Tunisia water and air temperature by month. Beach season and weather in Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the most attractive countries for tourists. The gentle Mediterranean Sea, spacious and well-maintained beaches, various attractions, thoughtful service, and most importantly, a favorable subtropical Mediterranean (dry subtropical in the north) climate have made this country an ideal place for lovers of a carefree holiday on the seaside. The tourist season in Tunisia lasts from April to October, but some people prefer to holiday here during the winter months.


In December, the nights are already cold, the daytime temperature also drops to +16°C, the water temperature is +18°C, only seasoned extreme sports lovers swim. In December, olives, grapefruits, and tangerines are harvested in Tunisia. There are few tourists at this time; you can enjoy the silence, walking along the deserted beach, admiring the bright greenery of the trees and attending thalassotherapy sessions.

With the onset of the new calendar year in Tunisia, the average water and air temperatures are the same and equal to +15°C. Compared to Russian winters, it’s warm, but it’s cold to swim in the sea, so most hotels have indoor pools. Unlike the usual snowdrifts, it is green everywhere, most trees do not shed their leaves, and in winter there is even more greenery in Tunisia than in summer. In the north of Tunisia, it rains almost all of January, but in the south the weather is sunny, tourists willingly go on excursions to oases.

In February, you can go to Tunisia if you want to see the country, visit as many interesting excursions as possible, or improve your health with thalassotherapy. The daytime air temperature is about +20°C, you can tan beautifully and safely, it rarely rains in February. But few will risk swimming in the sea - the water temperature, as in January, is only +15°C; it is better to take water procedures in hotel pools.


At the beginning of spring, lovers of surfing and sailing go to Tunisia; in the south of the country, the air temperature during the day often reaches +25°C, but the water has not yet had time to warm up, its temperature usually does not exceed +17°C, so most vacationers prefer to swim in indoor pools . In March, Tunisia is very beautiful, many exotic plants bloom.

The tourist season opens in April, but you shouldn’t go to the northern regions of the country - in April there is a significant amount of rainfall there, but on the island of Djerba the water is already warming up to +17-20°C and there are quite a lot of swimmers. The average air temperature during the day is + 25°C, it is already warm, but not yet hot, so excursions will be a pleasure.

In May, the weather in Tunisia is often very changeable, and it often rains, especially in the north of the country. The water temperature is +16-17°C, but near the island of Djerba the water is 2-3°C warmer. You can swim, but traveling with children is still problematic. It is often hot during the day, but the sea breeze makes it easy to bear the heat, so you can plan several excursion trips.


At the beginning of summer, the daytime is quite hot, the average daily temperature is +27°C, but sea bathing allows you not to suffer from the heat, but to enjoy it. The water temperature is +20°C, in the area of ​​the island of Djerba - +23°C, but the sultry wind from the Sahara often raises the air temperature by another 10-15°C, and a simple walk along the street turns into a feat. Cool winds often blow on the east coast, and tourists have to wear warm clothes in the evening.

In July it is hot here, in the north of the country the average daily temperature is +26°C, in the south - +33°C, rain is extremely rare, the water temperature is +23°C, in August the heat intensifies, the water warms up to +28°C. The sirocco wind often blows from the Sahara, the hot breath of which reaches the northern regions of the country. Only in the east, in the Sahel, cool winds allow walking away from the sea.


In September, the heat subsides and golf lovers come to the resorts, for whom beautiful courses have been built here. Surfing and sailing are also popular activities for many visitors. The date harvest begins in September. Many exotic fruits are ripe, so gourmets should go to Tunisia in the fall. Daytime air temperature +31°C, water temperature +26°C.

In October, Tunisia is still warm, but not hot, with an average daily temperature of +29°C. It’s pleasant to swim in warm water, the temperature of which is +24-25°C almost until the end of the month, but you can not limit yourself to just a beach holiday; the weather is also favorable for excursion trips around the country.

In November it rains more and more often, the sea is stormy, so although the water in the sea is still warm, +22-24°C, you can rarely swim, but there is a lot of fresh fruit.

Thus, holidays in Tunisia in different months have their pros and cons. If your plans are mainly a beach holiday, come from April to October; if you are interested in traveling around the country, you can go as early as February, and if your main goal is relaxation and wellness, in Tunisia you will get what you want twelve months a year.





