How to pump up the gluteus medius muscle at home. How to pump up the gluteus medius and minimus muscles

Noticed that firm ass attracts men's gaze bigger than breasts? Even if you haven’t, then know that according to statistics, this is really true. This means it’s time to seriously take care of your “fifth point”, make it as strong as a nut and as appetizing as possible. Get to work!

How to make your butt attractive

If you are overweight:
Power control. It is necessary to reconsider your diet in the direction of reducing calories, perhaps go on a diet.
Interval cardio training for general weight loss.
Strength training for the gluteal muscles up to two times a week with a mandatory rest break.

If you are underweight:
Increase the calorie content of food, include sports supplements (protein) in your diet.
Commit to strength training.

There are other ways to achieve attractiveness:

  • lipolifting - liposculpture of the target area (transplantation of one's own fat from the abdominal area and hips to the buttocks area). It is known that Iggy Azalea, Kylie Jenner and Jennifer Selter resorted to this procedure at one time.
  • implants are an operation similar to breast augmentation, but technically a little more complex and “new”. The most famous “silicone butts”: Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, etc.
  • shapewear or underwear with padding in the buttock area. The easiest way to make shapes perfect :)
If you are satisfied with any of these three methods, then you don’t need to read further. And for those who are “for” natural and durable, we suggest following below.

A little anatomy

We assume that you want to quickly move on to the main topic of the article - exercises for the buttocks, but don’t be lazy to read about the gluteal muscles and their morphological features. Anatomically, women's buttocks are more convex than men's, and this is not only due to greater fat deposition in this part of the body. The girl’s pelvis is slightly tilted forward, and the lumbar lordosis (deflection) is more pronounced, and this can be considered a bonus from nature.
What we call the general definition of the “buttock” is the combination of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. Let's take a brief look at these muscles:

Gluteus maximus muscle(m. gluteus maximus) is the most noticeable muscle of the group, a giant muscle, one of the most powerful in the entire body. Performs the function of fixing the torso, extension and rotation of the hip.

Gluteus medius muscle(m. gluteus medius) is a small muscle that becomes noticeable when viewed from the side or behind. Located laterally on top of the gluteus maximus. Participates in hip abduction, internal and external rotation of the hip.

Gluteus minimus(m. gluteus minimus) is a small muscle lying laterally under the gluteus maximus muscle. It is impossible to see her. therefore it is not visible at all. Functionally similar to the gluteus medius muscle.

Technique (leg abduction in crossover):

  • put the cuff on your leg and hook the carabiner to the block.
  • stand up and grab the machine with your hands, this will help maintain your balance.
  • tilt your body slightly forward and do not straighten until you finish the exercise.
  • As you exhale, using your gluteal muscle, move your leg back.
  • while inhaling, without jerking, return your leg to its original position.
  • Do the required number of repetitions in this manner, then change legs.
In addition to the crossover, moving the leg back can be done in other simulators (in the “pendulum”, for example), as well as with or without various types of weights.

After your workout, don't forget to cool down! Good luck to you!

Do you want your buttocks to be more toned and firm?

Whatever it is, people often want to increase the athletic performance of their gluteal muscles - to jump higher and be stronger and more resilient.

I think there's nothing sexier than a rock-hard butt that looks good in any pants (not just leggings).

If you add these 19 glute exercises to your workout routine, your lower body will become better shaped and physically stronger, which will improve your overall performance. I'll even give you some workout ideas with the sole purpose of achieving the latter... so just keep reading.

Before going directly to the description of the exercises, I feel obliged to help you understand How it's the gluteal muscles that actually work. This is important because your butt is not alone big muscle.

1. Gluteus maximus muscle

Did you know that the gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the entire human body? Its job is to support the torso in an upright position, which is the reason for its size and power.

As the name suggests, it is the largest and closest to the surface muscle of the entire gluteal muscle group.

The function of the gluteus maximus muscle is mainly to extend the upper legs (hips) - for example, when rising from a squat position. Another example of including this muscle in work is lifting the torso tilted forward. Picture yourself swinging a kettlebell and you'll get a good idea of ​​how this muscle works.

Hip extension also occurs during deadlifting, pushing off the legs during running and skating, and simply while swinging the leg.

This muscle is also involved in turning the leg - for clarity, imagine, for example, a duck walk.

2. Gluteus medius muscle

The gluteus medius is the smallest of the gluteal muscle group, located beneath the gluteus maximus and provides stability to the hip joint, especially when standing on one leg. Thus, when walking or running (where the legs are used in turns) or climbing stairs, the gluteus medius muscle is tensed to prevent the pelvis from sinking to one side.

Moreover, the gluteus medius (and minimus) are involved in hip abduction.

3. Gluteus minimus

It is the smallest of the gluteal muscle group, located directly below the gluteus medius. Its main function is to provide stability to the hip joint. It works together with the gluteus medius muscle.

I hope that this little anatomical excursion did not confuse you. Essentially, that's all you need to know to perform the exercises. Well, let's move on to...

19 most effective exercises for buttocks

If you do these 19 exercises during your workout, your butt will be in perfect shape. You don’t need to mindlessly exercise on exercise machines to achieve results. The 12 smart glute exercises below are the best of the best.

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle

1. Hip abduction

The US Physical Education Committee, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, conducted a study to find out which exercises best engage the gluteal muscles. Guess which exercise topped the list for the gluteus maximus muscle?

...This is hip abduction!

The graph below shows results for other glute exercises (1):

Get on all fours, keep your back in a neutral position, and your abs tense. Raise your right leg up, keeping your knee at a 90-degree angle throughout the movement, with your heel pointing toward the ceiling and your hip and knee parallel to the floor. Lower your leg down and repeat with your left leg.


  • It is necessary to protect your back from injury. The neck should also form one line with the back - straight (accordingly, you need to look down, not up).
  • To make the exercise more difficult, add weight to each leg, hold a kettlebell at the knee joint, or perform this exercise using a special machine.

2. Kettlebell swings

Renowned spinal surgeon Stuart McGill has shown that the kettlebell swing is not only an excellent exercise for targeting the gluteus maximus, but also the safest exercise for the back.

If I were wandering on a deserted island and could only do one exercise, I would probably choose kettlebell swings. It's so useful.

How to do this exercise:

With your back straight and your core tight, lean forward and grasp the kettlebell with both hands. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Maintain a slight tilt towards your knees and move your pelvis back. Then quickly straighten up and swing the weight in front of you, keeping your stomach and buttocks tight.

