Very bad at heart. The soul is bad, but life is so beautiful

"Without sorrow there is no salvation, but the Heavenly Kingdom awaits those who have endured."

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Depression, loneliness, detachment from the world ...

How terrible these words are when the soul hurts. I would like, of course, to wish everyone to always have a bright heart, to always have joy in it. But there is no earthly life without pain. Many of us have had or will have moments when it’s bad at heart, we want to cry; when you don't want to see anyone, you don't want to talk to anyone; when there is no desire to eat and move. It seems that I would have been lying to myself for years and waiting for my soul to be sick, and my heart would want to rejoice again. But, as a rule, in life all problems fall on a person and turn into a big snowball. Possible causes of depression: loss of a loved one, troubles at work, lack of variety, loneliness, premonition of something unkind, sad memories, loss of meaning in life, unrequited love, failure, self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself, quarrels, misunderstanding of loved ones, complexes, rumors , lies, "black stripe", betrayal.

What to do when you feel bad and you want to cry?

What to do when you feel bad and you want to cry? Maybe cry? Yes, that's a great option. It is a pity that it is short-lived, and after it the head splits.

Here are a few more ways that, perhaps, can help when you feel bad and you want to cry:

  1. Start correcting mistakes (if at all it is about them, if there is something to fix).
  2. Arrange a noisy, cheerful holiday.
  3. Workout.
  4. Allow yourself to sleep as much as you want.
  5. Review nutrition. Start eating more dark chocolate, cheese, coffee, bananas, oranges.
  6. Relax in the sauna, massage, spa, etc.
  7. Go on a journey.
  8. Engage in meditation.
  9. Seek help from a doctor, psychologist.
  10. Go headlong into difficult work.
  11. Walk more and relax in nature.
  12. Start repairs.
  13. Go shopping.
  14. Do charity work.

Personally, as an Orthodox person, I advise you to confess and receive communion. Priests call depression the cry of the soul about its unhappiness. Do not fall into the sin called "discouragement."

What to do when it’s bad at heart and you want to cry, everyone can decide for themselves. The main thing is to do something. Of course, time heals any wounds. But the very moment when the mental pain pours out over the edge, you also need to be able to experience it correctly.

What you shouldn't do when you feel bad and you want to cry:

  • Relentlessly analyze your condition, constantly replay traumatic events in your head.
  • Asking yourself questions: "Why do I need this?", "Why did this happen to me?" If you can’t do without questions, then it’s better to think: “Why (for what purpose) were the trials sent?”
  • Blame yourself or someone else.
  • Develop a plan for self-destruction.

Depression is dangerous in all forms. Remember this. I recommend Sinelnikov's book "Love your disease."

Yes, it is difficult (or even impossible) to give recommendations on the topic “What to do when it’s bad at heart and you want to cry” in one article. I just want to ask you to accept all the tests with gratitude. They make us stronger. Or I really want to believe it.

What do you do when you feel bad and you want to cry?

Prayer when it's not hard for your soul

WHAT TO DO IF THE SOUL HURTS, IF THE SOUL IS BAD. (prayers to be read and the power of holy sources)

"Without sorrow there is no salvation, but the Heavenly Kingdom awaits those who have endured." (Venerable Seraphim of Sarov)

What to do when your soul hurts?

In this small article, it is impossible to solve the question of how to treat mental pain, how to cope with losses and losses. I will only talk about small first steps that will help to get the painful state off the ground and, possibly, will begin to change the painful state of mind.

When the soul is bad, it is difficult to communicate with someone. Western prescriptions for the treatment of mental pain by a psychotherapist are generally not suitable for a Russian person. And, to be honest, as a doctor, many traditional medical approaches to the treatment of mental pain are reduced to the appointment of certain drugs and simple verbal consolation.

Traditional Russian approaches to the treatment of mental pain in conversations with friends / girlfriends (if you have the strength to do so) or taking "green wine" only aggravate the severity of mental pain. The best thing that an Orthodox person can do when his soul hurts is to go to confession and receive communion.

Confession is a blessed discharge of the soul and there are cases when one confession without a trace healed not only mental pain, but also old and serious mental illnesses.

The priests believe that depression is the cry of the soul about her unhappiness, about her plight. Major or minor sins "cry out", but impenitence torments the soul.

Indeed, the feeling of sin is the awareness of the discrepancy between the pure holy spirit that is present in the soul of every person and one's behavior, desires, or thoughts, possibly under the dominion of "demons." Awareness of this conflict gives rise to another sin - despondency. The "demon" of despondency is very powerful and can deprive a person of his last strength, pushing him to the worst.

It would seem that the simplest thing in this situation is to go to the priest's church and tell him as if in spirit everything that oppresses you, that makes the soul ache. Father will accept your confession, pray for the forgiveness of your sins, you will partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and everything will go well.

However, let's not dissemble, few people who consider themselves Orthodox go to church for confession. In most cases, the "Orthodox ritual" is reduced to a rare trip to the church, where several candles are put, notes are written and "money for the temple" is served. The Orthodox duty is fulfilled and you can relax until the next accidental entry into the church. Even in such a healthy state of mind, people rarely turn to confession and communion. Coming to confession is associated with many fears: "What if I prepared incorrectly?", "What if my sins are unforgivable?", "And if the priest scolds me?" and everyone in the church will look at me ?, "And where to look for a priest in the church - are there only old women who are hissing at everyone?"