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







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Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Weather in Tunisia by month

The most beachy of the North African states and one of the most favorite places for Russians to relax in the company of hot rays and gentle breezes, Tunisia occupies an extremely generous geographical position for a variety of weather conditions. There is everything here: the sultry winds of the Sahara and the cool blows of the sea breeze, serene calm and real “ninth waves”, the shining sun and amazingly beautiful sunsets, when layers of clouds are colored with unprecedented richness of colors, as if taken from Kuindzhi’s palette. Unlike its tropical counterparts for beach holidays, Tunisia has all four canonical seasons - adjusted for both the African warmth and the notorious north of the continent. Hardly any other question worries a compatriot going on vacation more than the exact temperature of water and air in the resorts of Tunisia, the number and density of possible clouds and the degree of calmness of the water surface. To anticipate questions and dispel doubts, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Tunisian weather digest, for convenience, divided by month in “seasonal and tourist” order.

In May

“I love the thunderstorm at the beginning...” - this statement can rightfully be attributed to Tunisia. The May weather forecast in Tunisia is unstable here: on the one hand, the sun is winning back more and more days, on the other, the rainy and stormy spring does not want to give up ground. The thermometer confidently clings to the mid-twenties: +23-26° is the usual May temperature. This is largely determined by the growing sun's rays day by day - and therefore, after sunset, as a rule, it is cool and you want to throw on a blouse. Sea swimming will seem attractive only to those who want to swim on principle, in spite of the actual weather. One of the advantages of May is the opportunity to comfortably go on excursions and enjoy citrus fruits, fresh almonds, mulberries and incredibly tasty medlar (which is called “busaa” here).

In June

Summer is red - here it is. In June it is already very warm (and sometimes even hot) in the air, the evenings are quiet, relaxed and languid and generously bestow vacationers with soft warmth. The tan at this time is the most wonderful: you can lie comfortably on the beach without fear of turning into a baked apple. The sea is conducive to swimming, especially after June 15 (before this time the water is still not absolutely pleasant, especially for gentle young ladies). In the first half of the month, the sea is often choppy, which drives those who don’t like to spit and shake water out of their ears to the shore. Among the tasty features of June are ripened green figs with very delicate pink pulp, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries in taste, and the fruits of the prickly pear cactus with the lion's share of seeds.

In July

The tip of summer throughout the northern hemisphere and in Tunisia in particular. July 24 is the hottest day of the year, known since Roman times. In honor of this event, the Aussou carnival is held in Sousse, with the passage of richly decorated floats, songs, dances and dousing with water. It is recommended to be in the sun with great caution; we strongly advise you not to “overextend” during the afternoon. It's really hot outside in July. But the sea is like fresh milk, even early in the morning; in the afternoon, the water temperature stays around +23-25°. Warm nights are ideal for outdoor disco fun. July is the time to feast on all the fruits known to science: plenty of citruses, apricots, peaches, and melons.

In August

The summer heat does not subside: everything is still white-hot, even the sky seems to have completely lost its blue color, turning into a faded fabric. But you don’t want to get out of the sea at all - the unshakable sparkling surface and the temperature of a home relaxation bath. August is also the month of music festivals: performances are held after dark in the open air with the scent of jasmine in the air. Discos are buzzing, the summer verandas of restaurants are filled to capacity, and in the evenings people stroll along the embankments. In August, grapes of all shades and degrees of sweetness ripen, and fruit sellers' counters are filled with dozens of varieties of melons and watermelons. Let’s keep silent about pears, apples and other popular goods - this is something taken for granted in Tunisia.

In September

Summer is still in full swing, but the cool sea in the mornings and increasingly more frequent ridges of clouds in the sky remind us that autumn is just around the corner. In the afternoon the water surface is most often choppy, but swimming in the morning is still comfortable. A September tan is similar to a June tan: soft, golden and achieved without sweating. This month is a good time to go on excursions, especially those that involve spending a long time outdoors: for example, to Roman ruins or to the Sahara. The resort coast is pleasantly empty: local residents, as well as visiting Algerians and Libyans, turn their attention to daily matters; At the same time, there are still a lot of tourists, and all entertainment operates at the same pace. The summer fruit expanse does not become scarce, and the advantage belongs to the fruits of melons and vines.

In August, grapes of all shades and degrees of sweetness ripen; the counters of fruit merchants are crowded with a dozen varieties of melons and watermelons.

