Funny scenes for a woman's 55th birthday. Scenarios for birthdays, adult competitions for an anniversary

Ved.: Friends! Before we start our holiday, 55 year old anniversary evening, may I ask our beautiful hero of the day a question? Had she not received a certain document the day before, which was a signal, a starting shot, so to speak, that would allow us to begin our evening?
(In advance hero of the day A Summons was sent by mail, which she was required to bring with her.) Anniversary girl reports that she received a certain document and reads it to everyone present.

Ministry of Pension Insurance of tipsy people celebrating a beautiful anniversary in honor of 55th anniversary from the date of birth and conferment of the high title “PENSIONER OF RUSSIA - 2013”, informs citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA that she is obliged to appear on January 23, 2013 at 13.00 in the festive hall of the Palace of Culture to receive gifts, congratulations, healthy toasts, poured and drinking glasses to your health.
Citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA must have a good mood, delicious vodka and plenty of snacks with her.
Citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA received even more Have a good mood provides a cheerful and drunken company of guests.
The attendance of citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA at the cheerful anniversary celebration is strictly mandatory.
In the event of the failure of citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA, the company cheerful guests emergency measures will be taken to deliver the hero of the occasion to the holiday and forcibly raise her festive mood by injecting large quantity strong drinks, toasting and body movements in dancing.
This Agenda is valid at all times and has no retroactive effect.

Minister of Pension Insurance for Tipsy People

Lieutenant Colonel: Pour it into a glass. Your friends and colleagues.
———————————- —————————–
signature signature decryption

PS. Luda, take this document with you to anniversary.

Ved.: Well, now we can begin our solemn ceremony with peace of mind. anniversary! What is this? What's the matter?
(A nurse enters the hall with a child in her arms. Two guests: one pretends to be a nurse, she has a dummy of a baby in her hands; the second walks behind the first, and from behind her shoulder extends her head in a cap and with a pacifier in her mouth. The nurse approaches her husband hero of the day and angrily reprimands him for the fact that the girl was born on January 11, and he still has not taken the child. She swears at the child, says that she is tired of him. The baby laughs and gurgles. The nurse irritably pulls out a bottle of vodka with a pacifier on the neck and hands it to the baby with the words: “Here, here is your food, choke!” Gives the baby’s dummy to her husband hero of the day and leaves).

Ved.: Friends, now we have witnessed the birth of our dear birthday girl Lyudmila Grigorievna! I must say the girl was a great success: look for yourself - the length is 170 centimeters, and the weight is no less than 60 kg.
Today is a significant date
Today is the most significant day!
And on this day there is no need to be bored at all,
There is no place for sadness on this winter day!
January! How much of this word
Familiar letters, but the meaning is the same:
We now have a newborn in the house,
And we will give him all our attention.
Let us congratulate the hero of the feast.
Let's fill the glass and raise a toast.
Today anniversary- peace of mind!

This day is great and simple in its own way.

Let's close our glasses
In a single festive bouquet,
And we wish our dear lady
Health, happiness, long years!
(guests drink and eat)
Ved.: Anniversary– it’s always nice! This is a date, this is an event that all the friends and relatives of the birthday girl are looking forward to, and only the hero of the occasion herself is a little sad today to realize that another one has come anniversary. But these thoughts are not for our birthday girl, dear Lyudmila Grigorievna. You proudly step forward to meet all the obstacles that life presents.
Today you have gathered all the people closest to you - family and friends - to visit you for this wonderful anniversary evening. And if you spend time in such company for a long time, then old age will simply not overtake you, and the anniversary that you are about to celebrate today, and we, the guests, should celebrate properly, will bring not only new wrinkles, but will place even more kindness in your heart , and will kindle the fire in the soul even hotter.
So let's drink to the fact that today we can meet with dignity in an excellent, family-like atmosphere. anniversary our dear Lyudmila Grigorievna.

(guests drink and eat)

Ved.: Dear guests!
Today is not an easy day for all of us,
Today the doors of the heart have been opened.
So that wishes flow like a river,
To do this, pour wine into a glass.
It's time for us to congratulate
Here, at the table, is a beautiful maiden.
Yes, yes, the hero of the great celebration,
We will give congratulations like the Firebird!
Let's fill the glasses to the brim,
And let's say congratulations
To the most wonderful hero of the day.
And then we’ll drink it all down!

The host provides the opportunity for guests to congratulate the hero of the day and present a gift. Here comes congratulations to the husband and children.

Ved.: Words of congratulations now
Sounded from dear friends.
On an anniversary like yours,
Should be even more fun!
Our hero is worthy of honor,
Now we will arrange something for you.

Program Guide.

TV, there is a presenter, a group of guests to perform songs.

Ved.: Good afternoon! Our audience is different
We send you greetings on screen.
To everyone who is watching us today
We will tell you without embellishment
News from one outback,
Our story is about a fellow countrywoman.
From Novaya Zaimka
A message has arrived -
To everyone's surprise.
There is one beauty
And she is the cutest of all,
She's called Lyudochka
Her heart is like the sun.
If there is a holiday in the clubhouse,
She's the first to tell jokes
The ringleader, the actor,
That's how a woman is! Believe me!
And I used to be a kolobok,
And dived like a fish,
If necessary, as a cop
It will become very nimble.
You can’t count all the roles,
After all, Luda has talent!
And slender, but majestic!
Stands out like a peahen
Well, he speaks speeches,
It's like a river is babbling.
But she's a coward, that's it
When the mouse sees it, it screams!
And for the rest:
Wonderful country woman
This citizen is Lyudok!
All animals will confirm this,
Even a shepherd puppy.
That woman is of the highest quality!
Lives in Novaya Zaimka!
And now the vocal and instrumental group “Slender Waist”, no, excuse me, the group “Saggy Belly” will tell us about this woman.
A group of guests comes out, stepping heavily, stroking their bellies, and singing to the tune of the song “New Turn.”
We promised ourselves
Don't stray from the straight path,
But it got to Luda... m..m..m
And it will cook and fry,
The curtains are starched,
Hey, come quickly...m..m..m

Chorus: Here, a nice damn compote,
It doesn't fit in my mouth anymore
And I'm so excited
And she carries:
Olivier salad,
Sauce, marmalade.
Ahead, believe me,
Meat from geese
Have pity on me.

