On issues of organizing inclusive education. Organization of inclusive education at educational institutions

Organization of inclusive education in educational institutions

Deputy Director for SD of MOAU Secondary School in the village of Tomichi Besedina N.N.

A change in the state and society's understanding of the rights and opportunities of a disabled child has led to the formulation of the practical task of maximizing educational coverage of all children with disabilities. Recognition of the right of any child to receive an education that meets his needs and fully utilizes development opportunities has determined the most important initiatives and guidelines for the new educational policy.

This formulation of the problem entails the need for structural, functional, content and technological modernization of the educational system.

The state’s recognition of the value of social and educational integration of children with disabilities necessitates the creation of an adequate educational process for them specifically in educational institution, which has a central place in ensuring the so-called “inclusive” (included) education.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of inclusive education is the success of socialization, introduction to culture, and development of the social experience of a child with disabilities along with his mastering of academic knowledge.

The legal basis for teaching children with disabilities is the following documents:

    1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

    1990 World Declaration on Education for All

    1993 Standard Rules UN on ensuring equal opportunities for persons with disabilities

    1994 Salamanca Declaration of Principles, Policies and Practices in the Education of Persons with Special Needs

    2000 World Education Forum

    2001 Pilot project of the Education for All program

    2005 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The fundamental principle of education for all is that every person should have the opportunity to learn.

Fundamental Principleinclusive educationall people should be able to learn together, regardless of any difficulties along the way or differences in learning abilities they may have.

    The recipients of inclusive education are people with disabilities, and disabled people are only one of them.

Inclusion (inclusion) -the process by which something is included, that is, involved, embraced, or included as part of a whole.

Inclusive education-is an education in which all children, despite their physical, intellectual and other characteristics, are included in common system education and study in secondary schools together with their peers.

    Inclusionmeansdisclosure of each studentwith the help of an educational program that is quite complex, but matches his abilities.

    Inclusiontakes into accountneeds, as well asspecial conditions and support, necessary for students and teachers to achieve success.

    Works to improve educational structures, systems and practices to meet the needs of all children.

    It is part of a larger strategy to create a society that accepts everyone.

    It is a dynamic process that is constantly evolving.

Recognizes that all children can learn

Let's consider various forms of education and principles of learning in these forms.

There are three aspects to the development of inclusion (they are presented on the next slide)

1.Creating an inclusive culture

    Building a school community

    Adopting inclusive values

2.Developing inclusive policies

    Development of a school for all

    Diversity Support Organization

3.Development of inclusive practices

    Learning process management

    Resource mobilization

Inclusive educationis based on eight principles:

    A person's value does not depend on his abilities and achievements.

    Every person is capable of feeling and thinking.

    Every person has the right to communicate and to be heard.

    All people need each other.

    True education can only take place in the context of real relationships.

    All people need the support and friendship of their peers.

    For all learners, making progress may be more about what they can do than what they can't do.

    Variety enhances all aspects of a person's life.

There are various options for inclusive education:

Full integration class (out of 20 students, 3-4 children with disabilities) is used whenlevel of psychophysical and speech development children with disabilities meet or approach the age norm, who are psychologically ready for joint learning with healthy peers Children spend the day with normally developing children

Special (correctional) class of partial integration.It is effective for those who are able to develop normally and, on an equal basis with their peers, master only a small part of the necessary skills and abilities, and spend only part of their educational and extracurricular time with them.Correctional hours, extracurricular activities.

    Homeschooling school

    Family education, external study

Our school uses a variant of inclusive education: a full integration class (1 disabled girl with cerebral palsy is educated in a regular classroom) and 1 disabled child is educated at home in type 8.

At this stage of implementing inclusive education, there are many barriers:

    • Children with special educational needs are often considered to be non-educational;

  • Most teachers and principals of public schools do not know enough about the problems of disability and are not ready to include children with disabilities in the learning process in the classroom;

    Parents of children with disabilities do not know how to defend their children’s rights to education and are afraid of the education and social support system;

    Architectural inaccessibility of schools and institutions

A systematic approach is required to overcome these barriers

    To introduce inclusion, it is also not enough to have schools and preschool institutions themselves, even if they are fully equipped, accessible and with trained staff.

    It is necessary to prepare a positive public opinion of all parents about the co-education of children.

    Along with these conditions, the living environment (including transport) must be adapted to the needs of disabled people.

    Adequate support for families with disabled children is also important.

!!! Only with this systematic approach we can expect a real significant reduction in the number of children studying in special educational institutions and an increase in the pace of development of inclusive schools.

What is needed:

    creation of a barrier-free environment in educational institutions;

    training of specialists and methods of joint education of disabled children in public schools;

    provide measures to disseminate effective models of inclusive education in public schools;

    ensure the allocation of the necessary resources for development, testing

and implementation of inclusive education models;

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to create organizational conditions for the successful training and education of children with disabilities

    1. Creation of an adaptive environment that allows for full inclusion and personal self-realization in an educational institution.

Creation in an educational institution general type appropriate material and technical conditions that provide the opportunity for unhindered access of children to the building and premises of the educational institution and the organization of their stay and training in this institution (ramps, elevators, specially equipped training places, specialized rehabilitation, medical equipment, etc.