In October

The month of European old ladies is what October is called on the Tunisian coast, from which one can rightly conclude that it is no longer hot in the air, and sea bathing is not the main thing in matters of relaxation. This is the month of the luxurious, warm African autumn: you are still running around in flip-flops, light blouses and shorts, cobwebs are flying in the air, and the sun is no longer baking - gently stroking your skin. You can spend the whole day outdoors without worrying about sunburn. October is a great time for educational trips around the country: to national parks, to the vast expanses of the southern Djerid region, and even to multi-day Saharan camelback expeditions. You can also stock up on sugar dates from the new harvest; they begin to be harvested in October.

In November

Unity and struggle between autumn and winter - this is how Tunisian November can be characterized. Rains irrigate African soil more and more often, in addition there are such options as strong winds with sand, chilly nights and high humidity. The sun does not appear in the sky as often as November vacation owners would like. Among the advantages is that it is absolutely not hot in the open air, which attracts lovers of coolness and picturesque bright colors of autumn nature to the country. At sea in November you can only admire, and not just the calm surface, but the living, bubbling mass of water. But there are more than enough Tunisian delicacies - a lot of varieties of dates and late varieties of melons and grapes.


The beginning of winter and the time of cold weather, even with an African tint. The nights are surprisingly cold (in the morning thoughts of a fur coat come to mind), the daytime weather in Tunisia is extremely variable: either +10° and freezing rain, or +16° and pleasantly warming sun. There is a lot of rain, and periodically it lasts for several days. Nevertheless, compared to the Moscow snows, December in Tunisia seems very tempting: the greenery does not fade, the olives are ripening and even some cheerful flowers are blooming. The resort hotels are very quiet, rare guests are given maximum attention and rooms with sea views are available without additional investment. You can also walk along the coast alone. December is the best time to buy a few liters of new olive oil in reserve, as well as taste fresh citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, bergamots and grapefruits.

In January

Despite the fact that winter is in full swing, there is a subtle anticipation of warmth and joy from overcoming the New Year's milestone in the air. The January weather in Tunisia is very changeable: in other years you can sunbathe with caution in a slightly naked form, having first found a reliable shelter from the cold winds, and sometimes the climate is not at all African - with high dank humidity, rain and cloudy skies. However, in general, there are fewer rainy days in January than in December. The false flowering of some fruit trees, such as almonds, also creates a spring mood. Wildflowers come to life, and in general, a certain inspired expectation reigns all around. The sea is often calm and deceptively attractive for swimming. January in Tunisia is the kingdom of citrus fruits, apples and pears. Olive oil season is also in full swing.

In February

“Crushing on the dark rocks...” - this is about the February sea in Tunisia. February is perhaps the most stormy, rebellious and unpredictable month of the year. The struggle between equal opponents - winter and spring - is expressed in seething gray waves and gusty winds against the backdrop of a cloudless sky and stunningly beautiful sunsets. The rains have not yet subsided, but there are more and more sunny days, and from time to time you can even bask in the warm rays. The nature of Tunisia is waking up at this time: birds are chattering more and more insistently about spring, fresh greenery and various flowers are all around. From a tourist point of view, February is the month of thalassotherapy and holidaymakers of the older age category, but at this time there is always something to do: for example, sit with a glass of scalding tea on pillows in a traditional coffee shop to the viscous melodies of Arabic classics. Citrus fruits are sold everywhere.

January in Tunisia is the kingdom of citrus fruits, apples and pears. Olive oil season is also in full swing.

In March

The Tunisian spring is making itself known in full voice. Lying on the beach is still very, very chilly (mainly due to the winds blowing from the sea), but exposing certain parts of your body to the sun is already quite possible, and there is even a danger of your skin turning bright pink. The air vigorously begins to warm up in the upper tens, and on particularly good days the thermometer reaches +20°, but with the onset of twilight the February coolness still descends on the ground. In March you can have a wonderful walk along the coast, although not barefoot yet - the water is invigorating, to put it mildly. At this time, only walruses and divers can be found in the sea. At the end of the month, the first strawberries appear - of course, still somewhat sour, but with a very attractive summer aroma.

