We choose unusual and original names that are suitable for girls born in May. Name day in May boys

According to folk beliefs, May boys are one of the most stubborn but purposeful children with strong character. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the days of the holy Great Martyr George the Victorious and the Apostle John fall in May. These saints themselves were people of exceptional spiritual strength. In this regard, it is not surprising that babies born on Orthodox holidays are distinguished by their strong character.

Back in the 12-13th century, shortly after the Baptism of Rus', the tradition of naming children in honor of revered righteous people was already widespread. It is believed that a child named after a holy righteous Christian will have a role model in front of him all his life. The patron saint will help you accept difficult decision at a crossroads, will illuminate the path through life.

Choosing a name is a big decision

When preparing for childbirth, expectant mothers devote a lot of time to choosing a name for the child. There is a great temptation to name your son an original and memorable name. But we need to understand how responsible this decision will be. The name you give your child will carry him throughout his life, and, more importantly, to stand before God. It is no coincidence that since ancient times names have had a sacred meaning, which is why during the sacrament of baptism so much attention is paid to choosing a name for Christmastide.

If you know for sure that your child will be born in May, you need to choose a name for the boy in advance. Usually in Rus' names were chosen according to the calendar. The child was named after the name day closest to his birthday. In May Orthodox name days there are a lot, so you can safely open the list and choose. Another option is to contact church calendar. You can also discuss this issue with your spiritual mentor.

Matching name and character

Names have big influence on the child's character. This is not only the choice of a protective angel that will always protect your child from adversity, but also a serious event that in some way determines the fate of a person. Name days in May offer many options for strong and strong-willed names for a boy. Let's look at some of them, as well as what characteristics they carry for a boy.

the 6th of May The memory of St. George the Victorious (one of the most revered holy great martyrs in Orthodoxy) is traditionally honored. Georgy can be described as an attentive listener, good and true friend. He is diligent and responsible, devoid of rancor.

  • Gregory is a name also of Greek origin. Means "not sleeping."

One of the oldest Christian names, identified with the qualities of an ideal Christian. Gregory is characterized by the ability to stand up for himself and for his ideals of justice. As a child, the boy Gregory studies the world with curiosity, and as he grows up, he knows how to weigh his words so as not to offend people.

  • Ivan is a common Orthodox name, derived from the Hebrew "John", which means "merciful of God."

May 21st Orthodox Christians all over the world pay respect to the memory of John the Theologian, the closest follower to Christ, who did not abandon Him even during the crucifixion. Ivan is an active boy, with a great will and difficult character. One can definitely say about the Ivanovs that the saying “To be born in May means to toil all your life” is true. Such people are open, always ready to help, honor traditions and foundations, and with fortitude endure all trials along the way.

  • Paul is a name of Latin origin meaning “small.”

Pavels are usually sociable and moral people. Such a boy in childhood observes the prohibitions of his parents. Growing up, he becomes a homebody, calmly moving towards his goal.

  • Kirill - among the ancient Greeks this meant “lord”, and from Persian it meant “sun”.

May 24 celebrate the memorable day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who gave literature to the inhabitants ancient Rus'. The boy, whose name is Kirill, is characterized by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. He does not succumb to the influence of others, but chooses his own path.

Boy's name according to the calendar

In the Orthodox month book there are many options for how to name a boy in accordance with the date of his birthday. Each day in the May calendar has several male names, so future parents should not have problems choosing. Traditionally, the name was determined according to the calendar as follows:

  • or on the birthday of a child;
  • or on the eighth day from birth;
  • or on the fortieth day from birth, when it is necessary to perform the sacrament of baptism.

Mother and father have at least fifteen alternatives to choose from. Important point that must be taken into account are some Orthodox names in the world they have a slightly different shape. For example, someone named Dionysius at baptism, whose Angel days fall on the 4th, 19th, 25th and 31st, will be called Denis in the world. The situation is the same with Yegor, whose baptismal form according to the calendar is George.

Boys' names by date of birth

Below we provide a list of Angel days in May so that you can choose a name for your newborn baby boy according to the calendar:

As you can see, there are a lot of options. If you are guided by the criteria that we talked about above when determining names according to the calendar, then three dates are highlighted, and then the child’s name is selected. The main thing here is the desire of the parents, but in case of difficulty, they can turn to a spiritual mentor or priest who will baptize the baby to choose a different name.