Notes: The movement should come from the hip joint when returning to an upright position. Lower the weight between your legs and repeat the swinging motion as many times as necessary.

A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that compared to shallow and parallel squats, deep squats better recruit the gluteus maximus, especially in the concentric phase. (3)

This is logical, since the lower you go, the more you stretch (and thereby engage) the gluteal muscles. Shallow squats work the thigh muscles more than the gluteal muscles. Therefore, go lower to fully work the gluteus maximus muscle.

How to do this exercise:

Place the barbell on your shoulders (top of your trapezius), look straight ahead, chest out, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly to the sides.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and move your pelvis back and down (as if sitting on a chair), focus on your heels, and keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Rise up by pushing your heels off the floor and squeezing your buttocks.

The deadlift is not just a good exercise for the gluteal muscles, but also one of the best for developing the lower body. Obviously, you need to try to do it correctly, because serious injury can occur if the technique is incorrect or if it is brought to muscle failure.

How to do this exercise:

Hold the barbell so that it is opposite your knees, above your feet. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Holding the barbell with a medium grip, bend over at the hip joint, making sure your back is straight and your stomach is tight.

Lower your pelvis and bend your knees, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep your back straight, then rise up, focusing on your heels.

After the bar rises above your knees, move your hips slightly forward with a confident, powerful movement.

Lower the bar by flexing your hips and pointing it toward the floor, but keep it close to you to reduce excess stress on your back.

This exercise differs from a traditional deadlift in that the legs are more or less fixed as the barbell is lifted. The knees should be slightly bent, but this is more of a pulling exercise that works the hamstrings and glutes. It probably targets the hamstrings even more, but this also needs to be developed to improve overall performance.

How to do this exercise:

Hold the barbell at hip level with an overhand grip (palms down). Shoulders should be down, back straight, stomach tense, and knees slightly bent. This is the starting position.

Lower the bar down, moving your pelvis back as far as possible. Keep the barbell close to your body, looking straight ahead and keeping your shoulders down. Lower until you feel the hamstrings are fully stretched - usually just below the knees.

At the bottom, squeeze your buttocks and use your hamstrings to lift yourself up.

6. Glute bridge with knee pressed to chest

This is a more advanced version of the basic pelvic floor lift, but I like it better because it opens up the hip flexors and engages the glutes more.

How to do this exercise:

Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Lift your left leg off the floor and bring it toward your chest. This is the starting position. Leaning into the heel of your right foot, lift your pelvis off the floor. Fix at the top point, then return to the starting position. After completing the repetitions on the right leg, perform the exercise on the left leg.

7. Lifts

Lift-ups are similar to single-leg squats. In fact, many Eastern weightlifters are increasingly doing lifts in addition to squats due to their effectiveness in developing the muscles of each leg without undue strain on the back.

How to do this exercise:

Raises can be performed either with a barbell on your shoulders or holding dumbbells in your hands. I will describe how to perform the exercise with dumbbells.

Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Drop your shoulders down and tense your arms. The upper body should be practically motionless.

Place the heel of your right foot on a box or bench. Stand up on the bench, shifting your weight to your right heel. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left leg.

8. Raising the pelvis with a barbell

The barbell pelvic raise is perhaps the best exercise for the gluteus maximus muscle. It involves the exercise much more intensely than the squat or deadlift due to four unique characteristics of this exercise:

  1. The barbell hip raise is essentially a hip extension exercise.
  2. The most difficult part of the exercise is at the highest point, which highly activates hip extension
  3. The knees are bent during the exercise, so the back of the thigh is not included in the work
  4. The knee joint is practically not involved in the exercise

This exercise is also less stressful on the back than barbell squats, since the barbell is held in front of the hips rather than placed on the shoulders. Therefore, lifting the pelvis with a barbell is extremely useful for people who have suffered an injury.

How to do this exercise:

Sit directly in front of the bench. Place the barbell on your thighs. A soft pad can be used to protect the femur. Then lie down with your shoulder blades on the bench.

Begin lifting your pelvis by distributing your own weight between your shoulder blades and heels. At the top, pause briefly, then return to the starting position.

9. Leg abduction in block

These exercises are not the prerogative of Cindy Crawford training. Leg abduction with a shock absorber is an excellent exercise for the entire gluteal muscle group due to the large angle of abduction of the leg.

How to do this exercise:

Attach the shock absorber to the ankle of your right leg. Stand facing the load block at a distance of half a meter and grab the frame with your hands. Bend your knees slightly and tighten your buttocks. Slowly move your working leg back, resisting the tension of the shock absorber, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and change your working leg.

To engage the entire gluteal muscle group, turn the toe of the abducted leg outward.

10. Side squats on one leg

The highlight of this exercise is that the leg is moved to the side. Thanks to this, the body weight shifts to the working leg and buttock.

How to do this exercise:

Stand with your right foot on a box or bench, move your left foot to the side without touching the floor, then do a squat on your right leg. Focus on your heel and rise up, engaging your buttocks. Do the required number of repetitions and change legs.

11. Bulgarian lunges

One of the most difficult, but at the same time useful exercises for all muscle groups of the upper legs, and not just the gluteal muscles. Try placing your entire foot on the bench behind you first, and then stand with just your toes. You will feel a huge difference.

How to do this exercise:

This exercise can be performed either with a barbell on your shoulders or holding a dumbbell in each hand. I will describe the technique for performing Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells.

Stand with your back to the bench and make sure you are far enough away to perform the lunge. Make sure that the knee of your working leg does not go beyond the toe. Place one of your legs on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lower yourself until your back knee almost touches the floor and your working thigh is parallel to the floor. Then push up with the heel of your front foot and return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and change legs.

Exercises for the gluteus medius (and minimus)

Since the muscle fibers of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles have a different location and attachment points from the gluteus maximus muscle, and are also involved in work from a different angle, they perform different functions.

Their main role is to stabilize the pelvis and abduct the hip. The following exercises are aimed at just that.

12. Leg raise

This is a great exercise for warming up the gluteal muscles and also helps you learn how to balance your pelvis on one leg. It is mandatory for athletes, particularly runners.

How to do this exercise:

Stand with one foot on a small elevation, such as a step. Lift the opposite hip and pelvis and hold for 3-5 seconds. Then slowly lower it to the floor. Repeat the exercise until you feel tired (usually 1-2 minutes), then change legs. Make sure your working leg is straight and your shoulders don't roll over to one side.

