They gave the elephant shoes and he took one shoe. Poem by a child in a cage

Kids in a cage


They gave the shoes to the elephant.
He took one shoe
And he said: - We need wider ones,
And not two, but all four!


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children
But to the one who is so tall,
It's not easy to pick a flower!

Tiger cub

Hey, don't stand too close
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy!


striped horses,
African horses,
It's good to play hide and seek
In the meadow among the grass!
Lined horses
Like school notebooks
Painted horses
From hooves to head.

White bears

We have a spacious pond.
My brother and I swim together.
The water is cool and fresh.
The guards change her.
We're swimming from wall to wall
Sometimes on the side, sometimes on the back.
Stay to the right, darling
Don't touch me with your foot!


Look at the little owls -
The little ones are sitting next to each other.
When they don't sleep,
They are eating.
When they eat
They don't sleep.

Baby Ostrich

I am a young ostrich,
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry, I kick
Calloused and hard.
When I'm scared I run
Stretching your neck.
But I can't fly,
And I can't sing.

A+ A-

Children in a cage - Samuel Marshak

Tiger cub

Hey, don't stand too close -
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy!

They gave the shoes to the elephant.
He took one shoe
And he said: - We need wider ones,
And not two, but all four!


striped horses,
African horses,
It's good to play hide and seek
In the meadow among the grass!
Lined horses
Like school notebooks
Painted horses
From hooves to head.


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children
But to the one who is so tall,
It's not easy to pick a flower!


Look at the little owls -
The little ones are sitting next to each other.
When they don't sleep,
They are eating.
When they eat
They don't sleep.


Really, kids, am I good?
It looks like a big bag.
On the seas in years past
I overtook steamships.
And now I'm here in the garden
I swim quietly in the pond.


Why does water flow
From this baby?
He recently came out of the pond,
Give me a towel!

Baby Ostrich

I am a young ostrich,
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry I kick
Calloused and hard.
When I'm scared I run
I crane my neck.
But I can't fly,
And I can't sing.


Sailed across the ocean
Sailor from Africa
Baby monkey
He brought it to us as a gift.

She sits, sad,
All evening long
And such a song
In his own way he sings:
"In the far hot south,
On palm trees and bushes
My friends are screaming
Swinging on their tails.
Wonderful bananas
In my homeland.
Monkeys live there
And there are no people at all.”

White bears

We have a spacious pond.
My brother and I swim together.

The water is cool and fresh.
The guards change her.

We're swimming from wall to wall
Sometimes on the side, sometimes on the back.

Keep to the right, dear.
Don't touch me with your foot!
Eskimo dog
There is a note on the twig:
"Don't come close!"

Don't believe the note -
I am the kindest animal.
Why am I sitting in a cage?
I don't know myself, kids.

Dingo dog

No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.
You come to our forests,
And there you will see a dog -
Warlike dingo.
Let the kangaroo tell you
Like in the Australian heat
Chased his sister through the forests
Lean, skinny dingo.

She goes into the bushes - and I follow her,
She is in the stream - and I am in the stream,
She's faster - and I'm faster,
The tireless dingo.

She's cunning and I'm not simple
In the morning we ran to the stars,
But I caught her by the tail
The relentless dingo.
Now I'm in everyone's sight
In the zoological garden,
I'm spinning like a top and waiting for meat,
Restless dingo.


Poor little camel:
The child is not allowed to eat.
He ate this morning
Only two of these buckets!

Lion cubs

Don't you know dad -
A big, red lion?
He has heavy paws
And a shaggy head.
He screams loudly - in a bass voice,
And you can hear him far away.
He eats meat at lunch
And we suck milk.

(Illustration by V. Simonov)

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Early, early we get up
We call the watchman loudly:
- Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Go out and feed the animals!

The watchman came out of the guardhouse,
He sweeps the paths
Smoking a pipe at the gate,
He doesn't give us lunch.

Long, long time at the bars,
We stand with our throats agape.
We know, we know without a watch,
That lunch is ready for us.

At lunch, at lunch
We don't chat with our neighbor,
We forget about everything
And we chew, chew, chew.
It's hard work -
Cheeks are shiny with sweat.

After eating you need sleep.
An elephant is leaning and dozing.
Showing yourself to the people
The hippopotamus goes into the water.

The owl is sleeping, clinging to a stump,
The deer sleeps and the seal sleeps.
Dark brown bear cub
He grumbles to himself in his sleep,

Only a pony and a camel
They get to work.

