cry, then I cried, if I wanted to scream, then I screamed. Thanks to this, three years later - he passed away on June 14, 2014 - I can already see the light. Probably like this. The first year after his death, I saw “Come out into the light” signs everywhere. Absolutely different places. It was so strange! And also, probably thanks to such little things, I pulled myself into the light.

Tell me, by the time you met Max, had you already changed?

Yes of course. It’s difficult for me to judge my internal positivity, but this was definitely a different step.

M.: Well, anyway, there was, you know, behind the person... not a shadow, but some kind of dense air.

T.: Mirage.

Did you feel it keenly, Max?

M.: Of course. You can see this when a person seems to be with you, but seems not to be. But I tried not to meddle in Teona’s personal life. She told me everything herself.

At what point did this happen?

T.: This is what I liked from the very beginning: Max and I were immediately very open with each other, that is, we shared both our past relationships and what did not suit us in our past relationships.

M.: We have already lived, we are no longer young. ( Smiling.)

T.: Who is this middle-aged man?!

M.: I’m no longer there, but you, of course, are thirteen. No, I mean that we had some experience behind us.

T.: I wanted simplicity in relationships.

Did Max help you psychologically?..

T.: ...To be cured? In fact, if such things happen, they remain with you throughout your entire life, you can’t get rid of them anywhere. But nevertheless, of course, I looked at life differently. First, a ray of light appeared, our Ray. A child is generally a cosmos. And of course, I am incredibly grateful to Nikitos’s mother for the way she took it all. She accepted Luka as her own grandson, and she treats Maxim very tenderly.

Teona, are you going to divorce your American husband?

As soon as possible. ( Smiles.) I need to come there because he and I got married in Kansas, where his parents live. This is not an easy process.

Max, are you okay with everything? Are you trying to register your relationship as quickly as possible?

M.: I don’t care, to be honest. I know that that story is over. I know Josh, I know what he looks like, I know he has another woman. I even know what Josh's grandmother looks like. Well, yes, there was a story, but all that was left of it was a piece of paper. After all, I myself was in a relationship, while being an officially married person. Now my loved one is next to me, our little boy is next to me, and this is the most important thing. Understand, Vadim, I am not promoting in any way open relationship. In fact, I am for family, I am not for freedom of relationships. It seems to me that there must be documentary evidence at a time when people understood their intentions and finally decided that it could not be otherwise.

Wait, I’ll ask a question: haven’t you decided yet?

M.: I’ve made up my mind, but I can’t put pressure, impose my opinion on Teona. You never know what else will happen! ( Smiling.) The main thing is that we have a son.

T.: Well, he’s just so cute, our son. It has everything I dreamed of. All my life I dreamed of having dimples. I never had them, but our son does. I dreamed that I had grey eyes, - my son has gray eyes. What else do you need? Practically ideal man! And if we go back to marriage... What difference does it make whether there is a signature or, as it is called, a stamp in the passport or not.

M.: Yes, there will still be a stamp, calm down!

T.: Yes? I don't know, Max hasn't proposed to me yet.

Is it true?

M.: I want.

What's stopping you?

Nothing gets in the way. Nothing stops.

T.: Wait, Luka will grow up and will carry the veil from behind.

M.: First, Theona must get a divorce.

T.: In fact, they told me that a marriage registered outside of Russia is not valid in Russia, so I can easily get married. ( Smiles.)

M.: And if we want to sign in the States, what then? So I’ll propose to you, say, in New York, and what should I do then?

T.: We will come to America together with Maxim so that he can meet Josh and his whole family. There are no people in my life with whom I am in some kind of hostile relationship, thank God. Josh has an absolutely amazing family, his parents adore me, they write me every day, asking how Luka is, how Maxim is.

Just some unique unity of everyone and everything! How long have you been together, Teona and Max?

T.: A year and a half.

M.: What year and a half? A year and three months. On April 1, you came to my site for the first time at night.

T.: Yes, you’ll laugh! Moreover, our baby was due on April 1st. And I say: “This will be the coolest April Fool’s joke!” But in the end, the son appeared two months earlier.

M.: He decided everything himself.

T.: He couldn’t bear it, he decided that he urgently wanted to go to his parents, and was born in January.

Tell me, Teona, are you already working? Or still immersed in motherhood?

In my entire life I have almost never rested, all the time I was in theater-theater-theater. And now I thought that I deserved a couple of months to just be with the baby. It's an incredible thrill. Of course, I won’t sit out a year. Literally a week after giving birth, I was asked to appear in the musical “Crime and Punishment” by Andrei Konchalovsky, last year we had a premiere. An amazing performance, of course, but I can’t do it yet. I want to get in perfect shape.

And you're not in right now perfect shape?

I gained a lot.

You can't tell that much.

My face is thin - that's my secret. I need to lose another fifteen kilograms. I've already gotten rid of ten, fifteen more - and it will be perfect.

Is this possible?

Of course available! You need willpower, and you need to use your head. I'm currently seeing a psychologist.

For what?

Well, he is a psychologist by profession, and the clinic is related specifically to weight loss. I was invited, and I thought: “I’ll try, why not?” And indeed, it changed my attitude towards food in general. Moreover, Maxim is very supportive of me; he does not go to the clinic, but at home he tries to follow a diet.

I’m listening to you and I want to wish, my dears, that your family idyll lasted as long as possible!

T.: Thank you, Vadim! It's truly happiness to meet your person.

