Wintering of animals. Animals at different times of the year

Tatiana Efimenko
Open lesson “How animals winter in the forest” in the middle group

Abstract on educational field "Cognitive Development" V middle group"How animals winter in the forest»


Efimenko Tatyana Vladimirovna.

Abstract of GCD in the educational field "Cognitive Development" V middle group

"How animals winter in the forest»


Expand children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter conditions

Program tasks:

Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the life of wild animals in winter conditions;

To train children in the ability to identify the adaptive signs of animals for winter;

Develop curiosity, the ability to use different types of sentences;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations depicting wild animals, solving riddles about animals.


Illustrations depicting a winter forest, forest animals, illustrations depicting traces of animals and their homes.

Carrots, cabbage, nuts, hay.

Treats for children.

Imitation of a snowdrift.

Progress of the lesson;

Educator: Powdered the paths,

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

Children: Winter.

Educator: Guys, why do you love winter? (Children's answers)

Educator: Today I invite you to go to the winter forest. First we will walk along the path (the children walk at a calm pace, the snow is getting more and more, now we are walking through deep snow, raising our legs high, bending our knees (children walk with their feet high).

So you and I found ourselves in forest. Look how beautiful the forest is! The entire forest is covered with snow, which sparkles like silver.

Enchantress in Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands,

And under the snow fringe,

motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

How beautiful it is in forest, calm, quiet, and what in fresh air in the forest. (Breathing exercise "Let's take a breath of fresh air")

Educator: Guys, maybe in there is no one in the forest? With the coming of winter, everyone disappeared animals and birds. Look! Here are someone's tracks! Who do you think was here?

Children: Hare.

Educator: Here he is. Who do you think he's hiding from?

Children: Owl, wolf, fox

Educator: How does a hare escape from enemies?

Children: White skin helps to escape from enemies; in the snow it becomes invisible.

Educator: What does a hare eat in winter? (Children's answers)

Educator: It’s hard for a bunny in winter forest, hungry, cold, let's help him, what gift should we leave him? (Carrots, cabbage, hay)

Educator: Guys, look, snow is falling from a fluffy branch, is someone in charge here?

Children: Squirrel.

Educator: What does a squirrel eat in winter?

Children: Berries, mushrooms, fruits of trees and shrubs.

Educator: How to behave in forest so as not to scare the squirrel?

Children: Don't shout, don't make noise.

Educator: What color is a squirrel’s fur coat in winter? (Grey.)

Educator: Why do you think the squirrel changes its coat?

Children: The gray color of the fur coat makes it inconspicuous among the tree branches.

Educator: Where does the squirrel make its home?

Children: In a hollow, nest.

Educator: Guys, why do you think, when it is very cold, the squirrel does not come out of the hollow.

Children: The squirrel’s hollow is dry and warm, all the holes have been caulked with moss. The squirrel is a very good housewife, neat and thrifty. The squirrel climbs into the hollow, curls up into a ball and covers its nose with its tail.

Educator: How does a squirrel escape from its enemies?

Children: Moves quickly through trees, jumps from tree to tree, feeds on a tree trunk.

Educator: Lives in a hollow, has gray-silver fur, sharp claws, a bushy tail, can easily climb trees.

Educator: Let’s treat the squirrel too, what should we leave for her to feast on?

Children: Nuts, mushrooms.

Physical education minute.

The squirrel is not too lazy to exercise

Study all day.

From one branch, jumping to the left,

She sat down on a branch.

Then she jumped to the right,

She circled around the hollow.

Left - right all day long

The squirrel is not too lazy to jump.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

Educator: Guys, look, here’s the hole, I wonder whose it is? How do you think?

Children: Fox.

Educator: During the day, the fox hides in a deep hole, which it makes in a remote forest. But she can occupy someone else's hole. Guys, what do you think, does it change the color of the fur? winter fox?

Children: Foxes do not change color.

