Mikhalkov is a Jewish surname. The Mikhalkov clan is an example of ideal adaptability

Alexy II (Ridiger) Alexey Mikhailovich (1929) - priest, freemason,
Andropov (Erenstein-Liberman) Yuri Vladimirovich (1914-1984) - security officer, politician, freemason,
Berezovsky (Gludman) Boris Abramovich (1946) - son of a Moscow rabbi, gesheftmakher, politician, freemason, 15,
Beria (Berman, Berson) Lavrenty Pavlovich (1899-1953) - security officer,
Bovin (Luns) Alexander Evgenievich (1930) - journalist and diplomat, freemason.
Brezhnev (Ganopolsky) Leonid Ilyich (1906-1982) - politician,
Brezhneva (Goldberg) Victoria Pavlovna - niece of L.Z. Mekhlis, wife of L.I. Brezhnev, mother of G.L. Brezhneva.
Voroshilova (Gorbman) Elizaveta (Golda) Davidovna (1887-1959) wife of K.E. Voroshilov, deputy. dir. Lenin Museum
Gaidar (grandmother - Ruva Lazarevna Solomyanskaya) Egor Timurovich (1956) - politician, freemason, gesheftmacher
Gorbachev (Haider) Mikhail Sergeevich (1931) - politician, gesheftmacher,
Grishin (Grissel) Viktor Vasilievich (1914-1994) - party leader,
Gromyko (Isaak Katz) Andrei Andreevich (1909-1990) - diplomat,
Yevtushenko (Gangnut) Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (1931) - writer, freemason,
Yeltsin (Eltsyn) Boris Nikolaevich. (Uncle - Boris Moiseevich Eltsin. Since 1918 - member of the NKVD board. Then chairman of the Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) provincial executive committee. In 1937 - shot) (1931) - politician, freemason,
Zhirinovsky (Edelshtein) Vladimir Volfovich. Mother soon divorced E., married J. (1946), politician,
Zorin (Sonnenstein) - diplomat,
Kasparov (Weinstein - on his father's side) Garry Kimovich (1963) - chess player, freemason,
Kiriyenko (Israitel) Sergey - gesheftmacher and politician, freemason,
Kozyrev (Friedman) Andrey Vladimirovich (1951) - politician, freemason
Kramarov Saveliy - film actor, after emigration - married a Jewish woman and converted to Judaism
Krupskaya (Fishberg - literally - “fish mountain”, party nicknames - “Fish”, “Lamprey”) Nadezhda Konstantinovna (1869-1939) - wife or cover (?) of V.I. Ulyanova-Blanka,
Kuchma (Kuchman Leiba Davidovich) - President of Ukraine, Freemason,
Lenin (Blank) Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) - revolutionary, freemason, Chairman of the Council of People's (i.e. Jewish) Commissars
Luzhkov (Katz) Yuri Mikhailovich (1936) - politician and gesheftmacher, freemason,
Matvienko (Bubley) Valentina Ivanovna (1949.) – governor, gesheftmaher,
Nemtsov (father - Efim Davydovich Neiman, mother - Dina Yakovlevna Eidman) Boris Efimovich (1959). Great-nephew of Ya.M. Sverdlov, relative of Naina Yeltsina (Girina), politician, freemason, gesheftmakher,
Ponomarev (Krogius) Boris Nikolaevich (1905) - politician, academician,
Popov (Neuman) Gavriil Kharitonovich (1936) “Greek” - Doctor of Science, Mayor of Moscow, Freemason, Gesheftmacher,
Potanin (Wartburg) Vladimir, gesheftmacher.
Primakov (Kirshblat-Finkelstein) Evgeniy Maksimovich (1928) - journalist, academician, politician, freemason,
Pugacheva (Pevzner) Alla Borisovna (1949) - singer, freemason,
Putin (Shalomov) Vladimir Vladimirovich - security officer and politician, freemason,
Rutskoy Alexander Vladimirovich (1947) - politician, provocateur, Freemason CIA agent since the 1980s. Mother - beer stall seller Zinaida Iosifovna,
Rybakov (Aronov) Anatoly Naumovich (1911-1998) - writer, author of the book "Children of Arbat", freemason,
Sakharov (Safriano) Andrei Dmitrievich (1921-1989) - academician and politician, freemason,
Sobchak (Finkelstein) Anatoly Alexandrovich (1937-2000) gesheftmacher and politician, freemason.
Solzhenitsyn (Solzhenitser) Alexander Isaevich (Isaakovich) (1918) - dissident writer, politician.
Solomentsev (Zaltsman) Mikhail Sergeevich (1913) - politician.
Suslov - (Syuss) Mikhail Alexandrovich (1902-1982) - ideologist of the CPSU,
Sygolenko (Sygal Chaim) Kirill - adjutant to the commander of the OUN Ukrainian Insurgent Army, during the occupation he carried out genocide of the Jewish population, completely exterminated Jews in the cities of Olevsk and Dubrovitsy, then an agent of the American intelligence services,
Ustinov (Ulbricht) Dmitry Fedorovich (1908-1984) - military man, 17,
Khazanov (Faibusovich) Gennady Moiseevich - pop artist, freemason.
Khodorkovsky (Hovert) Mikhail - gesheftmacher,
Khrushchev (Perlmutter) Nikita Sergeevich (1894-1971) - politician,
Chernomyrdin (Schleer) Viktor Stepanovich (1938) - gesheftmacher, politician, freemason,
Chubais (Sagal) Anatoly Borisovich (1955) - politician, gesheftmacher, freemason,
Yakovlev (Epstein, or Yakov Lev) Alexander Nikolaevich (1923-2005) - “architect of perestroika”, Doctor of Science, Freemason,
Yakunin (Edelstein) Gleb Pavlovich (1934) - clergyman and politician, freemason