On a camel, on a camel,
Like in the desert, people drive
They pass by the ditch,
Behind which they see a lion,
They drive past the cage
Where eagles sit on a branch.
Clumsy, shaggy and thin,
A camel walks through the garden.

And in a circle, on the site,
Black-maned horses
They rush side by side and in single file,
They wave their bangs and tail.

But now it gets cold.
Strangers are leaving the garden.
The lights are burning behind the fence,
And we are left alone.


They gave the shoes to the elephant.
He took one shoe
And he said: “We need wider ones.”
And not two, but all four!


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children
But to the one who is so tall,
It's not easy to pick a flower!


Hey, don't stand too close -
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy!


striped horses,
African horses,
It's good to play hide and seek
In the meadow among the grass!

Lined horses
Like school notebooks
Painted horses
From hooves to head.


We have a spacious pond.
My brother and I swim together.

The water is cool and fresh.
The guards change her.

We're swimming from wall to wall
Sometimes on the side, sometimes on the back.

Stay to the right, darling
Don't touch me with your foot!


Look at the little owls -
The little ones are sitting next to each other.
When they don't sleep,
They are eating.
When they eat
They don't sleep.


I am a young ostrich,
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry, I kick
Calloused and hard.

When I'm scared I run
Stretching your neck.
But I can't fly,
And I can't sing.


Really, kids, am I good?
It looks like a big bag.

On the seas in years past
I overtook steamships.

And now I'm here in the garden
I swim quietly in the pond.


Why does water flow
From this baby?
He recently came out of the pond,
Give me a towel!


Poor little camel:
The child is not allowed to eat.
He ate this morning
Only two of these buckets!

Eskimo dog

There is a note on the twig:
"Don't come close!"

Don't believe the note -
I am the kindest animal.

Why am I sitting in a cage?
I don't know myself, kids.


We are two brothers, two chicks.
We are fresh out of the egg.
What kind of bird is our mother?
Where can we find her?

We don't know anyone here
And we don’t even know who we are.
Geese? Ostriches? Peacocks?
You guessed it! We are penguins.


Here's a look at the game
Two Australian kangaroos.

They play leapfrog
In the zoological garden.


No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.
You come to our forests,
And there you will see a dog -
Warlike dingo.

Let the kangaroo tell you
Like in the Australian heat
Chased his sister through the forests
Lean, skinny dingo.

She goes into the bushes - and I follow her,
She is in the stream - and I am in the stream,
She's faster - and I'm faster,
The tireless dingo.

She is cunning, and I am not simple.
In the morning we ran to the stars,
But I caught her by the tail
The relentless dingo.

Now I'm in everyone's sight
In the zoological garden,
I'm spinning like a top and waiting for meat,
Restless dingo.


Don't you know dad?
A big, red lion?
His paws are heavy
And a shaggy head.

He screams loudly - in a bass voice,
And you can hear him far away.
He eats meat at lunch
And we suck milk.


No, wait, wait, wait,
I'll deal with you!
My father in one leap
Deals with a bull.
It would be a shame if I
I won't catch the sparrow.
Hey, come back while you're still alive!
Mother! Mother! Flew away!..


What a foggy summer
In this unkind country!
I'm dressed in a warm dress
But it's cold, I'm cold!

They call me savage
Because I'm sitting in sadness,
Dreaming of hot Africa,
About soft, hot sand.

I met a crocodile here.
He smiled at me like a friend.
“Do you want,” I asked him, “
To the bananas and palm trees to the south?

“Child,” he answered sadly, “
Don’t see my native land!”
And tears from the crocodile's eyes
It started running down my black cheeks.


The rhinoceroses snored
A long-legged ostrich is dozing.
Thick-skinned hippopotamus
Lay down quietly on your stomach.
A camel sleeps with its knees bent.
But I, a hyena, can’t sleep!

My time is coming:
I will howl until the morning.
During the day I was silent gloomily -
I'm afraid of the noise of the day -
But my hoarse laughter
It scares everyone at night!
Even lions are afraid of me...
How can you not laugh at them?


Here's a bear, a bear, a bear!
Who wants to watch?

Come visit Misha,
Throw some sweet gingerbread to Misha.

Misha asks, Misha waits,
With his mouth wide open.

No, to the right! No, to the left!
We missed, you bastards!

Now they're in the mouth!
What a gingerbread - pure honey!

For such a treat
We'll put on a show.

Come on, Misha, take a bow!
Come on, Misha, somersault!