Educator: Red-haired mistress walked through the forest, stitches - the paths were swept with the tail. Why do you think the fox needs such a fluffy tail?

Children: Warms, covers tracks.

Educator: The tip of the fox's tail is white so that in the dark the fox cubs do not lose their mother when they run after her. The fox is agile and careful beast. The little fox knows - the fox, all its beauty is in its fur coat. There is no fur coat in red forest, there is no smarter beast in the forest. Guys, who do you think the fox is sniffing out under the snow?

Children: Mice.

Educator: Life in winter the forest freezes, and mice become the main fox food. The fox hunts mice. She wanders around the field and listens to where the mice are squeaking in their holes under the snow, and when she hears it, then save the mice, because the fox’s godmother has sharp teeth! What helps a fox find its prey?

Children: Good hearing and sense of smell.

Educator: What gift should we leave for the fox? (Mouse)

Educator: Look, the gray ones are walking, prowling, looking for something... (Wolves).

Educator: What keeps a wolf warm in winter?

Children: Thick, dense, warm coat.

Educator: Who do wolves hunt?

Children: Wolves hunt big ones animals: deer, elk.

Educator: What do you think helps wolves hunt?

Children: Long strong legs, they can run for a long time after prey.

Educator: No wonder they say that the wolf’s legs feed him. Wolves hunt in packs, they surround their prey and attack it. Wolves sleep in the snow, covering their noses and paws with their bushy tail. There is always a leader in a wolf pack. This is the strongest, smartest and most experienced wolf. Other weak wolves obey him.

Educator: Guys, look, whose footprints are these in the clearing?

Children: These are elk tracks.

Educator: Slightly touching with hooves,

Walks around handsome man in the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.

Elk is a large animal, tall, has long legs, strong hooves, and horns. Moose can easily run through deep snow. They defend themselves with strong hooves and horns. What does moose eat?

Children: Elk feed on tree branches.

Educator: But after heavy snowfall, it is difficult for animals to feed. Shrubs and low trees end up under the snow and neither the elk nor the hare can reach them. And then people – foresters – come to the aid of the animals.

Educator: How do foresters help moose?

Children: They feed animals and birds. They lay out birch and aspen brooms, hay, and make feeders. Let's help the moose, what will we leave for him? (Hay)

Educator: How long have we been with you? wandered through the forest, but for some reason we didn’t see any traces of a bear?

Children: A bear sleeps in a den in winter.

Educator: Why does a bear sleep in winter?

Children: In winter, it is difficult for a bear to find food.

Educator: How is he all winter sleeps and doesn't eat anything?

Children: A bear eats a lot in the fall, and fat accumulates under its skin.

Educator: Let's not make any noise here, otherwise we'll wake up the clubfoot, let him sleep until spring.

A game “Our little bear is fast asleep”

The leading child sits in a snowdrift, the rest of the children approach him with a quiet step, singing a song

Our little bear is fast asleep

Doesn't look at the kids

And the guys stood up quietly

They quickly ran up to the bear

They started knocking their feet

They started laughing loudly

Bear, bear, get up

And catch up guys.

Educator: Guys, look at the gift the bear left for us in the snowdrift (takes out a treat)

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. We raise our legs high, bend our knees. (Children walk with their legs raised high) Here we are on a clear path.

Educator: Guys, did you like the walk in the winter forest? (Children's answers)

Educator: Who did you meet today? forest? (Children's answers)

Educator: How do you think animals live in the forest in winter?

Children: In winter many animals They spend almost the entire day searching for food. Others use their own supplies. Some on winter is falling asleep. Lesnykh animals, like birds, need to be fed in winter.

Educator: Everyone has animals have their own home, what is it for?

Children: A house is needed to live and relax.

Educator: Forest for animals- this is a dear and beloved home, and we came to visit, so we must follow certain rules. What are the rules of conduct in forest you know?

Children: You can’t make noise so as not to scare away animals, birds. IN forest You don’t have to run far, otherwise you might get lost.

