Methods for recording vertebrate animals. Abstract: Methodology for field studies of the ecology of terrestrial vertebrates

First of all, it is important to establish the number of species being studied, population density, since it is closely related to the entire ecology of animals and is of diverse theoretical and applied interest.

Without data on the number of species included in a biocenosis, it is impossible to judge their significance, it is impossible to imagine the structure of the biocenosis and its dynamics in space and time, and it is impossible to study the dynamics of populations of individual species.

Knowledge of the number of animals is necessary for the proper organization of pest control, in particular, for making forecasts for the mass appearance of rodents; population density has a direct impact on the spread of a number of epizootics; Quantitative recording of commercial and game animals is the basis for hunting management planning.

The main goal of quantitative censuses is to obtain data on the number of individuals in a known area, or at least on the relative abundance of species. In accordance with this, two types of quantitative accounting are usually distinguished - absolute and relative. However, it is impossible to draw a sharp line between them, since only in relatively rare cases is it possible to obtain a truly complete picture of the abundance of any species in a given area; usually, so-called absolute counts provide only more or less accurate results. This is not surprising, given the enormous difficulties associated with counting terrestrial vertebrates, which are characterized by great mobility, caution and secrecy. Even the relative quantitative accounting of mammals, birds and reptiles is incomparably more difficult than the accounting of invertebrates, and even more so of plant objects. This leads to the main requirement for any method of quantitative recording of vertebrates - it must be based primarily on the ecology of the animals being counted in a given specific setting.

Therefore, quantitative accounting should be preceded by preliminary familiarization with the main features of animal ecology and the biotopes of the study area. The following points are of greatest importance, as shown by I.V. Zharkov (1939):

1) The nature of distribution by habitat;

2) The tendency to form more or less permanent groups: herds, flocks, broods, etc.;

3) The presence of more or less clearly defined hunting areas, overlapping one another or isolated;

4) Tendency to form more or less regular seasonal accumulations;

5) Daily and seasonal changes in activity;

6) Daily and seasonal migrations and migrations.

Therefore, the methodology must be very flexible and different for different life forms of animals in different landscape and geographical conditions and in different seasons of the year. Attempts to excessively unify the methodology are doomed to failure. However, for any particular group of animals, one must strive to standardize accounting methods in order to obtain completely comparable results. Along with the specified requirements, the quantitative accounting methodology must provide sufficiently accurate (in relation to the research objectives) results and, moreover, be downtime.

Thus, to summarize, we can say that the quantitative accounting methodology should be built on the basis of the ecology of the species being taken into account, landscape-geographical conditions, season, specific objectives of the study or economic activity and give, with minimal effort and expense, the most reliable results. Failure to comply with any of the above conditions will have a negative impact on performance.

Quantitative recording of terrestrial vertebrates is of two types: linear and areal. In the first case, individuals are counted along a more or less long line, on both sides of it, and the duration of the count is determined either by time (an hour, two, etc.) or by a known distance. As for the width of the registration strip, some authors do not precisely record it, but determine it solely by the distance at which reliable recognition of animals is possible by ear, with the naked eye and through binoculars, so that somewhere in the steppe this strip is for some species (for example, meadow whitings or pipits) will be equal to a few meters or tens of meters, and for others (large feathered predators) - hundreds of meters, which is acceptable only when studying and recording one species. But more often the count is made at a certain distance from the main line, sometimes greater or less depending on the nature of the terrain and species composition. In this last case, we essentially get the same area accounting with the only difference that the accounting area has the form of a highly elongated quadrangle. A linear survey, in which the terrain is intersected at a more or less significant distance, is often called an ecological section, or, in the terminology of American ecologists, a transect.

When counting on areas, an area of ​​square or other shape and size, determined by the species characteristics of the animals, is first allocated on the ground.

Both transects and sites should be laid out in a fairly typical and uniform area to facilitate the subsequent recalculation of the obtained data for the entire area of ​​the biotope under study. Generalizing the census results on heterogeneous areas (including several biotopes at the same time, which is quite possible in a mosaic landscape) will require some special techniques, which we will discuss below, in the section on rodents.

When setting up census plots, one must also take into account the fact that even in relatively uniform biotopes, animals are unevenly distributed. The more complex and heterogeneous the living conditions, the more complex the nature of dispersion becomes.

Depending on the ecology of the animals, the census can be carried out by direct observations (by ear, with the naked eye or with binoculars), by indirect signs (traces, burrows, excrement, pellets, etc.) or, finally, by capture.

The census can cover both permanent groups of animals and their seasonal concentrations, and can also be carried out during seasonal movements.

Data obtained from animal counts, for ease of comparison, are usually recalculated per kilometer of track (for linear counting), per hectare or square kilometer (for counting on trial plots). For hunting and commercial animals, it is advisable to take larger areas - 1000 hectares, i.e. 10 sq. km. The numbers related to this area are called indicators. If accounting data or figures characterizing the number of hunted animals and birds are related to the total area of ​​the entire study area or hunting area, then total area indicators are obtained (indicated for brevity by the corresponding letter symbol; see below). When determining the relative number of animals for individual biotopes or habitats (lands) characteristic of them, indicators are obtained by land (indicated by the same letters, but with an additional icon).

