What does nature give to man? What nature gives us What man receives from nature.

summary of other presentations

“How caves are formed” - This is how entire stone sculptures are sometimes formed in caves. As the drops dry, they form stone icicles layer by layer. How are caves formed? Volcanic caves. Tectonic caves. Formed in insoluble rocks. It is the Karst caves that have the greatest extent and depth. They are most often formed inside glaciers. Glacier caves. Occurs during volcanic eruptions. Such caves are often formed on the seashore under the influence of the surf.

“Use of new technologies” - Space technology. New knowledge. Synthetic substances. Laser eye treatment. Robots. Laser dental treatment. People are exploring the vastness of the Universe. Telescopes. Application of robots. How man penetrates the secrets of nature. Capabilities of modern computers. Robots and robotics. Discovery of the atomic nucleus. Where a person uses a laser. Plastics.

"Human ear" - Outer ear. Cyclostomes. Features of the structure of the ear of various groups of vertebrates. A man with long ears. Inner ear. Human ear. Ear. Small player. Middle ear. Reptiles.

“Solar System Test” - Birds. Which star points north? What is the Moon? Earth and humanity. What is astronomy. Planet. Own light. Choose the names of this planet. The largest planet in the solar system. Sun and Earth.

“Dolmens” - Trough-shaped and tiled dolmen of the Lazarevsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Compare existing scientific data with observations. and draw conclusions. Ultra-precise fitting of blocks along curved joints. Hypotheses about the method of construction and purpose of dolmens have many contradictions. Video footage of a dilapidated dolmen: “Women’s Stone.” Dolmens are capable of charging water with beta particles and changing the properties of water.

“Tsar Peter” - 1722 – 2nd visit of Peter I to Saratov. Senate Square and the monument to Peter I. Artist B. Petersen. V.A. Serov “Peter I on the Neva embankment”. Peter I. Sample of the civil alphabet, corrected by Peter I, 1710. 1695 - 1st arrival of Peter I in Saratov. Arrival of Peter I in Saratov. House of Peter I. People became poor, fled to the outskirts and abroad, serfdom intensified.

Answer from Angela[guru]
What does nature give to man?

Take care of the Earth!
Take care
Lark at the blue zenith,
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
There are sun glares on the path...
Take care of young shoots
At the green festival of nature,
Sky in stars, ocean and land
And a soul that believes in immortality, -
All destinies are connected by threads.
Take care of the Earth!
Take care...
Nature is our common home. Nature is life. If we take care of her, she will reward us,
and if we kill, we will die ourselves.
Still here:

Answer from Mashenka Romanova[newbie]
nature is the beginning of life

Answer from Masha Lopukhina[newbie]
Man lives thanks to nature. Nature gives us everything: the clean air we breathe, the wood we build the houses in which we live. We get heat from wood and coal, which nature also gives us. Almost all of our home furniture is also made of wood. We pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, where we relax and breathe clean air.
The natural world is wonderful and mysterious. Listen to the murmur of river streams, the singing of birds, the rustling of grass, the hum of bumblebees, and you will understand this. Have you seen the sun at dawn? The sun turns into a small, but still, holiday, any ordinary and everyday day of a person. When the sun is above us, it becomes better, warmer around us and in ourselves.
Our fairy forests are amazing! And the glades are real “greenhouses of nature”! Look carefully at every new flower, every strange blade of grass, and you will be able to feel their charming power. Climbing to the top of the hill, you feel as if you are rising above the planet. Nature appears here in its clear harmony and beauty. The sun, forest, sandy shore, water, wind... bring us great joy.
The sages and dreamers of the past more than once tried to list the “wonders of the world” - miracles created by nature and created by human hands. They talked about seven miracles, searched for and found the eighth, but, it seems, no one ever mentioned the miracle - the only one known to us in the Universe. This miracle is our planet itself, together with the atmosphere - the container and guardian of life. And while it continues to remain the only, incomparable, riddle of the birth and history of the planet itself, the riddle of the origin of the life of the mind, the future destinies of civilization. This is a miracle of nature. Man is a part of it. Nature provides food for man. Wind and sun, forest and water give us common joy, shape our character, make it softer and more poetic. People are inextricably linked by nature with thousands of threads. Human life depends on the state of nature.
Protecting nature concerns us all. We all breathe the same air of the Earth, drink water and eat bread, the molecules of which continuously participate in the endless cycle of substances. And we ourselves are thinking particles of Nature. This places a huge responsibility for its safety on each of us, each and every one without exception. Each of us can and must contribute to the fight for the preservation of Nature, and therefore life on Earth.