Educator: Thank you guys, you made me happy with your knowledge. Did you enjoy your walk in the winter forest? What stood out to you the most? (Children's answers).

Next we will take a walk into the spring forest, let's see what changes will happen in life animals with the arrival of spring.

Irina Sirotkina
Lesson “How wild animals winter”

Program content:

1. Learn to classify wild and domestic animals.

2. Give an idea about wild animals what they eat.

3. Learn to know the names of their homes (den, burrow, lair, hollow, hole, etc.)

4. Strengthen the ability to answer the teacher’s questions with a complete answer.

5. Continue to teach how to correctly pronounce nouns in the plural genitive case (hares, squirrels, etc.)

6. Foster respect for nature

Material to occupation: model of a forest, animal caps (bear, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, badger, fox, elk, poster depicting dwellings animals, custom cards and silhouettes animals, pictures of home and wild animals.

Plan classes

1. Conversation with children in a circle about winter, the winter months.

2. Didactic game "Home and wild animals»

3. Journey into the forest:

a) meeting with Lesovichok, asking riddles;

b) meeting with a bear, hare, hedgehog;

c) physical exercise "Hedgehog"

d) meeting with a squirrel, wolf, badger;

e) physical exercise "Badger"

f) meeting with forest and elk;

g) "Song of Forest Friends"

4. children’s individual work with cards and silhouettes (logic game "Settled into the house";

5. game “Name the cubs correctly” animals(in genitive plural);

6. summary classes and the return of children from the forest to the garden.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation between a teacher and children in a circle.

1. Set the mood class: wishing each other good morning.

2. Questions about time of the year:

a) what time of year is it now?

b) How many months does winter have? Name them.

c) What month is it now?

d) What is February called by people? (lute and snowball)

3. Reading short poems about winter line by line in a circle (White snow is fluffy... and "White snow lies all around...")

Educator: Today we will talk about wild animals like them winter in the forest what they eat, what their homes are called. But the problem is, I accidentally mixed the pictures wild and domestic animals. Must be separated to one side (under the house)- domestic, and on the other (under the picture of the forest)wild animals. Two children go to the board and, answering questions one by one (why animal called home or wild, do the work. After that, I cover half the board with pictures of pets with a curtain. animals and talking what are we going to talk about wild animals and ask which one of them sleeps in winter? (bear, hedgehog, badger). We separate these pictures below.

Educator: Now we will go into the forest to see how spend the winter, How wild animals hibernate and what are their dwellings called?

Music sounds with birdsong (softly) (children close their eyes)

To this music the teacher speaks:

Imagine that we are walking through the forest. In the forest you have to walk carefully, you can’t talk loudly, you can’t make noise, because animals and birds live in the forest. They have their own life here. The forest is their home. We can disturb them, scare them. Open your eyes (children open their eyes and see a model of a forest - fir trees, trees).

Educator: So we came to the forest. Children, this forest is magical. Each of you who enters the forest turns into a forest dweller. But I hear someone's steps. We did disturb someone after all. Appears Lesovichok:

Who came to our forest? Who worries the forest dwellers?

Educator: Lesovichok, the children came to your forest to see how wild animals winter in the forest. Help us meet them.

Lesovichok: Fine. I will help you. Even those animals that are sleeping will wake up for you. Listen riddle:

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the snow howl

Sleeping in a snowy hut

Children: Bear

(the child walks around the forest, puts on a hat and goes out).

Bear: I can walk on four legs and on two. I can swim, run fast, climb trees. By winter I store a lot of fat and sleep.

Educator: What does a bear eat in summer and autumn?

Bear: I love honey, berries, I’m great at catching fish, birds and small fish animals(children complete).


Bear: den (shows on the stand, (sits down with the children)

Lesovichok: listen to the next one riddle:

Guess by signs:

White in winter, gray in summer

Jump-jump-jump along the forest

I was able to escape from the wolf.

