What vitamins are contained in quail eggs. The benefits and harms of quail eggs for men and women - how to take them, with or without shells, boiled or raw

Quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs in many nutrients. Five quail eggs, equal in weight to one chicken, contain five times more potassium, 4.5 times more iron, 2.5 times more vitamins B1 and B2. Quail eggs contain significantly more vitamin A, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, limiting and other amino acids. In addition, quail eggs have more protein than other brood birds.

Index Quail eggs Chicken Quail eggs
in % to chicken
Dry matter,% 25,4 22,4 113
Protein, % 12,8 11,6 110,3
B1 (thiamine) 137 49 280 Regulates many important functions of our body, for example, the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system
B2 (riboflavin) 1100 500 219 Regulates the oxidation process in body tissues, and also regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
PP (nicotinic acid) 110 99 111 Promotes protein metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs
A (retinol) 1180 780 151 Ensures normal growth of the body and is also found in the retina of the eye
Carotenoids 670 640 104 Yellow, orange and red fat-soluble pigments formed in the biological world, close to vitamin A (retinol) and through it to the very important chromophore retinal.
Calcium 76 52 146 Together with phosphorus, it forms the basis of bone tissue, activates the activity of a number of important enzymes, participates in maintaining ionic balance in the body, affects processes occurring in the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems, and affects blood clotting
Phosphorus 213 185 115 Phosphorus compounds take part in energy exchange; muscle and mental activity and the life support of the body are associated with their transformations. Thanks to phosphorus, a quail egg is also a good potency stimulant.
Potassium 620 124 500 Regulates the acid-base balance of the blood. It is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, activates the work of a number of enzymes, activates the muscular work of the heart, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the skin and kidneys
Iron 404 88 429 Plays a very important role in oxidative and reduction processes. Iron affects hematopoiesis and is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Participates in respiration and immune responses
Copper 17 9,6 117 Promotes anabolic processes in the body of a person leading a healthy lifestyle, participates in the functioning of certain enzymes, the synthesis of pigments of the skin, hair and eyes, hemoglobin, affects the functions of the endocrine glands
Cobalt 6,6 3,8 173 Stimulates hematopoietic processes, participates in the synthesis of vitamin B12 by intestinal microflora, is part of B12-dependent enzymes, and is an activator of some enzymatic processes in nutrition
Lysine 1,05 0,75 140 Important for building critical body proteins. It is necessary for growth, tissue repair, production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes
Cystine 0,43 0,28 153 Plays an important role in the formation of skin tissue. Important for detoxification processes
Methionine 0,72 0,38 190 Promotes digestion, provides detoxification processes (primarily neutralization of toxic metals), reduces muscle weakness, protects against radiation exposure, is useful for osteoporosis and chemical allergies
Asparagine 1,16 0,79 146 Necessary to maintain balance in the processes occurring in the central nervous system; prevents both excessive excitation and excessive inhibition. It is involved in the synthesis of amino acids in the liver
Glutamine 1,72 1,44 119 Increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is necessary to maintain normal brain function.
Glutamine also maintains normal acid-base balance in the body and a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and is necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA
Tryptophan 0,24 0,20 120 It is used to synthesize serotonin, one of the most important neurotransmitters, in the brain.
Tryptophan is used for insomnia, depression and to stabilize mood

Quail eggs are distinguished by a high content of lysozyme, and this substance replenishes its endogenous reserve and normalizes the microflora. Along with this, lysozyme prevents the development of undesirable microflora in eggs, and they retain their freshness for a long time in room conditions.

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs do not cause allergies in children and adults. On the contrary, the ovomucoid protein present in them is capable of suppressing allergic reactions, so a medical preparation (ovomucoid extract) is used to treat allergies. The ovomucoid extract functions to provide patients with an additional trypsin inhibitor, which they lack due to genetic reasons.

