DIY panel of rose petals. Toys, paintings, jewelry made from fresh and dried flowers

I would like to show you some of my works made from dried flowers.
Maybe someone will like some ideas :).
I've been interested in this for a long time - about 8 years ago. Some of the works turned out to be short-lived, but many are still pleasing to this day - except that they have faded a little.

I really love this wreath. The plants were secured on a wreath woven from willow branches.
The wreath included flowers of onion, molucela, kermek, laurel, diphinium boxes and all kinds of spikelets that we managed to collect in nature, thuja branches were painted with silver varnish (for hair)))). True, there are also purchased balls woven in on a wire (they were sold for New Year’s decor, but I used them in other crafts)
The wreath turned out to be long-lived - it lasted exactly 7 years (I don’t remember if it still exists now, because I made it as a gift)

Cute blue bird.
For about 8 years now it has been living on the wall in one of the rooms in my house.
It contains kermek, immortelle, delphinium boxes, a willow branch, and dried flower inflorescences are glued to it (I don’t remember what it’s called), lavender inflorescences were glued into it from below - these are the miracle flowers we got :)
The bird is purchased.

A yellow friend lives next to the blue one :)
Willow, reed (blooming and unblooming), tansy, again spikelets, the name of which I forgot.
I glued a yellow immortelle flower into the pendulous spikelets.

Flower heart. I gave it to my husband for one of the holidays.
Unfortunately, the panel lived for 4-5 years, and then it began to crumble.
Molucela, chrysanthemums, nightshade berries, immortelle, kermek, thuja, carnations, tansy, boxwood and other things that I could find in my supplies.

Such a panel has been hanging on one of the walls of the corridor for many years.
True, the cattail had to be cut off - it began to fly around one fine summer. I wanted to redo it, but never got around to it. In the end, I am the one who knows that there must be something else there, but it doesn’t catch the eye of others.

one of the first pictures.
"I sculpted from everything I had."
Unfortunately, it faded within a couple of years, and then I stopped liking it.

The picture has been hanging in the hallway for 7 years now.
And it still pleases (although it pleases only those who know about its location - crazy! hung above the switch)))), and if you don’t hit the switch in the dark, then... the thorns are still unpleasant))))

From rose petals you can make wedding decorations of incredible beauty or make delicious jam. Flower petals are useful both when decorating a wedding hall and when creating wedding accessories, such as wedding glasses. We will tell you in this material what to do with the petals of roses and other noble flowers.

Rose petals are often used to create original jewelry and crafts, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Before you start creating, you need to collect and dry the petals. Any roses are suitable for crafts, but for aromatizing tea petals or for taking a bath with petals, you will need real roses, not treated with chemicals, which can be grown in the country or in the front garden in front of the house. Rose petals are laid out in a thin layer on paper in a well-ventilated area. In this case, the petals should be in the shade; in the sun they will “fry” and become dry and brittle. Drying takes from 1 to 3 weeks. Another way is to dry the petals in a box: to do this, pour a layer of sand or semolina, lay out the petals, and pour another layer on top. Sand and grain will absorb moisture, so the drying process will go faster.

You can make many unusual and original things from rose petals. One of them is a decorative lantern. To do this, you will need pink petals of different colors and a glass bowl of any size, not too deep. A small round aquarium will also work. The idea is simple: you need to stick pink petals on top of the glass bowl, slightly overlapping, like tiles on a roof. In this case, the glass surface must first be cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone. It is most convenient to glue using a glue gun - it is inexpensive and is always useful in the household of those who like to create unusual things with their own hands. To ensure that the petals do not collapse and the lamp lasts a long time, you need to generously spray the petals with hairspray, or with glitter spray for extra shine. The last step is to pour some water into the lamp, put floating candles in it and light the fire.

Petals are also great for decorating photo frames. You need to take an old photo frame, acrylic paint and acrylic glue. If you have pink petals, a frame painted white will look especially tender and touching. You need to apply the paint with a thick, textured brush so that the frame is not smooth, but acquires a unique texture. The petals are attached to the top with acrylic glue: there should be enough free space so that the texture and color of the frame is visible. On top everything can be coated with regular hairspray or acrylic varnish. Before varnishing, you can add additional decorations - beads or rhinestones.

Rose petals can also be the centerpiece of crafts and appliques that you and your child can easily make. There are two main technologies here: use powder from pink petals as elements of unusual mosaics, or simply stick the petals on paper, cardboard or a wooden base, giving them a fancy shape. Pink petals are suitable for making butterflies, ship sails, princess dresses, trees and any other shapes that you plan to depict on a panel from petals and other natural materials.

Rose petals for a beautiful wedding

Usually rose petals are showered on the bride and groom when they leave the church or registry office. However, this is not the only application.

Firstly, the petals are perfect for decorating wedding glasses, which are an important attribute of the festive feast. On the one hand, such decor is very easy to make with your own hands, on the other hand, it looks elegant, unusual and very stylish. The choice of petal color depends on the wedding colors. It is best to use artificial petals. Their colors will be brighter, and there will be more choice of shades: from creamy peach to lavender. In addition, wedding accessories are prepared long before the ceremony, so it is not known how the dried petals will behave after a couple of weeks.