The indicator obtained by dividing the number of animals by a particular area is called the stock indicator (z and z1). When using data on the relative accounting of animals by tracks, they are recalculated either per 1000 hectares or per 10 km of path and obtain the accounting indicator (y and y1). Production indicators are designated d and d1; output indicators (i.e., workpieces) are v and v1.

When organizing quantitative accounting and processing the results obtained, you have to operate with quantitative indicators that need not only a biological, but also a mathematical explanation. In connection with the latter, the following considerations by Prof. P.V. Terentyeva (in litt.): “Unfortunately, the mathematical theory of quantitative accounting has not only not yet been developed, but most researchers do not even have a clear understanding of what exactly the numbers they receive represent. From a statistical point of view, any quantitative count (with the exception of rare cases of a complete, absolute count of all individuals throughout the entire territory) is a “sample study”: from the “general population” (the entire area, biotope or population), one or more “samples” of that or other size. The following propositions can be mathematically proven:

1. The more samples are taken from the general population, the more reliable the result.

2. The larger the area or size of each sample, the more revealing the data obtained.

3. The distribution of sample plots within a homogeneous biotope should not be biased, otherwise the data obtained will lose their indicativeness (“representativeness”). In many cases, a staggered order can be recommended.

4. The more variable the phenomenon and, accordingly, the obtained indicators, the greater the repetition of observations and the number of samples should be.

5. Mass phenomena and rough dependencies are captured even with a small number of samples and repetitions, and vice versa.

6. The final accuracy of the statistical result depends to a greater extent on the number of repetitions than on the scrupulousness of an individual observation. Of course, it is necessary, however, to strictly adhere to the standardization of the methodology.

7. The reliability of transferring the results of sample studies to the general population (“extrapolation”) is higher, the larger the area or part of the total population that was covered by samples and the greater the replication.

The exact expression of the listed dependencies can be derived from the formulas of any course in mathematical statistics.”


We begin our presentation of the field research methodology with a description of methods for quantitative recording of terrestrial vertebrates, without dwelling specifically on methods for studying their species composition and biotopic occurrence.

  • Without a quantitative analysis of life processes, modern ecological research is impossible; knowledge of the number of animals (population density, stock of animals in a particular area, etc.) and its dynamics is necessary for solving any practical environmental issues. It is also impossible to indicate a single theoretical aspect of ecology in which it would be possible to operate only with qualitative indicators.
  • The main task of quantitative accounting is to obtain data on the number of individuals in a known area, or at least the volume. relative abundance of species. Since it is practically impossible to keep a quantitative record of the entire natural population of animals (for example, to directly count all the wood mice living in the Saratov region), an ecologist has to work only with samples (samples) from it. In this case, a great and far from being overcome difficulty arises in determining the required sample size, the number of samples, and then in extrapolating the obtained data to the entire population. The correct distribution of counting sites in the study area is of great importance for the success of the latter.
  • Until now, unfortunately, it has not been established what part of the study area should be covered by quantitative accounting in order for the latter to give completely reliable results. When establishing sample sizes, researchers are guided by the rule: the more, the better. When choosing locations for conducting censuses, they strive to: 1) examine all the differences in the landscape and 2) if the terrain conditions are uniform, place the census areas evenly, for example, in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Depending on the purpose of the census (to determine the number of animals living in a certain territory, or to give only a relative idea of ​​the number), it is customary to distinguish groups of methods for absolute and relative quantitative recording of terrestrial vertebrates. In the group of relative accounting methods, one can also distinguish between relative indirect and relative direct quantitative accounting.
  • With regard to the troupe of small mammals (lagomorphs, rodents and insectivores), V.V. Kucheruk and E.I. Korenberg (1964) give the following classification of quantitative accounting methods (Table 1).
  • Table I
  • Methods and types of counting the number of small mammals (V.V. Kucheruk and E.I. Korenberg, 1964).
  • Relative indirect

    Relative direct


    • Estimation of the number of animals using biological indicators
    • Analysis of pellets of birds of prey
    • Estimation of the number of mammals based on traces of their activities;
    • following footprints in the snow;
    • by the number of feeding tables;
    • on feed reserves;
    • by the amount of remaining excrement;
    • by the amount of bait eaten;

    by the number of entrance holes or holes

    • Accounting using a set of different traps
    • Use of catch ditches and fences
    • Recording of animal encounters on routes
    • Visual assessment of animal numbers
    • Analysis of fur harvesting statistics data
    • Area-trap catching

    Accounting for the abundance of animals by mapping their settlements

    • Estimation of the number of animals in isolated populations using the release of tagged samples
    • Accounting by tagging animals and identifying their individual areas
    • Complete catch of animals, in isolated areas
    • Counting by pouring water out of animals' holes
    • Complete excavation, burrows with the capture of all the animals inhabiting them
    • Using burrow occupancy coefficients
    • Visual counting of animals
    • Accounting by warehouse or run

    Complete rearrangement of stacks, sweeps and stacks, with the catching of the animals inhabiting them.

    • From the table above you can already see how diverse the methods of quantitative accounting of even one systematic group are.