There's a plate of cucumbers,
And potatoes with jellied meat.
Here he is carrying baked goods...m..m..m
And salads are carbonates!
Oh, my belly is growing, guys!
But I put everything in my mouth...m..m..m

Ved.: And we continue our news program. And in honor of the beautiful Novozaimsk woman Lyuda, the folk group “Lapti - Give” will perform a song.
A group of guests wearing headscarves comes out and sings to the tune of the song “Am I Guilty.”
We have a colleague
We have a colleague
The temperament is so fighting!
Everyone will notice her
Yes, with a cunning eye.
The voice of a daredevil can be heard far away.
Where has she been?
Where has she been?
She was better than all the bosses.
Creates comfort for everyone,
Gives affection to children,
She is an irrepressible lady.
Children love her
Friends respect you.
Because there is no other way.
After all, the kinder soul -
Search forever, you won’t find it.
After all, Lyudmila is the only one.
And your family
Comes around in full
All in worries, affairs -
Day after day!
For her wonderful gift,
For her good nature
We sing this song with love.

Ved.: We complete the transmission,
In conclusion we wish
Live without old age
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings,
We know: You are worthy of them!

The host offers a drink to all the congratulations that were addressed to the hero of the day.
Ved.: Dear guests! We got so carried away with congratulations and forgot that today is not an easy day. anniversary. 55 years for woman- this is a boundary, having crossed which, she begins to live in a new quality. As a pensioner, in our case as a working pensioner.
The gray hairs hid, the fire burns in their eyes,
Today, on a holiday, you are among friends.
We are now in a hurry to congratulate you with all our hearts
All the guests at the table on your anniversary.
Today you have attention here, love,
We all hasten to wish you success.
You remember your former youth again,
You keep dreaming about your pension!
And on a bright day for us, in a night eclipse,
The path is paved for you by a bright star,
Let everything always be, only according to desire -
Longing and sadness will leave the heart.
Today is such a special day for you,
We are ready to confirm all this -
And this choice is yours quite consciously,
To be a working pensioner!

But nothing comes as hard as a pension! And today you, dear Lyudmila Grigorievna, have to pass a serious anniversary test in order to deservedly receive a new title! The test for you will be one of the most difficult! Now you have to walk the road of earthly difficulties and prove to everyone that you also worthily, fearlessly and confidently overcame all life’s difficulties on the way to your big anniversary!

“The Road of Earthly Difficulties.”

Ved.: As you know, small children really love to eat semolina porridge. At the same time, the mother ties a bib to the child’s chest. Dear birthday girl, we now propose to you to overcome the first test in your child’s life with dignity.
The presenter ties hero of the day bib and asks one of the guests to feed the “baby”.
Ved.: And now the second test. You, Lyudmila Grigorievna, of course, had to lull your children to sleep on long dark nights, while humming a lullaby. Now we invite you to remember one of the lullabies and perform it for the guests this evening.

Ved.: Well, you, dear birthday girl, overcame all obstacles with honor and fearlessly.
So many years have flown by
You shouldn't count them here.
Do you think that's it? But no,
You don't have to worry!
There are still so many events ahead,
There are many things and worries ahead
There are still many discoveries ahead,
At least sleep with a hat on, people will say!
You passed the path of obstacles with flying colors!
Let me congratulate you personally!
And in front of all my friends
Assign a title on the anniversary!
The presenter ties a ribbon to the hero of the day with the inscription “Pensioner 2013.” Then he hands over a secret order and a telegram from the president.

"Government telegram".

Dear Russian woman! Dear Lyudmila Grigorievna!
On my own behalf and on behalf of the government, I congratulate you on significant date: 55th anniversary and acquiring the honorary title “Super Pensioner”!
From where I sit, I see that you, Lyudmila Grigorievna, despite your 40s, are still pleasing to the eyes of the people around you, which is very important.
I am very happy to know that at 30, you have not lost interest in professional activity and you still please the eyes of the fathers of your readers.
In your 20s, few people have such energy and drive. And let everyone know that I will not give it to Ivanov. I desperately need young specialists in Siberia!


Ved.: So let's raise a glass to the new pensioner, Lyudmila Grigorievna!

Costume congratulations from "Zechki".
Two prisoners in sweatshirts with numbers and prison caps enter the hall. They start making a fuss, claiming that it was the hero of the day who invited them.

(addressing the presenter, who is trying to send them out)

Get rid of the washcloth, the plow has blocked our arrow here. Oh, Luda! Why are you, Luda, staring at us like that, drinking or something? So you hit our target, but you’re having fun with these cardboard idiots? Well, you idiots, now we’ll throw you a buffet with Brudershaft, I’ll rip your mouth and gouge out your blinkers. Yes, we’ll tear them apart like a hot water bottle.

At the end they sing a song to the tune of “Gop-Stop”.
Hop - stop, we came around the corner,
Gop - stop, you gave us an invitation,
Now it's too late to repent
Look at the stars
Look at these hands and these faces,
Look at our faces
This is not the first time you have seen us.

