Loan for the purchase of housing using maternity capital. Loan for maternity capital: conditions for obtaining a targeted loan for the purchase of housing and reviews from borrowers

In this article we will look at how to get a loan for maternity capital. Let’s find out whether it’s possible to take out a cash loan for housing urgently, and we’ll figure out what you can spend the targeted loan on. We have prepared for you a procedure for receiving money to buy a home through banks and collected feedback from borrowers.

What is a loan for maternity capital?

For several years now, a large number of families in Russia have been solving housing problems using maternity capital funds. The relevance of this federal program has not been lost. Today we will talk about what a mat is. capital, how it is formalized and what types of it exist.

So, a loan for maternity capital is a kind of loan that is issued to the person who is the owner of the certificate. Since many people believe that a loan and a credit are one and the same thing, let us bring some clarity.

according to the following criteria:

  1. A loan can only be obtained by contacting a banking organization.
  2. The loan can be provided by an individual or legal entity, as well as the state.
  3. Interest is not required on the loan. The one who issues the loan may well provide it without charging interest.

The main feature of such loans for maternity capital is their strictly intended purpose.

Can MFOs issue loans against maternity capital?

Microfinance organizations are prohibited from issuing loans against maternity capital. This is due to the large number of identified violations. Note that the ban came into force three years ago.

The requirement of the law does not affect those persons who have already taken out maternity capital loans earlier. But for the current period, it will no longer be possible to cash out funds through.

Who can issue loans against maternity capital?

The following have the right to issue loans:

  1. Banking institutions.
  2. Consumer cooperatives that operate for a minimum of 36 months from the date of registration.
  3. Other organizations issuing loans.

It is the concept of “other organizations” that raises doubts among the legislator. A bill was introduced in the State Duma to deprive some organizations of the right to issue funds. It is currently under review until a decision has been made.

In the process of purchasing real estate using loan funds against mat. capital involves four parties:

  1. Someone who sells real estate.
  2. Buyer.
  3. Lender.

At the same time, the Pension Fund of Russia is not only a party to the agreement; it transfers funds at the request of the certificate owner. However, its role is difficult to overestimate. Due to the fact that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation checks the concluded agreement for compliance with the law, the conclusion of the transaction takes a lot of time. And the actual transfer of funds also does not happen quickly.

In 2017, the period within which a decision on the transfer of funds must be made was reduced to 1 month, and the Pension Fund of Russia is given 10 working days to transfer money. This change made it possible to stop various bureaucratic delays.

Is it possible to get a loan secured by maternity capital?

Often a family that wants to get a loan against mat. capital, presents this procedure as follows: you need to find an organization, leave a certificate as collateral and take the money. This is a misconception - it is impossible to get a loan in this way (unless we are talking about fraudulent activities).

The certificate cannot act as collateral, since it cannot be sold, and only the person in whose name it is issued can use the document.

This document is valuable for you and your family; this paper has no value for a financial institution. If they diligently convince you of the opposite, this is a reason to be wary: most likely, we are talking about fraudulent schemes.

Will the loan be issued in cash?

The law prohibits cashing out maternity capital through a loan. But there are still advertisements that offer urgent access to maternity capital.

Often people fall for such tricks, in particular, they purchase dilapidated and dilapidated housing, prescribe an inflated price, or even provide paperwork for an object that does not exist. Therefore, it is worth repeating: issuing a cash loan is prohibited.

The purity of the transaction is carefully checked by the Pension Fund of Russia, and if violations are discovered, both the one who provided the funds and the owner of the certificate will bear responsibility (up to imprisonment).

It is not worth creating problems with the law for the sake of a relatively small amount.

For what purposes can maternity capital be spent?

Using MSK you can:

  1. Pay the first installment on a loan to purchase housing using maternity capital.
  2. Pay off the principal amount owed on your home loan.
  3. Buy real estate in a new building or on the secondary market.
  4. Pay accrued interest on a loan to purchase housing using maternity capital.
  5. Repair a private house or reconstruct it (if the living space increases).
  6. Build a house yourself.
  7. Build a house by concluding a contract with a specialized company.

