The meaning of stones. Precious stones, jewelry and chakras, meaning of stone and colors Jewelry stones and their meaning

Different shapes of stones or jewelry have different effects on our spirit, each shape corresponding to a specific lifestyle.


It can help you think soberly in difficult situations, find the best way out of them and mobilize your strength. With its pointer-like apex, the triangle helps achieve stability and balance.


It will allow you to listen to your own emotions and express them, it will make you more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others; it promotes the development of qualities such as generosity, nobility and responsiveness. Symbolizes love and good feelings.

Establishes peace of mind and prevents loss of energy. A round washer with a small hole means that the owner of the stone has inner peace and has a keen interest in the world around him and people. A round, slightly convex washer with no holes indicates: “I wanted to protect myself.” Ball-shaped stones support inner peace and relieve tension.

Gives foresight, strengthens the spirit and restores inner harmony. Indicates a new direction in life. Corresponds to success and strength.

Helps cope with unusual situations and restores inner harmony. This sign connects minus and plus and helps to gain integrity of character. In addition, he calls upon the ancient protective instincts of man to help.


Attention and perception are sharpened, which means development and curiosity.


Promotes the emergence of new ideas, and in difficult situations gives hope. Means infinity and constant movement.


Ideal for situations where you want to go within yourself to discover your deepest desires and needs. The moon is a symbol of femininity, intuition and clairvoyance.

Will add spiritual energy. Increases vitality. The oval corresponds to the harmonious interaction of two opposites and the desire for perfection.


Creates a desire for active activity, communication with new people and new experiences. Ideal for boosting self-esteem. Symbolizes openness and peace of feelings.

An stimulating effect that gives courage and strength so that we can change for the better and build our lives the way we want. Improves endurance and self-discipline. Represents the masculine principle, creative spirit and courage, helps to be the masters of your life.


It may help if you feel low energy or fatigue. If you need to make a decision, put distance between yourself and others, or change something, the pyramid is for you. Corresponds to energy, protection and change.


Helps in achieving goals related to work and profession, as well as in making the right decisions when it comes to money. This sign is often chosen by people who have high self-esteem and have strength and courage. The square, due to the equal length of all sides, symbolizes order and regularity.

Suitable if events take a threatening turn and you are afraid of losing your composure. Maintains internal balance. Brings ideas to life. Symbolizes uniform movement.


Will give you strength to cope with difficult situations. Thanks to it, you will gain the ability to evaluate people and various situations as if from the outside and better understand them. A symbol of reliability, strength, and fortitude.


It will help you discover spiritual abilities and apply them in everyday life. Gives inspiration, supports the pursuit of ideals and makes it easier to turn desires into reality. The star is a symbol of the sky, strength of spirit.


Represents concentration of attention on one thing.

Maintains inner peace. Will give you ideas that will be very useful in critical situations. Corresponds to rapid movement and high alertness, ups and downs of feelings and events in life.

From the book “The Healing Power of Stones” by Barbara Scholz

A gemstone is a rare natural mineral formation of extraordinary beauty and high strength. The most important attribute of a gemstone is its beauty: attractive color, shine, “play,” rare optical effects (for example, the color-changing effect of alexandrite). Other important attributes are fairly high strength and hardness, which they maintain for a long time.

Many types of gemstones are produced artificially (synthetic stones are much cheaper than natural ones). In 1902, the French chemist M.A. Verneuil first obtained and began to supply synthetic rubies to the world market, and a little later synthetic sapphires and synthetic spinel.

The branch of mineralogy called gemology deals with the study of precious stones as minerals and the search for ways to accurately distinguish them from synthetic counterfeits.

There is no generally accepted definition of the concept of “gem” today. In a general sense, only those natural stones that satisfy three main criteria are classified as precious stones: beauty, rarity and durability.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones” provides a list of names of precious stones: natural diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites, as well as natural pearls in raw (natural) and processed form.

Semi-precious stones is the name of an outdated term that is not recommended for use by gemologists (but is still actively used in Russian trade and is found in legal documents). Nowadays, the use of this term is considered incorrect, since the prefix “semi-” discredits the stone in the eyes of the consumer, hinting at some inferiority of the stone’s jewelry properties and supposedly its cheapness.