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    Methods for quantitative recording of animals

    Methods for counting invertebrates

    Collection and recording of invertebrate animals of the litter. To collect invertebrate animals of the litter, 1 m2 of litter is measured, the border of the square is marked (with sticks with a cord) and the entire cover is removed, which is then disassembled on a white background (possibly in parts). For each systematic group, biomass is determined (on pharmacy scales).

    For this purpose, the class is divided into 2-4 groups, each of which takes separate samples of litter.

    Collection and recording of invertebrates in the upper soil horizons. To study invertebrates in the upper soil horizons, sample plots measuring 10 x 10 cm are laid. After removing the litter, a hole is dug to the depth of horizon A. The raised soil is carefully sifted through an entomological sieve. Found animals are distributed into groups taking into account the number and biomass of individuals in each group; biomass is determined on a pharmacy scale.

    Lighter and more accurate methods for recording soil and litter mesofauna.

    For a more accurate accounting of invertebrate animals in the litter and soil, methods are used flotation And dry extraction .

    Method flotation boils down to the fact that all (or most) of the invertebrates located in the litter or in the upper soil horizon, when the latter are poured with a saturated solution of table salt, float to the surface layer of the solution. All surfaced animals are collected using a fine-mesh sieve. The procedure is repeated several times until the animals stop floating up.

    Method dry extraction longer in time, but in some cases gives more accurate results. This method is based on the fact that soil animals move to moist areas of the soil, while avoiding drying out. To collect invertebrates using the dry extraction method, a soil or litter sample is taken, placed on a sieve (not very fine) and placed under a metal reflector with a 100 W lamp. A tray (with high sides) with a 50% alcohol solution should be placed under the sieve. The distance between the lamp and the sample should be about 25 cm. Every 2 hours, the lamp is moved towards the sample by 5 cm until the distance between the lamp and the sample becomes 5 cm. The reflector is left in this position for 24 hours. In this case, small arthropods move down and through the sieve fall into a tray with a 50% alcohol solution.

    Accounting of invertebrate animals of the herbaceous layer. To count invertebrate animals of the herbaceous layer, the most widely used method is mowing with a net. To do this, you need to face the sun and make 50 double swings of the net in one direction or another, but always in a new place, closer to the soil.

    Collection of 50 sweeps of the net during mowing corresponds to the number of animals in a test area of ​​1 m2. The collected invertebrates, along with the label, are placed in a stain. In the laboratory, they are sorted into systematic groups, the number of individuals in each group is counted, and their biomass is determined by weighing on a pharmacy scale.

    When collecting invertebrate animals of the herbaceous layer, it is better to divide the class into groups (3-5 people), each of which collects material in different areas.

    To calculate the number of insects per unit area, use the formula:

    Where R- number of insects per 1 m2, N- the number of insects caught by the net, D - the diameter of the net (in m), L - the average length of the path traversed by the hoop of the net along the grass stand with each swing (in m), n - the number of swings of the net.

    Accounting of invertebrate animals in tree crowns. To record invertebrate animals, tree crowns are most applicable in school practice. method of shaking animals from trees.

    To collect the material, a white cloth (sheet, film) is spread under the tree. Invertebrates that have fallen from the tree are collected in stains (with a 50% alcohol solution), provided with labels, and sorted into systematic groups in the laboratory. Then their numbers are determined and the biomass is found on a pharmacy scale.

    Methods for counting amphibians and reptiles

    The most common method for counting amphibians and reptiles is route accounting method. This method allows you to count animals in a certain detection strip with a length of 100-500 m.

    When accounting amphibians the census taker must move along the coastline, registering animals in a strip 5 m wide (2.5 m in the water and 2.5 m on the shore).

    When accounting reptiles animals are counted along the route on a strip 3 m wide (1.5 m to the right and 1.5 m to the left of the counting officer).

    The obtained data, both for amphibians and reptiles, are recalculated per 1 km of the survey route.

    Bird counting methods

    Of all the existing methods for counting birds, the simplest and most accessible in school practice is absolute counting method on a constant detection band.

    The time of bird counting must be timed to coincide with the period of greatest “visibility” (best detectability) of birds of most species in each natural area. The survey should be carried out in the morning in calm weather.

    Routes for counting are laid out in such a way that they pass through all the most typical biotopes of a given area, with a typical ratio of their areas. The speed of the census taker in forest biotopes should not exceed 2 km/h; in open lands it can be slightly higher - up to 3 km/h.

    The essence of the method of accounting on a constant detection strip comes down to the following. When moving along the route, the counting officer notes by voice or visually all birds heard and seen on both sides of the route strip. The width of the strip for closed habitats, in particular forests, is usually recommended at 50 m (25 + 25), sometimes (with sparse grass and shrubs) - up to 100 m (50 + 50).

    One of the mandatory conditions for recording is the need to record birds only in a designated area. With some skill, eye determination of a distance of 25 m turns out to be quite accurate. In order not to re-count the same bird, which was first found in front of the moving counter, and then found itself on the side of him when he approached, it is better to record the bird when it is in a conditional sector 45˚ wide from the perpendicular to the direction of movement of the counter. In some cases, it is necessary to record single birds, even if they are found behind the counter.

    The reliability of a one-time bird count is on average 70%, that is, approximately 3/4 of the birds living here are identified on the count strip. It should be noted that the singing male is mistaken for a pair of birds.