In a targeted loan agreement for maternity capital, it is necessary to specify the purpose of spending the funds. And also keep in mind that the loan must be issued either to the owner of the certificate or to the second spouse. Registration to a third party is illegal.

Terms of a loan for maternity capital

Most often, the requirements for borrowers are identical to those required when applying for a conventional mortgage:

  1. Age - from .
  2. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  3. Good credit history.
  4. Sufficient income.
  5. Official employment.

But in the case when the loan is issued at a credit cooperative, the requirements are somewhat more flexible: there is no need to confirm income, and the age limits also shift.

There is usually no fee for processing and issuing a loan, but insurance and collateral for the purchased home are provided. As for interest rates, they can be completely different.

After purchase, the acquired property must be registered as the property of all family members in equal shares.

Loan for maternity capital at Sberbank

Let’s look at the conditions under which you can apply for a loan against maternity capital from Sberbank. So:

  1. Preferential lending conditions apply for young families.
  2. Each loan application is considered individually.
  3. If you receive a salary from Sberbank of Russia, special conditions apply to you.
  4. You can attract co-borrowers to increase the loan amount.

The application can be filled out, which will significantly save your free time.

The application form looks like this:

Part of the terms of the loan against mat. capital are reflected in the table:

The loan can be issued:

  • for the purchase and construction of a house;
  • for purchasing housing on the secondary market;
  • for the purchase of an apartment in a new building.

There are special conditions for salary clients of a banking organization, as well as for citizens who are raising a child alone.

The list of required papers depends on the parameters that you specified in your application form.

Loan for maternity capital at Rosselkhozbank

The banking organization offers its clients mortgage loans against maternity capital on the following terms:

Among the important advantages of obtaining a loan for maternity capital at Rosselkhozbank are:

  • confirmation of income with a bank certificate;
  • no commission fees for issuing money;
  • loyal interest rate on the loan.

We also note that the lending period is quite long, up to 30 years. The property you purchase is pledged, and property insurance services can be paid for using loan funds.

How to get a loan for maternity capital?

Let’s figure out how to properly apply for a loan for maternity capital in order to receive the necessary funds. First of all, you need to contact the Pension Fund, since the final word remains with him. Also keep in mind that your application will be considered for about a month.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

Choose a property that fully complies with all standards, including sanitary, hygienic and technical. If housing is purchased on the secondary market, it should not be considered unsuitable for living.

Analyze all credit institutions that provide loans of this kind. Read the terms and conditions under which funds are provided and choose the option that suits you best.

Gather documentation.

You, the seller and the lender will sign the contract. After the transaction is formalized in Rosreestr, the Pension Fund of Russia will repay the loan issued to you with maternity capital funds.

Within six months, you need to register the purchased apartment or house as shared ownership of the second spouse and each child.

Documents for obtaining a loan for maternity capital

The list of basic documentation should include:

  • your application;
  • questionnaire;
  • certificate for MSK;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of funds (the certificate is valid for 30 days);
  • your passport + passport of the co-borrower (if he is involved);
  • a certificate confirming the registration of marriage or its dissolution;
  • birth certificate of each child;
  • real estate purchase and sale agreement;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (for the premises you are purchasing);
  • a certificate of citizens who are registered in the purchased living space (or the absence thereof).

When you contact the Pension Fund, provide:

  • photocopy of the loan agreement;
  • your SNILS;
  • if housing is registered as collateral - a photocopy of the mortgage agreement;
  • an obligation certified by a notary to allocate a share to the second spouse and each child.

Do not forget to provide the credit institution with the details for transferring funds.

Risks when using maternity capital

The main task when applying for a loan against capital is to draw up the contract correctly. But since the legal integrity of the transaction is carefully checked by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and money is transferred only after verification, the risks are minimal.

Of course, you need to select a seller carefully and contact reliable, trusted institutions.

If you apply to a consumer cooperative to receive maternity capital, check all the documents and pay attention to the period of operation of the cooperative. Some people consider cooperatives to be less reliable lenders, but this is just a subjective opinion.

