9 day diet pic. Rice, chicken, vegetables - a diet set for the fight for slimness

There are many types of weight loss diets. Today we will talk about one of the most popular and balanced diets - the rice diet for weight loss for 9 days. This diet helps cleanse and detoxify the body. There are many similar diets, and the classic one is the nine-day diet of rice, chicken and vegetables. It is based on the following nutritional system: 1-3 days - you need to eat only unsalted rice, 4-6 - boiled chicken without skin, 7-9 - vegetables (you can also add fruits to the vegetables if you wish).

Let's talk in more detail about the rice diet for weight loss for 9 days, or rather about its classic version. During the first three days, the dose of rice should be approximately 200 grams. Rice must be boiled in the proportion of 1 tbsp. rice to 2 cups of water. In this case, the cereal is not salted during cooking. For the next three days, you can eat lean chicken (for example, breast or, as a last resort, legs without skin). The average daily intake of chicken should not be more than 800 grams. The next three days - either 1 kg of raw vegetables per day, or 1.5 kg of green apples. With such a food system, the weight can reach 10 kilograms in 9 days.

Reviews on the Internet about this diet are very laudatory, but nutritionists and fitness trainers have a slightly different point of view, considering this diet not the right choice. It turns out that in the first decade of the diet the body experiences a deficiency of proteins, in the second - carbohydrates, and in the third - it is completely forced to be content with solid fiber and a minimum of proteins and carbohydrates.

Weight loss, experts note, does occur, but for the most part, during the classic rice diet for weight loss for 9 days, muscle mass is broken down, not fat mass, and water and intestinal contents also leave the body.

Rice diet for weight loss for 9 days with kefir and vegetables

Another option for the rice diet for 9 days. It differs from the classic one only in the composition of products for days 4-6 and 7-9. In the first three days, the menu remains the same - you need to eat about 150-200 grams of rice (measure dry grains and cook without salt). Days 4-6 - eat stewed vegetables. And from the seventh to the ninth day we drink one liter of one percent kefir per day.

This diet also allows you to lose up to ten kilograms of weight, but it is almost completely devoid of protein. Its effect is similar to that of the previous one. Muscle mass and water are lost, while the fat layer practically does not disappear. Those who have used this type of rice diet note that they have encountered such unpleasant side effects as diarrhea, weakness and dizziness. We also note that diet can have a negative impact on women's reproductive health, since the lack of fat interferes with the production of necessary hormones.

Rice diet for weight loss for 9 days “Healthy”

Among the above diets, it is considered the most balanced, but still does not saturate the body to the required extent and does not promote fat burning. However, the kilograms will go away. And then come back as soon as you return to your normal diet. This diet allows you to consume different types of foods at one meal. That is why the diet is easier to tolerate by the body.

On the other hand, the menu for all nine days is the same, which is why there is a high risk of failure.

So, during the 9-day rice diet, for breakfast you need to eat 100 grams of rice and the same amount of stewed vegetables, for second breakfast - any fruit (exclude grapes or bananas), for lunch - 100 grams of fish and 100 grams of rice, afternoon snack - freshly squeezed juice , dinner - rice with stewed vegetables, before bed - 1 glass of kefir.

It is important to know! Before using any diet, you should always consult your doctor. You should not adhere to diets while planning pregnancy, bearing a child or lactation. A diet of this kind is contraindicated in diseases of the housing and communal services of organs and kidneys.

According to fitness trainers, the best way to lose weight and get a beautiful figure is protein nutrition and intense physical activity.

The Koroleva diet owes its popularity to numerous favorable reviews from pop stars and talk shows. Since Margarita Koroleva’s diet helped Nikolai Baskov and Nadezhda Babkina, who are so different from each other, perhaps everyone can take on board the advice of the famous star nutritionist? Let's check!

Among the people, Margarita Koroleva’s “9 days” diet, which is essentially a chain of three different mono-diets, has become most widespread and popular. It must be remembered that the author herself did not intend to use this strict diet in isolation from the main nutrition program.

Queen's diet: 9 days that will change... your weight!

Duration: 9 days;

Peculiarities: consists of three mono-diets;

Price: low;

Result: up to minus 10 kg;

Additional effect: purgation;

The Queen's diet is not suitable: Pregnant, breastfeeding, people prone to anemia, people under 18 years of age. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

Features, rules and menu of the Queen's diet

Koroleva’s strict diet plan, designed for 9 days, and famous for its impressive results, has become the calling card of nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. This 9-day technique, which, according to some sources, is often used by many Russian stars to quickly get back into shape, is a mono-diet, but quite elegantly rethought.