Every teacher and every specialistaccompanying a child with disabilities must:

have an idea and understanding of what inclusive education is and how it differs from traditional forms of education

have knowledge about psychological patterns and characteristics of the age and personal development of children in an inclusive educational environment

know the methods of psychological and didactic design of the educational process

be able to implement various methods of pedagogical interaction between all subjects of the educational environment (with students individually and in groups, with parents, fellow teachers, specialists, management)

Conditions for organizing successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities

    In order to ensure that children with disabilities master educational programs, it is advisable to introduce additional positions for pedagogical (speech pathologists, speech therapists, educational psychologists, social educators, educators, etc.) and medical workers into the staffing table of general educational institutions.

Formation of a tolerant attitude in society towards children with disabilities and children with disabilities: to ensure the effective inclusion of children with disabilities in general educational institutions, it is important to carry out awareness-raising and explanatory work on issues related to the characteristics of the educational process for this categories of children, with all participants in the educational process - students, their parents, teaching staff.

To preserve and strengthen the personnel potential of educational institutions providing education to children with disabilities, it is necessary to develop measures of material incentives for the activities of employees of these institutions (determining the size and conditions of remuneration, establishing additional measures of social support and social assistance).

So, creating conditions for inclusive learning at school is as follows:

1.development of local acts in the educational institution:

Regulations on the admission of children with disabilities to educational institutions

    regulations on certification of children with disabilities

    regulations on individual curricula and programs

    Regulations on psychological and pedagogical support for the education of children with disabilities

2.Organizational and methodological support consists of

    development of curriculum and educational programs for types of HIA

    adjustment of the educational work plan of the school and class, taking into account children with disabilities

    teacher training

3.Psychological and pedagogical support should consist of

    Special psychological and pedagogical support (psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist)

    Tutor support

    Organization of the work of the school’s psychological and pedagogical council

    Development of tolerant interaction relations

And of course, the creation of an adaptive educational environment lies in the accessibility of classrooms, other school premises, and technical means to ensure comfortable access

Creation of recreation areas, restoration of performance, and recovery

It is very important to understand:

When creating inclusive schools, schools of a new type, children get used to the fact that the world is diverse, that the people in it are different, that every person has the right to life, education, training, and development.



Collegial opinion of the PMPC (it must be studied)

Individual rehabilitation and habilitation program for a disabled child (issued by MSE, for a child with a disability).

Regulatory and legal framework for the inclusive education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities. List of main regulatory documents regulating the organization of education for children with disabilities http://krcppms.ru/biblioteka/spetsialistam/ Documentation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Disabilities and Organization of psychological and pedagogical support children with disabilities in inclusive education 08/19-20/2015. Materials for the republican seminar

Social passport of a disabled child (for a child with a disability).

Local acts:

“On the opening of a class/group with inclusive education” (or on the continuation of the functioning of a class/group with inclusive education);

“On the creation of a psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) in an educational institution”;

“On the distribution of functional responsibilities of members of the council (PMPk) in an educational institution.”

“On the distribution of tutor’s working time” (the time for accompanying students with disabilities, conducting individual lessons, preparing documentation, conducting individual consultations is determined)


with parents (legal representatives) for the provision of educational services;

parental consent to conduct diagnostic, correctional, rehabilitation and developmental services;

with the Territorial Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (TPMPK), with the State Budgetary Institution OO KRC PPMSS.


about the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation educational institution

(which specifies the main tasks and areas of activity, composition and organization of work, duties of members of the PMPK, responsibilities of members of the PMPK, directions of interaction with TMMPK);

on inclusive education of children with disabilities in educational institutions(which prescribes the organization of inclusive education, the organization of the educational process, staffing and organization of the work of a team of specialists; the creation special conditions, necessary for organizing the UVP);

about adapted work programs educational subjects (general provisions (basic concepts), structure of the adapted work program, basic requirements, control of the level of training, requirements for the level of training);

on the assessment of students with disabilities according to an adapted educational program.


PMPK meetings, including on the organization of inclusive education(at least 3 times per academic year; September, December, May. If necessary, meetings can be held more often). Report on the development prospects (the report on the development prospects (copy) on paper and electronic media is provided to the TPMPC specialist supervising inclusive education).

Observation diary (it is mandatory to keep the first six months, then according to the following parameters (achievements of a child with disabilities and emerging problems).

Individual curriculum if necessary.

General schedule of lessons (in the classroom and individually), special and additional services for a child with disabilities.

(hereinafter - IML) (social data about the child, description of the existing conditions: personnel, material and technical (including educational, methodological and information support) (in accordance with the recommendations of the PMPC). The individual route sheet is signed by the head of the IRC GBU OO KRC PMSSS and the teacher-psychologist IRC GBU OO KRC PMSSS (at the address Simferopol, Alexandra Nevsky St., 15), a copy on paper and electronic media must be provided to the IRCGBU OO KRC PPMSS, at the address: [email protected]. Parents (legal representatives) must be familiarized with the IML.

Completed last sheet The IML “Results and effectiveness of the work done” is sent to the IRCin May every year.

IML form: http://krcppms.ru/biblioteka/spetsialistam/ Individual route sheet

Individual development program(compiled at the request of PMPk OO)

Detailed psychological and pedagogical characteristics compiled after comprehensive data collection (from 2 weeks to 1 month), as well as table of strengths and weaknesses of development child with special needs, and a table indicating priority areas, goals and responsible specialists).

