Canephron for urate stones reviews. Which is better: "Canephron" or "Cyston"? Instructions for use, price, reviews

Complete collection and description: tablets for kidney stones Canephron and other information for human treatment.

Nephrolithiasis is one of the common pathologies that affects about 3% of the total population of the planet. At the same time, conservative therapy is most often used to treat pathology (kidney stones). Treatment is based on stabilizing the drinking regime and changing the diet. They may also prescribe drug therapy, the effect of which is aimed at dissolving stones and increasing the total volume of urine for the subsequent removal of fragments from the body. Canephron has proven itself very well for kidney stones. Read about what the drug is and how to take it correctly in the material below.

Canephron: description of the drug

The drug Canephron or as it is also called Canephron N is a medicine that is completely made from natural ingredients

The drug Canephron, or as it is also called Canephron N, is a medicine that is completely made from natural ingredients. That is, it is based on extracts of medicinal herbs. Thus, it turns out that modern drug therapy allows us to avoid the sad principle, familiar from Soviet times, “you treat one thing, you cripple another.” Here the effect of the drug is designed directly on the kidneys and urinary system.

Basic information about the drug states that Canephron N is a product of exclusively herbal origin. Its main actions are manifested as antispasmodic, diuretic, relieving inflammation and disinfecting the urinary tract with possible injury to the mucous membrane when small stones pass through them.

Canephron: release form

As a rule, in Russian pharmacies the drug can be found in two main forms - drops and tablets.

As a rule, in Russian pharmacies the drug can be found in two main forms - drops and pills. Many patients mistakenly assume that the medicine is also available in the form of suppositories or ointments. There are simply no such forms of Canephron release.

It is worth knowing that both forms of the drug (both drops and tablets) are intended exclusively for oral administration. It is important to understand that Canephron drops may have a yellow-brown tint. Allow for a slight sediment and slight turbidity in the bottle with drops. Canephron N tablets are only orange in color.

Important: the effectiveness of both forms of the drug is the same. The only difference in these forms is the faster absorption of drops into the body.

The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • Centaury and rosemary;
  • Lovage and castor oil;
  • Sucrose, talc, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, calcium carbonate, mountain wax, iron oxide, shellac, lovidone and dextrose, as well as riboflavin and silicon dioxide are added as auxiliary components.

Important: Canephron drops are made with alcohol. It is very important to remember that the drug enhances the effect of antibiotics in the treatment of urolithiasis. It is also worth noting that due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the drug is mistakenly classified as an antibiotic. This is completely wrong. So you can rest assured about the intestinal microflora when taking Canephron N.

Canephron: indications and contraindications for use

A drug called Canephron is used for pathological conditions of the urinary tract and kidneys

A drug called Canephron is used for pathological conditions of the urinary tract and kidneys. Thus, the main pathologies for which Canephron is prescribed are:

  • Chronic bladder infection;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Kidney inflammation;
  • For sand in the kidneys and kidney stones;
  • Swelling and bags under the eyes (in this case, due to an increase in the volume of urine and the rate of its elimination, the swelling will quickly subside);
  • The drug can also be prescribed as maintenance therapy after surgery to remove stones or as a prophylactic agent to prevent nephrolithiasis.

Despite the fact that Canephron is highly effective and has virtually no side effects, its use is not recommended for everyone. Thus, Canephron is undesirable or prohibited for the following groups of people:

  • Children under six years of age are not allowed to give pills;
  • Patients with individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • Persons with hypersensitivity to these components.

Important: Canephron drops can be taken by children from one year old.

Canephron: therapeutic effect and doses

The herbal components of the drug help soften stones in the kidneys and urinary tract

The herbal components of the drug help soften stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. At the same time, they also stimulate the production of a larger volume of urine, which allows the softened stones to be washed out during therapy.

  • As a rule, the drug Canephron is taken in courses of 15 to 30 days. In this case, courses of taking the drug can be resumed after short breaks. In general, the duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
  • The dose of the drug in drops for an adult is 50 drops three times a day. Teenagers and schoolchildren can take 25 drops of the drug three times a day. A preschooler is prescribed 15 drops of the medicine also three times a day. Drops can be used in the treatment of urolithiasis and for infants. In this case, the dose should be no more than 10 drops at a time.
  • As for tablets, adults are advised to take two tablets at a time three times a day. Children from seven years of age should take 1 tablet three times a day.

Important: Canephron drops for adults must be mixed with water. Children can mix the drug with any drink. In this case, treatment with the drug should be combined with plenty of drinking regimen. You can take the medicine both before and after meals.

The combination of alcohol and Canephron

Alcohol will at least neutralize the effect of the drug

If a patient has a question about whether it is possible to combine Canephron with alcohol in case of renal failure or pathology, then such a patient can completely nullify the entire effect of therapy. Since alcohol will at least neutralize the effect of the drug. In the worst case, alcohol will cause additional harm to diseased kidneys.

Important: the drug can be stored for no more than three years in a closed (not yet unpacked) package (applies to drops). As for the started Canephron N drops, the medicine can only be used for six months. After this, its therapeutic properties are significantly reduced.

Personal experience with the use of capsules shed super, drugs canephron and cystone

Kidney structure

For long-term dysbacteriosis, intestinal candidiasis with diarrhea syndrome, i.e. With a tendency to loose stools and diarrhea, there is a loss of potassium in the body. The loss of potassium is accompanied by the loss of magnesium. The content of potassium and magnesium is very interrelated. A decrease in potassium causes disruption of the heart and cardiovascular system. Magnesium deficiency greatly affects the human nervous system, its resistance to stress, as well as the normal functioning of the gallbladder. There is a deterioration in the absorption of bile acids by the intestines. Fats and fat-soluble vitamins cannot bind to bile acids and form compounds with calcium in the intestines. As a result, steatorrhea is formed in the intestines - an increased content of neutral fats, soaps and fatty acids in the feces. Intestinal oxalic acid is not bound by calcium and enters freely into the blood, where it binds to serum calcium, followed by the formation of calcium oxalate. Some calcium oxalates are removed from the blood through the kidneys in the urine, and some are deposited in them, forming crystals, especially if a person does not drink enough water. Looking ahead, I can say that to compensate for the loss of potassium and magnesium in the body, I periodically take the drug Panangin.

Against the background of long-term intestinal dysbiosis, the resulting oxalate kidney stones made themselves felt in the form of a severe attack of renal colic, followed by emergency hospitalization in the hospital. Then, at an interval of approximately two years, there were two more attacks of renal colic with the passage of stones and sand from the kidneys. Thus, I spent three times in the hospital with kidney stones. Only over time, while working on my own health, did I come to the conclusion about the relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea and the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. To move on to the experience of removing these stones, I will outline a little theory below.

This disease is better known in one of its manifestations - as kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), since stones present in the urinary tract are formed mainly in the kidneys. The sizes of these formations are different and depend on the duration of the growth period. Sometimes urolithiasis is asymptomatic. In such cases, the presence of kidney stones may be indirectly indicated by unpleasant sensations (mild aches, dull pain) in the lumbar region after physical activity, especially in the case of heavy lifting.

How to smooth out a kidney stone

The deposition of dense mineral stones in the renal pelvis occurs in the process of precipitation of urine salts, which can be caused by kidney injuries and disorders of urine excretion, but much more often - metabolic disorders and disorders of the nervous and hormonal regulation of renal functions. Kidney stones and sand can consist of 2-3 types of salts, but in most cases they are made up of only one type of salt. Based on their chemical composition, they are divided into oxalates, urates and phosphates. Less common are other types of stones formed by organic substances - sulfonamides, cholesterol, etc.

The formation of one type or another of stones depends on changes in the acid-base balance of urine that occur during illness. Oxalate and urate stones (oxalates and urates) form in acidic urine. Sulfonamide stones also occur in acidic urine, but this occurs only during intensive therapy with the use of sulfonamide drugs. Phosphate stones (phosphates), on the other hand, require an exclusively alkaline environment.

Symptoms of the disease

In nephrolithiasis, when the disease occurs with symptoms, it is customary to distinguish between acute and interictal periods. In the acute period, kidney stone disease is indicated by an attack of renal colic, which is characterized by sudden and violent pain in the lower back (often after physical strain), radiating to the groin and abdomen. Other typical symptoms are nausea, bloating, gas and stool retention, sometimes developing into intestinal obstruction, in which the nature of the pain becomes cramping. The attacks are repeated with a certain frequency.

During the interictal period, some signs characteristic of pyelonephritis may be observed (pain in the kidney area when tapping the upper part of the lower back), as well as slightly increased urine output.

