Maxim Borodin about checkpoints near Mariupol. Mariupol deputy Maxim Borodin won the all-Ukrainian project “New Leaders”

Mariupol deputy Maxim Borodin won the all-Ukrainian project “New Leaders”



Deputy of Mariupol city. advice from the “Power of People” Maxim Borodin took 1st place in the “New Leaders” project. In the final, which was broadcast on Thursday on the ICTV channel, his project “Combating Industrial Urban Pollution” took first place, ahead of two other finalists. “We don’t just have a program for everything good against everything bad, but a specific strategy. How, on the one hand, to strengthen the capabilities of Mariupol activists, and on the other, to give them the opportunity to resist the giants of industrial pollution in Zaporozhye and Krivoy Rog,” Borodin wrote on his Facebook before the final.

According to the results of the audience voting, the Mariupol resident received the greatest support - 46%. Although, during SMS voting, many residents of our city complained about problems with sending messages - the system did not want to count their vote.

Now the winner will receive 1 million UAH in order to implement their project, namely, install gas analyzers at every large source of emissions. 700 thousand UAH are planned to be spent on programs in Mariupol, 300 thousand UAH - in Zaporozhye and Krivoy Rog.

The main emphasis that the Mariupol deputy made on the “New Leaders” was public control over the activities of enterprises that pollute the environment of Ukraine. Even before winning the project, Borodin said that one of these days he would go to the Czech Republic to study foreign experience in the fight for the environment. He noted that there he plans to gain additional experience in influencing polluters and understand how to change in detail the regulatory authorities and legislation of Ukraine.

Interestingly, environmental activists in Mariupol have been repeatedly accused of political PR. To which they replied that ecology - general problem for all Ukrainians. “Thanks to everyone who supported Borodin, regardless of political coloring. Ecology and our survival in Mariupol are beyond politics,” wrote Valery Averyanov in the Facebook group “For an environmentally friendly Mariupol.”

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Maxim Borodin, activist of the environmental movement "Stop the Smog!" and the “Give Oxygen!” community, a candidate for people’s deputy in the 58th district of Mariupol yesterday raised the topical topic for Mariupol residents of the presence of Ukrainian checkpoints on the territory of Mariupol and various rumors spread by persons interested in the “liberation” of the city from “punitive forces” ".

"I can say one thing positive point- finally, on some local channels, stories about the military began to appear, where they are shown as normal and ordinary people, which immediately reduces the demonization that was created Russian media" - says Maxim.
But at the same time, stories about the atrocities of the Ukrainian military are constantly circulating among the population of Mariupol. The characters and witnesses in these stories are often “a friend of an acquaintance” or “a loader told a story at the market,” but there are also more real characters who talk about the use of alcohol by the military at checkpoints, about prejudiced and rude attitudes, and about carelessness when handling weapons.

"Anyone who knows me can confirm that I am one of those who, from the moment of the first checkpoints, explained to all those who doubted the need for them to be there. And I have said and will continue to say that these people are our friends and protectors, and not bloodthirsty “Banders” who came to mock civilians. And just like from the very beginning, I will help to the best of my ability.

Even now I have no doubt that most of the defenders are sincere and normal patriots. But like everywhere else, there are scoundrels who cast a shadow on everyone. And first of all, it is in the interests of the military to publicly deal with every incomprehensible case involving the military. There will be no trust and support from the residents - that's it, you can pack your things and abandon your posts, the rear will be full of holes!

I understand the constant stress the military is under and the conditions under which they have to defend themselves, and we, together with the volunteers, have done and are doing everything necessary to make their service to the people of Ukraine easier. But they must also understand what mistakes or deliberate violations of the law on their part can cost in such difficult cities as Mariupol, when the heads of many are poisoned by propaganda. You cannot give even the slightest reason for new rumors to arise, no matter how difficult it may be. And if an offense is detected, the perpetrators must be punished and this must be voiced in the information space.

When legal procedures are violated, one cannot refer to the fact that “separatists” are doing the same thing. This is how we differ from them. No matter how difficult it may be, we must move into the legal field where possible and show by example that we are moving not towards Makhnovshchina, but towards the legal field. I don't see any other way. If anyone has other ideas for solving the situation, please voice them.

Maxim Borodin: Against the backdrop of the preliminary discussion of the commissions, regulations and composition of the executive committee with representatives of the Opposition Bloc and Our Land, there are not very pleasant impressions. Vadim Boychenko and Co. they are trying to tread with firm steps along the path of Yanukovych. He also told us all for a long time that building a rigid vertical of power for oneself is not usurpation, it is for the good! Everyone knows how these “good intentions” ended for all of us, for Ukraine and for Yanukovych. It seems illustrative example and very fresh, but it does not reach managers. You have a majority in the city council, you have your own mayor, and you appoint heads of utility companies without the consent of other political forces. And here is the final chord: you want a completely controlled majority in the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE! To make matters worse, you give the go-ahead to several representatives of the Public Council, who, with a total of 15 members of the executive committee, do not influence anything. No guys, this is not "we took over full responsibility for the city, therefore we have the right to shape everything for ourselves." This is usurpation. And you put us in a position of complete confrontation, instead of making the executive committee a counterweight to your dominance in most of the local government. After all, even if we imagine that the members of the executive committee are independent from you will begin to sabotage the making of really necessary decisions, you can always turn the situation around through the solution of sessions. But no, you are used to stubbornly banging your head against the wall, where you can just knock on the door. The situation in 2012 with the sinter plant is an excellent example of this. Then you could have gone too in the summer to make concessions and then have crazy support from residents, but the condescending attitude towards the community ultimately caused a serious reputational blow to the company. But let’s return to the executive committee. Our political force does not pretend to dominate the executive committee or to receive any seats at all - we will be satisfied with one person out of 10 or 15 members of the executive committee. The only question is that other people should be INDEPENDENT OF YOU. These could be creative people - artists, representatives of Izolyatsia, representatives of businesses not related to factories, volunteers... I can name names and believe me, these are not odious characters at all. These people will not “out of principle” not make decisions in the interests of Mariupol residents, have no doubt. But they can definitely become the deterrent that will prevent YOU from falling into the abyss from the feeling of omnipotence. And further. It’s time for Vadim Boychenko to “cut the umbilical cord” between the plant. We have to choose - either he is the mayor of the city, who should be among his voters and not hide behind security guards, or he is just a representative of factories who is brought to show at the show. You can't be "a little pregnant" and you can't be a "mute mayor." And the Metinvest press service should not become part of the press service of the city executive committee. What is Caesar's is Caesar's... I really don't want to move into the phase of confrontation, but we are being intensely pushed there.