Adapted educational program by subject(work programs for subjects with calendar and thematic planning)

Correction and development programs(compiled taking into account the recommendations of PMPK specialists, according to staffing by specialists (social educator, educational psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist) Correction and development programs can be compiled independently or adapted by several proprietary programs (for educational psychologists, programs that have received the stamp of the Federation of Educational Psychologists can be used Russia “Recommended for use in educational institutions”) All correctional and developmental programs are coordinated with the methodologists of the Information and Methodological Center.

Plan for the development of inclusive education in an educational institution.

Child's portfolio.

Progress reports are provided twice a year (December, May) in the IRC (includes a detailed description of the child, a table with strengths and weaknesses development by area, a table with priority areas, goals and responsible specialists, a report from each specialist on the work done, which should show the dynamics and progress in the child’s development during the reporting period; if there is no progress, then the reasons and solutions are indicated)

When preparing a report, be sure to indicate:

The child’s full name, educational organization, class/group, full name of the specialists who compiled the characteristics, programs and reports, documents must be signed by the head of the public organization.


list of local acts of educational organization

according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution:

About creation in a general education institution working group on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution (order on the creation of a working group on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution and the approval of the regulations on the working group);

Amendments to the Regulations on the assessment system, forms and procedure for conducting intermediate certification in terms of introducing an integrated approach to assessing educational results: subject, meta-subject, personal in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution (minutes(s) of the meeting(s) of bodies, at which(s) the issues of introducing changes to the Regulations on the assessment system, forms and procedure for conducting intermediate certification, an order to amend the regulations, regulations indicating changes and additions were considered);

Orders for educational institutions:

On the development of adapted basic educational programs by level of education if there are separate classes in educational institutions for students with disabilities (by category);

On the development of adapted educational programs and/or individual curricula for each student with disabilities in joint education (inclusive education);

On approval of adapted basic educational programs by level of education if there are separate classes in the educational institution for students with disabilities (by category);

On approval of adapted educational programs and/or individual training classes for each student with disabilities in joint education (annually);

On approval of the program of extracurricular activities;

On approval of the PA program to improve the level of professional skills of teaching staff;

On approval of the list of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process, list of teaching materials;

On carrying out in-school control on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO, the Federal State Educational Standards of the LLC, the Federal State Educational Standards of the SOO, the Federal State Educational Standards of the Non-Resident Educational Institution for Special Education and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution;

On amendments to the job descriptions of teachers, the deputy director for water management, who oversees the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of Educational Institutions; educational psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher, additional education teacher working with students with disabilities;

About plan approval methodological work(section of the plan regarding support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution);

On approval of the plan-schedule for advanced training of members of the teaching staff on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Institution;

on carrying out calculations and mechanisms for generating expenses necessary for the implementation of AOEP for students with disabilities (agreed with the founder).

Introducing changes and additions to the relevant sections of the Charter, the main regulatory local act of the PA.

The Charter of an educational organization must contain, along with the information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” (Article 14), the following information:

1) type of educational organization;

2) the founder or founders of the educational organization;

3) types of educational programs being implemented, indicating the level of education and (or) focus, including adapted basic general education programs;

4) the structure and competence of the governing bodies of the educational organization, the procedure for their formation and terms of office.

The Charter of the educational organization specifies:

the procedure for making decisions by governing bodies and speaking on behalf of the educational organization,

procedure for approving regulations on structural divisions,

the procedure for participation in the management of an educational organization by students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students,

rights, duties and responsibilities of other employees of the educational organization and other provisions.

Adjustments to other local acts of an educational institution must be carried out in strict accordance with the changes made to the Charter. The list of local acts to which it is necessary to make changes related to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of Educational Institutions is determined by the list of local acts that are reflected in the Charter of the educational organization.

An educational organization has the right to create new local acts, reflecting the specifics of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of Educational Institutions in a specific educational institution:

Regulations on information support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution.

Regulations on interaction with the parent community of educational institutions regarding the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of Educational Institutions.

Regulations on the work programs of individual academic subjects, remedial courses, programs of extracurricular activities in educational institutions in connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO OVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Institution.

Agreement between an educational organization and parents (legal representatives) of students with disabilities.

Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund for employees of an educational institution, reflecting the effectiveness of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Institution and the quality of educational services provided to students with disabilities.

Regulations on the creation of a resource center for methodological and psychological-pedagogical support for students with disabilities from other educational organizations, including the provision of paid additional educational services.