My father is a steppe jackal
I was looking for food for myself.
Far away in the land of sand
He accompanied the caravans
And in the desert under the moon
Crying loudly in silence.
He ate bones and scraps,
And now he lives in a cage.
He's sheltered from the rain here
And you are always full.


African young
Doused with water.

I washed my hair and ears -
And the tub became dry.

For a good elephant
We need a whole river.

Take it away
Bring it


Sailed across the ocean
Sailor from Africa
Baby monkey
He brought it to us as a gift.

She sits, sad,
All evening long
And such a song
In his own way he sings:

"In the far hot south,
On palm trees and bushes,
My friends are screaming
Swinging on their tails.

Wonderful bananas
In my homeland.
Monkeys live there
And there are no people at all.”


Long-tailed kangaroo
He calls his sister for a walk,
And my sister is sitting in a bag
On mom's belly.

Early, early we get up

We call the watchman loudly:

Watchman, watchman, hurry up

Go out and feed the animals!

The watchman came out of the guardhouse,

He sweeps the paths

Smoking a pipe at the gate,

He doesn't give us lunch.

Long, long time at the bars,

We stand with our throats agape.

We know, we know without a watch,

That lunch is ready for us.

At lunch, at lunch

We don't chat with our neighbor,

We forget about everything

And we chew, chew, chew.

It's a hard job

Cheeks are shiny with sweat.

After eating you need sleep.

An elephant is leaning and dozing.

Showing yourself to the people

The hippopotamus goes into the water.

The owl is sleeping, clinging to a stump,

The deer sleeps and the seal sleeps.

Dark brown bear cub

He grumbles to himself in his sleep,

Only a pony and a camel

They get to work.

On a camel, on a camel,

Like in the desert, people drive

They pass by the ditch,

Behind which they see a lion,

They drive past the cage

Where eagles sit on a branch.

Clumsy, shaggy and thin,

A camel walks through the garden.

And in a circle, on the site,

Black-maned horses

They rush side by side and in single file,

They wave their bangs and tail.

But now it gets cold.

Strangers are leaving the garden.

The lights are burning behind the fence,

And we are left alone.


Give some shoes to the elephant.

He took one shoe

And he said: - We need wider ones,

And not two, but all four!


Picking flowers is easy and simple

Small children

But to the one who is so tall,

It's not easy to pick a flower!


Hey, don't stand too close

I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy!


striped horses,

African horses,

It's good to play hide and seek

In the meadow among the grass!

Lined horses

Like school notebooks

Painted horses

From hooves to head.


We have a spacious pond.

My brother and I swim together.

The water is cool and fresh.

The guards change her.

We're swimming from wall to wall

Sometimes on the side, sometimes on the back.

Stay to the right, darling

Don't touch me with your foot!


Look at the little owls

The little ones are sitting next to each other.

When they don't sleep,

They are eating.

When they eat

They don't sleep.


I am a young ostrich,

Arrogant and proud.

When I'm angry, I kick

Calloused and hard.

When I'm scared I run

Stretching your neck.

But I can't fly,

And I can't sing.


Really, kids, am I good?

It looks like a big bag.

On the seas in years past

I overtook steamships.

And now I'm here in the garden

I swim quietly in the pond.


Why does water flow

From this baby?

He recently came out of the pond,

Give me a towel!


Poor little camel:

The child is not allowed to eat.

He ate this morning

Only two of these buckets!

Eskimo dog

There is a note on the twig:

"Don't come close!"

Don't believe the note

I am the kindest animal.

Why am I sitting in a cage?

I don't know myself, kids.


We are two brothers, two chicks.

We are fresh out of the egg.

What kind of bird is our mother?

Where can we find her?

We don't know anyone here

And we don’t even know who we are.

Geese? Ostriches? Peacocks?

You guessed it! We are penguins.


Enjoy the game

Two Australian kangaroos.

They play leapfrog

In the zoological garden.


No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.

You come to our forests,

And there you will see a dog

Warlike dingo.

Let the kangaroo tell you

Like in the Australian heat

Chased his sister through the forests

Lean, skinny dingo.

She goes into the bushes - and I follow her,

She is in the stream - and I am in the stream,

She's faster - and I'm faster,

The tireless dingo.

She is cunning, and I am not simple.

In the morning we ran to the stars,

But I caught her by the tail

The relentless dingo.

Now I'm in everyone's sight

In the zoological garden,

I'm spinning like a top and waiting for meat,

Restless dingo.


