The official “Russian Ken” Yegor Kholyavin was urgently hospitalized due to internal bleeding after surgery. The victim of plastic surgery, Yegor Khalyavin, admitted who supports him. Yegor Khalyavin, what happened to him.

Yegor Kholyavin is a participant in the country’s most famous TV show “Dom-2”, famous for his determination and perseverance in changing his own appearance. Now fans call the guy “Russian Ken,” because the once plump, good-natured man has turned into Barbie’s fatal friend.

Participation in "House 2"

He was solemnly dressed in a suit with a bow tie, and in his hands he held a bouquet of flowers for his beloved Tanya Kirilyuk. The single participants, experienced in matters of male beauty, immediately pointed out to the newcomer his unathletic figure and excess weight.

This is not surprising, because at the time of his arrival he weighed about 130 kilograms. The newcomer tried not to accept all the harsh criticism, but relied on the gallantry and beauty of the courtship. Tanya, however, rejected young man, choosing the more beautiful and slender Ilya Grigorenko. Egor turned his attention to , but also with new passion failure awaited him. Bogdan Lenchuk stood in the way of his attempts.

Marina didn’t really like it physical form boyfriend. Despite this, the couple even went to the Seychelles, but even there all attempts to build love failed. A relationship has developed between Egor and Bogdan as competitors for the “princess of the project” Marina. A special scandal erupted when a photo posted by Bogdan went viral. It shows Bogdan’s bare bottom next to the face of Yegor, who is peacefully snoring. Despite all the obstacles passed, the new participant did not stay with Afrikantova, and after leaving the project he began to work closely on transforming his own appearance.

Plastic surgery by Yegor Kholyavin

Excess weight did not bother Kholyavin as much as the heroes around him on the site. It was the tactful remarks of Afrikantova’s chosen one that forced the cute fat man to lose more than 50 kilograms in 10 months. But these were only the first steps in a series of changes for the reality show hero.

  • Abdominoplasty. After a dramatic weight loss, the young man had to undergo surgery to reduce his abdomen. Surgeons removed sagging skin, which noticeably changed the figure of the young man in better side. Kholyavin himself speaks without hesitation about the procedure performed, and the hero of House 2 willingly talks about all other plastic procedures on Instagram, where he also posts photos and videos about his beloved self.

  • . The future Russian Ken decided to start working with his face by correcting its shape. The removal of the lumps was successful, the face became noticeably thinner, the oval lengthened, and the “bulldog” cheeks disappeared. “Don’t worry about me, I feel just fine without these lumps,” says Kholyavin.

  • Lip augmentation. Many subscribers to the page of the hero of House 2 believe that Yegor Kholyavin after the operation began to look like a girl. He is literally preoccupied with his own lips, pumping everything inside large quantity fillers.

As a result of the procedures, the mouth began to grow, blowing out into a disgusting “duck face”. I took in a lot especially upper lip guy. It was raised and swollen, which is typical for those who overdid the number of injections.

  • Correction of cheekbones. If we consider what Yegor Kholyavin looks like before and after surgery, we can note a significant change in him. The candidate for the honorary title of Russian Ken corrected the oval face by inserting mesothreads under the skin. The product visually tightened the cheekbones, the guy began to look younger and slimmer. “It’s so good that thanks to modern technologies I can maintain my youth and attractiveness for a long time,” says the young man.

  • Chin plastic surgery. The doctor completely removed excess fat and skin. This made my face even slimmer. According to the young man, the future Ken was looking forward to this procedure more than any other, as he was always embarrassed by his drooping double chin.

  • Blepharoplasty. Previously carried out manipulations captured the former burglar with his head. Operations rained down like from a cornucopia. Eye surgery was combined with rhinoplasty. The TV star definitely set his sights on the image of Ken, so the doctors thinned his nose, giving the tip the correct shape. The folds of skin that gave the face a slightly tired expression were removed from the upper eyelid.

  • Implants in the chest, abdomen and back. Work on Ken's body continues. Surgeons are working on artificially drawing muscles. The victim of plastic surgery can no longer imagine later life without a surgical scalpel.
He suffered the same fate as his puppet colleagues in the puppet workshop and.

Detractors chuckle that such changes will lead to photos appearing in which Yegor Kholyavin will appear before and after his gender change, because the guy is suspected of having a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Cosmetology by Egor Kholyavin

Every day the hero visits a cosmetologist’s office, where the following procedures are performed on his face: skin cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing masks.