Having given birth to a second child, each Russian family, in accordance with the legislation of the country, receives 453,026 rubles. To ensure that money is spent wisely, the state regulates its use. Families receive not cash, the spending of which is impossible to track, but a certificate that can only be used for certain purposes.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to legally obtain a loan against maternity capital. If you rely on the law, funds can be invested in improving the living conditions of the family, first of all, this means the condition of the living space.

Investments in children's education or parents' pensions are also considered in this context. These are all quite broad concepts that sound abstract and vague to many.

No matter how you decide to use your certificate, without the approval of the pension fund, the money will remain where it should be: in a government account. By law, you have the right to get a loan using them. However, not every goal will be approved by the Pension Fund.

In order for your plans to be realized in practice, you need to prepare a clear justification so that receiving a loan for maternity capital looks legal.

Today, a loan against maternity capital established by law is one of the types of lending in the Russian Federation. You can receive it from a bank and other financial institutions. The capital amount can be used as a down payment, and it is also possible to repay part of the loan at its expense.

As a result, three parties become participants in the procedure for transferring family capital into a loan:

  1. Pension Fund.
  2. The borrower and at the same time the holder of the certificate.
  3. Financial institution.

The main participant is always the Pension Fund; it retains the right to refuse the applicant to receive a loan. As a rule, refusals have a clear justification.

The most common reasons for refusal are:

  • the nature of the loan does not correspond to the purposes provided for by the Legislation;
  • there were errors in the documentation;
  • the application does not meet the requirements for registration, etc.

The vast majority of refusals are due to misuse of money. According to the law, a targeted loan for maternity capital, when it comes to lending, must be aimed at improving the comfort of the family’s living.

This means that the certificate can be used either for the purchase of a new house or apartment, or for the reconstruction of residential areas, as well as for the construction of what will later become a family home.

Pitfalls of lending under capital capital

If you expect to receive a loan against capital, be prepared for the fact that you will have to convince not only the Pension Fund, but also the bank administration. The fact that you have a certificate is not a sign of your reliability as a borrower for a long period of time (up to 30 years) and for a very impressive amount.

They will give you money only if you can document the family's solvency. You will need to provide proof of your salary. Only the official bid of the applicant is taken into account, and it must correspond to the amount requested. It is important to prove that your family has a stable income.

Credit history can also play a decisive role. It is advisable that she talks about your reliability and responsibility.

Even if you have decided to take out a loan against maternity capital and have received the bank’s approval, be patient, since the Pension Fund makes decisions within 2 and sometimes 3 months.

Is it possible to cash out maternity capital before the legal date?

If we turn to the Legislation, it establishes a time limit on the use of family capital.

This means that financial institutions that provide loans can only give you the money you are entitled to within a certain period of time. The starting point is the date when your second child turns 3 years old.

However, the rule has a legal exception, which many parents are not aware of.

It is possible to take out a loan urgently, before the due date, if you take out a mortgage. This will be a targeted loan for maternity capital that exactly complies with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the terms of the loan for maternity capital allow parents to use funds allocated by the state both for the down payment and for closing part of the repayment amount of the already issued loan.

You can either enter into a loan agreement with a bank for maternity capital or repay part of the amount on your existing mortgage immediately after your second child is born.

This kind of loan will be beneficial in all respects, since with its help you can quickly improve your life and make the loan obligation less noticeable for the family budget.

Restrictions on the use of the certificate

When thinking about how to get a loan for maternity capital, keep in mind the fact that even in the case of legal mortgage lending, the loan cannot be used for all needs.

Money can only be taken under the two categories described above: the loan itself and the down payment. It will not be possible to repay debts such as fines and penalties with funds received for the second child.

It is important to know that cash loans of this kind may not be fully utilized. If possible, it is better to leave part of the capital in the account. This is beneficial since it is indexed annually.

Sometimes even a small microloan for maternity capital can solve a family’s housing problems, and the remaining funds will be the key to your future well-being.

Is it possible to take out loans through microfinance organizations?

Cooperation with microfinance organizations in Russia has become the norm for its citizens. In many cases this is beneficial. However, not when it comes to mother's money.