And, most importantly, when quail eggs are consumed raw, all beneficial substances are absorbed by the body almost 100%.
You can save on dietary supplements

These are quail eggs. Bird of the order Galliformes, subfamily Partridges. The eggs are spotted in color, the spots are usually brown. They are small in size, weighing up to 12 g. Their shell is very fragile. If the shell is intact, quail eggs can be stored at room temperature for about 30 days, and in the refrigerator they can be stored for up to 60 days. A quail egg is a whole storehouse of valuable nutrients. In terms of the amount of active substances, quail eggs are much superior to the eggs of other birds. The first mentions of these eggs go back to the times of the pharaohs and the first Chinese dynasties. Already in those ancient times, quail eggs were used for medicinal purposes. Eggs have become the most popular in our time thanks to Japan. In our country, quail eggs are currently used not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicinal product.

Useful properties of quail eggs

Quail eggs contain proteins rich in amino acids such as threonine, tyrosine, glycine, lysine, and histidine. Compared to a chicken egg, a quail egg contains more. It contains 5 times more and; more in 4.5 - , significantly more and . Quail eggs consist of 12-14% protein, and chicken eggs - 11%. They are also ahead of chicken eggs in the content of vitamin B12, A, B1, B2, also vitamin PP (), glutamic acid, aspartic acid. Mineral composition: , potassium, phosphorus, iron. Calorie content of quail eggs 168 kcal. They are used for diets, since by consuming them, you can get a maximum of nutrients, minerals and vitamins - while getting minimal calories.

Medicinal properties of quail eggs

The beneficial properties of these small eggs are also approved by medicine. Regular consumption of quail eggs has a beneficial effect on the health of children and adults. The benefits of eggs for bones and the entire musculoskeletal system are especially noticeable. They are used to treat the heart and kidneys, pancreas and liver, stomach and prostate gland. For health improvement and treatment, it is recommended to consume quail eggs without interruption for about 3-4 months. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to eat raw eggs, but it is possible to eat fried and boiled eggs. But do not forget that during long-term processing some vitamins are destroyed. Obvious benefits for children: quail eggs contain the entire complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for a child. Moreover, they practically do not contain allergens. Even if a child eats more than the allowed amount at one time, he will not face diathesis. Eggs have a neutral taste and interesting color, so children eat them with great appetite. But it’s better to try to give your child as many eggs as they should according to their age. It looks something like this: you need to start taking eggs with half an egg, gradually increasing the intake. 1-2 eggs - for children from 1 to 3 years old; 2-3 eggs - for children from 3 to 10 years old; 4 eggs - for children from 10 to 18 years old; 5-6 eggs - people from 18 to 50 years old; 4-5 eggs - people 50 and older. For children, eggs help strengthen the immune system, improve physical and mental fitness, and improve memory and nervous system. Promotes better development of the child and increases his resistance to diseases and viruses. After just 14 days from the start of eating quail eggs, their beneficial effect on the entire body becomes noticeable. Elderly people are recommended to consume quail eggs to reduce joint pain, as well as improve hearing and vision.

They increase vitality if you drink an egg on an empty stomach, mixed with fruit or vegetable juice, and honey. Limitless benefits for women- thanks to their composition, eggs replenish the body of a pregnant woman and her child with all the necessary substances, relieve attacks of toxicosis and heartburn. When pregnant women take eggs, their teeth are not damaged due to the high content of potassium, phosphorus and iron. The nervous system and memory are also strengthened, and lactation increases in the postpartum period. Used in the treatment of infertility. Also great benefits for men- quail eggs are able to saturate the prostate gland with essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals, which increase potency, slow down rapid ejaculation, and also have a healing effect for prostate adenoma. Quail eggs are used to treat diseases: diabetes mellitus, chronic cholecystitis, tuberculosis, anemia, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, as well as diseases of the heart, stomach, thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, and nervous system. Since quail eggs have a minimal amount of cholesterol, they perfectly cleanse blood vessels and blood, restore normal blood pressure, increase hemoglobin levels, and remove radionuclides, which is especially valuable during radiation exposure. In case of cancer, the substance lysozyme contained in eggs can destroy the membrane of harmful cells and stop their development. The shells of quail eggs are used for treatment. Its powder is used to prevent diathesis and calcium deficiency in children, to relieve heartburn, and to strengthen nails, hair and gums. Used for constipation, irritability of the nervous system, insomnia, and for fractures for faster healing of bones.