The diagnosis of kidney stones is finally confirmed only by ultrasound examination of the kidneys or X-ray examination (X-rays best identify urate stones and less clearly - phosphate stones). A urine test can detect a shift in the acid-base balance to the acidic or alkaline side, as well as the presence in the urine of certain substances that promote the growth of stones.

Prevention and treatment

Prolit Super capsules

Elimination of nephrolithiasis depends primarily on the type of disease (dysfunction) that caused the deposition of stones - this includes metabolic disorders, vitamin A deficiency, etc. In the acute period, a painful attack is controlled by the following measures. The patient is supposed to immediately lie down in bed, and so that the upper part of the body takes an elevated position (pillows are placed under the back).

Composition of capsules

Heat (compress or heating pad) is applied to the kidney area. If a person is able to move, it is advisable to take a general or at least a local (to the waist) hot bath. Painful sensations are eliminated with the help of analgin, as well as antispasmodics such as baralgin (5 ml intravenously) and no-spa (2-3 tablets orally or intramuscularly 2 ml of a 2% solution).

When a person suffers from flatulence, which increases pain, you can use a gas tube or do an enema with chamomile infusion. A persistent absence of urine in the bladder or the presence of blood (pus) in the urine usually serves as a basis for surgical intervention.

During the interictal period, home therapy consists mainly of using diuretic teas from medicinal herbs and strict adherence to a diet. Any form of kidney stones excludes the use of table salt. In some cases, it can be replaced with less dangerous products (soy sauce, etc.), but these points are discussed with the urologist. With oxalates, consumption of meat and dairy products (especially cheeses), eggs, rice and flour dishes, and baked goods is indicated.

Some vegetables and berries are excluded from the menu: lettuce, spinach, sorrel, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans, plums, gooseberries, strawberries, currants. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea are prohibited. The lack of vitamins in the body is compensated by a course of vitamin therapy using carefully selected complexes. It is assumed that vitamin therapy inhibits the formation of stones, especially in the case of phosphates.

The following medications are used: cystone, spilled super capsules, canephron in tablets and drops.

Cystone composition

Oxalates often appear simultaneously with urates, or even in an acidic environment, stones form from two types of salts at once. In this case, a vegetarian diet is indicated, which naturally excludes the plant products listed above. Eating meat is allowed, but in limited quantities.

With pure urates, a diet is necessary that excludes coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, and smoked foods. Meat consumption (lean beef and poultry) is limited. Mineral waters with an alkaline reaction are useful for the patient, which include, for example, Borjomi and Zheleznovodskaya. It is important to remember that drinking highly carbonated mineral waters is dangerous for kidney patients, so for 15 minutes before drinking such water, the bottle with it should be kept open, allowing the gases to leave the liquid.

Information about the cystone manufacturer

In the case of phosphates, the use of hydrochloric-alkaline and other mineral waters containing bicarbonates is completely excluded. Foods rich in acids, primarily meat dishes and baked goods, as well as legumes, have a beneficial effect on the patient’s urinary system. It is undesirable to consume dairy products, carrots, tomatoes and other foods rich in calcium.

During an intensive course of sulfonamide therapy, it is recommended to drink up to 2 faceted glasses of baking soda solution per day (1 half teaspoon per glass). In addition, an indispensable condition for preventing the formation of sulfa stones is drinking plenty of fluids. The patient should drink at least 12 glass glasses (2.4 liters) of liquid per day.

Now about how I got rid of oxalate stones. Previously, long-term therapy was used for these purposes by taking an Indian Ayurvedic remedy called cystone. In principle, I used cystone before. A good friend of mine, a urologist, told me that cystone is considered an outdated remedy and prescribed a medicine, a dietary supplement, sold in any pharmacy under the name prolit super in capsules. There is also simply prolit in tablets, but I preferred prolit super capsules because, judging by the description, it has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. They write that it removes stones from the gallbladder. Since my gallbladder is not doing well, I preferred pouring super in capsules. A course of 8 weeks was prescribed, 3 times a day, two capsules. There were two such courses with a three-month break. Before the third course, the kidney ultrasound description indicated one stone in each kidney. In the left – 4 mm, in the right – 3 mm. After the third course at 8 weeks, a repeat ultrasound showed the absence of a stone in the right kidney and a decrease in size in the left to 3 mm. I don’t remember what size the stones were before the first course, but the last one showed obvious positive dynamics. I asked the urologist if it was possible to continue taking these capsules, to which he replied that it was necessary to take a break of six months, during which he prescribed taking the drug canephron. Canephron comes in the form of drops and tablets. I did not take the drops, since they are alcohol-based. Since I have to drive the car myself, I take Canephron in tablets (dragés).

Preliminary conclusions


The effectiveness of using spilled capsules is obvious. It is safe to say that it helps better than cystone in removing oxalate kidney stones. While taking capsules, super was poured, to compensate for the loss of magnesium and potassium due to intestinal dysbiosis, Panangin was periodically taken. I can’t say anything yet about how effective Canephron is in removing stones, since the course of therapy with it has only just begun. I will write about the comparative results of its use based on ultrasound results in this blog post later.

P.S. Upon completion of the course of taking Canephron, he underwent a repeat control ultrasound of the kidneys. The super effect achieved by using the capsules remained without significant improvement with the use of Canephron. The size of the remaining stone was still 3 mm, but I would like to clean the kidneys completely. Therefore, I decided to use prolit super in the future to completely remove stones and take it every six months as a preventative course, since there is a tendency to form oxalate stones.

Well, now the opinion of official medicine on the problem of the formation and removal of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). Here is the information shared on the Strastocvet website:

In addition to the article, I would like to add that dehydration, inflammatory processes (cystitis, pyelonephritis), urinary passage disorders (strictures, tumors) increase the risk of stone formation. Important: During an infection, salts easily “sit” on the inflamed mucosa.

Types of kidney stones:

  • oxalate, the mechanism of their formation is described in detail in the article. The diet for this type of stone should be limited to legumes, cruciferous vegetables (root vegetables, cabbage, greens), oranges and milk. It is recommended to increase the content of magnesium and potassium in the diet (dried fruits, grains, fruits).
  • urate, for gout, increased breakdown of proteins (hypercortisolism, cancer cachexia, chronic intoxication), excess purines in food (meat, legumes, wine), abuse of smoked foods, coffee. This is a disease of gourmets and sybarites.

A prerequisite for the formation of urates in the kidneys is a pH below 5.5 (acid urine). Urates dissolve well!

  • calcium and phosphorus (bone fractures, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, hypervitaminosis of vitamin D, excessive intake of calcium and phosphorus) with an alkaline urine reaction in vegetarians and adherents of a dairy-vegetable diet.

Important: food contains many orthophosphoric acid salts, which can be deposited in the kidneys when the pH of the urine changes.

Important: intake of calcium supplements and medicinal mineral water should be limited due to the possibility of stone formation. Calcium supplements must contain magnesium, which prevents stone formation.

Renal colic

This condition is associated with the movement of a stone along the ureter or renal pelvis. Colic occurs after exertion, changing body position, playing sports, or riding in public transport. The pain can be unbearable and be accompanied by vegetative symptoms: sweating, decreased blood pressure, palpitations, patients rush around and cannot find a place to rest. The pain radiates to the pubis, inner thigh, genitals, and lower back.


Folk remedies for kidney stones: watermelon, beer, lemons.

Watermelon diet:

  1. The first day - watermelon and a loaf of black bread.
  2. Second day – at least 3 kg of watermelon. Repeat such days during the watermelon season at least 2 times a week.
  3. To remove stones, you need to take a warm bath in the evening (relieves spasms and dilates the ureters) and eat several kilograms of watermelon. The method removes small stones and sand well.


Beer has a diuretic effect and has a slightly acidic pH, which means it is suitable for dissolving calcium and phosphorus stones. The main thing here is not to overdo it in terms of alcohol!


They acidify urine and are indicated for calcium and phosphorus stones. It is usually recommended to use 1-2 lemons per day for at least 2-4 weeks.

Rosehip root, knotweed, bearberry, horsetail, and hydrangea also dissolve stones!

Sunflower has an alkaline pH and dissolves urate and oxalate stones. It also relieves inflammation and is slightly diuretic. 300 g of root is poured into 5 liters of water and boiled for 5 minutes, then left for several hours. To prevent stones, take 1.5 liters of decoction daily for 12 days; for treatment, the course is extended to 24 days. The courses are repeated every six months.

Hydrangea in the form of decoctions and supplements, it is indicated for acidifying urine and treating calcium and phosphate stones. Also dissolves salts in bile and joints, relieves inflammation.