  • Section 4. Financial support for inclusive education 78
  • Section 5. Participation of civil society structures in promoting inclusive education 85
  • Section 1. Inclusive education – principles and law. Section 1. Inclusive education – principles and law.
  • 1.1. What is inclusion in education
  • 1.2. Social approach to understanding disability1
  • 1.3. Barriers in education
  • 1.4. Integration and inclusion in education
  • 1.5. Inclusive education as a realization of rights
  • On September 24, 2008, Russia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Section 2. Regional models for the development of inclusive education in the Russian Federation.
  • 2.1. Development of inclusive approaches in the Perm region
  • 2.2. Experience of the Samara region: from integration to inclusion
  • 2.3. Development of inclusive education in the city of Tomsk.
  • 3. Changes in methods and organizational forms of teaching children with disabilities
  • 6. Results of creating organizational and pedagogical conditions for inclusive education in municipal school No. 54:
  • 2.4. Republic of Karelia: the need and reality of the development of inclusive education.
  • 2.5. Experience in supporting the development of inclusive education in the municipality of the Ukhta urban district (Komi Republic)
  • I. Coordination Council under the head of the administration of the city of Ukhta
  • II. Municipal long-term program “Social support for people with disabilities and ensuring their living environment” for 2011–2012.
  • III. Resource center for working with students with disabilities.
  • Section 3. Technologies for organizing and supporting the inclusive educational process
  • 3.1. Resource centers for inclusive education are examples of successful technologies for organizing and supporting the inclusive educational process.
  • 3.2. Interdisciplinary interaction between inclusive education specialists is an important condition for effective practice of supporting the inclusive educational process.
  • 3.3. Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (consilium) PMPK – as a tool for interdisciplinary interaction for organizing and supporting the inclusive educational process.
  • 3.4. Technologies of project activities in the practice of organizing inclusive education (Moscow)
  • Project for the development of inclusive education "Strizhi" of the Central Administrative District of Moscow
  • The content of the activities of project participants and the main strategies for working in the inclusive educational vertical.
  • 3.5. Issues of staffing in the organization and support of the inclusive educational process
  • Staffing for the system of psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education
  • Creation of a professional community of teachers in inclusive educational institutions.
  • Specifics of the professional community of teachers of inclusive educational institutions.
  • Performance indicators of the professional community of specialists in inclusive educational institutions.
  • Key indicators of the effectiveness of using technologies for organizing and supporting the activities of an educational institution to implement inclusive policies and practices
  • Section 4. Financial support for inclusive education
  • 4.1. Development of new legislation on social services for children with disabilities in the education system of the Republic of Karelia.
  • 4.2. Financial support for the education of children with disabilities in general education schools and classes (general type). Experience of the Arkhangelsk region.
  • Section 5. Participation of civil society structures in promoting inclusive education
  • 5.2. Practice of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Perm Territory
  • 5.3. Republic of Karelia: initiatives of the Commissioner for Children's Rights
  • 5.4. Practices of public organizations in the development of inclusive education
  • Conclusion
  • Glossary
  • List of applications:
  • 3.5. Issues of staffing in the organization and support of the inclusive educational process

    The changing needs of parents as a social customer of educational services, the inclusion of Russian education in international processes, the development of integration processes in education form new requirements for qualifications, professional training, first of all, teachers and psychologists, other education specialists, including the administrative corps.All this expands and complicates the professional activities of pedagogical specialists, requiring them to possess new competencies, knowledge of related branches of pedagogy, including special pedagogy and psychology, high competence in the field of pedagogy and general education, social pedagogy and psychology. In these conditions, it becomes especially important to create a system for improving the professional qualifications of all participants in the inclusive educational process.

    Staffing for the system of psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education

    The development of integration processes in education increases the requirements for the professional competence and flexibility of a teacher, psychologist, and administrator in the conditions of inclusive practice, and creates a need for skills to work in an interdisciplinary group (team) of specialists.

    All this requires new approaches and new content, first of all, programs for advanced training of city specialists.

    In this regard, as part of the activities of the city resource center, the Institute for Problems of Integrated (Inclusive) Education - IPIO MGPPU - began the development and implementation of programs for training specialists to work in the conditions of integrated (inclusive) education of children with disabilities in various educational institutions of the city.

    Within the framework of the unified program “Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education”, 4 areas of professional development for specialists have been developed, organized on a modular basis (72 hours):

    1st direction: Activities of a resource center support specialist for support of inclusive education as part of the territorial resource center and territorial PMPK;

    2nd direction: Features of management activities in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education;

    3rd direction: Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support in an inclusive educational institution;

    4th direction: Pedagogical technologies in working with children with disabilities in an inclusive educational institution.

    The composition of groups of students in each area of ​​advanced training programs is formed from proposals from district resource centers. Referral to training is coordinated with the district education department.

    Creation of a professional community of teachers in inclusive educational institutions.

    The purpose of creating a community.

    Ten years of experience in the development of inclusive education in the Central Administrative District of Moscow proves that inclusive processes in education lead not only to the normalization of the lives of children with disabilities, but also to greater success of their ordinary peers by improving the professional skills of teachers. The main change concerns a fundamentally different approach to education: It is not the child who is adjusted to the conditions and norms existing in the educational institution, but, on the contrary, the entire education system is adjusted to the needs and capabilities of a particular child.

    Participants in the promotion of inclusive practices note that the need for inclusive education in modern society is growing every day. There has been a tendency to move from isolated pockets of successful experience in introducing an inclusive approach in education to the creation of territorial systems of inclusive educational verticals.

    At the same time, the contradiction has intensified between the growing need of educational institutions for specialists who are ready to accept the ideas and philosophy of inclusive education, who are able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of professional activity, who know how to work in a team, and the imperfection of the existing system of advanced training for teaching staff.