13. Hip abduction lying on your side

Do you have a hard IT band? For most people, yes, and the reason for this is the muscle that forms it - the “tensor fascia lata” - which is located in the upper and side of the legs, just below the femur.

When training your glutes, you need to make sure that the exercises you perform maximally engage the gluteal muscles and not the tensor fascia lata. Since these muscles are located so close, you need to have a good understanding of anatomy to tell them apart.

The good news is that a study published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that, along with stretching the hips and lifting the pelvis, side-lying hip abduction is one of the most effective exercises that engages the gluteus medius muscle. with minimal involvement of the tensor fascia lata. (4)

You may look ridiculous doing this exercise, but who cares! The main thing is that it is very useful for strengthening the gluteus medius and minimus muscles.

How to do this exercise:

Lie on your left side with your head on your left hand. Extend your hips about 45 degrees and bend your knees 90 degrees. Make sure your hips and knees are kept together. Begin to lift your upper leg upward, keeping your feet together, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions, then roll over to the other side.

During the exercise, do not turn your body along with your hip.

14. Squats with an expander

This exercise will help you squat more effectively. Many people injure their knees during squats due to poor technique, which can lead to more serious problems such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

Since the shock absorber is worn just above the knees, it helps engage the gluteus medius and minimus muscles and prevents knee extension. Learn to do this exercise with your bodyweight first and then add a shock absorber.

How to do this exercise:

Place the shock absorber on your legs, just above your knees. Keep your head and chest straight and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart to feel the tension on the shock absorber. Tighten your abs and lower your pelvis back and down (as if sitting in a chair), keeping your weight in your heels and squatting as low as possible. Maintain shock absorber tension by engaging your glutes so that your knees remain parallel throughout the exercise.

Return to the starting position, pushing your heels off the floor and keeping your butt firm and your knees parallel.

15. Side plank with leg lift

This is a more challenging version of the side plank that focuses on developing your core and glutes. This is a rather non-trivial exercise, during which you will feel that it is much easier to perform on one side than on the other. A 2009 study found that, along with various glute exercises, the side-lying hip abduction—which is identical to the leg raise in this exercise—is most beneficial for developing the gluteus medius muscle. (5)

How to do this exercise:

Lie on your left side, place your elbow directly under your shoulder, legs should be straight, feet together. Tighten your core muscles and lift your pelvis up, forming a straight line from your ankle to your shoulder. Then lift your top leg without bending your knee. Hold for 3-5 seconds, lower your leg, repeat. After the required number of repetitions, roll over to the other side.

16. Side step with expander

The easiest way to understand what this exercise looks like is to imagine a zombie walking from side to side. It looks funny, but your buttocks will “burn” in a matter of seconds.

How to do this exercise:

Pull the shock absorber around your ankles. Make sure there is enough tension even when your feet are shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs straight, step to the right (squeezing your right buttock) and gently bring your left leg up. Continue stepping to the right for the required number of repetitions (or distance), then to the left.

17. Bent over toe touch – bringing the knee forward

This is an exercise I used to do with my football players. It focuses on developing stability as you bring your knee forward toward your chest, which is why I recommend it to anyone who runs.

How to do this exercise:

Standing in the starting position on your left leg, lean forward, moving your right leg back, keeping your back straight and your core muscles tense. Touch your left toe with your right hand. Then, engaging your gluteal muscles and hamstrings, still standing on your left leg, return to the starting position and bring your right knee in front of your chest. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then repeat from the beginning. The latter is very important for this exercise, so take your time. Do the required number of repetitions, then switch legs.

18. Leg circle in a vertical position

Since this exercise is usually performed during a warm-up, you're probably wondering what the gluteal muscles have to do with it. But don't worry, do a few circles or do them faster and you will feel your glutes engaging.

How to do this exercise:

Stand on your left leg, lift your right leg slightly off the floor and start drawing small circles with it from your hip, first in front of you, then on the side, and finally behind you. Perform 3-5 circles clockwise and counterclockwise at each angle. The gluteal muscles of the supporting leg will work to maintain pelvic stability, so try to stand straight and without swaying.

19. Walking in the “bridge” position on the ball

An additional exercise that works both sides of your back in a “crossover” motion. In fact, when the gluteal muscle works on one side, the lower back muscles on the opposite side automatically engage. It also happens while walking, running or climbing stairs. This is an excellent exercise for these muscle groups, which, in addition, also looks beautiful.

How to do this exercise:

Place the ball under your head and shoulders like a pillow, stretch your arms out to the sides and tense. As with all stability ball exercises, it is important to ensure that your hips are lifted and your body is in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Tighten your buttocks and begin to move to the left. You should feel the right buttock and lower back on the left side working in particular.

Variety of exercises is important in any workout. Therefore, there is no need to choose a single exercise from the list above and perform it until you lose your pulse. It's better to include several of them.

Each muscle consists of different fibers that are activated during different movements. By performing a series of exercises for the gluteal muscles, you can use all of them.

With these facts in mind, below are 4 recommendations for choosing exercises for your workout. As a general rule, you need to make sure that:

  1. At least one type of gluteus maximus exercise included
  2. A number of squat exercises included
  3. Deadlift exercises included
  4. Includes stability-building exercises that activate the gluteus medius and minimus muscles

3 workouts to give your butt the desired shape

Now that you know the best glute exercises, here are three ways you can combine them into full-on workouts to shape, strengthen, and maintain your glutes.

I named each workout based on its main goal:


CP - “number of repetitions”, implying that you need to choose the optimal weight to perform the proposed number of repetitions

Workout 1 – Athletic Development

The goal of this workout is to develop strength and endurance. Therefore, there is no need to rush when doing the exercises. Instead, try lifting heavier weights for fewer reps. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets and reps to ensure you get the most out of each one.

Complete two sets before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

  • Kettlebell swings – 10 CP
  • Deadlift – 6 CP
  • Deep squats – 6 CP
  • Hip abduction on hands and knees – 10 CP on each leg
  • Raising the pelvis with a barbell – 6 CP

Workout 2 – Shape and tone

This workout is designed for those people (especially women) who want to achieve firm buttocks that look perfect in any jeans.

  • Added step with shock absorber - 10 steps one way
  • Hip abduction on hands and knees – 10 reps on each leg
  • Lifts – 6 KP
  • Romanian deadlift – 10 reps
  • Leg abduction with shock absorber – 10 CP per leg

Workout 3 – Bulletproof Back

This workout should be part of everyone's overall training plan because of the importance of resilience-building exercises that also improve overall performance.