Kirkorov - maternal grandmother Lydia Manion
Klara Novikova - purebred Klara Borisovna Herzer
Konstantin Khabensky - purebred
Konstantin Ernst - purebred
Kristina Orbakaite - daughter of the Jewish woman Pugacheva and the Lithuanian Jew Orbakas
Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak - grandfather, Boris Moiseevich Narusov, was the commandant of Herzberg
Larisa Dolina - born in the family of Alexander Markovich and Galina Izrailevna Kudelman
Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich - purebred
Leonid Zakoshansky - purebred
Leonid Mikhailovich Mlechin - purebred
Leonid Osipovich Utesov - Lazar Iosifovich Weisbein
Leonid Parfyonov - after his mother
Lolita Milyavskaya - dad Mark Lvovich Gorelik
Maxim Galkin - purebred
Maxim Leonardovich Shevchenko - halakhic
Marianna Maksimovskaya - purebred Jew
Maria Sittel - father is “German”, mother is Jewish
Masha Rasputina - purebred
Mikael Leonovich Tariverdiev - purebred
Mikhail Barshchevsky - purebred
Menachem Erikovich Zalman
Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontyev - purebred
Mikhail Glebovich Osokin - purebred
Mikhail Zhvanetsky - purebred
Mikhail Zadornov - halakhic Latvian Jew
Mikhail Zelensky - reference
Mikhail Shirvindt - purebred
Mikhail Shufutinsky - purebred
Nadezhda Babkina - mother, Tamara Aleksandrovna Babkina (Chistyakova), a Jew from a family of manufacturers. Babkina's husband is Jewish Evgeniy Gore
Nike Borzov is a Jew
Nikolay Barashko
Nikita Mikhalkov - mother, Jewish poet Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya
Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov - on his mother's side. married to a Jewish woman, Svetlana Shpigel
Nikolai Fomenko - purebred
Oleg Gazmanov - mother Zinaida Abramovna
Petrosyan Evgeniy Vaganovich - Armenian Jew
Regina Dubovitskaya - "Dubina Regovitskaya", Polish-Armenian Jew
Rina Zelenaya is a purebred. Jewish husband Vladimir Blumenfeld Sasha Tsekalo - halakhic, father "Ukrainian", mother Jewish
Sergei Ervandovich Kurginyan - Armenian Jew, one of the Trotskyist dissidents
Sergey Leonidovich Dorenko - purebred
Sergey Yuryevich Minaev - purebred
Sofia Rotaru - halakhic Jew Sofia Mikhailovna Rotar Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Georgian Jew Tamara Mikhailovna Kofman
Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya - purebred
Timati is a halachic half-breed. mother Simona Yakovlevna Chernomorskaya
Tina Karol - Tatyana Lieberman (Singer representing Ukraine at Eurovision)
Tina Kandelaki - Armenian Jew (on her mother's side)
Chulpan Khamatova is a half-breed according to her mother. married to a Jew Alexander Shein
Edward Radzinsky - purebred Polish Jew
Edita Pieha - Polish Jew
Elina Avramovna Bystritskaya - purebred, born into the family of Abraham Petrovich Bystritsky and Esther Isaakovna Bystritskaya Yulia Olegovna Volkova - half-breed (soloist of Tatu)
Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin - purebred
Yuri Dmitrievich Kuklachev - Jewish on his father's side, married to a Jewish woman, Elena Isaakovna
Yuri Yulianovich Shevchuk - purebred

Government of the city of Moscow Y. Kats (Luzhkov). 1999
Mayor - Yu. Luzhkov (Katz) (Jew)
Vice-mayor - Shantsev (communist)
Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Government - Ordzhonikidze (Georgian)
Foreign Policy - Yastrzhembski (Polish Jew)
Small and medium business - Joffe (Jew)
Construction sector - Resin (Jew)
Financial control - Shor (Jew)
Press service - Choi (Korean)
Prefect of the center of Moscow - Muzykantsky (Jew)
City Hall Manager - Shakhnovsky (Jew)
Fuel and Energy Complex of Moscow - Lapir (Jew)
Transport and communications - Korsak (Jew)
Urban Development - Topelson (Jew)
Extra-budgetary funds - Krasnyansky and Sternfeld (Jews)
Construction Resources - Riesel (Jew)
Interregional connections - Bakirov (Azerbaijani)
Taxes and fees - Chernik (Jew)
Sports - Kofman (Jew)
The mayor's full-time advisers are Schneider, Norkin, Perelygin (all Jews)
The closest like-minded people to the Fatherland movement are Kobzon and Khazanov (Jews)
Head of the Fatherland election headquarters - Boos (Jew)
Candidate ╪1 on the "Fatherland" list - Primakov (Finkelstein) - Jew

Jews - about Russians

— Chubais: “Why are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out... I re-read all of Dostoevsky and now I feel nothing for this man except physical hatred; when I see in his books ideas that the Russian people are a special people, chosen by God, I want to tear them to pieces.”

— Novodvorskaya: “Russians cannot be allowed into European civilization with rights, they were put at the mercy of the bucket and they did the right thing.”