    Unfortunately, by that time, the academic school was ready to offer advanced training courses that introduced students to the typology of the defect, with traditional teaching methods designed to separate children by types of developmental disorders. At the same time, teachers of inclusive classes experienced the main difficulties precisely in the lack of differentiation skills curricula, programs, lack of information about methodological approaches to organizing inclusive education.

    It was necessary to take adequate organizational measures in an extremely short time.

    One of these organizational decisions was the creation of a professional community of teachers in inclusive educational institutions.

    The main purpose of the existence of such communities is professional communication between colleagues and like-minded people, during which their personal and professional improvement is ensured through the constant exchange of knowledge between participants.

    A professional community is distinguished by the presence of a common practice shared by participants used in everyday professional activities. Community members are united by shared activities (from lunchtime conversations to solving complex problems in a designated time) and the knowledge acquired as a result of participation in these activities.

    When describing the activities of professional communities, three key characteristics should be highlighted:

      The subject of a community is a joint initiative understood and shared by its members;

      The mode of functioning is numerous meetings that unite members into a social group;

      The result developed by the community is the common resources shared by members (vocabulary used, communication style, daily practice, etc.).

    Thus, professional community of specialists in inclusive educational institutions – an association of teachers of different specialties, with different work experience, with different levels of professional competence, implementing the ideas of inclusive education in their daily teaching practice.

    Goals communities include:

      promoting professional growth and development of research activities of teachers;

      creating conditions for including as many of them as possible in the discussion of the problems of inclusive education;

      implementation of professional exchange of teaching experience.

    Conditions for effective interaction of specialists from educational institutions in the district within the community.

    Organizing special events within the professional community on the basis of the district resource center for inclusive education helps teachers:

        adopt a philosophy of inclusion;

        learn to observe your child, noting changes in his behavior and learning;

        express fears and debunk prejudices associated with teaching children with disabilities;

        identify resources for organizing effective work;

        set goals for motivated filling of gaps in professional knowledge;

        to carry out real interdisciplinary cooperation both within its teaching staff and in all external structures.

    For the effective development of the professional community of teachers of inclusive education, specialists of the district resource center:

      analyze the request, identifying the most acute problems and insufficiency of professional and personal resources of educational institution specialists;

      are the initiators of interaction between specialists from institutions both in the “educational vertical” and “horizontal”, supporting the initiative of teachers in discussing various problems;

      coordinate the interaction of teachers, offering its various forms: group and individual;

      have sufficient methodological resources, ready for use by colleagues (including their own successful professional experience and analyzed experience of inclusive education in foreign countries and regions of Russia);

      evaluate the effectiveness of interaction in the professional community and adjust its activities.

    Based on the results of activities within the professional community, we have identified the following: conditions necessary for its development:

      Unified educational space;

      Common professional interests;

      An atmosphere of acceptance and support for all community members;

      Supporting the initiative of teachers in the search and testing of technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of inclusive educational institutions;

      Freedom to choose forms of interaction;

      Constantly studying the request, searching for “pain points”.

    The article covers the following issues: creation of special conditions for teaching children with special educational needs, analysis of the object’s accessibility certificate, programmatic, methodological, material and technical, staffing of inclusive practice, network forms of interaction, psychological and pedagogical support.

    From the experience of organizing inclusive education

    in the municipal educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 3 Nadym"

    In the 2016/2017 academic year, 701 students studied at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3 of Nadym” (hereinafter referred to as the School), of which:

    • 22 students/3% (of the total number of students) have the status of a disabled child, including a student receiving general education in the form of family education (an agreement on the organization and conduct of intermediate and (or) final certification of a student receiving general education in the form of family education education dated 09.09.2016);
    • 12 students/1.7% (of the total number of students) (of the total number of children with disabilities) - status of a child with disabilities.

    Out of 33 children: 12 students/35% - with problems of the musculoskeletal system, 1 student/3% each with vision and hearing problems, 8 students/24% - mental disorders, 12 students/35% - somatic diseases.

    According to the comprehensive psychological diagnostics students with disabilities, conducted during the 2016/2017 academic year, it was established:

    • The level of readiness of students to continue studying at the level of basic general and secondary general education is above average for 50% of children (3 people), and average for the second half of 50% (3 people);
    • The level of adaptation to learning in 60% (3 people) of students with disabilities in grades 1 and 5 is average and above average;
    • With choice future profession, based on the data from the “Career Guidance” diagnostic complex, 70% (6 people) of students with disabilities in grades 8-9 have decided on their choice of future profession.

    Children with the status of a disabled child/child with disabilities are educated in school at all levels of general education:

    • at the level of primary general education - 8 academic units/5 academic units.
    • at the level of basic general education - 13 academic units/7 academic units, including students receiving general education in the form of family education;
    • at the level of secondary general education - 1 academic unit/0 academic unit.

    All students with special disabilities master educational programs at a level not lower than basic, with quality performance on average 52% (18 people), which corresponds to the school average in the 2016/2017 academic year.