As the name suggests, this workout protects your back by working all three gluteal muscles. Remember that the gluteal muscles are the “abs” for the back, so the healthier they are, the better, especially if you spend most of the day in a sitting position.

  • Raising and lowering legs – 10 CP for each leg
  • Hip abduction in side lying position – 10 CP on each side
  • Vertical leg circles – 3 circles (at each angle) on each leg
  • Bent over toe touch – knee forward – 10 CP on each leg
  • Squats with shock absorber - 10 CP
  • Raising the pelvis from the floor with the knee pressed to the chest - 10 CP for each leg
  • Walking in the “bridge” position on the ball – 5 CP on each leg

I hope you enjoyed this detailed guide on how to perform glute exercises. Everything you need to do to achieve the result is described above. If you were satisfied with this article, share it with three friends.

You can be a hero to your friends by helping them go from having a “saggy, flat butt” to feeling proud of what they see in the mirror. In addition, the presented exercises can also save many people you know from back problems. Be a good friend and share the love.

If you liked “The 19 Best Glute Exercises of All Time (Detailed Guide),” you may also be interested in reading “The Fat Burn Workout.” Get it for free by clicking the banner below.

The gluteus medius muscle is the main “weapon” of many women, which allows them to create the ideal shape of their butt. Besides the visual aspect, this muscle plays a vital role in most movements, from running to walking to supporting a standing position. The main problem is that not all athletes perform exercises for the gluteus medius muscle. Moreover, an inactive lifestyle leads to atrophy of this muscle, which provokes a number of negative health consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to include exercises for the gluteus medius in each workout, and if the area lags behind, a separate session should be devoted to working it out.

Structural features and location of the gluteal medius

The gluteus medius is often called the “superior” gluteus, due to its location. It is located above the gluteus maximus, with an offset to the outside. It has the shape of a triangle and is clearly visible from the side.

Gluteus medius muscle

The muscle performs the functions:

  • Hip abduction (sideways, inwards, outwards).
  • Support when tilting the body (especially when performing a bend on one leg).
  • Stabilizes the trunk in a standing position and helps lift off the foot when walking and running.

In most cases, exercises for the upper buttocks are performed for aesthetic reasons. This is exactly the “secret part” that makes low-waist jeans so popular. It creates an incredibly sporty look and accentuates the shape of your butt.

However, in athletics, gymnastics and other sports, training the gluteus medius plays an important role. It helps:

  • improve athletic performance in running and jumping;
  • reduce the stress on knee and hip joints in everyday life.

Therefore, not only girls, but also men need to pay attention to pumping up the gluteus medius muscle.

How to exercise to pump up your upper buttocks

  1. The first reason for the frequent lag of the gluteus medius is not the complexity and peculiarities of training this muscle area, but the unpopularity of exercises for the upper buttocks.
  2. The second reason is that many athletes do not know how to focus on the desired muscle when performing an exercise. As a result, the load “spreads” over other muscles and the movement becomes less effective.

To properly pump up the upper part of the buttocks, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Alternate strength and high-repetition modes.
  • Train with moderate weight (so that the gluteus maximus does not “take” the main load).
  • Stabilize the pelvis, eliminating movement (any inertia or swaying will reduce the effectiveness of exercises for the gluteus medius).
  • Work out the muscle after doing heavy lifting.

The gluteus medius is a fairly resilient muscle, so for better development it is recommended to use the pre-fatigue method. To do this, before exercising the gluteus medius muscle in the gym, perform heavy movements such as, and. Basically, individual exercises for this muscle in general training are performed in the form of “finishing exercises”; they do not replace the usual basic movements.

Top 5 exercises for the gluteus medius

To pump up the upper part of the buttocks, in most cases, various abductions are used in a vertical and horizontal position. Such movements perfectly correspond to the function of this muscle.

1. Leg raise while lying on your side

This is an ideal exercise for the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. It can be easily done both at home and in the gym, without using any equipment. The main feature of horizontal lifts is that other muscles are switched off from work. This allows you to completely focus the load on the upper buttocks.


  1. Lie on your side, bend your arm at the elbow and place it under your head.
  2. The second hand rests on the floor to stabilize the body.
  3. Slowly raise your leg to a 30 degree angle.
  4. After a short pause, return your leg to the starting position.

Important so that your legs do not lie on top of each other. The leg that performs the movement should be moved back slightly (the supporting limb is forward) so that the toe of one leg almost touches the heel of the other.
To pump up the gluteus medius even more effectively, do not lower your foot to the floor until the end of the approach and use a rubber band or.

2. Standing leg abduction

This exercise in the gym is performed in the lower block using a loop handle. At home - using a tourniquet or expander.


  1. Step back 1-2 steps to feel a pronounced tension even in the starting position. Additionally, it is recommended to secure the body by holding onto any ledge or handle.
  2. With a powerful movement, move your leg back as far as possible (but no more than 45 degrees).
  3. After a short pause, very slowly return to the starting position.

In this movement, it is important to avoid inertia and abduct the leg not with the whole body, but with a focus on the gluteus medius.

3. Exercise “pistol”

Works the target muscle and the entire lower body very powerfully. This is a difficult exercise, because to pump up the upper buttocks without sufficient physical training, use a harness. According to complexity, there are 4 types of execution “”:

  1. With a chair - place a cabinet or stool under you, this is insurance against falling down. Gradually reduce the height of the support as your muscles strengthen.
  2. Partial squats - this exercise effectively loads the buttocks and legs, and also prepares the joints and ligaments for more complex execution options.
  3. Full squats with insurance - the movement is performed in full amplitude, but while holding any support (it is recommended to hold on with one hand).
  4. Classic “pistols” are the most difficult option to perform with maximum efficiency.

4. Leg abduction in a horizontal position

This exercise combines two similar movements: the fire hydrant and the back swing.

To pump up the top of the butt, it is recommended to perform them together, combining them in series (or alternately, in approaches). The peculiarity of these exercises is that it is very difficult to make technical errors when performing them. If your body and pelvis are stable, the gluteus medius will be heavily involved in abduction.

The technique of execution remains almost unchanged, with the exception of the direction of movement of the leg:

  1. Place your weight on your knees and palms, keeping your arms straight and your back straight (without excessive arching or rounding). Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Slowly move your leg to the side, performing movement only at the hip joint (when moving back, the leg rises in the corresponding direction).
  3. When your thigh is parallel to the floor, take a short pause and return to the starting position.