Children: Hare

(The child walks around the forest, puts on a hat)

Hare: I am gray in summer and white in winter. I run very fast. When I run away from a fox, I confuse my tracks and loop around.

Educator: What does a hare eat?

Hare: I eat bark and tree branches.

Vosp: Hare, what is the name of your home?

Hare: I find a hole and rest in it (shows at the stand, sits down with the children)

Vosp: Lesovichok, now the children will help you make riddles

Child: Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread

Children: Hedgehog

The hedgehog comes out (child in a hat)

Hedgehog: I'm not afraid of poisonous snakes. In the fall, I make a nest from branches and leaves under the roots of trees or under a stump and sleep there all the time. winter.

Vosp: What does a hedgehog eat?

Hedgehog: Beetles, worms, snakes, snails, mosquitoes, plant roots, frogs, mice, insects, ants (children complete)

Vosp: Hedgehog, what is the name of your home?

Hedgehog: Mink

Physical training is being held "Hedgehog"

Vosp: children, listen to the next riddle

Child: I wear a fluffy fur coat

I live in a dense forest

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm nibbling nuts

Children: Squirrel

A squirrel comes out (child in a hat)

I am small, nimble, with a long fluffy tail. I'm very mobile. All summer I've been stocking up on winter. I can even swim across the river. In summer I'm red, in winter I'm gray

Vosp: What does a squirrel eat and what does it store?

Squirrel: Nuts, mushrooms, berries, tree buds, fir cone seeds, acorns (children add)

Vosp: What is the name of your home?

Squirrel: hollow (shows at the stand. Sits down)

Child: Who is cold in winter, walking around angry and hungry?

Children: Wolf

The wolf comes out:

The wolf is called the forest orderly because he eats the sick animals and other animals do not become infected. I have to run for a long time to find food. The wolf is fed by his feet. And the wolf is also very smart.

Vosp: What does a wolf eat?

Wolf: Meat.

Vosp: What is the name of your home?

Wolf: Lair (shows, sits down)

Child: He digs holes skillfully

Knows, loves this business

Because mole and friend

And his name is...

Children: Badger

A badger comes out:

I am brownish-gray in color. There are two stripes on the muzzle from the nose to the ears. I eat everything, I love everything. I eat until late autumn. I get fat and go to bed.

Vosp: What does a badger eat before winter?

Badger: Mice, frogs, lizards, insects, mushrooms, grass.

Vosp: What is the name of your home?

Badger: earthen hole.

Physical training is being held "Badger".

Child: Who is the most cunning in the forest?

There are signs - red fur,

A long tail that deftly

The cheat covers his trail

Children: Fox

The fox comes out

There are many passages and exits in my hole. If a hunter's dogs find my house, I run away through the emergency exit. I love looking for mouse holes under the snow.

Vosp: What does a fox eat in winter?

Fox: Mice, fish, catches hares

Vosp: What is the name of your home?

Fox: Nora

Lesovichok: Very strong and tall

Knee-deep snow

Not a deer, but it has antlers

Everyone calls him eagles

Children: Elk

Moose comes out

The elk is tall, large, has long legs with narrow hooves, and a short tail. In winter, the moose's antlers fall off. It feeds on the bark of rowan and pine.

Vosp: What is the name of your house

Elk: I don’t have a house. I lie down to rest right in the snow

Performed "Song of Forest Friends".

Didactic game "Settled down animal in the house»

Vosp: Spring is coming. The animals will have cubs. Call them by name.

A bear has cubs, a hare has cubs, a hedgehog has cubs, a squirrel has cubs, a wolf has cubs, a badger has cubs, a fox has cubs, a moose has cubs

Vosp: We said that we were homemade animals benefit a person, help him, wild - no. May be, we don't need wild animals

Needed. There is nothing superfluous in nature. We need to take care of the forest, its inhabitants, and nature.