Contraindications to eating quail eggs

Now there is a lot of controversy around quail eggs: what outweighs them - harm or benefit? Some argue that quail eggs have no contraindications, but only benefits. That these eggs do not have cholesterol and cannot be carriers of the salmonella bacteria, since the body temperature of quails is 42 degrees, which does not favor the development of these bacteria. Others refute them, believing that there is still cholesterol in quail eggs, in very small quantities, not dangerous to life and health. But it is recommended to consume quail eggs only boiled in order to prevent the risk of salmonellosis, the bacteria of which may still be contained in a quail egg. To reduce the risk, it is better to wash eggs before eating. When buying quail eggs, be sure to look at the production date and check the integrity of the eggs. And it is not at all recommended to consume quail eggs for those who have an individual intolerance to quail egg protein. This is extremely rare, but still...Be careful and healthy!

Beneficial and harmful properties of quail eggs, as well as their calorie content and correct intake for children and adults. How many eggs to drink per day, how many and how to cook and other useful information.

The content of the article:

Quail eggs are the most valuable dietary products. The benefits of their use have been known since ancient times. They are very tasty and nutritious and practically do not cause allergies. Very popular in France and Holland, and in Japan, they can even be found as part of some sushi. Quail eggs were almost never used in traditional Russian cuisine, but appeared on our table thanks to the fashion for exotic products. The weight of a quail egg is very small and is about 10 – 15 grams. The shell is thin and fragile, and has an intricate spotted color.

Composition of quail eggs: vitamins and microelements

Despite its insignificant weight, a quail egg is a real storehouse of nutrients.

Vitamins, mcg:
  • B1 - 137 mcg (increases appetite, stimulates digestion, treats muscle weakness and fatigue).
  • B2 - 1100 mcg (improves metabolism, maintains muscle tone, promotes growth processes, has a beneficial effect on skin condition).
  • PP - 110 mcg (treats nervous system disorders, improves liver and pancreas function).
  • A - 1180 mcg, (carotenoids - 670 mcg) (treats skin diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes).
Minerals, mg:
  • Potassium - 620 mg (improves neuromuscular conduction).
  • Iron - 404 mg (participates in the process of hematopoiesis).
  • Phosphorus - 213 mg (necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle, bone strength, is involved in all types of metabolism, and is also part of the brain tissue and has a beneficial effect on the development of children's mental abilities).
  • Calcium - 76 mg (important for the functioning of the heart, necessary (especially for children) for the prevention and treatment of rickets).
  • Copper - 17 mg
  • Cobalt - 6.6 mg
Amino acids, G:
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.43 g
  • Methionine - 0.72 g
  • Glutamic acid - 1.72 g
  • Aspartic acid - 1.16 g
  • Tryptophan - 0.42 g
  • Lysine - 1.05 g (not produced by the human body).

Calorie content of quail eggs per 100 g is 168 kcal:

  • Proteins – 11.9 g
  • Fat – 13.1 g
  • Carbohydrates – 0.6 g

Comparison of chicken eggs and quail eggs

You already know about the composition of quail eggs, but you don’t yet know how much more of these beneficial vitamins and microelements they contain compared to chicken eggs.

Eggs laid by quails have more:

  • Vitamin A – 2.5 times;
  • – 2.8 times;
  • Vitamin B2 – 2.2 times;
  • Cobalt – 2.2 times;
  • Potassium – 4.5 times;
  • Phosphorus – 4.5 times;
  • Iron – 4 times;
  • Copper – 2.2 times;

Benefits of quail eggs

Quail eggs are the best natural medicine!

Worldwide treatment with quail eggs found to be very effective. These small eggs are used especially successfully for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They help with anemia and anemia. They are an excellent remedy for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, the treatment of bronchitis and even bronchial asthma and chronic pneumonia. An effective tonic for patients with hypertension.
Quail eggs are introduced into the diet of people who have been exposed to radiation. This increases the body’s resistance and promotes the removal of radionuclides.

U pregnant women who eat quail eggs, pregnancy and toxicosis are much easier, and the threat of miscarriage is reduced. Has a beneficial effect on potency. And if you have a severe headache or upset stomach, it is recommended to eat a boiled quail egg instead of an analgin tablet! Unlike medications, eating eggs is not harmful. In addition, the body's immune defense increases due to the accumulation of vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals.