Russia is a country that sets the tone in the precious stones market. On its territory, precious stones are mined from deposits located in the Urals and Siberia. At the moment, science knows about 4000 minerals (a mineral is an inorganic element with a pronounced crystalline structure). However, there is still no clear classification of precious stones.

The properties of precious stones can be summarized as follows:
- rarity;
- hardness;
- transparency;
- beauty of coloring and special shine - play of color.

Rarity. Different varieties of gemstones can be expensive due to the fact that they are very difficult to find and mine in nature. Many stones lost their precious status after the discovery of new rich deposits. Depletion of reserves also has an effect, in this case the mineral increases in price.

Hardness. The durability of a stone depends on its strength. Strength (wear resistance) is affected by the hardness, fragility, cleavage and other properties of the stone.

Beauty. Not only the original appearance of the gem is taken into account, but also how it will look after processing. This characteristic includes several parameters: color, transparency, pattern, degree of light refraction, gloss, optical effects and polishability.

Traditional use. One of the main factors in evaluating stones. Traditionally, natural materials are valued higher than imitations, although sometimes they are inferior to them in beauty and durability. But the desire to own real and not fake jewelry is impossible to eradicate.

Compactness. Precious stones have always been a measure of value. In times of wars and natural disasters, it was precious stones, due to their high price and compactness, that made it possible to easily move capital.

Based on these criteria, only about 100 of all minerals are processed into gemstones. And about twenty have become widely used in jewelry.


Currently, several classifications of precious stones, compiled by different scientists at different times, are widely known. Most of these classifications are based on the principles of distributing stones according to their value and purpose. The most famous of them are:
- classification by K. Kluge;
- classification of G. Gurich;
- classification by M. Bauer - A.E. Fersman;
- classification by V.I. Sobolevsky;
- classification by E.Ya. Kievlenko;
- industrial classification of natural jewelry and ornamental stones of VNIIyuvelirprom.

In 1860, the German scientist K. Kluge created one of the first scientifically based classifications of precious and semi-precious stones.

In 1896, the German mineralogist M. Bauer proposed a new classification of types of precious stones.

In 1902, the German professor of mineralogy G. Gurich presented his classification of precious stones, similar to the classification of K. Kluge. The scientist divided all precious stones according to their value into five classes. The most expensive gems started this list.

Later, M. Bauer’s classification was supplemented by A.E. Fersman. This Bauer-Fersmann classification became very popular among mineralogists for a long time. Jewelry and ornamental stones are divided into three groups:
The first group (category) is precious stones (gems);
The second group is ornamental (colored stones);
The third group is organogenic precious stones.

Over time, the practical value of many gemstones has changed significantly, and therefore the Bauer-Fersmann classification is outdated. In 1972 V.I. Sobolevsky improved the Bauer-Fersman classification. He divided gems into two groups, each of which consisted of several classes.

Classification V.I. Sobolevsky

Group A. Precious stones (gems).
Class I: diamond, emerald, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, euclase, noble schlinel and especially rare varieties of corundum: ruby, sapphire, padparadscha (orange sapphire).
Class II: topaz, varieties of beryl (aquamarine, sparrowite, heliodor), pink and dark red tourmaline (siberite), phenacite, amethyst, zircon (orange hyacinth, green, etc.), noble opal.
III class: turquoise, rock crystal (colorless and smoky rauchtopaz), chrysoprase, carnelian, agates with beautiful designs, bloodstone, amber, jet, etc.

Group B. Colored stones
Class I: malachite, rhodonite, jade, lapis lazuli, amazonite, labradorite, aventurine, chalcedony, written granite, etc.
Class II: ophiocalcite, agalmatolite, marble onyx, fluorite, selenite, jasper, meerschaum, etc.

With the development of the jewelry and stone-cutting industry in the USSR in 1970-1980. It became necessary to create an industrial classification of jewelry and semi-precious stones suitable for the practical work of this new industry. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Jewelry Industry (VNIIyuvelirprom) represented by A.I. Tsyurupa created such a classification. In it, all jewelry and semi-precious stones are divided into three types: jewelry, jewelry-ornamental and ornamental, which, in turn, are divided into subtypes and groups based on transparency, hardness and other properties.