What to do? One can hardly cope with mental pain. Of course - time heals mental wounds. But just how to survive this very time of mental pain? Then, when the pain in the soul subsides - yes, probably, there will be mental strength and on a trip to the doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications and, perhaps, will advise the priest, who with love and understanding will listen to all the troubles and sorrows and tell you how to live on, how to heal mental pain.

I will try to describe 10 steps with which, as it seems to me, you can begin to heal pain in the soul. V

some of these steps helped me in due time. My personal opinion may not coincide with the opinion of Orthodox clergy - please consult with your confessor if it seems to you that the proposed path does not suit you.

Wear a cross around your neck if you don't usually wear one.

Try to stop analyzing your condition and return to the traumatic events in your thoughts over and over again.

Take your suffering for granted. Deal with them. Stop reasoning on the topics: "Why do I need this?", "Why me?"

Think about something else: "Why did the Lord send me this suffering?"

If you hear that someone is trying to enter into a conversation with you in your thoughts, do not answer.

Say: "Get away from me the unclean spirit, I do not want to listen to you, only I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, I worship, and serve Him alone."

Give your thoughts simple and useful food - prayers: use the simple and short rule of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov:

"Thank God for everything! God! I surrender to Your Holy Will! Be thy will with me! God! Thank you for everything that you please to send on me. I accept what is worthy according to my deeds; remember me, Lord, in your kingdom! "

Imbued with these thoughts. Read the Jesus Prayer to yourself as often as possible:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

If you are closer to the appeal to the Mother of God, read:

You will notice how every day prayers give you more and more strength, how the forces of evil retreat from you.

In the morning, after getting out of bed, after reading these simple prayers, turn your face to the west (where the sun usually sets) and say:

"I deny you, Satan, and all your deeds, and all your angels, and all your ministry, and all your pride."

Then blow in the same direction. The same words should be said in the evening after prayer. , May God rise "

Before going to bed, reciting a prayer:

May God be resurrected, and His enemies be scattered, and may flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let it disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so may demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Holy and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive out the demons by the power of the rooted Lord Jesus Christ on You, who descended into hell and corrected power the devil, and who gave us Himself, His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary. O Honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady of the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen."

After reading the prayer, cross with your hand all four sides of the world, and your bed.

Ask them to bring you holy water from a temple or holy spring. Sprinkle holy water on your home, your bed, yourself and drink holy water with prayer:

O Lord my God, may your holy and holy water be your gift for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and weaknesses, according to Your infinite mercy with prayers Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints. Amen."

When you feel strong enough to go outside, ask someone close to take you to the holy spring with a font. Accompanied by a loved one whom you trust, try to bathe three times in the waters of the holy spring. The waters of the holy spring have great healing power and are able to drive away the most powerful demons.

If there are no holy springs in your area, with the help of an accompanying person, wade a river or stream three times, trying to plunge headlong. If there is no river in your area, pour holy water from the temple on top of your head. It is believed that demons "sit" there.

When, after washing, you gain more strength, visit the temple for the sacrament of the Blessing of the Oil, or of the Anointing or Unction. Through this Sacrament, the healing power of God is supplied to believers, which significantly weakens the action of demons. Also, forgotten and unconscious sins are forgiven to a person.

The sacrament consists in the sevenfold anointing of parts of the body (forehead, nostrils, cheeks, lips, chest and hands) with consecrated oil, which is preceded by the reading of the Apostle, the Gospel, a short litany and prayer for the healing of a person and the forgiveness of his sins. During the anointing, the priest prays, places the Gospel on the head of the person with the letters down and says a prayer of absolution for sins. It becomes easier for the soul. The pain recedes.

Moving on to confession and communion. It is best to confess in a monastery located far from the tourist routes. It is necessary to find out in advance which of the priesthood is more experienced in this matter, because a lot depends on the personality of the confessor.

If there are no spiritually reasonable priests nearby, you will have to find out from the believers where they are and go there. Your future depends on the quality of this confession! It should not be general, but only individual. If there are no monasteries nearby, learn about the quiet rural parishes, where there are no tourists, where there are few people, and the priest has time to take care of you.

The priest and doctor will tell you about the next steps.

Prayer to your Guardian Angel:

Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, save and save my soul from the snares of the enemy. "

Topic: If the soul hurts, if the soul is bad.

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If the soul hurts, if the soul is bad.

10 steps of personal experience of getting out of a mental crisis. One of the solutions.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Each of us has had, is and will be moments or periods when the soul is unbearably bad, when the soul hurts and grieves. I don't want to see anyone, talk to anyone. I don’t feel like eating, I don’t want to move. At such moments it is hard to believe that someday the soul will recover and learn to rejoice again. It is impossible to look into the future in such a state. You see only a blank wall in front of you and bitter losses or mistakes behind. Do not sleep at night. There is no strength for anything. Getting out of such a state of mind is very, very difficult. The soul hurts, the soul is bad.

the soul hurts What to do when the soul hurts? In this small article, it is impossible to solve the question of how to treat mental pain, how to cope with losses and losses. I will only talk about small first steps that will help to get the painful state off the ground and, possibly, will begin to change the painful state of mind.