Video about the beneficial properties of quail eggs

Harm of quail eggs and contraindications

Undoubtedly, quail eggs are a storehouse of nutrients and nutrients. But, despite this, they should be eaten with caution, they have certain harm.

First of all, the statement that a quail’s high body temperature protects it from salmonellosis is not entirely true. Like other poultry, quail can suffer from pullorosis (a disease from the salmonellosis group), and Salmonella enteritidis, one of the main pathogens causing severe foodborne illnesses in humans, can be found in eggs. Such cases are rare, but nevertheless, eating eggs without preliminary heat treatment is not recommended. (But remember that if it lasts more than 15 minutes, then all the vitamins are destroyed).

Eggs contain cholesterol. An increase in its amount in the blood of patients with atherosclerosis can cause blockage of blood vessels, and even the appearance of blood clots. People with liver disease or gallstone disease should consume quail eggs with great caution.

Despite the fact that the composition of quail eggs is slightly different from chicken eggs, they can become a strong allergen for children. Therefore, they should be introduced into the diet of a child under one year old only after consulting a doctor. And for children predisposed to allergies - after appropriate tests.

Quail eggs: how and how much to eat and cook

Quail eggs are the most delicious among poultry eggs. They can and preferably be consumed raw. You can also hard boil(same as chicken - about 5 minutes in salted water), and soft-boiled just 1-2 minutes is enough, fry omelets and scrambled eggs, bake and even marinate.

They are part of mayonnaise and are used in cooking to decorate salads and hot dishes. Children love them very much for their original appearance and pleasant taste. But it is important to observe moderation: children from 1 to 3 years old should eat no more than two eggs per day. It should be introduced into the diet gradually (starting with half and gradually increasing the amount). At the age of 3 to 10 years, a child can be given up to three eggs, but no more. From 10 to 18 - four eggs. Adults can consume 5 – 6 eggs. The daily intake for older people (over 50) should be reduced to 4 pcs.

Quail eggs are used for therapeutic purposes - drink raw 30 minutes before meals. Such a reception should be systematic, without breaks for 2-3 months. Then you should take a break from using them.

Educational video about quail eggs

Video about quail eggs - learn about the benefits, how to choose, store and how to eat correctly:

Quail eggs are a valuable medicinal antibacterial, immunomodulating and antitumor product. Quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs in many nutrients, for example, five quail eggs, equal in weight to one chicken egg, contain 5 times more potassium, 4.5 times more iron, 2.5 times more vitamins B and B2, Quail eggs contain significantly more vitamin A, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, nicotinic acid, limiting and other acids. Quails have more protein in their eggs than other breeding birds. For example, chicken eggs contain 55.8% protein; and for quails - 60%.

Research by nutritionists has shown that a quail egg has an energy value of 168/100 g compared to a chicken egg 157/100 g.

The high nutritional value of a quail egg is due to its significant content of easily digestible protein, various fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the amount required for humans. This is a kind of biological set of substances necessary for humans, a real ampoule of health. It should be noted that while a quail egg contains many vitamins and microelements, it is completely free of cholesterol, moreover, quail eggs never contain salmonella, moreover, they do not cause allergies and help cure it.

Quails are resistant to infections, and therefore their products are environmentally friendly.

Quail eggs are the oldest dietary product. In ancient times, quail eggs and meat were used in eastern folk medicine.

Currently, in foreign countries, for example, in Japan, quail eggs occupy one of the first places in consumption by the population. The fact that quail eggs are sold everywhere there, even... in newsstands, speaks volumes about how popular this product is. And in Japanese schools, children are required to be given two quail eggs before starting classes. In our country, with its unhealthy environmental situation, the widespread distribution of a product that is most valuable in this regard is no less necessary than in Japan.

It is not surprising that quail eggs are considered an excellent auxiliary product used in the treatment of certain diseases. In addition, they are superior in taste to eggs of other types of poultry. In Germany, a comparative tasting of eggs from chickens, quails and guinea fowl was carried out. The eggs of quails and guinea fowl received the best rating.

Quail eggs have another unique feature - they can be stored for a long time at room temperature, the contents of the egg may dry out a little, but so far there have been no cases of damage to eggs from the development of microorganisms in them (i.e. they do not rot). They contain the essential amino acid lysoline, which prevents the development of microflora, therefore, when stored at room temperature for several months, only drying out of the egg contents can be observed, but not spoilage.