In April

In Tunisia, you can go out to the beach with your head held high, without fear of freezing, starting in April, as well as bravely getting your feet wet in the sea. Only inveterate lovers of sea water swim; for people with average heat transfer, the water, not unreasonably, seems more than cool (the phrase from the feuilleton comes to mind: “Drive away the ice, drive away!”). But lying on a beach lounger, squinting at the already very warm sun, will be pleasant for everyone, even frostbites and freezers. In April you can get a wonderful tan: the incandescent power of the sun has not yet reached its full power, and you can lie on the beach all day long without the risk of turning into a firebrand. On the vegetable stalls there are mountains of delicious strawberries at penniless prices, a lot of pears and apples, and the spring harvest of oranges is also pleasing with variety.

JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Melita15.2 14.5 15.7 18.2 21.1 24.3 27.4 28.9 28.1 25.6 22 18
Midun15.9 14.9 15.6 17.7 20.5 23.7 27 28.5 28 25.8 22.5 18.8
Monastir13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Sousse13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Tunisia13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Hammamet13 12 14 17 22 24 28 28 24 23 17 12
Houmt Souk15 14 15 18 21 24 27 29 28 26 22 18

Climate of Tunisia

In Tunisia, the weather is determined by two types of climate. The northern part of the country and the coast, where resort areas are concentrated, have a subtropical Mediterranean climate, which is very comfortable for vacationers. The interior and southern regions are characterized by the tropical desert climate of Tunisia: hot Saharan winds blow here and precipitation is extremely rare.

As a result, in coastal areas the heat is not felt as strongly; it is moderated by the sea breeze. Daily temperature changes in resort areas are not too sharp, and in the desert frosts often occur at night, even if during the day the air temperature reaches +25 °C.

The maximum precipitation occurs in the mountainous regions, while in the south its volume does not exceed 100 mm per year, and some desert areas are completely bypassed by rain for several years.

The optimal period to visit Tunisia is the off-season: all autumn and spring, as well as June. The swimming season, as a rule, opens in May and ends in October.

Weather and climate in Tunisia by month

December and January are very similar in terms of weather: in the coastal strip, the thermometer at this time rarely rises above +17 °C during the day and +10 °C at night. In the capital, daily temperature changes are greater: at night it gets colder to +6 °C. High humidity remains on the coast, it often rains, and cold winds, by African standards, blow across almost the entire country.

In February still damp and windy. The weather is changeable: sometimes warm, sometimes cold. On the eastern coast of Tunisia, the climate is milder: in Sousse, Monastir and Hammamet there is less rainfall and air temperatures are higher than in the north of the country.

In March During the day you can feel the warmth of spring, and in the evening the February coolness returns. The air quickly warms up on the coast, and on the island of Jebra it even gets warmer to +20 °C. The sea water is cold - about +14 °C.

April It is ideal for excursions and travel around Tunisia, but do not forget that hot “chili” winds blow in the desert at this time. In resort regions, it warms up to +20...+22 °C during the day, and gets cold to +10...+12 °C at night.

In May Tunisia is warm and the climate is comfortable for families with children. During the day at the resorts it is about +24 °C, the water warms up to +22 °C - the temperature is suitable for swimming, although the weather in Tunisia is changeable and it rains.

In June The beach season officially opens. The wind from the sea subsides, sunny weather sets in for a long time on the coast, +27...+28 °C during the day, and in the south of the country the arid climate makes itself felt again.

July and August, first half of September- hot season, time for a traditional beach holiday, when the air temperature at the resorts reaches +30...+35 °C, and the water, which has finally warmed to +28 °C, tirelessly attracts swimmers. In the second half of September You can feel the wind picking up and getting cooler, but only by 2-3C. The hot season in the Sahara forces you to abandon excursions in the desert.

In October The holiday season is experiencing a new phase. The climate of Tunisia at this time is most attractive for those who avoid the heat, but want to have time to swim in the sea and lie on the beach without fear of sunburn. Tourist interest in excursions, traveling around the country, and walking is returning. The air temperature in the resorts of Tunisia is +24…+26 °C, the water temperature is about +23 °C.

In November air humidity increases on the eve of a rainy winter. The November weather in Tunisia is less and less pleasant with sunny days, and the water cools down to +17 ° C, which negates the desire to swim.

Tunisia is washed by the soft Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. The country is divided into two climatic zones - subtropical Mediterranean and tropical from the Sahara Desert. This natural location contributes to the fact that the weather in Tunisia is always different from month to month in summer and winter, and the temperature differs by as much as 15 - 20 degrees.