K. Sobchak: “Russia has become a country of genetic scum.”

I. Yurgens: “The Russians are interfering with Russia - the bulk of our compatriots live in the last century and do not want to develop.”

V. Posner: “I’m not a Russian person, this is not my homeland, I didn’t grow up here, I don’t feel completely at home here.”

Y. Pivovarov: “Russia needs to lose (don’t be alarmed!) Siberia and the Far East.”

Khazanov Boris: “I’m used to being ashamed of this homeland.”

Artemy Troitsky: “I consider Russian men for the most part to be animals, not even second-class, but third-class creatures.”

You can continue quoting this kind of statement ad infinitum. Something similar was said and published by Viktor Shenderovich, and Viktor Erofeev, and Tatyana Tolstaya, and Yulia Latynina, and many other “first-class” creatures.
A. Konchalovsky, who received the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival for his film about the Holocaust, said that if Russia closes its borders, he will immediately emigrate: “I have dual citizenship, the second is French. In this case, I will simply give up Russian.” The bribe-taker Ulyukaev, while still at large, bequeathed to his son: “Go, my son, go from here!”
Lyudmila Ulitskaya: “I am ashamed of the people who have lost their moral guidelines.”

4 Jews

He gave up mathematics because of its monotony, and pedagogy because of political disagreements with the school leadership. He entered the world of cinema in the early 90s, and at the end of the 2000s he was expelled from the Union of Cinematographers for criticizing Nikita Mikhalkov. In an interview with the site, film critic Viktor Matizen explained who first pointed out his Jewishness to him, how Medinsky stifles freedom in cinema, and why Mikhalkov’s latest films are terrible.

Can you tell us a little about your parents?

“My mother is a Jew from Velizh, her grandfather was a rabbi, and her father was a revolutionary who broke with his family, went to hard labor, and after the revolution settled in Leningrad. Dad is one of the “Catherine’s” Germans who lived in a colony near Leningrad. In 1952, when they graduated, there was no work for either Jews or Germans in the city, and they went to Dagestan, where there were so many nationalities that personnel officers did not pay attention to the fifth column in the passport. Mom taught German all her life, dad conducted physical experiments - first in Makhachkala, then in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, defended his PhD thesis at Kapitsa in the presence of Landau. They lived in perfect harmony, and never heard any bickering or rude words. I learned that I was a Jew at the age of seven, when in Zelenograd, out of the blue, some kid attacked me with the words: “Oh, you Jewish face!” Sometimes it seems to me that the sense of the Jewish spirit is an innate instinct. The poet and critic Kostya Kedrov told how a psychiatrist he knew once took him to a psychiatric hospital for a tour. He led from mild to severe cases and finally led to a cage where behind bars sat a half-naked and rumbling humanoid creature, which, according to the doctor, had completely lost the ability to speak clearly and was only hissing. Kostya stared at him and suddenly, through this hissing, he heard the same thing that I heard from this kid: “Ugh, Jew’s face!”

By first education, you are a mathematician, and your diploma had a very beautiful title: “On the monotonicity of one statistical criterion.”

– As a matter of fact, the subject of the proof of the criterion was precisely its monotonicity. At first I thought about a scientific career. But when I worked on my thesis for a month, immersed in formulas and disconnected from the outside world, I realized that mathematics was a drug that would simply drive me crazy. And he went to work at school - one might say, among the people. I took three sixth grades, hoping to get through to graduation, and during this time to find myself a less abstract occupation. But I got the hang of it and worked for 11 years instead of five, graduated five classes, and still communicate with old students who have scattered around the world.

They write that they tried to kick you out of school?

– My tongue always ran ahead of fear, and in the “scoop” this was not welcomed. If you blurt out something in class, like the fact that the operations of arithmetic are divided into capitalist ones - add and multiply, and communist ones - take away and divide, it will reach the administration - and what should it do with such a youth educator? Drive away, of course. How can you kick him out if the children of the academic elite study with him? Children and friends from the teaching community raised their parents, they put pressure on the director and did not allow me to be fired - who else would prepare their children for prestigious universities?

Do you have a favorite teacher story?

- Easily. One day a pipe burst in my mathematics classroom, and I had to teach classes in the literature classroom. So, you know, exemplary. I walk around the classroom, talking about polyhedra, and see Pushkin’s corner. Under the portrait of the poet is a homemade poster with a poem: “Courage, sincerity, soldering, enthusiasm - from each there is a spark, together - a fire!” And signature: A.S. Pushkin. My eyes almost fell out. The class looks blankly: it is written that Pushkin means Pushkin. I bring the lesson to the end, wait for the hostess and politely ask: “Alexandra Petrovna, what is this?” "You can't read?" - answers. “Sorry, but this is not Pushkin.” - “What, have you read all of Pushkin?” - "No". - “Then I have nothing to talk about with you.” A couple of days later I inform her that I leafed through the complete works of Pushkin and did not find this poem. "So what?" - "Didn't understand". “Of course, you don’t know that new works by Pushkin are still appearing in print.” I take her at her word: “Is the old man still writing?” She looks at me with a contemptuous look, admitting that I don’t know that Pushkin has been dead for a long time, and explains: “As a result of the search for our Pushkinists, unknown poems of the great poet are still coming to light.” “How can you prove that Pushkin wrote this?!” - I ask, finally remembering that the attributer must prove the correctness of the attribution. “This is obvious to every educated person.” “Of course, I’m not as educated as you, but it’s not obvious to me.” - "It's clear. Do you even know what Pushkin wrote to the Decembrists in Siberia?” - ““In the depths of the Siberian ores”? “That’s right,” she is surprised, as if she heard a talking monkey. “And what did Odoevsky answer to this?” - “What spark will ignite a flame?” - "Right. And what did Pushkin write to him in response?!” - "I have no idea". - “And this is what he wrote: “From each - a spark, together - a fire.” Do you understand what kind of fire the great poet is writing about? About the fire of revolution! This is the answer of a materialist to an idealist and a prophecy about the role of the revolutionary masses in history!” “Pushkin could not have written this!!!” – I shout, losing ground under my feet. “Do you even understand what you’re saying? PUSHKIN – couldn’t? The great Russian poet - and couldn’t?! Pushkin could do anything!” I don’t know how long this Pushkin poem hung in the literature room, because I soon quit school.

