Games for children put the child to bed. Hazel baby care game

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Revolution of the genre

Not so long ago there were no computers. For many little girls, the main entertainment was playing with numerous baby dolls and dolls. However, everything in this world is fleeting, including the choice of toys. Baby care games - for many young beauties, today have almost completely replaced real baby dolls and baby dolls. The virtual toddlers in them allow themselves to knock their legs when they lack attention and become capricious, ask to be held all the time, do not forget to report, at the top of their voices, about their feeling of hunger and desire to eat, in general, they behave the same way as real babies.

It’s a pleasure to watch cute mother-nannies from the sidelines, but it’s not always possible to fully satisfy a number of the numerous needs of screaming butts and make them coo and smile. As a rule, in games of this kind the baby needs to be dressed, fed, given something to drink and put to bed. At the same time, you will also have to change diapers, apply powder, and read a bedtime story, if necessary.

Caring for babies will be a favorite activity for little girls

When you see a tiny squealing lump with button eyes in front of you, it’s difficult to resist and hide your emotions. I immediately want to take the baby in my arms, find a thousand kind words to calm him down, in general, do everything to make the baby cozy and comfortable. The explanation for this is simple - the maternal instinct is triggered. The presence of such an instinct in girls largely explains children's games of daughter-mother, love for dolls and the desire to take care of someone. And if there are no small children in the family to whom you can pay attention, then games about caring for babies are precisely the place where young nannies learn to take care of the younger ones and provide them with every possible attention.

These games are diverse. Among them are dress-up games and games in which you need to find something specific, for example, a rattle. In some, the nanny needs to spend the whole day with the baby and at the same time go with him for a walk and shopping, make sure that he is always dry and do not forget to feed him at the set time.
Sometimes there are several kids. This is where the fun begins. One wants to eat, another wants to sleep, and the third needs to change his diaper. And the poor nanny spins around like a squirrel in a wheel, running from one baby to another. At the same time, the task is sometimes complicated by the fact that there is only one changing table and one high chair in the game. Try explaining to the baby that his place is still occupied.

The main thing is that the kids are happy

Nannies are different, as are the games about them. But the end result of each of the players, with varying nuances, is the well-being of the little ones entrusted to their care.
Each of the nannies has their own tactics in achieving their goals and their own tricks.

Caring for children is not easy at all. Agree that in order to keep track of everything and at the same time have time to put your loved one in order, you need perseverance, patience and speed in making decisions and sequence of actions. When entertaining an active, restless baby, you will even have to get dressed for the upcoming walk without letting go of the rattle. But you need to dress the baby decently and look decent yourself. At the same time, do not forget that during feeding the baby may reluctantly stain your clothes. So you should first feed the baby, and then think about yourself. By the way, it’s quite possible to take a children’s book with you for a walk, but you don’t have to worry about a newspaper with crossword puzzles, you won’t have time to relax. As soon as the child falls asleep, you can take the stroller to the store.

Virtual nurseries

The situation is somewhat different in those games where you need to monitor and care for several children at the same time. This is where you need to have a motor, otherwise there is simply no point in taking on such a task. In a virtual nursery, the poor nanny is not having a very sweet time. Only perseverance and hard work will probably not be enough here. Also, love for children should be boundless. You can’t dream of free time when working at this pace. But the skill will come in handy, and what a skill it is! Child care games for girls teach you how to do several things at once. After all, they will simultaneously need to bathe babies, prepare formula, feed them, change diapers and give them rattles. In general, feel like a bee. How clearly such a hectic work day is planned will determine how supportive the children’s parents will be.

Don't forget that babies will only lie where you put them until they are six months old. Older tomboys cause even more trouble. Some begin to crawl away, are not always willing to sit on the potty, and begin to throw toys around more intensively. These little miscreants care about everything, and your task is to keep track, prevent them, catch them in time, put them in the playpen.

You begin to experience true bliss when satisfied parents begin to pick up their beloved children one by one. It’s good that they were all virtual, and you could cope with all the tasks by looking at numerous prompts on the screen and clicking the mouse in the right place.

Baby care games are educational and interesting. Girls take part in caring for toddlers with pleasure, showing the best of their qualities and acquiring precious experience and knowledge from childhood that will be useful in adulthood.

Chubby, adorable and smelling deliciously of mother's milk, babies always make you want to take care of their health and well-being. This is why baby care games for girls are so popular among young ladies. Choose this category of games on our website and immerse yourself in a colorful and funny children's world, where flannelette diapers, ringing rattles and warmed bottles reign.

Baby care games have not lost their relevance for many years, since the maternal instinct awakens in almost every young person over time. But it is not always possible to nurse a living baby, so appropriate virtual entertainment comes to the rescue. In baby care games, every girl can take on the role of an older sister, a future mother or an experienced nanny, and happily begin the daily responsibilities of caring for a child.

Baby care games for girls will teach young princesses how to change diapers, prepare formula for feeding, bathe newborns and cope with hyperactive twins. It's fun and very entertaining, and as a bonus, your daughter will gain invaluable experience that will certainly be useful to her in the future.

Do you want to watch how a cute baby turns into a screaming monster if he doesn't like something? It turns out that being a nanny is not so easy.

An excellent game for fans of advanced variations on the “mother-daughter” theme. Try to put the charming (at first glance!) baby to bed. But be prepared for the fact that if anything goes wrong, this angel-like creature will immediately burst into tears, scream and start waving her fists in anger like a windmill, so much so that you want to strangle her. Now can you imagine how your mother felt when you were capricious and didn’t listen? Do you want to try your hand?

Objective of the game Caring for Baby Hazel

On the one hand, the essence of the game Caring for Baby Hazel is not only simple, but elementary: put a tired child to bed. Help me brush my teeth, wash my face before bed, take a shower, comb my hair - nothing complicated.

On the other hand, the baby is accustomed to a certain order of actions, and any violation of it causes terrible hysterics in her.

On the third, the task is complicated by two control options that you will have to constantly monitor. The first is a timer. Remember, you have exactly three minutes and twenty seconds for all toilet and washing procedures. And not a moment more. If you don’t have time to put the girl to bed during this time, consider yourself lost and need to start all over again.

Your second controller is Hazel's happiness scale. While everything is going the way she likes, she smiles, and the happiness indicator on the scale slowly creeps up. The problem is that such an idyll lasts for a very, very short time. As soon as you make any wrong move (put a cup in the wrong place, for example), Hazel’s lips purse, her eyebrows frown, and tears appear in her eyes. It is clear that any of her crying or screaming (and she sobs and gets angry, as you already understood, often) reduces the happiness indicator, instantly reducing it to zero. And how can you win here?!

As you can see, the simplicity of the game Caring for Baby Hazel is apparent. In fact, this is a real quest, cunningly disguised in pink “mimimi”.
