Emotional horoscope: the most touchy signs of the zodiac. Rating of the most touchy zodiac signs - photo The most touchy zodiac sign

You can find out about a person’s touchiness by looking at a horoscope. Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina about the most touchy and vindictive Zodiac Signs. We hope that this horoscope will help you better understand yourself and learn more about the character traits of the people around you.


Aries are very easy to offend. This can be done simply by pointing out mistakes or criticizing their behavior. But representatives of this Zodiac Sign quickly forget grievances and never hold a grudge. They will simply take revenge and forget!


Taurus are very touchy natures. They are very sensitive to other people's opinions, especially negative ones. People of this Zodiac Sign hold grudges for a long time and have difficulty forgiving those who have hurt them. Alas, with such an attitude towards everything that happens, Taurus only makes things worse for themselves.


If Geminis are offended, they do it very noticeably. Not only by their appearance, but also by their behavior, they make it clear that someone dared to touch their delicate strings of soul. Vasilisa Volodina’s horoscope says that Gemini will not keep negativity to themselves and will definitely try to strike a verbal blow to their offender.


Cancers can be offended by any poorly spoken phrase addressed to them or even a joke. Any little thing can become a serious reason for them to be offended. It is very difficult to beg forgiveness from Cancers, so when communicating with them you need to carefully select your expressions.

a lion

Leo may be offended by insufficient admiration for his achievements and talents. If anyone dares to call them mediocre, they will be seriously offended. However, they are unlikely to hatch a plan for revenge. Leos simply stop communicating with their offenders.


According to the horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina, it is very difficult to offend Virgos. Representatives of this constellation are non-confrontational by nature and can easily endure a caustic joke or rude expression addressed to them. However, after such actions, they put on the “black list” those who tried to offend or humiliate them in some way.


Libras are touchy like children. If someone hurt them, they will tell everyone around them about their suffering. Having shared their experiences, representatives of this Zodiac Sign quickly forget about the insult.


Scorpios experience grievances in a special way. They do not accumulate emotions in themselves and prefer to take revenge with the same coin. In the process of his revenge, Scorpio not only achieves the suffering of his offender, but also takes pleasure in the fact that his ill-wisher felt bad, as he once did.


Sagittarius is very difficult to offend. They are not vindictive or confrontational. But if you hurt them, they will become angry with the whole world. According to the horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina, Sagittarius will quickly move away if they sincerely ask for forgiveness.


Capricorns may be offended by any negative statement about his business qualities or criticism of his activities. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign will not be able to come to terms with the fact that someone doubts their success for a long time.


It is very easy to offend an Aquarius. To do this, it is enough to say that all their ideas are strange and can never be realized. Aquarians will not prove otherwise, but will simply erase a person who does not believe in his ideas from their lives.


Pisces are very touchy. Despite this, they will always forgive those who cause them suffering and pain. It’s just that after forgiveness it doesn’t become easier for them, and they continue to accumulate negative emotions in themselves and complain to everyone.

Of course, how touchy a person is is influenced by a huge number of factors, among which the zodiac sign is most likely not in the first place. But it’s still interesting what constellation being born under predetermines a person’s increased sensitivity and vulnerability.

If you make a rating of the most touchy signs of the Zodiac, the first place will undoubtedly be Cancer. He has such a tender, impressionable soul that those around him need to show a remarkable sense of tact and sensitivity in order not to offend Cancer.

In general, the signs of the water element, which include except Cancer Scorpio and Pisces As a rule, they have a very fine mental organization. They are easy to hurt. But unlike Cancer and Pisces, Scorpios are very vindictive. Scorpio's response may not appear immediately, sometimes after several years, when the offender has already forgotten what the quarrel was about.

Aries is offended in a peculiar way. In fact, he cannot be blamed for hypersensitivity, so he does this rarely, but, as they say, accurately. The explosive nature of Aries instantly makes the offender regret what he said or did. But Aries cools down as quickly as it explodes, most often continuing communication as if nothing had happened.

Leo What offends us most is inattention, neglect, or even complete denial of their undoubted merits. The punishment for the offender is usually to ignore his existence. But for more serious offenses, the punishment may be problems at work, spoiled public opinion, since Leo often has good connections.

Sagittarius, being a fiery sign, reacts violently to insults, giving the offender long lectures with a “debriefing”, which not everyone is able to withstand without damage to the psyche.

“Earth” signs – Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus – are almost impossible to offend. If this does happen, the resentment very soon moves from the emotional to the rational. Representatives of these signs usually take the behavior of others for granted, perceiving the world as it is. Therefore, when they find themselves in an unpleasant situation, they simply draw appropriate conclusions regarding the offender. In the future, he may be subject to adequate countermeasures.

People born under the signs of Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, that is, signs of the air element, despite the apparent ease of communication, are touchy. In addition, of these three zodiac signs, only Libra cannot be accused of vindictiveness.