Choosing a name according to the Orthodox calendar

When deciding what to name their son, many turn to the calendar Orthodox holidays, to find there a holy righteous patron for the child. This the right decision, which we have already talked about. There are several major Orthodox holidays in May, the proximity of which to the birth of your child will help you decide on your future name.

  • May 6 – memory of St. George the Victorious. You can name your son Georgy or Yegor.
  • May 8 – memory of the Apostle Mark.
  • May 10 – memory of the holy martyr Simeon. The son can be called Semyon.
  • May 13 – memory of Jacob Zabedeev. Modern version name - Yakov.
  • May 15 – memory of St. Athanasius the Great. Also the day of the discovery of the relics of the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb. At baptism they were given the names Roman and David, which have been very common in recent years.
  • May 21 – memory of John the Theologian. It is customary to call boys born on this day Ivan.
  • May 24 is the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In addition, since Cyril’s name in the world was Constantine, you can name your son that way.

These righteous people left a significant mark on the history of Orthodoxy. If one of them becomes the Patron Saint of your baby, he will always be accompanied by light and good luck in life.

May is full of various holidays: May Day, and one of the most important holidays of the year - Victory Day; someone is lucky to celebrate a birthday in May. And even if the name day is not soon, it’s worth looking at the church calendar, the calendar. This is a list of saints honored by the church according to dates. Perhaps someone has a name day in May.

In May there are quite a lot of name days according to the church calendar. Some names appear in the May calendar two, three or more times. This is due to the veneration of different saints with the same name. There are cases, when the name day of a saint is celebrated by two names at once - according to the one that the person bore before he dedicated himself church life, and after being ordained.

Despite the fact that some of the names given here are outdated (especially the names found at the end of the month), May is still richer than other months for the days of the angel.

Female names

Regarding the list of male saints, female saints, whose names and deeds the Orthodox Church venerates in May, of course, there are fewer. But this fact does not in any way diminish their merits. 4,6,12,13, from 19 to 22, 24 and 27 there are no girls’ name days in May according to the church calendar.

Of the May names for girls, the most common names are Anastasia, Elizabeth, and Maria.

How to choose a name

Nowadays, responsibility for choosing a name for a child lies entirely with the parents. When choosing a name, as in all other cases where the choice is related to children, you want to give the baby, be it a boy or a girl, the best. Unfortunately, this choice is not always conscious and may be dictated by fashion trends or something else. In the old days, the right to give a name belonged exclusively to the church.

May calendar

Some names may have controversial origins, and therefore their meaning may be interpreted differently. Some of the names have changed somewhat over time. Some took on new forms, almost losing their resemblance to the original ones.

Parents, when naming their baby, not only carefully study the characteristics and meaning of the name, but also try to familiarize themselves with the lives of the saints who will be the child’s patrons throughout life. It will be useful for them to know which name days are celebrated in May. Female names according to the church calendar are presented in our article. It also tells in detail about the lives of saints who are especially revered Orthodox Church.

Orthodox women's name days in May

When naming their child, parents often look at the Orthodox calendar. By turning to a church source, it is easy to find out which name days are celebrated in May or in other months of the year. When naming their daughter, parents can choose the name of the patron saint whose memorial day is celebrated on this date. For example, if a girl was born on May 10, then she should be named Anastasia or Maria. You can also choose a name that follows your birthday. This is done if the May (women's) name day is not celebrated on a specific date.

Orthodox calendars contain names both rare and common. When choosing them, you should pay attention to this fact so that the child feels confident in the future.

Name day in May from 1st to 10th

In the first ten days of May, many women's name days are celebrated. What can you choose for a girl? Among the names there are ancient ones that are extremely rare today. The most popular today are Anastasia, Maria, Elizabeth.

Name days in May (women's) from the 1st to the 10th are celebrated by all girls who bear the following names:

  • 1 - Tamara;
  • 2 - Matrona;
  • 3 - Philippi;
  • 5 - Alexandra, Sofia;
  • 7 - Elizabeth;
  • 8 - Ivanna, Magdalena, Maria, Martha, Nika, Salome, Tamara;
  • 9 - Glafira;
  • 10 - Maria, Anastasia.