Don't you know daddy

A big, red lion?

His paws are heavy

And a shaggy head.

He screams loudly - in a bass voice,

And you can hear him far away.

He eats meat at lunch

And we suck milk.


No, wait, wait, wait,

I'll deal with you!

My father in one leap

Deals with a bull.

It would be a shame if I

I won't catch the sparrow.

Hey, come back while you're still alive!

Mother! Mother! Flew away!..


What a foggy summer

In this unkind country!

I'm dressed in a warm dress

But it's cold, I'm cold!

They call me savage

Because I'm sitting in sadness,

Dreaming of hot Africa,

About soft, hot sand.

I met a crocodile here.

He smiled at me like a friend.

“Do you want,” I asked him,

To the bananas and palm trees to the south?

“Child,” he answered sadly,

Don’t see my native land!”

And tears from the crocodile's eyes

It started running down my black cheeks.


The rhinoceroses snored,

A long-legged ostrich is dozing.

Thick-skinned hippopotamus

Lay down quietly on your stomach.

A camel sleeps with its knees bent.

But I, a hyena, can’t sleep!

My time is coming:

I will howl until the morning.

During the day I was silent sullenly

I'm afraid of the noise of the day

But my hoarse laughter

It scares everyone at night!

Even lions are afraid of me...

How can you not laugh at them?


In from bear, bear, bear!

Who wants to watch?

Come visit Misha,

Throw some sweet gingerbread to Misha.

Misha asks, Misha waits,

With his mouth wide open.

No, to the right! No, to the left!

We missed, you bastards!

Now they're in the mouth!

What a gingerbread - pure honey!

For such a treat

We'll put on a show.

Come on, Misha, take a bow!

Come on, Misha, somersault!


My father is a steppe jackal

I was looking for food for myself.

Far away in the land of sand

He accompanied the caravans

And in the desert under the moon

Crying loudly in silence.

He ate bones and scraps,

And now he lives in a cage.

He's sheltered from the rain here

And you are always full.


And the freak is young

Doused with water.

Wash my head and ear

And the tub became dry.

For a good elephant

We need a whole river.

Take it away

Bring it



P sailed across the ocean

Sailor from Africa

Baby monkey

He brought it to us as a gift.

She sits, sad,

All evening long

And such a song

In his own way he sings:

"In the far hot south,

On palm trees and bushes,

My friends are screaming

Swinging on their tails.

Wonderful bananas

In my homeland.

Monkeys live there

And there are no people at all.”


D long-tailed kangaroo

He calls his sister for a walk,

And my sister is sitting in a bag

On mom's belly.

Poem by Samuil Marshak “Children in a Cage” in mp3 format - listen or download for free.

Verse Children in a Cage read:


Early, early we get up
We call the watchman loudly:
- Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Go out and feed the animals!

The watchman came out of the guardhouse,
He sweeps the paths
Smoking a pipe at the gate,
He doesn't give us lunch.

Long, long time at the bars,
We stand with our throats agape.
We know, we know without a watch,
That lunch is ready for us.

At lunch, at lunch
We don't chat with our neighbor,
We forget about everything
And we chew, chew, chew.

It's a hard job
Cheeks are shiny with sweat.
After eating you need sleep.
An elephant is leaning and dozing.

Showing yourself to the people
The hippopotamus goes into the water.
The owl is sleeping, clinging to a stump,
The deer sleeps and the seal sleeps.

Dark brown bear cub
He grumbles to himself in his sleep,
Only a pony and a camel
They get to work.

On a camel, on a camel,
Like in the desert, people drive
They pass by the ditch,
Behind which they see a lion,
They drive past the cage
Where eagles sit on a branch.

Clumsy, shaggy and thin,
A camel walks through the garden.
And in a circle, on the site,
Black-maned horses
They rush side by side and in single file,
They wave their bangs and tail.

But now it gets cold.
Strangers are leaving the garden.
The lights are burning behind the fence,
And we are left alone.


They gave the shoes to the elephant.
He took one shoe
And he said: “We need wider ones.”
And not two, but all four!


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children
But to the one who is so tall,
It's not easy to pick a flower!

Tiger cub

Hey, don't stand too close
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy!


striped horses,
African horses,
It's good to play hide and seek
In the meadow among the grass!
Lined horses
Like school notebooks
Painted horses
From hooves to head.

White bears

We have a spacious pond.
My brother and I swim together.
The water is cool and fresh.
The guards change her.