Classification by E.Ya. Kievlenko

Currently, the classification of precious stones by E.Ya. has gained the greatest popularity among specialists. Kievlenko, which he proposed in 1973. This classification takes into account the market value of stones and their purpose. Kievlenko identified three main groups of stones: jewelry, jewelry and ornamental stones and ornamental stones. The first group consists of four orders, the second - of two.

Group I. Jewelry (precious) stones.
1st order: Diamond, ruby, emerald, blue sapphire.
2nd order: Alexandrite, noble jadeite, orange, purple and green sapphire, noble black opal.
3rd order: Demantoid, noble spinel, noble white and fire opal, aquamarine, topaz, rhodolite, moonstone (adularia), red tourmaline.
4th order: Blue, green, pink and polychrome tourmaline, noble spodumene (kunzite, giddenite), zircon, yellow, green, golden and pink beryl, turquoise, peridot, amethyst, chrysoprase, pyrope, almandine, citrine.

Group II. Jewelry and ornamental stones.
1st order: Rauchtopaz, hematite-bloodstone, amber-succinite, rock crystal, jadeite, jade, lapis lazuli, malachite, aventurine.
2nd order: Agate, colored chalcedony, cacholong, amazonite; rhodonite, heliotrope, rose quartz, iridescent obsidian, common opal, labradorite, belomorite and other opaque iridescent spars.

Group III. Ornamental stones.
Jasper, written granite, petrified wood, marble onyx, listvenite, obsidian, jet, jaspilite, selenite, fluorite, aventurine quartzite, agalmatolite, patterned flint, colored marble.


It is the hardest of all known minerals. It is so wear-resistant that it is considered eternal. The stone got its name from the Arabic word “indestructible”, as it is famous for its high strength and hardness. Another possible origin of the name is the Greek “adamas” - “irresistible”. This stone consists of pure carbon. Its natural formation occurs in the depths of the earth, under the influence of high temperature and pressure. Jewelers, depending on purity, value and size, distinguish about 1000 varieties of diamonds.

Diamond is distinguished by exceptional chemical stability: it does not dissolve in any of the strong acids, even heated to a boil, as well as in their mixtures; hydrofluoric acid and caustic alkalis do not affect it. The only substance with which diamond reacts is molten saltpeter, in which it dissolves. When heated in air, diamond burns at 850 - 1000 °C.

A diamond cut in the skillful hands of a jeweler is called a diamond. It is a high quality diamond with 57 facets cut at specific angles. The most common shape is round. Such a stone has a dazzling play of colors due to the reflection of all the light falling on it. Diamonds are not only white or transparent, but also blue, pink and even red, but, as a rule, these are very rare and the price for them will naturally be the highest.

Particularly highly prized are completely transparent, brightly colored stones: green, yellow, red and extremely rare blue and black stones. For example, the deep blue Goppe stone weighing 44.5 carats is considered one of the most valuable diamonds in the world.

One of the largest and oldest diamonds, the famous “Shah”, was brought to St. Petersburg in 1829 by the Persian prince Khosrev-Mirza as a gift to the Russian emperor in order to smooth over the aggravation in relations between states in connection with the murder of the Russian ambassador and poet A. S. Griboedov in Tehran .

Paul I paid 100 thousand gold rubles for a red diamond weighing 10 carats.

It is a transparent variety of the mineral beryl, with a bright and dense green color. This gemstone got its name from the Persian word “zumrundi” - green. Its unique color is not found in any other mineral.

Emerald, like diamond, is formed in the depths of the earth. Clean, large, evenly colored stones are very rare. As a rule, they always have splits and cracks. This factor is not a defect, but color and saturation are assessed by jewelers quite strictly. Zonal color is a feature of a gemstone. Thus, the greatest degree of intensity of the color of an emerald is observed in the central part of its crystal, and as it moves away from it, the stone turns pale. According to the intensity of color tone, stones are divided into 5 groups. In order to give the emerald a unique shine, it is often lubricated with cedar oil.

In the jewelry industry, small emerald crystals are most valued because most of them have perfect transparency. The cut called “Emerald” allows you to maximize the radiance of emeralds. Large stones are valued on par with diamonds. Three emeralds weighing 250 are remarkable in size and purity of tone; 133.7 and 136.25 carats are kept in the USSR Diamond Fund.