Technique for the exercise of moving the legs back on all fours.

5. Climbing

  • To pump up the upper part of the butt, the exercise is performed with dumbbells and in strength mode (12-15 repetitions on each leg).
  • To increase the efficiency of climbing, alternate the position of your feet when climbing onto the pedestal (once your feet are placed wide, on the edges of the pedestal, and at the next step they are brought together).

Sample program

One example of a training plan that will help both pump up the gluteus medius muscle and work almost all the muscles of the legs:

Exercises for the upper buttocks in video format

Most girls and women dream that over time their buttocks will remain in good shape and not sag. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved without some effort. For those who are not lazy to work on themselves, in this article we will tell you how to pump up the gluteus medius muscles. The exercises are simple and accessible to everyone.

Anatomical information

Not many people remember from school that the buttock is not a single muscle, but a whole tangle of muscle tissue. In order to get a beautiful shape as a result of training, you need to know which muscle groups to perform certain exercises for.

Let's look at the structure of the gluteal muscle group:

  1. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the body and is located closest of this group to the surface of the body. Its task is to maintain the entire body in an upright position, which explains the size of this muscle. It is also responsible for the functioning of the hip joint during various movements (squats, push-ups, etc.) and the whole body when bending.
  2. The gluteus medius muscle is the smallest of this group. It is located under the gluteus maximus muscle and is responsible for the stability of the hip joint when walking, running, climbing stairs, abducting the hip to the side and back. Exercises for the gluteus medius muscles strengthen them, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.
  3. The gluteus minimus muscle is located directly below the gluteus medius and, in tandem with it, provides stability to the hip joint.

Since they are a kind of support for the back, their development and condition are invaluable. Further in the article, examples of the most effective exercises for girls are given that will help tidy up and keep the gluteus medius muscle in order.

Steps onto the platform

Platform step-ups are an exercise for the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, aimed at strengthening them to perform the functions of hip abduction and stabilization of the pelvis. Great for warming up before more vigorous movements and included in athletes' mandatory training plans.

To perform this exercise, you will need to prepare a substrate that will serve as a step, approximately fifteen to twenty centimeters thick.

The technique is as follows:

  • stand with one foot on the step;
  • move your free leg to the side to an angle of forty-five degrees;
  • hold in this position for six seconds;
  • slowly lower your leg to the floor.

Perform the exercise at medium intensity for two minutes, then change legs and repeat.

While performing the movements, you need to pay attention to your posture - your back should be straight, your active leg should be straight, your shoulders should not roll to one side.

This exercise can be complicated by the fact that with the maximum abduction of the leg, you need to perform circular movements with it (five circles clockwise and the same number counterclockwise), in this case you will have to maintain balance, which will give additional load.

Hip abduction

This movement is one of the most effective exercises for the gluteus medius muscle at home, affecting its growth. Every woman can do it, since it does not require any special effort. You just need to perform the movement correctly, otherwise it will not be the gluteus medius muscle that will work, but the tensor fascia lata. This muscle occupies the top and side of the legs, just below the femur. During the exercises, you need to make sure that it is the gluteal muscles that are tensed.

The workout looks like this:

  • take the primary position: lying on your side, head on your arm bent at the elbow, knees at a right angle and closed;
  • Without straightening, raise the knee of the upper leg as high as possible, hold there for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position;
  • repeat the exercise ten to twenty times;
  • change position, perform the movements again, straining the gluteus medius muscle well.

The exercise for its growth stipulates that when doing this, the feet must be kept together, and the body should not turn along with the thigh.

Squats with an elastic band

The exercise is performed with a special wide elastic shock absorber, which is put on both legs at once, slightly above the knees. It shouldn't be very tight, but stretched out won't do either. The diameter of the ring should be equal to the circumference of both legs just above the knees. The device serves as a kind of weighting agent and at the same time protects the knee joints from injuries (ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament) in case of incorrect squatting technique. The shock absorber also improves the effectiveness of your workout.

First you need to learn with your own weight, and then include the use of elastic bands in the program.

Exercises for pumping the gluteus medius muscle are performed as follows:

  • put the shock absorber on five centimeters above the knees;
  • take the starting position: spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders (so that the elastic band stretches), feet are parallel to each other, chest and head look straight;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles, squat as low as possible, without lifting your heels from the floor and without tilting your body forward - keep your body weight on your heels, knees parallel to each other;
  • straining the gluteal muscles, return the body to its original position.

The exercise is repeated fifteen to twenty times.

Side step with elastic band

This workout is a very effective way to pump up your gluteus medius muscles. The exercises are performed with an elastic band, which provides resistance during movement, thereby causing the muscle fibers to tighten even more.


  • put the shock absorber on both legs at the same time, just above the middle of the shin, but below the knees;
  • check the tension of the elastic band with your feet shoulder-width apart - resistance should be felt;
  • on straight legs, take a step to the side, straining the corresponding gluteal muscle, smoothly pull up the opposite leg;
  • perform the exercise ten times for each leg;
  • take the following position: elastic band in the same place, squat slightly;
  • On half-bent legs, again perform ten additional steps for each leg.

This exercise can be performed without equipment, and later move on to more serious loads.

Side plank with leg raise

This is a complicated modification of the side plank for pumping the gluteus medius muscles. The exercise is difficult for an unprepared body, but over time, training will help strengthen it.

Performing the exercise:

  • take the desired position: lie on your side, resting on your bent elbow;
  • raise the pelvis up so that a straight line is formed from the shoulders to the ankles, the feet are brought together, the other hand is rested on the side, the body should not sag;
  • raise the straight upper leg so that the angle between the lower limbs is equal to forty-five degrees, stay in this position for six seconds;
  • slowly lower your leg.

Repeat the exercise fifteen to twenty times and turn over to the other side.

Taking your legs back

This is a good workout for the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles. Exercises are performed using a shock absorber. The elastic band should have a diameter sufficient to move the leg back to a large angle and at the same time provide resistance to movement.


  • fasten the elastic band with one edge to the ankle of either leg, and the other to the stand (support);
  • stand at a distance of half a meter from the support and grasp it with both hands to maintain balance;
  • bend your knees slightly and tighten your buttocks;
  • slowly move your working leg back, stretching the shock absorber, hold the position for six seconds;

© Vasyl -

    What you need

    Exercises for the buttocks are an important part of the training program for any athlete. This muscle group should be given attention not only by women who constantly care about the beauty of their body lines, but also by men.