And then you changed the image of a mathematics teacher to an industrial climber and, while studying at VGIK, painted facades?

– At first I tried to enroll in graduate school at the Literary Institute - by that time I already had some publications, and for admission I showed a treatise on Trifonov’s prose, which, as I was told already in post-Soviet times, was leading to a candidate’s dissertation. But I was turned away for the same deviation from the sacred principles of socialist realism that Trifonov committed. Then I entered VGIK in absentia, because I had long loved cinema and received some film education in the Academy City and student film clubs, and a VGIK student card gave me the opportunity to enter theaters. While I was studying, I tutored and played pranks - I collected ferns, floated wood, laid sewers, and painted facades in a cradle for two years.

Did they look at you more liberally at VGIK?

-In general, yes, because they gave me a diploma with honors. True, our master Elizaveta Mikhailovna Smirnova once said: “Victor, I am returning your semester work without a grade and I must say: if you continue to write in this spirit, then your spirit will never appear in any Soviet publication. And in general, why did you go into film criticism? If you hadn’t given up mathematics, you would have been a Doctor of Science at your 34 years old. And you? Are you painting the facades? Meanwhile, on the facades I earned more than a doctor of sciences - I started as a simple hard worker with 850 rubles a month, and ended up as a foreman with 1,200 rubles. And this is a small thing compared to what our “father” Valera Bershtein had, who had several brigades and was probably an underground millionaire. He was a colorful man. I liked to repeat that the main contradiction of socialism is the contradiction between the façade and the interior. But I couldn’t give up mathematics; it overtook me twice more in the form of problems that I stumbled upon. Literally. He rolled stones - developed a theory of rolling polyhedra, tied a rickety bookcase with a rope - developed an elementary theory of the rigidity of structures with flexible elements.

The end of the 80s - the beginning of the 90s is called a period of rapid amateur activity in Russian cinema. How do you rate it?

– After the Fifth Congress of Cinematographers in May 1986, everything that was impossible became possible. At this time, “shelf” films were released, films by Sokurov, “Little Vera” by Pichul, “Prorva” by Dykhovichny, “Taxi Blues” by Lungin, “Intergirl” and “Anchor, More Anchor!” Pyotr Todorovsky, “Two Captains-2” by Debizhev, “City of Zero” and “The Regicide” by Shakhnazarov... 300 films were released a year. Of course, the majority of this flow, as in the Soviet years, was film waste paper, but where would we be without it? The important thing is that the freedom gained by the cinema of that time has been preserved for a long time and can be felt even now, although they are trying in every possible way to strangle it.

You are an important witness to the history of censorship. How is the current one different from the Soviet one?
– Because it does not recognize itself as censorship and pretends to be a fight against the falsification of history or a fight for morality. The main censor today is the Minister of Culture, who has arrogated to himself the right to refuse state funding to objectionable projects or opposition directors such as Vitaly Mansky, and not to issue distribution certificates to objectionable films. Deputies and Orthodox activists are eager to become censors. Moreover, in Soviet times, the filmmakers still had some opportunity to defend it, but now they are completely powerless. And the censors have changed. People of that time sometimes tried to save the film by amputating some parts and releasing them at least crippled, but these were immediately drowned. And they instill fear, which discourages producers and directors from venturing into the unknown. This is a bad time for cinema.

What recent works could you highlight and what young directors? What did you think of The Queen of Spades and The Apprentice in particular?

– First of all, I would like to note that last year, solemnly declared the year of Russian cinema, turned out to be a year of decline. Several big-budget projects like “Viking”, “The Duelist” and “Icebreaker” failed, only Konchalovsky’s “Paradise”, Tverdovsky Jr.’s “Zoology”, and Bordukov’s “The Box”, which traveled to more than a dozen supporting festivals, enjoyed international festival success. As for The Queen of Spades, the costumes, Ksenia Rapoport and Tchaikovsky’s music are good. In “The Apprentice,” I liked the idea and did not like its implementation, since Serebrennikov did not consider it necessary to properly fit the play into the conditions of a modern school. For a theatrical production, this means nothing, and the film loses its credibility. If we talk about young people, last year Anton Bilzho with “Dream Fish” and Alexey Krasovsky with “Collector” made their successful debuts. And there were a dozen or two excellent short films, from which it is clear that they were shot by people who were not constrained by the “Medina” censorship.

In the mid-90s you worked on the book “Nikita”. How did this work begin? How did it end?