Due to the fact that the “9 days” diet is divided into three cycles, each of which is dominated by a separate product, it is much easier to maintain than a “pure” mono-diet of a similar duration. A similar approach can be found in some other weight loss methods. For example - which essentially consists of six consecutive mono-diets.

The nutritionist herself warns that using the Koroleva diet for 9 days according to the “out of the frying pan and into the fire” option is not recommended. This plan is best suited for those who have already normalized their diet and want to speed up their weight loss process or lose weight before an important event. If a person is used to overeating, suddenly “settling down” on three mono-diets in a row can lead to negative consequences in his well-being, and even his psyche.

The “three pillars” on which Koroleva’s “9 days” diet is based are rice, chicken and vegetables. The first two foods are rich in the key macronutrients - carbohydrates (rice) and protein (chicken), and vegetables, thanks to the fiber they contain, help provide the final "clean blow" by ridding the intestines of toxins.

Queen's diet: rice days

For three days you are supposed to eat only golden or white long-grain (basmati) rice - just like in any of the options. It is prepared according to the following recipe: 250 grams of cereal soaked in cold water the day before, thoroughly washed in the morning, poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2 and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting amount of rice should be divided into 6 servings and eaten throughout the day. The last meal is allowed no later than eight in the evening. Also, during a rice day on the Koroleva diet, you need to eat three teaspoons of honey (separately, without mixing with rice) and drink 2.5 liters of pure still water, no less.

Queen's diet: chicken days

Following three days on pure rice, chicken days enter the 9-day diet arena. The daily diet is steamed chicken weighing about 1200 g. After cooking, the skin is removed from it and thrown away, and the meat is carefully separated from the bones, white and red are mixed and, again, divided into 6 servings, which are eaten strictly before eight in the evening. Recommendations for drinking remain the same; honey, alas, is not included in the diet at this stage.

Queen's diet: vegetable days

The final chord of Margarita Koroleva’s fast diet: three days on vegetables. Daily menu: 500 grams of any vegetables steamed or stewed without oil and 500 grams of fresh vegetables. No salt is added to the vegetables; the entire amount is usually divided into 6 servings and eaten before 8 pm. Three teaspoons of honey will sweeten the water (you should drink 2 liters of it these days) and green tea (the amount is at your discretion).

Diet by the Queen: for those who are already famous or not yet very famous

It is impossible not to say a few words about the author of the popular 9-day diet. Moscow nutritionist Margarita Koroleva is a woman of many talents. She graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the First Medical Institute. Sechenov, defended her PhD thesis, published about two dozen serious medical studies in professional journals. However, real fame came to her not in the scientific field, but rather in the media field: having started working in the field of aesthetic medicine, Margarita Koroleva quickly became one of the favorite experts in rating talk shows. She advises not only on weight loss issues, but also understands all modern methods to help you become more attractive: from electromyostimulation to psychotherapy.

Always smiling, fit and slender, Margarita Koroleva received the title of “star nutritionist”, helping such celebrities as Zhanna Friske, Andrei Malakhov, Philip Kirkorov, Anita Tsoi, Tatyana Tarasova and many other heroes and heroines of domestic gossip to lose weight.

Grateful patient-stars who wrote recommendations and reviews for Koroleva’s first book, “Let it be easy to be slim. Lose weight forever! (published in 2009), ensured the popularity of Koroleva’s diet, as if telling her fans: “This helped us - try it too!”

Koroleva’s book “The Easy Path to Slimness” turned out to be a truly popular publication: the circulation was reprinted several times, and, according to official data, today sales have reached 500 thousand copies.

The highlight of the book is that in it Margarita Koroleva, known for always working individually, published a universal diet “9 days”, which allows you to lose up to 10 kg within a specified period. The book also contains general recommendations - the nutritionist described her professional philosophy in detail and addressed inspiring advice on lifestyle changes to everyone who wants to lose excess weight.

Briefly, the message of the book can be formulated as follows: move more, smile, don’t go hungry, but don’t eat as much as you want. Such seemingly obvious things in the mouth of a successful specialist can work wonders: Russians fell in love with Koroleva’s diet.

Nutrition rules from Margarita Koroleva

In Margarita Koroleva’s dietary approach, the “starting point” is the patient’s eating behavior. It is the set of relationships with food and dining habits learned from childhood that most often becomes the root of evil, from which excess weight grows, and it is the correction of this set of unconsciously executed rules that gives the best results.

You have received the wrong nutritional education if:

  • perceive food as the main source of pleasure (“food cult”)
  • feed your children regardless of their wishes
  • you don’t know how to effectively cope with stress other than with food and alcohol
  • do not fully separate hunger and satiety: eat when and while there is food.

