How to find out if a bald haircut will work. Shaving your head: the pros and cons of living without hair using the example of celebrities

The presence of hair on the head, according to the existing statement, adds attractiveness to men and beauty to the female half of humanity. However, everyone has different tastes: some people like to wear a luxurious head of hair, while others prefer to have their hair cut shorter. For example, soldiers always wear short hair, people in creative professions prefer to grow their hair long. A haircut is considered an original approach to your image. A completely bald head can hardly be called a haircut, but this appearance significantly saves many people from the problem of hair loss.

Who is a “zero” haircut suitable for? Regardless of gender, this haircut is suitable for people with the correct skull shape.

Advantages of a “zero” haircut

Most people who have cut their hair and wear a buzz cut can name a number of reasons why they decided to undertake such an experiment. Let's list these advantages:

  1. Economical and fast process.
  2. It's not hot to walk around with a bald head.
  3. There is no time wasted on washing your hair, as well as money on purchasing shampoos, conditioners and other care products.
  4. As one of the ways to improve the health of the scalp (during shaving, dead cells “leave” from the head).
  5. The ability to keep the skin clean (an excellent way to combat diseases such as lice, seborrhea, peeling).

In addition to the positive aspects, we can highlight the possible disadvantages of a “zero” haircut:

  1. Negative reaction from others (many people think that only bandits or prisoners cut their hair bald, which is why people avoid bald people).
  2. There may be problems with checking documents at customs (customs officers may doubt your identity by checking the photo with long hair in your passport with a real bald person).
  3. The head loses thermal protection, due to which increased heat exchange occurs to maintain an acceptable temperature of the head and the whole body.

Among other important points (possibly humorous), the following deserve attention:

  • In any fight, a bald man cannot be grabbed by the hair.
  • If a person is drowning, then it is no longer possible to grab hold of the hair.
  • A bald head can scare away the “undesirable” contingent.
  • All hair problems are not about you.
  • Shaving your head makes a man look brutal and gives him masculinity (remember the famous “bald men”, Bruce Willis, handsome Jason Statham, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Gosha Kutsenko, Dmitry Nagiyev and others).
  • You won't be required to wear a swimming cap in the pool (for some, a bald head provides hydrodynamics when swimming and aerodynamics when cycling).
  • There will never be problems with detangling your hair if some ill-wisher sticks chewing gum to your hair.

Regarding haircuts for children, there is an opinion that after it new hair begins to grow thicker and more attractive. However, in reality, this is not entirely true. Doctors have found that the quality of the hair on a baby’s head is determined at the genetic level, so a “zero” haircut cannot change their quality for the better, and sometimes can cause damage.

Firstly, after shaving the hair of babies, it often begins to grow back worse, and also goes through a long recovery period. This is due to the fact that the skin of the baby’s head is damaged by a razor or clipper, and small capillaries may even burst due to strong skin tension.

Secondly, this procedure for very young children can be very stressful and cause psychological trauma. Therefore, before cutting a child's hair, parents should think carefully.

Which men are suitable for a bald haircut?

Every man can get a zero haircut, regardless of hair type, but skin imperfections on the scalp can be a limitation. Owners of such defects are better off not taking risks with such a haircut, as it may scare off others.

Advice! Tattoos that match your image can hide imperfections on a bald head.

Why do girls cut their hair bald?

There are various explanations for this choice, one of which is the need to make fundamental changes in appearance. Some men believe that a very short haircut on a woman makes her sexier and more attractive.

Some girls cut their hair short for practicality (the hair does not need daily care), but “naked practicality” is not so characteristic of the fair half of humanity than the strong one. Therefore, among the main reasons for girls to cut their hair bald are:

  • creating a new image;
  • manifestation of originality;
  • demonstration of belonging to a certain group of people;
  • search for a sense of the world, a kind of way out of a depressive state.

Some experts claim that the hair on the head (especially for women) is capable of absorbing negative energy (despite the opinion that magical power lurks in the hair). This may explain why girls in a state of depression or stress remove everything unnecessary from their heads, thus changing their lives.