There is no evil zodiac sign; we are all evil in our own way. The difference lies only in the way the villainous plans and revenge are carried out. If you have an enemy, then find out his date of birth and prepare for an appropriate attack.


When he does bad things, he acts openly. Warns of an attack in advance (Hitler was an unfortunate exception). Uses brutal methods of revenge. Not capable of a double play.


Not vindictive because he is lazy. It’s easier for him to turn on the loss limitation mode than to waste time and energy on who knows what. Most likely, he will simply stop communicating with the one who annoys him so much, but will not exchange sofa relaxation for petty ideas.


If they take revenge, then it’s for their own benefit (otherwise, what’s the point?). If someone really offends them, they will act spontaneously, without a plan. They can take away someone’s loved one out of revenge. They can just speak out. There is no malice, as such, in them, but there is some incontinence.


It’s better not to mess with him at all, it’s more expensive for yourself. Acting in his own interests and driving a tank through someone else’s, he will make the injured party look guilty. As an avenger, he is not inventive; after spitting in the soul from someone else, he finds a way to console his loved one, perhaps even at someone else’s expense.

a lion

The expression “An eagle catches no flies” applies to those born under the sign of Leo. If he commits a bad act, it is for the purpose of enrichment. He is not interested in revenge.


Virgo is the embodiment of justice (however, only Virgos think so). Even if she does what is popularly called lawlessness, she finds a million excuses for herself. “I have the right, that’s all. Objections will not be accepted."


The most, most vindictive sign of the zodiac. He takes pleasure in revenge and can spend years preparing for it. In this case, he acts only at someone else’s expense or through the hands of another person. Sometimes he can “take revenge” not for evil deeds, but for fun.


Explosive. If he is driven to rage, he will act thoughtlessly, perhaps even to the detriment of his own interests. Fear Scorpios, in general.


Hot, but easy-going. He might say nasty things or fight, ruin other people's property, etc. He won't hide, that's for sure. Then, perhaps, he will repent. Maybe he will even receive forgiveness.


When committing evil deeds, it acts on a cool head. He will never put the emotions boiling inside himself above his interests. Revenge will only be taken if it is beneficial.


Aquarius is not a vindictive or vindictive person. It is difficult to offend him because he does not take anyone to heart. He himself is not capable of evil. At most, it may not take into account other people’s interests, and then only due to inattention.


Pisces live by feelings and want only love from this life. They take revenge on their other halves by cheating. They have almost no enemies, they are a peaceful people. They don’t covet someone else’s property, they don’t get pleasure from revenge. Nice and nice people.

“The smart ones are not offended, but draw conclusions,” wrote Agatha Christie. It sounds good, but are we always guided by good advice? Especially when it comes to grievances. InStyle presents a kind of hit parade of touchiness according to zodiac signs.

12th place - Libra

Libras are not touchy, as they are generous and wholeheartedly dump their negativity on someone who is unlucky enough to be nearby. Simply put, Libra knows how to be offended, but this feeling does not have time to mature in their soul: they promptly share their sadness with friends/colleagues/neighbors, and that’s it - they are fine again.

11th place - Virgo

Very reasonable, sober-minded Virgos, like all normal people, can be offended, but do not allow this feeling to affect their general condition. If they were offended, Virgos will analyze the situation and, concluding that the offense was inflicted unfairly, will take note - the one who did this will be blacklisted. And then try to wash yourself off and regain your goodwill. It won't be easy.

10th place - Sagittarius

With Sagittarius, everything is more or less the same: they, like Virgos, prefer to use their heads and not give in to emotions. However, there is a “but” here, and it is associated with certain vulnerabilities. Having hit Sagittarius' weak points, the offender has no idea what he has run into. They will take revenge on him to the end and without pity. So be careful - Sagittarius shoots right at the target.

9th place - Scorpio

Scorpios can think sensibly, and then the one who tried to offend them should thank heaven that he was lucky and did not get hit. But Scorpio can also turn off the brain. In this case, it will be very bad for everyone. But not necessarily right away. The representative of this sign professes patience and vindictiveness, so he will wait for the right moment to respond to an insult. The answer may ultimately arrive in a day, a month, or a year.

8th place - Aries

The most touchy signs of the zodiac are definitely not Aries, but if they are Aries women, then the situation is worse. Aries is offended, but selectively. There is no logic in his reaction: he may not pay attention to serious grievances, but he will get angry over nonsense. And How! Rumble, screams, stamping of feet - in a word, a scandal. True, Aries doesn’t last long, and after shouting and making noise, he calms down and moves on, laughing and forgetting the past.

7th place - Leo

For Leo, it is important to be an object, if not admiration, then respect. It is important for this sign to feel appreciated. At the same time, Leo himself will persistently demand that you evaluate his work or actions. And then you step on fragile ice. However, if you offend Leo with an insufficiently admiring comment, you will not kill him - he quickly cools down. But if he is truly offended, he will not take revenge, he will simply erase you from his life. Which is also unpleasant, of course.