According to the medical opinion of Margarita Koroleva, uncontrolled gluttony causes “looseness” of special hunger and satiety centers located in the hypothalamus (part of the brain). By abusing foods that cause a sharp increase in blood sugar (fatty, sweet, fast food), we ensure that these centers “forget how” to respond to a real increase in glucose levels. As a result, hunger haunts us even when the body doesn’t really need anything. But by watching your diet, the hypothalamus can be “re-educated” back.

The first step to this, as prescribed by the Koroleva diet, is frequent split meals in small portions, preferably separate, and stopping after seven in the evening. This ensures a constant level of glucose in the blood, and it is much easier for the gastrointestinal tract to effectively digest and distribute what comes into it. Result: better health, better digestion, less fat reserves for a rainy day.

The second step is to learn to eat well. It's not even about the composition of the portion, but about the correct ritual of its absorption. Hasty saturation leads to overload of the body and disruptions in its functioning. Enjoy the sight and aroma of food, chew it thoroughly, know your limits: these are the integral recommendations of Margarita Koroleva’s diet. She pays a special role to the volume of food and the mechanism of stretching of the stomach walls, which is an important physiological sign of satiety. Therefore, fiber and water provide such an invaluable service to everyone who has embarked on the path of slimness.

Any diet from Margarita Koroleva noticeably increases the generally accepted “healthy” dose of fluid, recommending drinking about 2.5 liters of plain still clean water per day (the daily individual indicator can be calculated using the ratio of 30 ml of water/1 kg of weight).

Monitoring water balance is the third fundamental principle of Koroleva’s approach to proper nutrition. According to her philosophy, you can drink water or green tea only 30 minutes before meals and 60 minutes after - otherwise the concentration of gastric juice changes and the quality of food digestion deteriorates.

Diet Koroleva “Fast week”

Also, the Moscow nutritionist recommends that his patients, from time to time, if necessary, lose 2-3 kg, resort to a diet called “Fasting week.” It is not difficult to follow, but you need to prepare: it is important to eat at the same time and at regular intervals. This unloading is called weekly for ease of orientation. In fact, the restrictions are designed for 4 days; You need to start “unloading” on Tuesday and finish on Friday.

Products allowed on the fasting diet by the Queen

  • Low-fat kefir, 1 medium potato, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 2 cucumbers, ¼ chicken.

Queen's fasting diet plan

  • From the second to the fifth day of the selected week - eight and a half meals, alternating kefir and any of the permitted “dishes” (for example, after waking up - a glass of kefir, after 2 hours - a potato, after another two hours - a glass of kefir, after another two hours - 2 cucumbers, etc.). The last, “half” meal is half a glass of kefir no later than 20:00. All foods are prepared and eaten without oil, sugar or salt. You need to drink 2.5 liters of water per day.

Don’t forget that both “9 days” and “Fasting week” are only part of the star nutritionist’s program. To get the most effective and long-lasting results, it makes sense to reconsider and harmonize your approach to nutrition, resorting to mono-diets and fasting only from time to time in order to avoid weight surges or stimulate weight loss at the initial stage. It doesn’t matter what attracted you - Margarita Koroleva’s diet or some other thoughtful and reasonable nutrition plan, the main thing is that establishing real order in the body inside and out usually requires more time and effort than any.

In short, the diet is over! Weight: 66.7/63.6, I lost 3100 over the entire period (((I thought I’d lose 5 kg. But I will continue to lose weight, but not on this diet))) My opinion about the diet: I’m not hungry, but the monotony is annoying (((, for me the hardest days were with chicken. Brush salad is class! Now I will always make it, and my family and I really liked the salad: raw beets, raw carrots, raw cabbage, radish, apple - all grated + sauerkraut, garlic, lemon juice, herbs Men can make it with mayonnaise - they definitely won’t refuse))). I won’t be on this diet anymore(((- 3 kg in 9 days is not enough(((. Big plums to everyone! Good luck!)

Admit it, did you come up with this diet yourself? I don’t understand how it’s supposed to help the body.

I also lost 3 kg, but I honestly admit that I violated. I had coffee with milk once a day. but in principle I am satisfied with this result.

I tried it a couple of years ago. Good results. Minus 9 kg. Came back later 3. Three days of boiled chicken is difficult for me.

Is it possible to stay on this diet for more than 9 days?

I have no idea what the problem is, but I’ve been sitting for the eighth day and I’ve only lost one kilogram. I coped with rice without any problems at all, on the third day I couldn’t stand the chicken and ate half a pineapple slice, now I eat vegetables calmly. I drink only green tea for eight days (without sugar, of course). At the same time, I do active training twice a week. In principle, I love variety in food, so it’s a shame that nine days of torture did not produce results.