Diet with a certain pH:

  • sour, for dissolving phosphate and calcium stones in the kidneys: protein, lingonberry and cranberry juices, lemons, sour mineral waters such as Arzni, Truskavets, flour, vegetable oils. It is also necessary to reduce the concentration of calcium and phosphates in food;
  • alkaline, for dissolving urate and oxalate kidney stones: dairy and vegetable, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, cereals, watermelons. Alkaline mineral waters are also useful: Essentuki, Borjomi, Naftusya.

Important: Before any type of treatment, it is necessary to determine the pH of the urine and the type of kidney stones, otherwise they can increase in number and size!

Duvlt– external shock wave lithotripsy. The method is non-invasive and involves breaking up kidney stones with ultrasound. The sensor is placed on the lower back in the projection of the stone, the location of which is determined by ultrasound. The method is limited by the size of the stone; for large stones, ESWLT can be performed in several stages.

Of the drugs for dissolving kidney stones, I would like to note:

  • urate and oxalate: Allopurinol (a remedy for gout), Blemaren (contains citric acid), Asparkam or Panangin (contains potassium and magnesium)
  • calcium oxalate: Cyston, Prolit, Fitolysin, Urolesan.

Prolit and Cyston do not change the pH; Phytolysin cannot be used for phosphate stones.

Consultant's comment

It is worth noting separately that once kidney stones are diagnosed, treatment is multifaceted, i.e. It can be aimed simultaneously at various stages of pathogenesis. This includes prevention of the formation and enlargement of stones, relief of renal colic, and restorative treatment, including antibacterial therapy and restoration of urinary function. And, of course, if a patient has kidney stones, treatment should include removing the stones from them.

There are various methods for removing stones, which in many cases are used in combination. The main six are:

  • open surgery;
  • laparoscopic operations;
  • endoscopic interventions;
  • contact lithotripsy and other methods of crushing kidney stones;
  • shock wave extracorporeal lithotripsy;
  • medicinal dissolution of stones, including the use of medicinal herbs and mineral waters.

For a long time, the main method of removing stones was open surgery. However, this method is highly traumatic, is associated with the risk of developing serious complications, and the degree of recurrence of stone formation after such an intervention is very high. In this regard, treatment of urolithiasis using open surgery is today used only in extreme cases, in the absence of a less traumatic alternative. For example, in the case of pyonephrosis.

Laparoscopic operations and endoscopic interventions are significantly less traumatic, and therefore are used much more often today.

Contact destruction and then removal of kidney stones through the urinary tract using instruments is used more often in cases where stones penetrate the ureter, causing an attack of renal colic.

The most gentle way to remove kidney stones is shock wave lithotripsy. The stones are destroyed remotely by wave action, and then their remains are naturally removed from the body. Unfortunately, the method does not achieve sufficient results with large stones.

Methods of dissolving stones with medications, medicinal herbs and mineral waters are the most preferred and safest in terms of complications. True, such methods imply the need to strictly follow the recommendations over a fairly long period of time and can also only be effective for small stones.

In conclusion, it must be said that the choice of method for removing kidney stones depends on many factors: the size of the stone, its chemical composition, density, exact location, as well as existing complications of urolithiasis, concomitant pathology and other factors.

I recently published an article about Canephron that received thousands of views. Many are also interested in people's opinions about him.

“Canephron reviews” - this is how they look for information about the drug on the Internet. I looked, the situation is similar, the reviews are numerous, but scattered across many sites.

I did not set out to collect positive or negative opinions. All reviews are taken from various Internet sources. They were written by different people.

Like any drug, Canephron also helps some, but does not help others, because each person has his own body. By the way, this article can also be found on the Internet upon request - canephron n reviews, and someone will find the word Canephron drops reviews.

For some, canephron helps with swelling and bags under the eyes, for others it treats cystitis and pyelonephritis very well, and for others, the results were noticed only when the drug was combined with antibiotics. And there are those for whom the drug not only did not help, but also brought side effects in the form of rash, vomiting and fever.

I will write about all medications on the pages of my website, as always, from my point of view, stay tuned. And today, in continuation of the topic about canephron, I will act as a collector of reviews about it, both good and not so good. You can read them and draw your own conclusions.

Canephron reviews

Canephron review by Jadwiga

I liked the drug, it’s very good. The nephrologist prescribed it for the treatment of acute cystitis. There were severe pains, which I relieved with antibiotics, and then I treated myself with Canephron

urinary system

I like that it is herbal, no chemicals. Now it’s always in my medicine cabinet, if it’s a little cold, and I feel like an exacerbation of cystitis is coming, I take Canephron.

Canephron review Baku

I took this drug exactly according to the instructions, but did not see much effect. Maybe I didn’t take enough and needed more, I don’t know. But I don’t share the general enthusiasm.

Canephron review Sony

This is one of the most harmless drugs that treats the bladder and kidneys. Contains only natural ingredients. I take it constantly in courses of two weeks. I even drank

Canephron during pregnancy

As prescribed by the doctor, he dealt with my swelling with a bang. The drug has been tested not only by me, I read a lot on forums - almost everyone writes that it helps and is safe for pregnant women.

Canephron review by Mikhail

The amazing quality of canephron is that it can be given even to infants. Hence the conclusion - if childhood is not a contraindication, then the medicine is absolutely safe. The doctor prescribed it to me as a remedy for prostatitis. When were

symptoms of kidney stones

symptoms of renal colic

My mother also prescribed it for her. The terrible pain went away thanks to the diet and Canephron. Now she always drinks it in courses with breaks.

Canephron review by Anna

I took Canephron at 18 weeks of pregnancy for edema. The doctor prescribed it for kidney support (they worked for two people). The pills did not harm the baby, and I felt much better the very next day. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect - this is exactly what I needed at that time. The main thing is that there is no chemistry in it.

Canephron review by Katya

This is a good diuretic, it helped me a lot along with antibiotics in the treatment of cystitis. I took Canephron drops. It acts quickly, despite the fact that it is herbal. But the doctor and I were afraid that my chronic pyelonephritis and already tormented


may worsen during pregnancy. I drank Canephron and tablets three times a day, two pieces each, for a whole month, and the exacerbation did not occur, to my great joy.

Canephron review by Victoria

Canephron saved my daughter. She has had pyelonephritis since birth, which often gets worse. They just didn’t treat it with anything. When they started taking Canephron, the tests returned to normal, and things started to get better. Probably, you still need a good specialist who understands his business. But you probably shouldn’t drink on your own and then draw negative conclusions.

Canephron review by Maria

prevention of kidney stones

and concomitant pyelonephritis, I have been taking it for three years. It helps well, the only thing is that you need to drink it along with antibiotics. Pregnant women can drink without fear - it contains only herbal ingredients. The only exception is if you are allergic to the components, so you need to look at the composition.

Canephron review by Sergei

They did it to me

kidney lithotripsy

They removed the stones that had been bothering me for several years. After the procedure, Canephron N was prescribed. I take two tablets three times a day. I drank for two months when I went to

Kidney ultrasound

I didn’t see any results - the sand remaining after crushing did not go away. In general, money down the drain.

Canephron review by Aliya

There was a severe exacerbation of cystitis, which had never happened before. Nothing helped, I had to go to the doctor, who prescribed Canephron and Nolicin. Already on the first day I felt relief. You can’t imagine what an amazing feeling it is when, after debilitating pain and torment, you feel their absence. By the way, in my opinion, the drops help better than the pills.

Canephron review by Boris

I became allergic to Canephron. The urologist prescribed it to me as an excellent medicine. I started drinking it, but didn’t finish it. The urticaria is severe, even to the point of swelling. Previously there was no allergy, but now it occurs periodically. I threw this canephron in the trash and will never touch it again. We must treat medications with caution, even such as Canephron.

Canephron review by Svetlana

I had a kidney injury. The urologist prescribed Canephron. I started drinking, and on the second day there was a discharge with blood. As soon as I stop drinking, the discharge stops. Now I don't know what to do. She refused to take this medicine, but there are almost no contraindications in the instructions.

Canephron review by Irina

I suffered

kidney stones

There were always small stones in the kidneys that prevented life. The urologist tried different medications for me until they settled on Canephron. After taking it, I forgot about

kidney pain

and other unpleasant sensations. Great medicine!

Canephron review by Elena

Lower back pain constantly tormented me, and when I went to the doctor, who wrote that I had

signs of urolithiasis

After examination, the presence of stones in the bladder and pyelonephritis were established. They prescribed me Canephron, and I started drinking without any hope. There was a prejudice that herbal pills did not help. However, somehow unnoticed, the pain went away, and the condition improved, the bags under the eyes disappeared. On

Ultrasound of the bladder

found that stones were completely absent. Now Canephron is a panacea for me, as soon as I take it I immediately take it.