Hot, dry summers give way to cool and very wet winters. Northern winds bring the cold season to the country, which lasts from December to March. A frequent occurrence in winter is precipitation coming from the Mediterranean Sea, which greatly influences the climate of Tunisia. August in the eastern coastal strip is usually not too hot due to the cool winds brought from the Mediterranean.

The Sahara also influences the climate of Tunisia. Dry hot winds bring heat to the country. The temperature at this time reaches 53 degrees! It is unlikely that anyone would want to be in a country when desert dry winds dominate it.

The most pleasant time for a holiday is from August to November and from March to June, and the peak season is in October. This situation is related to both water temperature and air temperature.

Summer, especially August, is very hot in the country, although this time is also suitable for travel. The average temperature in summer is more than 35 degrees. But winter, which lasts from December to early March, no longer falls during the tourist season. As you can see, the weather in Tunisia differs from month to month in the same way as the country’s resorts.

Month Air temperature, °C Water temperature, °C
January 15-17 12-13
February 6-17 12-13
March 19 14
April 20 17
May 22-25 22
June 20-28 22
July 30-32 24-28
August 32 28
September 30 23-24
October 26 25
November 10-13 17
December 14-16 12-14

How do the most famous resorts differ?

Among young people, the most popular resort is Sousse. There are many nightclubs, bars, and restaurants here. A visit to the Hergla Park water amusement park, which combines a water park and a racing track where you can go karting, will give you a huge amount of positive emotions. Sweet tooth lovers will happily discover the 50 varieties of ice cream presented at the House of Ice Cream.

Those who prefer an educational holiday choose the island of Djerba, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea, but is connected to the mainland by a causeway built in ancient times. The island is rich in green vegetation, fruit trees, and huge palm groves. The clear, clean sea and fine sand make a holiday in Djerba suitable for a family holiday. The world's oldest synagogue, built 25 centuries ago, is also located here, housing Torahs that scientists believe are the oldest existing on the planet.

The city of Hammamet can satisfy the most demanding tourist needs. There is a wonderful golf club and a unique zoo where visitors can observe animals in their natural environment through transparent passages. Clean beaches, shallow seas, and well-developed beach infrastructure make a holiday in Hammamet suitable for everyone. The city is also famous for its unique Arabic-style architecture, where not a single building is repeated.

Sultry summer in Tunisia

Summer is perfect for a beach holiday. In the second half of June, the storms end and the sea becomes calm. In Sousse and Hammamet at this time the air temperature remains stable at 20 - 27 degrees, and in Djerba - 24 - 28 degrees. In July and August, the water warms up to 28 degrees, and the air - up to 32 degrees.

The second half of summer is not the most favorable for long excursions and walks, but lovers of passive recreation d You will fully enjoy this vacation.

At this time, tourists should be especially careful, as jellyfish can harm their health and ruin their vacation.

August in Tunisia is very hot, so don’t forget to use sunscreen, and replace long trips with unforgettable diving, for which tourists come here from all over the world, especially to the cities of Sousse and Mahdia. August is also the time for interesting cultural events, including the “International Festival of Sousse” and the “Mediterranean Summer” held in Monastir.

Autumn tourist season

In September, and sometimes even in August, the amount of precipitation increases significantly - up to 41 mm. At the same time, the water temperature is kept at 23 - 24 degrees, and the air warms up to 30 degrees. However, in the second half of September the temperature begins to drop sharply, making September a very pleasant time for a holiday in Tunisia. Unlike August, when there is a great danger of getting burned by jellyfish and heat strokes, autumn is ideal for a family holiday with children. The sun becomes safer for children's delicate skin, and you can also enjoy exciting excursions around the country.

October in Tunisia is warm and rainy. This is the time of a sharp change from sunny fine days to tropical downpours. But October is no less wonderful for relaxation, because the sea is still very warm - 25 degrees, and the air is fresh and not dry. The daytime temperature is 26 degrees.

It is in October that a lot of tourists come to Tunisia, because tour operators sell trips at a discount. And already in November the water becomes cold (17 degrees), the air cools down to 10 - 13 degrees and the velvet season ends. Since the second half of November, no one has been swimming in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and resort towns are preparing for a short winter.

Warm winter or low season for holidays?

In Hammamet, Sousse and other resort towns it gets really cold in winter. By the standards of the local population, who are not accustomed to the Eastern European climate, 15 - 17 degrees during the day is a really low temperature. Therefore, you can often find Tunisians dressed in the warmest winter clothes, even in such weather.