In May, on the 4th and 6th, there is no holiday. Women's name days are not celebrated according to the Christian church calendar.

The Russian Orthodox Church especially reveres Saint Matrona of Moscow, whose feast day falls on May 2. She was born in 1881 into a peasant family with many children in one of the villages of the Tula province. From birth the saint was blind, without eyeballs. Matrona’s gift of healing manifested itself already at the age of eight, and then she began to predict the future.

In children's and teenage years Matrona traveled a lot with the daughter of a local landowner. The saint visited the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, various cities and shrines of Russia. After the revolution, Matrona moved to Moscow, where she lived with distant relatives, friends and acquaintances. Until her death, she received people, healed them and gave advice on what to do in this or that case. At night, Saint Matrona prayed fervently. According to one version, even Stalin himself came to Matrona for advice.

In 1952, on May 2, Saint Matrona died, having predicted this event 3 days before her death.

Women's name days from May 11 to 20

Many women’s name days are celebrated in the second ten days of May. These days the church honors the memory of the saints who bore these names. What might be right for today's newborns?

Name days in May from the 11th to the 20th are celebrated by the owners of the following female names:

  • 11- Anna;
  • 14 - Tamara, Nina;
  • 15 - Zoya;
  • 16 - Ulyana, Yulianna;
  • 17 - Pelageya;
  • 18 - Irina.

In May, there is no holiday on the 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th. Orthodox women's name days are not celebrated.

Queen Tamara of Georgia, who is canonized in Orthodoxy, made a special contribution to the development of Christianity. She was the daughter of the Georgian king George III and left behind a significant mark on history. During Tamara's lifetime it was built a large number of monasteries and temples, and Christianity spread throughout almost the entire territory of Georgia. Thanks to the reign of the queen, the Georgian state expanded and strengthened.

Women's name days in May (third decade)

In the last 10 days of May, Orthodoxy honors the memory of saints who accepted the death of martyrs for their faith and beliefs.

Women's name days in May, in the last ten days (from the 21st to the 31st), are celebrated by the owners of the following names:

  • 23 -Taisia, Isidora;
  • 25 - Evdokia;
  • 26 - Irina, Glykeria;
  • 28 - Anastasia;
  • 29 - Muse;
  • 30 - Evdokia, Euphrosyne;
  • 31 - Matrona, Faina, Christina, Julia, Alexandra, Claudia.

There is no holiday from the 21st to the 22nd, as well as on the 24th and 27th of May. Women's name days are not celebrated.

The last day of May is very important. 31st The Orthodox Church venerates the seven holy virgins - Te-ku-sa, Alexandra, Fa-i-na, Euphrasia, Claudia, Mat-ro-na, Julia. WITH youth women dedicated themselves to the Lord, adhered to abstinence, fasting, prayed tirelessly and lived to old age. During the reign of the ruler Diocletian, terrible persecutions were carried out against Christians, who, due to their refusal to accept paganism, were subjected to cruel torture and execution. After refusing to renounce their Christian faith, the women were drowned in the lake. The holy virgins were buried by the martyr Theodotus, whose memorial day is also celebrated on May 31.

How to choose a boy's name according to the Saints? Are there any requirements? How should you choose boys' names according to the Saints of May? - we will talk about this with you today.

So, what are Saints?

The calendar is called the calendar, or rather the calendar, which consists of a monthly book, Easter, several prayers and chants. The list of holidays in church calendar order and the corresponding holidays in honor of the Saints are also called Saints. If you want to choose a name for your newborn son according to the Saints of May, we advise you to look at the list of holidays and the name of the Saint closest to the boy’s birthday.

There are no special requirements for choosing a name for boys on the Saints of May; a name can be chosen on the baby’s birthday, on the eighth day from the baby’s birthday and within 40 days from the baby’s birthday. Each church has its own naming ceremony and its own rules for choosing a name, just like the edition of the Saints. After all, each church or monastery has its own edition of the Saints, since there is no exact list names The main thing is that the names of the Saints be canonized.