Oh girls. I want to start this diet tomorrow. I hope everything works out, but what I’m most afraid of is not falling through the cracks. Weight 72 kg

I've been on the diet for two days now. I don’t have a scale, but my clothes have become looser)) I’ve lost about 1.5 kg. But I don't eat unleavened rice. I add soy sauce. Nori leaves. Green onions. I was on this diet about 5 years ago. The result is super 7kg))) The most important thing is not to drink alcohol. Good luck and big hits)))

Today is day 8 on the diet. Height 167 weight up to 66 weight today 60.200, tomorrow is the last day of vegetables. Then I’ll sit on kefir for a day to restore the microflora.

The volumes have gone very well

I’m already in my second day (rice is simply terrible and I can’t eat it (it’s better to spend these three days on water alone)

What can you add to rice, otherwise it’s unbearable 😩

I was on this diet exactly a year ago. The main thing is not to break down and iron willpower! if you really want it, you can do anything. I lost 8 kg in these same 9 days. Of course it was very hard, but the result is worth it. There are pretty strict rules there. when you eat rice, as soon as you wake up, cook a glass of scalded rice (since it contains less starch and other things). When the rice is cooked, eat a glass of already boiled rice. divide everything else into equal parts until 6 pm. no soy sauce! no spices! rice only and green tea. Coffee is not advisable, but if you can’t live without it, then drink it. I drank. only without milk and without sugar. the second phase is chicken. you can eat absolutely any part of the bird, just without the skin, boiled without salt. If the rice is terribly disgusting, then the chicken is quite tolerable and even tasty. I ate 3 legs a day. At stage 3, I do not recommend eating apples. the presence of acids will have a bad effect on the stomach. It is generally very dangerous to eat only apples even for 1 day! You can only if you really want them along with kefir. but not on this diet. in the last 3 days you need to eat a brush salad: 1 boiled beet, 1 raw carrot, and the third thing you like. not potatoes or corn. choose something neutral, but something you like. season everything with lemon juice and a spoon of olive oil. To avoid intestinal problems, drink a spoonful of olive oil on your stomach. It’s not very pleasant, but then you get used to it. useful and feel good. then I just lost it once (if you can call it that)—->>>>

Star nutritionist Margarita Koroleva has invented a nutrition system that helps get your figure in order in just 9 days. The diet is based on the consumption of only three products: rice cereal, chicken meat and vegetables. This diet is perfect for girls who urgently need to get rid of those annoying extra centimeters and kilograms before an important event or vacation.

The food set at first glance seems very meager, but you will not feel much discomfort, since the nutrition system consists of a set of three independent mono-diets, which you need to adhere to in turn. This means that the menu will change every three days; you must agree, this is more interesting than eating the same food all the time. The low-calorie 9-day diet is suitable for those women who have seriously decided to take care of their figure, because its rules are quite strict.

The principle of losing weight on the Koroleva diet

The famous Russian nutritionist uses one of the most humane systems for weight loss, since it is based on the consumption of foods from different groups. This helps to saturate the body with all the necessary substances for normal functioning. In addition, by changing your diet every three days, you will not experience a “plateau” effect, the essence of which is the body’s categorical refusal to respond by burning excess fat reserves to a reduction in food calories. Periodically changing the menu prevents a state of shock, during which the body intensively accumulates reserves of calories, instead of actively spending them.

Rapid weight loss is achieved by eating low-calorie and healthy foods for weight loss. First, we cleanse the intestines as much as possible of accumulated toxins so that it can maximally absorb nutritional components from food, then we include easily digestible animal proteins in the diet, then a complex of vitamins and minerals. This helps not only to get rid of fat folds in problem areas, but also to put the body in order.

Proper nutrition on the 9-day diet

The menu includes rice, meat, and vegetables; they will become excellent “tools” for building a beautiful and toned body. Let's take a closer look at why this particular food basket was chosen by the Queen for quick, safe and effective weight loss.

For the first three days, the Queen suggests eating exclusively rice prepared according to a special recipe. It is worth eating in small portions 5 times a day, the last meal should be no later than 20.00.

This product is an excellent natural adsorbent - it, like a sponge, absorbs all the breakdown products of protein foods, toxic wastes and toxins and removes them from the body. In addition, it contains a whole range of components that are beneficial for your figure and health.

The composition of rice includes the following substances:

  • vitamins B, P and E (strengthen the nervous system, help convert calories into useful energy, have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails);
  • lecithin (improves brain activity);
  • mineral salts (neutralize potassium and selenium, improve water-salt balance);
  • enveloping substances (do not increase gastric secretion and prevent irritation of the mucous membranes).

Rice porridge recipe

In the evening you need to measure out a glass of rice cereal. It is important that it is white and long-grained, but not brown or unrefined. Fill the cereal with cold water overnight - this will help remove the maximum amount of starch from it, which prevents weight loss. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the rice and cook the porridge for no more than 15 minutes, this way it will retain all the beneficial substances.