    In this article we will look at many important aspects for athletes that affect the training of this muscle group, and we will tell you how to pump up your buttocks at home and in the gym. Especially for our readers, we have collected in one material the best exercises for the buttocks that will make your body irresistible.

    Anatomy of the gluteal muscles

    Several muscles are responsible for the overall appearance of the buttocks. Every bodybuilder must know about the peculiarities of their structure so that in each specific case the most suitable and effective exercises can be selected. The gluteal group consists of three main sections - large, medium and small pairs of muscles.

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    Gluteus maximus muscle

    This is the main part of the buttocks. It is diamond-shaped and located above the other gluteal areas. Its main function is extension and external rotation of the hip. When walking, the muscle is in a static position. The anatomical features of this section prevent unnatural tilts of the pelvic region and also contribute to shock absorption after a jump.

    This muscle area should be worked by many athletes. A well-developed gluteus maximus muscle helps increase step frequency as well as dynamic work during hip extension. Track and field athletes, boxers, figure skaters, skiers and other athletes - it is important for all of them to properly pump the gluteus maximus muscle.

    Gluteus medius muscle

    This group is located on the side of the buttocks, located under the gluteus maximus. The main purpose is hip abduction and pelvic abduction with a fixed hip position. The zone actively takes part in the movement process. When walking, this area contracts on the supporting leg, which helps fix the pelvic area in place. The gluteal medial area can make it easier to lift your feet off the ground when walking.

    This muscle is very important in many sports. Cross country athletes, gymnasts, figure skaters, and other athletes should work on increasing this muscle area.

    Gluteus minimus

    This muscle group is hardly noticeable. It is the deepest of the three. The main function is to abduct the hip and straighten the torso. This muscle area is involved in all running movements.

    The gluteal muscles help stabilize the hip and are also especially active during cardio movements. In order to understand how to pump up your buttocks and make them more beautiful, you must effectively work out the large, middle and small muscles. Work hard. By pumping up your buttocks, you will be able to increase your strength and run and jump faster.

    Features of training for men and women

    Training programs aimed at strengthening the buttocks are, in most cases, very similar. But there are still some features that influence the choice of exercises.

    Workout for men

    The main difference between men's training is that the emphasis is not only on giving the gluteal muscles a beautiful, toned shape, but is more aimed at developing strength qualities, increasing the volume of the legs and hips.

    The advice on how to pump up a man’s buttocks is very simple - you need to work more with the barbell. Basic exercises for the buttocks used in weightlifting are perfect for this purpose. This way you will pump up several muscle groups at once. You can also work with dumbbells and kettlebells, and, of course, perform various deep squats.

    When performing exercises with heavy sports equipment, it is very important to follow the correct technique, since most movements are quite traumatic.

    Training for women

    Girls and women do not attach as much importance to the development of strength qualities as men. They are more concerned about the beautiful and toned shape of the gluteal muscles. In this regard, lovely ladies, as a rule, are most often interested in the question of how to quickly pump up the buttocks. Especially if the beach season is just around the corner and there is little time left for training.

    In order to get a toned butt, women can be advised to perform basic multi-joint exercises at home or in the gym. Don’t forget about isolation, as this will accentuate the load on the gluteal muscle area. Thus, you must combine different types of loads.

    If you really want to pump up your butt, and not just slightly tone it, you will need to do heavy strength exercises with maximum weight for yourself, and not just swing your legs at home on the mat. If you see a video like “how to make buttocks in 5 minutes at home,” be sure that such “training” will not have any effect. Don't be fooled by marketing phrases; building muscle is not easy work.

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    How quickly can you pump up your buttocks?

    The question of how long it takes to pump up the buttocks is asked in most cases by beginners. Unfortunately, many novice athletes quit sports after just a few training sessions. And all because, having not received the desired rapid result, they are disappointed in the slow progress.

    Remember, it is impossible to form beautiful gluteal muscles in a day, just like pumping up your buttocks in a week. Even if you train daily (which, by the way, is wrong). This is a very complex process that requires a responsible approach. During the first training sessions, your body will only get used to the complex load. Basic exercises like barbell or dumbbell squats will need to be done without weight first to learn the technique, preferably under the supervision of a professional. And only in the future, subject to progress in working weights and proper nutrition, will your buttocks begin to gain shape.

    Muscles need to rest and recover. You cannot train only one group in each session, this can only lead to overtraining and lack of progress. The optimal number of glute workouts per week is 1-2.

    You will be able to see the first changes that will be noticeable visually only after three to four weeks. It is unrealistic to pump up your buttocks well in a month, but during this period they can be made more toned. The main thing is to work purposefully and systematically to improve this muscle area.

    It may take you at least a year to achieve ideal results. Although, this is largely individual and depends on your genetic predisposition, preparedness before starting classes, as well as on the intensity of training and adherence to the regime.

    © Artem -

    Solving problems by type of buttocks

    Each person is an individual. The structure of the buttocks will differ between athletes. There are four main forms of this muscle:

  1. A-shaped buttocks (the upper part is much smaller than the lower part, “heart”).
  2. Round shape (convex).
  3. V-shaped (taper towards the bottom).
  4. Square-shaped (flat) buttocks.

Don't relax if nature has blessed you with beautiful shapes. Even the most toned buttocks can suffer over time and lose their former appearance. By regularly performing exercises for this muscle group, you can solve the most common problems in this part of the body:

  • tighten a saggy butt;
  • add volume to flat buttocks;
  • remove the “breeches” on the hips (subject to the correct diet, which will get rid of the fat layer).

It is unrealistic to change the muscle structure itself, but it is quite possible to correct the shape and improve the general condition of the gluteal area. Within a few months of starting, you will have eliminated some common problems. It should be taken into account that the more advanced the condition at the first training session, the more time will need to be spent pumping the target muscle group. Exercise and diet will help remove excess fat deposits, improve the shape of a saggy butt, and also increase its muscle volume.

Exercises for home workouts

There are certain categories of people who do not have the opportunity to visit gyms, but want to maintain good physical shape, so they are interested in how to pump up their buttocks at home. For such athletes, we have selected several effective exercises, thanks to which you can achieve a certain result, as well as prepare the target muscle group for a heavier load. Perform the exercises described below regularly to pump up your buttocks and give them a beautiful shape. Do not forget that for muscle growth you need constant progress and an increase in load (primarily working weight).