    To summarize the results of route accounting (find the density of the species), the formula is used

    Where R- species density, Q‚ - abundance of species, L- route length, D- route width, A- activity coefficient (for forest birds - 0.6, for birds of open spaces - 0.8).

    Mammal census methods

    Currently, among the methods of absolute census of small mammals, the most widely used are method trap -lines And method trappers grooves (fences ). The trap line method is appropriate where various species of mice, bank voles, and hamsters dominate, and the trap line method is appropriate where shrews, mouse mice, lemmings and other small mammals that rarely dig holes dominate.

    The essence of the trap-line method comes down to the following. The counting line should consist of a number of traps (preferably live traps), a multiple of 25, 50, 100, etc. Each trap is loaded with bait and placed in the biotope being studied. The most common bait used is a crust of black bread soaked in vegetable oil.

    Traps are placed in the afternoon at a distance of 5 m from one another (7-8 steps) in a straight line. For traps, choose the places where the animals are most likely to be caught (under a lying log, near a stump, near a protruding root, etc.). The traps are checked the next morning. The period of stay of traps in the biotope is usually two days. The accounting results are rejected if it rained heavily all night. Short-term and light precipitation is not taken into account.

    The abundance indicator is the number of caught animals per 100 trap-days. For example, there were 200 traps in the forest for two days. 28 animals were caught in them. Consequently, 28 animals were caught per 400 trap-days, and 28 animals per 100 trap-days: 4 = 7 animals. For each animal species, the abundance indicator is calculated independently.

    The essence of the catch groove method is as follows. To count animals using this method, grooves are used with a length of 50 m, a width and depth of 25 cm. 5 tin (aluminum) cylinders (cones) with a diameter equal to the width of the bottom of the groove and a height of 45-50 cm are dug into each groove. The cylinders are placed at intervals 10 m, with 5 m remaining along the edges of the groove. The cylinders must be dug in so that their edges are in close contact with the vertical walls of the groove, and the upper edge of the cylinder is 0.5-1 cm below the edge of the groove. When digging a ditch, the earth and turf must be removed from the ditch by 10-15 m and placed in one place. All animals caught in the cylinders are removed.

    The accounting unit is the number of animals caught during 10 days of operation of one ditch (the number of animals per 10 ditch-days).

    For an environmental assessment of the structure and functioning of ecosystems, it is necessary to know a number of indicators, which are also determined by statistical methods. These indicators include: species richness (number of species in a community) - S, Simpson's diversity index - D(the more D approaching S, the more diverse the community), Simpson's evenness index - E(the more this index approaches 1, the more evenly all species are represented in the community), the similarity index between two Sørensen - Chekanovsky samples - TOS, coefficient of species faunal community of Jaccard - TOJ, Student's reliability coefficient - t(differences are considered reliable if the coefficient value is at least greater than 2, but better - greater than 2.5).

    Simpson Diversity Index is calculated using the formula

    Where Ri, - share i-of that species in the total number of individuals of all species.

    Example. Let us assume that we have discovered the following species composition in the community under study:

    Number of individuals Q


    Dragonfly rocker

    Grasshopper green

    Amber snail

    grass bug

    Pea aphid

    Clover weevil


    ΣQ = 262

    Σpi2 = 0,2718077

    Share i-of that species in the total number of individuals of all species is calculated as follows:

    Where Q is the number of a particular species, and Σ Q- the total number of all detected species.

    For dragonfly rocker arms, for example, Ri = 1 = 0,0038167.

    Taking these data into account, we find D(Simpson Diversity Index). Substituting numerical values ​​into the formula, we get:

    D= 1 ≈ 3.67. This means that the species composition of this community

    small, monotonous.

    Simpson's evenness index is calculated using the formula

    Where D- Simpson's diversity index, S– species richness (number of species found in a community).

    Counts of the number of animals and birds make it possible to find out how many animals and birds there are on the land and how they are located in different areas of the farm or the entire region.

    The number of animals and birds depends on changes in their living conditions. Therefore, in addition to recording animals, accounting work includes studying changes in their living conditions, reproduction intensity, natural mortality rates in different seasons and years, determining the size of production of a particular animal species from specific areas of land, etc. The collected materials will make it possible to determine production rates, predict changes in numbers and possible harvest sizes, study the influence of human activity and environmental factors on the population status of a particular animal species, identify the economic efficiency of biotechnical measures, etc. Without exaggerating, we can say that knowledge of the tracks of wild animals and birds, the ability to read them is the basis for accounting and hunting.

    The primitive hunter recognized traces and used this when hunting animals. The study of traces has not lost its significance even today. In hunting farms, following the tracks, an inventory of the fauna is carried out, the success of acclimatization is judged, the reserves of animals and birds on the territory of the farm are determined, and the productivity of the hunting grounds is assessed.

    Many sport and commercial hunting techniques are based on the use of animal tracks. The traces they leave help to search for animals, and not to meet them by chance, to be able to find the places of their permanent residence, feeding, and rest, and therefore the ability to read traces is necessary for every hunter, including beginners.