– The publisher invited me to write a book about him and his films. I preferred a different form - to take a long interview with Nikita Sergeevich and add his diary entries. We talked for three months, parted on a first name basis and were good friends. Many years later I heard more than once that in this book I “sectioned” it. But I didn’t have such a task, I just asked questions that I wanted to get answers to. He answered – and, it seems to me, honestly.

Later he could no longer give honest answers?

“He was spoiled by big money, the position of chairman of the Union of Cinematographers, that is, the main cinematographer of the country, and proximity to the supreme power. He has lost his conscience, and along with it, his talent, which does not get along with falsehood and leaves the person. Mikhalkov's latest films are terrible. He sacrificed authenticity for the sake of effect in his early films, but then it was something like a game with the audience’s perception, and now it has become an elementary thimble.

In 2009, you were expelled from the Union of Cinematographers for criticizing Mikhalkov’s actions. Couldn't you maintain a peaceful relationship with him?

– He could, but only at the cost of losing his reputation, which for me is more important than peaceful relations with such a chairman of the Investigative Committee.

I can’t ignore the developing scandal and conflict around the television commentator of the state sports channel “Match TV” Alexei Andronov and the subsequent outright censorship against no one, but Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov himself and his TV show “Besogon” aired on the “Russia 24” TV channel.
I think many people know the essence of the situation. Alexey Andronov on his Twitter rudely insulted supporters of the “Russian world” in Ukraine and, in general, the entire Novorossiya project. Thus causing justifiable indignation among Russian patriots and nationalists of all stripes, who regarded these statements as outright Russophobia and manifestations of hatred towards Russians. Andronov hastily and spontaneously apologized, not forgetting to again offend those who, in his opinion, slandered him (they say I’m not a Russophobe, but I said everything in the heat of the moment).
Mikhalkov wanted to devote an entire episode of his mentioned TV show to this incident and had even already prepared it for broadcast. But the authorities of the state TV channel “Russia 24” did not allow her to attend this very broadcast. Having already caused the violent indignation of Mikhalkov himself and his subsequent retaliatory actions. These actions boiled down to the fact that Mikhalkov posted a recording of this program on the Internet, providing it with a preliminary remark about unjustified censorship addressed to him. And the video itself with his program became the most popular on the Russian segment of the YouTube portal, as of December 15 of this year.
So, what was it about this program that the management of the Rossiya 24 TV channel had to cut it off the air?
Here's what.
In the forty-minute television program, the enemies of Russia were directly called enemies of Russia. Albeit in an intelligent Mikhalkov style, but still named in fact. Not only Andronov himself got it, but also a number of other characters (including high-ranking ones). In addition to Andronov, journalist Matvey Ganapolsky, the sister of oligarch Prokhorov and the head of this very sports television channel, Match TV, Tina Kandelaki, were mentioned in this context. And they were mentioned not just unfoundedly, but with specific quotes and video recordings that completely expose them, if not of Russophobia, then in any case of disdain for everything Russian for sure. So, for example, a piece of a TV show was shown where Kandelaki directly says that, in her opinion, the Russian people do not exist in nature at all (and there are only, they say, some incomprehensible Russians without a specific nationality). Former Russian journalist Ganapolsky, who is now a Ukrainian journalist, has long exposed himself as an enemy of the Russians (and without the help of Mikhalkov). Mikhalkov only reinforced this opinion with new portions of his statements and antics. The sister of oligarch Prokhorov, who is a fairly prominent Russian politician, spoke in the spirit that Crimea is just “rocks in the sea” and Russia supposedly doesn’t need extra stones (so what if everything there is watered with the blood of Russian soldiers). But most importantly, Mikhalkov focused the viewer’s attention on the fact that the sports channel “Match TV” is actually a state channel, and not a private shop. And that it is sponsored from the federal budget with taxpayers’ money (that is, with our money). And it belongs precisely to the VGTRK holding, which also owns the Rossiya 24 channel, where Mikhalkov’s program airs (or has already aired). Mikhalkov asked the question point blank. Why do outright Russophobes work en masse on the Russian state television channel??? This is not the liberal Dozhd TV channel, after all, which is sponsored, among other things, from abroad. This is a state television channel, which a priori should not promote hatred of the state-forming people (i.e., the Russian people).
But the most important thing is not even this.
The most important thing is the nationality of the listed characters.
I don’t know who Andronov’s nationality is (the surname seems to be Russian), but all the other anti-heroes of the program cut from the air are completely non-Russians. Kandelaki is a purebred Georgian. And Prokhorova’s sister, together with Ganapolsky, are generally Jews. Listen, Jews... Aren't they the reason for all this censorship, huh? We know how strong the position of the Jewish community is in our country. And in business, and in politics, and on television as well. And how representatives of this community do not like it when they are shown in an unsightly light (they say we were burned and persecuted, and here you are showing this about us). Didn't they give the command for this censorship against Mikhalkov? Although why would they give such a command when they could have been frightened by their reactions in advance and, just in case, cut this program off the air (so that later the TV channel would not be accused of anti-Semitism). Or maybe it’s even simpler... Maybe the leadership of “Russia 24” are themselves people of Jewish nationality? To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised at this, given the dominance of Jews on our TV...
And if the version with a Jewish trace is correct, then just imagine how strong the position of Jews is in Russia, if they can even punch Mikhalkov himself on the nose like that! And where to click... Not in Israel, but in Russia, on the Russian state TV channel! Get out, Nikita Sergeevich with his “anti-Semitism” from the venerable society... And by the way, in this program Mikhalkov directly hinted that there was some powerful force behind all this... He did not specify which one, but directly hinted (leaving the right to versions to his viewers ). Or he simply did not want to publicly denounce the Jews, fearing accusations of Nazism and the same anti-Semitism...
And one more interesting fact about this topic that Mikhalkov mentioned. On the TV Center channel, in Pushkov’s program “Postscriptum”, this incident was also mentioned. A glimpse, at the very end of the TV show. So what do you think? A repeat of this program on the same channel came out without this ending... It was simply blatantly cut out. As Pushkov himself told Mikhalkov, this was done by the management of TV Center. Mikhalkov called this management and asked directly, what exactly was the matter? And I received a rather lengthy answer that “everything here is complicated and not simple.” I wonder what this difficulty is? In the influence of the Jewish community, which put pressure on the management of “TV Center” as well as on “Russia 24”? Or is it simply that this very leadership of “TV Center” is also representatives of the “promised land”?
I really don’t want the author of these lines to also be accused of anti-Semitism. But I’m a realist... So, in advance I tell such accusers to go to hell and emphasize that if some people were oppressed for a long time and then burned alive, this does not mean that individual representatives of this people have the right to bestial and base behavior.
And, “Match TV” is a very good channel. I watch it myself regularly. Especially football. Previously, the right to broadcast football matches of the Russian championship and European cups belonged exclusively to the NTV channel and it was impossible to watch anything live. Because NTV, for example, broadcast everything in recordings to Siberia. Including a day late. What's the point in watching a football match when you've already known the score??? None. And on Match TV they show everything live. At least sometimes with comments from Andronov... Who, by the way, came to this channel from this same NTV. With NTV, which he led for the last ten years......yes, you guessed correctly - also a Jew.
So, everywhere there are only Jews... And “anti-Semites” (who denounce them).