This is an excellent basic exercise that will help you work several muscle groups at once (quadriceps, glutes). In order to know how to properly pump up your buttocks with squats, you must know how to perform all the movements step by step. Use a special ball:

  1. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp the ball with them.
  2. Straighten your back. Throughout the entire approach, do not lean forward or round your spine.
  3. Slowly begin to lower yourself down. The final position is hips below parallel to the floor. The knees should not protrude beyond the toes. Your arms can be extended forward or crossed in front of you.
  4. Return to the starting position. Perform all movements at a slow pace.
  5. Do several reps of squats.

© Bojan -

With the help of a gymnastic ball, the athlete’s body position during movement will be more natural, and the apparatus will not allow the knees to cramp. These squats should be performed by beginner athletes.

A more complicated option is to use a rubber shock absorber:

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In the future, provided you have dumbbells, it is best to move on to squats with them. There are two main options here. The first is a goblet squat with one dumbbell held at chest level:

The second option is squats with two dumbbells:

When performing any type of this exercise for the gluteal muscles, the main thing is to squat as deeply as possible.


This is another very useful exercise. The leg muscles, as well as the gluteal muscles, take part in the load. You can use special weights (dumbbells, weights). At home, you can pick up a full bottle of water or sand.

  1. Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep your body straight. Shifting the torso forward will help pump the quadriceps, not the buttocks.
  3. Take a wide step forward with your right foot, leaving the other foot in place.
  4. During movement, it is necessary to move the center of gravity forward.

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Please note that your knees should not extend beyond your toes:

© inegvin -

By first working without weights, you will be able to work on the correct technique for performing the movements. The step should be wide enough, the back leg should be only slightly bent, so the emphasis of the load will be on the gluteal muscles. The athlete must maintain a stable body position. Work extra on your coordination.

Lying leg raises

This is another good movement that many men and women often perform at home. Not only the muscles of the buttocks, but also the abs, take part in the work. Perform the exercise slowly, you should feel the tension of the target muscle group:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Your arms should be straight at all times, keeping your body straight, as if in a plank. The face should be down.
  3. Alternately lift your right and left legs up. At the top point, hold for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Do approximately 10-15 repetitions of each leg raise.

The number of repetitions depends on your training experience. Exercise at a comfortable pace. Try to keep your balance. You can also use elastic bands to make the exercise more difficult.

© Mihai Blanaru -

Taking your legs back

This is an excellent isolation exercise with which an athlete can work out all the muscles of the buttocks well. At the initial stage, you can work without weights.

  1. Get on your knees, resting on your forearms.
  2. Keep your back straight. Slowly extend your right leg. At the same time, fix your left leg; it should remain in a static position.
  3. Step your right foot back and up.
  4. Lower it to the floor.
  5. Perform several repetitions of the exercise. Then do the same with your left foot.

This movement can also be performed in the gym. Work at a slow pace.

© starush -


And now another good tip on how to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home - do a bridge. But not the usual one, but the gluteal one:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Place your hands on the floor along your body.
  3. Start the movement using force in the hip joint. Tighten your butt muscles. Raise your pelvis as high as possible.
  4. Do several repetitions of the bridge.

© Makatserchyk -

In order to work the target muscle group, the exercise can be complicated by making a bridge with raised arms. This exercise is also ideal for rehabilitating injuries in the spine area; you should feel the tension in the muscles of the gluteal area.

Leg raise while lying on your side

This exercise allows the athlete to specifically work the gluteus medius as well as the gluteus minimus muscles. This isolating movement can be performed using special weights that need to be attached to the ankles.

Exercise technique:

  1. Place weights on your ankles. Lie on your side. Straighten your legs, as well as your lower arm. You can place your other hand behind your head.
  2. Raise both legs up simultaneously. Try to lift them using your gluteal muscles. Do not tear off the body. At the top point, hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. Perform several repetitions of this exercise (12-15). Work at a slow pace.

Workout in the gym

You can train at home only at the first stage of muscle development. If you want to get a more serious result, you need to go to a sports club.

So, how to pump up your buttocks in the gym? It’s very simple - you need to practice using special sports equipment. This will help you achieve the desired result much faster.

There are a huge number of useful exercises that will help you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time. These can be both basic and isolating movements.

Exercises for buttocks with free weights

In all modern gyms you can find a rack with dumbbells and several bars with weights. Exercises with free weights are the most effective.

Forward lunges with dumbbells

This basic movement is often done in any rocking chair by both men and women. In order to perform, you must choose sports equipment of suitable weight. Beginners work according to a system of linear progression of loads - with each new approach it is necessary to increase the load, starting from a minimum. This method will help the athlete determine his working weight.

The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Straighten your back, pick up a pair of dumbbells.
  2. Keep your body straight throughout the entire approach.
  3. Take a wide lunge forward with your right leg.
  4. Fix your body position for a few seconds.
  5. Return to the starting position.
  6. Perform a lunge on the other leg.

Work only with a comfortable weight. This exercise should be performed closer to the start of your workout. The gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles are involved in the movement.

© puhhha -


The squat is a very popular compound movement. Thanks to it, the athlete can work not only the gluteus maximus muscles, but also the quadriceps. To focus on the muscle group that interests us, we need to go as deep as possible.

Perform the movement fairly slowly. A beginner should learn the technique under the guidance of an experienced trainer, as there can be a risk of injury.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Stand firmly on your feet, place them slightly wider than your shoulders, toes pointing slightly to the sides.
  2. Place the exercise equipment on the trapezius muscles. Grasp the bar with both hands.
  3. Straighten your back. Avoid rounding in the lower back and thoracic spine.
  4. Inhale – lower yourself down, hips below parallel with the floor.
  5. Exhale – return to the starting position. The body does not lean forward. If you help yourself with your back, you need to reduce the working weight. Without straightening your legs to the end, proceed to the next repetition.
  6. Perform 10-15 repetitions of this movement.

Don't lift your heels off the floor. Tighten your butt muscles as you squat.

© Vitaly Sova -

Plie squats with dumbbells

Another type of squats, which is aimed at pumping the adductors and gluteal muscles. Plie can be performed using a dumbbell or kettlebell. Beginners are recommended to start the lesson without special weights.