Such changes in image and style give rise to a new, more successful life. An example would be stars in the world of cinema and show business who achieved great success after cutting their hair bald. You can recall such personalities as Yulia Chicherina, Masha Makarova (lead singer of the group “Masha and the Bears”), rock singer Sinead O’Connor, actress Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Charlize Theron, Russian singer Slava and others. Many movie stars are simply forced to lose their luxurious hair for a movie role. Of course, many of these girls could not decide for a long time to take such a responsible action, but it was worth it.

Advice! A bald head is not suitable for all women. In order for a haircut to look more attractive, you must have correct facial features and an even skull shape.

By the way, from a psychological point of view, it is easier for a man to shave his head hair than for a girl.

“Zero” haircut technique

There are several types of “zero” haircuts.

Haircut to zero

It is necessary to perform a haircut on dry hair.

This haircut is performed using a special machine (mechanical or electric) without the use of attachments. Before shaving the hair, it must be combed in the direction of its natural growth. If your hair is long, then it needs to be cut to the desired length. After that, you need to lift the hair on the forehead, install the clipper on the frontal protrusion along the edge of hair growth and slowly move it towards the top of the head. Shaving occurs against the growth of hair. Haircut is carried out in strips (from the growth boundaries to the crown). To ensure the same length of haircut, it is necessary to cut each subsequent strip, capturing a little of the previous one. Additionally, attention is paid to the hair on the crown and occipital curls, which are cut against the direction of their growth. At the end of the haircut, edging is carried out in the temporal part of the head, behind and above the ears, and on the neck.

Attention! To avoid a negative attitude from the client towards a zero haircut, it is recommended to start cutting from the back of the head in an upward direction. In this case, it is still possible to leave the overall hair length. The client can suddenly change his decision during a haircut, and it is no longer possible to correct the situation when the front strip has already been cut!

Shaving your head

Before shaving, you must first perform the “zero” haircut described above. After which shaving foam is applied and distributed over the entire head. Then shaving is performed for the first time - in the direction of hair growth (from the crown to the forehead, down and to the sides), the second time - in the opposite direction. Then the foam is applied again and the procedure is repeated.

Important! Excellent results are achieved with the help of a razor, which guarantees safe work. But the use of a straight razor requires the master to have certain skills and accuracy in work.

To create an interesting image, they often resort to making various designs on a bald head. These can be simple patterns, inscriptions, simple lines, and sometimes even entire paintings.

Haircut care

A “zero” haircut does not require special care; the only thing you need to watch out for is the regularity of going to the hairdresser. Constant hair regrowth makes the image unkempt and unattractive. Despite the simplicity of doing a haircut, it is best to contact a hairdresser who will not only do this work quickly and efficiently, but also give valuable advice on the need for a bald haircut. This hairstyle can be one of the ways to “re-educate” unruly hair. For example, you have a desire to grow long and luxurious hair that can be styled as soon as you please, but your hair does not allow this due to “unruliness”. And a haircut to zero will allow you to change the direction of hair growth!

A bald haircut is a common option, regardless of a man’s profession and his age. It has a large number of functional advantages, due to which it gained its popularity. This may not be the most beautiful and sophisticated haircut, but despite this, it has long been in first place among popular hairstyles for men and is relevant at all times.


This haircut is quite simple and can be done independently using a clipper. Some men prefer to shave their head every few days with a straight razor for maximum results. Others let their hair grow a little and their hairstyle changes. Due to this, the effect of diversity is achieved.

Who does it suit?

In general, this hairstyle suits almost all men. However, there are some nuances in which it is better to refrain from such a hairstyle. These include:

  1. Irregular skull shape. If the shape of the skull is uneven from birth or due to some kind of injury, then making such a haircut will be difficult even for an experienced hairdresser. It will also not look aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Scalp diseases. If there are any skin defects, a person’s appearance will look ugly and scare away others. Therefore, before doing this hairstyle, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  3. Coarse hair. When they grow back, they will be quite unpleasant both to the touch and to look at. In this case, having fine hair is a clear advantage.
  4. Birthmarks on the head. They are almost invisible under the hair. However, if you shave your head, everyone will see them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Going bald has a lot of benefits. The main ones are:

  • Does not require special care, combing or styling. Significantly reduces the time for washing and drying your hair.
  • Allows you to save on shampoos and styling products, since some men also spend a lot of money on them.
  • Suitable for absolutely any age and field of activity.
  • Suitable for any style of clothing, both classic and sporty.
  • Possibility of doing it at home. To do this, you need to have a clipper or a sharp razor. This will significantly reduce the cost of visiting the hairdresser.
  • Gives adult men brutality, especially if you wear this haircut with stubble or a beard.
  • Young people can have it on their heads get tattoos. This will not only be stylish, but will also help hide some imperfections on the surface of the head.
  • With a haircut like that it won't be hot in the summer like with longer hair. However, it is worth remembering that you should wear a hat in the sun to avoid sunstroke.
  • The man's gaze becomes more expressive.
  • It is a good option for the treatment of seborrhea or pediculosis.
  • Balding men can use this haircut to hide their shortcomings.
  • When cutting, dead skin cells fall off, which promotes their renewal.

Sometimes there are other reasons why men decide to shave their heads. For example, male actors who have shaved heads find it easier to wear wigs. This haircut does not bother athletes at all during competitions. Also, after shaving bald, the structure of the hair changes. Therefore, even men sometimes decide to take such a step so that in the future the hair of the industry will be more beautiful and thick.

In addition to a lot of advantages, this haircut also has a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • Opinions of others. Many people associate this haircut with the criminal world. Therefore, people around them are often afraid to contact such men.
  • This type of haircut does not suit some men.
  • Problem with documents. A bald haircut greatly changes a man's appearance and makes him almost unrecognizable. Therefore, if a person decides to leave such a haircut for a long time, then in order to avoid troubles it is worth taking care to change the photograph in the documents.
  • Hair does not grow back immediately. There is a chance that the man will not like the result. If you have a regular haircut, you have the option of visiting the salon again, but in the case of a bare haircut, there is no such option. For some people, hair takes a long time to grow.
  • Lack of hair deprives the skin of thermal protection. This negatively affects the scalp and the body as a whole. The body uses all its forces to warm the surface of the head. However, in cold weather, a warm hat can solve this problem.

There are many more positive aspects. In addition, many shortcomings are not a significant problem and can be solved.

Many people have the opinion that if there is no hair, then there is no need to take care of your head. However, it is not. When cutting your hair bald, certain scalp care is required. It consists of the following points:

  1. Dry or sensitive skin needs to be treated with moisturizers daily.
  2. In summer it is necessary to use creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet exposure, and in winter - cosmetic oils.
  3. Hats should be worn in accordance with the time of year.
  4. If there is increased sebum production, it is necessary to wipe the scalp with alcohol-based tonics or use wipes with a mattifying effect during the day.
  5. To prevent the skin from becoming rough from external factors, you need to regularly massage your head to improve blood circulation.

With proper care, even this hairstyle can look elegant and well-groomed.

Thus, a bald haircut is a good option for men who want to change their look. It suits almost all men, regardless of age. However, before deciding to take this step, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. This hairstyle also requires maintenance, which must be done regularly.

Shaving your head is a bold step for women and men alike. There are enough reasons for a radical change in image. For some, a close-cut haircut is the only way out after chemotherapy or a way to get rid of lice, dandruff, etc.

But more often people are driven by another feeling - a passion for experiments, revolutionary or non-standard solutions. A haircut no longer determines a person’s belonging to a specific subculture, as it used to be. A bald head is a kind of intellectual shocking, which is perceived by many as a sign of an extraordinary personality.

Haircut bald (headless): men's

Bald tanned
Urgant watch rapper

Every man creates an image that at the same time favorably emphasizes the strengths of his appearance and character.
Hairstyle is one of the significant elements of attractiveness. A beautifully executed haircut can change the shape of the face, hide defects, and highlight advantages.

Only a confident person can shave his head. This image reveals both the advantageous aspects and flaws of the head, skin or face.

Simplicity and brutality are the main qualities that influence the popularity of bald haircuts among men. Famous personalities, actors, athletes prefer to shave their heads. Seeing such an example, in an attempt to catch the hype, some teenagers repeat and shave their heads.

The bald head is a military style. Therefore, the model under zero is often perceived as a symbol of masculinity, sexuality, muscular body and charisma.

For men, a clipper haircut is not recognized as a way to stand out from the crowd. This is the desire for convenience and mobility, readiness for unforeseen circumstances.