Hop-stop, well, meet your guests,
Gop - stop, pour some water for us quickly,
You promised us salads
I promised snacks, we’ll eat everything, it won’t be enough for us,
There will be little water.
And we will sing the most fashionable
There is a congratulations in our zone.

Hop - stop, you became a pensioner,
Gop - stop, so accept congratulations:
Health, happiness and good luck,
Cool supercar
A million dollars in thick bundles,
Another million in the stash
Children's love, husband's care
We want to wish you.

Gop - stop, don't thank us,
Whoa, stop, look at our faces.
Better yet, remember those raspberries
Zhenya's picture,
Where he pictured you and me right in the window.
In general, we came Lyudmila,
Bring us the water bottles quickly!
Then they give a picture of life in the zone, where all the work colleagues of the hero of the day are present.

Ved.: Friends! Today, a world-famous magician and illusionist came to our festive evening. Copperfield! But Ebanko Ivanovich. So, let's meet!
(Magician performance)

Ved.: And now I invite several people to participate in the game. I will read the text, and you show everything that I read.
– You are walking through a hot desert. You are terribly thirsty. Your throat is dry and you can barely move your legs. And the sun burns mercilessly. Suddenly, on the horizon you see an oasis. With all your strength you go to him. Seeing the stream, you are incredibly happy, raise your hands to the heavens and drop to your knees. Leaning on your hands, you tilt your head towards the water.
Everyone gets down on all fours. The presenter salutes the birthday girl and addresses her.
– Dear Lyudmila Grigorievna, in honor of your anniversary, a platoon of service dogs has been built!

Ved.: Everything is for you today, dear,
Guests can perform from the heart.
And accepting these congratulations,
Rate them how good they are.
What can you tell us in response?
Perform a song, dance or poem?
All the guests are waiting for you to cook for them,
Look how quiet this hall is.
The birthday girl's response.

Scene "Time Machine"

Ved.: Friends! Today we are celebrating a wonderful anniversary - 55 years. Let's look, well, another 50 years in the future. Imagine: the Ivanovs’ house. The children left. Our dear spouses are talking among themselves.

Grandfather and grandmother enter the hall and sit on the sofa.
Grandma: Do you remember Sano, how you and I used to have sex?
Grandfather: I remember Lyudka. (Grandma strokes grandfather’s leg) Yes, Lyudka, I realized that we were doing the haymaking wrong. After all, Lyudka must moan.
Grandma: Is that like moaning?
Grandfather: Well, do you remember that soap opera? So she moaned as if Lyudka had washed a lot of soap.
Grandma: Oh, I understand, I understand. Well, let's try Sanok, let's moan.
The grandfather tries for a long time and unsuccessfully to settle down with the grandmother. He hugs her around the waist.
Grandma: Well, should we start moaning already?
Grandfather: No, it’s early. He puts his hand on the grandmother's chest.
Grandma: Well, should I moan?
Grandfather: No, it’s early. (gets tired of adjusting). Okay, Lyudka, moan.
Grandma: Oh-oh-oh-oh, how are we going to live, oh-oh-oh-oh, where can we get money, oh-oh-oh-oh, and also buy firewood necessary, etc. Well, Sanok, stop moaning?
Grandfather: It seems like that’s all, Lyudka.
Grandma: Well, let's go to the disco and have a blast.
Grandfather and grandmother go to dance, inviting all the guests.

Game "Who are you?"

Each person present is given a piece of paper and a pen. Guests must write 6 different animals. After this, the host asks questions, and the guests read the names of the animals, one for each question.
1. Who are you in life?
2. Who are you in bed?
3. Who are you at the table?
4. Who are you on the boss’s carpet?
5. Who are you in relation to your spouse?
6. Who will you be at the end of the anniversary?

The evening ends with dancing.

We gathered in large numbers,
To congratulate Her Majesty. (points to the hero of the day, curtseying)
I would like to especially note
That our royal person
Looks great today:
Slender, graceful, pretty,
Fresh as the first blossom of roses.
Accept, beauty, the bouquet.

A husband, son, or one of the male guests gives a spectacular bouquet of 55 roses and, to the soundtrack of Stas Mikhailov’s song “Everything for You,” we sing the remake (chorus):
- Everything is for you, my empress,
Let your clear gaze always sparkle,
And I wish you to shine
May all the joys happen for you
And your dreams will come true,
And your budget will be replenished
With speed!

By imperial decree
I invite everyone to a feast,
Help yourself to your fill,
Glorifying the holiday to the whole world.
Just take advantage of the moment
Save your compliments
Toasts, good stories,
Congratulations, wishes
Required quantity
In honor of Her Majesty!
And, without further ado,
We'll have a great time.

The presenter gestures to the set table. One place is decorated like a throne.

The Empress is 55.
We will glorify you
And congratulations on your anniversary,
I ask you to take the throne of honor,
And I’ll give all the gentlemen -
Take your places.

Everyone takes their seats.

Presenter (celebrity):
No doubt obvious
The stated years are not visible.
Explain how to understand
Are these numbers 2 through 5?

Is this USE data?

Anniversary girl:- No.

Presenter:- Speedometer readings?

Anniversary girl:- No.

Presenter:- Is this the ideal weight?

Anniversary girl:- No.

Presenter:- These are the prices for kefir?

Anniversary girl:- No.

Presenter: Maybe it's the exchange rate?

Anniversary girl:- No.

Presenter: Really, region?

Anniversary girl:- No.

Presenter:- That's it, I guess I give up.
I can't figure out the numbers.
Where is the correct answer?