He has already performed correction of nasolacrimal grooves, skin lifting, facial rejuvenating injections with his own blood and much more.

Social life of a former member of House-2

Returning from the project, Kholyavin began to promote given name. The situation was favorable, since radical weight loss attracted attention to his person and gave rise to a lot of speculation and rumors. As in the transformation situation, Ken's story has been used more than once by scammers advertising weight loss products.

This fact made the guy nervous, which he wrote about on his mega-popular Instagram and in Ken’s diary. In addition to their active Internet life, Ekaterina Bakh and Yegor Kholyavin organized several projects, the purpose of which is to hold weddings, birthdays and other holidays.

The services of a top presenter and ex-participant in a reality show will cost customers a tidy sum. In addition, the guy travels and continues to transform into Ken. And the last birthday former member TV show showed that the guy was literally obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming Barbie’s friend, because he showed up at the party in a pink doll box.

The story of a former burglar shows how contagious an example can be. Almost all the heroes of the TV series have been under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon, but Kholyavin’s transformation is manic.

The plastic surgery on the way to the cherished Ken is not over yet; no one knows what the ex-burglar’s ​​next step will be.

Video: Birthday of Russian Ken-Egor Kholyavin

Yegor Kholyavin stayed on Dom-2 for a little over a year, but during this time he never managed to find his love on the project. Time after time, girls preferred muscular young men to Yegor, whose weight reached 150 kilograms. After leaving the show, Kholyavin decided to change radically and began to act actively.

Having lost more than 50 kilograms, Yegor began to take care of his face. Over the course of several years, the young man underwent 10 plastic surgeries: rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, removal of Bisha's lumps and others. Egor regularly visits a cosmetologist and dentist. According to Yegor himself, he set himself the goal of becoming the first “Russian Ken”.


But it seems that his own ambitions played a cruel joke on Yegor. After another operation, his condition deteriorated sharply, as a result of which the man was urgently hospitalized. According to Lifenews, this happened on the second day after surgery to correct the shape of the chin.

Although just recently Yegor wrote on his Instagram that he quickly recovered from the operation and even managed to go to work: “Yesterday complex operation in the face performed by a wonderful doctor. And today Ken is already at work. This is what my doctor’s golden hands mean, a professional in his field and just a wonderful person. Thank you very much to you and to those who worry about me, your support is very important to me. PS: My beloved mom, don’t worry so much. Everything will be fine, I promise you.”

Earlier it was reported that the dramatically transformed Yegor Kholyavin had a girlfriend. The chosen one of “Russian Ken” was ex-participant of “House-2” Liberzh Kpadonu.

The Dom-2 project gave Russian show business many new media personalities. These included singer Olga Buzova, socialite Alena Vodonaeva, actress Natalya Bardo, Instagram star and one of the presenters of the project Ksenia Borodina. Now finest hour Yegor Khalyavin was also caught, who was unstoppable in his desire to ideal beauty and doll-like appearance.

The guy had just begun his journey of body and face transformation when the domestic media recognized him as the Russian Ken. Let's find out how Yegor Khalyavin changes, namely his face and body before and after plastic surgery.

Dom-2 as a launching pad in life

On May 2, 2014, a cute boy Yegor Khalyavin came to the hyper-popular television project. The guy looked like a gallant good-natured man who smiled sweetly. Half of the girls in the project did not accept Yegor because of his obesity, despite his sharp mind, rationality, and sense of humor.

Egor stayed at the television production site for about a year. He tried unsuccessfully to build love with Tanya Kirilyuk and Marina Afrikantova.

The organizers of the show have more than once helped the participants go through the transformation of their appearance in order to build love on the project and successfully realize themselves outside of it. Egor was recommended special diet and a sports complex. The guy behind a short time I lost 20 kilograms and was even chosen to live in the Seychelles with my other half.

This couple became the pioneers of Love Island. But you won’t be nice by force, and Khalyavin still had to leave the project. The guy was not upset at all and began to work hard on his body and appearance.

Changes after leaving

As soon as Egor left the project, he began posting on global network photographs with noticeable changes in appearance. Despite the fact that the guy lost a lot of weight on the project, Egor also decided to change his appearance.