There is a medical fact - men with excess testosterone begin to go bald early. And some are genetically prone to alopecia. This can happen in your 20s or 30s or later.

Hair falls out rapidly or, on the contrary, gradually, forming large bald patches or bald spots on the back of the head. A choice arises: constantly hide the signs of hair loss or shave your head.

When lice or dandruff appear, the first method that doctors recommend is to cut your hair bald. This quickly solves the problem and makes treatment easier.

Recently, barbershops - men's hairdressing salons - have begun to open en masse. This is a whole culture, like a closed club, entry or participation in which is honorable.

Barbers (masters) perform an unusual haircut and shave the head or face with a dangerous instrument, which has not been done in ordinary hairdressers for a long time.

The conclusion suggests itself: men have enough reasons to cut their hair completely bald.

Headcut: women's

Bold model
side view of painted woman with glasses
How are you satisfied?

For women, this is not a search for a unique image, but a way of self-expression. To get away from the same type, girls are ready to wear a bald haircut.

Some stars risked an ultra-short hairstyle for the sake of a role in a film, some of the ladies out of a desire to draw attention to their person. Businesswomen cut their hair bald to equalize the odds with their male partners.

According to ancient customs, going bald is the beginning of a new life. Plus, short haircuts make you look younger. Each person has his own reason for such radical measures.

Low-cut haircut: men's

The main secret of a bald hairstyle is not to create dissonance in the image. This model is contraindicated for young people or mature men with soft facial features. It will look unnatural.

Who suits a bald head?

A haircut is suitable for men and women in the following cases:

  • smooth, beautiful skull;
  • absence of defects on the head - many scars, a large burn or birthmark, very large ears;
  • it is important that there are no dermatological problems on the scalp;
  • the best option regarding the hair structure is thin hair;
  • face type - ideally oval or square, but without a massive chin, but this applies more to women.

Pros and cons of haircuts

There are many advantages to a bald hairstyle, let’s highlight the main ones:

  • convenience - hair does not interfere, does not get tangled, and does not remain on the pillow;
  • saving time - the process of shaving and washing your hair is done as quickly as possible, does not require styling or special care;
  • practicality of haircut - you can eliminate spending on expensive hygiene and styling products, on beauty salons (for those who shave their heads themselves);
  • the bald model promotes health - during the haircut process, “dead cells” are removed, the skin pores begin to breathe, this is especially important for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • versatility - suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age, gender and any wardrobe (from classics to sports);
  • a good way to get rid of depression - many people have problems with the appearance of gray hair, hair loss or signs of baldness;
  • in the summer heat it is easier to tolerate the heat;
  • creative - a bald haircut can be diversified with an original design; when done with a clipper, shaved patterns, geometry, and lines look interesting;
  • sanitation - helps eliminate pediculosis, peeling, seborrhea.

Disadvantages of going bald:

  • if the new look is uncomfortable, you will have to wait for the length to grow or resort to extensions;
  • loss of the skin’s natural protection from frost and overheating, although the problem can be solved by using a hat;
  • in extreme situations, the bald spot is most vulnerable to injury and external influences;
  • A drowning man is rescued by his hair.

Star actors
see options
dyed with glasses

Instructions: how to shave your head

To do a haircut at home you will need the following tools:

  • hairdresser's scisors;
  • hair shaving machine;
  • comb;
  • machine;
  • shaving gel and lotion (without alcohol) or body milk if your skin is very sensitive.

Before the main work you need to prepare:

  • comb your hair;
  • Each strand should be trimmed with a 90-degree pull, closer to the roots, with a straight cut on the fingers;
  • Using a machine without a nozzle, remove the residue;
  • Steam your scalp by taking a hot shower.

Do not be afraid! Anxiety will prevent you from shaving your head correctly and efficiently. We share a simple technology, using which irritation is minimized.