What is the nationality of Nikita Mikhalkov's father? and got the best answer

Answer from Your neighbor[guru]
Nikita and Andrei Mikhalkov's great-grandfather, artist Vasily Surikov, was married to Elizaveta Artlevel Shar, 1858-1888. , daughter of the French subject Arthur (according to other sources Auguste) Charest and Countess Maria Alexandrovna de Balmain who moved to Russia. The Balmains were a Scottish family that moved to Russia in the 18th century, under Anna Ioannovna.
Maria Alexandrovna's father was Major General Count Alexander Antonovich Balmain (d. 1848), and her mother was Glafira Nikolaevna Svistunova, sister of the Decembrist Pyotr Nikolaevich Svistunov, daughter of the actual chamberlain Nikolai Petrovich Svistunov (1770-1815) and Maria Alekseevna Rzhevskaya ( 1778-1866). There then goes an extensive pedigree along the Rzhevsky line.
The Balmain line is also interesting. Alexander Antonovich de Balmain was the son of General-in-Chief Count Anton Bogdanovich Balmain (1741-1790) from a marriage with a certain Countess Devier, whose name is not indicated. However, finding de Balmain’s wife among the Deviers is quite easy. In Petrov’s article dedicated to the Devier family,
Elena Antonovna Devier, daughter of Count Anton Antonovich (died in 1776), who was married (according to Petrov) to a certain Deboli, is indicated. Obviously this was the Comte de Balmain.
Count A. A. Devier was the third son of Peter's associate and the first St. Petersburg police chief, Count Anton Manuilovich Devier (1673-1745) and his wife Anna Danilovna Menshikova.
Thus, the Mikhalkov family, already burdened with an incredible number of noble ancestors and relatives, also turns out to be related to Scottish counts, Portuguese Jews, descendants of Smolensk princes and the family of His Serene Highness Alexander Danilovich. Vika Razumova
Everyone who served the false Peter were members of the Masonic lodge; it turns out that he also has a pedigree along the Masonic line, the goal of which is to bring the world to its knees before the alien lunar invaders. The moon plays the role of an observation post and among the Masons it is depicted as an eye on American dollars! And since the Zionites became Freemasons, their role in seizing power in the world is very clear...

Answer from KuzYa[guru]
He is Russian, a descendant of the Kindyrevs.

Answer from Elena[newbie]
A stranger among his own among strangers. Everyone talks about directing. And no - ACTING.

Answer from Elena Mamaeva[guru]
Russian, noble family

Answer from Iodion Raskolnikov[guru]
There is an old Russian tradition, let’s not deviate from it, of declaring every even remotely outstanding person a Jew.
I give Navalny’s hand to be cut off, that if you type “Sergei Mikhalkov is a Jew” in the Yandex search, you will get a bunch of links))

Answer from Alexander Aleshin[guru]
Son of the Chamberlain of His Imperial Majesty's Court. Pillar nobleman. And you are all talking about one thing...

The Mikhalkov clan is an excellent illustration of what ideal opportunists are.
While Sergei Mikhalkov sang odes to Stalin, his younger brother Mikhail (pictured) served during the Second World War in the SS,
and later in the KGB and with the “hypnotist” Messing.

People started talking about Mikhail Mikhalkov only just before his death in 2006.
Suddenly, as an 80-year-old man, he began giving out one interview after another. His autobiographical book in Russian was published in a meager circulation. In the labyrinths of mortal risk."
It is interesting that this opus was written by him back in the 1950s, but was released only abroad - in France,
Italy and other countries. No, it was not “samizdat,” literature banned in the USSR.
On the contrary, he had a hand in the release of the book KGB, where Mikhalkov then served. An interview with Mikhail Mikhalkov, which contains absolutely fantastic, at first glance, data, was published on the website of the FSB of Russia.