    Traces of animal activity are not only paw (foot) prints. These include all the changes that animals and birds make to the environment. In addition to the direct “painting,” animals and birds leave other signs of their presence: nests, burrows and lairs, food remains and excrement, shed antlers, dropped feathers, etc.

    The book is based on observations and sketches collected by the authors (Romanovsky V.P., Rukovsky N.N., Karelov A.M., Gerasimov Yu.A., Gavrin V.F., etc.) during numerous expeditions to various regions of the CIS countries.

    Determining the number of wild animals on the territory of hunting grounds, both assigned to hunting users and free, is necessary to ensure the rational use of hunting resources. An underestimation of the number of wild animals will lead to their underutilization and ultimately to pointless death from hunger and disease; an excessive overestimation will lead to overhunting - the destruction of the breeding stock, which will sharply reduce the number of animals in subsequent years.

    Usually there are two types of quantitative accounting - absolute and relative. Taking into account that wild animals are distributed, as a rule, over a large territory, are very cautious and lead a secretive lifestyle, it is hardly possible to talk about their absolute accounting. An absolute count of wild animals can only be applied to large representatives of the animal world (deer, elk, wild boar, etc.) living in a limited, mostly fenced-in hunting area, from where these animals have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

    Even the relative accounting of mammals and birds is quite complex. Therefore, the registration of wild animals should be preceded by preliminary familiarization with the main features of their biology, ecology and habitat areas.

    The following points are of greatest importance:

    1) the nature of distribution by habitat;

    2) the tendency to form more or less permanent groups - herds, flocks,

    broods, etc.;

    3) the presence of more or less clearly defined hunting areas, overlapping one another, or isolated;

    4) a tendency to form more or less regular seasonal accumulations;

    5) daily and seasonal changes in activity;

    6) daily and seasonal migrations and migrations.

    Therefore, the accounting methodology must be flexible for different animals, in different biotopes and different seasons of the year. However, there cannot be excessive unification of accounting methods.

    Along with the specified requirements, accounting methods must provide sufficiently accurate results and, at the same time, be simple (available for execution).

    Quantitative recording of terrestrial vertebrates can be linear (route) or areal. In a linear (route) count, individuals are counted along a more or less long line, on both sides of it. The duration of the count in this case is determined either by time or by a known distance. The width of the count strip depends on the nature of the terrain and the species composition of the animals counted. In fact, linear accounting is the same as area accounting, with the only difference being that the accounting area has the form of a highly elongated quadrangle.

    When taking surveys at sites on the ground, an area of ​​square or other shape and size is allocated, determined by the species characteristics of the animals.

    Both routes and areas for recording should be laid out in a fairly typical and uniform area in order to facilitate the subsequent recalculation of the obtained data for the entire area of ​​the surveyed land. Counting can be done by direct observations (with the naked eye or using binoculars), by indirect signs (traces, burrows, excrement, etc.) or by trapping. The census can cover both permanent groups of animals and their seasonal concentrations, and can also be carried out during seasonal movements. The obtained data, for ease of comparison, are recalculated per kilometer of travel (for linear recording), per 100 or 1000 hectares (for recording on trial plots), and for certain hunting grounds.

    Almost all accounting can be attributed to the following methods:

    1. Route accounting. Used to count all types of animals.

    2. Accounting at trial sites. Suitable for recording all types of animals.

    3. Salary accounting method. This method is used to count ungulates, carnivores and rodents.

    4. Accounting by run. Ungulates, carnivores, rodents and chickens are taken into account.

    5. Counting in winter aggregation areas. Used to count ungulates and chickens.

    7. Visual recording of mountain animals. Used to count ungulates, rodents, and chickens.

    8. Counting in places that attract a large number of animals (salt licks, watering places). The method is used to count ungulates, sandgrouse, and sage.

    9. Accounting for fecal piles. The technique has been tested only on ungulates.

    10. Accounting for dwellings and nests. This method is used to count carnivores, rodents, waterfowl and chickens.

    11. Accounting of broods. Used when counting waterfowl and chickens.

    12. Accounting for flight intensity. Waterfowl are counted.

    13. Counting moulting birds. Like the previous one, this method is used to count waterfowl.

    14. Accounting for nesting areas. Serves to determine the number of predatory birds.

    15. Accounting for the age composition of the population. Used to count ungulates and chickens.

    16. Counting using tagging and ringing. Suitable for almost all types of animals.

    17. Air accounting. Used to count ungulates, predators, and waterfowl.

    18. Accounting from a car (motorcycle). Used to count ungulates, rodents, and carnivores.

    Each accounting method includes, as a rule, from one to several accounting methods, depending on the species composition of the animals being counted, the timing of the accounting, the type of hunting grounds, etc.

    From the variety of accounting methods, we tried to choose either those that are indispensable in these conditions (aerial accounting), or less labor-intensive and easier to use, which do not require any special devices and devices that can be performed by hunting specialists. Descriptions of these methods are given in the relevant sections.

    Additional methods for recording the number of wild animals include questionnaire surveys, recording of fishing results, ringing, and filming.