It is believed that quail eggs help treat the liver and kidneys, heart and stomach, hypertension and bronchial asthma, restore sexual potency, and remove radionuclides from the body. This quality of quail eggs is especially important for radiation-affected regions of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Belarusian children in the Chernobyl zone were given quail eggs for two months, and as a result their health improved significantly.

It has been proven that in cases of nervous system disorders, anemia, and diabetes, taking quail eggs greatly improves the condition of patients.

Our medicine also confirms the beneficial effects of quail eggs. Doctors conducted studies, as a result of which, after two months of consuming quail eggs, patients' performance increased and their heart function normalized.

Patients with chronic cholecystitis felt better, the constant bitterness in the mouth, belching and pain in the right hypochondrium disappeared, and the attacks almost stopped.

Some relief also occurs in patients with bronchial asthma, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, and angina pectoris. They consumed 4 eggs in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. And already on the tenth day, heart pain and headaches decreased, blood pressure dropped, and overall well-being improved. Up to 120 eggs were consumed per course of treatment of hypertension; diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, anemia and bronchial asthma - up to 250 eggs. Eggs were given raw in the morning early on an empty stomach. In the first three days, patients consumed 3 eggs, and then 5 eggs.

According to reviews from older people who regularly consume quail eggs, after just two months they experienced improved health: pain in the joints disappeared, weakened hair roots were strengthened, vision and hearing improved.

A quail egg is a necessary product for regular consumption by women before and after childbirth, who are susceptible to various kinds of diseases at this time.

Quail egg white can be used to lubricate cuts on the body and burns.

It is very useful to consume quail eggs for children whose general development is slow, as well as for normalizing metabolism and stimulating blood circulation. Children are given 2-6 quail eggs per day, depending on age, adults 4-6 pieces daily on an empty stomach. It is most beneficial to eat them raw (after dousing them with boiling water for 2-3 seconds), washing them down with hot water. This diet usually lasts 3-4 months without interruption.

Children who regularly consume quail eggs learn better, perceive the material in class better, and remember more easily.

Everyone who consumes quail eggs as a delicacy or as an auxiliary remedy claims that their health has improved significantly.

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Quail eggs have recently become popular. People who follow the principles of proper nutrition and take care of their own health give preference to small testicles, which, it turns out, are of great benefit to the body. The product is obtained from quails belonging to the order Galliformes. An important difference between it and chicken products, in addition to its small size, is its characteristic spotted color.

The nutritional value

It is known that one testicle weighs no more than 12 grams. The calorie content of the product per 100 grams is no more than 170 Kcal. With the help of simple calculations, you can understand why these products are consumed by those who want to quickly lose weight. The main nutrients in the testicles are:

  • proteins – 11.9 g;
  • fats – 13.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.6 g;
  • water – 73.2 g.

Many people believe that quail eggs cannot contain enough vitamins due to their small size. In fact, this is a common myth. It has been proven that it is enough for an adult to eat six of them a day to feel cheerful and full of energy.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Vitamins in egg products obtained from quails are represented by elements belonging to such groups as:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A156 mcg
Vitamin B10.13 mg
Vitamin B20.79 mg
Vitamin B4263.4 mg
Vitamin B51.7 mg
Vitamin B60.15 mg
Vitamin B966 mcg
Vitamin B121.5 mcg
Vitamin D1.4 mcg
Vitamin E1.08 mg
Vitamin K0.3 mcg
Vitamin PP0.15 mg

Mineral elements are designated by the following components:

As you can see, the content of vitamin and mineral elements, and especially the amount of vitamin A component in the product, as well as the amount of cobalt, phosphorus, chromium, make it truly valuable in the diet of every person.

Vitamin A in quail eggs contains 1180 mcg. This is about 53% of the daily requirement of an element necessary for the body. It is thanks to its high content that quail eggs are included in the diet of people suffering from skin diseases, allergic reactions, and chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Vitamin B, like A, in quail eggs is responsible for increasing human appetite, maintaining muscle tone, and improving the functioning of the digestive system. It is known that such a vitamin substance as choline (vitamin B4) is contained in a volume of 101% of the daily norm of the element necessary for the adequate functioning of the body. Well, a sufficient amount of a valuable component, vitamin K, allows you to normalize the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and other internal organs.