Exercise technique:

  1. Spread your legs wide apart. Turn your feet outward.
  2. Take a dumbbell or kettlebell in your hands and keep it lowered in the center between your legs.
  3. Start to lower yourself slowly. The body does not lean forward.
  4. The bend angle at the knees should be at least 90 degrees.
  5. Rise to the starting position. At the top point, you do not need to straighten your legs; immediately start a new repetition.
  6. Perform several repetitions of the movement (10-15).

At first, practice with sports equipment that is light in weight until you learn how to do all the movements with perfect technique.

Weighted gluteal bridge

This is a complete analogue of a bridge at home. Only here we can load the buttocks more, using additional weights, and as a result, the effectiveness of the exercise will increase. More often a barbell is used, which is placed on the pelvis. A special pad is placed on the bar, which softens the pressure of the projectile on the body.

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Exercises on simulators

Athletes often train using a variety of exercise equipment. But you don’t need to do all the exercises on them. Combine movements with free weights and machines.

Leg press in a wide-legged machine

This is a great basic exercise that will help work your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Almost all athletes perform the leg press. During movement, the bodybuilder does not load his back and abs. It is recommended to work in this simulator for those athletes who have lower back problems.

The technique is:

  1. Lie down on a special seat in the exercise machine. Place your feet on the platform.
  2. To effectively work the buttocks, your feet need to be placed far enough apart from each other, as well as as close as possible to the upper edge of the platform.
  3. Straighten your legs and remove the limiter with your hands.
  4. As you inhale, bend your knees. Do not lift your back and head from the seat.
  5. As you exhale, straighten your legs, but not all the way, immediately starting a new repetition.

Perform all movements using muscle effort, do not use inertia. The amplitude of the press must be full. Watch the position of your knees; they should not be brought together when lifting.

© Africa Studio -

Leg raises while lying on your stomach on a bench or in a machine

The exercise is also called reverse hyperextension. This is an excellent isolated movement that allows the athlete to effectively work the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. To make the exercise more effective, attach special weights to your legs.


  1. Lie on the bench on your stomach.
  2. Your legs should remain suspended, keeping them parallel to the floor.
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then lower your legs down.
  4. Then lift your legs as high as possible using your gluteal muscles.
  5. Lower them down again and perform several repetitions of this exercise.

It's best to work at a slow pace. The body body must be in a static position. Lying leg raises are not recommended for athletes who have lower back problems.

This exercise can also be performed on a hyperextension bench, here the amplitude will be greater:

© Africa Studio -© deagreez -

This is an excellent accessory movement that also targets the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. Single-joint exercise. In order to perform the movement correctly, you will need a special leg extension machine.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Sit on the machine seat. To focus on the gluteus maximus muscle, you need to lean forward. In the normal position, the middle and small parts work.
  2. Your thighs should touch the pillows tightly.
  3. As you exhale, spread your hips as far apart as possible. At the extreme point, fix this position for a couple of seconds.
  4. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Perform several repetitions of leg raises (12-15).

© alfa27 -

The athlete's body must be in a static position.

Most movements help to work several sections of the muscle group in question at once, but there are several features. Squats and lunges are best for targeting the gluteus maximus muscle. The middle and small bundles are used during various swinging movements of the legs.

If you are a beginner, seek help from an experienced trainer. He will help you correct your technique in all difficult exercises. This way you can avoid many common injuries. If you do not have the opportunity to work under the supervision of a mentor, watch training videos for each planned movement first.

Training programs

There are a huge number of training programs to work the target muscle group. What exercises to do to pump up your buttocks is up to you. But remember that in one lesson you must work all the muscle sections of the buttocks.

In the gym

This program is designed for the presence of barbells, dumbbells and exercise machines, so it is unlikely to be completed at home. It's a leg day with an emphasis on the glutes. The complex is suitable for both men and women. One such workout per week will be enough (on the remaining days, work on your upper body):

You must perform all the exercises correctly, otherwise you will not get the desired effect.

At home

We will also consider the option of training at home in the absence of even dumbbells. But so that the exercises are not in vain, you need at least a rubber shock absorber so that the muscles receive at least some load sufficient for hypertrophy. This workout for the buttocks can be done 2 times a week:

Nutrition rules

Nutrition is a very important element in every training program. After grueling workouts in the gym, an athlete must eat quality food. At the initial level of training, you must determine the goal of your training.


If you have problems with cellulite on the buttocks, as well as with excess fat deposits on the sides (the so-called “breeches”), in addition to doing exercises, you should lose excess weight. To do this, you must consume fewer calories per day than you burn. The amount of deficiency is no more than 15-20%; it is very important not to starve, because after intense training you need to provide the body with the necessary energy.

For effective results, provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein (2 g per kg of weight) and complex carbohydrates (at least 1-1.5 g). Don’t completely eliminate fats; they are definitely needed, especially unsaturated ones. 0.8-1 g per kg of weight will be enough.

Mass recruitment

Those with flat buttocks, on the contrary, should take care of gaining weight. You need to burn fewer calories than you consume. The surplus should also be within 15-20% of the daily caloric intake. Eat a lot and often. The lion's share of the daily diet should consist of complex carbohydrates (pasta from durum wheat, rice, pearl barley). You also need protein, about 2 g per kg of body.

During mass gain, athletes often use various sports nutrition products. Protein and gainer will help you gain the right amount of calories if you find it difficult to eat a lot or don’t have enough time.

There are also generally accepted rules for quality nutrition:

  • Drink plenty of water, at least 33 ml per kg of weight.
  • Do not eat 1.5-2 hours before class. Otherwise, you may experience dizziness and nausea. Your pre-workout meal should consist of complex carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Eat well immediately after class. Under no circumstances should you go hungry.
  • In the evening, it is best to eat low-fat cottage cheese, providing the body with “slow” protein.
  • After 18:00 you can and should eat, even on a diet.

Eat only quality food. Normalize your eating process. This way you can achieve results much faster.

Reviews on how to pump up your buttocks will help you decide which exercise is the most effective. In particular, reviews of famous athletes. For example, people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He, being a seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia tournament, always said that a variety of squats are the best exercises for the buttocks.

Absolutely all athletes from the fitness industry, especially those participating in various athletic competitions and competitions, devote a large amount of time to training this muscle group. Photos of famous models, as well as their personal training programs, can be easily found on their social networks.

Beginners should not try to immediately repeat the training program of professional bodybuilders. This is a very heavy load, which will ultimately lead to the effect of overtraining. It is best to create your own lesson plan that is ideal for you and will take into account your individual characteristics. If you do not have enough knowledge for this, use the help of experienced trainers.