The manufacturing technology is very simple: you need to glue the petals overlapping, from the bottom up to about a third or half of the bowl of the glass. To do this you will need a glue gun - these can be bought at any hardware store. Before you start gluing, you need to degrease and clean the glass; to do this, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or acetone. The stem of the glass can be decorated with ribbons and a lace “skirt” that is easy to sew. The remaining undecorated part of the wine glass can also be decorated with beads and rhinestones resembling dew drops using a glue gun. But here it is important not to overdo it: the petals will look very elegant anyway.

Secondly, you can stuff a cushion for rings with fragrant scarlet rose petals. This wedding accessory is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. In order for the rose petals to be visible, the upper part of the pillow must be made of transparent material - lace, tulle, organza. In this case, the top of the pillow does not need to be decorated, just make two small asymmetrical bows in order to secure the rings. But the sides of the pillow should be decorated with frills of ribbons and lace. You can also add beads or crystals around the perimeter of the pillow.

Rose petals are great for decorating the room where the main wedding celebrations will take place. The petals are often attached to the fabric that drapes the bride and groom's table. You can lay out hearts from the petals, the names of the newlyweds, or, for example, a map of the starry sky with the zodiac constellations of the bride and groom.

All about rose petals:

The original decoration of the hall for a winter wedding will be transparent Christmas balls filled with rose petals. On the one hand, it will remind you of the New Year, on the other hand, it will look romantic and unusual. You just need to buy large balls of transparent glass, remove the base, carefully fill the ball with petals, and return the base back. You can also attach a large bow to the ball to match the petals and hang such decorations around the perimeter of the room.

Dried rose petals will help the bride relax and have a good night's sleep on the eve of the wedding ceremony if she takes a petal bath in the evening. The oils contained in rose petals help relieve stress and leave your skin soft and velvety.

Rose petals can be eaten: the jam made from them is one of the most delicious in the world. If you are planning to give your guests memorable bonbonnieres, then an original idea would be to put homemade rose jam in them. You just need to buy beautiful jars and tie them with a ribbon with a wish. Cooking this delicacy is not at all difficult; you only need petals, sugar, water and citric acid or lemon juice.

How to make rose jam is shown in the video:

Who among us has not been fond of drying plants?! It’s so interesting to extend the life of a flower, decorate a postcard with it, or create a mural for your home.

In principle, a composition of dry leaves and flowers is most likely a collage, but the name “painting” is more appropriate for such a work. Such paintings are always in a single copy, as they are assembled by hand. The creation of two identical paintings is excluded in principle.

You will need

- leaves, flowers, twigs, grass

- cardboard

- glue

- frame or passe-partout

You can also use glass, tree cuts, and plaster castings as a base.


The main task is to collect leaves, flowers, twigs and herbs. This material is collected in spring, summer and autumn. This can be done everywhere - in courtyards, in front gardens, you don’t need to limit yourself to fields and forests.

The collected plants must be dried. The best option for this is old magazines or reference books, but their paper should not be glossy, but only porous and soft. The book must be well dried. The collected material is placed between the sheets, and at least six sheets must be left between the bookmarks. Something heavy, such as a brick or iron, is placed on a closed magazine or book.

When the natural material is ready, you can begin to design the picture. Any postcard, painting or photograph that depicts flowers or a landscape is selected for the sample. You can create a sketch of the future painting yourself. In any case, there must be a sketch.

All the details of the composition are placed on the cardboard as shown in the photo or postcard. You should start working from the background. Large leaves are applied first, followed by flowers and herbs. The composition is completed in full, and then each part is very carefully separated from the picture, smeared with glue and glued.

A passe-partout is glued onto the cardboard of the finished composition.

In the interior design of residential premises, every detail is important, helping to complement its style and add the necessary zest to the design of the room. Paintings made from dried inflorescences, herbs and leaves of trees of various species can become just such a unique interior detail in many styles.

The technique of creating such paintings has been known for a long time, and enjoys well-deserved popularity in many countries around the world. Initially, paintings from dried plants made using the appliqué method appeared in Japan.

In the land of the rising sun they have always appreciated the beauty of nature and knew how to enjoy the contemplation of every flower. It was the Japanese who learned to preserve the beauty of inflorescences for a long time, drying them and using them as the main material for making paintings - appliqués.

Art is wrong.

The art of creating paintings from dry plants is called an interesting and unusual Japanese word for European ears: “oshibana” (or “oshibana”). Oshibana is one of the branches of the science of creating flower arrangements - floristry.

The art of oshibana appeared in Japan more than six centuries ago, and much later it came from there to European countries. In particular, in the Victorian era in Europe, this type of art was extremely widespread.

The luxurious apartments of rich nobles and the modest homes of the poor were decorated with flowers made from dried flowers, leaves and herbs. They were distinguished by the degree of artistic execution, as well as the quality and appearance of the frame - picture frames for the rich were made of luxurious, expensive materials.