Canephron review by Nikolay

Several years ago, I began to feel pain in my lower back and began to experience constant pain. I went to the doctor, got tested, had an ultrasound and

kidney urography

We installed a lot of phosphate salts. Canephron N drops were prescribed. I drank for three weeks and it became easier. Repeated analyzes of the stones did not establish this. It’s good that I went to the doctor on time and was treated, otherwise there could have been large stones and surgery.

Canephron review by Lydia

Canephron itself is a good medicine, but it must be taken in combination with other treatment. You must follow a diet and combine canephron with phytolysin,

herbs for kidneys

and, if there is inflammation, with antibiotics. Then help will be guaranteed. Otherwise, we all love freebies - once you get sick, you need to take a pill and it will help. This does not happen; any treatment is work. And you don’t need to buy medicines from counterfeit pharmacies, there are a lot of fakes.

I think there are enough reviews about Canephron to form an impression about this drug. The drug consists of natural ingredients, treats many, some have individual intolerances and allergic reactions. I agree with the last opinion - any disease must be treated comprehensively, following a diet, a healthy lifestyle and alternating medications.

  1. Canephron: instructions for use. Be careful…
  2. Phytolysin: reviews of a wonderful drug
  3. Phytolysin during pregnancy: small nuances
  4. 15 reviews of cystone
  5. Cyston - complete instructions for use

There are a huge number of drugs designed to treat the genitourinary system in men and women. The most popular of them are the tablets “Canephron” and “Cyston”. Both of these products have a natural composition. Therefore, medications can be prescribed during lactation and pregnancy. Which is better – “Canephron” or “Cyston”? It's difficult to decide. Both of these medications have their advantages and disadvantages. And to make a choice, it is worth studying the instructions for use of the medication.

"Cyston". Release form and composition

The medicine is available in the form of light brown dragees. The active ingredients are the extract of flowers of the double carp, mumiyo powder, extract of the seeds of the rough strawflower, extract of the stems of madder cordifolia, extract of the whole plant of vernonia ashy, lime silicate powder. The excipients are microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, crospovidone, colloidal silicon dioxide.

The combined diuretic drug has antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects. Positive results from taking it are noticeable already at the beginning of therapy. The drug “Cyston” helps get rid of gallstones. Treatment helps to significantly reduce the substances in the urine that provoke their formation. The main active ingredients stimulate diuresis and relax the muscles of the urinary tract.

"Canephron." Release form and composition

The herbal medicine is available in the form of solution and tablets. The main active ingredient is the plant material of lovage root and rosemary leaves. The auxiliary components in the tablets are colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate, dextrose, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, titanium dioxide, and talc.

A combined herbal medicine has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Canephron tablets help reduce pain. Their use allows patients to feel better already in the first days of treatment.

Both drugs contain herbal ingredients. Therefore, it is difficult to answer the question of which is better - Canephron or Cyston. The specialist prescribes this or that medicine in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as the form of the disease. It is worth noting that the indications for both drugs are almost identical.


The drug "Canephron" is in most cases prescribed for the treatment of chronic diseases of the urinary tract. As part of complex therapy, the medicine can be used for pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis. For kidney inflammation, which is non-infectious in nature, Canephron tablets can also be prescribed. Application, reviews of the drug, exact dosage - all this should be checked with your doctor first.

Cyston tablets can be prescribed as part of complex therapy for urolithiasis, various urinary tract infections, and gout. The medicine not only helps remove stones from the body, but also prevents their formation in the future. Your doctor will tell you how to drink Cyston correctly. The dosage depends on many factors. This is the general condition of the patient, as well as his individual characteristics.

It is worth noting that the effect of the drug develops gradually. In the first few days of treatment, the result is invisible. For acute pain in the urinary tract, Cyston tablets are not recommended. But the drug “Canephron” perfectly relieves pain and helps reduce the number of pathogens.

What are the contraindications?

The medicines Cyston and Canephron, despite their herbal composition, have some contraindications. They are not prescribed to children under one year of age. But for pregnant and lactating women there are no restrictions. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should take Canephron solution with caution. Analogs, reviews of which are positive, should also be used only after consultation with a doctor. The problem is that the solution contains components that can irritate the gastric mucosa. The medication is especially dangerous for peptic ulcers.

The medicine Cyston has much fewer contraindications. In rare cases, patients may develop hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. If any strange symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug and make an appointment with a specialist. Which is better: Canephron or Cyston? We can definitely answer that the latter drug has fewer contraindications.

Special instructions for the use of the drug "Canephron"

If during drug therapy the patient notices the formation of edema caused by abnormalities in the kidneys or heart, it is worth significantly reducing fluid intake. In rare cases, the medicine can be used as monotherapy. Additionally, antibacterial drugs may be prescribed. Canephron solution cannot be used without prior consultation.

If during the treatment the patient notices blood in the urine or sharp pain appears during urination, the use of the drug "Canephron" alone will not be enough. It is recommended to immediately contact your physician for further advice. In acute inflammatory processes, treatment should be carried out only in a medical facility.

How to take Canephron correctly?

The solution is taken orally and washed down with plenty of water. Adults and children over 14 years of age are prescribed 50 drops three times a day. Children over 7 years old take 25 drops three times a day. Patients of preschool age are prescribed 15 drops. Medicine is not prescribed for babies in the first year of life. To soften the bitter taste of the medicine, it can be taken with other liquids. Cool tea or compote is perfect.

The dosage of Canephron tablets is also determined depending on age. Adults take two tablets three times a day. School-age children take one tablet at a time. Children under 3 years of age are not prescribed medicine in tablet form.

Treatment must take place in courses. The exact duration of therapy depends on the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. You should not stop taking the medication, even if clinical improvements in the patient's condition are noticeable. The average duration of therapy is 4 weeks.

How to take Cyston?

The medicine can be part of complex therapy for urolithiasis. In this case, two tablets are prescribed twice a day. The course of treatment can be long. If clinical improvement does not occur within a month, you should consult a doctor. The medicine “Cyston” can be used before the stones pass. The dosage will remain the same throughout the course of treatment.

If infectious diseases of the genitourinary system are detected, Cyston tablets can also be prescribed. Adult patients take two tablets several times a day until the condition improves.

After surgery to remove stones, the drug is prescribed to prevent relapses. For a month you need to take two tablets several times a day. Subsequently, the dosage is reduced. The general course of treatment can be 6 months.

Overdose and side effects

Both drugs are based on natural ingredients. Therefore, side effects develop quite rarely. Despite this, every patient should know how to take Cyston or Canephron correctly. An overdose can lead to problems such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice.

In rare cases, side effects in the form of allergic reactions may occur. A rash or hives appear on the skin. The reason for stopping therapy is swelling of the limbs. This reaction most often develops in patients who have abnormalities in kidney function.

Overdose is treated by gastric lavage in a medical facility. At home, you can try to induce vomiting yourself. Subsequently, symptomatic therapy is carried out using activated carbon.

Drug interactions

Which is better – “Canephron” or “Cyston”? Both of these medications interact well with other medications. Therefore, quite often they are part of complex therapy for diseases of the genitourinary system. During therapy, it is not recommended to consume large amounts of liquid. Neglecting this advice may lead to swelling. Drinking alcohol is also undesirable. It is worth refusing to use alcohol-containing tinctures.

May be included in the antibacterial therapy of the drug "Canephron". Analogues, reviews of which are positive from doctors, can also be used together with antibiotics. Herbal medicines promote rapid recovery and relieve pain.

If there is a need to take any systemic medications together with Cyston or Canephron tablets, you should first consult with your doctor.


If you cannot find the drug you need in a pharmacy, you can always choose a high-quality analogue. The product “Monurel”, created on the basis of cranberry juice, is popular among therapists. The fact is that cranberry occupies one of the first places in the treatment of cystitis in folk medicine. This plant not only relieves pain, but also has an antimicrobial effect. Some doctors call the drug "Monurel" a natural antibiotic. The medicine is available in tablet form. It has virtually no contraindications. Tablets can be prescribed to pregnant women, as well as children in the first year of life.

Fitolysin paste also has a good effect. This medicine contains extracts of 9 different herbs. In addition, components such as sage and orange oil have a healing effect. The medicine easily relieves spasms and also has a diuretic effect. “Phytolysin” helps remove sand from the ureters. A huge advantage is also the price of the drug. For one tube you will have to pay only 200 rubles.