When the soul is bad, it is difficult to communicate with someone. Western prescriptions for the treatment of mental pain by a psychotherapist are generally not suitable for a Russian person. And, to be honest, as a doctor, many traditional medical approaches to the treatment of mental pain are reduced to the appointment of certain drugs and simple verbal consolation. Traditional Russian approaches to the treatment of mental pain in conversations with friends / girlfriends (if you have the strength to do so) or taking "green wine" only aggravate the severity of mental pain. The best thing that an Orthodox person can do when his soul hurts is to go to confession and receive communion. Confession is a blessed discharge of the soul and there are cases when one confession without a trace healed not only mental pain, but also old and serious mental illnesses. The priests believe that depression is the cry of the soul about her unhappiness, about her plight. Major or minor sins "cry out", but impenitence torments the soul. Indeed, the feeling of sin is the awareness of the discrepancy between the pure holy spirit that is present in the soul of every person and one's behavior, desires, or thoughts, possibly under the dominion of "demons." Awareness of this conflict gives rise to another sin - despondency. The "demon" of despondency is very powerful and can deprive a person of his last strength, pushing him to the worst.

However, let's not dissemble, few people who consider themselves Orthodox go to church for confession. In most cases, the "Orthodox ritual" is reduced to a rare trip to the church, where several candles are put, notes are written and "money for the temple" is served. The Orthodox duty is fulfilled and you can relax until the next accidental entry into the church. Even in such a healthy state of mind, people rarely turn to confession and communion. Coming to confession is associated with many fears: "What if I prepared incorrectly?", "What if my sins are unforgivable?", "And if the priest scolds me?" and everyone in the church will look at me ?, "And where to look for a priest in the church - are there only old women who are hissing at everyone?"

If these questions create serious obstacles on the way to confession in a healthy and strong person, then what can we say about a person in a breakdown, when his soul hurts?

may your holy gift and your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the illumination of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body,

to the health of my soul and body, to the conquest of my passions and weaknesses,

by Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints.

Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, save and preserve my soul from the snares of the enemy.

How? Prayer with tears, repentance, communion. You need to have commandments in your heart; every week to look through your conscience, whether you live by the commandments. "

Whoever wants peace, grace, joy in him, and also for peace, friendship, love to dominate between his neighbors, must repent, that is, completely change, and most importantly, he must seek consolation in the Lord Savior, Who is always ready help the penitent.

"When I die, go to my grave and tell me everything that you need, and I will hear you, and before you have time to leave her, I will fulfill everything and give you. If someone even a mile from my grave turns to me, then I will respond to that one too "

- we inhale the air through the nose, inflating the stomach.

- hold your breath for 1 second.

- we make a long, slowest exhalation through the mouth (lips are folded in a tube), exhaling air to the very end, until the feeling of "emptying". As you exhale, imagine that the air envelops you, picking up and lulling you.

- after exhaling, pause for 2-3 seconds and notice how with each exhalation the heartbeat slows down, it becomes easier, and at the end of the exhalation drowsiness begins to appear.

- we repeat 10-20-30 breathing movements and switch to the usual breathing rhythm.

- now we do an exercise for the eyes: close our eyes as slowly as possible, even more slowly!

- As your eyes close, you may notice how the eyelids begin to grow heavier and heavier.

- closed their eyes. Okay. Now, just as slowly, as slowly as possible, open our eyes. We open it with force - even if the eyelids become heavy and the eyes stick together.

- Okay. Now again slowly slowly lower the heavy eyelids.

- Repeat the eye exercise several times - while you are still able to open and close your eyes, before falling into a deep sleep.

Be aware that the main task of any media is to deliver negative news. Don't believe me? Take a piece of paper and a pen. Divide the sheet in half. Put a minus on the left in the column, plus on the right. Now turn on the TV on a news release (open a news site) and sort all the news according to the emotions that they cause in you: on the left - negative, on the right - positive. Now count the more news in which column.

Why does this happen? It's very simple: journalists cannot make money on positive news. In addition to journalists, currency or stock traders make money on the news. Are you not one of them? Not? So why do you need this daily stream of news? The news does not improve your educational or cultural level in any way - quite the opposite. News carries negative emotions (resentment, anger, fear, aggression, envy) that you are forced to somehow process and react (in a conversation, in a quarrel, in the affect of emotions, in dreams). Negative information can be displaced into the subconscious and remain there in the form of a time bomb breaking through in the same nightmares. Why do you need all this? Just shut off this permanent channel of absolutely useless information for your life and well-being. It is not so easy to do this: the media uses hidden and explicit suggestions "Stay with us", "Do not switch", "Stay informed", "Subscribe to news". After all, journalists need to retain their audience - otherwise who will pay them for advertising?

But when you free your consciousness from this flow of information, you will very soon be surprised to notice how your physical and mental state begins to change. How to spend your free time? Read smart books to get really useful information and improve your educational level.

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Prayer when the soul is hard and you want to cry, 3 prayers

When your soul is heavy and you want to cry, prayers for sorrow will help you. From vanity, losses, divorces and squabbles, you are exhausted, reacting to the world with litigation and tears.

Dear ones, it would seem that there is no reason for a devastated sob.

You cannot understand what is happening.

Immediately, the thought is born that they have caused damage.

Please do not traumatize your soul by wiping away the flowing tears.