In February, temperatures of up to 6 degrees can sometimes be observed. This picture happens especially often in the resort of Hammamet. The water temperature at this time is about 12 - 13 degrees.

On the island of Djerba, even in winter it never gets colder than 17 degrees, and about 20 mm of precipitation falls. In winter, tourists are attracted to sessions of various health therapies, so you should not refuse a trip to Tunisia even at this time. For example, in Hammamet, Sousse, and the island of Djerba, even out of season, you can undergo unforgettable sessions of thalassotherapy, hydrocolor therapy, hammam, body wraps and other restorative procedures.

Spring brings a new season to Tunisia

Spring brings a new tourism boom in Tunisia. If in March the influence of winter is still felt, although the air warms up to 19 degrees and the water temperature is 14 degrees, then in April a real tourist paradise begins! It's warm outside, but not hot, about 20 degrees during the day. The bravest tourists can afford to swim in 17-degree water. There is practically no precipitation. Such conditions allow you to travel a lot around the country, discover the most outlandish and unexplored corners, and visit many excursions and entertainment venues.

It is in April that a rare natural phenomenon is observed in Tunisia - hot winds from the North African desert.

If you are planning to visit Tunisia in the spring for a beach holiday, we recommend going in May, when the warm, clear 22-degree Mediterranean Sea, clean and fine sand, and still cool (22-25 degrees) air will delight you and your companions.

It doesn’t matter what time, in October, August or March you visit Tunisia, whether it’s Hammamet, Sousse or another resort – it doesn’t matter either. You can always find in this warm corner, warmed by the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea, something that you have not seen before - ancient history, extraordinary natural phenomena, ancient architecture, a strange world of flora and fauna, unique in its kind. You can find entertainment for every taste and undergo procedures that suit your body. It doesn’t matter if you are alone, with family, friends, or a loved one - everyone can have an unforgettable vacation here!

We have collected all the information about the weather in Tunisia by month. We also chose the resorts where you need to choose in each season.

Updated 02/18/2020 at 22:45

We have updated tours to Tunisia:

Le Khalife 3*, Hammamet, 🏖 550 m
Without meals, 2 adults, from February 25 for 6 nights
Price: 51,264 rub. for everyone

El Mouradi Beach 3*, Hammamet, 🏖 200 m
Breakfast and dinner, 2 adults, from 21 February for 7 nights
Price: 82,930 rub. for everyone

More tours: from Moscow

The climate of Tunisia is characterized by its variability. The northern part is influenced by a tropical Mediterranean climate, while the southern and central parts are characterized by a tropical desert climate. Summer in Tunisia is hot and humid (except in the desert, where temperatures drop at night), and winter is rainy but moderately warm.

Let's see what the air and water temperatures promise to be throughout the year:

MonthTemperatureTour prices
January+14…16°C / +10…12°C+12°Cfrom RUB 80,948
February+12…16°C/ +9…11°C+11°Cfrom 72,440 rub.
March+14…19°C / +10…12°C+13°Cfrom 73,511 rub.
April+17…22°C / +13…15°C+16°Cfrom 78,744 rub.
May+20…26°C / +16…18°C+20°Cfrom RUB 36,813
June+24…32°C / +20…22°C+24°Cfrom 43,592 rub.
July+30…33°C / +23…25°C+28°Cfrom 39,370 rub.
August+28…34°C / +23…25°C+28°Cfrom 38,657 rub.
September+26…30°C / +21…23°C+25°Cfrom 40,415 rub.
October+21…27°C / +18…20°C+21°Cfrom 41,452 rub.
November+17…23°C / +14…16°C+16°Cfrom 38,062 rub.
December+13…17°C / +11…13°C+13°Cfrom 35,300 rub.

Tunisia, Mahdia

Important Tips:

  • In the resorts of Tunisia, the tourist season lasts from April to October.
  • The high season in Tunisia lasts from June to September.
  • The low season starts immediately after the end of the beach season, that is, in November, and ends in April. But the flow of tourists does not stop completely. During this period, you can relax at resorts at low prices and instead of a beach holiday, devote time to thalassotherapy.
  • Fans of Tunisian resorts prefer to plan their vacation during the velvet season, which begins in September and lasts until the end of October. During this period, local resorts provide all conditions for a comfortable beach holiday.
  • The ideal time for excursions and sightseeing is from March to June.
  • Great news for divers: the diving season in Tunisian resorts coincides with the tourist season.