Answer from Gulnas Zubairova[newbie]
she gives us everything: air and food, etc.

“Environmental protection” - Game “Name the rule”. How to protect water. Traveler. How to protect the air. How to protect soils. Negative and positive influence of man on nature. What can you do to protect nature? How to protect animals. Butterflies. What nature gives to man. O. Driz. How to protect plants. Protect the environment.

"Environmental organizations" - WWF. International organizations. VOOP. Arctic Council. Center for Environmental Policy and Culture. Leading role. Green World. REC. Children's environmental organizations. Wildlife Foundation in Russia. ADDITIONAL Friends of the Baltic. Greenpeace. IUCN. MZK. International organizations of the UN system. UNEP. St. Petersburg Ecological Union.

“Fundamentals of nature conservation” - Disruptions in the ranges of trees of different species. Strategy. Comparison of potentials and positions of systems. The main reason for the decline in biodiversity. Beneficial consequences of the reserve regime. Consequences of environment-transforming human influences on the forest belt. Adverse consequences of the reserve regime.

“Stimulating environmental activities” - Selection of the most effective PMPs. Atmospheric pollution from mobile sources. Ecological Fund. Financing scheme. Hazard Class. Total mass of emissions. Volume of pollution. Stages of development of the payment mechanism. Production quota system. Release of pollutants. The "bubble" principle. Air pollution.

“Caring for nature” - Bottle. Vitamin C. There is a huge house on earth. You love juice. Organic waste. Waste from plastic packaging. Nature. Forestry industry. Recycling of waste paper. Vitamin B. Can we litter less? Food waste. The problem of recycling cullet. Wood waste. Waste glass. Fruits and vegetables.

“Protection of flora and fauna” - Environmental pollution. Protection of Nature. Ecological culture and ethics. Zoos. Gene banks. Poaching. Urbanization and road construction. Biological resources. Biodiversity. Reserves. Red Book. Biodiversity of the organic world. Formed competencies. Protection of flora and fauna.

There are 15 presentations in total

Answer from Angela[guru]
What does nature give to man?

Take care of the Earth!
Take care
Lark at the blue zenith,
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
There are sun glares on the path...
Take care of young shoots
At the green festival of nature,
Sky in stars, ocean and land
And a soul that believes in immortality, -
All destinies are connected by threads.
Take care of the Earth!
Take care...
Nature is our common home. Nature is life. If we take care of her, she will reward us,
and if we kill, we will die ourselves.
Still here:

Answer from Mashenka Romanova[newbie]
nature is the beginning of life

Answer from Masha Lopukhina[newbie]
Man lives thanks to nature. Nature gives us everything: the clean air we breathe, the wood we build the houses in which we live. We get heat from wood and coal, which nature also gives us. Almost all of our home furniture is also made of wood. We pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, where we relax and breathe clean air.
The natural world is wonderful and mysterious. Listen to the murmur of river streams, the singing of birds, the rustling of grass, the hum of bumblebees, and you will understand this. Have you seen the sun at dawn? The sun turns into a small, but still, holiday, any ordinary and everyday day of a person. When the sun is above us, it becomes better, warmer around us and in ourselves.
Our fairy forests are amazing! And the glades are real “greenhouses of nature”! Look carefully at every new flower, every strange blade of grass, and you will be able to feel their charming power. Climbing to the top of the hill, you feel as if you are rising above the planet. Nature appears here in its clear harmony and beauty. The sun, forest, sandy shore, water, wind... bring us great joy.
The sages and dreamers of the past more than once tried to list the “wonders of the world” - miracles created by nature and created by human hands. They talked about seven miracles, searched for and found the eighth, but, it seems, no one ever mentioned the miracle - the only one known to us in the Universe. This miracle is our planet itself, together with the atmosphere - the container and guardian of life. And while it continues to remain the only, incomparable, riddle of the birth and history of the planet itself, the riddle of the origin of the life of the mind, the future destinies of civilization. This is a miracle of nature. Man is a part of it. Nature provides food for man. Wind and sun, forest and water give us common joy, shape our character, make it softer and more poetic. People are inextricably linked by nature with thousands of threads. Human life depends on the state of nature.
Protecting nature concerns us all. We all breathe the same air of the Earth, drink water and eat bread, the molecules of which continuously participate in the endless cycle of substances. And we ourselves are thinking particles of Nature. This places a huge responsibility for its safety on each of us, each and every one without exception. Each of us can and must contribute to the fight for the preservation of Nature, and therefore life on Earth.