Adding salt, sugar and other additives when preparing rice and other dishes is strictly prohibited!

Mono-diet on chicken meat - saturating the body with protein

Dietary chicken meat is part of many weight loss systems. It is valued for being easily absorbed by the body, as it contains a small amount of collagen. This product will be useful not only for losing body weight, but also for maintaining muscle elasticity.

Chicken meat includes:

Mono-diet on vegetables

This final stage involves eating only fresh or boiled vegetables. In some versions of the diet, which are prepared by folk craftsmen, these components are replaced with apples, but do not trust provocations. Even one day of eating only apples can harm the body as these fruits increase acidity, so be smart and eat a balanced diet.

Vegetables have the following properties:

  • natural cleansing of the body due to the high fiber content;
  • long-term saturation;
  • removal of excess moisture;
  • saturation with vitamins and minerals.

Diet menu for 9 days

  • Days 1-3 – rice mono-diet

All the porridge that we made from 1 glass of cereal should be divided into 5 parts and consumed throughout the day at equal intervals. In the intervals between meals, you need to drink table mineral water without gas, at least 2 liters per day, but it should not be washed down with food; it is best to drink it 30 minutes before or after a meal.

  • Day 4-6 – meat mono-diet

You need to cook a whole chicken or any parts of it. The weight of the finished dish should not exceed 1200 g. Before use, remove all the skin and excess fat, mix the chopped white and red meat, and divide it into five parts, which we eat throughout the day. We follow the drinking regime, as with the rice mono-diet.

  • Day 7-9 – vegetable mono-diet

Choose any vegetables you like, but avoid potatoes. The total daily food intake is 800 g. You can boil or steam half of the vegetables, and prepare salads seasoned with lemon juice from the second part. Don't forget to eat 5 times a day and drink plenty of clean water.

The lack of glucose that the body will feel during a diet can increase cravings for sweets. To prevent a breakdown, you can eat a spoonful of natural honey and drink it with water, but do not overdo it.

Positive aspects of the diet

Rice, chicken, vegetables - that's all you need to lose weight, so the diet can be called low-budget. It is best to follow a diet in the warm season, when seasonal vegetables are sold at farmers' markets; store-bought products are unlikely to benefit the body. Just 9 days - and you won’t recognize your image in the mirror.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The 9-day diet, invented by Margarita Koroleva, is a quick way to lose weight without harm to the body. The author created a nutrition system, which she divided into three stages. The principle of mono-diet is taken as a basis. During one cycle, you will be allowed to eat one type of food and drink any amount of liquid. This type of work on your body leads to excess weight loss.

What is the 9 day diet

Many mono-diets promise quick weight loss, but only a few actually help. The diet should be thought out and prevent weight gain. One of these diets is the Queen’s diet for 9 days. She has helped many famous people become slim. In a short period of time, and before you recognize yourself, the extra pounds will leave your body. The nutritionist wisely developed a diet, dividing a short period of time into stages, each of which lasts 3 days. Margarita Koroleva’s 9-day diet is a popular way to lose weight.

The essence

The diet is perfect for people who have very little time to transform their shape. Thanks to this express weight loss, a person can quickly lose excess fat deposits. The essence of Margarita Koroleva’s diet is simple - you need to eat only one approved product. By completely eliminating simple carbohydrates from your diet, you will cleanse your body. For example, in the first third of the diet you can eat only rice in any form. The next stage is chicken, the last stage of the diet is vegetables.


Before starting a diet, you need to carefully study all the principles. The author recommends taking weight loss seriously. Features of the 9-day diet:

  • Eating. You need to eat often, but in small portions, meals should be separate. In the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, do not snack; if you feel hungry, drink water or tea. The largest portion of food should be consumed for breakfast.
  • Drinking regime. In addition to clean water, you are allowed to drink other drinks: green and black teas, freshly squeezed juices, coffee. It is advisable to drink 3 liters of liquid per day. Before eating, take half a glass of water. Margarita Koroleva does not recommend drinking water with food.
  • Following a mono-diet diet. Consume only the product that is allowed in each stage of the diet.
  • Taboo on fried foods containing fats. The priority methods of cooking are: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming. Refrain from frying meat and vegetables in large amounts of oil for a while.
  • Replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Introduce flax, olive, and sesame oil into your diet - they can be used to season salads and soups. Margarita Koroleva recommends a course of vitamins and one teaspoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach - this helps restore normal hormonal levels and improves skin condition.