The children give Lesovichka Promise:

Animal holes, bird's nests

We will never ruin

Let the chicks and small animals

It's good to live next to us

Zinaida Makhova
“How animals winter in the forest” (for children of senior preschool age).

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity", "Music"

Target: learn children develop speech, form vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech, consolidate the skills of complete answers; develop interest in the nature of their native land.



Consolidate knowledge children about our wild animals forests: remember their names, external signs, habits, what they eat, what their home is called;

Learn to understand the relationship between the appearance of an animal, its habits and habitat, behavior and nutrition in winter;


To consolidate the winter months;

Add affectionate names of animals and their names to the active dictionary cubs;

Introduce the concept and meaning of the word "predator";

Develop thinking, auditory perception and attentiveness;

Strengthen the ability to work with paper - the origami technique.


Cultivate an interest in the animal world.


slides with silhouette images of animals. Unconventional drawing on topic: "Ezhata" (brushes, glue, painted cereal: rice, peas, hedgehog patterns).

Vocabulary work

wild animals, predators, herbivore, omnivore, long-eared, den.

GCD move:

Guys, today the little owl, Laskovushka, came to visit us again. He really likes it when his mother owl is affectionate name is: "Owl". Is the owl curious to know how affectionately you can call other forest animals? How can you affectionately call a hare? (Bunny). Let's play! Let's stand in a circle, and the owlet will fly over and sit on your arms. I will name some animal and the one who has the owlet in his hands must name it affectionately (A didactic game is being played).

Didactic game “Name the animals affectionately”.

Squirrel, fox, wolf, owl, hedgehog, bear, hare.

Well done! You made Laskovushka happy, remembered the different animals living in forest, they are also called wild animals. Would you like us to go for a walk in the winter forest to learn more about the life of wild animals? And the owlet will show us the way. Guys, we have already talked about how nature changes in winter, we talked about the signs of winter.

How many months does winter have?

Name the first month of winter. People call this month "jelly", "icy", from the word "cold". (Reinforce the words with the children.)

Name the second month of winter. People call this month "section", (Reinforce the words with the children.) January - clematis: take care of your nose.

Name the third month of winter. People call this month "crooked roads", "bogorey". (Reinforce the words with the children.) In February, two friends are frosty and blizzard.

But animals are also part of nature. This means that changes are happening to them too. But what we are going to find out today. I suggest you take a trip to the winter forest.

Rules of conduct in forest:

DO NOT make noise, DO NOT scare animals, DO NOT break branches of bushes and trees.


(A picture of a winter forest appears on the screen.) Look at the picture and imagine that you are walking through the winter forest. Quiet. The trees stand still. The river is covered with ice. All around is white - white.

Who can we meet in winter? forest!

Listen to the riddles:

He doesn't have a den

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark.


In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches.

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hiding your nose from the frost.


Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

It flashed, ran,

There is no house, no fire.


From branch to branch

Fast as a ball.

Jumps around red-haired circus performer in the forest.

So on the fly he picked a cone,

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran into the hollow.


He looks like a shepherd.

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.


(Display a color picture of a hare on the screen).

Who is this? (Answers children) .


The hare is gray, small, fluffy, long-eared. In winter he puts on a white fur coat. A hare sleeps under a bush. And if it’s very cold, he digs a deep hole in the snow. Eats plant roots and young shoots bushes, gnaws tree bark in winter. The hare is a herbivore.

Moving on to the next animal

(Show a color picture of a squirrel).

Who is this? (Answers children) .

Teacher's summary story:

The squirrel, like the hare, changes its coat. In summer she is red, in winter she is gray. Squirrel is very thrifty animal. Near the nest it makes many hiding places where it stores nuts, acorns, and cones. If there are few nuts and cones, she prepares mushrooms by pricking them on twigs. The squirrel lives in a cozy and warm nest, into which there are one or two passages. When going for food, the squirrel plugs the entrance to the nest with moss or lichen to keep the nest warm.

Let's move on to the next animal.