Which medicine is better? Reviews from doctors and patients

It becomes clear that both Cyston and Canephron are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Experts recommend both medications. It is worth noting that Cyston tablets are most often used for kidney stones. Application, price, reviews about the medicine - all this, of course, today you can find out on your own, without the help of your doctor. Despite the fact that the medication is available in many pharmacies without a prescription, it should not be used without a prescription. For one package of tablets you will have to pay about 350 rubles.

Patients note that Cyston tablets have a positive effect in the treatment of urolithiasis. However, good results are not immediately noticeable. Long-term use of tablets helps avoid surgery.

The Canephron solution has a positive effect in the treatment of cystitis. Instructions, price of the drug - all this can also be found out from your doctor. Patients note that the medicine in the form of a solution shows good results much faster. Canephron tablets have lower bioavailability. They are not prescribed for preschool children.

Let's sum it up

It is quite difficult to compare drugs with different compositions. Today we looked at two remedies for cystitis - Cyston and Canephron. Instructions, price, reviews, indications and contraindications - all these issues were also touched upon in our review. Which drug to choose should be decided based on the overall clinical picture. In any case, you should not self-medicate. The medication must be prescribed by a specialist.

Urolithiasis is a serious illness that equally often affects both men and women. When kidney stones are discovered, treatment with stone breaking tablets is the first type of therapy prescribed to the patient. But before such treatment is carried out, the patient should undergo a comprehensive examination, clarifying the type of formations, because not all of them are susceptible to the effects of medications. The most popular and effective remedies for the treatment of kidney stones are Canephron N, Cyston, Rowatinex, Urolesan, Fitolysin, and others. But they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor who has established an accurate diagnosis.

Kidney stones are dense crystals (calculi) formed from uric acid salts, mainly sodium and potassium. Depending on the structure, they are divided into:

  • urate;
  • phosphate;
  • oxalate.

The higher the acidity of the patient’s urine, the denser the structure of the stones, the more difficult they are to treat with medication. Thus, it is possible to break a stone using drug components only if it belongs to the group of urates or phosphates. Oxalate stones have a too dense structure, so removal of this type of formation is only possible through surgical treatment.

IMPORTANT!!! Phosphates are one of the types of urates. Although these stones have a denser structure, with long-term, proper treatment they can be crushed.

Therapy aimed at breaking up urates is called litholytic. It is based on the impact on stones with drugs that change their structure, destroying the organic bonds between small particles. Thus, urate stones in the kidneys become smaller, which allows them to easily pass along with the urine stream without causing pain or discomfort to the patient. In the presence of large stones, exposure to drugs allows them to be broken into several parts, which prepares the patient for the second stage of treatment: crushing stones with ultrasound.

The use of litholytic therapy in the presence of oxalate stones is strictly prohibited. This is due to the structural features of this type of formation. Oxalate is a hard stone that does not have the smooth protective shell characteristic of urates. Therefore, it is a dense monolithic stone with sharp ends. Because the drugs included in the therapy help crush the stones and remove them from the body along with urine; such treatment will force oxalate to move through the ureters without first changing its size and structure.

Such a movement can lead to injuries to the urinary canals, the kidneys themselves, the bladder, and the urethra. Often the sharp edges of oxalates cut the mucous membrane of the renal sinuses, which causes internal bleeding, fraught with serious complications and even death of the patient.

Therefore, the choice of drugs against kidney stones should be carried out only by the treating urologist after preliminary ultrasound diagnostics. This examination helps to determine the type of stones, their number, location, and assess the general condition of the urinary system.

IMPORTANT!!! If oxalate stones are detected, the doctor will also prescribe drug therapy, but its tasks will include preparing the patient for radical methods of dealing with stones, eliminating the possibility of the formations moving through the ureters.

Basis of litholytic therapy

Doctors recommend treating kidney stones with litholytic therapy only if there are stones larger than 5 mm. If their size is smaller, the patient is recommended a special therapeutic diet aimed at reducing the acidity of urine. With strict adherence to the rules of a healthy diet, the stones dissolve, crushing to the size of grains of sand, and are independently eliminated from the body along with waste products.

If urates of more than five millimeters are detected, the patient is prescribed medications. Which medicine will be best for a particular patient is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the health characteristics and course of the patient’s illness. Most often in litholytic therapy, agents are used that include herbal components: Canephron N, Cyston, Urolesan, various phyto-collections.

The latter are widely used in urology, because Many herbs have a diuretic effect, help strengthen the immune system, and normalize the acid-base balance of urine. You can replace such a medicine with traditional medicine recipes, which are also effective for urolithiasis. But before using them, you should definitely consult a urologist, because... not all traditional methods can be safe for a particular patient.

Drugs to combat urates. Canephron N

The most popular remedy that can cure not only urolithiasis, but also many other urological ailments, is Canephron N. This herbal preparation has the following effects:

  • relieves manifestations of the inflammatory process;
  • relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary system;
  • enhances the outflow of urine.

The medicine also has a slight antiseptic effect, i.e. fights some representatives of pathogenic microflora that can cause inflammation. Canephron N is available in the form of drops and tablets. It can form the basis of litholytic therapy, or act as an adjuvant in combination with stronger medicinal products.

The medicine is equally effective for pathologies of the urinary system of an infectious and non-infectious nature, and can be used to treat children from the first months of their life. Canephron is also often prescribed to patients who are prone to the appearance of stones or have a history of stones to prevent relapse of the disease.

The medication rarely causes adverse reactions, but sometimes patients complained of reactions from the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of dry mouth. It is also possible that allergic reactions may occur in patients who are intolerant to any component of the drug.

IMPORTANT!!! Canephron contains lactose, a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, the drug is prescribed with caution to children, as well as to patients with any types of allergies.

The list of contraindications, in addition to allergic reactions to the components of the product, includes:

  • peptic ulcer during exacerbation;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • kidney pathologies.

This medicine is successfully used to treat kidney pathologies in pregnant women, as well as to combat edema characteristic of this period of life of the fairer sex. This once again confirms its safety for the human body.

Herbal preparation Cyston

The next popular drug is Cyston. It also consists exclusively of herbal components, but is available only in tablet form. This medication has two important actions: it normalizes the acidity of urine, helping to remove excess uric acids from the body, which provoke the formation of stones, and also has an antimicrobial effect, destroying representatives of pathogenic microflora.

Cyston is intended for the treatment and prevention of pathologies such as:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • crystalluria;
  • gout;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary system.

The herbs that make up the medicine allow it to have a complex effect on the organs of the urinary system. Cyston effectively copes with congestion in the kidneys and bladder, because has a diuretic effect. The next effect is nephrolytic: the individual components of the drug are involved in the crushing of urates, facilitating their release from the body. Cyston also has an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect.

The medicine has practically no contraindications. It should not be used by children under six years of age, or if they are allergic to any component of the drug. Side effects include only manifestations of intolerance to the components of the drug: urticaria, itching, lacrimation, swelling of the nasal mucosa. The medication does not affect the ability to operate machinery and is approved for use while expecting a baby.

Nephrolytic drug – Rowatinex

Rowatinex belongs to the group of herbal medicines, because Most of its composition is medicinal herbs and plants. This medication has nephrolytic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Rowatinex is an imported, certified product produced in the form of gelatin capsules, the base of which is olive oil. Thanks to this basis, the active components easily penetrate into the patient’s blood, and from there to damaged internal organs. Rovatinex is used primarily to prevent the development of urolithiasis or to treat it.

This medication also has a complex effect on urolithiasis. He is capable of:

  • dissolve, crush urates even of large sizes;
  • promote the removal of small particles of stones from the body;
  • reduce pain when stone particles pass through the ureters;
  • increase urine flow.

Rowatinex also helps to reduce the acidity of urine, which stops the growth of existing stones, which makes it possible to use it to prevent the development of urolithiasis. The drug has a slight antiseptic effect, therefore it can reduce inflammation of the kidneys or bladder, which gives the drug an anti-inflammatory effect.

Rovatinex is prohibited for use by children under 6 years of age, women in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation, patients with renal colic, and patients with an allergy to any component of the medication. It is not advisable to use the drug simultaneously with antibiotics or blood thinning medications: in this case, the attending physician must balance the possible benefits of drug treatment with the risks to the patient’s health.

Complex natural preparation – Urolesan

Urolesan is a combined natural medicine that is part of the group of phytoproducts. This remedy is usually indicated to prevent the development of urolithiasis, as well as to prevent its recurrence after surgical removal of stones. Urolesan has:

  • anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the growth of pathogenic microflora in the patient’s kidneys and bladder;
  • improves blood supply to the organs of the urinary system, which increases the outflow of urine;
  • increases the flow of bile;
  • normalizes the tone of the smooth muscles of internal organs.