His example clearly shows the fabulousness and legendary nature of the top of the USSR and even the current Russian Federation.
They are all confused not only in the little things and details of their lives, but also in their own full name and date of birth.
We do not know their real parents, native language and other important biographical milestones.
Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Igor Yurgens, Yuri Luzhkov, Sergei Shoigu, Sergei Sobyanin***
(for a brief summary of versions of their biography, see the link)

Mikhail Mikhalkov. It is believed that he was born in 1922.
But at the same time his native language was German, so much so that he spoke Russian with difficulty in a Soviet school in the 1930s, and was forced to study the Autokhoton language for a year before he was admitted to the general education program. A little later, his poor knowledge of Russian will play another cruel joke on him.
Then Mikhail said that supposedly in the family a German housewife was in charge of their education.

Nothing really is known about Mikhail’s family either. According to one version, he was raised with his family.
More than once I recalled how his older brother went hungry and wore an overcoat - all in order to feed them.
Mikhail Mikhalkov also told another version - that in 1930, his father sent him from the Stavropol Territory to the family of his aunt, Maria Alexandrovna Glebova, who had five sons of her own.
« Leka later became a writer, Sergei was Ordzhonikidze’s assistant, Grisha was Stanislavsky’s assistant, Fedya was an artist, Pyotr was an actor, People’s Artist of the USSR, who talentedly played the role of Grigory Melekhov in the film “Quiet Don”.
In Pyatigorsk I was taught at home, so in Moscow I immediately went to fourth grade, where the students were two years older than me,” said Mikhail Mikhalkov. In this version, he no longer mentions that he spoke Russian poorly and spent time in the auxiliary class.

Then there are even more legends in Mikhail’s life. In 1940 - at the age of 18, he manages to finish NKVD school. Then the nobleman and the child prodigy are sent to the border - to Izmail. There he met the war.

Mikhail Mikhalkov surrenders to the Germans in the first days of the war. “Battles... encirclement... fascist camp.
Then escape, execution... Again the camp, again escape and again execution. As you can see, I remained alive,” this is how he briefly characterizes 4 years of his life during the Second World War. In the extended version, the man who was shot twice depicts real miracles. Here it is necessary to quote directly from his book “In the Labyrinths of Mortal Risk.”

« After my first escape, I was sheltered by Lucy Zweiss' family. She sent me documents addressed to her husband Vladimir Tsveis, and I began working as a translator at the labor exchange in Dnepropetrovsk...

...When I was walking towards Kharkov, I ran into the Germans. He ended up in the headquarters company of the SS Panzer Division "Gross Germany". I told it to the commander - Captain Bersch - invented legend: allegedly I am a 10th grade student, German by origin from the Caucasus, I was sent to my grandmother in Brest for the summer. When the city was captured by the 101st German division, I got food for their convoy. Bersh believed me and instructed me to supply his unit with provisions. I traveled to villages, exchanging German gasoline for food with local residents.”

What Mikhial Mikhalkov did in the occupied territories in 1941, called "hivi"- employee of the Wehrmacht auxiliary troops. But then Mikhalkov-Zweiss begins his career climb with the Germans.

“The SS Panzer Division “Grossdeutschland” was retreating to the West for reorganization.
On the border of Romania and Hungary, I fled, hoping to find partisans (yup, in the countries allied with the Germans in 1942-43 everything was swarming with partisans - BT).
But I never found it (I wonder how Mikhalkov looked for partisans in Hungary, knocked on houses? - BT).
But when I got to Budapest, I accidentally met a millionaire from Geneva (I introduced myself to him as the son of the director of a large Berlin concern), who intended to marry his daughter to me.
Thanks to him, I visited Switzerland, France, Belgium, Turkey, met Otto Skorzeny.
In the French Resistance he worked with the station of the Tsarist General Staff.
So I had the opportunity to fight fascism in different territories, under different names. But the main goal of all these trips was Latvia - after all, closer to Russia.

Once I killed a captain from the SS division "Totenkopf", took his uniform and weapons - this uniform helped me look for a “window” to cross the front. He rode around enemy units on horseback and found out their location.
But one day they demanded documents from me, which, naturally, I did not have, and I was arrested as a deserter.
Until his identity was revealed, he was put in a barn. He ran again until he finally managed to cross the front line

An SS officer rides a horse along the front lines without documents, recording the location of German troops.. Well, yes…

With a 99% probability, Mikhail Mikhalkov already in 1942 joined the SS as a punitive officer.
Another version told by him confirms this conclusion. In it, he says that from the German barn he did not cross the front line at all, trying to get into the Red Army, but continued to serve with the Germans.

« But when crossing the front line I ended up in the field gendarmerie... As an SS officer, they didn’t even search me right away. Soon I managed to escape. Having unsuccessfully jumped from a five-meter height, he broke his arm and damaged his spine... With difficulty he made it to the nearest farm and lost consciousness there. The owner of the farm, a Latvian, took me in a cart to the hospital, naturally a German. When I came to my senses, they asked me where my documents were. I replied that they remained in the jacket. In general, having not found documents, they issued me a card addressed to Captain Muller from Dusseldorf.