Anniversary girl: I am so old today!

Well, I won't argue
Apparently there is a miracle hidden here.

(raises his glass to the guests)

It's time to have a meal, and it's simple
First toast to the hero of the day:
Like a glass full of wine,
May life always be full,
Sticky, tart and sweet -
Delight from every sip
And never let her
Doesn't drink to the bottom.

Presenter (inviting the celebrants to take a break from the feast):
A new decree was issued:
On this day and at this hour
Arrange a ball in the palace -
Gather together old and young.

Everyone leaves the tables and goes to the dance floor.

Before the gentlemen start asking their ladies to dance, we will organize a tournament among men,
And the winner will be awarded the honorable right to invite the hero of the day herself - the empress of today's holiday - to dance.
So, I understand that everyone wants to dance with (name), but in order to avoid injury, I will need 5 volunteers in the center of the hall, and of course, the hero of the occasion. For now, I’ll ask everyone else to take seats around the perimeter.
As you know, the Prince Ivans and other daredevils who wanted to get closer to royal beauties were distinguished by their ability to recognize their chosen one in any situation. Now I will blindfold our heroes. Your task is to eyes closed find the hero of the day and kiss her.

The presenter blindfolds 5 men. Irina Allegrova’s song “Walk, Crazy Empress” is played. At the command “Start” the participants begin their search. Then a comical action takes place: the presenter slowly takes the birthday girl aside, and the men bump into each other and grope each other. After having fun for 2-3 minutes, the hero of the day returns to the circle and, if desired, plays along with one of the participants.
After choosing the winner, the dancing begins.

The ball is wonderful, but from dancing
I suggest you rest.
Have fun, laugh,
Play something.

Scene 55 years

Presenter (selects 4 participants: 2 men and 2 women):

So: let's start a small theater. Ladies versus gentlemen. Your task is to stand next to each other in pairs and, taking the form of the number 5, walk a full circle around the hall. By the applause we will understand who won: the community of ladies or gentlemen.

Writhing around, taking a five-man pose, the participants go through the task in pairs.

Judging by the applause, friendship won. But what were these clumsy numbers? The butts are protruding, the arms are outstretched, the gait is unsteady. To walk like this at 55, you have to take a lot. Honor and praise to our dear hero of the day, who proudly and confidently, maintaining a slender posture and an easy gait, walks through life!
(The hero of the day is given a collection of nylon tights)

Scene Lemon

Presenter (selects an arbitrary number of participants):
Please imagine that you are eating a very sour lemon. And you need to eat it all! Show this realistically with facial expressions.
The participants wince and squint.

This is how we often sit with sour faces and drool, and as a result - wrinkles and Bad mood. To make life sweet and your skin smooth, we ask the hero of the day to accept a small gift.
(The hero of the day is given a box of chocolates and a basket of cosmetics)

In honor of the 55th anniversary of our dear (name), from now on and monthly from the treasury reserves, she is personally due a reward for decent work, called a pension. To collect these savings, we want to give you a miniature accessory.
They bring in a huge gold wallet.

Presenter (celebrity):
Here's a hint for you:
This is a miracle wallet.
You'll get it - look
A surprise awaits you inside.

In the wallet, the hero of the day finds another wallet - real, leather, beautiful, and in it is a gift amount of money.

It is impossible not to note the importance of everything that is happening. So let's celebrate this with royal grandeur. I invite you to return to the table and continue our feast.

The feast continues.
When it’s time for tea, the host distributes pieces of paper and a pen to all guests. Everyone writes a wish to the hero of the day and places it under their cup. After the birthday girl blows out the candles (numbers 55) on the cake, she randomly selects 3 guests. Selected guests open and read out their wishes, which will certainly come true in the coming year.

Post Views: 24,341

A basket of newspapers with hares. For the 55th anniversary. + script

PLEASE IF YOU QUOTE AND USE THIS MATERIAL, LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS, LET'S RESPECT EACH OTHER AND ITS AUTHORITY!!! The idea was this. I spent my anniversary with my mother-in-law, and decided that at the end of the evening, it would be nice to receive such a gift, a basket with hares. The birthday girl did not know anything about this surprise and I gave her a basket with the following words: “And now our birthday girl will give each guest such a bunny, and in giving a hare she will say a warm word to each guest, these bunnies, which have absorbed all the warmth of this evening, the guests will take away with themselves, and they will take away a piece of our good, warm evening."

And here is the birthday girl.

and here is the basket

and boys

bunnies as a gift

Well, holiday scenarios for anyone interested

To carry out the mother’s 55th anniversary scenario, we need:

1. 5 stars made of gold self-adhesive or just yellow paper, which we glue to the floor

2. bouquet of flowers

3. balloons and confetti for fireworks

4. pacifier

5. cap

6. bib

7. ears for Cheburashka and corresponding outfit

8. outfit for a gypsy

9. 3 outfits for Babok-Hedgehogs (3 sundresses or dressing gowns, 3 headscarves, 3 aprons, 3 brooms, 1 accordion)

10. gold medal

11. phonograms of the song of the crocodile Gena, Babok-Ezhek from the film "The Flying Ship", "Gypsy" and the song of the wizard Suleiman


Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna!

Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,

After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.

So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,

And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.


So that we can extend this fairy tale,

At least for a little bit

Take your time, now go to

Star track.

Every star is just a mystery

You only need one guess.

Feel free to take the star path

And guess something!

1. Each of us dreams about this,

I think that includes you,

Get it from a man's hands

Now they are wonderful. (flowers.)

(Given a bouquet of flowers)

2. To remember your biography later,

We'll do this one now. (photo.)