Or “red yacht”, belongs to one of the varieties of the mineral corundum. The name of the gemstone means red in Latin. The color of ruby ​​is given by inclusions and impurities of hexavalent chromium. This is a very beautiful transparent red stone. The color of a ruby ​​can vary widely - from light pink to bright blood red. There are also stones with a brownish tint. Large and absolutely pure rubies are very rare; usually small cracks, spots and dots are visible in the stone.

High-quality rubies of pure red color, which are used in inlaying products made from precious metals, are less common in nature than diamonds, so their cost is very high. The largest known ruby ​​is the size of half a chicken egg and is worth around £10 million.

(from the Greek “sapphieros” - blue) - a transparent variety of corundum of various colors: from dark blue to pale blue. Natural sapphire is considered a rare stone, although it is valued less than ruby. Sapphire is part of the corundum family, and although its true color is blue, it comes in a fairly wide range of colors. In addition to blue sapphires, there are also yellow, green, purple and pure white, transparent ones, which are sometimes called oriental diamonds.

The best minerals are mined in Kashmir; they have a charming velvety blue color, as if covered with a light milky haze. The cost of gems depends on its color, as well as the place of origin; “star” sapphires are most valued; they have star rays visible in sunlight. This effect is called “asterism” in jewelry circles. The largest blue sapphire is in the Paris Museum (estimated at 1.5 million francs).

A very beautiful gem. In daylight it is dark green; in artificial light it turns crimson-red or purple. It is a variety of chrysoberyl (a complex oxide of beryllium and aluminum). The stone was named in honor of Emperor Alexander II. In terms of strength, it ranks third, after diamond and ruby.

This is a translucent mineral with a beautiful rainbow color. The following varieties are distinguished:
- noble opal: white, pinkish, yellowish and black with a beautiful, peculiar play of colors;
- fire opal: bright red or orange (without rainbow tints);
- ordinary opal of various colors: gray, white, green, pink, etc.

Transparent light turquoise stone with shades of green. The name consists of two words “aqua” - water, “marina” - sea. Its color is due to the presence of iron and ranges over a very wide range: from pale, almost colorless transparent crystals to densely intensely colored blue-green; the latter are the most valuable. As an amulet, aquamarine protects the happiness of spouses. Lovers often exchange aquamarine jewelry.

Topaz- this gemstone is heavy, hard, transparent, and can be of completely different colors, namely blue, light blue, bright yellow or green. As a talisman, topaz brings wealth and recognition, and stimulates intelligence. Helps to gain the favor and favor of those around you. As an amulet, topaz protects against damage and the evil eye.

While learning about the world around them, people did not miss the stones, which served as excellent helpers not only in farming and defense, but also shared their secret power with people.

It is known that all materials are capable of influencing human behavior, character, health and other qualities. Stones have their own magical meaning; they can attract love or bestow unprecedented wealth.

Stones for health

Even in ancient times, people noticed the healing power of stones. Many of them can strengthen the immune system, help recover or completely recover from the disease. It is not without reason that stones are used in various relaxing procedures and some types of massage. In addition, they can significantly improve the performance of cosmetic products.

There is even a whole branch in Vedic medicine, according to which stones should be taken as a food additive, after being ground to a powder state. If you are not yet ready for such feats, use the more familiar energetic effects of stones.

Emerald is considered a very powerful stone. It is able to bestow good health, improve sleep and protect against bad people. His actions will be significantly enhanced if he is in a gold frame.

Turquoise has a good healing and restorative effect.

Carnelian can relieve its owner from severe headaches, improve overall well-being and cope with other diseases. It will also protect against the evil eye.

Opal should be worn by those who suffer from mental illness.

Coral will help with skin diseases, cuts or wounds.

Alexandrite should be worn by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. It will cleanse the blood well and help protect the heart.

Stones for attracting money

The magical meaning of stones in the sphere of wealth:

Chrysoprase. Stone of business people. Very strong in financial matters.

Peridot attracts money. It will help you get things back on track, even if you have lost everything.

Citrine is also perfect for improving your financial condition, and it is also indispensable in trading.

Rhodonite is not only a money talisman, but also an assistant to intuition and hidden talents. Perfect for creative people.

Carnelian will help in all your endeavors and protect you from poverty.

Stones for love

Aventurine is indispensable for those who have already despaired of finding love.

Lapis lazuli will help you find harmony in love affairs.