If you see an advertisement: “We issue loans for maternity capital,” posted by one of the microfinance organizations, you can be sure that we are talking about fraud and a violation of Russian legislation.

The President of Russia personally signed the Law, according to which MFOs do not have the right to issue loans for maternity capital. The basis for this decision was numerous abuses of microcredit structures associated with attempts to illegally withdraw targeted funds.

You also cannot take out loans secured by maternity capital. The certificate has value only for the family that owns it. Loan-issuing structures, having received such collateral, will not be able to cash it. For them, it is ordinary paper that has no value.

Features of taking out a loan against capital

After receiving the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take out a loan against mat capital, you need to start looking for answers to another, no less important question: where to get it? In addition to banks, other (non-MFI) financial organizations can act as borrowers.

For example, cooperatives can also become creditors. True, there is a mandatory condition for them: from the moment of its registration, the PDA must exist on the market for at least three full years.

Not only the mother of a child can get a loan for maternity capital. The law also allows the father or person who adopted the child to act as a borrower. At the same time, living space purchased or reconstructed with a loan must be registered in the name of both parents and all their children.

An important nuance is that issuing loans against capital is not intended for ordinary or major repairs, for example, for replacing plumbing.

You can only:

  • purchase housing;
  • expand existing living space;
  • reconstruct a house or apartment;
  • restore the house.

It is very important to correctly prepare the documentation and describe all types of proposed actions and work.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

Since the Pension Fund of Russia will have the last word, the first step is to contact this organization and discuss all the nuances.

For example, there is such a thing as regional maternity capital, which means that each individual region may have its own additional types of material support for families. For example, in some areas the question of the possibility of purchasing a car with financial capital is being considered.

Thus, the issue of providing a loan is beneficial for those who already have a mortgage and expect to partially or fully repay it.

In this case, you need to bring to the Pension Fund:

  • a statement expressing your intention to receive a loan;
  • a loan contract previously drawn up with a financial institution (copy);
  • certificate;
  • birth certificates of all your children. If adopted children are raised in the family, adoption certificates;
  • passport or other identification document of the applicant.

When collecting papers and making copies of them, it is better to make sure that there are several copies, since a package of approximately the same nature will be needed for submission to the bank. To what has already been listed, you will need to add certificates of family income.

If everything is done correctly, there is a chance that within three months you will be able to solve or begin to solve your housing problem. As you can see, it is impossible to take out such a loan for maternity capital in cash, however, nothing prevents you from getting a targeted loan and thereby making the life of your children better.

Maternity loans are offered by several dozen Russian banks. Before choosing one of them, thoroughly study the conditions of each. There may be significant differences between them. Choose the best for yourself.

In today's difficult economic situation, many people turn to banks for loans. For some, loans become the only opportunity to acquire their own living space. Many people want to get information about what are the terms of a loan for maternity capital from Sberbank. Active government assistance allows you to get rid of part of the burden.

This implies that it is possible to spend maternity capital on a mortgage at Sberbank. You need to understand everything in order.

Where can you spend maternity capital?

Maternity capital is a type of subsidy provided by the state to its population. Recipients of a certain amount, indexed over time, are families that have a second or more child.

We must not forget that the family has the right to use the funds only after the child reaches 3 years of age. A mortgage is the only exception to this rule; you can spend it almost immediately after the birth of children.

It will not be possible to use capital for any purpose; it has a certain direction. Most often, this subsidy is used to purchase residential real estate. The amount of social assistance is not so large as to fully cover the cost of purchasing an apartment. This is why a mortgage loan for maternity capital from Sberbank is so relevant today. This bank is also chosen because of the benefits of the loan.

Many parents do not know where to spend maternity capital in Sberbank. The following options are possible:

  • repayment of part of the mortgage taken out before receiving the subsidy;
  • used as a down payment on a mortgage.

What is a loan for maternity capital at Sberbank?

At its core, a mortgage for maternity capital at Sberbank is an ordinary mortgage. The only difference is that there are a number of restrictions. The subsidy can be used for the following types of housing:

  • apartments in new buildings;
  • secondary market apartments.