3. Pamper your grandchildren more often,

After all, they give you theirs. (kiss.)

(grandchildren kisses the birthday girl.)

4. For the hero of the occasion

In moments like these,

We are ready to give endlessly. (applause.)

(Applause from the guests.)

5. And it’s time to honor these minutes

Hear us here for the anniversary. (firework.) (We give balloons and forks to the children, confetti to mom’s girlfriends. The balloons burst and threw confetti).

toast May this evening last forever

And it warms our souls with warmth.

Close and dear faces are everywhere,

We all gathered at one table,

To sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary,

I wish you love, health, happiness,

So that life is better and brighter,

And it never ceased to amaze!

Ved. And I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,

Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.

You are the flame of the hearth and home,

You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Poems from children

Congratulations from the granddaughter:

Kolya: Why in our kitchen

Is it crowded in the morning?

Everyone is frying something, steaming

Adults and children.

Hurry up and peel the potatoes.

Put some milk here.

Because it's a birthday

My dear grandmother!

Kate: The table is set, the relatives are sitting

Together at the big table

For my beloved, for my grandmother

We will dance and sing."

Misha: My grandma and I are very friends.

We help each other.

She... cooks dinner for me,

For her, I... eat everything.

I lead her by the hand.

A passerby will not always understand,

Is my grandmother my granddaughter?

Either I'm a child after all.

Who is taking whom to Molochny?

Who is dragging whom to “Toys”?

We live as a strong family,

Let's be true friends! ( Tatyana Bokova.)

Andrey: My dear grandmother,

I wish you tea

Delicious pies, sweets,

Know that there is no one better than you! Toast.

Questions for guests: how well do you know our hero of the day?

1. On what day of the week was our hero of the day born?

2. At what time of day did this event occur?

3. What was your weight and height at birth?

4. Where on the map was she born?

5. What was the name of the first teacher?

6. What was the name of her first love?

7. How did you study at school?

8. What does he do best?

9. In what year did you meet your dear husband?

10. On what day of the week did they get married?

11. What was the weather like on your wedding day?

12. Age of her children?

13. The height of our hero of the day?

(Medal and certificate to the winner)

The pension has arrived

The grandson runs in a skirt, ponytails, runs around the hall:


I ask: - Who are you?

shyly answers: - Pension, hee-hee-hee. (and runs away)

Initiation into pensioners

The granddaughter comes out as a midwife and says: “You cried when you were born,

And everyone around laughed.

But we actually had a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones can be, they are afraid of colds, and they are not overly smart, so to prevent her ears from getting swollen, her head from getting hot, and also to prevent unnecessary thoughts from creeping into her head, we decided to give her a cap. (The presenter puts a cap on the hero of the day.) And you all know that little ones are so inept and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this doesn’t happen we give her a bib. (The presenter puts a bib on the hero of the day.) And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they have nothing to do, they worry about everyone, so their eyes are often wet. To prevent our pensioner from crying, we decided to give her a pacifier. (The presenter gives a pacifier on a scarlet ribbon. A cap for an adult and an apron are sewn in advance.)

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!

Leading:(helping to take off her cap, apron and pacifier): Well, she’s fed, she’s not blowing anywhere, and most importantly she won’t cry. And now I propose to give the opportunity to, sister

Musical congratulations

Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna! Accept musical congratulations. If you want, sing along! (we distribute printed words of the song).

A granddaughter with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka's, sings a song to the tune of "Song of the Crocodile Gena."

We didn't come in vain -

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you,

In life, be visible

Unfortunately, it's my birthday,

Only once a year!

We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Remain the same as you are:

Kind, sweet, beloved

Patient, beautiful

We cannot count all your merits.

Let the years not age you,

In life, be visible

Unfortunately, it's my birthday,

Only once a year!


Fortune teller

During the feast, a gypsy woman appears in the hall and sings to the tune of the gypsy girl:

I am a cheerful fortune teller

I'm not asking for a lot of money

I know the whole truth about you

I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Eh, once again, once again,

Many, many more times!

Let me tell you fortune, people.

Let me lay out the cards,

Give me a hard coin

I'll tell you the whole truth!

Well, handsome, gild your pen and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything!

You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work!

And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Monday! (If today is Saturday.)

Oh, my little rich man, in five minutes you’ll have to dance as a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you’ll have to wash your pants!

I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run for beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls!

Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring!

You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep!

You will sleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly, until the cake is pulled out from under you!

Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

There will be friends around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!

Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!

Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that

you will lose today.

Various diseases are waiting for you, young one, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because your hands are dirty!

A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.

Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you step on the scales

They will show you a funny comedy on TV, funny, erotic.

It's called Today's Anniversary.

Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you my fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you will become big man. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will build a house, you will celebrate your anniversaries there, you will invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now gild your pen, my rich one, for the fact that I told you fortune.


Leading:“New” pensioners came to visit us to congratulate us.

We came to this house

I wish you many years to come,

Please accept from us Tatyana

Our pioneer greetings………

Just think about it,

Everyone is retiring

And now we will tell you,

How do they live in retirement………

We wish you a lot of happiness

This evening and forever.

Less clouds, rain, bad weather,

Tanya is a nice person………

Worked a lot

It was not in vain that I worked hard,

This is why, dear,

You have been given a pension.

You have become more prosperous

Poverty will not return

And thanks to Medvedev,

He takes care of everyone.

I would go out to work

I'm tired of sitting

But I'm afraid of taxes

Better at home - I'll get by. ...

God grant that everything will be fine,

Always behave decently

Don't get sick, don't be sad,

Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,

Never grow old

All men like it.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the Council of Pensioners allows you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this you must take an oath.