The best solution would be to strengthen your faith with the help of Orthodox prayers.

Light 3 candles. Place an icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow next to it.

Repent before the Lord God, remembering all your sins.

At this moment, you will want to cry again, but these are already tears of cleansing.

Start reading prayers to help your soul find grace and peace.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. You heal the souls that weep deeply, because the slaves forget about their sins. Wipe away my tears that flow in sorrow, calm down all the hardships that nest in life. Thy will be done. Amen.

Miracle worker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. We pray to you when we groan, sometimes, in mental anguish, we die. Deliver me from the tears of the mourners, as I am mistaken, teach me the right path. Thy will be done. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Forgive me for crying from adversity, not seeing the righteous people nearby. For the heaviness that I carry in sinfulness, I wipe a bitter tear from my eyes. Have mercy, God, strengthen the faith, sprinkle the soul with holy water. Thy will be done. Amen.

Read each prayer 3 times, gazing with rapture at the holy images.

When your soul is heavy and you want to cry, remember that faith in Christ will help you.

If it's hard on your soul, what to do?

As always, on Fridays, our communication is dedicated to questions and answers. And the first question that I want to answer, and which we will consider with you today, will be the following question. This question worries many people today. A person has a heavy heart and the question arises: "What to do?"

first you need to find out the reason for this heaviness in the soul.

People often ask this question. Before answering this question, why the soul is hard and what to do, you must first find out the cause of this severity. You yourself understand that it can be hard on a person's soul for a variety of reasons - because of some everyday problems, family troubles, etc. Therefore, to put it simply, in general terms, that if the soul is hard, then pray to God, then in this way we will not say anything concrete to a person. This is not very specific, it will be said very abstractly.

I think that every person, if his soul is hard, then he himself knows the reason why, and because of what he is hard at heart. And, probably, it is in connection with this specific problem that he wants to get some specific answer. Therefore, I repeat once again that first you need to find out the reason for this heaviness on the soul.

The reasons for the heaviness of the soul may be as follows. This is not to say that everyone can have one reason. When people say: “I have a heavy heart,” then what is meant most of all is this kind of moral heaviness. The severity of the pressure of a person's conscience. A person suffers, and I would even say, righteously suffers, but, nevertheless, he suffers.

I want to emphasize. It seems that there should be no righteous torment. But, if it is our conscience that torments us, then this is a good, righteous torment. Therefore, one of the reasons why a person's soul is heavy may be a moral burden, a feeling of guilt for a sin made by a person against another person.

Someone may have been offended or insulted or deceived... Maybe he lost heart at some point, and did not stand up for the truth, being afraid of being subjected to oppression or persecution. It happens that the husband cheated on his wife or the wife cheated on her husband.

If such a heaviness on the heart appears in a person, then it is most likely that he or she first committed such an act, or cheated on each other. When this is done systematically, there is no longer any gravity, there is no longer any remorse, there is already joy and joyful memories. Excuse me for saying this, but for a fleshly man it really is a joy, and he does not feel any weight of guilt for his sin !?

The reason for this moral severity may be the betrayal of a friend. In a fit of some thoughtlessness, the man betrayed his friend, did not protect him, did not support him at the right time, although it was necessary to do this. It happens that a person has not extended a helping hand to some person, friend, relative or brother in faith ... And then this person suffers for such an act.

And it can be hard on the soul because a bank loan is hanging overhead. And the same torment befalls a person. There can be many reasons.

Summarizing what I have just said, I want to draw your attention to the fact that one of the main reasons that create a burden on the soul is a feeling of heaviness from blaming our conscience for some sin or unworthy deed. Those. we have done something unkind in life. Somewhere they stumbled, somewhere they offended, somewhere they said, somewhere they did not support someone, someone might be betrayed. What to do in this case?

If the heaviness on the soul is associated with the condemnation of conscience, then it is necessary to respond to the voice of conscience.

If the heaviness on the soul is associated with the condemnation of conscience, i.e. this person is experiencing a moral burden, and this, one might say, is the main reason for the heaviness on the soul, then it is necessary to respond to the voice of conscience.

You must ask for forgiveness for what you have done, and compensate for the damage caused as much as possible, both moral and material. Why do I say that you need to respond to this voice of conscience. Conscience judges us, our souls are hard because of this, and I do not take a step towards my conscience in order to remove this feeling of discomfort from my soul.

As long as I resist the voice of conscience, until I take a step towards meeting my conscience for reconciliation, to eliminate this evil, then how much I will walk in unrepentance, how much I will pull the rubber and will not go to reconciliation, I will not ask forgiveness, I will not try to compensate for the losses, so much time in my soul and the heaviness will be felt.

how much I will pull the rubber and will not go to reconciliation, so much time in my soul and the heaviness will be felt.

Those. what should be done? Just respond to the voice of conscience, go to the person whom we offended and ask him for forgiveness. And, naturally, all this should be done from the heart, from the soul, so that it can be seen, so that there is no doubt that the repentance is done sincerely. And when we admit our guilt, when we do not justify our deed or our words, and we are forgiven from the heart just as we ask for forgiveness from the heart, then the burden from our soul, this moral burden, is removed.