He removed the so-called Bisha lumps on the cheeks. Yegor's face became thin and doll-like. And cosmetologists also pumped hyaluronic acid into the guy’s lips and corrected the oval of his face. Even Yegor Khalyavin acquired clear, beautiful outlines.

The young man announced to his fans that he was going to see a plastic surgeon again to get his body in order. Egor wants to make his appearance ideal, like his foreign doll “brothers”. On latest photos you can see Khalyavin visiting a plastic surgeon and having him apply markings to his body.

Doctors used a surgical marker to mark on the guy’s body his future breasts, ideal six-pack abs, oblique abdominal muscles and back contour.

Khalyavin not only went through the listed manipulations of plastic surgeons, but also not so long ago, Egor did liposuction, removed the mucous membrane, tightened his eyelids, and enlarged his buttocks. The guy himself says that with each operation (and he has already completed 11 of the required 30) he feels more confident. With the help of surgeons, he removed excess hair from his face. body fat and even used the service of a facelift using threads.

    Would you like to have rhinoplasty?

The guy posts every photo of his transformation, which brings him closer to his goal.

Egor believes that it is these plastic surgeries that will make his body perfect. In total, he needs to go through 30 operations to get closer to the intended result. One can only envy Yegor’s perseverance and determination. He ignores the malicious outbursts of commentators against him. Some individuals are very annoyed that Yegor Khalyavin has changed a lot in appearance. He is constantly given examples of what he was like before and what he became after. But it is difficult to dissuade the young man.

Egor admits that he is in a protracted rehabilitation period; he always feels bad after operations. But the guy steadfastly endures all the hardships of fate and waits for the transformation to be completed.

How it all began

After leaving the youth television project, Khalyavin was contacted by an American company that deals with plastic surgery. They made Yegor an offer to go through their casting. At that time, he broke up with his girlfriend and decided it was time to change his life. At that time, the young man weighed 150 kilograms, and the company needed powerful advertising of its services, in other words, resonance.

After plastic surgery is completed, the production of boy dolls in the likeness of Yegor will be launched in America. He has many contracts with modeling agencies around the world. A show about changes in Khalyavin’s appearance will be launched on popular channels.

According to Yegor, after the first changes he was hit with a barrage of negativity on social networks. But the purposeful guy says that this is nothing compared to what he had to endure on the famous TV set. There he passed good school life, when every day began with humiliation against him because of his obesity. Egor notes that everyone changes themselves as they want. Some people like sports, others follow the same path as he did. The only thing that really hurts the guy is the sarcastic comments about his future, in particular, his children.

Evil critics write to Khalyavin that he will not be able to change his genetics and his children will be the same as he was before plastic surgery. The guy wants to start a family, because he recently turned 30 and is completely ready for such a serious step.

Yegor tries not to tell his mother about his plastic surgeries. She is very worried about her son and changes in his appearance. Yegor Khalyavin does not communicate with his maternal relatives. Before and after the plastic surgery, they did not support him in any way because of their biased attitude towards the guy’s lifestyle. But he is very friendly with his sister, who helps him in everything.

There are opinions that if Khalyavin finally goes through with the implementation of his plan to change his appearance, he will become a completely different person. Egor will not even remotely resemble the guy who came to Dom-2 to build.

Former participant of the reality show “Dom-2” Yegor Kholyavin risks his health almost every month by going to a new plastic surgery. The man admits that he is not afraid of anything, but is only slowly but surely moving towards his intended goal - to become a real living Ken. Many people wonder where the celebrity gets the money for such expensive procedures. Kholyavin explained that all his expenses are paid by the American production company.

“I cannot disclose the amount of my salary. I will say this: everything that is happening in my life now is paid for. Housing, travel by car with a driver, operations - the production center pays for everything. In addition, I received a separate amount for signing the contract; every month I am given a fixed salary, so to speak. I also receive a fee for operations, it grows every time,” Egor noted.

The man is not shy about broadcasting live during operations. Recently, footage appeared on the Internet after a procedure to reduce the chin of a TV star. According to Kholyavin, he really likes the changes in himself, because during his participation in the project he was a fat guy with glasses who was not interested in spectacular girls.