Interval or three-day

An alternative option for those whose vacation is close, but the desired shape is still far away is a 9-day diet. As a result of such a limited diet, you can get rid of 7 kg of excess weight. How many kilograms you will lose depends on your initial build, lifestyle, and metabolism. The interval mode is divided into stages: as a rule, there are three of them. During each period, you are allowed to consume one product, drink 1 glass of fermented milk products, tea and 300 grams of vegetables. After the Queen's three-day diet, limit yourself to eating salty foods and alcohol.


The choice of rice for the shock stage of Margarita Koroleva’s diet is not an accident, because it is very healthy. Cereals contain substances that do not irritate the walls of the stomach, but envelop them. White rice cleanses the body, as if preparing it for subsequent cycles. A mono-diet on rice opens the first third of the diet. Before cooking the cereal, it must be left in water overnight. In the morning, cook your daily dose of rice. Distribute the finished porridge into equal parts and eat throughout the day. Already in the first “rice days” you will see the result.

On a chicken

Chicken is the main product of the second cycle of intermittent eating. White meat is tender, low in calories (105 kcal per 100 g), contains little fat and cholesterol, a lot of natural protein, vitamins B, PP, A. Breast is indispensable for building an ideal body. To lose weight in 3 days on chicken, you need to divide your daily intake into equal small portions and eat them throughout the day. To normalize weight, it is best to use fillet. Chicken pulp can be baked in the oven or fried in a non-stick frying pan. Boiled or stewed brisket will appeal to gourmets.


The final stage of the diet is vegetable days for weight loss. The garden's gifts can be used fresh or frozen. You need to consume 800 grams of vegetables per day to achieve positive dynamics in gaining a slim body. Vegetables will provide your body with the necessary vitamins, give strength, energy, remove toxins and strengthen the immune system. You can eat them raw, boiled, stewed, and make delicious salads. Avoid pickled, salted and spicy vegetables. The largest portion should be for breakfast.

Advantages and disadvantages

Selecting the type of diet is a purely individual process. For some, a mono diet brings weight loss, while for others it brings discomfort and a lot of unpleasant experiences. Before losing weight, consult a nutritionist. An experienced specialist will suggest schemes and give recommendations. Margarita Koroleva’s 9-day mono-diet has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Short term weight loss.
  • You will save money and time. You will not need to stand at the stove for hours or buy a lot of products for a varied diet.
  • Productivity. By following the diet, you will quickly feel its effectiveness; you will lose extra pounds in just a week.
  • Eating this diet frequently will keep you full throughout the day.
  • There is no need to count calories or write down what foods you ate.
  • Complete abstinence from alcohol.

The 9-day diet has its disadvantages - they must be taken into account before deciding to use the diet:

  • Limited menu. It will be difficult for a person accustomed to a rich diet to get used to a mono-diet, because it excludes the use of sugar, salt, fruits, honey and flour products.
  • The diet can be accompanied by all sorts of health problems: dizziness, nausea, weakness, gastrointestinal disorders.
  • People under 18 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from anemia should not try the Nine Day Diet.

Kefir for 9 days

The benefits of kefir have long been known. It is introduced into your diet not only for weight loss, but also to normalize the flora and intestinal function. The 9-day kefir diet is very popular today. This is a difficult step towards your dream, but you won’t have to wait long for results. During this period, you will lose from 2 to 6 kg if you stick to the right diet. When buying a low-fat fermented milk product, you need to choose products with a production date of yesterday, this way you will protect yourself from excess gas formation. The scheme is simple:

  • In the first cycle, you need to consume low-fat kefir in the amount you need, 100 g of boiled unsalted rice. The weight of the cereal is given in dry form.
  • Second cycle – kefir, 100 grams of white chicken meat.
  • The third, final cycle - kefir, green apples 700-1200 g.

Exit from the diet of Margarita Koroleva

To consolidate the results of weight loss, you need to gradually exit the diet. Margarita Koroleva advises adding foods that you ate on the diet for a couple of days after finishing, and you can add sugar, salt, and butter. In order not to break down and not to disrupt the functioning of the intestines, eat fruits, lean fish, and meat in small quantities. Remember that fats and carbohydrates should not exceed the 200 calorie mark. Avoid sweet and starchy foods. Physical exercise will help you stay in shape for a long time.

Cancer has several stages, the first of which are treatable. For this purpose, in modern medicine there are cancer treatment methods that involve a whole range of procedures. They are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease.

The use of medical, surgical and radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy cures the disease completely or dulls the pain if the tumor has spread metastases.

When the symptoms and signs of cancer disappear, the disease is in remission. If this disease does not manifest itself for five years, this indicates a complete cure of the patient. Unfortunately, there are incurable types of cancer.

There is such a thing as replacement therapy. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, treatment does not always provide hope of recovery. It is very important to support the patient emotionally and psychologically.