In addition to urolithiasis or its prevention, Urolesan is indicated for use in infectious diseases of the urinary system, as well as in pathologies of the biliary tract and cholelithiasis.

The medication has certain contraindications: individual intolerance to any component of the drug, diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis), as well as seizures or a history of them if the medication is prescribed to children.

Time-tested medicine - Phytolysin

Before the domestic pharmaceutical market was filled with imported drugs, the basis of litholytic therapy was the drug Fitolysin. This herbal product is a paste with a characteristic “herbal” aroma, intended for dilution in water.

Thanks to a large number of plant components rich in essential oils, Phytolysin has an anti-inflammatory effect, fights pathogenic microflora, has a diuretic effect, reduces pain when stones move through the urinary tract, and also relaxes the muscles of the urinary system.

This complex effect allows Phytolysin to be successfully used to crush urate stones, for their subsequent removal and to prevent their reappearance.

In addition to urolithiasis, the medicine is successfully used for infectious inflammatory diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis. But the medicine has a significant drawback - an extensive list of contraindications.

Thus, Phytolysin is prohibited for use in cases of exacerbation of nephritis, glomerulonephritis, gastric or intestinal ulcers, acute heart or kidney failure, gastritis, gallstones, liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis, acute failure), pancreatitis and individual intolerance to the components of the drug . Therefore, Phytolysis is increasingly losing primacy in the treatment of urolithiasis to more modern and safe drugs.

The choice of medication - the basis of litholytic therapy - should always be made by a doctor. You should not start taking medications on your own on the advice of friends, relatives, or advertisements. Self-medication is dangerous due to serious health complications, which will be much more difficult to cure.

Possibility of using Canephron ® N for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis

Corresponding member RAMS, professor Yu.G. Alyaev, A.V. Amosov, V.A. Grigoryan, E.A. Sultanova, G.E. Krupinov, G.K. Hakobyan
Clinic of Urology named after. P.M. Fronshtein Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov

Currently, there has been a clear increase in interest in the problems of herbal medicine, i.e. treatment with herbal medicines. Herbal medicine has a long history, the first mentions date back to the 27th century BC. and came to us from ancient China. Today, the effectiveness of the use of medicinal plants has been proven not only experimentally, but also using scientifically based methods - biochemical, biological (at the molecular and cellular level), as well as structural and analytical.

Modern medicine has learned to work with plants and use their potential. Thus, it became possible to obtain extracts that contain certain active ingredients in precisely selected proportions. This is achieved through careful cultivation of crops and the use of special methods for the manufacture of medicines. Studying the plant world makes it possible to create herbal medicines that best meet the needs of modern medicine. Today, herbal medicine is especially attractive, since many examples have shown that extracts of medicinal plants are in no way inferior in effectiveness to chemical substances, and often even surpass them. Herbal medicines are no longer treated as second-class drugs. Each of them has its own profile.Their clinical significance is evidenced by the fact that the largest pharmaceutical enterprises, which for decades have produced only synthetic drugs, are literally “combing” forests in search of medicinal plants.Modern herbal preparations are produced using high technology and undergo multi-stage quality control. One of the new generation herbal medicines, widely used in urology, isCanephron ® N (Bionorica, Germany).

Canephron ® N is a combination drug that contains centaury (Centaurium umbellatum), lovage (Levisticum officinale) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinale). The substances included in the drug have an antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect on the organs of the urinary system, reduce the permeability of the capillaries of the kidneys, have a diuretic effect, improve kidney function, and potentiate the effect of antibacterial therapy (see Table 1).

Table 1. Medicinal plants included in Canephron ® N and their spectrum of action

Various types of action of Canephron ® N are due to the essential oils, phenolcarboxylic acids, phthalides, and bitters included in its composition. For example, the diuretic effect of the drug is due to the combination of various points of application of its components. Essential oils dilate the blood vessels of the kidneys, which improves the blood supply to the renal epithelium, and also influence the processes of reabsorption by the cells of the renal tubules. This manifests itself mainly in a decrease in the reabsorption of sodium ions and the corresponding amount of water. The diuretic effect of phenol carbonic acids is explained by the osmotic effect: when they enter the lumen of the renal tubules, they create high osmotic pressure (these substances are not subject to reabsorption); at the same time, the reabsorption of water and sodium ions is significantly reduced. Thus, an increase in water excretion occurs without disturbing the ion balance (potassium-saving effect).

The antispasmodic effect is due to the flavonoid component of the drug. Phthalides (lovage) and rosemary oil have a similar effect. Phenolcarboxylic acids have weak antispasmodic properties.

The anti-inflammatory effect is mainly due to the presence of rosmarinic acid, which blocks the nonspecific activation of complement and lipoxygenase with subsequent inhibition of leukotriene synthesis. Like other phenolic compounds, rosmarinic acid exhibits antioxidant effects and interrupts free radical chain reactions.

All medicinal plants that make up Canephron ® N contain substances with a wide antimicrobial spectrum of action: phenol carboxylic acids affect bacterial protein; essential oils destroy the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and reduce the activity of aerobic respiration, which leads to a decrease in the release of energy necessary for the synthesis of various organic compounds; flavones, flavonoids and flavonols are able to bind to cell wall proteins and destroy bacterial cell membranes. This ensures the activity of the drug even with microflora resistant to synthetic agents.

The advantage of Canephron ® N is also the combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which is especially valuable for chronic processes in the urinary tract. In addition, the excretion of organic phenolcarboxylic acids and their glucuronidated and sulfated metabolites in urine leads to changes in urine acidity, which counteracts bacterial growth. In addition to the listed properties, the following factors contribute to the elimination of bacteria from the urinary tract:

  • bioflavonoids inhibit bacterial hyaluronidase and thus limit the spread of bacteria in tissues;
  • the diuretic effect prevents the adhesion of microorganisms.

It has been established that Canephron ® N enhances the excretion of uric acid salts. This side of the action is only partly related to the diuretic effect and is quite specific. Increasing the secretion of uric acid prevents the loss of crystals in the urinary tract, the growth of existing stones and the formation of new ones. It was also noted that this drug alkalinizes urine if it is sharply acidic and maintains the pH value in the range of 6.2–6.8, which also prevents the formation of urate stones.

The pharmacologically proven effect of Canephron ® N on the tubular apparatus of the kidney clearly shows that the excretion of protein in the urine due to previously suffered pathological processes damaging the tubular apparatus is significantly reduced.


The emergence in recent years of new, high-tech methods for the treatment of urolithiasis (KSD), such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), percutaneous and contact lithotripsy, can significantly reduce the size of the stone, but the remaining small fragments of the stone must “pass away” on their own. In this regard, the role of lithokinetic therapy is increasing, designed to ensure the evacuation of small stones from the kidneys and upper urinary tract.

At the Urological Clinic MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov has experience in using Canephron ® N after ESWL.

79 patients with urolithiasis were examined: 45 of them were included in the Canephron group (main group) and 34 in the control group.

The Canephron group consisted of 45 patients (27 men and 18 women) aged from 29 to 55 years. The duration of the disease in most patients was, on average, 3–5 years. During the examination, kidney or ureteral stones were detected in all patients (see Table 2).

Table 2. Localization of stones in patients from the Canephron group (n=45)

Localization of stones Number of patients Average
Group A: Kidney stones 22 7.4 mm
7 3.2 mm
6 2.6 mm
10 2.1 mm

The control group consisted of 34 patients (19 men and 15 women) aged from 34 to 62 years. The duration of the disease in most patients averaged 2–4 years. During the examination, kidney or ureteral stones were identified in all patients (see Table 3).

Table 3. Localization of stones in patients from the control group (n=34)

Localization of stones Number of patients Average
Group A: Kidney stones 12 8.1 mm
Group B: Upper ureteral stones 8 2.8 mm
Group C: Stones of the middle third of the ureter 5 3.1 mm
Group D: Stones of the lower third of the ureter 9 3.6 mm

When examining patients in both the main and control groups, attention was paid to leukocyturia, urine pH value, and daily diuresis.

In the main group, leukocyturia was detected in 29 (64.4%) patients, in the control group - in 15 (44.1%) patients. The urine pH value in the study and control groups averaged 5.7, daily diuresis was 1300 ml.

All patients underwent external shock wave lithotripsy. Patients of the main group were prescribed Canephron ® N as part of drug therapy, 2 tablets 3 times a day. Patients in the control group received antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory therapy without the prescription of Canephron ® N.