We're swimming from wall to wall
Sometimes on the side, sometimes on the back.
Stay to the right, darling
Don't touch me with your foot!


Look at the little owls
The little ones are sitting next to each other.
When they don't sleep,
They are eating.
When they eat
They don't sleep.

Baby Ostrich

I am a young ostrich,
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry, I kick
Calloused and hard.

When I'm scared I run
Stretching your neck.
But I can't fly,
And I can't sing.


Really, kids, am I good?
It looks like a big bag.
On the seas in years past
I overtook steamships.
And now I'm here in the garden
I swim quietly in the pond.


Why does water flow
From this baby?
He recently came out of the pond,
Give me a towel!


Poor little camel:
The child is not allowed to eat.
He ate this morning
Only two of these buckets!

Eskimo dog

There is a note on the twig:
"Don't come close!"
Don't believe the note
I am the kindest animal.
Why am I sitting in a cage?
I don't know myself, kids.

Little penguins

We are two brothers, two chicks.
We are fresh out of the egg.
What kind of bird is our mother?
Where can we find her?

We don't know anyone here
And we don’t even know who we are.
Geese? Ostriches? Peacocks?
You guessed it! We are penguins.


Here's a look at the game
Two Australian kangaroos.
They play leapfrog
In the zoological garden.

Dingo dog

No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.
You come to our forests,
And there you will see a dog
Warlike dingo.

Let the kangaroo tell you
Like in the Australian heat
Chased his sister through the forests
Lean, skinny dingo.

She goes into the bushes - and I follow her,
She is in the stream - and I am in the stream,
She's faster - and I'm faster,
The tireless dingo.

She is cunning, and I am not simple.
In the morning we ran to the stars,
But I caught her by the tail
The relentless dingo.

Now I'm in everyone's sight
In the zoological garden,
I'm spinning like a top and waiting for meat,
Restless dingo.

Lion cubs

Don't you know dad?
A big, red lion?
His paws are heavy
And a shaggy head.

He screams loudly - in a bass voice,
And you can hear him far away.
He eats meat at lunch
And we suck milk.

Lion Cub

No, wait, wait, wait,
I'll deal with you!
My father in one leap
Deals with a bull.

It would be a shame if I
I won't catch the sparrow.
Hey, come back while you're still alive!
Mother! Mother! Flew away!..


What a foggy summer
In this unkind country!
I'm dressed in a warm dress
But it's cold, I'm cold!

They call me savage
Because I'm sitting in sadness,
Dreaming of hot Africa,
About soft, hot sand.

I met a crocodile here.
He smiled at me like a friend.
“Do you want,” I asked him,
To the bananas and palm trees to the south?

“Child,” he answered sadly,
Don’t see my native land!”
And tears from the crocodile's eyes
It started running down my black cheeks.


The rhinoceroses snored
A long-legged ostrich is dozing.
Thick-skinned hippopotamus
Lay down quietly on your stomach.

A camel sleeps with its knees bent.
But I, a hyena, can’t sleep!
My time is coming:
I will howl until the morning.

During the day I was silent sullenly
I'm afraid of the noise of the day
But my hoarse laughter
It scares everyone at night!

Even lions are afraid of me...
How can you not laugh at them?


Here's a bear, a bear, a bear!
Who wants to watch?
Come visit Misha,
Throw some sweet gingerbread to Misha.
Misha asks, Misha waits,
With his mouth wide open.

No, to the right! No, to the left!
We missed, you bastards!
Now they're in the mouth!
What a gingerbread - pure honey!

For such a treat
We'll put on a show.
Come on, Misha, take a bow!
Come on, Misha, somersault!


My father is a steppe jackal
I was looking for food for myself.
Far away in the land of sand
He accompanied the caravans
And in the desert under the moon
Crying loudly in silence.
He ate bones and scraps,
And now he lives in a cage.
He's sheltered from the rain here
And you are always full.


African young
Doused with water.
Wash my head and ear
And the tub became dry.

For a good elephant
We need a whole river.
Take it away
Bring it


Sailed across the ocean
Sailor from Africa
Baby monkey
He brought it to us as a gift.

She sits, sad,
All evening long
And such a song
In his own way he sings:

"In the far hot south,
On palm trees and bushes,
My friends are screaming
Swinging on their tails.

Wonderful bananas
In my homeland.
Monkeys live there
And there are no people at all.”


Long-tailed kangaroo
He calls his sister for a walk,
And my sister is sitting in a bag
On mom's belly.