When a person has cancer, its final stage radically changes their entire life. How to brighten up his last days at least a little? For this purpose, there are special-purpose medical institutions - hospices. Everything is allowed here, even smoking in the ward. The facility's staff uses a variety of cancer treatments to relieve patients' pain.

This malignant tumor is the most common disease in women. Its danger lies in its aggressive development and ability to quickly metastasize. Millions of women on the planet suffer from this disease, which is characterized by high mortality.

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Contraceptive and hormonal drugs.
  • Early onset of menstruation and later menopause.
  • A long gap between births and a delayed onset of the first pregnancy.
  • If there was once cancer of another organ, and the tumor was exposed to radioactive radiation.
  • When the patient is diabetic, obese and suffers from high blood pressure.
  • Addiction to bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and unhealthy diet.

A tumor on the breast is difficult to detect. It can be confused with simple inflammation. However, if your breasts begin to hurt, itch, the nipple becomes inverted or swollen, or the skin on your chest becomes red and covered with yellowish scales, consult a doctor immediately. This may not be a simple inflammation, but a cancerous tumor.

Treatment of breast cancer begins with an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination using modern methods and means. Breast cancer can only be eliminated through surgery.

Treatment for breast cancer is not complete without chemotherapy. This procedure reduces the size of the tumor, which allows more healthy tissue to be preserved during surgery. And after it - stop the spread of metastases.

To avoid this disease, try to keep yourself normal: do not gain excess weight, eliminate alcohol, tobacco and red meat. Eat vegetables, fruits and other natural products, lead a healthy lifestyle. And most importantly, visit your doctor regularly for preventive examinations.

Stomach cancer is an oncological disease that ranks second among the most common malignant tumors. The cause of the development of a malignant tumor, unfortunately, has not been established. But modern medicine has identified factors that contribute to the development of cancer cells in the stomach:

  • Monotonous diet, the presence of pickled, fried and smoked foods, salt, and animal fats in the menu.
  • The composition of the soil in the area in which you live. The widespread use by gardeners and gardeners of fertilizers that contain nitrogen, nitrate, copper, cobalt and molybdenum increases the likelihood of developing stomach cancer.
  • Living conditions matter. If a person lives in a private house and heats it with a stove, then the product of combustion of coal or wood - ash, entering the body, contributes to the development of the disease.
  • Addiction to smoking and alcohol, especially vodka.
  • The likelihood of acquiring this disease increases if someone in the family has cancer.
  • Patients with stomach ulcers, polyps, and atrophic gastritis are susceptible to cancer.

Cancer manifests itself in different ways, depending on the location of the tumor. The patient quickly loses weight, he is tormented by vomiting, nausea, and stomach pain. He doesn't eat or drink anything, his body becomes dehydrated and exhausted. Only a complete examination makes it possible to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment.

The patient suffers painfully from a disease such as stomach cancer. Treatment of this disease is carried out surgically. During the operation, part of the stomach affected by cancer cells is removed. If the tumor has spread to the entire organ, the stomach is completely removed.

And when the disease has metastasized to other organs, they too are removed. Chemotherapy and radiation are given before and after surgery. These procedures do not cure cancer, but only reduce the severity of individual symptoms of the disease.

This organ is very small in size, only 15 cm in length. Therefore, upon examination, it is almost impossible to detect any changes caused by the tumor. And at an early stage of development, a person does not feel any signs of the disease. If they appear, they are attributed to another disease.

Pancreatic cancer can only be treated with surgery. There are three types of operations:

  • Only part of the gland is removed, while preserving the exocrine and endocrine functions.
  • Not all of the gland is removed, but the outflow of digestive products from the organ is not preserved.
  • The pancreas is completely removed. This operation requires hormone replacement therapy.

The cancerous tumor spreads metastases to nearby organs, bones and peritoneum. To exclude pancreatic cancer, prevention should not be neglected. First, stop drinking and smoking, stick to your diet. If you have other diseases and benign tumors, treat them in a timely manner.

This is a male disease, otherwise it is called carcinoma. The tumor affects the prostate gland, which negatively affects a man’s sexual function and can threaten his life. Prostate cancer, which requires immediate treatment, is more common in men over forty.

There is no clear answer to the question of the causes of this disease. Experts in the field of oncology have established a connection between the appearance of cancer and certain factors. These are, first of all, age and heredity. As a man gets older, his body goes through a stage of hormonal changes.

The prostate gland is also involved in this process, which can lead to a bad disease. But in some cases, the cause of the disease must be sought in heredity. Based on numerous studies, scientists have identified the gene.

Carcinoma is a very dangerous disease. Its insidiousness lies in the active spread of metastases when a person does not feel any signs of the disease. Therefore, mature men need to carefully monitor their health.