Birthday girl: I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in front of my relatives, friends, colleagues, and children, I solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

(The text of the oath must be printed in advance. You can also present a comic pass to the party of pensioners with a photo and seal here.)

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.

Responsibilities: Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.

Receive guests, Don't forget friends.

Put the mash to distill.

Play sports this year. Be ready for defense and labor.

Rights: When I want, then I get up.

As long as I want, I lie there.

If I want to, I’ll start drinking.

I'll go where I want.

When I want, then I sleep.

I love whoever I want.

(offer a toast to the new “pass”.)

Host: We sincerely wish you happiness

And let every hour be joyful.

Let misfortunes pass you by,

Let your children and grandchildren love you more deeply.

So, I give the floor to the children……………..

Leading: And now I propose to move on to dancing and outdoor games.

(While the dancing and games are going on, the presenter brings in a large box, for example, from under a TV, on which is written “Banderol.” He also brings in telegrams.)

Leading: Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came. As you can probably guess, telegrams and even a parcel post arrived at the hero of the day’s address. He himself refused to come in because he was afraid that the bicycle would be stolen and trusted me to read out the telegrams.


Hello grandma, don't be sad,

The candy is out, mind you

I made onions, dried my socks,

I’ve been writing a letter to you for two days,

And there's a sparrow on the window,

That's it, I'm finishing.

Your grandson.

Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

The budget is in deep deficit

Don’t look for money in the Ministry of Finance,

I wish I could send you a translation,

Yes, the Duma does not give money. Are you 55?

And you are perky!

Happy Birthday to you!


Saint Petersburg.

I send greetings from St. Petersburg,

I wish Luda many years to come.

I wish I could young age Your,

I would create a mess.

Love, peace, success

I wish you on your anniversary.

USA, Washington.

All boundaries between us have been erased,

My words fly like birds.

Our States congratulate you,

Try to live richly

Don't rush into impeachment

I wish you health, good luck and food!

I took a sip of a glass for you. Happy anniversary to you.

Clinton Bill

Moscow, LDPR Headquarters.

Yes, definitely, on this day

Even a stump is obliged to love.

I wish you all the best,

Although it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all should join the LDPR.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

Happy anniversary to you!



(An instruction must be attached to each gift. The hero of the day opens the parcel, shows the gift and reads the instruction to everyone.)

So that there is happiness in the house,

So that you love everyone,

So that the house is full,

Take a porridge pot as a souvenir……….

Copy grandchildren

So that you take them in your arms

And I heard them screaming......

To preserve goodness, warmth,

Tanya, drink wine skillfully,

Know your limit firmly

Don't grab an extra glass,

The sobering-up station decided to help,

He gave his gift,

It will remind

How much do you need to take as normal? (Thimble.)…..

Throw the Orenburg shirt over your shoulders, dear down scarf. (A piece of gauze.)………

To know everything in the world, you should read newspapers. (Newspaper.) …….

After a drink, have a snack

It's a very important matter

Here, Luda, instead of a sleeve

Paper napkin.

(Colleagues can also bring a parcel and read the text for all gifts themselves.)

We wish you an anniversary

It was a stage, not a result,

So that there is no end to the roads,

Leading us from days past.

We wish you a good life

Health, happiness, long years,

Love, well-deserved victories,

And happy anniversary!

Surprise gift.

Leading: And now I want to give a response to the hero of the day.

(The hero of the day thanks the guests.)

Retired grandmother

Tatyana Bokova

Our grandmother has happy years -

Granny retired.

No need to go to work now,

It's time to rest and take care of your health!

But she cleans the apartment.

He irons it, cooks it, then washes it.

When everything in the house sparkles and shines,

How much attention grandchildren require!

Granny never feels bored until nightfall

When he puts everyone to bed, calms him down,

Then grandma takes care of her health!

Parents of grandchildren come home from work,

and their grandmother surrounds them with care.

Grandma looks kind of tired,

but he seems to be retired, sitting at home.

And now it has come! Who is he? Come on, it’s your anniversary, and with it your long-awaited retirement! And this event should be celebrated. Don't want a noisy party? Then spend everything at home. Moreover, we just have an interesting and cool script for a woman's 55th birthday to celebrate at home.

Meeting the hero of the day.
Even though you are celebrating your anniversary at home, you still need to meet the hero of the day brightly and beautifully.
On our website we have already posted ideas on how to meet the hero of the day more than once or twice. So you can search. And we will offer one more, more new option, which you may also like.
And so, when all the guests are in place, they form a semicircle. In front of the semicircle is the leader who will sing. Well, the hero of the day herself must face all the guests. And so, we will sing a song remade to the tune of the song - “Songs about a good mood”
The host sings the song, and the guests sing in chorus the last word in each chorus:

This is how beautiful and unusual we met the hero of the day. Guests can be seated at tables.

The main holiday begins.

First, let's congratulate the hero of the day together with all the guests. In this small mini skit, all words belong to the presenter. And the guests must do what the host says. So let's get started:
- Dear friends! Let's look at each other, no, not at the eyes, at the hair! Yes, look at what gorgeous hairstyles everyone has done! But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that you all have different colour hair. Stand up those who have light color hair. You are blondes, and when I mention you in my congratulations, you must stand up and draw a heart in the air with two pens for the hero of the day.
Do we have brunette guests? Your task, when you hear your hair color, is to stand up and simply rub your palm against your palm.
And now everyone else is red and brown-haired. Your task is to send air kiss hero of the day, when I mention your hair color.
Well, are you ready? Then let's get started.
Today all her friends gathered at our wonderful friend’s anniversary. They are all different, versatile and with different colors hair. There are blondes, brunettes and even redheads.
And you know, we don’t choose the hair color, it’s given to us from above. Why? Because blondes are always beautiful. Brunettes are always an irresistible charm. And red and brown-haired people are sexy!
And that’s why today all blondes will paint the world around the hero of the day in rainbow colors.
Brown-haired and red-haired people will charge you with their positive energy for many years to come.
And brunettes can attract love, happiness and good luck with just one movement of their hair!
Brown-haired people, blondes and brunettes are a fusion of kindness and good mood. Therefore, let's have fun all tonight, and have fun again! After all, in our company of blondes, redheads and brunettes, it’s simply impossible to do otherwise!