Exactly the same thing happens, as before a person, and before God. There is no difference in this! If we have committed a sin, then we walk with a weight in our souls, a sense of conscience condemns us, we walk like restless ones. But when we reveal our sin to God or to a person, and call it by our name, there is such a feeling that “the heaviness has gone from the soul”. We see a person's forgiveness, we feel that God forgives us, and we feel better at heart. And when we confirm this verbal repentance with a worthy fruit of repentance in real life, then, naturally, the soul becomes even easier. If our conscience judges us, then there is hope for the correction of our life and for the removal of the burden from our soul. And not all is lost.

It is important not to forget the following: the longer a person resists the voice of conscience, the longer this heaviness will be. In addition, over time, as we resist the voice of conscience, it, i.e. conscience, will be quieter and quieter to signal to us about our abnormality in behavior. If we continue to be in this state, we can reach a point in our life when this conscience is completely burnt out. After that, there will be a moral vacuum, and the feeling of heaviness on the soul will no longer be there either.

Some people say, “I did this! At first, my conscience judged me and it was hard for me. I just repeatedly ignored the voice of conscience, and over time, the conscience fell silent, and the heaviness left the soul... And it's not hard for me anymore! " As you can see, the heaviness of the soul went away due to the fact that the conscience disappeared.

Indeed, there will be complete freedom from conscience and from shame. There will be no heaviness in the soul. But arrogance and shamelessness will become the dominant factor in the life of such a person. The heaviness of the soul from shame, indeed, will no longer be, but there will be a lot of problems in relations with people.

The faster and more often we respond to the voice of conscience, the stronger and more weighty the voice of conscience will be to induce us to repentance and unwillingness to repeat such acts. By the way, what can I say along the way? The voice of conscience is the voice of God within a person. By listening to our conscience or rejecting it, we thus make a choice between good and evil, between Satan and God, and determine who we really are: a man or an animal. We can either degrade or be ennobled, depending on whether or not we listen to the voice of conscience. The voice of conscience is also the voice of God, it is the voice of the Holy Spirit that encourages us to goodness and repentance, regardless of whether we believe in God or not. He encourages us to be good and this is what distinguishes man from animal. An animal is driven in life by instincts, a person - by conscience and sanity.

By listening to our conscience or rejecting it, we thus make a choice between good and evil, between Satan and God, and determine who we really are: a man or an animal.

What else could be the reason that it is hard on the soul?

It can be hard or not comfortable in the soul, and not for moral reasons, but for the exact opposite. The reason for such a heaviness on the soul can be: resentment, envy, jealousy, irritation, a desire to take revenge on someone ...

Such a person does not have peace in the heart of a person, the person says: "I cannot find peace, I cannot sleep, I am sausage, enrages me, anger boils." But this is already a different shade of heaviness on the soul, but, nevertheless, it is also a burden, this is also a burden for our soul. After all, a person does not feel calm, peaceful.
By the way, I would even say that this is not an easy severity - it is a mental illness, and a serious one at that. Because our soul, as restless, cannot find peace. And if I am by nature resentful, envious, jealous, vindictive, then this is a burden not only for the soul and body - I am a burden for myself. I'm sick, and it's hard, excuse me, I'll even say it on my head. What to do, in this case, to get rid of this sinful burden of the soul?

To put it another way, we curse ourselves by this. Touchiness, jealousy, envy, irritability, vindictiveness, etc., this is our real curse. We just don't seem to wish ourselves a curse. None of us will say to ourselves such a wish that I would have this and that and all bad things. But anger at someone, resentment, jealousy, envy, etc., first of all, like rot, like an infection, like an infection, destroys ourselves. This is still a question, can we take revenge on someone, or not, if we want to take revenge, will we be able to do it or not? This is another question. We may not be able to do this.

We will want to take revenge on someone, but we may not succeed.But we will harm ourselves definitely

We will want to take revenge on someone, but we may not be able to do this due to some circumstances - the person left, I myself became ill, or something else might happen. But we will harm ourselves unambiguously! Whom do we do badly when we are angry with someone or envy with black envy of someone, if not ourselves? Therefore, if you want to harm yourself, be sure to be angry with someone, take offense at someone, envy someone, and you will achieve this goal. You can give a 100% guarantee that you will do the worst harm to yourself. This is not my advice to you! I say this so that we think to whom we, in the first place, harm by this, and did exactly the opposite - leave this stupid venture to be angry with someone! Have pity on yourself! Do not destroy yourself with your malice!

Therefore, if you want to harm yourself, be sure to be angry with someone, take offense at someone, envy someone, and you will achieve this goal.

Also keep in mind that if the person whom we want to harm, and whom we take offense at, does not take offense, and does not react in any way to our anger, we cannot reach him with this, then the question arises whether we are not hitting ourselves with a penalty. your own empty net? Who, then, are we shooting at? Is it not in yourself? It's like shooting yourself in the leg to harm someone! We do evil to ourselves! This speaks of the degree of our madness!

Such a person who takes offense, envies, burns with desire, sits on a powder keg with a lit fuse, which he himself sets on fire. On a nervous basis, all diseases will come to such a person, dementia will come! And such a person can have no doubt that he, over time, will become a client of a psychiatric hospital! Each of these attacks of evil, aggression, this is, as people say, a "kick", this is a draft in the head, this is the refusal of our brains to fulfill their duties and functions. Even if you don't get to the psychiatric hospital, you will undoubtedly be a psychopath.