Weather in Tunisia in winter

In winter, Tunisia is certainly not like our region: everywhere there is greenery, like in summer or spring, but at this time it is quite rainy in the resorts of Tunisia.

Daytime temperatures can fluctuate, the thermometer rises to +16°C, +18°C. Climatic conditions can change dramatically. Bright sunshine can suddenly give way to rain. At night it is already cool: in the southern and central parts of the country the temperature reaches +6°C, +8°C, but in the desert the temperature can be minus.

Tunisia in December

In December, the temperature during the day, compared to November, drops by a couple of degrees, on average the thermometer rises to a maximum of +18°C, at night the air cools down to +13°C.

Which resort should you choose?

It is warmest in December at the following resorts in the country: Mahdia, Monastir, Sousse.

Tunisia in January

In January, Tunisia experiences an increased level of humidity, which is caused in particular by significant precipitation. Although, according to weather forecasters, the January rainfall is slightly less than December. The exception is the capital of the country, where the amount of precipitation does not change and on average it rains for about 11 days. High humidity is also relevant on the northern coast, where the landscape is elevated. The north wind brings moist air masses here, which, when colliding with mountains, become rain.

January is considered the coldest month of the year. However, you should not miss the fact that the weather is capricious and fickle, so who knows, perhaps in January you will be able to experience short-term warming.

Which resort should you choose?

January is not suitable for a comfortable vacation, especially for those tourists who do not like rainy weather. But if you still plan to visit the country, choose any resort.

Tunisia in February

Do you want to spend your holiday in peace without spending a lot of money? Then in February it's time to pack your bags for a trip to Tunisia. It is worth noting right away that despite these advantages, climatic conditions may not meet expectations. It is unlikely that you will be able to take a walk in shorts or a sundress or sunbathe at this time. But if you don’t like stuffiness, then February weather is just what you need. Unlike the previous month, in February the air temperature drops by a couple of degrees, but precipitation becomes slightly less.

Which resort should you choose?

In February, you can stay at any resort in Tunisia; there is no big difference in temperature.

Weather in Tunisia in spring

We can safely say that in March, spring is already coming in Tunisia, which pleases all residents and guests of the country with warm, and most importantly, sunny weather.

Tunisia, Monastir

This month the thermometer can reach +20°C, so sunbathing is already possible. With the onset of spring, the amount of precipitation decreases significantly, but this does not apply to the northern part of Tunisia, where rainy weather still prevails. In the morning it can still be noticeably fresh, but at night it can be quite cold. In April the time for excursions begins, and in May the beach season can begin.

Tunisia in March

Spring is slowly but surely replacing winter and every day the air temperature is warming up more and more. The weather is gradually getting better and better and at noon it is already possible to undress a little. However, March can bring a surprise in the form of rain or cold wind, so you shouldn’t relax too much.

Which resort should you choose?

It is best to opt for coastal resorts in March, due to the fact that heavy rainfall may occur in the northern part of the country. March is warmest in Sousse.

Tunisia in April

April already brings joy to all tourists with sunny days and cloudless skies. African spring is radically different from ours! What can I say, by our standards this month resembles early summer. Climatic conditions are getting better every day and you can see how the flow of tourists is slowly growing. It’s still cool to swim, but the bravest ones are already opening the beach season. The water does not have time to warm up by this time, but sunbathing is just in time, because the number of sunny days is increasing, and precipitation is observed less and less.

Which resort should you choose?

In April you can choose any resort. In principle, sunny weather is slowly but surely establishing itself in the country. The only thing worth paying attention to is that it can still be quite rainy in the northern part of the country.

Tunisia in May

The May weather is very reminiscent of real summer, especially if you arrive at the country's resorts after the 15th. The air temperature is comfortable not only during the day, but also at night. At the end of spring, a decrease in temperature is possible, but generally this situation does not last long.

Which resort should you choose?

May days are characterized by comfortable climatic conditions, so choose any resort in the country and you won’t go wrong!

Weather in Tunisia in summer

We can say with all confidence that summer in Tunisia begins almost from the first days of June.

In June the air already warms up to +30°C and you can relax to the fullest. Although the air temperature is quite high, there is no heat here, and all thanks to the refreshing breeze, which makes holidays in Tunisian resorts even more comfortable. In addition, at this time you can safely start swimming! In mid-summer it is quite hot during the day, but at night the temperature drops to comfortable levels.