    The School has developed and approved local acts regulating the process of inclusive education:

    • Regulations on the structural division of the School "Center" distance learning", order dated 09/07/2013 No. 376;
    • Regulations on the individual educational program for students of the Central Educational Institution, order dated September 12, 2013 No. 385;
    • Regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, order dated August 30, 2014 No. 292;
    • The procedure for providing situational assistance to disabled people and other citizens with limited mobility when visiting the School, order No. 04 dated January 18, 2016;
    • The procedure for providing the necessary assistance to disabled children in organizing the accessibility of the facility and providing services in the field of education, dated January 18, 2016 No. 04;
    • Regulations on inclusive education of students with disabilities, order No. 280 dated August 31, 2016;
    • Regulations on the system for assessing the knowledge of students studying in an adapted general education program for children with mental retardation, order No. 280 dated August 31, 2016;
    • Regulations on the system for assessing the knowledge of students studying in an adapted general education program for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), order No. 280 dated August 31, 2016.

    In order to ensure quality education for children with special health needs, special conditions have been created for training on the basis of Distance Learning Center, a structural unit of the School created in 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the DSC).

    The work places of children and teachers at the Central Educational Center are equipped with modern equipment, which makes it possible to organize the educational process remotely, taking into account individual characteristics students. Each workplace has Internet access. All teachers working in the Central Educational Center have undergone retraining courses on teaching children with disabilities and organizing inclusive education.

    Over 6 years, 31 students studied at the Center for Educational Education. All graduates of the Central Educational Education Center are successfully socialized: they continued their education at the School under the classroom-lesson system - 15 students, in the Central Educational Education Center - 9 students, in secondary vocational education institutions - 4 graduates, in universities - 2 graduates, 1 graduate was employed.

    Taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and special educational needs of children with disabilities and children with disabilities, the School provides the following forms, methods and means of teaching.

    • Full inclusion. Students with special disabilities (alone or accompanied by a tutor) attend classroom lessons in full-time together with peers who do not have developmental disabilities, 22 students study in an adapted or general education program in accordance with the class curriculum, including a plan for extracurricular activities (11 in the general education program, 11 in adapted program(for children with mental retardation - 10 students, for children with mental retardation - 1 student).

    To create an environmentally and psychologically comfortable educational environment for this category of students, zoning of educational space in the form of a game room, a room for psychological relief, developmental zones, and a gym is widely used. Optimization of the educational process is achieved by using modern pedagogical technologies: level differentiation, student-oriented and health-saving approaches to teaching. Corrective assistance for this category of students is provided through the organization of individual and group classes with subject teachers, a teacher-psychologist, and a speech therapist based on the conclusion of the TPMPC on the creation of special learning conditions; correctional work programs, as well as the educational needs of students or their parents (legal representatives).

    • Partial inclusion. Students with special disabilities are trained according to an adapted or general education program according to individual curricula, combining joint education in a number of academic subjects (in certain types of organized educational activities) with individual/group classes in other subjects of educational areas of the individual curriculum (non-linear schedule) - 8 students studying in general education programs, receiving education in various forms (correspondence - 2 academic units, family - 1 academic year, full-time (individually at home on the basis of an institutional educational center) - 6 academic units).

    The educational process for this category of students is organized using distance learning technologies. Correctional assistance is provided through the organization of face-to-face and remote group and individual correctional and developmental classes with subject teachers, educational psychologist, and speech therapist in accordance with the conclusion of the TPMPC, the correctional work program, and the educational needs of the family. These students participate in classes and activities of additional education, extracurricular activities, cultural and leisure activities, together with children who do not have developmental disabilities, if this does not interfere with the joint educational process and does not contradict the recommendations of the School’s psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

    • Social inclusion. Students with special disabilities are taught according to an individual curriculum, mainly in an individual form, and are included in a team of peers who do not have developmental disabilities, at extracurricular cultural and leisure events (holidays, excursions, etc.), in some extracurricular activities activities in accordance with the recommendations of the School’s psychological, medical and pedagogical council. This category of students is trained in both general education and adapted educational programs. The educational process is organized using distance learning technologies, technologies of differentiation and individualization of education. According to this model of inclusive education, 4 students are studying at the School (2 - according to the general education program, 2 - according to the adapted one). These students are taught individually at home at the Center for Educational Education.

    All students with special health needs are provided with a range of additional educational programs in the following areas: technical, artistic, social and pedagogical, and extracurricular activity programs. 100% of children covered additional education and extracurricular activities.

    The School has created a system of traditional socially significant, cultural, leisure and educational events: holidays, festivals, concerts, competitions, Olympiads, student conferences, sports competitions, social events. All children take part in the traditional school festival “My Multinational Yamal” throughout the year; a holiday dedicated to the Day of Disabled Persons “We are together”; New Year's carnival; tourist rally; intellectual Olympiads and competitions; school scientific and practical conference (defense of student projects) “Clever and smart girls”; concerts dedicated to Teacher's Day, Mother's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, and the Last Bell holiday; events dedicated to Victory Day; social events (“Feed the birds”, “Clean yard”, “A palace for every starling”, “Victory Alley”, “Gift for a soldier”, “Gift for a distant friend”, “Summer 2017”, etc.).

    Disabled children are repeatedly winners of the municipal creative marathon "Unicum" in the category of educational and research activities (2014 - Bortnik T., 9th grade, Zubkov R., 7th grade; 2017 - Zubkov R., 9th grade). In 2016, Bortnik T. was awarded the municipal departmental award“Success” in the category of educational and research activities.

    Structured in this way, the School’s activities in organizing the educational process for children with different educational abilities allow this category of students to adapt to a sufficient level in the school society, to master at least basic level basic educational programs, develop cognitive mental processes, personality traits in accordance with individual characteristics.