  • Painful urination with blood.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Pain in the perineum and bones.
  • Weight loss.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the patient’s concomitant diseases, his age and desire to recover. Currently, there are many methods and methods for treating prostate cancer:

  • No treatment is prescribed. This method is used for older cancer patients with a severe form of some other disease. If you prescribe treatment against the tumor, it can harm the patient even more.
  • The surgical method is used when the tumor has not spread beyond the gland and has not metastasized.
  • Brachytherapy is used to reduce the growth of cancer cells.
  • Finally, when other treatment methods are not possible due to the severity of the disease, hormonal therapy is performed.

Cancer is not always a curable disease. And if a malignant tumor develops in the brain and has reached the fourth and final stage, this is terrible. Hope for a full recovery was dashed. But there is a chance to prolong the life of a sick person.

Treatment for stage 4 cancer depends on many factors. The main question that interests a patient with this diagnosis is: “How long to live?” With brain cancer, patients over 65 years of age can live 2-3 years.

But middle-aged people live longer with this disease. The body joins in the struggle for life, since young people have motivation and more strength. Surgery, radiation therapy and drug treatment prolong the patient’s life for many years.

A surgical operation aimed at removing the main focus of the tumor and nearby tissues is used in the first, second and third stages of the disease. The last stage of cancer does not respond to surgery, and surgery is contraindicated.

This is because at stage 4 cancer metastasis occurs, and it is impossible to remove all metastases from the body. The operation in this case will only harm the patient and weaken him (with the exception of palliative surgery).

Radical therapy in oncology takes first place. Complete removal of the tumor in the early stages can completely eliminate cancer. During the surgical operation, not only the lesion and part of the affected organ are removed, but also regional lymph nodes.

“ASD. Fraction 2"

Official use of this drug is permitted only in veterinary practice. It has not been studied in humans, and if you decide to be treated with this drug, all responsibility falls solely on you.

For the manufacture of the drug “ASD. Fraction 2" uses tissue from long-lived animals. The tincture is a tea-colored liquid and has a specific smell. Scientists have proven the antibacterial properties of ASD.

The drug participates in the body's metabolic processes, provides the necessary levels of hormones and manifests itself in the formation of the immune system. The “ASD” medication does not affect just any microbe, but the entire body as a whole, which will subsequently destroy this microbe itself.

For oncological diseases, the drug “ASD” is used. Treating cancer with this drug reduces pain and stops the progression of the disease. Advanced stages of cancer are treated using a non-general dosage.

How to recognize the disease?

It is very important to identify the disease at an early stage. After all, the sooner a tumor is detected and treated, the greater the chances of defeating this disease and being healthy. A tumor of some organs can be detected independently during an examination of your body. But, unfortunately, many people resort to the help of a doctor when they themselves already feel cancer.

Treatment of the tumor must begin immediately. In medical practice, there are many cases when a terrible diagnosis is revealed during a routine preventive examination of a patient. Therefore, there is no need to put off visiting a doctor until later, especially if this is a planned event organized by the head of your organization.

To make an accurate and final diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient. The doctor will classify the disease and prescribe cancer treatment. Feedback from other patients about your doctor is of great importance.

Traditional recipes for treating cancer from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH

pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. This disease affects people employed in hazardous industries, where they have to inhale tar, coke and various essential oils. Smokers, miners, workers in metallurgical, asbestos-cement, and phosphate industries suffer from lung cancer more often.

Symptoms of the disease may be characteristic of other diseases. When a person coughs, becomes short of breath, sometimes coughs up blood, experiences pain in the chest area and loses weight, he should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if you are diagnosed with cancer? Treatment of lung tumors is carried out using conservative and surgical methods. The first includes chemotherapy, radiation and combination treatment. All procedures are carried out using modern equipment and using effective drugs.

In medical practice, there are cases when this disease at the last stage of development was completely cured using traditional treatment for lung cancer.

  • The most effective folk remedy is red capsicum. An extract is prepared from it. Crushed peppers along with seeds are poured with any high-quality oil, closed tightly and refrigerated for about a week. The jar with the contents must be shaken daily. After the infusion time has expired, the extract is filtered, bottled and the course of treatment begins. You need to take the extract 1 teaspoon five times a day before meals. You can drink the pepper tincture with kefir, milk, or eat bread. Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of pepper and oil.
  • Cancer cells are considered a fungus that can poison the entire body. To neutralize it, you need to use soda, as it contains alkali. For a malignant tumor, cancer is treated with soda. Prepare such a solution. One teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a cup of warm water. Take three days in a row, twice a day. Take a ten-day break and repeat the treatment.

Very often, lung cancer is masked by colds. Men get lung cancer 10 times more often than women. The risk of getting sick is higher for those who have chronic lung diseases