(Showing a color picture of a fox).

Who is this? (Answers children) .

Teacher's summary story:

The fox is red, big, fluffy, cunning. The fox lives in a hole. She catches hares, mice, steals chickens. The fox is a predatory animal. Such animals that feed on other animals are called predators. Repeat this word and try to remember.

We continue our walk. Try to find out the next animal

(Showing a color picture of a bear).

Who is this? (Answers children) .

The bear is big, brown, fluffy. He is an omnivore. It will eat any animal it can catch. It will not disdain such small things as snails, frogs or grasshoppers. Eats and plants: sweet berries, wild fruits, juicy roots, loves bear and bee honey. When there is little food, it eats grass, moss, and tree bark. The bear is a skilled fisherman. In winter, it lies down to sleep in a den, deep in the forest. A den is a deep hole in the ground. It's warm in the den.

Can a bear be called a predator? (Answers children) .

(Showing a color picture of wolves). And now I'll tell you how A wolf winters in the forest! The wolf is very angry in winter. Not alone walk: wolves roam in packs. Gray, thin, hungry and angry. It’s better not to come across them, you have to beware of them, it’s hard for the wolf in winter... There’s not enough food and the wolf is starving.

(Showing a color picture of a hedgehog).

Who is this? (Answers children) . That's right, hedgehog.

By the way, the hedgehog is also a predator; it feeds on worms, slugs and other small animals.

Physical education minute

One two three four five.

The little bunny began to jump.

The bunny is good at jumping,

He jumped ten times.

Here are my helpers,

Turn them however you want -

This way and that way, that way, that way-

They won't be offended at all.

And now we have come to the forest school (children sit on the mat) Let's play a game "One is many".

Didactic game "One is many"

Children call cubs in plural.

Bunny - (hares);

little fox - (fox cubs);

wolf cub - (wolf cubs);

little bear - (cubs);

little squirrel - (baby squirrels);

hedgehog – (hedgehog).

Didactic game "Fold the picture".

And now you are asked to do this exercise: make up a whole picture from parts and determine what animal is depicted on it and what the name of its house is.

(fox in a hole, squirrel in a nest, bear in a den, hare near a bush).


Some people are compared to animals.

If a person is cunning, then They say: "Sly as a fox".

Angry as (wolf).

Clubfoot like (bear).

Cowardly as (hare).

Our journey through the winter has ended forest. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

First, smile, stand on your tiptoes.

Right, left, right, left,

We're moving forward, forward,

Now stop and spin a little!

Look back everyone:

We're in kindergarten!

Creative teamwork.

(Whatman paper depicts a hedgehog made using dyed cereal).

Educator: Guys, look, we have a hedgehog visiting us. The hedgehogs ran away from her, but it was time for them to sleep. They sleep in winter. Let's help the hedgehog find her hedgehogs.

On your tables there is glue, cereals (peas and rice, and preparations made of brown paper. To "find" Hedgehog, you need to apply glue to the body and sprinkle with cereal. (Demonstration of the teacher’s performance of work.) When the cereal dries, you will get beautiful hedgehogs. Like a hedgehog's mother. (Doing work by children.)

Well done! Let's put the hedgehogs with the hedgehog's mother.

(Glue the hedgehog onto whatman paper.) Look how happy she is. Now they can all hibernate together.


Did you enjoy our trip to the winter forest? What do you remember most? What other animals would you like to know about? (answers children) .

Goal: developing ideas about the appearance, lifestyle and habits of wild animals.

  1. expand your understanding of wild animals; develop the ability to recognize, name and distinguish the features of the appearance and lifestyle of wild animals.
  2. develop the ability to understand general words "wild animals" develop the ability to listen and understand the question asked and answer it, expand and enrich the children’s vocabulary.

Working with a dictionary: wolf, fox, bear, hare, fur coat, rodent, hole, den.