6th place - Gemini

Resentment for Gemini is a breeding ground. As they say, there would be a reason. Moreover, the scale of the occasion is not important. It’s enough to tell Gemini some little thing, at least a little critically, and they’ll create such a riot that it won’t seem like much. Gemini's reaction will be tens of times stronger than the actual reason. Our advice to you: if you encounter such behavior, don’t wait for the ending, leave. The representative of this sign will quickly deflate, as he needs an opponent. Without a living conflict, he is not interested in tearing his throat.

5th place - Pisces

The most touchy signs of the zodiac are, among others, Pisces, and when it comes to women, then men must be extremely delicate. You definitely can’t cook porridge with Pisces. They get offended once, twice, three times, that is, instantly, and they move away for a very long time. The reason for grievances can be the most insignificant. However, you won’t have to wait for scandals: Pisces worries everything inside. And even if you apologize and repent to them, they will formally accept the apology, but will still be biting themselves for another month.

4th place - Aquarius

With Aquarius everything is amazing and incredible. You offended them - they forgot you. That's the whole story. Yes, this is the Aquarius method. He will not quarrel with you, and will not hatch plans for revenge. Aquarius will simply erase the offender from his life, forbid his family to pronounce his name (even if it is his mother-in-law) and when they meet, he will look with confusion - like, who are you? And this is not a pose, but an organic reaction.

3rd place - Capricorn

This sign is a very reverent and fragile self-lover. The assessment of others is important to him, the assessment is exclusively positive, he does not recognize anyone else. Therefore, your criticism of his work, appearance, taste preferences will strike such a blow that Capricorn will wilt, cry and go to seek consolation from those who tell him that he is a genius. Therefore, do not offend Capricorn - it is better to bypass him.

2nd place - Cancer

The most touchy of the zodiac signs are, among other things, Cancers. They are unique creatures. It’s easy to offend them, and it’s even easier to offend them by asking for forgiveness for the initial offense. Let me explain. If you apologize to Cancer for what you said, remember - you are a sapper walking through a minefield. You need to apologize without any “buts” - simply and clearly. Like, I was stupid, I didn’t think, I won’t do it again. And options like “I, of course, got carried away, but you must admit that you overcooked the spaghetti” - oh, it’s even scary to imagine what will happen.

1st place - Taurus

The most touchy sign of the zodiac. Taurus is like Pisces, only deeper in the sense of self-criticism. Taurus will consider any statement of yours that contains criticism to be an insult, will withdraw, hide in a dark corner and begin to reflect. And all because their irrepressible imagination, sometimes multiplied by uncertainty, greatly spoils their lives. A couple of words addressed to him are enough, and Taurus will make such a mountain out of this molehill that apologize, don’t apologize, explain, don’t explain - it’s all to no avail: Taurus is sure that he is worse than everyone and is not capable of anything.

Let us note that many factors influence touchiness, and the zodiac sign a person was born under is far from the least important. I wonder what signs are the most touchy, vulnerable and receptive? To understand this, in this article we will look at each zodiac sign in more detail.

Rightfully took first place Cancer. Cancers have a very tender and vulnerable soul. They are very impressionable individuals. It is for this reason that those around them must be very tactful and sensitive with them, otherwise they may accidentally offend representatives of this zodiac sign.

It is interesting that all signs that belong to the water element are vulnerable. Co Scorpios And Pisces you need to be very careful. These people have a fragile and sophisticated soul that is very easy to hurt. Only now Scorpio will take revenge on you, and Cancer and Pisces will simply suffer. Scorpios remember all the grievances caused and can hatch a plan for revenge for years, so don’t be surprised if after a long time you suddenly receive a response from him.

Aries takes offense in a very peculiar way. This is not a particularly sensitive and vulnerable sign, but if Aries harbors a grudge, it will last for a long time. This reaction of Aries must be taken very seriously. Aries are very explosive, so you should not offend them, otherwise you may get a sharp and unexpected response. Their offenders often regret having said or done something hurtful. An interesting fact is that after such a bright and sharp reaction, Aries just as quickly calms down and continues communication.

a lion may be offended that you show them little attention, neglect them, or deny their merits. In response, Leo will ignore you and may even forget about your existence. If you work under the leadership of a Leo, then it is much more difficult. After all, he can easily fire you or ruin your relationships with colleagues.

Sagittarius belong to the fire element, for this reason their reaction is very violent. They will lecture you, teach you, and conduct debriefings. Not everyone can withstand such a test. After all, morally it is very difficult.

Representatives of winter signs: Virgo, Capricorn And Tele ts are very stable individuals. It's hard to offend them. They often transfer the emotionality of the offense into a rational direction. They may take your behavior for granted, so they won't even dwell on your words or behavior. They perceive the world as it is. They try to make the most of any situation, drawing appropriate conclusions. But this does not mean that you can sit on their heads. In the future, response measures will follow, they will be adequate and rational.