Once again, what to do in this case? I have already said that this is a serious illness. And, of course, in this case, you need to be treated! But there is no cure for such a bad nature. There are only sedative psychotropic "drugs"! Because the medicine should cure, and the medicine that is given in the psychiatric hospital does not heal a person. It simply drowns out our consciousness and raging nature, so that we do not have any questions, so that our conscience does not torment us, and so that our aggression simply diminishes.

Some, as you know, find comfort in alcohol or drugs, but this is also not a solution to the problem, but only its aggravation. To one misfortune we add another, even more insidious. That was not the mind to act cleverly, psychos and fools took possession of us, and then, in addition, they began to drink or inject themselves, so that the last glimmer of the mind would disappear.

I ask a question. Is there really no remedy for the heaviness of the soul, which is the result of a lack of intelligence, or bad temper? Unfortunately for us, people really do not have such a medicine! It is only with God, but you still need to come to an understanding of this.

Is there really no remedy for the heaviness of the soul, which is the result of a lack of intelligence, or bad temper? Unfortunately for us, people really do not have such a medicine! It is only with God, but you still need to come to an understanding of this.

Of course, you can't tell about it in five minutes so that everything becomes clear. And if I try to talk about this briefly and schematically in five minutes, then I will have to use such expressions and phrases, the meaning of which will have to be deciphered for a long time, so that it is clear how to get out of this situation and take the burden off my soul. Therefore, I still speak more schematically and in general terms, with the aim of making a person think.

I said that people do not have this medicine, only God has it, to which we need to come. I do not mean that coming to God means starting to go to church, lighting candles and taking part in the sacraments, or agreeing with church doctrines. A religion that is incapable of changing and sanctifying a sinful person already in this life is a pitiful counterfeit of divine truth.

The religion that exists only creates the appearance of deliverance, creating a kind of counterfeit to the true medicine.

Religion, not the one that should be, but the one that exists, does not free a person from problems by getting rid of his sinful nature, which is the cause of the problems of the human soul. She only creates the appearance of this, creating a kind of counterfeit to the true medicine. She takes the burden off the soul in the following way.

Sin, man cannot overcome, we will not fulfill the Law of God, by works we will never be justified before God, we will be saved by faith, and not by works, we are under grace, and not under the law. He will have mercy on us, regardless of any of our actions, out of his great mercy and love ... Therefore, if you have sinned, do not torment in your soul, place all your worries on Christ, and do not try to change, as this is impossible!

For a sensual and easily inspired person, this is pleasant.! He either puts everything on Christ, or throws everything, as the believers say, for the backbone! And if aggression, resentment and something like that are manifested, then ask for forgiveness and, forgetting what is behind, prostrate forward! Those., sin and repent, sin and repent! And so on until the very coming of Christ! As a result of such a frivolous attitude towards God, His word, the voice of conscience, the burden is easily removed from his soul! And why torment in the soul from remorse for the sin committed, if only Christ alone could not sin, and only because He had a divine nature on earth!

Something was suggested to the person, he took it on faith, but at the same time he himself remained the same as he was before his faith in Christ. Such a religion disaccates a person from thinking what he believes in, and why he believes! There is a kind of fooling of people. Hence the famous Leninist expression: "Religion is opium for the people."

But, in a reasonable and sane person, the soul will calm down only when he gets rid of that which creates heaviness in his soul.

But, for a reasonable and sane person, this does not cause reassurance, since he understands that the problem of the evil inflicted remains, and this does not give peace to his soul. In such a person, the soul will calm down only when he gets rid of that which creates heaviness in his soul. And until he learns the secret of the mechanism of how to get rid of sin, from the root cause of the suffering of the soul, he will not rest until then.

When I say that it is necessary to come to God, this means that it is necessary to come into close personal relationship with Him, it is necessary to follow the path of sanctification, it is necessary to know the laws of good and evil and the laws of the liberation of our souls from evil. Those. freed by the way of God from resentment, envy, jealousy, etc., we will no longer be moved by these animal feelings and passions. We will no longer commit sin. We ourselves will not be evil, and we will not offend another person, and our soul will feel free from the burden that our inclination to sin places on us. She, as it were, escaped the captivity of this slave sinful carnal nature.

By the way, to put it more simply, the formula for freeing our souls from sin is as simple as the multiplication table. I will read a couple of passages from the Bible, I will not interpret them to you, tk. I have explained this many times already, Look how simple it is written. People say that we cannot get rid of sin, it is impossible, we are poor, unhappy people. And while we are on this sinful earth and Satan is here, we are doomed to sin, which means, automatically, are doomed to bear heaviness in our soul.

I am reading these two passages. First place, Gal. 5: 16-17: “I say walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh, for the flesh desires the opposite of the spirit, and the spirit desires the opposite of the flesh: they oppose each other, so you do not do what would you like". Pay attention, people say that it is difficult and impossible, and it is not clear how you can get rid of sin ?! Paul describes this mechanism of deliverance from sin to primitiveness simply!