Answer from Gulnas Zubairova[newbie]
she gives us everything: air and food, etc.

The universe is one. Thanks to the ability to think, a person realizes responsibility for the world around him and himself as a part of this whole. What has nature given to man and how is he responsible for the state of the world around him?

Nature as a natural habitat

Nature is a natural habitat that does not depend on human activity.

This is a set of ecosystems, each of which is determined by the characteristics of the relief, terrain, climate, flora and fauna, precipitation levels and other natural indicators of the state of the habitat.

Man is a part of nature, its product. Thanks to the ability to think and actively influence the world around us, the role of man in nature is not limited to his place in the ecological system. The impact on the environment transforms natural factors to meet the needs of humanity and changes its natural balance, which often leads to the threat and real facts of cataclysms.

The role of man in nature

Man has an active influence on nature in various forms of life activity:

  • Development of natural resources. Allows a person to solve issues of energy supply and livelihoods using raw materials.
  • Development of new territories. Development of the infrastructure of cities and settlements and expansion of the zone of human presence on different continents.
  • Development of production. Processing of raw materials and problems of waste disposal have a significant impact on the ecology of the surrounding world.

In the process of using energy, territories of everything that nature gives to modern man, the negative prognosis from the consequences of active human influence is not always sufficiently calculated. In this case, a number of problems arise that pose a threat to nature.

modern world

All the wealth of the surrounding world that nature has given to man has been mercilessly used in the history of the development of human civilization. This process is carried out especially actively these days, using industrial production technologies.

As a result of the consumer attitude towards natural resources, modern ecologists identify the following problems on a global scale.

  • Surface pollution and landscape changes. It affects the state of climatic zones, provokes disturbances in the balance of the system, and the extinction of animal species.
  • Destruction of the ozone layer. Result in exceeding permissible levels of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Changes in the state of the world's oceans. This system is a universal regulator of natural phenomena. Creates a threat of imbalance in the world's ocean ecosystem.
  • Reduction of mineral resources. It entails a shortage of raw materials, on the extraction of which humanity’s life support systems depend, and provokes a change in the structure of the earth’s crust.
  • Extermination of plant and animal species. Leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem.
  • Forest reduction. Poses a threat to the atmosphere.

All problems are interconnected and ultimately lead to the threat of self-destruction of humanity.

Ways to restore harmony between nature and man

The consequences of consumer attitudes towards nature are not encouraging. In this case, you need to look at man again from the position of the rational principle in nature.

The natural way to solve problems is to return everything that nature has given to man. Is this possible in the present situation?

First of all, it is necessary to change the nature of interaction with nature and move from excessive consumer-technocratic use of its resources to rational interaction.

  1. Restoration of forest areas. Through the implementation of government programs, it is possible to completely restore the green park.
  2. Recovery A program is currently being developed to solve the problem at the level of interstate integration.
  3. The energy supply to humanity must be carried out through new methods and the development of new energy sources (nuclear, solar).
  4. Joining efforts at the global level and creating principles for the rational use of natural resources.

Ecological perspective

It's hard to overestimate since it is the condition and possibility of its existence. Therefore, the only expedient solution to all problems is to change a person’s self-awareness.

Solving the problem at the global level does not only mean uniting world communities at the state level. The most important factor is the introduction of disciplines into the systems of preschool and school education in order to form a worldview for active participation in the conservation of natural resources. Only with a large-scale approach is it possible not only to save, but also to compensate for everything that nature has given to man.