    Questionnaire (questionnaire) accounting . There are cases when what is of interest is not the specific presence of certain animals per unit area of ​​hunting grounds, but the general state of their numbers compared to previous years, or a certain period when the number of animals was known. In this case, a census of the number of animals can be carried out using questionnaires that ask questions that need to be clarified. The assessment measure in them is the answers: “a lot”, “average”, “little” or “more”, “less”. For example, this year there are more or less of certain animals compared to the previous year. In which areas there are more animals and in which there are fewer.

    The assessment of “many”, “average”, “few” is purely eye-based, but it also allows us to make an assessment of the number. An example of this is Table 1.

    Grouse abundance estimates

    Questionnaire (survey) accounting must precede special accounting. In this case, information is collected about the places of concentration of animals, their approximate numbers, the location of their burrows and shelters, the time of appearance or disappearance, if migrating animals are taken into account. Using questionnaires, the distribution and approximate numbers of rare animals (leopard) or widespread but difficult to count (wolf) can be studied. Questionnaires are distributed primarily among hunting workers - rangers, game wardens, etc., as they are most closely associated with wild animals, as well as among foresters, hunters and other persons who, due to the nature of their activities, are often located in hunting grounds.

    Questionnaire registration materials are usually used when conducting special surveys.

    Accounting for fishing (hunting) results. It has long been known that the higher the number of a game animal, the higher its production (harvesting) and, conversely, when the number decreases, the production also decreases. In this regard, data on the production of game animals can serve as an indirect indicator of the state of their numbers.

    The initial data for such accounting can be annual statistical reports or receipts of procurement organizations (if they are preserved), information received from regional, city

    These conditions, along with the search for special rings and marks, make the use of this accounting method extremely time-consuming and difficult. , regional hunting societies and primary hunting teams, personal data of individual hunters. Taking into account that some hunters do not want, for one reason or another, to report data on their catch of game animals, then to obtain materials you should use anonymous questionnaires in which the hunter does not provide any information about himself (full name, address, etc. .), but indicates only actual data on the production of game animals.

    Data on the structure of their populations by sex and age are important in studying the state of the number of game animals.

    First of all, this data is obtained from the analysis of used licenses for the production of licensed species of game animals, which contain columns about the sex and age of the animals. The creation of standards of horns, fangs and other trophies will be of great help in this. It is more expedient to create such standards in assigned hunting grounds for the main objects of hunting (deer, roe deer, elk, saiga, wild boar, etc.), from which their gender, age, and time of hunting are precisely known.

    Banding. Releasing tagged animals and recapturing them to determine population size has been used for a long time. This method is essentially very simple. It is based on the assumption that the number of hunted ringed individuals relates to the total number of ringed individuals in the same way as the number of all hunted specimens refers to the total stock of animals of the same species in a given territory. From this ratio it is easy to calculate the total initial stock of animals.

    This method is used to count squirrels, moles, and birds.

    To apply this method, a number of conditions are defined:

    1) catching and banding animals should not present any difficulties;

    2) the distribution of tagged animals among populations should be uniform;

    3) the population must live in a certain territory;

    4) when calculating the total number of animals, their reproduction and

    death between catches.

    Photography and filming. When counting animals that form large herds or flocks (saiga, waterfowl, etc.), photography, video and filming can be of great help in establishing their numbers. After completing the census, using the resulting video material, you can calculate the actual number of animals, which during the counting process could only be estimated by eye. Filming can be done using cameras, video cameras or movie cameras. The best results are obtained by shooting from an airplane or helicopter. In this case, you can photograph the entire herd or flock from above, when each animal is distinguishable. Less accurate results are obtained by shooting from a car, since in this case, as a rule, the first row of animals covers the further ones.

    3.1 Dynamics of the number of waterfowl in the hunting farm "UP ORH Dudarai".

    In order to avoid errors in counting materials, counting data is summarized by groups of birds that are easily distinguishable in local conditions.

    I. Group - mallard. The duck is well known to hunters.

    II. Group - teal (teal - whistle and teal - crackling) are known to most hunters. Most often, females are not recognized. In this case, the accountant who knows both types of teal well enters his registration data into the diary separately in relation to both species, and the one who does not know their differences, but is aware that the birds encountered are teal, enters his data for the group as a whole.

    III. Group - Other river ducks (grey duck, shoveler, pintail). They are close in size to mallards, but have a number of differences. If the counting officer knows at least one of the ducks mentioned, he should enter the accounting data accordingly for this species; if he does not know, then the accounting data is included in the general column “Other river ducks.”

    IV. Group - diving ducks (red-headed and white-eyed ducks, tufted ducks, goldeneyes, etc.) they are recognized relatively easily. They differ from the mallard in their smaller size, shortened body, relatively large head, higher position on the water and rapid flight.

    Filling out accounting data is carried out either differentiated by species (if they are identified), or jointly for the group as a whole.

    V. Group - coot. Hunters know this bird from the group of shepherds well. Counting methods are varied, but you need to choose those that allow you to determine the number of local game before the start of summer - autumn hunting.

    The first method is very labor-intensive, but quite reliable. The method boils down to determining the number of pairs of ducks or geese intending to nest on farm land. After their spring arrival, most waterfowl split into pairs; some arrive in pairs. From this moment on, both members of the pair constantly stay close to the nesting site and are relatively easily discovered, since they are not very careful at this time. It should be remembered that survey routes should be tied to lands suitable for nesting, and not on open water or to count incoming flocks.