Tunisia in June

The air warms up to +30°C during the day, which cannot but please all vacationers who planned their vacation at this time.

Which resort should you choose?

In June, you can have a great time at all resorts in the country.

Tunisia in July

In July, the daytime sun shines in a clear sky without interruption, and the sea pleases you not only with warm water, but also with its ideal surface. The air temperature is quite high, so during this period you should be especially careful and do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time. Precipitation at this time is rare.

Which resort should you choose?

During this period, all resorts in the country offer maximum services, because weather conditions allow it. Therefore, the choice of place to relax is entirely at your discretion!

Tunisia in August

August pleases all sun and beach lovers. But for those who cannot stand or simply do not like the heat, it is better not to plan their vacation at this time. Indeed, in August the sun does not spare anyone - neither man nor nature. The thermometer is inexorably creeping up and the figure +33°C is by no means the limit.

Which resort should you choose?

All Tunisian resorts are hot in August, so there are no special recommendations regarding choosing a place to relax.

Weather in Tunisia in autumn

What is African autumn like? While the summer months are not particularly different from each other, autumn does have some features in each month.

With the onset of autumn days, the heat gradually recedes and holidays in Tunisian resorts become more comfortable, and for some, more acceptable, compared to the summer heat. The Mediterranean Sea has warmed up well over the previous months, when there was unbearable heat, so in September the velvet season comes into its own at the resorts. Showers can be very rare in September, but they bring freshness rather than coolness.

In October, the so-called African autumn begins in Tunisia. During the daytime, you can still wear light clothes, but in the evening, it is best to dress warmer. Towards mid-autumn, the amount of precipitation increases, and the water in the sea is cool.

In November, precipitation becomes more and almost all Tunisian resorts experience cooling. In a word, the country is preparing for winter.

Tunisia in September

If you buy a tour to Tunisia in September, consider yourself to have hit the jackpot! This is equivalent to a time machine, thanks to which you will instantly go from rainy autumn to warm summer. A great way to relax comfortably in the fall if you didn’t have time or weren’t able to do it during the summer months.

It can be argued that this month is one of the best. Firstly, the sweltering heat that burned everything around in the summer is gradually receding. Secondly, the influx of tourists is decreasing. Thirdly, the resorts of Tunisia are still a great place to spend your vacation.

Which resort should you choose?

All Tunisian resorts are equally comfortable in September.

Tunisia in October

If you think that in October there is no point in planning your vacation somewhere, since nature is already fresh like autumn, you are mistaken. In Tunisia at this time the velvet season is in full swing! The sweltering heat has already gone far back, and even at noon you can be in the open air and be completely safe. October climatic conditions are the best suited for those tourists who can hardly tolerate or cannot tolerate the heat at all. In addition, at this time elderly people or those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system can come here. October is the ideal time for a holiday with children in Tunisia.

This month there is some instability in the weather. It mainly manifests itself in precipitation, which becomes more frequent during this period, as well as cloudy days. Moreover, there may not be any rain, but the sky will be hidden by clouds. Therefore, it is almost pointless to guess when the bright sun will appear in the sky again and delight everyone with its rays. But according to weather forecasters, this month there are on average about 4 to 9 rainy days.

Which resort should you choose?

In October, the most favorable weather sets in at Tunisian resorts, so the choice of a place to relax depends solely on the preferences of each tourist. As for climatic conditions, almost all resorts in the country will delight you with warm and sunny weather. In addition, the water temperature is still suitable for swimming.

Tunisia in November

The November weather is already completely devoid of heat. The temperature regime begins to change almost radically and during the day the thermometer does not exceed +20…21°C. The nights in the country are cold. In the desert at night the temperature can drop to 0°C. In November, winds become more active, which is a seasonal feature of the climate. Their influence is most noticeable in the coastal parts of the country. Another distinctive feature of the November climate is an increase in precipitation. Thus, the number of rainy days in the country reaches 9. However, precipitation is short-lived and not too intense. The most precipitation is in the northern part of the country.

Which resort should you choose?

Are you planning a holiday in Tunisia in November? Then it is best to opt for the resort areas: Sousse, Hammamet or Monastir because the weather there remains the warmest, compared with other parts of the country, and your November holiday will become truly comfortable.