Red garnet should be worn by everyone who wants to find true love.

Jade influences the power of love.

Rose quartz can bestow charm on its owner. There will be no end to fans.

Rhodochrosite has the properties of attracting true love.

To maximize the full potential of the stone, you must first clean it. To do this, the stone must be placed in water. Some clear stream or lake is ideal. If this is not possible, then holy water will do. Quartz cleanses stones well. A universal method is to hold the stone over a candle flame. It is also recommended to periodically perform this procedure in order to rid the stones of possible accumulated negative energy.

AQUAMARINE- this is a variety. The aqua color of this stone influenced the name: “aqua” - water, “mare” - sea. There is a legend in the East that says that aquamarines are frozen splashes of the ocean. The wave, hitting the coastal stones, throws millions of sparkling drops onto the shore like fireworks, which fall in bulk on the ground. Aquamarines, especially the rich bluish-green color, are stunning and are often used in jewelry. Such a stone will give its owners not only its beauty, but will also help preserve love, because aquamarine has been called the stone of all lovers since ancient times. Lovers often exchanged aquamarine jewelry, believing that this stone was capable of transmitting the power of love.

Aquamarine, having healing properties, has a beneficial effect on sore throats and stomachs and promotes their healing.

AGATE is a type of chalcedony, a stone with a banded texture. Nature drew enchanted circles and mysterious lines on this stone; she transferred entire pictures to its surface. The amazing combination of red-brown agate colors is enchanting. Agate is unique in its magical and healing properties. It reveals a person’s internal reserves, promotes the removal of toxins and poisons from the body. If agate is placed next to a woman in labor, it will predetermine a successful outcome from childbirth.

CARBUNCLE- There were many legends about this stone in the Middle Ages. According to these beliefs, the carbuncle has many magical and healing properties. Pregnant women used this stone as an amulet, believing that it would help them undergo a successful pregnancy and facilitate childbirth. They also believed that the carbuncle could cure infertility. The carbuncle was a talisman for captains and military personnel. It was believed that this stone protected against shipwrecks and helped its owner survive on the battlefield. The carbuncle as a talisman endowed its owner with such qualities as sociability and sincerity; helped maintain friendships for many years.

QUARTZ- it has many varieties. This type of mineral includes species known as hawk's eye, rock crystal,. The variety of this mineral, bearing the same name, differs from other types in its color: quartz is found in soft blue and pale pink. For many peoples, this stone was associated with the kingdom of the dead: quartz slabs were erected in memory of departed loved ones, and the same stone was lowered into the grave. Quartz was used as a remedy for insomnia and nightmares. To do this, it was recommended to place a piece of blue quartz under the pillow. It was recommended to use the same method in case of frequent appearances of the dead to a person in a dream.

OPAL- this stone got its name for its beauty: from the ancient Greek “opal” is translated as “bewitching”. Perhaps due to its unusual shine, which gives this stone a magical charm, opal was considered a stone of fatal love. In general, this stone was endowed with contradictory properties. Thus, in some peoples of North America, opal is viewed with distrust, considering it the cause of many troubles and troubles. For example, there is a belief that opal pushes one into the abyss of temptation and that those who wear this stone often break the law. However, this eye-catching stone is very much loved by the eastern peoples, and is revered by them as sacred. Opal is valued in the East for its healing properties. He was used as a talisman.

It was believed that this rainbow stone brings its owner the gift of prophecy and makes it possible to see prophetic dreams. Opals are traditionally considered to bring bad luck.

NACRE- a very “pure” stone (although, like stone, it is called conventionally; it is a mineral-like substance of animal origin, it is extracted from certain types of shells). For those who wear it as part of a pendant or other decoration around the neck, mother-of-pearl protects against diseases of the upper respiratory tract; It is no coincidence that our great-grandmothers used fans inlaid with mother-of-pearl. The handle of a bladed weapon, decorated with mother-of-pearl, wards off blood poisoning from a person in the event of a puncture or cut wound. In addition, mother of pearl averts envious glances; A jewelry box inlaid with mother-of-pearl is reliably protected from thieves.