How to choose boys' names according to Saints: May?

IN Christian year Every day there are holidays in memory of several Saints. If your church allows you to take a name on your baby's birthday, then you can choose from the available list a name that matches your son's birthday. For example, your son was born on May 10th. According to the Saints of May, on the 10th day there are such names of Saints as Semyon, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Sergei, Nikolai, Stepan. If your church allows you to take names on the eighth day of a boy’s birth, then it will be May 18, for this date there is one name on the calendar: Jacob. Some churches allow you to take any name from the day the boy is born, up to forty days. Then in our case, you will be able to choose names until June 20. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to choose a name for a boy from a huge variety. In this case, we advise you to contact a clergyman who can help you in this matter.

Boys' names according to Saints: May

1.Ivan, Grigory, Vissarion, Mikhail, Victor, Zinon

2. Ivan, Dmitry, Victor, Trifon, Nikifor, Georgy

3. Fedor, Alexander, Gabriel, Grigory, Anastasy, Nikolai

4. Fedor, Alexey, Nikolay, Isakiy, Maximian

5. Fedor, Evstafiy, Gabriel, Vitaly

6. Georgy, Ivan, Anatoly

7. Joseph, Nicodemus, Savva, Sergei, Alexey, Valentin, Leonty, Thomas

9. Vasily, Stepan, Ivan, Nikolai, Peter, Ioannikiy

10. Semyon, Pavel, Ivan, Peter, Nikolay, Sergey, Stepan

11. Maxim, Kirill, Vitaly

12. Artem, Fedot, Filimon, Vasily, Ivan

13. Yakov, Nikita, Ignat, Vasily, Maxim

14. Makar, Gerasim, Efim, Ignat

15. Afanasy, Boris, Gleb, Roman, David, Mikhail

16. Timofey, Theodosius, Peter, Nikolai, Anton

17. Ivan, Nikita, Kirill, Nikifor, Clement, Isaac

19. Job, Micah, Denis

20. Ivan, Anton, David, Joseph, Mikhail, Stepan

21. Arseny

22. Isaiah, Nikolai, Joseph, Vasily

23. Simon, Onesimus

24. Mokiy, Methodius, Cyril, Rostislav, Mikhail, Alexander, Sophron, Joseph, Nicodemus

25. Epiphanius, German, Peter, Denis

26. Vasily, Alexander, Makar, Sergey, Georgy, Efim

27. Isidore, Nikita, Maxim, Georgy

28. Pakhom, Isaiah, Dmitry

29. Fedor, Ephraim, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Alexander, Georgy

30. Andronicus, Iunius, Stepan

31. Fedot, Peter, Denis, Andrey, Pavel, Makar, Vasily, David, Peacock

Believers claim that each of us has an Angel day. Such name days are considered the day of remembrance of the saint, whose name a person received during the sacrament of Baptism. If you don’t know the name day date, it’s quite easy to determine. It is enough to turn to the church calendar and find the day of remembrance of a saint closest to your date of birth, with the same name.

Name days according to the church calendar can be celebrated several times if Orthodox man believes in the patronage of several saints with a similar name. If the secular name is not on the list of Orthodox calendars, the priest at Baptism gives it a different name.

The official church calendar for 2018 in Russia is published by the Moscow Patriarchate and can be found on the official website www.calendar.rop.ru. Here you can see the names of saints, the dates of their memory and a description of the meaning of the name.

Name day first half of May

From the first to the seventh of May, according to the calendar of saints, name days are celebrated by: , , Athanasius, Gabriel, Isaac, Innocent, Leonty, .

- this name is translated from Greek as farmer. Russian interpretation of the name Yuri. Many saints with the name George became famous for their valor, courage, and foresight. Among them, the most famous is St. George the Victorious, striking with his spear huge snake. It is to this icon that believers come to pray for overcoming life’s difficulties or for successfully passing the trials that fate sends.

By nature, Georgy may be uncommunicative, but quite friendly and open. He sometimes seems modest and shy, but if he needs to show his will and show his strengths, he will definitely do it. This person has a sense of humor, but will not allow jokes and ridicule to be directed at him.