    The second method is to count broods and adult moulting birds emerging from the thickets into clear water.

    The third method of counting waterfowl is a route count of birds, in which the census taker walks or sails on a boat through areas typical for nesting, or more precisely, for the stay of broods of waterfowl.

    The best time to conduct surveys is the end of June - the first ten days of July. The counting materials will provide a basis for judging how the number of birds has changed compared to the previous year and what is the success of bird breeding in the areas.

    The survey consists of surveying the reservoirs of the farm and recording the birds encountered. At the same time, the number of chicks in broods, adult birds in broods, single adult birds without broods and adult birds that keep in flocks are noted.

    The materials collected by each accountant are summarized throughout the entire farm.

    The optimal time for the start of hunting is the one at which at least 90% of the young animals of various species available on the farm take wing.

    Waterfowl nesting sites are becoming more and more localized, and their total numbers are sharply declining. In the European part, waterfowl stocks are estimated at 300 thousand breeding pairs, in Kazakhstan and in the south of Western Siberia - at 1 million pairs and thus are reduced by more than half compared to the previous period.

    3.2 Biotechnical measures aimed at increasing the number of waterfowl in the hunting farm "UP ORH Dudarai".

    One of the main activities in the hunting enterprise "UP ORH Dudarai" for waterfowl is the organization of the fight against predators and poaching.

    Extermination of four-legged and feathered predators. Wolves and foxes in the region are destroyed by hunting. Stray dogs and cats located on the farm must be shot all year round.

    The fight against birds of prey, due to their large numbers, must be carried out constantly. The destruction of hooded crows (Corvus corone cornis) and magpies (Pica Pika) is extremely necessary in the area, since they destroy clutches of waterfowl in large quantities, as well as black grouse, partridges, and hares. The most effective measure is to shoot birds of prey with an eagle owl.

    Having studied the literature available to us on the issue of grading hunting lands, both scientists and advanced practitioners have different opinions, so this issue is subject to further study.

    To biotechnical activities carried out in the hunting sector " UP ORH Dudarai" also includes controlling the number of predators (especially foxes, goshawks), stray dogs and other predatory animals. This includes monitoring compliance with hunting rules, combating poaching, providing assistance in natural disasters, feeding, creating artificial nests in unfavorable times. time.

    Any work to increase the number of waterfowl must be combined with daily activities to exterminate predators. Recently, there has been a need to help birds with the improper use of pesticides and fertilizers that pollinate crops - the main feeding areas for waterfowl. In some places, poisons that are prohibited for use and most dangerous for game are also used - DDT and zinc phosphide. These drugs are the cheapest, compared to imported ones, and less harmful.

    Today, not all hunting farms in the region use recreation and rest areas for game. The hunting farm "UP ORH Dudarai" bases its activities on the task of protecting game animals and their surrounding nature. Annual production and financial plans of the economy are drawn up on the basis of long-term development plans with the inclusion of the following sections:

    1. Hunting management - grading of hunting lands, accounting of wild animals, securing the boundaries of the hunting area and organizing security, building bases, cordons and hunting lodges, organizing reserves, establishing the number of hunters, hunting procedures for the local population;

    2. Reproduction - determination of annual, seasonal and one-time standards for shooting animals and birds, taking into account their expanded reproduction, the implementation of measures to restore rare species of animals (ban on hunting, feeding)

    3. Fight against predators - complete extermination of wolves, identification of other types of predatory animals that harm agriculture and hunting, and organization of their extermination.

    4. Combating poaching and fires, providing a staff of hunting inspectors, rangers, proper placement of guards in areas, organizing public hunting supervision, attracting schoolchildren and young hunters to participate in the protection of wild animals, and rodent control.

    5. Organization of subsidiary and auxiliary farming.

    6. Increasing the yield of hunting products, improving their quality and volume of procurement.


    Based on the above material, the following conclusion can be drawn. To successfully organize hunting for waterfowl in the hunting farm "UP ORH Dudarai" of the Akmola district:

    1. accurately and in a timely manner carry out censuses of waterfowl. This will make it possible to obtain information about the state of the game population, determine the optimal percentage of removal of birds during the hunting season, so as not to harm the population;

    2. carry out biotechnical measures: first of all, the protection of hunting grounds, measures aimed at increasing numbers, which include the fight against birds of prey and animals of prey, the construction of artificial nests, the creation of reproductive areas and providing them with protection, the creation of reeds, etc.

    3. recruit competent personnel, young specialists who can properly organize a safe and productive hunt.


    1Gavrin V.F. Hunting science, parts 1 and 2, Kirov 1970.

    2 Danilov D.N. Hunting grounds, Moscow, Tsenrsoyuz, 1960.

    3 Kuzyakin V.A. hunting taxation Moscow, Timber industry, 1966

    4Danilov D.N. et al., Fundamentals of hunting management, Moscow, Forest Industry, 1966.

    5 Lee M.V. Hunting grounds of Kazakhstan, Almaty, “Kainar”, 1977.

    6 Shekenov E.Sh. Typology of hunting lands and hunting management, Astana, 2002.

    7 Guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture of R.K. “Interfarm hunting management and biological and economic survey”, order dated May 31, 2005 No. 129

    8 Methodological instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. “Carrying out on-farm hunting management”, order dated May 31, 2005, No. 128

    9Durasov A.M., Tazabekov T.T. Soils of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 1981.