Family capital goes to pay off the down payment. If you wish, you can increase the size of the first payment by adding your savings to the subsidy amount.

In 2016, the amount of social assistance is 453 thousand rubles, the same as in 2015. Unfortunately, over the past year the subsidy has not been indexed by the state.

On what conditions can I take out a loan for maternity capital from Sberbank?

Today, Sberbank of Russia offers its clients the following loan programs, which can be issued using existing maternity capital:

  1. improvement of living conditions (exchange of housing for a new one with a larger area);
  2. acquisition of housing under construction;
  3. taking out a loan to build a house on your own.

Purchase of finished or under construction housing

For these two types of lending, the conditions at Sberbank are the same. They look like this:

  • Not only rubles, but also euros and dollars can be chosen as the currency;
  • the maximum loan term is 30 years;
  • the interest rate is set individually, it can vary from 10 to 15% per year;
  • the minimum loan amount provided by the bank is 450 thousand rubles;
  • the maximum loan size is 18 million rubles;
  • Registration of ownership of the purchased housing is mandatory (children also fit into the apartment).

Not everyone can count on receiving a loan against maternity capital from Sberbank. The client's employment requirements are as follows:

  1. the total work experience must be at least 5 years;
  2. continuous work experience at the last place of work - from six months;
  3. availability of work at the time of taking out the loan.

Loan for self-construction

Some terms for this type of loan differ from those for housing. Money is issued for the same period, not exceeding 30 years. The work experience requirements are the same. Here are the specific conditions of such a loan:

  • the minimum loan size is 300 thousand rubles;
  • the allocated amount is not issued all at once, but in accordance with a special schedule developed on an individual basis;
  • The interest rate is determined for each client separately.

How to get a mortgage through maternity capital at Sberbank?

Regardless of the direction of the loan, you will have to apply for the loan in the following sequence:

  1. The client writes an application in the prescribed form. It must be accompanied by documents included in the mandatory list.
  2. Within 1–2 weeks, the bank makes a decision on the application. After this, documents for the real estate itself are collected (purchase agreement, registration certificate - when purchasing finished housing; documents of shared construction, permitting papers - when investing in housing under construction; documents confirming land ownership, the corresponding construction permit - when using mortgage funds for self-construction).
  3. An agreement is concluded between the client and the bank. Real estate is subject to compulsory insurance; it is provided as collateral until the debt is repaid.
  4. When all the documents are in hand, the borrower must submit an application to the Pension Fund, demanding the transfer of maternity capital funds to Sberbank. It will be reviewed within a month. After this, the money is transferred to the bank account.

To whom is the loan money transferred?

The allocated funds are issued only in case of self-construction. In other situations, they are transferred from the Sberbank account directly to the account of the apartment seller or developer.

Debt repayment procedure

Receipt of funds to Sberbank can be divided into 2 stages:

  • transfer of maternity capital money to Sberbank;
  • monthly repayment of debt in accordance with the payment schedule in the amount established by the agreement.

To make the next mortgage payment using maternity capital at Sberbank, you can:

  1. go to a bank branch with cash;
  2. use a self-service device;
  3. use the Sberbank Online system;
  4. set up automatic payment for the transaction.

After repayment of the entire amount of the debt, the property ceases to be collateral, and the corresponding collateral agreement becomes invalid.

State support in the form of maternity capital provides an opportunity for families to improve their living conditions, purchase real estate on credit (mortgage), pay for children’s education, and more. You can use the allocated funds after the child reaches three years of age. Before this period, there is the possibility of early use of a family certificate to make a down payment on a loan/mortgage for residential real estate or to pay off the remaining debt on an existing loan, which was also issued for the purchase of real estate. Buying a house using maternity capital is a convenient and often the only option for families to purchase or improve their living conditions. This is largely why this state support program was extended until 2018.

Buying a house with maternity capital: conditions

Family certificate funds can be used to purchase real estate. In 2016, this amount is more than 450 thousand rubles. As with any other event, buying a house with maternity capital has its own characteristics and nuances, which will be discussed further.