In the modern world, the art of oshibana is experiencing another peak of its popularity. Just think - from the usual crafts provided for in the school curriculum for children of primary and secondary school age, paintings and applications made from dried plants began to serve as decoration for living quarters. Many masters have paid attention to the art of Oshiban, and are making wonderful canvases of high artistic value.

Features of creating a picture.

To create a picture from dried flowers, you do not need special skills or expensive materials. All you need is to prepare the plant material in advance and dry it properly. Flowers, leaves of trees of various species, herbs and plant seeds are suitable.

The process of assembling the picture is ridiculously simple: dried plants must be folded into a harmonious composition and fixed on a cardboard or fabric base with glue. After this, the painting must be thoroughly dried, and then inserted into a finished frame with glass - this way the painting will last longer, and dust will not accumulate on the inflorescences.

Making paintings from dried flowers using the oshibana technique is accessible to almost everyone. But, despite its apparent simplicity, the art of oshibana still has some secrets.

The most important thing in the art of creating paintings from dried flowers is the correct preparation of plant materials. Dried flowers and leaves should retain their color, texture and natural shape.

Therefore, drying flowers, herbs, leaves, seeds and poplar fluff is best done under a press or in a special folder to create a herbarium. The simplest method, which many remember from school, is also suitable - drying the plants between the pages of an old book. In this case, the leaves and flowers should acquire a flat shape.

During drying, plants almost always change their color, becoming dull and faded. To prevent this from happening, flowers and leaves must be heat treated while still fresh.

At home, you can gently iron them with a hot iron. Experienced florists know that young leaves and flowers have the brightest and most stable color. Therefore, it is best to use the freshest and youngest plants.

The type of flowers also matters - peonies, asters, dahlias, pelargoniums, as well as brightly colored autumn leaves retain their natural color for a very long time, so they are best used to create compositions.

But lilies, nasturtiums and pansies are not able to retain their color for a long time - they quickly fade in the sun and become faded. Plants need to be dried very quickly, because in this way they retain their natural color as much as possible.

To store dried plant materials, it is best to use glass or metal containers that are hermetically sealed with lids. It is best to store material for paintings in a dark place, because when exposed to sunlight, plant material can quickly fade and lose its color. This also applies to oshibana paintings, which can also fade over time.

Necessary tools.

To make paintings from dried plants using the oshibana technique, you will need the following tools:

  • PVA glue or any other that leaves no traces after drying;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • a simple pencil;
  • tweezers;
  • sharp scissors;
  • thick cardboard or fabric base for the picture.

On the cardboard or fabric base chosen to create the future painting, you need to draw a plan - a sketch of the future composition. After this, carefully lay out the plant components, carefully selecting them by color and texture.

It is necessary to select harmonious color combinations and shading options of plant material so that the picture turns out to be very beautiful and unique. Experienced craftsmen who have been practicing the technique of creating oshiban paintings for a long time recommend first folding the composition without gluing, changing it as necessary - and only after choosing the optimal image option to start gluing the composition.

Every girl is pleased to receive beautiful bouquets of roses for any occasion, especially significant ones. Some of them are so good - sometimes because of who presented them, and sometimes because of their unusual coloring - that you really want to keep them longer. And this is quite possible. Let's make a beautiful bouquet composition of equally beautiful dried roses and admire it for a long, long time!

Preparation for drying.

Initially, you should prepare your favorite bouquet, which is still fresh, for drying. To do this, before placing the donated flowers in a vase, you need to carry out all the manipulations that are usually supposed to preserve the freshness of the bouquet: trim the stems with scissors, be sure to put them in a clean vase, add a teaspoon of soda to the water, change the water solution once a day and etc. Thanks to this, the roses will last longer and dry beautifully, preserving the shades that you like so much.

Interesting options for bouquet compositions.

Quick options.

You can simply wrap the roses with a spectacular ribbon of a suitable shade and leave them without water (or you can with it - it will look more natural) in the same vase, if it matches the flowers.

Or place them in a glass glass or mug in such a charming and romantic way.

A more complex option.

Or you can approach it in detail and make a flower arrangement according to all the canons. To do this you will need:

  1. Floral briquette.
  2. Any floral container that you like: a beautiful pot with an interesting design, a flowerpot, an unusual vase...
  3. Greenery to complement the composition: specifically designed for bouquets, or garden plants that would fit well - elongated leaves of gladioli or irises and so on.
  4. Any additional elements to your taste.
  5. And, of course, dried roses.

Then we insert the roses. First - the flower in the center, and from there - the rest along the edges. To make the composition neat, you need to maintain symmetry.

We can add anything as additional elements - decorative butterflies, dried flowers, branches of various trees and shrubs, beads and much more, the main thing is that it looks impressive, brightly diluting the composition.

And now our composition-bouquet of dried roses is ready!

We can create this type of bouquet arrangement. Beautiful, isn't it?

Master class on creating a bouquet composition from dried roses.


Choose for yourself what suits you best: quick options for a bouquet composition of dried roses, which are also very beautiful in their simplicity, or complex, multi-component ones that require little investment and a certain amount of time, but they can already be sent to an exhibition.) Go for it!