M.: Don’t think about it, sometimes we get excited too. Of course, I understand Theon: I’m not at home, she, poor thing, is yearning and bored. I leave and arrive at night, have breakfast and run away again. She just doesn't see me. As a result, during your shift you will call a couple of times and write briefly. And I feel like she’s saying: “Well, that’s what you’re doing to me, just to unsubscribe.”

T.: All these are the little things in life. It’s okay, I’ll buy myself a backpack for the baby...

And off we go.

M.: And on the road, for sure!

Photo: Egor Vasiliev. Style: Irina Svistushkina

Makeup: Marina Ikaeva/Giorgio Armani Beauty

Hairstyles: Timur Sadykov, Natalia Abdalova/Redken

The other day, musical star Teona Dolnikova and her chosen one, actor Maxim Shchegolev, received congratulations on the new addition to the family. The news of the birth of a child came as a surprise to many, because the artists themselves good news didn't share for a long time. Fans also learned that the woman was pregnant shortly before the baby was born. However, it turned out that this happened earlier than the deadline set by the doctors.

“Yes, I became the mother of a wonderful boy. A ray of light has appeared in this world. I don’t want to be frank yet, I can only confirm that I have become a mother and am very happy. My impatient boy was so eager to be free that he was born a little ahead of schedule, so I was in no hurry to tell everyone. But now you don’t have to worry, everything is fine with us. He eats well, sleeps well, makes his mother happy and is friends with Dog.”

It’s interesting that Dolnikov is already noticing his son’s talents. The singer said that the first months of her son’s life were calm, and her closest people gathered to support the house.

“He can already recognize all his relatives and smiles at everyone, and it looks like he really likes this world. Oddly enough, it’s not me who sings to him, although I should, but he to me. Apparently, he remembered the songs that I sang to him during pregnancy, and now he returns them to me. We are both cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The whole family from Germany came to help me: mom, dad and sister. And everyone takes turns changing his diapers, so Maxim and I have time to go to the movies,” Teona told the OK! portal. .

Apparently, the actress spent March 8th in the company of her newborn. Acquaintances and friends tried to give useful gifts to the young mother. The artist posted a photo on Instagram, thanking her for the unusual surprise.

“Girls! Congratulations to you all on the eighth of March! Be happy, smile and rejoice! But yesterday I was pleased by the girls who sent the most original gift, which I have ever seen. Diaper cake."

Followers know Theona’s vulnerable character, so they try to support their idol in everything and please them with warm wishes in the comments. Having learned about the addition to her family, subscribers showered the star with congratulations. “Teonochka, congratulations on joining the ranks of mothers. This is no longer just a “woman”, it is much more, fuller, more harmonious, brighter and happier. However, you yourself will understand everything soon, filling yourself every day with this boundless love for your baby, breathing in this crazy happiness,” “Teona, congratulations to you and Maxim, you are a wonderful couple. Happiness, love and healthy children to you! Being a mother has both joys and hardships, so good luck and patience.”


I've been suffering for over a week now... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more on that later... The apartment disappears right away; they are very far from the sea. Of course there are, but the price there is one and a half times higher. Guest house... but those in my price category are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, very budget modest, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little money on a cafe. (but here Of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, you need to go downstairs with groceries in the morning to cook and bring the finished food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfast up to 20 thousand, but they don’t have even a kettle in the room. There is also an apartment hotel... it’s super, of course... and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I’m paying for the presence of a kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy groceries myself.. or I give this 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes average cost breakfast at the hotel is 250-300 rubles) ..... and where is there 2 more times a day, with the condition that our child is 4 years old ... and how much money should we put in for food ... per day .... I have a little entertainment I looked at the prices.. I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, I need to lay down 15 (one trip to the aquarium is 700+700, I don’t know how much for children, probably 500=1900, also a dolphinarium, I’m also wondering if it makes sense to go to a water park..., tell me more I want to leave 2 days at Krasnaya Polyana, so I don’t have to travel 50 km back and forth. That’s where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day. You can even get lunch there for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late check-out , and this will most likely need to be paid in 2 more days... Tell us how you plan your vacation in terms of money.... Since we were only in Minsk as a family, but it was 4 days, and I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but that includes tickets and accommodation) I’ve never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was single, it was only abroad. But this time we’re not considering it. There is a but... I won’t go deeper. Those who consider themselves poor.... you can count and pass by... Half of our country is like this.... Sunshine to everyone.... for those who don’t mind, I’m waiting for advice.


Daughter of a minister without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. We already had a dog before, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rosy dreams, I was walking with my wonderful obedient dog, watching TV, stroking him behind the ear, etc. and so on.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a little puppy, has turned into big crocodile, which chewed up all the walls. On the street, he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of a dog handler, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I cannot find an approach to him, but I no longer have enough patience. And so I think: not to spoil his and my psyche and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


Mom sawmill

I adopted a cat from the shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered a lot. He was planted on May 9 to the woman who was leaving him. The eyes were festered, bleeding, dirty, flea-infested.
I'm at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. He purrs when he plays and eats. He slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian Blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. He despises the kitten, growls, hisses, but does not touch it.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast and kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food from an adult cat and vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, but she was afraid to give it. She fed me chicken.
And one more thing, please recommend a name for the kitten.
Just not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.

160 I kept silent because... I’ve been silent for a long time about other people’s children
but I can't forget
chat topic 91