Where to go to use maternity capital?

Redirection of state support funds occurs through the pension fund branch. You should go there, taking with you the list of documents given below. Please note that this list may be changed depending on each situation. Details should be clarified directly at the Pension Fund representative office at your place of residence.

Documents for purchasing a house using maternity capital funds

In order for the pension fund to cover part of the housing costs, it is necessary to provide a number of required papers. The family will have to collect the following documents to purchase a house using maternity capital:

  1. Application in the established form (you can fill out the application in advance by downloading the form on the official website of the department or at the Pension Fund of Russia branch).
  2. Identity document of the family representative who submits the application and copies of this document.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Certificate for receiving government support.
  5. Birth certificates of all children and their copies.
  6. A copy of the agreement for the purchase of residential real estate.
  7. A copy of a document confirming the fact of ownership of the purchased residential property.
  8. A certificate with information about the amount that still needs to be paid under the purchase and sale agreement.
  9. A notarized document confirming that it is planned to register the property as common property.

With this set of documents, you should visit the representative office of the pension fund at your place of residence. The period for consideration of such a petition will be no more than 30 days.

Buying a house on credit using government support funds

If it is not possible to use only your own funds to purchase a residential building, you can use the services of banking or credit organizations and apply for a loan. At the same time, it is important that you cannot simultaneously receive a loan from a bank and state support funds under a certificate.

At the moment, when applying for a loan, a family certificate can be used as a down payment on a loan or as an amount to pay off debt on an existing loan.

When can I use the certificate to buy a home?

There is no need to wait until the child is three years old - for this case, early use of funds allocated by the state is available. It is theoretically possible to use maternity capital as a down payment on a home loan, but in practice this is quite difficult to do. The main difficulty is that there are very few credit and banking organizations that are ready to accept funds under the certificate as the first payment. Even if you manage to find such a financial organization and apply for a loan to buy a house using maternity capital, then, most likely, the interest on the loan will be slightly higher than when making an initial payment with your own funds. A much better option is to use your own savings to pay the down payment and use maternity capital funds to reduce the amount of debt on the issued loan.

Loan for maternity capital to buy a house: instructions for registration

In this case, the scheme looks somewhat simpler:

Final stage

When applying to the pension fund, after writing an application, you should take with you all the same documents that were listed in the section “Documents for purchasing a house using government funds.” support” and an agreement with the bank. You should also obtain a statement from the credit institution indicating the existence of debt and its amount. After submitting all documents to the representative office of the Russian Pension Fund, you must wait for its decision, as in the first case, the review period does not exceed 30 days.

Buying a house using maternity capital will take a lot of time, but using this form of government support, you can pay off part of the debt on your housing loan.

After starting a family, spouses dream of having their own apartment, but often their income does not allow them to save for real estate. The birth of a baby increases pressure on the family budget. To support young families, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed programs that provide financial assistance. You can significantly reduce the cost of credit funds if you take out a targeted loan from the bank for the purchase of housing using maternity capital.

What is a targeted loan for maternity capital?

According to the law, maternity capital is issued to provide financial assistance to young families who have had a second child. In 2019, its size is 453,026 rubles, indexation is carried out annually. Parents can use the funds to:

  • improving living conditions;
  • payment for children's education;
  • formation of the funded part of the mother's pension.

To control the use of money, a maternity capital certificate is provided. The parents of the second child can receive it after submitting an application to the Pension Fund. Maternity capital can be used for the purposes prescribed by law. For this reason, a loan is possible, but subject to the condition of the intended use of maternal capital - loan funds must be used to improve housing conditions.

The difference between a loan and a targeted loan

In practice, the financial meaning of the word loan is different from the word credit. Features of borrowing and its differences from lending are shown in the table:

Issued by the bank

The lender can be microfinance organizations, credit cooperatives, individuals

The subject of lending is money

The subject of borrowing is money and things.