The first competition for attentiveness and intelligence. The host asks one guest questions, and this guest must answer them. But his answers should not contain words such as: YES or NO. You can answer as you like, but you can’t say: YES and NO. Three seconds are given to answer.
Do you think it's easy? Try answering something other than yes or no.
For example, here are the questions:
- today is Friday?
- Maybe.
- Is Friday the fifth day of the week?
- Seems.
- Do you like to go to the movies on Fridays?
- not always.
- what do you like to do on Fridays?
- rest!
- Did I understand correctly that on Fridays you just relax?
- Yes! (as a rule, this is where guests make mistakes, because they get drawn into the conversation and forget the rules of the game. But if the guest is not mistaken, then questions are asked further. And so 10 questions for each guest. Whoever can pass the exam wins)

Game moment with the participation of the hero of the day.
In this game moment we will accept the hero of the day into the so-called club - those over 50!
The presenter and his assistants read out the poems, and then do everything according to the verses.
And here are the poems themselves:

And here is the certificate:

You can download it.

Game for guests - gifts for guests
For this game you need to prepare different gifts that you can give to the hero of the day. Only these gifts need to be drawn on cardboard and cut out. It could be: a car, a house, a trip abroad, a necklace, and so on. Then the game participants are taken to another room. And at this time they pull the rope and hang all the gifts cut out of cardboard on it.
The first participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He enters the guests, goes to the rope and cuts off one gift. Then his task is to determine by touch what he cut off. If you guess right, you get it as a gift.
For example, if you guessed the car, you get a mini copy of the car, that is, a toy one.
If you guess the house, you get a keychain. And so on.

Gifts for the hero of the day.
And in this game block we invite you to give comic gifts to the hero of the day.
The situation is this: people from distant Siberia come to visit the hero of the day. And they, naturally, brought their gifts with them.
Two or three guests are needed for this moment. One reads poems, others give gifts based on poems.

The 55th anniversary for women is important date, since this is not only an anniversary, but also a retirement date. It is extremely important that the holiday leaves only pleasant memories, and that the hero of the day feels loved, needed and still beautiful. In the anniversary scenario, there should not be a drop of despondency, congratulations should be spectacular, and gifts should be beautiful and appropriate for the date.

A good option would be to remind the hero of the day what heights she has reached at the age of 55, guiding her and the guests through her entire life, starting from childhood. The script should be funny, contain jokes, humor, competitions, and of course, you can’t do without congratulations, preferably in verses that praise the hero of the occasion.

Let's give an example of a congratulations script for the 55th anniversary; to carry it out we will need any cozy place, where you can freely hold competitions and dance, a cafe or restaurant is perfect for this, or as an option, spend an anniversary at home, because home and family walls help.
Leading: I've seen a lot in my life,
But you're not tired yet,
You'll still rock!
You will still have a rest!
Our dear birthday girl! Today all your friends and family have gathered for these festive table to congratulate you on this magnificent date - 55 years. And here's the first surprise for you.
Oriental music starts, a man in a burqa comes out - ( Muham). He is holding a photo album in his hands. (This can be any relative)
Muham: Ashkalaraba, pokisutirpa and klintirop ahta.
The presenter translates.
Leading: Hello! My name is Muham. I came from a distant magical land.
Muham: Arnest Koldiyam Puraji Chateau.
Leading: I brought this wonderful photo album, but all the photographs disappeared from here.
Muham: ontripok pipim nakhtu.
Leading: I learned that you can return these photographs if you combine all your strengths together.
The gong sounds.
Muham: Ay danih ruken.
Leading: Well, I have to go. Good luck!
Mukham hurriedly leaves, leaving behind the photo album. While running away he drops a leaf. Leading lifts him up. (The man who played Muhama can safely change clothes and join the table.)
Leading: And here are the tasks! But first I want to play with you

COMPETITION: Question and answer

The host asks questions about the hero of the day to the guests.

  • On what day of the week was the birthday girl born?
  • His data at the time of birth (weight, height);
  • Where did it happen;
  • What time of day;
  • What was the name of the teacher in the kindergarten where the hero of the day went;
  • Her favorite toy;
  • Best friend at school;
  • What is her math grade on her certificate?
  • What is her education?
  • Where was her first day of work?
  • Where the hero of the day met her future husband;
  • When the birthday girl got married;
  • What was the weather like on the wedding day?
  • The exact ages of her children;
  • The birthday girl's favorite food;
  • Favorite song;
  • What is the size of her summer cottage?
  • What kind of trees grow there?

Leading: Well done everyone! And now I suggest you take a little rest and think about how we can get the photos back.

(Break 20 minutes) – For guests to have a snack.

Leading: Well, now it’s time for the first task. Once we remember everything bright moments of our hero of the day, I propose to return her childhood photographs and remember what it was like to be little.