There are two components of this mechanism - spirit and flesh! Two simple biblical concepts! Tell me, what other intelligence do you need to have to understand such elementary mathematics? It is written here so simply and so clearly - just act in the spirit, and you will not sin! Or in other words, saying - do not act according to the flesh, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh, just do not listen to what it tells you, and sin will disappear from you! You will not have rash words, you will not have resentment, irritation, envy, there will be no psychos, there will be no shouting, din, noise and obscene expressions! There will be no conflicts at all. No one will give you change, your conscience will not condemn you! See how simple it is. And there is no heaviness on the soul. Let's forget what it is.

Second place - Rom. 7: 21-23: “So, I find the law that when I want to do good, evil belongs to me. For in the inner man I find pleasure in the law of God; but in my members I see another law, opposing the law of my mind and making me a captive to the law of sin which is in my members. " This is a little more complicated than the previous verse I read. But, in principle, in other words, the same is said about the same thing.

If a person really wants to free himself from the slavery of his irrepressible sinful nature and wants to feel like a real person, and not an embittered animal, you just need to strain your brains a little. Take the Bible, of course, strain your brains and clearly define for yourself what the Bible means by the words spirit and flesh. Next, you need to understand their location in our body. What is spirit, where is it and what are its signs. And what is flesh, and where is it and how it is determined.

And then you just need to follow the above instruction from Gal. 5: 16-17 - "Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh." I will not talk about this in detail, since this is already a different topic that we have already covered more than once. Therefore, I will not repeat it. And the believers who say that it is impossible to be like Christ are here on earth, they thus automatically subscribe in their unbelief and in their failure, as Christians. Those. they are generally unbelievers, not Christians, not a church. In general, they are antichrists.

What else could be said about when a person wants to free himself from the burden on his soul because his nature is, excuse me, fleshly, bad, sinful? Knock and they will open it for you, ask and they will answer you! Search and you will find! Dare, but do not be daring to God, saying that sin is invincible! Whoever wants, he will find a solution, and who does not want, he will find a reason!

And if on the way to God we meet the so-called “believers” from churches and synagogues and offer us as “medicines” various meditative postures, like those of yogis, opening the chakras below the head, patching holes in biofields, bioenergy, meditation, mantras, removal damage and evil eye, memorized prayers, speaking in other languages, mystical rituals, rosary beads, holy places and other religious attributes that require turning off the mind and unconsciously following in "faith" in mystical nirvana, then you need to remember the following.

If we want to come to God and want to find answers and free ourselves from the sinful burden of the soul, then we must not forget that the head was given to us by God not to serve as a hanger for a headdress.

If we want to come to God and want to find answers and free ourselves from the sinful burden of the soul, then we must not forget that the head was given to us by God not to serve as a hanger for a headdress. I deliberately listed these so-called. "Believing drugs" so that you know about them. This is the world of mysticism, this is headlessness, this is a shutdown of reason, and we are in some such inexplicable mystical heights.

Believers believe that we should believe in what we are told, and not ask questions! But, in contrast to these statements, listen to what God says about Himself: "I am wisdom, I dwell with reason and seek judicious knowledge." And those who say that one must believe, that one must listen to the heart and turn off the mind and go into mystical nirvana, thereby injecting a narcotic dose into the listeners' veins!

What else is a heaviness on the soul?

Dissatisfaction with your life. That is, what I want, in my life I cannot. I am planning, but the plans are not being implemented. There is dissatisfaction with oneself. My life is bad because I don't understand myself. I'm not satisfied with myself. I never achieve anything. I undertake everything and do not finish anything to the end, or I do nothing at all. I'm a failure in life. I can’t find a common language with people, I’m a loner in life, my family doesn’t form. Everywhere I am conflicted.

There is also such a reason. People often say that there is no peace in the soul, there is no joy, that God does not answer me. I don't understand the Bible. I cannot find a wise counselor. That is, there are questions and problems, but I do not have an answer and a solution. And I also walk with this burden. And this burden also creates a feeling of heaviness in the soul.

And God exists, and there are wise people, and the Bible is not as complicated as it seems to us. Only the question arises, why can't I solve them, these problems and don't know how to do it?

All these problems are dissatisfaction with life, with oneself, all these problems are solvable. And God exists, and there are wise people, and the Bible is not as complicated as it seems to us. Only the question arises, why can't I solve them, these problems and don't know how to do it? Why can't I do it? The answer is very simple.
I'm not saying that this is the only answer, but this is one of the most important answers to the questions that life asks us! With the understanding of this answer, the further life in God and the solution of all our problems begins. To solve all these problems, it is necessary to learn the laws by which we, people, live.
We don't really know what laws our country lives by. We do not know any economic laws. I will honestly tell you that you do not need to know all this because it is a well-veiled deception under a scientific sauce. The science of economics, as such, does not exist at all. This, excuse me, is a stupid thing that people make a fool of. Capitalism, socialism, democracy, the liberal system ... None of the people really know anything about what it is and what they eat it with.
But what happens in a person: good, evil, their relationship within us, their opposition, etc. - all this can be found out. We must understand this, understand these laws and patterns of good and evil. To understand what is wisdom and what is stupidity, what is good, what is evil and how it all coexists within us, and how it interacts with each other. Again, this is not an easy topic, I have touched on it more than once, and now I will not dwell on it. I want to ask the question: "Why did we not know this earlier?"