The loan agreement is concluded only in writing

Methods of concluding a contract include oral and written form

The agreement comes into force upon reaching an agreement (signing)

The contract is considered concluded upon the transfer of money or things

The terms of the agreement provide for the repayment period of the debt

The deadline for repayment of the debt can be determined, but if it is absent, the debt must be repaid within 30 days after receiving such a request

There is a mandatory payment of interest on loan funds

There may be no fee for using borrowed funds

At first, according to the law, obtaining a targeted loan for maternity capital was possible in banks and other credit institutions - MFOs and credit cooperatives. Since 2015, only banks have the right to issue credit money using government certificates. It is believed that from now on you can no longer get a loan, but a targeted loan for maternity capital. Such changes are explained by a large number of abuses in non-banking institutions, the direction of funds for cash withdrawal, since strict reporting control is not provided for them.

What can you use a maternity capital loan for?

Disposal of maternity capital is possible only with the consent of the Pension Fund. If you want to use a family certificate for home renovation, you should not count on approval of the application from the Pension Fund in this situation, because you can take out a loan secured by maternity capital only to improve your living conditions, which involves:

  • purchasing an apartment on the primary or secondary market;
  • expansion, reconstruction of existing living space;
  • purchase of finished or construction of housing.

Owners of the state certificate need to take into account the important features of a targeted loan for maternity capital:

  1. The legislation provides for the possibility of drawing up a bank loan agreement not only for the mother, but also for the father or adoptive parent of the child.
  2. A loan is issued to parents using maternity capital for the purchase of housing, subject to the registration of the child’s share in residential real estate.
  3. You can use maternity capital funds when applying for targeted mortgage lending until your child reaches 3 years of age.

Sometimes credit funds for the purchase of housing are issued to parents - certificate holders, even without obtaining a mortgage. This is possible when provision is made for the issuance of funds equal to the amount of the remaining capital. The condition for such lending is the intended use of the money. In this case, there is no need to issue a deposit - the down payment serves as security. The advantage is that you can reduce your expenses even with increased interest rates. With this type of lending, in order to obtain a loan, you do not need to make an expert assessment of the property being purchased.

Down payment on a mortgage loan

According to the law, maternity capital can be used to fully or partially pay the down payment. This is beneficial to the borrower. With the help of family certificate funds, you can increase the size of the down payment and get a mortgage with a lower interest rate. In this case, it is important that the Pension Fund transfers the money to the bank account on time.

Repayment of interest and mortgage principal

You can use maternity capital to reduce loan debt and pay interest accrued monthly. Funds cannot be used to pay off fines and penalties. The borrower can use the family certificate to pay off mortgages that were taken out earlier, even before the birth of the second child. In this case, it is necessary to register the share of all family members in the loaned property.

For building a house

You can get a targeted housing loan for maternity capital not only for the purchase of finished housing, but also for the purpose of purchasing an apartment by participating in shared construction. The Pension Fund may agree to transfer money for the construction of a house or its reconstruction. In this case, paperwork is possible only after the child reaches 3 years of age, and the procedure for approval and transfer of money will take longer. It is necessary to convince the PF that the funds will be used for their intended purpose, and that the constructed house will be comfortable for children to live in.

Is it possible to get money for maternity capital in cash?

The state controls the use of the family certificate. You can track the movement of money only if it is transferred. You should not rely on the possibility of cashing out certificates - such actions are not legal. The decision to transfer funds is made by the Pension Fund and handles the transfer itself. This is how the state tries to protect certificate holders from thoughtless spending of funds intended for their child. Some microfinance organizations in Moscow offer to cash out maternity capital funds, but such services are illegal.

Loan for maternity capital at Sberbank

Apply for a loan with the targeted use of maternal capital at Sberbank. According to the terms of the financial institution’s lending agreement, funds can be used to make the full amount or part of the down payment. Young parents can take out a targeted loan for maternity capital using two programs:

  • Purchase of finished housing – for the purchase of real estate on the secondary market;
  • Purchase of housing under construction – to purchase housing from the developer.

Requirements for the borrower

Sberbank provides mortgage loans with the targeted use of maternal capital to employed, solvent individuals. It is possible to attract 3 co-borrowers, with the second spouse always acting as a co-borrower. Loan agreements are drawn up:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • over 21 years old and under 75 years old;
  • if you have more than 6 months of work experience at your last job and at least a year in total.