Nicholas - this name is especially revered throughout the Christian world. From Greek it is translated as national winner. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of children left without parents, sailors in distress, innocently convicted people, and travelers. Born into a wealthy Greek family, Nicholas gave his inheritance to benefit those in need.

Nikolai's character is calm and balanced. People consider him secretive and too independent of other people's opinions. He is very friendly and subtly feels other people's pain. A person with this name is always responsive and kind to others. His actions are often inexplicable, but Nikolai always has something to be proud of.

From the eighth to the fifteenth of May the day of the Angel is celebrated: , Ida, Glafira, Nikolai, Hilarion, , Ignatius (), Tamara, Afanasy, Gerasim, Efim, .

Kirill from ancient Greek means “lord”, “master”. And in the Gulf countries it is interpreted as the “rising sun.” The main trait is curiosity. He quickly masters science and languages. He is interested in this world in all its colors, and he eagerly rushes to get to know it.

Saint Cyril, the brother of Methodius, was revered in the world as a reformer and philosopher. It was he who laid the foundations of Slavic writing by creating the alphabet. Among the modern ministers of the church, Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill is famous.

Gabriel means "God's helper." Archangel Gabriel told Mary that she would have a baby. This name comes from the ancient Greek Gabriel. The owner's character is very emotional and impulsive. This man is very sensitive and loving.

He can speak beautifully, be very persuasive and inspire great things. Gabriel is very active, hardworking and able to find his own purpose early. Angel Gabriel Day is celebrated three times in May: on the third, fifth and twenty-sixth of May.

Basil is a highly revered name in Christianity. Translated from Greek it means “royal”, “ruler”. This balanced and reserved boy has grandiose plans. He loves to solve problems, even if they are someone else's. For Vasily, difficulties are just another experience that will definitely lead to success.

This person has intuition, but relies more on his own knowledge. This person is practical, as he is accustomed to providing for himself and his loved ones from an early age. Independence and entrepreneurial spirit have been felt in him since childhood.

Vasya’s name day according to the church calendar is nine times in May: the first, ninth, twelfth, thirteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-sixth and thirty-first. Among the famous saints with this name is Vasily the Naked or St. Basil the Blessed.

Saint Basil was a Moscow holy fool who had the gift of prophecy. This miraculous power came to him back in adolescence. He predicted the death of someone who wanted to order boots for several years. St. Basil was revered even by Ivan the Terrible himself, who visited him during his illness before his death.

Who celebrates Angel Day in the last week of May

From the twenty-fourth to the thirty-first of May mentioned in the calendar: Joseph, Cyril, Peter, Denis, Fedor,

David loves communicating with women, but this man is very selective and picky. Children may be loved more than their spouse, since the paternal instinct is very developed in him. David's name day occurs three times in May: the fifteenth, twentieth, and thirty-first.

Constantine means constancy, steadfastness. The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great turned to Christian faith just before death. The name day is celebrated by the owner of the name on the twenty-fourth of May. By character, he is a brave, daring and intelligent person. He loves to dominate and does it skillfully.

– from Latin means “true” or “genuine”. He can be quick-tempered, irritable, creative, talented and resourceful. The name day is celebrated on the twenty-fifth of May.

This person may have a hard time experiencing his own failures and is prone to depression and anxiety. It is difficult for him to concentrate on the main thing if he has received a lot of interesting proposals. Herman finds a family in more mature age, because in his youth he does not feel the need for a spouse and children.

Alexander means “protector” or “protector.” There are six name days in May: the third, fourth, twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth of May.

The owner of the name is capable of great feats and often amazes with his greatness. He becomes an example for others. His focus on the main life values helps you achieve great victories. Despite his openness and goodwill, this man will never allow his personal space to be invaded.

Fedor - translated from Greek as “divine gift”. Marked in the calendar of saints in May: third, fourth, fifth, twenty-fifth, twenty-ninth, thirty-first. Among the saints, Fyodor Stratelates and Fyodor Tiron are well known. This name is given to poets, artists, and writers.

Fedor is very receptive, loves people, is sociable, and reasonable. He is often not interested in the material side of life and prefers a modest existence. Always positive, active and incapable of complaining about fate.

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