    10Grabarov P.G. The content of humus and nitrogen in the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the soils of the Kazakh SSR, Izv. Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR, vol. 2, 1960

    11 Durasov A.M. Soils of Northern Kazakhstan, Publishing House of Kazakh State University, 1958.

    12 Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR, Recommendations on the agricultural system, Tselinograd region, Almaty, 1982.

    13 Dobrokhotova K.V., Pisarev A.A. Healing plants around us, Almaty, “Kazakhstan”, 1980.

    14 Egorov V.I. Accounting of game animals and birds, Astana, 2002.

    15Shtilmark F.ROhota and nature conservation”, part 1, Moscow, 1983

    16 Gileeva A.M., Kurok M.L. Environmental protection, Moscow, 1983.

    Related information:

    II. Methods for determining (calculating) waste generation standards

  • II. Basic methods and stages of research in educational and research work

  • In quantitative environmental research it is necessary to accurately estimate the number of organisms inhabiting a unit of space (area, volume). In most cases, this is equivalent to determining the population size. Assessment methods depend, naturally, on the size and lifestyle of the organisms being taken into account, as well as on the size of the surveyed space. The number of plants and sessile or slowly moving animals can be counted directly, or the percentage of surface cover of different species can be determined to compare their abundance. To count rapidly moving organisms over large areas, indirect methods are used. In habitats where observation of organisms is difficult due to the characteristics of their behavior and lifestyle, methods of removal or capture-release (tagging, “dilute” of the population) are used. All quantitative accounting, depending on the approach to them, is divided into objective and subjective.

    Objective methods

    Towards direct objective methods These include those that use quadrat counts, direct observations and photography, and indirect methods that use capture and capture-release methods.

    Accounting by squares. By counting the number of organisms in a certain number of squares corresponding to a known proportion of the surveyed area, the results can be easily extrapolated. This method allows us to determine three parameters associated with the spatial distribution of species.

    1. Population density (abundance). Population density is the number of individuals of a given species in a unit of space. On land, the number of organisms in randomly distributed squares is counted. The advantage of the method is to obtain absolute accurate estimates, allowing comparisons between different species and areas. Its disadvantages include labor intensity and the conventionality in some cases of the concept of “individual”. For example, plants often form many shoots interconnected by underground parts; Finding out whether we are talking about one genetic individual or several can be very difficult in practice. It is even more difficult to decide whether such individuals, sometimes spread over a large area, should be counted as many individuals or only as one.

    2. Frequency of occurrence. It is essentially a measure of the probability (odds) of finding a particular species in a randomly placed square. For example, if a species is noted in only one of ten squares, then its frequency of occurrence is 10%. To determine it, you only need to take into account the presence or absence - the number of individuals does not matter. However, you need to choose the area of ​​the square correctly, since the result depends on it. In addition, the general problem of working with squares remains - how to deal with specimens that are only partially within the counting area (for example, in the case of a creeping shoot rooted outside the border of the square). The advantage of this method is its simplicity, which allows large areas, such as large forested areas, to be quickly surveyed. The disadvantages are that the resulting frequency value is influenced by the size of the squares, the size of the individuals, as well as the features of their spatial distribution.

    3. Coating. This value shows what percentage of the surveyed area is occupied by a given species - by the bases of its individuals or by the projections of all their parts onto the ground. Coverage can be measured directly in the field or from photographs, assessed using a Levy device, or simply estimated by eye. The method is useful in that it allows one to judge the relative role of different species in a community. It is convenient when the number of individual specimens is difficult to count and even theoretically determine (for example, in cereals). However, as a rule, such measurements are either too labor-intensive or subjectivity.

    Direct observation. Direct counting can be applied not only to sessile organisms, but also to fast-moving large animals such as deer, wild ponies, lions, birds and bats.

    Photographing. By directly counting individuals in aircraft photographs, it is possible to determine the size of populations of large mammals and seabirds that congregate in open spaces. You can also use “camera traps” that are installed along animal trails; The camera shutter is released automatically when the animal's contour interrupts the light beam going to the control photocell.

    Removal method. This method is useful for estimating the abundance of small organisms, such as insects, in a given area or volume of water. In a standardized way (for example, by making a certain number of swings with a net of a set size), a certain number of animals are caught, counted, but not released until the end of the study. The procedure is repeated several more times, each time the number of caught animals decreases. Based on these data, a graph is constructed, extrapolating which, the total number of animals is obtained: it corresponds to the moment when they cease to be caught (zero ordinate), i.e., all individuals of a given species are theoretically caught and counted.

    Catch-and-release method. This method involves capturing the animal, marking it in a way that is harmless to it, and returning it to its original place in the population. For example, aluminum disks are attached to the gill covers of fish caught in a net; caught birds are banded. Small mammals are marked with paint or a section of fur is cut in a special way; arthropods are also marked with paint. In all cases, a specific code should be used to identify individual individuals. After some time, a re-capture is carried out, in which the marked individuals turn out to be “diluted” by those that were caught for the first time.