“Recently, my face underwent a major makeover: my chin was removed, my cheekbones and nose were changed, my ears were straightened. In total, since January I have undergone 5 operations, 8 are still ahead. We also need to reduce the pelvis so that the shoulders appear wider, undergo vision correction, I have already changed the shape of the eyes, we will also completely change the shape of the lips and make a Hollywood smile, they will insert a new jaw,” said Yegor.

Kholyavin's family is worried about his health. However, the man believes that he needs to confidently move towards fulfilling his dreams. Some time ago, Yegor claimed that it was his mother who was to blame for the fact that he became overweight. According to the reality TV star, early years Parents should give their children good eating habits.

“I was fat, I suffered humiliation and insults, I went through a difficult moment in my life when I became a member of Dom-2...

How much dirt I listened to in my direction... I already changed after the project, but after breaking up with the girl I loved very much, I realized that I wanted to radically change everything,” Kholyavin said in an interview with Sobesednik.

Let us remember that as a participant in a reality show, Kholyavin tried to build relationships with different girls, but each of them refused to take him seriously. Representatives of the fair sex argued that due to excess weight They cannot consider Yegor as a boyfriend, and also experience physical attraction to him. Later, the guy admitted that it was also for this reason that he decided to take desperate measures in the struggle for a perfect body.

Perhaps the most sincere feelings Kholyavin had feelings for the famous blonde of the TV show, Marina Afrikantova. After breaking up with her, the young man fell into a deep depression, from which he could not get out of for a long time. By the way, now, speaking of ex-lover Yegor does not hide the fact that he still has an interest in her, and his mother is counting on their reunion.

The famous participant in the TV show “Dom-2” Yegor Khalyavin managed to amaze all his fans and ill-wishers with his sudden weight loss. It took him a little more than six months to completely change his figure - according to some reports, the TV star managed to lose from 30 to 35 kg. It is not known exactly how much lighter Yegor has become, but his recent photos show that his volume has decreased significantly. Fans and media representatives have a natural question: how did Yegor Khalyavin lose weight? The “House” participant himself reveals his secrets and techniques, which we will tell you about.

How did Yegor Khalyavin lose 40 kg? This question can now be found on many websites selling special drugs for weight loss. The participant of the famous television project himself claims that he did not use any “miracle drugs” and that sellers of dubious dietary supplements simply want to cash in on his fame. You can also find statements on the Internet that Khalyavin underwent gastric bypass surgery, but this data has not been officially confirmed.

Some nutritionists are inclined to believe that Yegor Khalyavin lost weight with the help of plastic surgeons. The conclusion is based on the fact that the man has lost enough a large number of kilograms in just a few months, but the skin did not lose its elasticity. Yegor himself did not confirm this version; he states that his success has three components:

  • special food;
  • regular training;
  • hormonal therapy.

No carbohydrate diet

How did Yegor Khalyavin lose weight? He simply stopped eating any carbohydrates. According to nutritionists, such nutrition is not suitable for all people, but only for those whose bodies are oversaturated with carbohydrates. In the case of Khalyavin, the diet gave excellent results.

Another method of burning fat is used by professional athletes before competitions and is called “cutting.” Let's consider what the essence of such a diet is.

Hormone therapy

Before you find out how Yegor Khalyavin from “House-2” lost weight, you need to find out what led him to gain weight. The participant of the popular show himself admitted that since the age of 15 he has been suffering from hormonal imbalance, which occurred against the background of thyroid dysfunction.

Only after reception medications he managed to restore his hormonal levels. It is known that after solving this problem, people lose weight quite quickly and successfully, as happened in the case of Kholyavin.

Physical exercise

The no-carbohydrate diet that Egor follows will not work, like any other weight loss system, without physical activity. They are necessary to trigger lipolysis (the process of burning fat deposits).

Cardiac training will bring the most benefit; it is they that are aimed at eliminating excess fat.

Khalyavin regularly practices the following classes:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • jogging on a treadmill or outdoors;
  • exercise on an exercise bike;
  • walks at a brisk pace.

In conclusion

How much weight Yegor Khalyavin lost can be seen in his photo from social networks. Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find the most incredible versions of the star’s transformation, Yegor himself states that only solving health problems, a low-carbohydrate diet and sports helped him become slimmer.

Nutritionists warn that this weight loss option is not suitable for people engaged in active mental activity.

If you decide to follow in the footsteps of a celebrity, be sure to consult with your doctor and find out whether you can exclude all carbohydrate foods from your diet.