The congratulations scene involves a guest who will portray the hero of the day as a little girl. The props are an attribute, a baby drawn or printed on whatman paper and a cut out area of ​​the head where the hero of the day will stick his head to participate in the action. While the presenter reads the poem, the participants are fooling around.
Here comes the little baby!
So cute and graceful,
He woke up and yawned.
And then he ran.
Hooligan out of boredom
Showed everyone their tongues
He modestly waved his hand
I became sad and became happy.
I cried a little and then
Laughed all day.
Spun, spun
Doesn't sit still
He stomped his feet
Hands patted
Smiled and sneezed
Then he fell asleep before everyone else.
So cute, that's a joy.
Do you recognize the hero of the day?
Leading: Thank you very much for this wonderful baby (Thanks guest)

Leading: Well, here we are on the right track!
Shows a photo album.
Leading: Well, it's time for the next competition. What's our next task?! Let's think about what Raisa Alexandrovna was like at 10 years old?
The guests shout out their suggestions, and the hero of the day gives suggestions.
Leading: Well, let's imagine this. What songs and poems did you tell at school? But I won't complicate the task much.


The male half of the guests are invited, they sit on chairs like bunnies, and ears are placed on their heads. The presenter distributes the words of the song to the bunnies. To the tune of the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”

(First to sing)
I've been in love with a beauty for a long time,
(The second one sings)
But she is deprived of her attention!
(Third sings)
I've been dreaming about her for years,
(The fourth one sings)
But for some reason I have no luck!
Come on, attention
No, he says, wait!
Turn on us!
No, he says
No, he says
(The fifth one sings)
Who is this beauty, tell me!
(First to sing)
Who is this beauty, show me!
(The second one sings)
Well, this riddle is not difficult:
(Third sings)
It's the birthday girl - here she is!

Leading: Thank you, bunny boys, for such a touching confession!
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 5 years old.

(Break 20 min)

Leading: I suggest playing a game. Since our birthday girl is 55 years old, let’s name exactly 55 compliments for her. The main thing is not to repeat yourself. And whoever can’t tell will drop out of the game, and at the end of the game he will confess his love for the birthday girl, since they couldn’t say compliments.


While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 15 years old.

Leading: Well, here we are adult life. Institute, sessions, exams. Let's help our hero of the day remember these wonderful years.


The presenter asks illogical riddles.

    • How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
    • In what country were Panama hats invented?
      1. Brazil
      2. Panama
      3. Ecuador
    • In what month is the October Revolution celebrated?
      1. January
      2. September
      3. October
      4. November
    • What is the name of King George 6th?
      1. Albert
      2. George
      3. Manuel
    • What animal does the name come from? Canary Islands?
      1. Canary
      2. Kangaroo
      3. Seal
      4. Rat

The answers, as expected, differ from those that might seem logical to you:

  1. The Hundred Years' War lasted 116 years: from 1337 to 1453.
  2. Panama hats were invented in Ecuador.
  3. The October Revolution is celebrated in November.
  4. King George's name is Albert. He changed it in 1936.
  5. The name of the Canary Islands comes from the seal.

While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 20 years old.
Leading: 25 years – this one best age. Young, active, so I suggest stretching our bones a little.


The presenter is planning famous game in “Rucheyki”, the more participants, the better. The game is played to fast music. Suddenly the music stops and all pairs must quickly switch with each other; the one who is left without a partner performs a simple task (for example, kiss the birthday girl, or say a beautiful toast). Then the game continues.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 25 years old.
(Musical break 5 minutes)
Leading: And we continue. Different situations happened to our hero of the day, especially at the age of 30. I suggest repeating them.


Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. It is advisable to play this out.
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?
What to do if your beloved and your best friend Do they celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 30 years old.
Leading: It’s been a long time since we congratulated our hero of the day. I suggest doing this in an original way.


The presenter asks the first phrase. For example: Our birthday girl is the most beautiful... The next guest must continue the phrase in rhyme. To make a poem.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 35 years old.
(Break 20 min)
Leading: So many good congratulations
Sounds today, on the anniversary!
Life is a series of moments
Let there be more of them in it!


The presenter reads out real and fictitious facts from the life of the hero of the day when she was 40 years old, his real and fictitious habits, passions, etc., alternating them. If the phrase is true, then the contestants should clap their hands. If the stated fact is unreal, then they stomp their feet. Those who know the hero of the day best, who clap and stomp on time, win the competition.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is up to 40 years old.
Leading: Today everything is for our birthday girl, she is a guest, a hostess and a boss. But I want to invite her to serve as a jury. The jury of the dance battle, where the younger generation will compete with the older generation.


The host divides the guests into generations and turns on modern music; the older generation dances first. Afterwards, for the modern generation, music from the eighties is turned on and young people try to dance to it. And who better to determine the hero of the day.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is up to 45 years old.
Leading: Let it be something kind and good
Every hour will be marked
And what seemed impossible
May it be fulfilled more than once!


The presenter shows the guests a photo album of the hero of the day and asks one of them to name the page number. The most interesting photo from this page the participant is asked to film it, that is, show a scene with the continuation of the situation in the selected photo. The author or authors of the most fun and unusual scene wins.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is up to 50 years old.
The man who was dressing up as Muhama is dressing up again. And he comes out with a bouquet of flowers.
Muham: aprinogi imtolv igal
Leading: So you have passed all the tests.
Muham: itongo imatiy gorniy
Leading: And I hope the photos today will appear in this album as the best anniversary of 55 years. Happy holiday!
Muham gives flowers and a photo album to the birthday girl!
Then the celebration continues with a feast or dancing.

Slideshow of photographs of the hero of the day

During breaks and throughout the anniversary celebration, for guests of the holiday, photographs from the life of the birthday girl can be shown in the background.