    The School has a Passport for the Accessibility of a Social Infrastructure Object (OSI) No. 22, approved by the Head of the Department of Social Programs of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Nadymsky District on March 31, 2016.

    The accessibility passport was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 8, 2015 No. 1309 “On approval of the Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for disabled people of objects and services provided in the field of education, as well as providing them with the necessary assistance” and agreed with a public organization of disabled people - Nadym local public organization of disabled people “Creation”. The final conclusion about the status of OSI availability is “conditionally available” (DU).

    An Action Plan (“road map”) has been developed to increase the accessibility indicators for objects and services of the Nadymsky district municipality for people with disabilities, approved. Resolution of the Administration of the municipal formation Nadymsky district dated October 2, 2015, No. 506, determined the period of work - 2016-2020. To date, a number of measures to implement the recommendations of the commission to survey the accessibility of social infrastructure facilities have been completed. For example, from 2015 to 2017, 3,655,835 rubles were spent on creating a barrier-free environment at the School, of which 3,038,761 rubles. from the district budget; RUB 269,800 - from the municipal budget; RUB 347,274 -extrabudgetary funds Schools.

    After the renovation of the building, based on the principle of “reasonable accommodation”, the accessibility indicator will reach the “partially accessible” level.

    In 2014, as part of the municipal competition “Nadymsky District - a Territory for All,” the school was awarded the status of “Territory for a Barrier-Free Environment.”

    In March 2017, public control conducted a survey of the School regarding the implementation of the activities of the comprehensive program of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Accessible Environment” for 2016. Final conclusions about the state of the social infrastructure facility: the facility requires minor modification for adaptation for people with limited mobility, can be recommended as the main (“basic”) for serving all categories, has an equipped distance education center.

    The variability of the practice of inclusive education for children with special disabilities varies based on the application of the parents (legal representatives) of students, based on:

    • individual characteristics of the child,
    • recommendations of the territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

    The school implements the following general education programs:

    • General education programs- 20/59% of students (of the total number of students with disabilities) (17 children with disabilities/3 children with disabilities):
    • Educational program of primary general education of the Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 3 of Nadym” (FSES NOO) - 5 students / 1 student;
    • Educational program of basic general education of the Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 3 of Nadym” (FSES LLC) - 11 students/2 students;
    • Educational program of secondary general education of the Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 3 of Nadym” (FKGOS SOO) - 1 student/0 student.
    • Adapted general education programs- 14/41% of students (of the total number of students with disabilities) (6 children with disabilities/8 children with disabilities):
    • Adapted basic general education program for primary general education of students with mental retardation of the Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 3 of Nadym” (option 7.2) - 0 students/2 students;
    • Adapted basic general education program for primary general education for students with severe speech impairments of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3 of Nadym” (option 5.1) - 0 students/1 student;
    • Adapted general education program for primary general education for students with mental retardation - 3 academic units/1 academic unit;
    • Adapted general education program of basic general education for students with mental retardation - 2 academic units/4 academic units;
    • Adapted general education program of basic general education for children with mental retardation - 1 student/0 student.

    Educational and methodological kits used to teach children with special disabilities comply with the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in schools. The supply of textbooks to students is 100%.

    When organizing educational activities, teachers actively use electronic educational resources: platforms, test shells, online services, electronic applications to textbooks.

    From 2010 to 2014, distance learning was carried out using educational resources located on the server of the State educational institution Center for Education “Teaching Technologies”, Moscow (http://iclass.home-edu.ru).

    Since September 2014, the project “Building a virtual learning environment in the Distance Learning System “iSpring Online” has been implemented. School teachers fill this platform with electronic educational resources in all subjects of the federal component. These resources are publicly available to students, which creates conditions for individualized learning and ease of use.

    During the year, psychological and pedagogical support programs are implemented aimed at correction and development:

    • spheres of the child’s personality: cognitive, affective-regulatory, motivational,

    social, value, communicative (educator-psychologist);

    • oral and writing students (teacher-speech therapist).

    Since September 1, 2011, the School has opened a Distance Learning Center for children with disabilities, which is a collection of classrooms. 9,827,340 rubles from the consolidated budget (federal and regional) were allocated for equipping the central distribution center upon opening.

    A classroom with a separate Internet line is equipped with modern specialized computer equipment, 11 teacher workstations are equipped (specialized software and hardware complex “Apple i-Mac, 20”, scanner, headphones, printer, graphics tablet, laptop, digital microscope), 4 isolation booths, base station (external storage) - storage device general documents and access to them from teachers’ computers, TV, document cameras - 4 pcs., there are cameras - 4 pcs., 3D printer, 3D scanner.

    The following equipment was given to the students of the Central Educational Center for personal use during their studies: a specialized software and hardware complex for a student with disabilities “Apple Mac mini”, a Web camera, headphones, a microphone, a scanner, a printer, speakers, a graphics tablet, a digital microscope, a camera, a Lego construction set "

    To carry out the educational process for students with hearing and speech impairments, the “radio microphone” system and special equipment for visually impaired students (electronic magnifying glass, specialized computer keyboard) are used in classrooms. To conduct correctional and developmental classes and relaxation classes, a sand therapy table based on a multimedia complex and the Omi-Vista interactive rehabilitation and gaming system are used.