The bald haircut scheme is as follows:

  1. Apply the gel to the skin (moderately).
  2. Start shaving smoothly, freely moving the machine from the frontal part to the neck.
  3. Each pass should end with rinsing the instrument.
  4. With this technique, the hair in the front zone is shaved against the growth, and in the occipital zone - along the growth. Otherwise, the skin may become inflamed, causing severe irritation.
  5. Run your hand over the shaved area to check for smoothness. Shave the remaining hair in small steps.
  6. Apply gel to the back of the head. Now the direction is reversed. The machine should move from the neck to the crown (up). Increase the pressure on the suboccipital cavity.
  7. On the side areas, pull the ear back a little, the machine moves from bottom to top in small steps.
  8. Repeat similar movements on your temples.
  9. Rinse your hair with cool water to remove any remaining gel.
  10. Treat your skin with lotion or milk. Panthenol cream has excellent recommendations.

This bald cutting technique is great for beginners. Gradually you will acquire your own technique.
After shaving, the skin will be lighter. In winter, you can even out your tone by visiting a solarium, and in summer by walking in sunny weather.

If irritation, redness, or rashes appear that do not go away for a long time, it is better to use only the machine.

The best way to shave your head bald

There are 3 tools for cutting your head:

  1. Electric razor - leaves unnoticeable stubble and does not require the use of a mirror. Does not cause damage to moles or scars.
  2. The clipper is the fastest haircut option; with skill, injury is excluded. Does not completely remove hair with a soft structure.
  3. The machine creates a perfectly smooth surface; special shaving sets for the head are sold.

To understand which haircut tool suits your skin, you will have to actually use each of them.

What happens if you cut your hair bald?

It is better to prepare your close circle in advance for such a radical change of image. This is especially true for women who have had long hair for a long time. For most men, cutting a lady's hair bald can be a serious stress.

Be prepared for public opinion. Many people associate haircuts with crime and bandits. There may be problems with documents at customs - they will not let you through due to inconsistency, you will have to take a new passport photo.

The reasons are as follows:

  • During a haircut, the baby may get scared and suddenly jerk, which will lead to cuts;
  • the sound and sensations on the skin of the machine can provoke stress in the baby;
  • Children have fragile places on their heads - these are fontanelles on the crown of the head. If they are damaged, the consequences may be irreversible.

For adults, cutting your hair bald is safe. The only caveat is that it will take a long time to grow your hair to its previous length.

Should you cut your hair bald?

When choosing a hairstyle, consider how it matches your lifestyle, habits and style.

Pay attention to the following details:

  • anatomical features that can spoil the impression after a bald haircut;
  • your own character, are you creative enough;
  • social status.

The main incentive is your desire; you really need to want radical changes.

How to properly care for a bald spot?

Use the following steps:

  1. Thin or sensitive skin - daily treatment with moisturizer.
  2. In summer, use creams with UV protection, in winter - cosmetic oil.
  3. Wear hats that are appropriate for the season.
  4. Men have increased sebum production; if you sweat heavily, apply alcohol-based tonics to your head in the morning and evening. You can use wipes with a mattifying effect, which should be used throughout the day.
  5. To prevent the skin from becoming rough, massages are recommended to improve blood circulation.

Even a bare hairstyle should look well-groomed.

Is it beneficial or harmful to cut your hair bald?

Shaving can have a harmful effect in case of serious dermatological problems - crust formation on the scalp, inflammatory processes, open wounds.

As a result of cutting, you can cause cuts on an uneven surface. It is difficult to properly disinfect instruments at home.

The biggest harm is to cause infection in wounds or cuts. The benefit is that when cutting your hair bald, the pores open, dead cells are eliminated, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is improved. More details are described above.

Other men's haircuts are almost bald

Ultra short hairstyles chart.

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NameExecution time in minutesDifficulty in points
Boxing30-40 3
Halfbox40-60 5

For a man, a hairstyle is a significant detail of his image, reflecting his activities and social status.

Military people always wore short hair. Creative individuals prefer long or medium-length hairstyles. And some people give up hair on their heads altogether and opt for men’s bald hairstyles. This is considered a very creative approach to your image. This hairstyle can hardly be called a haircut, but if for some reason your hair begins to fall out, then this look will really save you. But it is worth remembering that this haircut is suitable for those young people who have the correct head shape.

Which young people would suit this haircut?

Men's hairstyle to zero is suitable for all hair types, the only limitation is for owners with skin defects on the head, in this case it is better to avoid such haircuts so as not to frighten the people around you. But if a guy really wants to be, then the master may advise him to get some kind of tattoo that will hide his shortcomings. Naturally, the image should match your appearance.