Methodological support: pictures depicting a winter forest, cards with wild animals (wolf, fox, bear, hare, a basket of gifts (a jar of honey, a fish, a carrot, a chicken, a magic wand, a white sheet and two hare figures (white and gray).

Preliminary work: teacher’s story about wild animals, learning physical education exercises "Three Bears" And "Zainka".

Methods of work: verbal, visual, game.

Progress of the lesson

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

V.: Let’s go with you to the forest today. What time of year is it now?

V.: That’s right, that’s why the forest will be like….

D.: winter

V.: winter, magical and fabulous. Let's take a basket with gifts for the animals with us, in case we meet them there. Well, are you ready? In order to find yourself in the winter forest, let’s wave a magic wand and say the magic words: “Turn around yourself

Find yourself in a winter forest!”

Children repeat. The teacher shows pictures of the winter forest.

V.: Wow, guys, look how beautiful it is here! Everything is covered in fluffy, snow-white snow. Well, let's hit the road?

Q: Who knows what animals live in the forest?

D.: wolf, hare, bear, fox, squirrel, etc.

Q: What do we call the animals that live in the forest?

D.: wild animals

V.: Guess the riddle, and you will find out which of the animals we will go to visit.

In summer he walks without a path near pine and birch trees,

And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.

Did you find out who it is?

D: Yes, a bear.

V.: Correct. Well done. The teacher shows a picture with a bear. Children, what bear?

D.: Big, shaggy, etc.

Q: What is the name of the bear's house?

D.: den

Q: What does a bear do in winter?

Q: Do you know what a bear likes to eat?

D.: honey, raspberries, etc.

V.: Guys, it’s very cold in the winter forest, let’s warm you up, get up from your chairs.

Children get up for physical education and do exercises as shown by the teacher and repeat the words.

Physical education minute "Three Bears"

Three bears were walking home (they waddle in place)

Papa Bear was big (raise hands up)

Mom is a little shorter (lean forward)

And my little son is just (squats)

He was very small and walked around with rattles. (playing rattles)

Tink - ding - ding walked with rattles.

The children take their places.

V.: Well, guys, we visited the bear. What will we leave for the bear from our basket? What kind of gift?

V.: Okay, here’s honey for you Mishka, you’ll wake up in the spring and eat it. Well, guys, let's move on. Guess who we'll see next.

She is more cunning than all the animals

She's wearing a red fur coat

Lush tail is her beauty

This forest animal...

V.: Correct! I show you a picture of a fox. Guys, look at the fox. What color is a fox's coat?

D.: orange, red...

Q: What kind of tail does a fox have?

D.: Fluffy

Q: What is the name of the fox’s house?

Q: Who knows what a fox eats? What does she like to eat?

D.: bunnies, chickens, fish, etc.

V.: Correct, and even in winter the fox eats mice. The fox gets them under the snow. She sniffs, listens to the squeak, and then dives under the snow with very fast jumps or scatters the snow with her paws to catch the rodent (a rodent is a mouse). The fox also hunts hares. Guys, what is in our basket suitable for a fox? How can we please her?

V.: Children, guess who the next animal will be

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

The teacher shows a picture with a hare.

Q: What kind of ears does a hare have?

D.: Long

Q: What kind of tail does a bunny have?

D.: Round, fluffy, short

Q: What kind of fur coat does the bunny wear?

D.: White and gray

Q: What kind of fur coat does the bunny wear in winter?

D.: in white

Q: Why do you think?

D.: So that the fox and the wolf don’t notice him

V.: Correct. (The teacher shows two birds with one stone, one gray, the other white) Guys, look, I have two hares, one is gray, the other is white. The bunny wears a gray coat in summer and a white coat in winter. Tell me what color is the snow?

D.: White

V.: That’s right, that’s why a bunny wears a white fur coat in winter so that the wolf and fox don’t find him; it’s easier for him to hide in a white fur coat. Look, if we put a hare in a white fur coat on white snow in winter in the forest under a Christmas tree, will the fox be able to find him? (The teacher places the figure of a white hare on a white sheet of paper).