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the drug Canephron ® N were the timing of passage of disintegrated stones after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, a decrease in leukocyturia, an increase in daily diuresis, and normalization of urine pH.

Disintegration of disintegrated stones within the first five days after external shock wave lithotripsy in group A (n=22) occurred in 16 (72.7%) patients, while in group A1 (n=12) – in 4 (33.3%) %) of patients. 2 patients from group A and 3 patients from group A1 required a repeat session of external shock wave lithotripsy.

Disintegration of disintegrated stones within the first five days after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in group B (n=7) occurred in 5 (71.4%) patients, while in group B1 (n=8) – in 3 (37.5 %) of patients. 1 patient from group B1 required a repeat session of external shock wave lithotripsy.

Disintegration of disintegrated stones within the first five days after external shock wave lithotripsy in group C (n=6) occurred in 4 (66.6%) patients, while in group C1 (n=5) – in 2 (40%) patients.

Disintegration of disintegrated stones within the first five days after external shock wave lithotripsy in group D (n=10) occurred in 9 (90%) patients, while in group D1 (n=9) – in 5 (55.5%) patients.

Thus, it is obvious that the use of Canephron ® N as part of complex therapy after external shock wave lithotripsy accelerates the passage of stone fragments from the urinary tract, regardless of the level of their initial localization. Apparently, this is due to the complex antispasmodic and diuretic effect of the drug, as well as its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, as a result of which inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the urinary tract decreased.

This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that the disappearance of leukocyturia on the 7th day in the main group was observed in 27 (93.1%) patients, while in the control group - in only 7 (46.6%) patients.

In the Canephron group, no increase in the number of leukocytes was observed in control urine tests; Urine pH was maintained in the range of 6.2–6.8; daily diuresis increased to 2–2.5 liters.

None of the patients showed signs of intolerance, side effects or complications when taking the drug Canephron ® N.

Similar results were obtained by specialists from the Main Military Clinical Hospital named after. Academician N.N. Burdenko Shaplygin L.V. and Monakov D.M. , who analyzed the timing of passage of stone fragments after ESWL using the example of 126 patients: main group – 75 patients; control group – 51 patients (see Table 4).

Table 4. Timing of passage of stone fragments after ESWL (n=126)


ICD is endemic throughout the world and occupies an important place in the structure of urological morbidity. The reason for this is the lack of impact on the etiological and pathogenetic factors of the formation and growth of stones.

Therefore, the study of metabolic disorders that cause stone formation continues to be an urgent problem, the solution of which is directly related to the treatment, prevention and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis.

The polyetiological nature of urolithiasis and the abundance of factors of causal genesis (prerenal, renal and postrenal) lead to relatively homogeneous physicochemical disturbances of the colloid-crystalloid balance of urine and stone formation. Stone formation depends on a number of physicochemical processes occurring in the body as a whole and in the urinary system in particular. Oversaturation of stone-forming substances in the blood and then in the urine entails the formation of salt crystals and microliths, which are a favorable condition for the formation of stones. Precipitation of salts in the urine is prevented by citrates, hippuric acid, magnesium, zinc, manganese, cobalt ions, as well as the concentration of hydrogen ions in the urine, which is 5.6–6.0. The addition of a urinary infection significantly increases the frequency of relapses and worsens the course of the disease. When diagnosing and treating urolithiasis, it is very important to identify and take into account specific risk factors, knowledge of which helps to select a metaphylaxis program.

Risk factors include the influence of the external environment, functional and pathological changes in organs and systems of the whole body, as well as the presence of pathological processes in the kidneys that precede stone formation. A high risk of stone formation is typical for the following groups of patients:

  • patients with uric acid stones;
  • patients with gout;
  • children;
  • patients with a family history of urolithiasis;
  • patients with chronic diarrhea/malabsorption;
  • patients with osteochondrosis;
  • patients with pathological fractures;
  • patients with nephrocalcinosis;
  • patients with cystine stones;
  • patients with struvite stones.

Consequently, the study of metabolic disorders that cause stone formation remains one of the most pressing problems, the solution of which is directly related to the effectiveness of treatment, prevention and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis.

An important place in the treatment, prevention and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis is occupied by medicinal plants, which have a number of undoubted advantages, such as the absence of side effects (complications) and the possibility of periodizing prescriptions. One of the phytotherapeutic drugs that has recently entered the clinical practice of urologists is Canephron ® N.

In their work, employees of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education A.A. Gres, V.I. Voshchula, I.L. Rybin and L.P. Shlom evaluated the effectiveness of inhibiting the process of pathological crystallization of urine in 42 patients with urolithiasis using the drug Canephron ® N. The method for assessing the active stage of urolithiasis was the wedge-shaped dehydration method, which is based on the phenomenon of pathological crystallization of salts in an artificially created protein zone. The essence of the method lies in the difference in the crystallization of salts in urine when serum albumin (SA) 4:1 is added to it. After drying a drop of urine on a glass slide, the entire surface of the facies is completely covered with salt crystals. When SA is added to urine samples from healthy individuals, a marginal protein zone is formed along the edge of the facies, since the salts have a more powerful osmotic potential and crystallize in the central zone of the drop, and the protein components form a peripheral amorphous zone. In patients with urolithiasis, when SA is added, this process is disrupted due to the presence of pathologically strong bonds of stone-forming salts with proteins, resulting in the absence of a marginal protein zone.

The objective of the study was to establish the effect of the components of the drug Canephron ® N on the processes of pathological crystallization of urine in urolithiasis. The first stage of the experiment is to study the effect of Canephron ® N on urine in vitro (n=4). After removing 20% ​​of the volume of volatile fractions (ethanol), the drug was added to urine samples of patients with urolithiasis in a ratio of 1:200, which corresponds to the ratio of the recommended daily dosage of 150 drops (7.5 ml) and daily diuresis of 1500 ml. After this, the urine facies were compared using the wedge dehydration method with the addition of SA. As a result, the ability of the components included in Canephron ® N to suppress the processes of pathological crystallization of urine in urolithiasis was revealed. The appearance of a peripheral amorphous zone confirms this fact, which was noted in all patients.

The second stage of the study was to study the effectiveness of Canephron ® N on the processes of pathological crystallization of urine in vivo (n=42). The results of the experiment confirmed the ability of the drug components to suppress pathological crystallization of urine in 86% of cases (n=37). The drug was prescribed to patients 50 drops 3 times a day. On the 14th day, pathological crystallization of urine was assessed using the wedge-shaped dehydration method. The results of the experiment proved the appearance of a peripheral marginal zone in these 37 patients.

The revealed ability of Canephron ® N components to suppress pathological crystallization of urine in patients with urolithiasis in vitro and in vivo allows us to recommend this drug for wide use in this category of patients. The drug is not specific for a particular type of urolithiasis due to its pathogenetic mechanism of action - suppression of pathological crystallization. The use of the drug is indicated both before and after measures for remote or contact lithotripsy and stone elimination. Canephron ® N is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects. Correct selection of treatment regimens will undoubtedly reduce the number of relapses, the need for repeated manipulations to destroy the stone, as well as financial costs when using high-tech therapeutic measures.

Similar results were obtained by other authors, in particular, employees of the Main Military Clinical Hospital named after. Academician N.N. Burdenko Shaplygin L.V. and Monakov D.M. , which reliably demonstrated that the use of Canephron ® N prolongs remission in KSD (see Table 5).

Table 5. Duration of remission in urolithiasis (n=126)

According to Zhuravlev V.N. et al. , in 61% of patients during long-term follow-up, no recurrence of stone formation was detected after ESWL.

Similarly, according to V.V. Chernenko, taking Canephron ® N increases the effectiveness of metaphylactic therapy for patients with urate and oxalate nephrolithiasis, as well as urate hypercrystalluria (n=135):

  • The complex of pharmacological effects of Canephron ® N helps to improve general clinical and laboratory parameters of blood and urine;
  • When using metaphylactic treatment with the herbal medicine Canephron ® N in patients with uric acid and oxalic acid nephrolithiasis, as well as uric acid hypercrystalluria, persistent alkalinization of urine pH to 6.2–6.35 occurs for eight weeks;
  • The use of the herbal medicine Canephron ® N increases daily diuresis by an average of 33.8% and helps reduce the concentration of uric acid in urine from 8 to 13%;
  • The introduction of the herbal medicine Canephron ® N into metaphylactic treatment promotes a more rapid and consistently effective improvement in the functional parameters of the kidneys after stone removal;
  • The use of metaphylactic treatment using Canephron ® N reduces the number of relapses of stone formation.