The general strengths of the product are:

  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • improvement of mnestic processes of the brain;
  • preventing the development of cancer;
  • improvement in the condition of constant headaches;
  • normalization of blood pressure indicators with its chronic increase and decrease.

And yet, the product does not have the same effect on men's, women's, and children's bodies. Separately, it is worth considering its use by pregnant women, for whom it is important to build their diet harmoniously for the normal intrauterine development of the child.

For men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, especially if they play sports at a professional level, are required to include the specified products in their diet. This will help strengthen the muscles and also maintain the tone of the whole body. To improve male potency, it is enough to drink 2-3 pieces of raw products twice a day before meals. Experts also recommend using vodka tincture prepared on walnut partitions, combined with one raw egg to maintain “male” strength.

There is also a slightly different way of preparing the infusion, which allows you to forget about problems with potency. It is enough to mix 120 g of cola, 20 g of cognac or rum (the product must be natural, high-quality), a teaspoon of sugar, lemon juice and two eggs to get an amazing healing drink. It is recommended to use it twice a day on an empty stomach. Such benefits for “male” strength, which are contained in quail eggs, are due to the large amount of iron and phosphorus in them.

For women

Vitamins and other components in quail eggs make them invaluable for the female body. The main “female” diseases for which you should give preference to this product are:

  • mastopathy;
  • anemia;
  • painful menstruation;
  • osteochondrosis.

Including testicles in a woman’s diet will help stabilize her hormonal levels, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, in particular the intestines, as well as normalize the condition of the skin and hair. Many cosmetologists recommend using homemade face masks with the addition of quail eggs in order to relieve puffiness, smooth out fine wrinkles, soften and nourish the skin with useful and valuable substances.

For children

For children, the daily intake of quail eggs is differentiated by age. Thus, children under three years old can consume no more than two eggs per day, up to ten years old - no more than three, until adulthood - no more than four. The opinion of pediatricians on the introduction of the yolk of this product into the children's diet is clear - it must be consumed. Its main benefit for a child is the enrichment of the growing body with calcium.

If there is a shortage of it, doctors can diagnose:

  • any form of rickets;
  • slower bone growth;
  • increased fatigue;
  • diathesis.

In order to avoid various visual impairments, to improve memory function, strengthen the unstable child’s psyche and nervous system, it is important to ensure that the baby eats quail eggs. However, you should not give them raw to children, as they can be infected with various diseases characteristic of this order of birds. For children, quail eggs are always boiled.

For pregnant

Quail eggs are a must in the diet of the expectant mother for several reasons. In the first trimester of pregnancy, they save you from toxicosis, miscarriages and charge you with additional energy. In the second, they help fight heartburn and protect against increased blood pressure. In addition, they take care of maintaining the balance of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman. This is extremely important for the normal course of pregnancy.

Contraindication for use

Despite the valuable composition of testicles, some groups of people should be wary of their consumption. These are people who suffer from:

  • liver diseases;
  • atherosclerotic diseases.

In addition, it is worth refusing to use the raw product as food for children and pregnant women, since the bird may be infected with a characteristic infectious disease that will negatively affect the condition of the human body. For this reason, the best option is to eat boiled products. The cooking time should not exceed 15 minutes, since in this case all the vitamin substances in its composition will be destroyed.

How to cook it correctly?

In order to preserve the nutrients in the product, it is necessary to boil it properly. Two minutes is enough for it to be soft-boiled, five for hard-boiled. You should not keep them in boiling water a little longer, as this will contribute to the destruction of the beneficial components in the composition. In cooking, quail eggs are also used baked, pickled and fried. For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to consume them raw every morning for three months. Then there is a break.

What is healthier: quail eggs or chicken eggs?

There is no clear answer to the question of which eggs are healthier - quail eggs or eggs. Experts are inclined to believe that both products have certain benefits for the human body. Considering the small size of egg products obtained from quails, it is necessary to consume them in larger quantities than chicken eggs to replenish the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of quail eggs