Lending terms

Sberbank provides a mortgage loan when insuring a home and pledging it to the bank. When buying an apartment from a developer and taking out a mortgage for 7 years, lending is carried out with partial compensation by the seller for interest on the loan. The borrower receives a preferential 7.5%. The base interest rate decreases by 0.1% for electronic registration of a transaction and increases by 1% if personal insurance is waived, by 0.5% for clients who do not have an account with Sberbank for payments. The conditions for providing mortgage loans using maternal capital are shown in the table:

Lending terms

Buying ready-made housing

Buying an apartment from a developer

Down payment amount

Amount of credit

From 300,000 rubles to 85% of the estimated cost of housing

From 300,000 rubles to 85% of the contract price of the apartment

Loan term (years)

Base interest rate

Other conditions

Real estate is registered for all family members

Mandatory registration of an apartment for children

Mortgage loan for maternity capital at Rosselkhozbank

When applying for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank, you can use materiel to pay off the loan debt. The transfer of funds must be made within 3 months from the date of signing the mortgage agreement. An advantage for borrowers is that certificate holders have the opportunity not to make a down payment if the amount of capital exceeds 10% of the cost of purchased finished housing or 20% of the cost of housing under construction. A mortgage is issued for the purchase of:

  • housing on the primary market;
  • real estate on the secondary market.

On what terms is the loan issued?

When issuing loans, no commission is charged, but insurance and collateral for the purchased home are required. The interest rate is reduced by 0.25%:

  • public sector employees;
  • salary clients;
  • borrowers with an impeccable credit history;
  • young families in which one of the spouses is under 35 years of age.

The conditions for issuing loans from Rosselkhozbank are shown in the table:

Lending terms

Housing on the primary market

Apartment in a new building

Amount of credit

Loan term (years)

Interest rate

Down payment amount

Additional terms

The child’s share in real estate is registered

Who can get a housing loan

Employed citizens or those running personal subsidiary plots can apply for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank if they have entries in the household ledger for at least 12 months. You can get a targeted loan:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • aged from 21 to 65 years;
  • if you have at least 6 months of experience at your current place of work and a total of 1 year over the last 5 years (does not apply to persons running private household plots).

The procedure for obtaining a loan for maternity capital

Banks issue loans to solvent citizens. Persons with a good credit history and a high salary can receive a targeted loan for maternity capital. It is necessary that monthly mortgage payments do not exceed 50% of the borrower's income. You can increase the chance of approval of a targeted loan by attracting co-borrowers and providing certificates of their income.

You can reduce your expenses if you take advantage of the state lending program for young families. It provides financial assistance for the purchase of housing for spouses, each of whom is under 35 years of age. Under such programs, in addition to using maternity capital funds, you can receive funds from the state budget for a down payment, partial debt repayment, or to reduce mortgage interest.

The procedure for obtaining a loan with the targeted use of maternal capital is lengthy and includes the following steps:

  1. Applying to the Pension Fund with a statement of intentions to use maternal capital. Only the Pension Fund can agree to transfer money for a mortgage.
  2. Selecting a bank to apply for a loan and submitting an application.
  3. After receiving approval for a targeted loan, you can begin searching for real estate.
  4. Providing documents to the bank for the purchased property.
  5. Coordination with the bank of the terms of the targeted loan agreement.
  6. Making a down payment, completing a purchase and sale transaction, insuring the property, signing a mortgage agreement and notarizing the mortgage.

What documents are required

To consider the application to the Pension Fund, you must provide the following documents:

  • state certificate;
  • passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • child's birth certificate.

After the application is approved by the Pension Fund and a bank for lending is selected, an application for a mortgage and a package of documents are submitted to the financial institution:

  • passport;
  • income certificate;
  • the second document from the list provided, if there is no proof of income.

After approval of the targeted loan, the borrower provides the bank with the following documents:

  • for the property being financed;
  • state certificate;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of maternity capital.


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