Thus, the results of the studies indicate that:

  • the use of the drug Canephron ® N in the complex treatment of patients with urolithiasis who have undergone extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy promotes faster passage of stone fragments;
  • During therapy with Canephron ® N, there is a decrease in leukocyturia, an increase in daily diuresis and normalization of urine pH, and pathological crystallization of urine is suppressed, which reduces the risk of recurrent stone formation;
  • Long-term use of the drug Canephron ® N is not accompanied by the development of side effects.
Thus, Canephron ® N is an effective and safe drug and can be recommended for widespread use in patients with urolithiasis for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.


1. Amosov A.V. Herbal preparation Canephron in urological practice // Doctor, 2000; 6:36.

2. Gres A.A., Voshchula V.I., Rybina I.L., Shloma L.P. Urolithiasis: experience with the use and effectiveness of Canephron // Medical News, 2004;8:89–93.

3. Zhuravlev V.N., Tsap N.A., Fedorova N.P., Vakhlov S.G., Daher A.I. Remote shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of urolithiasis in children // Report at the Plenum of Urologists of Russia, Sochi, 2003.

4. Kalinina S.N., Aleksandrov V.P., Tiktinsky O.L., Korenkov D.G. Canephron in the treatment of patients with urolithiasis after surgery // Materials of scientific proceedings of the VII International Congress of Urologists, Ukraine, Kharkov, 1999, p. 213–214.

5. Kalinina S.N., Tiktinsky O.L., Aleksandrov V.P. et al. Treatment of patients with urolithiasis (KD) with Canephron N in combination with Wobenzym during DLT // Plenum of the Board of the Russian Society of Urologists: Materials, Sochi, April 28–30, 2003 - M.: 2003, p. 156–157.

Nephrolithiasis is one of the common pathologies that affects about 3% of the total population of the planet. At the same time, conservative therapy is most often used to treat pathology (kidney stones). Treatment is based on stabilizing the drinking regime and changing the diet. They may also prescribe drug therapy, the effect of which is aimed at dissolving stones and increasing the total volume of urine for the subsequent removal of fragments from the body. Canephron has proven itself very well for kidney stones. Read about what the drug is and how to take it correctly in the material below.

Canephron: description of the drug

The drug Canephron, or as it is also called Canephron N, is a medicine that is completely made from natural ingredients. That is, it is based on extracts of medicinal herbs. Thus, it turns out that modern drug therapy allows us to avoid the sad principle, familiar from Soviet times, “you treat one thing, you cripple another.” Here the effect of the drug is designed directly on the kidneys and urinary system.

Basic information about the drug states that Canephron N is a product of exclusively herbal origin. Its main actions are manifested as antispasmodic, diuretic, relieving inflammation and disinfecting the urinary tract with possible injury to the mucous membrane when small stones pass through them.

Canephron: release form

As a rule, in Russian pharmacies the drug can be found in two main forms - drops and pills. Many patients mistakenly assume that the medicine is also available in the form of suppositories or ointments. There are simply no such forms of Canephron release.

It is worth knowing that both forms of the drug (both drops and tablets) are intended exclusively for oral administration. It is important to understand that Canephron drops may have a yellow-brown tint. Allow for a slight sediment and slight turbidity in the bottle with drops. Canephron N tablets are only orange in color.

Important: the effectiveness of both forms of the drug is the same. The only difference in these forms is the faster absorption of drops into the body.

The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • Centaury and rosemary;
  • Lovage and castor oil;
  • Sucrose, talc, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, calcium carbonate, mountain wax, iron oxide, shellac, lovidone and dextrose, as well as riboflavin and silicon dioxide are added as auxiliary components.

Important: Canephron drops are made with alcohol. It is very important to remember that the drug enhances the effect of antibiotics in the treatment of urolithiasis. It is also worth noting that due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the drug is mistakenly classified as an antibiotic. This is completely wrong. So you can rest assured about the intestinal microflora when taking Canephron N.

Canephron: indications and contraindications for use

A drug called Canephron is used for pathological conditions of the urinary tract and kidneys. Thus, the main pathologies for which Canephron is prescribed are:

  • Chronic bladder infection;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Kidney inflammation;
  • For sand in the kidneys and kidney stones;
  • Swelling and bags under the eyes (in this case, due to an increase in the volume of urine and the rate of its elimination, the swelling will quickly subside);
  • The drug can also be prescribed as maintenance therapy after surgery to remove stones or as a prophylactic agent to prevent nephrolithiasis.

Despite the fact that Canephron is highly effective and has virtually no side effects, its use is not recommended for everyone. Thus, Canephron is undesirable or prohibited for the following groups of people:

  • Children under six years of age are not allowed to give pills;
  • Patients with individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • Persons with hypersensitivity to these components.

Important: Canephron drops can be taken by children from one year old.

Canephron: therapeutic effect and doses

The herbal components of the drug help soften stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. At the same time, they also stimulate the production of a larger volume of urine, which allows the softened stones to be washed out during therapy.

  • As a rule, the drug Canephron is taken in courses of 15 to 30 days. In this case, courses of taking the drug can be resumed after short breaks. In general, the duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
  • The dose of the drug in drops for an adult is 50 drops three times a day. Teenagers and schoolchildren can take 25 drops of the drug three times a day. A preschooler is prescribed 15 drops of the medicine also three times a day. Drops can be used in the treatment of urolithiasis and for infants. In this case, the dose should be no more than 10 drops at a time.
  • As for tablets, adults are advised to take two tablets at a time three times a day. Children from seven years of age should take 1 tablet three times a day.

Important: Canephron drops for adults must be mixed with water. Children can mix the drug with any drink. In this case, treatment with the drug should be combined with plenty of drinking regimen. You can take the medicine both before and after meals.

The combination of alcohol and Canephron

If a patient has a question about whether it is possible to combine Canephron with alcohol in case of renal failure or pathology, then such a patient can completely nullify the entire effect of therapy. Since alcohol will at least neutralize the effect of the drug. In the worst case, alcohol will cause additional harm to diseased kidneys.

Important: the drug can be stored for no more than three years in a closed (not yet unpacked) package (applies to drops). As for the started Canephron N drops, the medicine can only be used for six months. After this, its therapeutic properties are significantly reduced.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The causes of urolithiasis are internal and external factors. A common phenomenon is the transmission of the disease by inheritance. The essence of the disease is a metabolic disorder in the body. Salts accumulate in the urinary tract and stones form. Men develop kidney stones much more often than women. But they are not that complicated. In the female body, the stone gradually fills the entire cavity of the kidney and takes on the appearance of a cast of the kidney itself. This form of urolithiasis is the most difficult. Nowadays, the frequency of development of this form of the disease has decreased, but milder forms have become more frequent.

The next reason is the diseases due to which urolithiasis developed.

There are also external causes of urolithiasis. It's food and how we spend our time. Now physical inactivity has especially developed. The person begins to move little and the metabolism of salts in the body is disrupted. The result of this is the formation of kidney stones.

There are several ways to remove kidney stones. These include surgery, diet, drug therapy and herbal medicine.
Canephron has been successfully used to treat and prevent this disease. This is a herbal preparation. It contains extracts of rosemary leaves, lovage root and centaury herb. The substances contained in the drug act in a complex manner. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, vasodilating, and diuretic effects. The drug eliminates vascular spasm and promotes the active removal of salts from the body. Thanks to taking Canephron, the condition of patients improves. Sand is removed from the kidneys faster. Blood pressure decreases. The pain decreases and the temperature drops. The use of Canephron after removal of kidney stones improves treatment results.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

I took a course of Canephron for three months. There was little sense. sand and microliths have not disappeared anywhere. That's why I changed urologist. And he prescribed me a new drug, Bangshil. These are also herbs, only the composition is clearly more abrupt. After a month of Bangshila, an ultrasound showed me that there was still sand, but no microliths were found.

So I had an ultrasound scan and they said the stone was growing... They prescribed me to drink Canephron, aqueous herbal solutions: rose hip root, sunflower root, knotweed grass, corn silk, camel thorn. I used it for a month. Now there seems to be no stone... And now I’m also driving out the salt with these herbs and roots. I brew it in a thermos and drink it all day.

My mother has urolithiasis. We found out about this when an attack of pain began. An ambulance was called. They took him to the hospital. They did tests and determined the presence of a kidney stone. Up to this point everything seemed to be fine. But it would be better if we knew earlier. Treatment had started earlier, and the stone would not have grown like this. She had surgery. The stone was removed. Now she is taking just this Canephron. A very good drug. It relieves pain well and removes sand. And most importantly, it’s herbal.