EYE OF THE TIGER- this ornamental stone of a beautiful golden brown color is a truly feminine stone. Its activity is inconsistent and depends on the calendar. During the detrimental month, the tiger's eye is at its peak of activity; at this time it helps build intrigue and protects the genital area of ​​its owner from inflammation and hypothermia. During the full moon, the tiger's eye loses most of its power, but it saves from mastopathy and migraines. Tiger's eye is an amulet of witches and great female Teachers. Those who know which days to wear it and which days to avoid touching it receive a powerful source of additional strength and.

A man who wears a tiger's eye constantly for several years gains the ability to see at night like a cat, but can become an exhibitionist if the Yang in him is stronger than the Yin.

Why can the beauty of precious stones be considered absolute? Millions of people have been searching for the best ways to demonstrate the fabulous colors and shades, brilliance and depth of treasures that arise in the bowels of the earth for several millennia. The jewelry of the online jewelry store "World of Silver" uses precious, semi-precious, ornamental stones and minerals of organic origin. With the help of mechanical processing - cutting, a natural piece of mineral is given the correct shape, so as to fully demonstrate the unique properties of the stone. There are two main cutting methods - cabochon and facet. Also, when choosing a shape, geometric expediency is taken into account - after all, the crystal should be given a salable appearance with minimal loss of valuable raw materials.


When the top of the stone is given a smooth, round shape, the cut is called a cabochon. It is used primarily for stones with special optical effects - asterism (sapphires and rubies, garnets, quartz) or “cat's eye” (chrysoberyl and many other precious stones). Also, a smooth surface is advantageous for opaque precious and ornamental stones of beautiful colors - turquoise, moonstone, onyx, agate, lapis lazuli and many others. Substandard precious stones are also cut in cabochon form - corundums, emeralds, alexandrites, if natural defects (turbidity, internal inclusions, etc.) interfere with traditional cutting. There are several main types of cabochons - simple, double and convex-concave.

The jeweler at the cutting plant selects the most advantageous method to ensure that the light is focused. On the jewelry label, cabochons are designated by the abbreviation KB. The mystical meaning of cabochons has long been known. Many artifacts are decorated in this way: amulets and amulets of the ancient Egyptians, Hindus and Chinese, objects of religious worship among Buddhists, early Christians and Muslims. When purchasing a gemstone, keep in mind that this cut concentrates spiritual energy and is considered “passive.” The effect of cabochon stones in jewelry has a harmonizing and calming effect on a person.


A perfectly symmetrical crystal is created from a piece of precious metal by applying many smooth edges to the surface. The natural ability of minerals with a crystal lattice to reflect light is emphasized by the skillful choice of the correct proportions of the stone and the angles of inclination of individual facets. There are two basic methods of facet cutting: Wedge Cutting Stepped This method gives an aesthetic shape to diamonds, rubies, emeralds, garnets, sapphires, topazes, alexandrites, rock crystal, citrines and other transparent stones.

The dispersion of light provides a unique “game” of each stone. Skillful cutting allows you to hide the internal defects of each stone and enhance the visual manifestation of light dispersion. The quality of the cut matters in the monetary value of any gemstone. The surface of each face is carefully polished to a mirror shine. There are quite a few generally accepted shapes of symmetrical bevel cuts: circle, oval, marquise, drop (pear), radiant, princess, heart, trilliant, asscher, baguette. Options other than these are considered fantasy.

Diamond cut

A worldwide accepted method for cutting large diamonds. The number of faces and their shape are calculated mathematically, taking into account the physical properties of diamonds (in particular, reflective and light transmitting ability). The formula for a perfect diamond cut with 57 facets is: 1 platform + 32 crown facets + 8 hem pavilion wedges + 16 hem facets. According to jewelry nomenclature, such a stone will be designated as Kr-57. Small and medium-sized diamonds (up to 0.99 carats) are usually cut Kr-17. The platform of such stones has the shape of a regular polygon, and the lower wedges converge into a spike point. The diamond cut is also suitable for other transparent gemstones - rubies, topazes, peridots, aquamarines, amethysts, etc.

The mystical meaning of different bevel cut shapes may differ depending on the type of stone. Unlike cabochons, faceted stones have a pronounced active energy and are subject to the element of Fire. Therefore, if you are going to buy jewelry with such precious inserts, then remember that they can influence the life of their owner. Also, when purchasing silver rings or pendants with precious stones, you should carefully consider their meaning and correspondence to your zodiac sign.