V.: and in gray? (The teacher places the figure of a gray hare on a white sheet of paper).

Q: Where does the bunny live?

D.: in a mink.

V.: That's right, a bunny lives in a hole in winter, he digs it out in the snow. The hare comes out in the evening to look for food so that no one sees him. Children, what does a bunny like to eat?

D.: cabbage, carrots, etc.

V.: Correct, and the hare also eats tree bark, twigs, and dry grass. Oh, look, the bunny seems to be frozen. (The teacher seems to be afraid of the white bunny, the bunny is trembling). Let's help him warm up. Get up from your chairs. (Children get up from their chairs).

Physical education minute "Zainka"

Bunny, stamp your foot,

Bunny, stamp your foot.

Bunny, hit your palms,

Bunny, hit your hands.

Bunny, jump,

Bunny, jump.

D.: Carrots. (They take carrots out of the basket and sit on chairs)

V.: Guess who it is?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.

V.: What wolf?

D.: Gray, fluffy, angry, etc.

Q: Right, what does he like to eat?

D.: Zaitsev, chicken, fish.

Q: What gift will we leave him?

D.: Chicken. (takes a chicken out of the basket)

V.: Well, our journey has come to an end, it’s time to return to our kindergarten. Let's stand up, take a magic wand and say the magic words together:

Turn around yourself

Find yourself in kindergarten!

Children repeat.

Result: Guys, did you like our trip? Where were we today? What was the forest like? Who did we see in the forest, what wild animals? Remember the name of the house of the wolf, fox and hare? What is the name of the bear's house? Who do you want to see next time, what animals?

In winter, the amount of food decreases significantly, which is why most animals begin to prepare for cold weather in the fall, and some begin to prepare food in the summer. Rodents are the first to collect supplies:

  • mice,
  • chipmunks,
  • grandmas.

Already in the summer, they search throughout the forest for seeds and nuts, depositing them in burrows. This gives them the opportunity to sit in their house all winter and not go outside. During cold weather, rodents sleep almost all the time, interrupting their sleep only to eat.

Who isn't afraid of frost?

Foxes, hares and wolves practically do not prepare for frosts, as they spend the winter on their feet in search of food. The bunnies just change their clothes: they change their gray fur coat to a white one so that predators do not notice them on the snow carpet. It is very interesting to watch how animals prepare for winter, because everyone has their own secret.

Foxes and wolves

Foxes and wolves do not change the color of their coats, but their fur becomes thicker and fluffier: this makes it easier to survive severe frosts. Wolves gather in packs because it is much more convenient to survive in winter. Sly foxes look for any holes to rest and hide from the snowstorm.

Beavers and squirrels

Squirrels and beavers do not hibernate, but they are trained responsibly. Beavers live in large families, all together they build cozy houses near ponds, next to which they put their food - twigs from trees. They also feed on the roots of plants that grow in water.

I wonder how a squirrel prepares for winter? Red-haired forest dwellers do not hibernate, although they spend most of their time in their homes - hollows that they build high in the trees.

This rodent changes the color of its coat from red to grayish to camouflage itself from predators. What does a squirrel eat in winter? During the cold season, this rodent stocks up with the following belongings:

  • acorns,
  • mushrooms,
  • nuts,
  • seeds.

Let's talk about the bear

Bears set up their home in advance. They look for caves, ditches, where they carry leaves, branches, moss, and make a soft mattress on top from spruce branches. When snow falls, it masks the bear's hiding place and keeps it warm.

Bears do not store food, but in the fall they actively feed on nuts and fish in order to accumulate as much fat as possible for the winter. In fact, the predator does not sleep, but dozes, and if necessary, it can leave the den. It is in winter that a mother bear gives birth to small cubs.

This is how animals spend the winter. Some sleep all winter, others try to stay warm and find food for themselves. But you can learn a lot more interesting things about animals, birds and insects.