First, they don't teach this at school. Secondly, rarely what parents know and teach their children. Thirdly, there are no such institutes, universities, or academies where this would be taught. The fact that there are faculties of philosophy is far from what mankind needs. Modern philosophy - I like to philosophize. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken when I said this: "I like to be clever!" Loving real wisdom and learning it is one thing, but loving to be clever in front of each other is quite another! Indeed, there are no such educational institutions, there are no such institutions where we would be taught wisdom and at least explained to us what it is? But the reason is not that there are no establishments. Life hits us, makes us think, life asks us questions. We would have to respond to them, ask these questions, think about them, we would have to be persistent in order to get these answers.

But we simply were not able to learn anything and from anyone. As from childhood, we resisted parental tips and advice, thinking that we ourselves understand everything correctly, so this habit went through our lives: to be clever, not to listen to anyone and to be in our minds. From birth we have indignation, cry, disagreement, discontent and protest. Why? Not everyone is doing everything right, as I understand it.! I alone know what, where and why!

As natural born “teachers,” we resisted all learning. Our ability to learn, to be students, to think, ask questions and delve into has atrophied.

As natural born “teachers,” we resisted all learning. Our ability to learn, to be students, to think, ask questions and delve into has atrophied. We have an innate desire to speak, argue, prove, protest, and disagree. And on what basis we protest, how can we prove that we have true knowledge - it doesn't matter to us! I think so, I don’t like it, I don’t want to - that is all our arguments in favor of our "learning"!

We opposed any method of teaching. Life teaches us, makes us think - we were against! Parents tell us, people from the outside say - we didn't listen! And our excuse is typical - that I'm a fool, that everyone teaches me ?! Therefore, what we sow is what we reap. We missed the lessons of wisdom, now we are reaping the lessons of stupidity!

We have no knowledge of how to change our life and ourselves, how to change our bad habits. And the reason for all this is that we are not able to learn!

We have no knowledge of how to change our life and ourselves, how to change our bad habits. And the reason for all this is that we are not able to learn! Everything is natural and everything is logical! If I am not satisfied with life and myself, then maybe I don’t know what is the meaning of a person’s life, why did I come into this world? I do not know what is the true value in this world, but what is the rubbish that interferes with the achievement of this goal? Notice we don't think about it. We think that the meaning of life is money, power, authority, strength and my reign over someone. We do not understand that this is not why we are chasing! It creates problems for us only and an additional feeling of heaviness and burden in our soul. We have to think about it.

Within us, in our consciousness, a reassessment of values ​​should take place and true values ​​should be called by their proper names, and rubbish should be called rubbish.

Within us, in our consciousness, a reassessment of values ​​should take place and true values ​​should be called by their proper names, and rubbish should be called rubbish. Trash will have to admit, and a career, and the desire to be smart, and the presence of a lot of money and pleasures. All this is rubbish, rubbish that prevents us from knowing eternal values! All this gives rise to only one problem. Therefore, in order to stop being clever, we just need to understand that we still do not have enough intelligence in life. We think that we are some kind of outstanding "experts" in all questions and problems of life! It seems so to us, but in reality it is not. We must stop being clever and assert something categorically! And in order to understand this, it will be necessary to observe ourselves, what we asserted, and how in our life it came true. This will be necessary so that we are disappointed in our "outstanding" mental abilities and come to a common human denominator that we do not really know anything, we do not understand anything. The only thing we are specialists in is to be smart, do stupid things, get angry, take revenge, take offense, insist on our own, and protest against any training !!! And only after we realize this, understand and admit our stupidity and limitations, we will be able to learn something.

By the way, I want to recall the biblical verse from the Epistle of James: "God resists the proud, gives grace to the humble." Having understood, having made sure why my plans and their implementation do not fit in my life, I will have to start repairing my stupid head, my outdated computer, which constantly hangs due to its own stupidity - to start cleaning the memory and reinstalling all the programs again.

Of course, you can't tell everything in a short time. But, if a person wants to know something, this reasoning, I think, will give impetus for reflection. And then, as I said, knock and they will open the door for you! God cannot but answer a person who sincerely seeks an answer from Him!

A large amount of internal energy is spent on many daily activities and various experiences. And very often, with the devastation of energy reserves, it occurs, and a person cannot understand why it is so bad in his soul. At the first signs of such a state, you need to try to help yourself, otherwise a prolonged depression may occur, which will disable you for a long time.

What to do if the soul is very bad?

When the soul is very bad, a person feels oppressed, unhappy, weak, useless. To find the strength to get rid of this state, you need to be angry with yourself, anger will push you to action against your own weakness and inefficiency. If the desire to act has appeared, but there is nothing to attach it to, you need to load your body physically - go for a run, dance, arrange a general cleaning, etc.

A bad state of mind almost always leads to holding back emotions, and holding back negative experiences is especially dangerous. To throw them out, you can shout loudly (preferably in a secluded place in nature), beat a pillow or punching bag. Such relaxation helps to look at problems in a new way and find a way out of life's impasse.

The craving for a bad state of mind is a natural urge, which can be compared to the desire of a turtle to hide in its shell. However, such withdrawal into oneself does not lead to solving problems, but exacerbates them. To improve your own condition, you need to communicate with friends, go for walks, travel.

And most importantly, when it’s very bad at heart, you cannot think that this is forever. A difficult period will not last forever, sooner or later there will be an improvement. You need to learn a lesson from problems, evaluate yourself as objectively as possible, and the next time troubles will be experienced much easier.