A bald haircut for a man will allow you to express all facial features, especially the eyes, and also create an unforgettable masculine image with the help of bright accessories.

How to create the desired hairstyle?

  • The haircut is done using an ordinary mechanical clipper. As a rule, in winter, high nozzle numbers are used, and in summer, low or no nozzles are used;
  • you need to start cutting your hair from the forehead to the crown in small strips, and then smoothly move clockwise to the temporal and occipital zones;
  • after cutting the entire head area, shade the neck and edging above the ears;

Men's bald haircut always looks impressive in contrast to stylish and fashionable hairstyles. It makes its owner brutal, unusual and does not require special care. The only thing you should adhere to is to regularly cut your head, as overgrown hair will give your image an unkempt appearance. Even if a men's haircut looks very simple to perform, it is better to go to a hairdresser, because the master will do his job quickly and efficiently, and you will be satisfied with the result.

This hairstyle can be considered a tactful method of hair re-education. For example, if you want to grow luxurious hair, comb it and style it in different directions, forming an extravagant hedgehog, then by shaving your head, you will be able to change the direction of hair growth.

I shaved my head.

I've had the idea of ​​shaving my head since childhood. But it was a shame. I associated bald people with either illness or aggressive behavior. In short, this is how I walked around with my hair.

But then I decided, why not?

I will list the pros and cons of a bald head.

Convenience #1: Haircut

The haircut ended surprisingly quickly. They treated me with a machine to a minimum, and then offered to bring my head to a shine with a razor. I gave up the razor. Total, just a few minutes and you're done.

Saving time, saving money.

The local hairdresser (I'm in Thailand now) asked me ten times, like, are you really naked? She was afraid that the stupid tourist had mixed up the words and would then throw a scandal at her. :))

Convenience #2: Not hot

I can compare. The first days I walked around Phuket with hair. And now I go without. It feels like the temperature has dropped a couple of degrees. It became much easier. My head no longer boils in the middle of the day.

Maybe a placebo? Don't know.

Convenience #3: Washing has become easier

Now I wash my hair with regular soap and don’t worry. The “process” itself takes a couple of seconds.

Convenience #4: Healthy scalp

The first thing I noticed when I ran over my bald head was the amount of dead skin that had accumulated on its surface. I could literally scrape it off in clumps. Now my head is even and smooth - no dead skin.

Of course, I’m not a doctor, but it seems to me that it was useful to remove excess “bullshit” from myself. I will be glad if the doctors correct me in the comments.

Possible minus No. 1: Attitude of others

I shaved smartly. He sneaked away from his wife and child while they were looking at clothes in the store, and quickly shaved in a nearby salon. When I came out, they came to meet me. They walked and walked and passed by. I had to call out. Turning around, the wife’s face changed, her eyes widened.))

She said that I now look like a bandit, that those around me will avoid me.

Is this true or not? Bald people, write in the comments!

I personally think that this is all nonsense.

Possible disadvantage No. 2: Problems with documents

The inspectors already looked at my passport with distrust - I was photographed there when I weighed 30 kg more. Now, I feel, their doubts will intensify - instead of a thick hairy man, a bald, suffocating guy will look at them.

Will they recognize you at the border after shaving your head? Write!


The joint brainstorming of the LH editorial staff revealed a number of other important points:

  • In battle they will not be able to grab you by the hair; if you are cut, the hair is not in the wound (Bald Man from Kyiv).
  • But if you drown, no one will grab you by the hair either (see life safety). :)))
  • Even gopniks (with the appropriate build) are scared in the minibus.
  • Hairstyle, dry/brittle/oily hair? Lolshto?
  • The myth of unattractive men without hair is broken by Bruce Willis and Jason Statham. In the end, it's brutal and courageous.
  • Hydrodynamics in the pool, aerodynamics on the bike... Buzz!
  • No one puts chewing gum in their hair at school.
  • In clear weather you can blind enemy reconnaissance aircraft :))

And finally, one more photo:

LH editor-in-chief Slava Baransky approves

Write in the comments

Are you hairy? Write why you won't shave your head. What's stopping you?

Are you bald? Write about your feelings. How did your loved ones react? How do new acquaintances react?

Well, so that girls don’t get bored: do you find bald men attractive or vice versa?