I was operated on in the hospital, and from the city of Libau I was evacuated to Konigsberg with brand new documents as the captain of the SS division “Totenkopf”. They provided me with cards for three months, gave me 1,800 marks and prescribed three months of home leave to complete my recovery. Then I had to report to Lissa for the reorganization of the senior SS command staff. There I commanded a tank company».

But SS captain Mikhail Mikhalkov never tires of boasting not only about his punitive activities, but also by writing the anthem of his unit.

« When I commanded a tank company in Lys... I decided to curry favor and wrote a drill song for the company. At the training ground, the soldiers learned this song and, returning to the unit, sang it under the windows of the headquarters. There were words
« Where there is Hitler, there is victory.” The general immediately called me to him: “What kind of song is this?” I replied that I composed the words and music myself. The general was very pleased

The Mikhalkov clan has an excellent family contract.
One writes the Stalinist anthem of the USSR, the other writes the anthem for the SS division “Totenkopf”.

« I changed the legend and documents and ended up in Poland, at the Poznan School of Military Translators. And on February 23, 1945, he went out to his own people. By the way, while crossing the front line, I buried two pouches with diamonds on the outskirts of Poznan, which I took from two killed Krauts. They're probably still there somewhere. Now, if I had managed to go there, maybe I would have found it...»

Two pouches with diamonds are carried by the Germans walking through the fields... Then Mikhalkov-Weiss-Muller gets even more excited.

(Sergey Mikhalkov and Taiwanchik)

« At first they wanted to shoot me right away. Then they took me to headquarters for interrogation. Obviously, out of excitement, I could not speak Russian for two weeks; the colonel interrogated me in German and translated my answers to the general. After long checks, my identity was established - documents arrived from Moscow confirming that I graduated from the NKVD intelligence school, that I was the brother of the author of the anthem of the Soviet Union, Sergei Mikhalkov. I was sent by plane to Moscow».

For four years I completely forgot the Russian language, remembered it for 2 weeks, spoke only German.
Either Mikhail Mikhalkov really turned out to be the German Muller, or this is a banal justification for punishment for serving the Germans. Then again several versions of spending time in “Stalin’s dungeons” follow.
The first says that “Mikhalkov” (in order not to get confused in the variations of his surname, we will now write it in quotation marks - after all, later he also had the surnames Sych, Laptev, Sokolov, Schwalbe and about 10 more) were tortured by evil executioners.

« On charges of collaborating with German intelligence, he was repressed and put in a torture chamber in Lefortovo. They tortured me like this - they forced me to sleep on a suspended board so that my head and legs were hanging from it. Then - the Gulag, a camp in the Far East. ABOUT my brother Sergei petitioned Beria for my release. Rehabilitated in 1956».

Another version of Mikhalkov’s “conclusion” looks like this:

« IN capital worked at Lubyanka. Usually I was placed in a prison cell with captured Nazis (in particular, with the white collaborationist generals - Krasnov and Shkuro).
I “split” them, exposing spies and Gestapo men
" In the language of the security forces this is called "decoy duck"

There is another version. " Began publishing in 1950. For more than twenty years he acted as a propagandist of military-patriotic themes, for which he was awarded many certificates of honor and badges of army and navy formations, as well as many diplomas and prizes at All-Union song competitions. Published more than 400 songs ».

Another version says that “Mikhail” “Mikhalkov” began to be published a little later.
« In 1953, after the death of Stalin, they were summoned to the KGB and offered to write a book about my military fate, believing that it will help to instill a sense of patriotism in young people. I wrote an autobiographical story
"In the labyrinths of mortal risk."
Konstantin Simonov and Boris Polevoy gave positive reviews. In 1956 I was awarded Order of Glory. He began working first in the KGB, then in the Political Directorate of the Army and Navy, and in the Committee of War Veterans. I give lectures from the propaganda bureau of the Writers' Union on the topic "Intelligence and counterintelligence" in special forces units, intelligence schools, border academies, and in Officers' Houses

It is worth adding that “Mikhalkov” is printed under pseudonyms Andronov and Lugovoy(allegedly the first pseudonym came from the name of his nephew - Andron Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky). True, he combines literary and singing activities (he claims to have written 400 songs) with the “supervision” of a sorcerer Wolf Messing. « And now my book about Wolf Messing, the famous hypnotist, is being prepared for publication. Why about Messing? Because after the war I was his curator for ten years, but that’s a different story...”, - Mikhalkov reports about himself.

“Mikhalkov” additionally reports about his creative arsenal: “I give lectures: “Intelligence and counterintelligence”, “Hypnosis, telepathy, yoga”, “Marriage, family, love”, and according to Shelton - “On nutrition”.

Whether he is “Mikhalkov”, Miller or Andronov, we will probably not find out soon.
As well as information about his brother Sergei (or also a resident of German intelligence?) and about the Mikhalkov clan in general.
There they all have a legend on a legend.
Only one thing is clear: all these people are excellent illustrative material of what ideal opportunists are.

For example, it can be assumed that if the Germans had won the Second World War,
then “Mikhail Mikhalkov”, as the author of the anthem of the SS division, would intercede with them for his brother “Sergei Mikhalkov” - the author of the anthem of the USSR.
But the USSR won, and “Sergei” asked for “Mikhail”.
This type of people doesn’t care who or where to serve - in the SS or KGB, Hitler, Stalin, Putin
or even some Mubarak.

If only they gave him a place at the power trough.
But the worst thing is that such people also teach us how to love the Motherland (the Tsar and the Church).
Truly, whether you like it or not, you will remember “the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