    At the entrance, on the ground floor of the School, there is a kiosk with software that provides Internet access, allowing students and parents of the School to receive information on educational issues that interests them in a convenient and accessible format (touch panel, has a version for the visually impaired). To ensure accessibility of the environment, the following are used: a mobile lift (stair walker), a wheelchair, tactile tiles and markings for the visually impaired, accessibility signs, a touchscreen information stand, walkers, overhead ramps, an electronic display, call buttons, and signs in Braille. In 2017, in the third quarter, it is planned to purchase textbooks for visually impaired children, special software for teaching children with disabilities.

    Students with special educational needs are taught by 38 teachers, which is 76% of all teachers at the School. To organize inclusive education in staffing table The following positions are provided: deputy director, methodologist, electronics engineer. Psychological and pedagogical support is provided by a teacher - psychologist, teacher - speech therapist, social teacher, tutors appointed by order of the director No. 281 of 08/31/2016.

    35/92% of teachers (of all teachers involved in inclusive education) have higher education, higher and first qualification categories- 32/84% of teachers, 6/8% of teachers are young specialists. 100% of teachers working with students with disabilities have undergone retraining courses on teaching children with disabilities, inclusive education on the basis of the State Institution of Further Professional Education of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Regional Institute for Educational Development" and various centers of pedagogical innovation and educational development.

    The level of professionalism of teachers can be confirmed by the following facts: 12/32% of teachers presented their experience at the municipal level, 5/13% - at the regional level, 19/50% of teachers - at the federal level, 3 teachers of the School are municipal mentors, 2 are municipal tutors.

    In order to develop conditions for the education of children with special disabilities, the School actively uses the potential of network interaction. In the system, the School carries out a set of measures together with social partners in the following areas:

    • Education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle:
    • State Budgetary Institution of Health of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Center for Medical Prevention”;
    • State Budgetary Institution Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children “Home Hearth”;
    • A local public organization is the club of mothers raising children with disabilities “Nadezhda”.
    • Vocational guidance for schoolchildren (as part of the projecton the organization of pre-profile (professional tests) and specialized training (information and technological profile):
    • Tomsk State University control systems and radio electronics (TUSUR);
    • Branch of the state budgetary professional educational institution of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Yamal Multidisciplinary College" in Nadym:
    • LLC Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk;
    • Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC;
    • Municipal unitary enterprise "Editorial office of the Nadym television studio."
    • Socialization of personality and development of individual abilities:
    • Municipal Educational Institution "Center for Children's Creativity";
    • Municipal Educational Institution "Center for the Development of Creativity "Constellation";
    • Children's and youth sports school.

    Network interaction takes place in various forms: conversations, business games, consultations, workshops, lesson-games, excursions, etc. Depending on the level of morbidity, various approaches are used: out-of-class, remote, group and individual forms.

    Psychological and pedagogical support is provided by the psychological and pedagogical support service and the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council (SMPK).

    All children with special disabilities annually undergo school PMPK at the beginning of the school year (based on the results of the incoming diagnosis) and at the end (the final consultation of monitoring the dynamics of student development). If it is necessary to correct the student’s individual educational trajectory, an intermediate meeting is held. The school PMPK includes: an educational psychologist, a speech therapist, a school paramedic, and subject teachers. The school psychological, medical and pedagogical council works closely with the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. During this academic year, 9 PMPK meetings were held at the school, at which the results of adaptation, socialization, and educational results of 100% of students with special disabilities were reviewed. 28 students/82% were submitted to the territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission to determine the training program, the form of passing the state final certification, and determine rehabilitation measures.

    Psychological and pedagogical support is provided in full-time and remote forms. Full-time (individual, group) classes are conducted with students attending an educational organization, distance learning - with students studying at home. To organize support, the following conditions have been created: the office of a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a psychological relief room (sensory room) is equipped with modern equipment, a program for the development of children with disabilities “SIRS” (system of intensive development of abilities), a speech-correction biofeedback complex (BFB) has been purchased ), the “Electronic Psychologist” web-system is used to conduct psychodiagnostic activities and provide counseling to home-schooled students and their parents (legal representatives).

    Correctional and developmental activities are carried out according to the following psychological and pedagogical programs:

    • Adaptation program: “Journey to the Land of Understanding” (for group work with primary school students with mental retardation and severe speech impairment).
    • Correctional and developmental programs: “Steps to success” (for group work with students primary school with somatic illnesses), “Learning to solve problems” (for individual work with secondary school students with mental retardation), “Psychology of Communication” (for individual work with secondary school students with somatic illnesses).
    • Preventive program “Psychological preparation for GIA” (for individual work with

    high school students with somatic diseases), “I’m not afraid of the OGE” (for individual work with high school students with autism spectrum disorders).

    • Career guidance program “My Professional Choice” (for individual work with secondary school students with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those with somatic illnesses).
    • Developmental program “Psychology of a high school student” (for individual work with high school students with somatic diseases), “Knowing Myself” (group work with high school students with somatic diseases).

    A number of programs are aimed at working with parents of students with disabilities:

    • “We are together” (parental education);
    • “Solving the problems of children with disabilities” (a joint program of an educational psychologist, a speech therapist, and a social pedagogue).
